Hard Way, The (Full Version)

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DGal -> Hard Way, The (1/25/2008 18:55:06)

The Hard Way

Location: The Sandsea (Books 1 and 2) -> Zhoom -> Quests -> The Hard Way
Level/Quest/Items required: Completion of Meeting Zhoom
Release Date: January 25th, 2008

Objective: Kasuf is hiding in these ruins somewhere. You HAVE to make contact with him without letting Zhoom catch you or you might never get to the Orb of Light before Sepulchure. This may be your only chance!
Objective Completed: Well done hero, you have slipped Kasuf out of the ruins right under Zhoom's nose, saved him from Sek-Duat's wrath at least for a while and re-established contact with the resistance!

Scaled Yes/No: Yes

(1) Pip
(6) Sandslicer
(6) Scar Scarab
(7) Sunspike


Mummy's (Torment, Curse)

The Ruby Scorpion
Scorpion Stinger

Lotus Blade
Blade of the Blue Lotus

Ancient Treasure
Grenwog Egg

Zhoom: I have chased Kasuf across the desert many times. He is as slippery as a sand trout.
Zhoom: But finally I have driven him to hide in these ruins. The locals say that there is only one way in and one way out.
Zhoom: You're going to go in and search for him. He hides himself well...so search well. I will wait here.
<Character>: If he slips past me or tries to run, then you will be waiting here to capture him. A classic squeeze play.
Zhoom: Very good <Character>. You have a quick mind. I may make a ranger of you yet. If you do not return within the hour, I will come looking for you.
<Character>: Don't worry Zhoom. I will find Kasuf.

Kasuf: Fine...fine. I'm tired of running away. Just take me away.
<Character>: Relax. I'm one of the good guys. My name is <Character> and I'm with the resistance same as you.
<Character>: I met one of the other members just before Zhoom captured him. He asked for my help and said he could lead me to the Light Orb.
Kasuf: AH! If you have come to help us then we still have hope! I will help you with your search but we must escape these ruins first!
<Character>: Zhoom is waiting out front, He knows that is the only way out. I can try to distract him...
Kasuf: It would never work. Once Zhoom sets his mind to a task, he does not lose focus. He could win a staring contest with Jimmy the Eye.
<Character>: Well...I could try to sneak you out in my backpack...If it can hold that many weapons, then there MUST be room for you.
Kasuf: Now you're just being silly. I DO know of a secret way out of these ruins but it may be more dangerous than facing Zhoom.
<Character>: I can't risk blowing my cover. Tell me about the other way.
Kasuf: There is a back door, but there are several desert beasts and doors that stand between us and freedom.
Kasuf: A <Class> of your power should have little trouble with the monsters but the doors are another matter. They are deadly traps.
Kasuf: Each of the doors has a timed puzzle attached to it. You must find the right combination of 5 ancient glyphs before the timer runs out...
Kasuf: ...What do you think?
<Character>: I think it sounds kind of fun!
Kasuf: Monsters and deadly traps are fun? I can't believe that I'm putting my life in your hands.
<Character>: You worry too much, Kasuf. Just stay far behind me...I don't want you getting hurt.

Kasuf: YOU DID IT! We're alive!
<Character>: Thank me later, right now you need to escape these ruins. Hide yourself and cover your tracks.
<Character>: I'll go back and tell Zhoom I couldn't find you in the ruins. He'll still be after you but this will buy you enough time to hide.
Kasuf: I can never thank you enough, <Character>. The best I can do is pay you in information.
Kasuf: I'm afraid I don't know much about the Orb of Light but I know another rebel who does.
Kasuf: Our laws prevent me from telling you her name but you can find her in the Oasis Inn.
<Character>: How will I know her if you can't tell me her name?
Kasuf: There is a way that we recognize each other. You must walk into the Inn with a Blue Desert Lotus.
Kasuf: It's ability to survive in the desert against all odds makes it the perfect symbol for our rebellion.
Kasuf: You must go to The Wastelands, to the west of town. You will find a Blue Desert Lotus somewhere there.
Kasuf: Bring the flower into the Oasis Inn. She will know that you are a friend of the resistance and she will approach you.
<Character>: Thank you, Kasuf. I know that you're taking a huge risk letting me know these secrets.
Kasuf: It is no risk at all. I know that I can trust you. Good luck, <Character>!
<Character>: You too, now get out of here! You have to run for your life while I go and pick a flower!

  • Complete Quest

    Thanks to
    -- dess1313, ArcticRaider, Saojun, PhantomBlitz, ULTRAGUY, and PaperClip OF DOOM for links.
    -- Stephen Nix for coloring and corrections.
    -- Shredder150.
    -- Peachii for corrections.

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