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Void Awakening skull item discussion

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8/11/2024 3:50:36   

I was trying to find some items that help regain SP.
of course very difficult in AQ to find this sort of information but I decided to spend some money to buy golden giftbox and bought this item because its supposed to gain SP.
turns out it does a lot less damage than normal guests and still drains a lot more SP than it gains.
confused if this is a bug or just a really dumb item.
either way needs a fix or a buff? how can an item this useless be ultra rare?

< Message edited by AnimalKing -- 8/15/2024 20:45:17 >
Post #: 1
8/11/2024 8:26:00   

Unfortunately, the issue you raise with Void Awakening Skull isn't a bug. The Guest just exhibits multiple characteristics of poor item design. Items that provide an effect (e.g., applying a status to the enemy) need to possess a legitimate cost to fuel them. For Void Awakening Skull, the effect being paid for is SP/MP regeneration. However, the way this effect is implemented is problematic in two different ways:
  • The effect is paid for through direct Guest damage. This, in turn, is paid by either an SP or MP cost. In other words, the resource being spent is the same as the one being regenerated. The Call version costs SP to use and heals SP, while the Summon version costs MP to use and heals MP. It's circular logic.
  • This is compounded by the effect being damage-scaling. The staff have already said they plan to move away from damage-scaling effects like this, and for good reason. It's easy to boost both your own damage and that of your companions to extreme levels.

    This inevitably leads to one of two possible outcomes. The first, which you experienced, is that the Guest cannot effectively fulfill its purpose—it cannot regenerate the SP/MP it uses. In the alternative scenario, the Guest can heal far more SP/MP than it uses, meaning it has no real cost. Both situations are inherently problematic.

    Realistically, the Guest needs to be completely reworked. At bare minimum, Void Awakening Skull cannot cost the same resource it intends to heal. It also cannot scale based on the damage dealt. It will need to change significantly in order to adhere to good item design practices. But no, it isn't a bug.

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 8/13/2024 18:42:34 >
  • AQ  Post #: 2
    8/11/2024 9:39:03   

    Unless I'm mistaken, Riadne's Venomous Scythe is a weapon with effects that heals = to damage dealt. Not sure if that's a bad item design practice? Sure, Scythe is not the exact same context as Void Awakening with direct damage output but a "side" effect.
    Post #: 3
    8/11/2024 9:42:59   
    Armchair Archivist

    I'm going to broadly treat this as a GBI about Void Awakening Skull in particular. As such, this will remain in GBI. Stay on topic.
    AQ  Post #: 4
    8/11/2024 9:53:51   
    Dreiko Shadrack

    @TaG The problem is specifically to do with direct offensive damage conversion to healing, if void awakening skull attempted to apply a drain poison like that scythe does it wouldn't be an issue. They are different concepts altogether even if related under the same overall mechanical theme.
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 5
    8/11/2024 10:00:39   

    Since Riadne's Venomous Scythe was brought up, I'll relate said example to Void Awakening Skull.

    Riadne's Scythe inflicts a Poison that heals based on the damage dealt. This is a DoT status, rather than a direct attack. To my knowledge the staff have said nothing about moving away from that particular mechanic on statuses. The other key difference is that Riadne heals HP i.e. a different resource compared to the initial cost (SP). This would be like having Void Awakening Skull pay its cost in HP to heal SP, which would avoid the first issue I mentioned.

    The key with Awakening Skull is that it pays SP to regenerate SP, and that it's a direct attack scaled on damage. Both of these are poor item design practices and therefore would need to be changed. For example, an easy way to fix this would be to convert the damage-scaling to a per-hit SP heal, and switch the resources healed between the two versions (e.g., the Call Guest heals MP, the Summon Guest heals SP).

    EDIT: Irrespective of the below, it doesn't change that there is no circularity since it is healing a different resource.

