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RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything*

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2/3/2008 21:15:37   

okay art 1 and 2
image 1:

+ backround i compliments the lady hair
- blur it kinda mess up her leg
+ woman the backround kinda aprroves her fealings it gives a awesome vibe

image 2:
- the pot behind the guy it kinda just there to take up room
- the blur ruins the pants
+ the backround lighting has a kool effect on the guy such at the shinyness of his hair

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

Approved. Keep working on your CC though. When replying to galleries you need to be posting CC. Fail to do so and you can be removed.
thx graph

< Message edited by cursedwolf -- 2/3/2008 21:30:39 >
MQ  Post #: 26
2/3/2008 21:16:24   


3D carroussel / Light to Night (edit)

First picture(eagle88):
The bird head draw my attention, by it's light color. Then the color seem to go darker until the end of the picture where the writing is. It make a good concept. The bird itself seem really ok, we can definitly see it rather well, but the right wing's feathers seem too dark, they merges with the bakground. And for the writing, the text are kinda dark. Even if we can read, it do not draw the attention enought, a good white could make it i think.

Second picture(breath):
The first/cristal effect is well done, but it's also the bad point of the image, it's too good. We don't look at the woman and focus on it. About the woman, she look a bit blured, and we technically focus less on blured thing, like if they were a part of the background, and not the main part, and i think that the woman should be more important than the effect. But even with that, the sig give a good effect of explosion, explosion push the air, and pushed air is... breathed! The text is also kind of smoke, still related to breath. You got good ideas there.

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.


< Message edited by Grafh -- 2/3/2008 21:28:44 >
Post #: 27
2/3/2008 21:16:51   

sig 1
sig 2

I like how the Eagle is made so that it is flying across the screen. The background is nice, but the render could have been blended in a bit more.
It's a gift(I think), so the words on the bottom left corner are okay. The picture could have used more effects, but overall it is good.

background and render fit well, and I like how the guitar glows. The effects are good, but overused.
The word on the bottom right is good, noticable, but not too noticable. Overall the sig has good effects, and the background is pretty good.

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

Approved, keep working on your CC though. Its a bit lacking.

< Message edited by Grafh -- 2/3/2008 21:29:15 >
AQ  Post #: 28
2/3/2008 21:19:00   

Tag One
Large Piece

(I see your changing the tags)

CC Tag One:
The lack of colors annoys me. The text is not very fitting, but the thing at the end (a rose?) adds a nice touch. It has nice flow, lighting, and depth. The effects are very nice, though. very nice job.

CC Tag Two:

Simply Beautiful. Nice colors, depth, lighting, flow...what didn't you forget?? I simply don't see what you didn't do wrong, it's amazing. Well, maybe the text could be bigger...but that's it. Keep making tags like that!

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

Approved, keep working on your CC though, its lacking a bit.

< Message edited by Grafh -- 2/3/2008 21:29:49 >
Post #: 29
2/3/2008 21:20:34   
The Virtual Reality

1: Number 1
Number 2


Tag #1: Alright, the colors are a bit off here. Also, a good way to get nice backgrounds would be to take the render/stock and smudge it in with varied colors. That way, it'll blend nicely and the colors'll go smoothly. You've got the right idea for lighting. A good way to get a nice sense of lighting is to dodge/burn that part of the render according to where the lighting is coming from. It gives it more of a realistic feel. :)

Tag #2: Nice tag! The ligthing here is really nice. Very realistic. Although the background is kinda bland, it goes nicely with what you have. The effects seem a bit forced. A good way to make C4D effect renders look better is to play with opacity and layer styles and to erase what isn't attratice. The text kinda breaks the flow though.
Remember, not all tags need text.

3. I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.


< Message edited by Grafh -- 2/3/2008 21:30:03 >
DF MQ  Post #: 30
2/3/2008 21:21:55   
dragon weirdo

Art examples

Dragon weirdo sprite

Unnamed NPC


1) Looks pretty good, although you might want add a little more blue into the background. Besides that, the flashes in the background seem to fit in with the picture.

