 ArchKnight DragonFable
Storm of Stars Location: Book of Lore -> To War!, Location: Frostval Storybook -> Chapter 19 -> A Sudden Chill Requirements: Completion of A Sudden Chill Release Date: December 13th, 2024 Quests Available A Sudden Chill Storm of Stars Wave Present Catapult NPCs None Shops DA Def Belts DA Def Necklaces DA Def Rings Def. Belts Def. Necklaces Def. Rares Def. Rings Storm of Stars (Shop) Thawed Heart Rewards Dialogue To the War! - loads war meter. Return to Home Town - returns to player's home town. quote:
Storm of Stars Frostvale is trapped under a massive, glittering storm! Worse, monsters are coming out of the storm and wandering the land! It's up to you to fight through to the heart of the storm and save Frostval! War Intro - begins A Sudden Chill quest. Chain Waves - the player can type a number from 2 to 25 and if checked, repeat Storm of Stars Wave at that designated number of times before returning to the war camp. To Battle! - begins Storm of Stars Wave quest. Defender's Medal - correlates with the number of Defender's Medal that the player currently have.Leave - returns to player's home town. Unlocked at 50%: Reward Shop - opens Storm of Stars (Shop). Unlocked at 75%: Catapult! - begins Present Catapult quest. Unlocked at 100%: Rewards! - opens Thawed Heart Rewards shop. Other information Automatically fully replenishes your HP, MP, and potions whenever you load the war.
< Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 1/5/2025 12:30:56 >