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 8/11/2024 12:09:42 >
    AQ  Post #: 6
    8/11/2024 12:04:59   

    I am not aware of any staff direction mentioned outside of official forum specifically to which "subsection" of this mechanical "theme" require fixing/revisit; and unfortunately Mods requires mathematics to be used for GBI discussion, I will not comment further.
    Post #: 7
    8/11/2024 13:58:25   
    Grace Xisthrith

    Void Skull can heal a significant amount of SP, you may find it doesn't though without some input, or specific choices. Here are some things to note.
    -The guest loses half its damage to heal equal to its damage dealt. This means if for any reason, the guest does little damage, you'll heal little SP. (should be obvious, but I'm starting here to have a flow of logic)
    -The guest does fire damage, and its healing, unlike items like Mosquito, Jelly, or Nightbane Guest, does not account for enemy resistance. While mosquito would heal the same on a monster with 200 Wind resistance or 10 Wind resistance, the same is not true for Void Skull. It will have very low returns if the monster doesn't have high enough fire resistance.
    -There are many ways to increase the guest's damage. You could use gear like Algie's Bow (+25% pet and guest damage), a +50 CHA boost misc (~~1.1x damage output), Neko Armor (situationally lots of damage, but generally a small damage and accuracy boost), Book of Love's CHA boost (+90 CHA ~1.19x damage boost), any elevuln source for fire, of which there are many (Dark Invader is a commonly used very handy one).
    All in all though, if you don't work to increase the guest's damage, in one way or another, you'll see much less significant SP regeneration from the guest. On average, against a monster with 100% fire resistance, it's actually likely to exactly break even on SP cost. This isn't a bug, it's just how the item is designed.

    If you are looking for an UR guest option to restore SP, you could consider buying Mosquito instead. It is more "reliable" since it works on monsters with any resistance, and trades more damage for its effect, meaning a higher average SP heal. I recognize that may not be helpful now, given you seemingly already spent your UR.
    AQ  Post #: 8
    8/11/2024 17:34:13   

    While I also agree it can be funky using an SP healing guest with an SP upkeep, I don’t think the devs need to really spend any time “fixing” items just because they’re not perfectly optimized. With this being said, if the devs do decide to change the skulls I’ll second chaotics idea of making the guest skulls (both call and summon) charge HP to heal SP and MP respectively

    I’ll also add another guest damage boosting option which is Summoning Stone. Gives +cha/luk and has a toggle to boost guest damage by +40%
    AQ  Post #: 9
    8/11/2024 17:36:22   

    ^Ah, I see how you could have interpreted it that way. However, I was just making an analogy with reference to Riadne's venemous scythe:

    This would be like having Void Awakening Skull pay its cost in HP to heal SP, which would avoid the first issue I mentioned.

    My proposal is here:

    For example, an easy way to fix this would be to convert the damage-scaling to a per-hit SP heal, and switch the resources healed between the two versions (e.g., the Call Guest heals MP, the Summon Guest heals SP).

  • Convert the damage scaling effect to a per hit basis.
  • Have the SP costing version heal MP and vice versa.

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 8/11/2024 17:42:13 >
  • AQ  Post #: 10
    8/11/2024 18:43:26   


    and switch the resources healed between the two versions (e.g., the Call Guest heals MP, the Summon Guest heals SP).

    This imo is not a well thought out idea because it only rewards INT based beast builds. If I’m using the Call variant it’s because I’m most likely not invested in INT and if I’m not invested in INT then I’m more than likely not going to be using my MP bar, making the MP heals from the Call variant wasted. And if I’m not invested in INT then more than likely I will not be using Summon guests. I much prefer the example you used in your analogy. It doesn’t ruin the heal mode on the guest for non INT based beast builds.
    AQ  Post #: 11
    8/11/2024 19:05:37   

    I see. Perhaps I should have used a different analogy if it led to this misunderstanding. I certainly didn't want to give the impression that I supported HP-cost Guests. I am wary about the potential implications of making such a Guest when CHA users are already in a commanding position with regards to horizontal power. As such, I couldn't reasonably endorse setting such a precedent. While there are some mechanics that exchange HP for other resources available for other builds, they typically don't convert such a large quantity. At the very least, I believe it would be unwise to set such a precedent before healing items are discussed more broadly.

