I would like to address this before it gets out of hand. I appreciate all the offers - I really do, it's been overwhelming. I expressed interest in 1 AQ3D item, and received offers including token z packages. The rules of trading aren't even out yet, so all this is merely on a discussion level. I will, however, keep all the PM and comb through them at a latter date. If the offer has 'expired', it's alright. Power-wise, you may refer to the pedia: it's capped at Level 97 (Pwl level 100 I believe). It's nowhere as powerful as the one you can quest for at Lv150. So if you are using it for battles - you're in for a disappointment. Rarity-wise, it didn't even make it to the Top 10 list some folks were referring to. Galanoth himself has one. Minion of Poelala, formerly super active forumer has one, though he hasn't played in a while. Dracona, an old time rare collector has one on his rare storage character, not sure if he's open to trading. BK, another ultra rare collector has one. This is the one I have. LovveL, a mega donator has multiple copies last we were in contact. He is also the first person to obtain one with about 50 donations. I know of 1 more active player with one, but I believe he wishes to keep it a secret. Bottom line is, the fact that it didn't make the top 10 proves there are probably like a dozen copies of there which I don't know about as well. Lastly, it's currently tagged as a 'no-drop', so the staff would need to tag it as tradeable in the future for any trading to even be possibe