Baron Dante
I find myself kind of scratching my head on how the Merge shop is set up for the DeathKnight stuff. You can merge either the Unhallowed or Zeclem's versions into either of the Relic versions. The Zeclem's versions were originally DC shortcuts with different art. Now, it's kind of reversed: Zeclem's Relic set is now the non-DA set, while the Relic DeathKnight set is DA-only. In addition to that, I guess if someone got the old Zeclem stuff for the different art, there's an argument to be made about everyone being able to use it for free. Additionally, this is also kind of annoying for non-DA players. They would have the Shadowed set, meant for, well, non-DA players, and that's not valid for upgrades at all. So if they wanted to get this stuff, they'd also have to farm the Unhallowed set, something they can't even use. Personally speaking, none of this matters, but I just found it really weird. Other than that, I don't think there's a particular issues with the Zeclem Inn stuff. Makes sense that some of the DK stuff might be lackluster, since they always were, they still held a place for the interaction with the class. Even moreso if DK gets some nice updates to make more of that. On the other hand, that AARGH update is something else. I think it's fairly known by now that I'm not a huge fan of what boils down to "bragging rights grinding." Games don't really need to incentivize that kind of stuff. If players want to do stuff like that, they'll probably do it regardless. I realize this is largely a me problem here, because now that it's in the game, I feel obligated to deal with it. (The cosmetic stuff is cool though, I have no issues with those btw)