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RE: Meet the Mods: SCAKK

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3/24/2007 17:44:03   

Congratulations SCAKK, I was wondering when you'd become a Mod.

What was you're favorite subject in school?
What is your stance on Global Warming?
~|It will happen sooner or later since people seem apathetic about it.|~
Will humans devour earth and destroy the universe?
~|At least destroy each other.|~
Am I crazy?
~|I fyou want to be.|~
Will I wright a book?
Am I a crazy, mad, lunatic, maniacal scientist plotting to take over the world?
~|Nope. That is me >_>|~
Do you see me on the forums?
~|I have at times.|~
Do you like Halo 2 or WoW?
~|Have not played either.|~
Well uh, bye. *runs away in terror because SCAKK is impersonating Goofy*
~|Or is Goofy impersonating SCAKK?|~

< Message edited by SCAKK -- 3/31/2007 14:03:48 >
AQ  Post #: 151
3/25/2007 3:53:27   
Dark Paladin
Halenros worst nightmare

~|Hello there|~
Congratulations on becoming a mod.
I don't really have any questions. just came here to congratulate you on you becoming a mod.
~|That is ok.|~
Good luck with it. i think you will do a good job with it.
~|I will do my best.|~
Goodbye, i'll be watching
~|Cya... I am always watching.|~

< Message edited by SCAKK -- 3/31/2007 14:05:42 >
Post #: 152
3/25/2007 7:38:31   
Minion of Poelala
Creative! Scavenger Hunt Winner! 07

~|Hello Janus|~
Do you like Kabroz? (I don't accept a no/nope/ect. mehehe)
~|Sure why not.|~
Do you like the word to get SCAKK'ed?
~|It is an action undertaken by myself.|~
How is it to be a mod in 3 words?
~|Power vs. Permission.|~
Why is your name SCAKK?
~|It is a nick I have been using for near 6 years now.|~
What do you like the most Kabroz or coca cola?
~|Coca cola > Pepsi|~
Take care and have fun! Mehh
~|You too.|~

< Message edited by SCAKK -- 3/31/2007 14:08:07 >
AQ  Post #: 153
3/25/2007 8:13:37   
Dark Demon Lord

~|Hello there|~
Seen me around the forums much?
~|On occasion|~
What do you do in AQ?
~|RA mostly.|~
I've beat you in PvP :)
Which one other than Goofy and Droopy: Snoopy, Loopy, Kapoopy?
~|Droopy *points at sig*|~
Do you like England? (It's where i live)
~|I would like to go there sometime.|~
Are you pleased i'm in the Nocturu Council?
~|I have no issues with you being there.|~
See you later SCAKK!

< Message edited by SCAKK -- 3/31/2007 14:11:40 >
AQ DF  Post #: 154
3/25/2007 8:37:30   
Crimson Raven

Sup SKAKKinator
~|Hello there|~
How mcuh do you like the art on bladerunners suggestion thread?
~|Not seen it.|~
Also do you like my siggys?
~|Have not seen them as of yet.|~
Like Demon Lord im also on the High Council of Nocturu. Suprising?
~|People will seem to go where they are need or are voted to be by the masses.|~
Will you ever tell anyone what all the initials of your name mean?
~|Very , very few on the forums know.|~
You could just pm me them. No one else has to know.

Ive run out of questions to ask. Got any ideas?
~|What is the longest word in the english dictionary?|~
Anyway see ya later SKAKKinator. Heh it rhymes.
~|Cya ... Hehe|~

< Message edited by SCAKK -- 3/31/2007 14:23:20 >
AQ  Post #: 155
3/25/2007 9:21:40   

Hated monster?
~|One I have yet to kill.|~

Favorite anime?
~|Do not watch anime .. sorry.|~

Favorite combination of armour, sheild, wep?
~|Shadow Cloak , NMS with UIK.|~

Can you speak any other language?
~|I can some spanish.|~

Favorite weapon?

Favorite rare?

< Message edited by SCAKK -- 3/31/2007 14:27:02 >
AQ DF  Post #: 156
3/25/2007 9:57:42   

I'm back!!!!!!! But you probably noticed.......so I didn't have to say that I was back.....or did I?
~|Always helpful to let someone know just incase they did not know.|~
If 1+1=2 then what is the square root of purple people eaters?
~|Yellow slime.|~
So, do you have a catchphrase that you often find yourself blurting out?
What's your favorite animal?
What makes you really mad?
~|I do not get mad.|~
Do you have a bad temper?
~|Nope. I am kinda easy going.|~
Do you have 1337 skeelz?
~|I have skills.|~
What's your favorite flower? Mine is a daisy. <3
~|No favorite that I am aaware of.|~
So, I've gotta dash. Peace out!
|3Y3 Y0U 1337 |\/|0|) Y0U!!!11!!!!11!!1

< Message edited by SCAKK -- 3/31/2007 14:30:45 >
Post #: 157
3/25/2007 12:15:49   
 Hashire sori yo Kaze no you ni!