    Regarding my own solution, I do recognise that this change would orient the Guest towards Mages. This is purely for practical reasons; I am keenly aware that the staff are currently handling multiple complex projects over the coming weeks. For that reason, I tailored my proposed solution to require minimal changes (i.e., the least labor time) while still achieving the primary goal of ensuring that the items follow good item design practices. I fear that, without minimising those labour costs, any fixes to the Guest may need to wait for a while.

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 8/11/2024 19:11:45 >
    AQ  Post #: 12
    8/11/2024 19:11:16   

    Ahh I see that’s why you made that suggestion. While it does make sense, if the staff feel the void skulls need addressed I’d prefer they take the time to handle this properly instead of just doing what’s convenient for them at the expense of all beast masters not invested in INT. I’m a big fan of the pet and guest on my beast warrior and I’d hate to lose out on half of the guest because the heal mode would be virtually useless for that char.
    AQ  Post #: 13
    8/12/2024 4:26:14   

    Grace thanks for the reply, but actually i tested this guest against an enemy that took 130% fire damage and I have 250 CHA as well as blood contract and most of the time the SP regen didn't even break even.
    Post #: 14
    8/13/2024 18:03:56   

    First off, the post suggests that the design of the item in question (the SP Void skull guest) isn't good enough to justify as an UR. This implies an expectation of design to be worthy of that premium cost. This implication, to which I agree, doesn't mean the item needs to be overpowered. It *is* actually mathematically balanced. (both modes). But the design...ie the thing it does...should be worthy of an UR....

    This game has always had outliers for item design. Staff have the autonomy to craft ideas , and many ideas that some tend to question are almost always on premium items. This extends from token package items to golden gift boxes, to token items themselves. The reason premium items exist, is for players to spend money to obtain tokens. Spending money for tokens provides a currency to get balanced, but yet items that are often perceived to better than others. If they weren't, there'd be no reason to spend the money.

    So, ultimately, Void skull guest is actually mathematically balanced. The design is a one off. If we had multiple guests with this design being made, I would say yeah probably this should change. It could probably be a HP cost or some other thing, but the design of these guests were clearly purposeful.

    See, on paper, yeah there is little to no benefit. You're spending 30% melee SP to A. 80% of the time, do 25% melee damage at 250 CHA (This is a net loss) or B. 20% of the time, due to Ferocious strikes, do 100% melee and gain benefit. Ultimately, the average of 10,000 turns is you zero benefit to SP. The inconsistency of guest damage and the implementation of FS mechanic further creates an illusion that the item isn't a good item.

    But the item begins to grow in worthiness of that UR if you introduce guest damage boosts. The damage boost starts to allow it to surpass the baseline net zero outcome.

    If you introduce things like summoning stone, an armor with a +damage feature for guests, any CHA boost, elevulns, or stacking many of these ideas, the guest actually yields a decent net positive. But even THAT is still subject to monster fire resistance, which can be anything. You still need it to be a good enough resistance to benefit, even with boosts. 50% fire resist makes using it highly unattractive.

    Also, we now have 3 armors that have the new Guest Cost reduction feature . Fallen Angel (BF $100 rare package), Soveriegn reign ($100 champion set), and now Broodfiend. All of these reduce guest cost by 10% Melee. 118 SP per turn becomes about 78/turn I believe. So these other newer ideas also make using the guest a better bet.

    The base design on paper yes, isn't great. So to the Original Poster, I would say using this guest you need to find ways to boost it's damage to benefit.

    ....which brings me to my final point, for those who think it's OP:

    To be clear, the design of the pet and guest wasn't in a vacuum. It would be considerably disingenuous to not understand that when the guest was made, it had the armor in mind.

