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RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Mr.Irish

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4/15/2007 23:58:36   

Hey a new AK, Top of the the morning (or midnight for me) to ye'

Here are a few questions,

Are you a mean Leperchan?

Are you mad about DF not having a St. Patricks day Event?

Can i have yer pot o gold?

Do you like Xan/Why, or why not?

Thats all for now!!!

< Message edited by NoGoodNames -- 4/15/2007 23:59:40 >


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Do not post it again.
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AQ DF  Post #: 76
4/16/2007 0:04:11   
kenny thunder

ello mr.irish

q #1.whats your favirite (srry for bad spelling and grammer) weapon in df (mines the silver starsword lol)

q #2.if you had to pick between losing all your gold or losing your irish luck which would it be (im irish too so id lose my gold first lol)

q #3.how much would you say you play games like df

q #4 and last q.whats your faverite class in df

p.s. im flippen crazy so if you find that out dont tell me that i find it offensive

< Message edited by kenny thunder -- 4/16/2007 0:11:13 >


hey cy im collecting left socks for you so when i see you ya better have mine for me (my left foot is getting real cold without it) anyways i hope you enjoy the gift of a crap load of left socks when ya see me heheh or mayby one of my subjects depends if
AQ  Post #: 77
4/16/2007 0:18:58   
Llong Jjohn Killer

Hmm, another AK, eh? That's always good. Nice avatar, by the way.

If I ever get back to avatar making, would you honor me by using an avatar I made for you?

Do you like the one I am using now? It is one of the 9 AvTU avatars I've made.

Do you like my suggestions for DF I have made so far?
Blinky and the Brain
Special war quests
Pactogonal Medals of Honor
Ghost in a Shellack
Guardian Blade/Weapons of Falconreach (Still open, if you want to post.)

Do you like Randor the Red's artwork? Personally, I love the art he has made. Especially the picture for the Ghost in a Shellack

Has/does/Are you expecting Cysero to get angry from posting in Green like you? Or do you think he will be happy? Or just not care?

Do you have a cretain....well...catchphrase that you use? Like for me, I use "Hope this helps! " whenever I help someone.

Time for the ol' fabled question: Cats or Dogs?

Do you post in the OOC room?

Do you like the Discovery channel?

If you could do anything to these forum to make them better, what would you do?

Do you like the video linked to the picture in my sig?

Do you like the picture in my sig?

Do you think that I should ask anymore questions?

Hope this helps!

< Message edited by Llong Jjohn Killer -- 4/16/2007 0:19:19 >


AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 78
4/16/2007 1:03:07   

1). Have you ever said the line "Kiss me, I'm Irish"?

2). How do you feel about pinball?

3). When you were a kid, was there ever this guy who just like to be with you, staring at you awkwardly?

4). Do you like pies?

5). What is your opinion on today's youth?

6). When you have children, who would you like to brag to?

7). Your neighbor is actually an infamous mass murderer. He's cut your phone lines and destroyed your cellphone. You're hiding under your bed when he enters the room. He has a giant cleaver in his hands. He's walking around the room humming "My Little Pony". What do you do?

8). Can you try and split the forum into age groups? (ex. 20% something, 30% over there, 25% this thing, 15% are here, 10% everything else)

9). What is the color of your hair?

10). Do you like parties?

Okay, I'm done.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 79
4/16/2007 1:09:19   

Hello. Let's see how many questions I can muster up for yo... er... let's ask a few measily queastions that should be fairly simple. ;)
(I appologize ahead of time if any of these are repeated questions as I didn't have the time to read through all the questions. :( )

What... is your name?

What... is your quest?

What... is the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow?

What do you think about dragons?

How much time do you end up spending on these forums reading posts?

How many posts do you read on a daily, or weekly basis?

I hear you are a game freak. What games do you play?

If you play Unreal Tournament (first, 2003, 2004), think we might be able to have a match? I'm a bit rusty, but I like to see how well I fare against other game freaks. ;)

Have you found out the secret to how Artix comes up with all his jokes?

What monster do you like to fight the most in DF?

Did you find out from Warlic what war tasted like?