Hey there SCAKK, glad to see they promoted you.
~|Hello and thanks.|~
In order, what relation do you have to the 5 "initial people"?
~|3 are childrem , one is a female and one if me.|~
My guess, Scott, Chris, Amy, Kate, Kirk. Probably all wrong huh?
~|You are incorrect.|~
If the staff granted you a unique weapon, what would you create?
When did you first see the pure win that is Goofy?
~|I have always known.|~
Any particular Goofy cartoons that are your favorites? Mine would be the "How to" cartoons, you know the ones right?
~|The "how to" ones were good.|~
Favorite AQ monster?
~|Dead ones.|~
Favorite DF monster?
~|Dead ones.|~
If you could make one addition to AQ or DF, what would it be?
~|AQ needs more monsters. Not easy to always get done though.|~
Thank you for your time. Glad to know the spam will soon be a memory (yeah right >_>)
~|Welcome... We are working on quelling the spam.|~

< Message edited by SCAKK -- 3/31/2007 14:42:14 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 158
3/25/2007 12:19:55   

1. So SCAKK, being back for the first time in a long time, do you remember me?
~|Indeed I do.|~
2. I've read A Tale of Two Cities, have you? did you like it?
~|Yes. Pretty good book.|~
3. Whats your favorite sport?
4. If you had 1 hour to live, what would you do.
~|Run amuk for 3 minutes and then just sit and wait.|~
5. Do you accept the Lord Chuck Norris into your heart?
6. Well, i'll cya around, hopefully when it's not on locking terms.


< Message edited by SCAKK -- 3/31/2007 14:43:32 >
Post #: 159
3/25/2007 12:50:44   

HIYA !!!!!!
~|Hello there|~
Ready for questions ? :P
What's your favourite food ?
~|Steak & pizza|~
What's your pet peeve ?
ermmm time for other quetions :P
Green chair or blue chair ?
metal chair or glass chair ?
wooden chair or plastic chair ?
water or juice ?
what kind of watch do you wear ?
~|I do not wear a watch.|~
what color pens do you have lol ?
~|Many various colors.|~
do you like to staple your fingers ? O.o I fink my friend did it by accident once.
~|No... Ouch.|~
batman or spiderman ?
strawberries or blueberries ?
~|Strawberries w/ a side of blueberries.|~
x-men or fantastic four ?
~|X-Men .. Wolverine|~
ermmmm.....do you like mangos ? I love them ^_^
I love water melons do you ?
~|Not so much.|~

< Message edited by SCAKK -- 3/31/2007 14:46:03 >


AQ DF MQ  Post #: 160
3/25/2007 15:17:01   
Mr m0nkey

Hey SCAKK congratulations on becoming a mod and stuff =D
Questy questions time ^^

DF or AQ?
Wanna gimme free money?
~|*opens wallet.. nomoney sorry* ^_^|~
You have 1 second to ask for pizza!
Do you like pie?
~|At times.|~
I know i do :)
If 1+1=3 then what does 0+9=?
Where does the president live?
~|In a white house.|~
Do you like robots?
~|Beep Beep Beep.|~
I dont they scare me :/
Cheese or milk?
Whats 31945129591231/152612623?
~|Les than what you started with.|~
Why is the sky blue?
~|Because the ground is green.|~
Can i stop asking these questions?
~|Up to you.|~
Probobly not :/
But i will anyway =D
Cya ^^

< Message edited by SCAKK -- 3/31/2007 14:48:42 >
DF  Post #: 161
3/25/2007 15:37:06   


Are I Babboon?
Do you prefer:
~|Blah blah blah|~
your dead now
*post reaction*
~|I will now haunt you forever .. Mwuhahaha|~
can you decode this code:A=E E=A R=G G=R O=M M=o
Dm nmt pess rm

*throws a teddy bear at you*
I'm on fire!!!!!!
*Post Reaction*
~|*pours water on you*|~
~|I am smoking!|~
Do you like apples?
*brings out apple*
Do you like oranges?
*brings out orange*
Do you like hotdogs?
*brings out hotdog*
~|Mustard , chilli and onions|~
*Bites of own head* *Voice from nowhere* Can you do that?