    Often, people (and myself included) have suggested to alter an item or items to fit either holes, better niches, etc and a common reason that something doesn't get changed that's often cited is the intent of the design when crafted. You cannot say that "no we aren't altering this that way because we intended the design this way" but then out of the other side of your mouths, say that void skull should be changed .

    If you look at the Void Armor, it's FSB boosts the the pet/guest by elecomp, or approx 167%. This makes the guest a much better prospect. Boosting it's modes (both) by the elecomp value is also often balked at. It was relatively agreed recently in a few discussion s by several in the community that FSB value in general is not enough, and that elecomp should be a relatively great place to start since we're using same element ideas in many of them. What I am saying is, the FSB isn't "gaining elecomp", it's value in this particular case is the same as elecomp in value . These two ideas are distinctly different. So I praise the designers of the items here for taking a better look at FSB value and trying something new on premium items. In this case, you need to spend more than 1 UR GGB to make mathematically, yet odd items become worth it.

    BTW, there are reasons why the pet version is always recommended over the guest version.

    Snipped comments referring to the GBI thread and merging this post into that/this thread. Removed abrasive bits. Please keep it constructive and friendly. ~Anim

    < Message edited by AnimalKing -- 8/15/2024 20:43:30 >
    Post #: 15
    8/13/2024 20:59:18   
    Grace Xisthrith

    Oh, I hear you. One thing to know though is that blood contract does not boost guest damage, it only increases player damage. Additionally, 250 CHA is expected, and what I had assumed in my explanation, so if you didn't have it, you'd be healing legit peanuts

    The thread OP raised this in QA, it overlaps with GBI. But currently it's more a General Discussion, so moving to there. ~Anim

    < Message edited by AnimalKing -- 8/15/2024 20:47:06 >
    AQ  Post #: 16
    8/16/2024 7:41:31   

    @Sapphire: Your post is, from a different perspective, describing precisely the two scenarios that I already laid out here:

    See, on paper, yeah there is little to no benefit. You're spending 30% melee SP to A. 80% of the time, do 25% melee damage at 250 CHA (This is a net loss) or B. 20% of the time, due to Ferocious strikes, do 100% melee and gain benefit. Ultimately, the average of 10,000 turns is you zero benefit to SP.

    This aligns with the first scenario I described. Void Awakening Skull does still have some advantages in this situation (you are dealing damage to the enemy and the resource regeneration means you can sustain the Guest for longer), but ultimately the Guest cannot fulfil part of its intended purpose (Healing SP/MP). It heals less than it costs. Meanwhile...


    If you introduce things like summoning stone, an armor with a +damage feature for guests, any CHA boost, elevulns, or stacking many of these ideas, the guest actually yields a decent net positive. But even THAT is still subject to monster fire resistance, which can be anything. You still need it to be a good enough resistance to benefit, even with boosts. 50% fire resist makes using it highly unattractive.

    Also, we now have 3 armors that have the new Guest Cost reduction feature . Fallen Angel (BF $100 rare package), Soveriegn reign ($100 champion set), and now Broodfiend. All of these reduce guest cost by 10% Melee. 118 SP per turn becomes about 78/turn I believe. So these other newer ideas also make using the guest a better bet.

    ... describes the alternative scenario. While there are caveats (you are paying additional resources for other item effects), this strategy allows you to completely subvert the original Guest cost using the Guest itself.

    That's why it's a case of bad item design: you cannot effectively use Void Awakening Skull for its intended purpose without properly exploiting it using other effects. While I cannot be certain (alas, I have not yet developed the power to read the minds of the staff), I think it's also reasonable to argue why the Void Awakening Skull is an outlier in terms of item design. After all, it's important to learn from one's mistakes. It goes without saying that the staff can and regularly do craft and experiment with their item creations. However, it would be remiss of me not to mention that said experiments can sometimes go terribly wrong. Examples of this happening include Revenant (an update to revival mechanics considered so bad that it remains joked about today, 8 years later) and Essence of Carnage (I still don't know whether anyone has managed to work out how its MP regeneration works). These examples also demonstrate what can happen as a result of those mistakes - Essence of Carnage is regularly used because of how overpowered it is, and I take the opportunity now to offer my condolences to anyone that has bought Revenant.