2) Looks good, I like the smoke effects coming out of the shoulder, it makes the person look ghostly.

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.


< Message edited by Grafh -- 2/3/2008 21:32:02 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 31
2/3/2008 21:24:34   

Part 1

Art 1 (Banner) Made from Gimp


Art 2 (Comic) Made from Gimp


Part 2

[image 1]

-Nice job with the render, I don't see blurs or anything.
-Very nice text, no blurs there either
-I don't see a single blur!
-Background could be a bit better, you could work a bit more with it.

Very, very nice!

[image 2]

-Nice job with
-You blurred it to much
-The right arm looks wierd,
-The background is alittle blurry too.

Focus more on brightening and sharpening the image.
Meh, I guess it's ok.

Part 3

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.


< Message edited by Grafh -- 2/3/2008 21:31:21 >
AQ DF  Post #: 32
2/3/2008 21:26:13   

Sig 1

Sig 2

Image One:

I really like this tag though the left side is a bit pixelated try some blurring and sharpening and it should be fine. I really like the right side of this tag though try darkening the girl's forhead.

Image Two:

I like this tag much better then the first one. The only thing I can tell your to work on is sharpening the tag and brightening it up.


I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

Approved, you might want to work on your CC a bit more, its lacking a bit.

Thanks Grafh I'll work on that.

< Message edited by uberboi -- 2/3/2008 23:41:16 >
AQ DF  Post #: 33
2/3/2008 21:29:16   

im sorry for the spam but, i did all that was required, and when i tried to post i got something among the lines of "the thread does not accept new posts"
fix it? took quite the while to type my post ;_;

Most likly because someone was posting the same time you where. You got bumped. Happened to me before. Just edit this post with your approval post.

shall do, here's my two tags

and onwards to tag one
i reall ydo think that the text looks well as it is, and the render popping out like that fits well with the theme you were going for
i like the colours very much, but ido thing it is a bit overcontrasted, but a nice tag nonetheless.

and for tag dos
i like the contrast on what i think is a ghitar-githar-ghithar (which word fails to tell me how to spell properly), but i think that the contrasted partof the background isnt really needed.
mostly, asian simbols dont look well, but i think it quite fits in this tag, but i dont like how the background is sharper than the render
it could also have better colours.

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

With the recent changes, I just wanted to point out a few things so they don't get lost.

SoTW - Try your hand as a weekly Sig of the Week contest. http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=10834881

And if you want to have an art battle: http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tt.asp?forumid=99


< Message edited by Grafh -- 2/3/2008 21:50:04 >
Post #: 34
2/3/2008 21:31:24   

Requirement 1.
Signature: Picture 1
Banner: Picture 2

Requirement 2.
Critique 1.
The eagle is beautifully matched with the background style, but the colors don't quite match the render. The darker colors on the left are almost obscuring the purplish gradient effect on the wing. However, the coloring near the head matches quit well with the shadow.

The text font looks great; However, the color(black) stands out too much drawing the focus away from the eagle. The text should have been a little smaller, allowing you to center the eagle just a little more.

Critique 2.
Well, I love the shards flying through the background. When I saw the image name (Disorder) I was amazed at how much the name suits the picture. Some of the light blurs among the shards are too bright. The red beam emanating from the guitar is also a little bright.

The woman looks great with the lighting effects. However, I would say the hand on the guitar got faded out a little too much. I really like the way she appears to be focused, but calm at the same time.

Requirement 3.
"I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves."


< Message edited by Grafh -- 2/3/2008 21:34:26 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 35
2/3/2008 21:32:11   
Legendary Awesomeness

1) My artworks

2) Constructive criticism
Will be a bit difficult for me, seeing that I'm a traditional hand-drawn artist and not really used to criticise signatures, but let's give it a try none the less.

Image one:
The render/stock blends nicely to the background in this signature, also the colours make the whole picture look warm and friendly. The girl/woman used as the render/stock catches the eye immediately, especially her facial expression. What in my opinion doesn't really fit though is the text used in it. The text "Are you happy now?" implies to me that the person in the sig is kind of sad and asks the viewer in a reproachful way whether or not they're happy, maybe because of Schadenfreude or something else unfortunate to the enquirer. But to me the girl doesn't really seem to be sad. Also the C4D used in the signature bothers me a bit as it distracts from the "softness" of the signature as a whole, but that may be because of personal preferences.
Altogether nicely done though.