What monster do you think looks the coolest in DF?

What is your favorite boss in DF?

Pizza or lasagne?

Did you have a DA when you became an AK?

What is your character's id number?

You like the warrior, rogue, or mage the best?

What's your favorite element?

Who's French Fries do you like the best?

How many pecks of pickled peppers did Peter Piper pick?

Did I get your color right?

What are your thoughts on the guardian armor?

Are you amazed that you made it to page 5?

Does Galanoth ever take off his armor?

Ever thought of taking up ballet?

How much do you like chocolate?

Can pigs fly?

How many fingers am I holding up?

What is the most questions any one person has asked you so far on this thread?

Who is that person? *innocent look*

What is the square root of 3323325505720584107844?

Calculator again, right?

You realize I'm just having fun, right?

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

What are your aspirations for the Dragonlord armor, and dragon?

Orange you glad I didn't ask any more questions?

< Message edited by Dray`Gon -- 4/16/2007 12:24:42 >
AQ DF  Post #: 80
4/16/2007 1:21:04   

i have a few questions too:

This has been probably asked before, but what is it like to be an ArchKnight?

What kind of advice do you have for an aspiring ArchKnight/or moderator?

um, what are the qualities the staff looks for in a ArchKnight/Moderator?
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 81
4/16/2007 1:31:59   
Boxing Kangaroo

Another ArchKnight defending the forums from spam, flame and whatnot eh?

So have you ever mixed your own cocktail in life?

How long have you been playing DF?

What type of music gets you going?

What's your thought if you had to slay undead leprechauns?

So as an AK do you find that you can still talk to people normally without them going all weird?
And finally...lock, delete or merge?

< Message edited by Radiant Hope -- 4/17/2007 4:38:20 >
Post #: 82
4/16/2007 1:53:05   

Only one question:

Best robot in a movie or television series? There will be points awarded, and possible rains of snakes in Ireland. So be careful.


"A gentleman is one who never hurts anyone's feelings unintentionally.” -- Oscar Wilde
DF  Post #: 83
4/16/2007 1:56:45   
Korento Ratsastaja


How's it like, being Irish?

Do you like St. Patrick's day? (afcourse you do, what a stupid question)

How did you found AQ and DF? Friend or AD?

I have to go to school now (stupid monday's)
bye, and good luck
DF  Post #: 84
4/16/2007 1:56:50   

What do you like better, going to sleep or wake up?
DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 85
4/16/2007 2:48:59   
common man!!!



Hello. Let's see how many questions I can muster up for yo... er... let's ask a few measily queastions that should be fairly simple. ;)
(I appologize ahead of time if any of these are repeated questions as I didn't have the time to read through all the questions. :( )

What... is your name?

What... is your quest?

What... is the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow?

What do you think about dragons?

How much time do you end up spending on these forums reading posts?

How many posts do you read on a daily, or weekly basis?

I hear you are a game freak. What games do you play?

If you play Unreal Tournament (first, 2003, 2004), think we might be able to have a match? I'm a bit rusty, but I like to see how well I fare against other game freaks. ;)

Have you found out the secret to how Artix comes up with all his jokes?

What monster do you like to fight the most in DF?

Did you find out from Warlic what war tasted like?

What monster do you think looks the coolest in DF?

What is your favorite boss in DF?

Pizza or lasagne?

Did you have a DA when you became an AK?

What is your character's id number?

You like the warrior, rogue, or mage the best?

What's your favorite element?

Who's French Fries do you like the best?

How many pecks of pickled peppers did Peter Piper pick?

What are your thoughts on the guardian armor?

Do you like Ice Cweam, or Fwish better?

Does Galanoth ever take off his armor?

Ever thought of taking up ballet?

How much do you like chocolate?

Can pigs fly?

How many fingers am I holding up?

What is the most questions any one person has asked you so far on this thread?

Who is that person? *innocent look*

What is the square root of 3323325505720584107844?

You realize I'm just having fun, right?

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

What are your aspirations for the Dragonlord armor, and dragon?

Orange you glad I didn't ask any more questions?