300 War Machines (REAL MACHINES) versus 300 Dragon Insects, who would win?
War Machines are strong, Dragon Insects good at surviving.
~|Dragon insects.|~
Do you like fried chicken?
.*phone rings*SCAKK:hello?Caller:I see you in the kitchen. SCAKK:What? Caller:I can see you,and I can kill you. SCAKK:What?Where Are You!?*something falls from ceiling*SCAKK goes near it* SCAKK:Who are you?!*thing gets up* thing:Im your father. SCAKK:Oh,hi dad Caller:I'm still here.*post reaction*
~|hang up the phone dad. ^_^|~
do you like my sig?
~|I am blown away ^_^|~

< Message edited by SCAKK -- 3/31/2007 14:52:13 >


AQ DF AQW  Post #: 162
3/25/2007 17:42:09   

By the way u should have been a mod a long time ago.
~|Things happen when they happen.|~
Now with the questions of doom

1.)Zorbak or Kabroz
~|Goofy > all|~
2.)Who is your favorite admin?
~|They are all cool in their own way.|~
3.)How is it like being a mod?
4.)Twig or Twilly?
5.)Favorite Soda
~|Mt Dew|~

Thats all for now Ciao

< Message edited by SCAKK -- 3/31/2007 14:54:11 >
AQ MQ  Post #: 163
3/25/2007 22:22:40   

Greeings SCAKK. Nice to see you finally get what you deserved. You worthy Mod, you.
Well..Is it better than you AK position?
~|More power in more places.|~
How do you feel about newer forumities and there tendency to break rules?
~|They are just excited kids.|~
Older forumities who break rules?
~|They should know better.|~
Ever seen me before?
Scott Chris Allison Kyle Keith?
~|Close on one.|~
Dang. Thats all Ive got.
Dont you wish I had better questions.
~|Your questions were fine.|~

< Message edited by SCAKK -- 3/31/2007 14:55:32 >
Post #: 164
3/25/2007 22:41:04   
Billie Joe Armstrong

hey SCAKK congrats on the promotion!
1.were u in the Adventure Quest team b4 u were a moderator?
2. Are you enjoying the promotion?
3. did you know u are my favourite moderator now
~|*does a dance*|~

< Message edited by SCAKK -- 3/31/2007 15:01:52 >


Post #: 165
3/25/2007 23:03:10   

I am soooo confused, I don't know who's my favourite mod now, you or Spork. ;_;
~|Spork is female. I am male. Problem solved.|~
Well that's it.
Unless YOU have something to ask ME.

< Message edited by SCAKK -- 3/31/2007 15:04:20 >
DF  Post #: 166
3/25/2007 23:14:12   

1)Are you attempting to take over the omniverse and forum world?
~|Shhh... It is a secret..|~

< Message edited by SCAKK -- 3/31/2007 15:04:36 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 167
3/25/2007 23:50:11   
The Man of Plans!

Why Should Kids listen to adults
~Because I said/say so~
~|Adults know of what they speak.|~
And how to become a mod?
~Needs answers!~
~|You have to ... * is silenced by a mysterious force*|~

< Message edited by SCAKK -- 3/31/2007 15:06:03 >
AQ DF  Post #: 168
3/26/2007 6:05:06   

Zorbak vs. Goofy w/ nightmare mace :)?
~|Goofy of course|~

< Message edited by SCAKK -- 3/31/2007 15:06:18 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 169
3/26/2007 7:52:26   

im back hahahahaha
mind if i spam? =p
do you like spam (thread type of food?)
was that confusing?
what did you call me?!?!?
~|I did not call you.|~
did you know i think youre mean?
thats right its true.

WhAt If I wRotE lIKe ThIS?
~|It would be different.|~
~|Not really.|~
~|CyA ^_^|~

iS ThIs Is hArd To REad?
~|Not at all.|~
WHaT aBoUt ThIs?
~|Nope. I have good eyes :)|~
~|Blah blah blah blaaah|~
R U Even LiStEnInG?!?!?
~|I am reading ... I can not hear on the forums ^_^ |~
lOok At Me!!! Im NoT WrITtInG PrOpEr eNgLisH!?!?!?!
~|It is ok.|~
Heh, I'll bet you were really annoyed there, hahaha......
~|Not a bit.|~
Bye. (For real this time. Or am I?)
~|We shall see will we not.|~

< Message edited by SCAKK -- 3/31/2007 15:10:24 >
Post #: 170
3/26/2007 9:04:23   
Big Bizznaz

Ok then lets see....