    My point here is to highlight that while the staff have the prerogrative to design items how they like, it doesn't mean they are infallible or never make mistakes (who wouldn't make some with the number of inconsistencies in AQ?). Moreover, an item shouldn't be immune to fixes just because (i) the equation balances and/or (ii) it's an outlier. In fact, Revenant counts as all three - it's a mistake, an outlier where the equation balances. It's just not very good at achieving its intended purpose, and I doubt anyone would object to it being updated at an opportune time.

    The real question here is whether Void Awakening Skull's design achieves its base purpose. I'd argue that's a no - it can do so, but only with outside help, and even then it's not in a 'healthy' way (since you're subverting the base cost of the Guest). I agree that the intended design of the item matters, and that's part of why I consider it a problem. You even showcase the problem; sure, the associated armour does indeed provide elecomp to this Guest, but why should I have to rely on it just to have the Guest regenerate more SP/MP than it costs in the first place? Not to mention, even if I do, I'm still dealing with the downsides of elecomp (being stuck in inappropriate offensive/defensive equipment versus an enemy).

    Void Awakening Skull needs to be changed for those reasons.
    AQ  Post #: 17
    8/16/2024 8:19:35   

    Item interactions are allowed to happen, and there is existence of FSB for this reason. If the pet/guest is claim to be weak as a standalone item then should find ways to use them efficiently. In short, AQ allows these sort of interactions totally not bad item design, in my opinion.
    Post #: 18
    8/21/2024 12:28:11   
    Red Blood

    Chiming in real quick here about not allowing the same resource to be spent/ recovered. It's not idea if you are pretty much getting the item for free in situations but as a main warrior having the version recovering sp getting an mp cost is rather silly. Then having the mp recovery version being the one usable is just trading for another making warriors/beast warriors to require an int dip. Slapping on an hp cost onto either version would be a bit more reasonable of a fix I feel as even when chi shielding it up you are still paying something even if the sting can be partly taken care of via a till log out potion.
    AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 19
    8/24/2024 10:22:27   

    I do agree the sp heal is barely enough to offset the cost. Maybe allow it to heal like mosquito or jelly?
    Post #: 20
    8/24/2024 10:37:52   

    Actually, many people feel like jelly and mosquito are a problematic item. ( I don't think they're a big deal as a one-off premium item) Those items heals normalize versus all resistances. So it doesn't matter if the monsters resistance is 200% or 1%. It will heal the same. Furthermore, jelly and mosquito gets supercharged when used with elemental vulnerability to become pretty crazy. Balance wise, at least The void skull has a balancing qualifier of the fact that if fire resistance is low, it won't come close to healing well enough to make worth using against low fire resistance, so it needs a decent fire resistance to become worthy.

    Ultimately, the design of the void skull guest *requires* other outside factors such as a high fire element from the monster or other types of guest boosts such as elemental vulnerability, charisma boosts, an armor with a feature that has a guest damage boost, or an item such as summoning stone that has a guest boost feature. You can often combine several of these ideas into one idea and the result is not as bad as you think.
    The void skull set of items on paper and in a vacuum are not very good, however, they were purposefully designed in my opinion to be this way. However, when you use the void skull armor with the void skull pet and guest, it gives them a 167% boost which then you'll start to see positive results. In my opinion, people should not be buying those golden gift box items (void skulls) unless they're getting everything. The armor is terrible unless you're using the pet and guest specifically and the pet and guest work much better with the armor.

    < Message edited by Sapphire -- 8/24/2024 10:46:00 >
    Post #: 21
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