The first three questions are from the movie "Monty Python and the Holy Grail"
P.S African or European

< Message edited by common man!!! -- 4/16/2007 2:50:01 >
DF MQ  Post #: 86
4/16/2007 3:19:37   

Oooh, a new AK. And he uses one of my three all time favorite horror movie characters as an avatar. ^_^
DF  Post #: 87
4/16/2007 4:55:20   
The Defiled

If I have three fingers and seven pieces of pie and I kick a black cat that crossed my path into a mirror and the mirror smashes, which in turn knocks over some salt...
How many lucky charms would you give me?

What's with the lucky charm thing?

I'm going out with an Irish girl. And the only thing I know about Ireland is that you dance ... weird. *Scissor kick, hippity hop, small jump, scissor kick* :p
AQ  Post #: 88
4/16/2007 5:33:03   

Hellow...I am Yojimbo, i haveth some questions!

1) How is it traveling by Rainbow? Is their many other people traveling on their?

2) Whats the top speed you can get to traveling by Rainbow?

3) Cake, Chocolate, or Chocolate cake?

4) What hobbies to you have? I play this realy cool game called Dragonfable

5) Are you evil...?

6) If i happen to accidentaly spell you name wrong, like i once did to Rolith will you get mad at me?

7) Last question, which do you prefer, DOOOOOOOOOOOOM, Or Fluffywuffyrainbowkins?

Post #: 89
4/16/2007 5:43:16   

All questions I could ask have probably already been asked.

I just wanna say that the Q&A really needed an AK or mod, since it was getting mad in there.

AQ DF  Post #: 90
4/16/2007 6:41:25   

Do you mind if I add you to MySpace? :P

AQ or DF?

Msn or AIM?

RS or WoW?

Left or right?

Is your belly button an inny or an outy.

Are you gonna be strict like iChar? (please don't kill me :P, nah, iChar's cool, but he's a harsh rater)

Do you own photoshop? If so CS or CS2?

Do you own your own house? Or do you live in your parents basement(a dream of mine ;] )?

Hand-drawn art or computerized?

Is this a stupid question?

Could you change my title to "AK Suck-up"?

If no, why? :P

Are leprechauns real?

What about fairies?

And imps?

Why do they put Braille on the number pads of drive-through bank machines?

How do they get a deer to cross at that yellow road sign?

If it's tourist season, why can't we shoot them?

What's another word for thesaurus?

Why do they sterilize the needles for lethal injections?

What do they use to ship Styrofoam?

Why is there an expiration date on my sour cream container?

How do you know when it's time to tune your bagpipes?

When you choke a smurf, what color does it turn?

Do blind Eskimos have seeing-eye sled dogs?

Do they have reserved parking for non-handicap people at the Special Olympics?

Why do they call it a TV set when you only get one?

Do radioactive cats have 18 half-lives?

Is this my last question?


< Message edited by KillingSpoon -- 4/17/2007 4:09:48 >
AQ DF  Post #: 91
4/16/2007 6:51:28   

What does pi equal to? (down to its very lowest decimal placing)

Why is there anything rather than nothing?

Is reality confined to what is in principle perceptible to the senses?

Do wasps have souls?

Is there providence?' 'Is there life after death?

What was the origin of human language?

Do good and evil exist?

Why do you need a driver's license to buy liquor when you can't drink and drive?

Why isn't phonetic spelled the way it sounds?

Why are there flotation devices under plane seats instead of parachutes?

Why are cigarettes sold in gas stations when smoking is prohibited there?

Have you ever imagined a world with no hypothetical situations?

If 7-11 is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, why are there locks on the doors?

If a cow laughed, would milk come out her nose?

If nothing ever sticks to TEFLON, how do they make TEFLON stick to the pan?

If you tied buttered toast to the back of a cat and dropped it from a height, what would happen?

Are my questions actually going to be answered?

< Message edited by johndile -- 4/16/2007 6:52:01 >
Post #: 92
4/16/2007 6:54:11   
The Terminator

lol hi!

When did you became a mod again?

Who chose you to be a mod?

Favourite colour?

What is 1+1-1*1/1?

*Burp* Favourite food?