Image two:
I really love this one. The render sets a clear contrast to the blurry background which draws the attention to it. The colours used in it calm you down and therefore make you associate with the person used for the sig, you feel as quiet, calm and peaceful as this person. The lack of "fancy stuff" also adds to this feeling of serenity.
The only negative point I see in this sig is the maybe a bit too weak light source on the left; the render shows an in my opinion heavy contrast between the illuminated arm and the shadowy torso and face. Maybe a bit more brightness/more lighting in the part left of the person would've been better.

3) "Oath"

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.


< Message edited by Grafh -- 2/3/2008 21:34:40 >
Post #: 36
2/3/2008 21:33:41   


My two pieces-

My C&C

Sig 1.

Good Coloring but it appears to be lacking appealing effects and depth. Personally, I don't like the text but I see why you used it. Also my eyes seem to be wondering by those dots in the backround. Yet, overall it is good but I prefer some of you other tags more.
Sig 2.

I like the concept. Less contrast would be better but it's not needed too much. The right side really contributes to the focal but the left kinda throw it off in my opinion. I like how you appear to draw the onlooker to the guitar. Overall, one of you best just a few tweaks are needed in my opinion.

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.


< Message edited by Grafh -- 2/3/2008 21:35:01 >
Post #: 37
2/3/2008 21:49:33   

1. a) http://i125.photobucket.com/albums/p49/Cheddar000/Dragon-1.jpg b) http://i125.photobucket.com/albums/p49/Cheddar000/Adept.jpg

Image 1
Overall good. I can't find much to criticize, but here I go.
To start, the brightness of the reflection on the top of the chair takes away from the picture. It takes away the overall concentration of the girl. Sorry. That wasn't worded very well.
Anyway, as for the white spots in the fog, it would look better if they had a touch of gold. It would make it look more...shall I say, majestic (I am not very good with words).
Next, I think it would add more focus to the person if the edges of the picture had a slight blur to them (not smudge, though...that would ruin the picture).
Lastly, I would just like to say how much I like the lighting on the person and the color coordination of the myst along with the person. It adds such a nice effect to the picture and is easy on the eyes.
Note 1: Maybe some more fancy text would add positive visual effect?
Note 2: Again, I am not so well with sating things in a way that sounds like proper english.

Image 2
Good...but something's missing. On her right (my left) there's just a big empty spot...I mean, sure the color goes somewhat well with the image, but it would look much better with a background. Perhaps a dark, nightly sort of background. Or perhaps take out the mist at the top left corner of the picture and add a fluid-looking (preferably clear water-looking) background (flow [it's called flow, right? That's what I saw somebody else call it while viewing the thread] effects look great with backgrounds that kind of blend with them).
Furthermore, what is that little white curl next to the word Grafh? It just doesn't seem to belong there. Not at all.
As for the flow, as far as I'm concerned, everything is fine, except the bit coming off of her top right shoulder looks a bit too rough around the edges.
Oh, and +1 for the blur on the arms. It keeps the concentration away from the blank area to the right (but doesn't take away from the flow on the right).

3. I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.


Thank you! I've always wanted a unique title! I bow to your greatness! ~€~

< Message edited by Cheddar -- 2/3/2008 22:12:07 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 38
2/3/2008 21:50:47   

Art I would like to post

Image One

Image Two

Addition: I draw females/males(they look like anime) on the sigs and banners.I will also do comics.

Constructive critisim for image 1(image 1 from Grafh)

Very nice.The text,background,and female do flow well together. The color mixes in with each other as if it were meant to be together. It just makes me warm inside since the female and animal seem like they've been pals since the female was little.

There seems to be a little problem with it though. The animal's color doesn't really blend in well with the female and background. The title "Snuggles" seems to be a very good title for this tag.

Overall, this tag was very well done.

