Are you mad that you can't get to Oblivion after the main quest? Sorta, I liked getting all the monies from the Daedric Armor/Weapons If so, do you think they should make it available by purchasing the ability to? I'm not sure how you'd purchase the ability to travel back into hell without unleashing hell again Did you copy me in what I like? (I like Oreo ice cream and Oblivion also) I guess I do! Have you ever played Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind with the 2 expansions? (I think it's better than Oblivion just not the graphics) I played just the base Morrowind, never got a hold of the expansions. Why did I decide to post in your Meet the AK thread, but no one else's? Because I'm Irish! Come on! Why am I staying up late thinking of questions that have no future impact on my life? Do they truly have no impant on your future? *Ponders deeply* Do you watch the Science Channel (by Discovery Channel) or National Geographic? I do at work simply because there's nothing else to watch. If you watch Naked Science or Planet Earth? (no, Naked Science is not what you think [or did you think what is right and I'm a leading you in the wrong direction, what will you do?]) I are teh confused, I don't watch either so I guess I haven't seen those. What is your favorite shooooda (soda)? Mountain Dew Do you know where I got that from?I know it's from some movie, but I don't know the name... I recognize it from Family Guy when Stewie says it like that to Peter "Hey there big guy? What a shoda? Hmm?" Is Alac really as nice as he plays off???? *horror music plays* Wow...I went there.... Bwaaahahaha! No. No she is not. And now, back to Irish answering questions. Sorry, gotta answer this as well, Irish. No, she really isn't. You think I got these lash marks from Reens? No, it's from Alac ;_; Hahaha, all I gotta say is he lol Is Icemaster Yeti a companion of yours? You know, both of you being mythical creatures? Me and Icemaster go way back... hey wait who says we're mythical?! Why did you have to remind me of that creepy movie? (I saw the one where he brings that girl into his tree cave, I don't know if they're all like that) It seemed like a good idea at the time... What sports do you play? And no, playing tag is not a sport! (don't know if you get that, if not, I'll put it in white. You know, when the Mods/AK's put the tag on a thread, they play tag? A mi me gusta jugar al futbol mucho! In high school I played football, never followed through with it in college though. Am I annoying with my long and precise questions? No I've been able to answer your questions right off the top of my head instead of sit there and think of an appropriate answer haha Well, I'll stop annoying you now, but first....Can I ride with you on one of your rainbows to watch 300 in an Imax theater? That movie was teh pwn! And no, you can't, you'd fall off. NOW, I'm done... Mucho gusto! Tambien!
< Message edited by Mr.Irish -- 5/31/2007 0:55:30 >