Favourite game?(Other than AQ and DF)

Are you a releative of the Irismancer in DF? lol.

And a stupid one coming up......can you make me a mod? lol.

< Message edited by BrianDFsmasher -- 4/16/2007 11:12:40 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 93
4/16/2007 7:28:05   

Grats on your new post, I hope you will live up to the expectations ;)

Only one single question for you

Had ANY important questions, GAME related so far?
If not, heres a good one...

How the heck can a skeletal minion (unlucky war) deal me for 271 dmg with a crit attack? thats twice the dmg Doomkitten scratches me o_o
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 94
4/16/2007 8:20:07   
Mr m0nkey

Hello Mr.Irish =D

Congratulations on becoming an AK :)

Allrighty then guess I'll start with em questions =D

Are you lucky like a leprechaun?

Can you give me some of that luck?

Do you like.... stuff?

Can I steal you're leprechaun hat? =D

Where do half-dragons come from?

Where is your pot of gold? :)

Can you help me find the Grasping Claw staff? Ive been looking for it for a while :/

Like heavy metal? =D

If so any fave bands? =D

Quite ^^

What's 5015012050150/5912956?

What would you do with the 3.147 billion gold falconreach has?

Mage or rogue or warrior? =D

What's the moon made of?

What's 2+2?

Are these questions getting annoying? =D

Cause I cant think of any more :/

Guess I'll stop now =D Have fun as an AK ^^
DF  Post #: 95
4/16/2007 8:40:09   


Do you remember me? I remember you. ( This sounds like a threat :s)


Favourite DF class?

What country are you from? :p

Favourite band?

Ever heard of Send more Paramedics?

Byes :O
Post #: 96
4/16/2007 8:40:36   

Good Mornin' To ye!

My Girlfriend Is Irish, so im pretty sure how they act around beer, so i wont ask to Many Alcoholic Related Questions! Plus i think its too stereotype!

Anyway Lets Do this Thang!

1. What is the difference between a Irish Person in the Morning and a Leprechuan?.. This Question really Bugs me lol!

2. According to This Movie - Link - , is it true that Ireland would be a much different
Place is Beer wasnt Discovered?

3. Honestly... Lets Cut the Cloak now... *Wispers* How much time do you visit the pub?

4. Do you have any advice for people who want to Become AK?

5. Is Ireland and wales arch enemies? or is it Ireland and Scotland?

Well, Im off to my girlfriend.... so ill se you later?

Heres a Pint of Beer *Hands it out*


< Message edited by Slayer_Dizaztor -- 4/17/2007 14:11:23 >


AQ  Post #: 97
4/16/2007 9:02:04   

this is a little off topic but are you a lepereconian


I am wave this is my show and I am stealing your airtime (or bandwith)
AQ DF  Post #: 98
4/16/2007 9:04:48   
Reverse Blade

Here's a few

1. Do you like Runescape?

2. Do you like waffles/pancakes/french toast?

3. What is one less than infinity?

4. Whats it like as an Archknight

5. Eggo or Lego?

6. What would you do if you were pinned down by a rock, so you would ethier die or chop of your limb. Which one?

7. So...Um....Yeeeah....I'm stumped

See Ya!

P.S. Crongrats on being an Archknight!
DF MQ  Post #: 99
4/16/2007 9:05:33   
Supa Killa II

Hellah... (I just closed my 1st post version......)

Q: Monkeys or Bananas?

Q: Pie or Pae? (*Pae stares @ U ready to eat u*)

Q: Tea (British Shmuck) or BeEr? (NOTE: If you see Beer as BeEr, you need to stop drinking NOW)

Q: Are you related to Conan O'Brian (by blood[lines])?

Q: MG or MGS Series?

Q: Supreme Commander or C&C 3?

Q: Me or You?

Q: Got cookies? I deserve 1, becouse this is so hard work..... if I don't get 1, I'll find you with my "Leprachaun Finder 5000"

-Supa Killa the II

< Message edited by Supa Killa II -- 4/16/2007 9:33:04 >


/DragonFable/Beta/Oathkeeper No.174/Supa Killa II/
/The legendary post of Reens: "fnord."/
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 100
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