Constructive critism for image 2(image 2 from Grafh)

This one was okay. I like how the female seems so involved with the guitar. She's so concentrated on playing the guitar, it seems like play guitars is her life. It also seems like she's been playing the guitar for a long time, now.

There is also a little problem with this tag. The background doesn't seem to flow well with the render. You should try to do a new background to flow with the render.

Overall, this one was okay.

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.


< Message edited by Forever1712 -- 2/3/2008 22:02:56 >
AQ  Post #: 39
2/3/2008 21:55:14   
Blue Wolf

First, Signature
Second, Self-Drawn

Constructive criticism
Image One:

It's green, green is almost everywhere. But the green fits in pretty good. It could use a bit more though. The little grin fits in with the text. Though i think Pae should be up a bit more, you can barely see the finger, mostly because is fades in. Over all pretty good.

Image two:

It reminds me of another great tag I saw here. She fits in well with the background, doesn't fade off, doesn't look blurry, nothing. The part that threw me off was the thing behind here. It's bell shaped, but it also looks like some kind of helmet. I don't know why there would be a bell in the first place. So that part is the only part that really throws someone off. It's nice to see she's more interested in the guitar, and it's even nicer seeing her do it all correctly.

hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.


< Message edited by Grafh -- 2/3/2008 21:58:23 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 40
2/3/2008 21:57:52   

Pic One(Tag)

Pic Two


This is a beautiful tag, although the main problems of it are that it is too grainy, and that the visual effects are not controlled. Also, the gray colors of the background does not meet the joyous feeling of the tag. I cannot see the lighting, nor do I see the source of it if there is any. Most of the visual effects are interfering with the focal, which is not something that looks good on the tag. This tag also needs better flow, it's almost as if the image has no life to it.

The text caught my eyes, I'd have to say it's the best part about the tag. The main problems I am seeing are that the colors do not match well, and that there is no lighting points. This image seems to have a lot of brushing in it, in fact so much that it seems over-done. Also, the glow on the background is far too bright, it makes it so the picture has no main lighting points. Again, this image needs good flow, the render does not match the energy of the background. Other than that, it's a great tag.

"I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves."


< Message edited by Grafh -- 2/3/2008 21:59:17 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 41
2/3/2008 22:11:10   

Example 1, drawing
Example 2, comic

Image 1 (Ravenous Gecko): Very well done. The colors match the gecko smoothly, and the text reflects the picture. However, it would make the image more eye-catching if the text can be altered a bit--say, change the color so that it stands out more from the background.
Image 2 (Sentimento from Grafh): It's really well done. The effects are smooth and blends in with the picture. The lighting is also well placed; the whole image really fits together.

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.


< Message edited by Grafh -- 2/3/2008 22:13:38 >
DF  Post #: 42
2/3/2008 22:14:47   

overall i like it the text could use some work however and the pink and orangeish combo doesnt really work for me but hey its what you like

this tag=woah
anyway i like the c4d in the left corner and what looks to be some like buliding render or something is nice. i also like the glowing red line along the guitar the lighting is nice as well but doesnt pull away from the focal too much
my tags http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee304/supersniper34/gowsig3.png
I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

A bit out of order. Approved
heh just got done wacthing super bow and are like high on adrnaline sorry

< Message edited by silverknuckle -- 2/3/2008 22:28:57 >
AQ DF  Post #: 43
2/3/2008 22:32:35   

1. My Art:

A sort of abstract piece, based off either a supernova or a black hole. Still unfinished: Rebirth.
A Flash character I have been working on. My apologies for the .jpg format: Demonic Avenger.

2. Constructive Criticism:

Looking at this tag, my eye is immediately drawn to the bottom left hand corner and the word "Desire". Why such text was chosen is quite plain to see, as the render is very aptly chosen to accompany the lustful meaning that (at least, I believe) accompanies this picture. While I was originally confused as to why the seemingly odd choice of background colors works so well, I now realize that the background colors were based off the colors of the render. All in all, I enjoy this piece very much. However, the render seems to sit on top of the background rather than flow with it. Perhaps this was intended, but I think that more blending could help improve an already nice tag.