1)Do you like Toonami's new look?
~|Do not watch it so no clue.|~
2)Where do you get those awesome pics of Goofy?
3)Estimate the spam you had to delete a day last year.
4)How much cash do you have on AQ?
~|That would depend on which character you saw.|~

< Message edited by SCAKK -- 3/31/2007 15:11:21 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 171
3/26/2007 12:36:37   

OK. Right...
~|Ok. Left.|~
1.Do you ever find yourself wondering "what is the meaning of life"?
~|I know the meaning of life.|~
2. Have you ever heard of Terry Pratchett?
3.What is your view on 300?
~|I hope to go see it.|~
4. What really makes your blood boil?
~|Very few things.|~
Done for now, but I'll be back...

< Message edited by SCAKK -- 3/31/2007 15:12:36 >


AQ DF  Post #: 172
3/26/2007 15:10:43   

Hello Scakk!?!
Going to give you some paladin and necro questions and wizard questions and some random ^.^

1)Hell Blazer thinks i am Melo Dramtic paladin... Am I???
~|Not sure|~
2)You think Hell blazer is a power hungry Necro..??
~|if he wants to be.|~
3)Do you think its a insult to paladins, when necros made undead paladins i do???
~|Perhpas the undead paladins are spies...|~
4)Man i was fighting like crazy in paladin vs necro war.... we may of lost, but we wont lose the secound time, do you think paladins can win??
~|We will have to wait and see.|~
5)Dont you always wont to see who MN is >.> ??
~|MN ?|~
6)I love killing undead as they go Boom!!! wel some of them lol, so do you like stuff that goes Boom!!
7)In the GGD, i defend the honor of paladins alot of times, ever saw my posts when a necro player thinks paladins are a waste of space...??
8)Last N an P question, Necros say there good and after they said that they attacked us, and they still say there good, are they good or evil what do you think???
~|Ones perception on good or evil is based on their point of view whihc is not always the same as anothers point of view.|~
Here comes the Wizard Questions

1)What colour is your wizard armor..??
~|Pink .. Female character.|~
2)Whats your fav summon out of lighting, rock man and cloud...???
~|The rock.|~
3) Pyromancer armor or Wizard version
4) You think goofy will be a awsom wizard i do .
~|Indeed he would be.|~
5) I love Wizard class, well balanced abiltys, but i think Knight class rivals the wizard ^.^

Ok Random Questions

1) how many rules have i broke....???
2) Think i make a better paladin then Artix lol dont tell him :P
~|*keeps the secret*|~
3)*gives SCAKK a cookie jar full of cookies* Prezzy for becoming Mod.
~|*munches cookies*|~
4)Evo is a good guy, he makes good discusion threads, but i never seen you made any, set for AQ events threads.....???
~|I do not think I ever have actually.|~
5)Do i act mature, as i am 21 years old O.O but i am still young ^.^
~|Being a certain age does not mean you can not have fun.|~
6) Why do you think i write -Wolfie at end of all my posts....??
~|Shorter than masterwolfie?|~
7)Seen the movie 300, if you did what do you like about it...???
~|Not yet.|~
One more thing...

Battle on....

Laters SCAKK lol *going to play kingdom of hearts Two*

< Message edited by SCAKK -- 3/31/2007 15:23:11 >
AQ  Post #: 173
3/26/2007 21:41:46   

SCAKK...pretty much one of the best names I've heard of...sounds cool to say.

Questions commence!

1. How often do you use PowerWordDieUltra?
~|Not that often actually.|~
2. Can you tell us what makes the Nerf shield special? Other than the cool name?
~|That would be a secret.|~
3. If yes, what? If no, or if you already answered, just skip this question. Sorry about the inconvenience ^^

4. Do you consider yourself 'artsy'?
5. If you could master one instrument - Which one?
~|The triangle.|~
6. How important is good grammar/spelling important to you (on the forums of course XD)?
~|8 out 10 It happens and will always happen.|~
7. Do you dislike these (in general): " "
~|Not if used in moderation.|~
8. Quote Pyramids vs Real Pyramids...which one is scarier?
~|Quote ones since you never know how many it will go.|~
9. Ever read Lord of the Flies?
-and did you like it?
~|Yes and Yes.|~
10. How much are you actually like goofy?
~|Quite a bit.|~
11. Disney/Pixar vs Dreamworks...which is the superior animation studio?
And of course, the completely random totally required odd questions.

12. Look behind you. What do you see?
~|My chair.|~
13. Type your forum name with your elbows. Mine: defraszghblon zzzz

~|swcak,k <-- ^_^|~

< Message edited by SCAKK -- 3/31/2007 15:34:57 >
AQ  Post #: 174
3/26/2007 21:46:31   
Time to be a [BIG SHOT]

Do you think i'm bothering you right now?
~|Not at all.|~
Why The Goof?
~|There is no one else.|~

< Message edited by SCAKK -- 3/31/2007 15:39:06 >
DF AQW  Post #: 175
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