 ArchKnight DragonFable
Patroclus ??? Location: Patroclus, the Stygian, Never Apart, Patroclus Appears! Level: As player Damage: Scaled Damage Type: Magic Element: Evil HP: Scaled MP: Scaled Experience rewarded: Scaled Gold rewarded: Scaled Stats STR: Level*5/8 DEX: Level*5/8 INT: Level*5/2 CHA: 200 LUK: 0 END: Level*5/2 WIS: 0 Offense Boost: 0% Bonus: 15 + Level/5 Crit: 10 Damage Multipliers Non-Crit: [100+STR*3/20]% Dex: [100+DEX/40]% DoT: [100+DEX/4]% Crit: [175+INT/10]% Defense Melee: 30 * Level/90 Pierce: 30 * Level/90 Magic: 30 * Level/90 Block: 50 * Level/90 Parry: 50 * Level/90 Dodge: 50 * Level/90 Damage Reduction Non-Crit: 0% DoT: 0% Crit: 0% Resistances All: 20 Shrink: 300 Immobility: 300 Attack Types Attack Type 1 - Empowers itself and charges its target for 2 hits of 100% Magic Evil damage, amounting to 200% damage; applies 'Continuation' to itself for 4 turns; while affected by 'Continuation', upon getting hit, Patroclus will apply 'Continuation Shield' (+15X All Resist, -15X Health Resist, where X is the number of times Patroclus was hit, capping at 7 hits for a maximum of +100 All Resist) to itself for the current turn. (Pop-up: Patroclus: 'This armor I bear.') Attack Type 2 - Casts dark lightning at its target for 4 hits of 75% Evil Magic damage, amounting to 300% damage.- If this attack is used for the first time and if at least 1 hit lands, applies 'Calibration' (+100 Bonus) to itself for 5 turns inclusive. (Pop-up: Patroclus: 'There you are.')
Attack Type 3 - Casts a burst of doom energy for 1 hit of 400% Magic Evil damage; if the hit lands, applies 'Decimation' (+100 Melee/Pierce/Magic Avoidance) to itself for 4 turns. (Pop-up: Patroclus: 'Let's cloud the skies.') Attack Type 4 - Summons a portal for 9 hits of 55.5% Magic Evil damage, amounting to 500% damage; if at least 1 hit lands and the player has a pet equipped, removes your pet and applies 'Consumption' (+50% Boost) to itself for 4 turns inclusive. (Pop-ups: Patroclus: 'A peek behind the veil.' / Your pet has been scared away by the summoned tentacles!) Attack Type 5 - Charges its target for 2 hits of 300% Magic Evil damage, amounting to 600% damage, with +400 Crit. If at least 1 hit connects, applies 'Termination' (see other information) to itself for 4 turns. (Pop-up: Patroclus: 'All will end, in time.') Attack Type 6 - Charges its target for 2 hits of 400% Magic Evil damage, amounting to 800% damage, with +300 Bonus and +600 Crit; heals Patroclus for 17% of its maximum HP. (Pop-up: Patroclus spots an opening as you try to strengthen yourself!) Other information While affected by 'Termination', Patroclus will check if the target has positive effects active. (Pop-up: Patroclus is watching you carefully.)- If the player has a positive status effect that affects their Stats, Resistances (excluding Health Resist), Boost, Bonus, Crit, Crit Multiplier, Avoidance (Melee/Pierce/Magic), Defense (Block/Parry/Dodge), and Damage Reduction, Patroclus will remove 'Termination' and use Attack Type 6.
- Patroclus will ignore permanent effects (including Underworld/Virtuoso Epoch's 'Underworld's Call'/'Underworld's Song'), HoTs, DoTs, Stuffed, etc. or effects that decrease any of these stats.
- If Achilles was defeated in Never Apart, 'Termination' will not be removed upon using Attack Type 6.
Patroclus follows the skill rotation; Attack Type 1 -> Attack Type 2 -> Attack Type 3 -> Attack Type 2 -> Attack Type 4 -> Attack Type 5 -> Repeat, and will pause its rotation to use Attack Type 6 once if the player has a positive status effect while affected by 'Termination'. If Achilles was defeated in Never Apart, Patroclus will be enraged and applies 'Termination' to itself for 99 turns; additionally 'Termination' gains +100% Boost. (Pop-up: Patroclus: 'Achilles! No!')
< Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 10/18/2024 16:42:25 >