First off, I'd like to say that I really enjoy how well this piece seems to blend. It doesn't appear that the render and background are on separate layers at all; rather, they flow into one another, which really makes the tag very pleasing on first glance. The water effect fits the pensive nature of the art, and the woman in the render does indeed seem to be inspired. While this tag is not chock-full of effects and details, I find that the minimalist approach really strengthens the deep, soulful message that it seems to carry with it. Any more would seem too much. The text is also wisely placed and not detrimental to the viewer's enjoyment of the piece.

3. The Creed: I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

Approved. Last one for today.

< Message edited by Grafh -- 2/3/2008 22:34:57 >
AQ  Post #: 44
2/3/2008 22:54:44   
The Vengeful One

Art I may wish to put in my gallery:

Constructive criticism: It's quite sad that this is now a requirement, and that members must show that they won't abuse the forum before they are allowed to post, but that's the online world for you ;)

Image 1


What I like about this image is it's irregularity, it's not the same thing you see everyday... you can tell that this piece doesn't follow all the trends that were popular at it's time of creation. However, it's a little bit uncontrolled, what I mean by this is it doesn't look like all of the effects are there for a reason. Perhaps the artists was trying some new stuff out and came up with this piece, which is fine... that's of course how we learn. Further progress could be had if desired effects were utilized with a purpose. Also the render seems just a tad out of place. All in all, definitely nice to look at.

Image 2


It looks like filters were the primary background source, and most of the effects are filter based I believe in this one. Filters are great for creating a background, and something to work off of IMO, I used them for quite some time. My only problem with using only filters is that they create a flat and predictable background... they seem to regular and precise in my experience. I really like the left side of the foreground, it fits quite nicely, but as my view moves to the right... it seems to lack depth and doesn't fit in with the rest of the tag perfectly, but it's not a big problem... just something I noticed that could possibly help make it a tad bit better. I like the lighting on this one it's a definite plus.

I, The Vengeful One, hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.


< Message edited by Grafh -- 2/4/2008 7:23:00 >
AQ  Post #: 45
2/3/2008 22:55:33   

Pieces of work:

{1st Piece [Sig] [Paint.Net]}

{ Doomed Demon NPC [Paint]}

CC/ Image 1:

+ The basic light source is done very well and the image has a medium type of flow. The smudging is done well and it blends and merges to create a nice effect. The simple focal point is easily visible. The mixture of colours does blend well but does not stand out as a whole. The background supports the main render very well.

- The back ground could be a different type of colour or a lighter tone to match the light source. Next time try more blending to get the feel of the technique. The text could be changed to something that stands out more. Also the eagle does not stand out or does not fit as best as it could. The over all job is done well but could use minor bits and pieces of adjustment =)

CC/ Image 2:

+ the focal point is well known and is very visible as well as eye attracting; this provides a good effect on the image and links it with the back ground. The blending is good and merges well with the small light source. The text goes well with the image and does not provide a “strong” boldness. The render stands out and is also eye attracting which is well done.

- The image could be brighter and have a more visible light source if needed or intended. The text could blend more providing a slight of boldness well not over doing the image. Overall the job was well done but could use minor changes.

*NOTES: “I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.”




< Message edited by Grafh -- 2/4/2008 7:25:23 >
DF  Post #: 46
2/3/2008 23:27:17   


Example 1. (A background.)
Example 2. (An avatar.)

Feedback 1: http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y267/nevermore_na/Pae.jpg
It's *really* green, but it works well, the bright white bits add variety to the whole thing. The orange of the eye immediately draws the attention to the gecko. It seems like a pretty plain signature to me (though probably it'd be on par with the very best I could do, were I so inclined). It's fine, but more could be done, I'm sure.

Feedback 2: http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y267/nevermore_na/Disorder.jpg
This one's a lot better. I get the impression of a "World-collapsing-but-I'm-gonna-play-guitar" thing going on. I like the flare coming off the neck of the guitar, and the use of those thing who's name alludes me is good too. You know, the thing people often use to create depth... Uh.. C4Ds? I think. As well, I think the corner character is a nice touch. I like this piece.

