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Slime (All Versions)

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5/26/2006 20:48:09   

Slime (1)

Location: Undead Assault (War), Sir Koffagus Sarcophagus, Friday the 13th Invasion, Friday the 13th Invasion - Part II, Friday the 13th Invasion - Part III, Undead Assault, Friday the 13th Invasion - A Ghoulish Attack, Friday the 13th Invasion Part IV, The Amityvillian, Zorbak's Thankstaking WAR!, Moonridge Patrol, The Final 13th! Darkness Attacks! - Creepy Crawlies, Sepulchure's Fortress, Sewers, Lucky 13, Edelia Sewers, Friday the 13th - The 13th 13th!, Friday the 13th - Frostval the 13th!, CulinExtraordinary, Clearing the caves, Friday the 13th War, Advance on the Castle!, Plumbing Problems, Friday the 13th Invasion - Dark Night, Dark Night Supplies, Friday the 13th Invasion - Weal (F13 Waves), EbilTreats Wave, Myshka

Level: 1 OR As player
Damage: 1-5 OR Scaled
Damage Type: Melee
Element: Poison

HP: 10 OR Scaled
MP: 0 OR Scaled

Experience rewarded: 6 OR Scaled
Gold rewarded: 0 OR Scaled

STR: 0
DEX: 0
INT: 0
CHA: 0
LUK: 0
END: 0
WIS: 0

Avoidance and Defense
Melee: 0
Pierce: 0
Magic: 0
Block: 0
Parry: 0
Dodge: 0

Crit: 5
Bonus: 0 OR Level/10 OR Level/5 OR Level*3/10
Boost: 0%

Darkness: 200
Fire: -50
Poison: 200

Attack Types
Attack Type 1 - Approaches target and strikes it with a slimy arm for 1 hit of 100% damage.
Attack Type 2 - Approaches target and strikes down on it with a slimy fist for 1 hit of 100% damage.

Other information
  • Slime (1) gains an additional -50 Light Resist on the quests Friday the 13th Invasion, Friday the 13th Invasion - Part II, Friday the 13th Invasion - Part III, Friday the 13th Invasion - A Ghoulish Attack, Friday the 13th Invasion Part IV, The Amityvillian, Zorbak's Thankstaking WAR!, Lucky 13, Friday the 13th War, and Advance on the Castle!.
  • Slime (1) previously appeared in the retired quests Undead Assault (War), Sir Koffagus Sarcophagus, and Battle Arena.
  • In EbilTreats Wave, Slime's eyes are randomly generated.

    Friday the 13th Appearance
    Lucky 13 Appearance
    Soulthreads Appearance
    Plumbing Problems Appearance
    Friday the 13th: EbilTreats Appearance

    < Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 7/13/2024 23:21:29 >
  • Post #: 1
    3/15/2020 7:35:30   

    Slime (2)

    Location: The Lucky Undead

    Level: As player
    Damage: Scaled
    Damage Type: Melee
    Element: Poison

    HP: Scaled
    MP: Scaled

    Experience rewarded: Scaled
    Gold rewarded: Scaled

    STR: 0
    DEX: 0
    INT: 0
    CHA: 0
    LUK: 0
    END: 0
    WIS: 0

    Melee: Level/10
    Pierce: Level/10
    Magic: Level/10
    Block: 0
    Parry: 0
    Dodge: 0

    Crit: 5
    Bonus: Level/5
    Boost: 0%

    Darkness: 200
    Fire: -50
    Poison: 200

    Attack Types
    Attack Type 1 - Approaches target and strikes it with a slimy arm for 1 hit of 100% damage.
    Attack Type 2 - Approaches target and strikes down on it with a slimy fist for 1 hit of 100% damage; applies 'Corrosion' (-50 All Resist, +50 Health Resist) to target for 4 turns.

    < Message edited by Jay -- 4/15/2020 7:25:53 >
    DF  Post #: 2
    10/7/2023 21:29:16   

    ArchKnight DragonFable

    Thanks to
  • DemonicDarkwraith for entry reformat, images, attack type images, other information, and corrections. (1)
  • AndrewX for updated information. (1)
  • Icyhell for information. (1)
  • Stephen Nix for additional information and corrections. (1)
  • Robofire2 for location information. (1)
  • Slayer Zach for correction. (1)
  • DF  Post #: 3
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