"I will hereby follow the rules set by the administrators and moderators of the forums. I understand that by failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves."


Approved. You still need to place yourself on the Pending list. See #3
There's two #3s...

< Message edited by Linguini -- 2/4/2008 8:33:13 >
Post #: 47
2/3/2008 23:43:37   
Tapeworm Shoelace

1) First example. Second Example.



Nice, the render placement and the font placement complement each other very well. That purple flower and those lines above and below the text are also an awesome touch. The font looks a bit transparent, or maybe light. Whichever, it should be solidified and/or darkened IMO.

The text is interesting. "Mystery". don't recognize that render from anywhere, but I can only assume that it's some mysterious figure (not to mention that the fact I don't recognize it also makes it mysterious. :P). In any case, she would look more mysterious if some of that fluffy pink background covered her a bit in some way. Hiding her instead of putting her directly in view. Aside from those improvements, a very fine tag.


Not my style, but meh.

Nice tag, background, font, blur effect, all of it. The only think I'll poke at is that "morning" in "morning dancer" makes me think of sun and therefore light. It's a dark tag, so maybe the name "morning dancer" isn't really properly suited for it. "Drizzle dancer" has a ring to it, and she is in the rain. :P

Oh, and there seems to be some odd black lines or sommat on her left arm. I dunno if that was intentional, but it looks rather ugly IMO. http://img513.imageshack.us/img513/3241/drizzledancerov4.jpg

It doesn't really jump out at you, so it's not too big of a deal.

3) I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.


Thanks. :D

< Message edited by LightningBlade -- 2/4/2008 12:15:29 >
AQ  Post #: 48
2/4/2008 0:21:35   

Gift to Alex Evans - Artwork One

Gift to Razor Sharp Romance - Artwork Two

First Tag, [This seems to have changed during my CC, If you want it redone, just include it in a PM or the edit.]

I love the concept behind the tag, to the left of the render, I see some great brushing/and or C4D action, I wish you could of added a second brush or C4D, [Perhaps duplicated] With a brighter hue to make it stand out and shine. The main thing I don't love about it is the monotony throughout the tag. Perhaps lower the opacity on whatever layer that you chose to overlay/lower opacity on to make it such a color. A smidge of white or a brighter color behind the render and around it would have been beautiful. The brushing and text on the left is nice, but I believe there was more room over there for an effect or two. But that was up to you.

Second Tag,

The lighting in this is truly magnificent. The emphasis on scenery and the blend of the render into the scenery is what makes this tag wonderful, I love the sheer glow of the entire thing. The background brushing is nicely done and I do feel the 'rising' flow to it, [That's how I interpret it at least.] If that was what you were going for. The whole thing has an uplifting demeanor and it goes well with the rest of the tag. A bit sharper wouldn't have been too bad, but I can see what you were trying to do 'softening it up' a bit. Not sure I like the thing in the top left, but I can live with it. The colors on the left side brighten up the entire thing, so I did hope for a bit of brightness on the right too. Perhaps another white/orange cloud. All in all, a wonderful signature.

"I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves."

Approved. You still need to place yourself on the Pending list. See #3

< Message edited by Grafh -- 2/4/2008 7:29:57 >
Post #: 49
2/4/2008 0:50:26   


Image 1
Image 2


First one, Nice, as much as purple and pink go, it kinda clashes somehow. It seems to drag me into looking at the women, but not the text, then to the text but not the women. Which I suppose is a good thing. Border is okay, though I can't imagine a better one. Just the transition or something on the left of the lady looks kinda dodgy IMO. The flower is nice, specially since its like your trademark :P

Second. Fender Stratocaster :D
Shiny effect, kinda fits somehow... The colours are okay but again the transition is kinda odd. Text is nice, I think personally, it would look better if it were a little closer.

Yeah not much to say really, haven't commented on those kind of tags for a while now D:

Nice... Brushes?

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I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.



< Message edited by Grafh -- 2/4/2008 7:27:13 >
Post #: 50
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