RE: Monsters (Full Version)

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Hopeful Guy -> RE: Monsters (7/15/2012 10:46:10)

Possessed Cryptic's Attack Type 2 does 3 hits, not 2.

Done, thanks. ~Voodoo

Hopeful Guy -> RE: Monsters (7/15/2012 13:13:15)

Possessed Riftwalker Attack Type 1 has 5 hits, not 6.

Done, thanks! ~Voodoo

blank452 -> RE: Monsters (7/15/2012 16:55:17)

Possessed Ascendant Attack Type 2 has 9 hits, not 8.

Done by owner, thanks. ~Voodoo

Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: Monsters (8/11/2012 18:12:44)


Location: Wrath of Wargoth

Level: Scaled
Element: Fire
Damage: Scaled
Damage Type: Magic

HP: Scaled
MP: Scaled

Stats: STR: 0, INT: 20, DEX: 0, END: 0, CHA: 0, LUK: 0
Defenses: Melee: 15, Range: 15, Magic: 15, Parry: 5, Dodge: 5, Block: 5
Offenses: Crit: 4, Bonus: 10, Boost: 0%

Ice: 100
Darkness: 100

Attack 1: "Fear my Wrath" 5 hits of Fire damage. Stuns target, called "Fear". (Shoots fire from the palm of the hand.)*
Attack 2: "Your meager attempts fuel my power." 5 hits of Fire damage. *
Attack 3: "You cannot escape!" 5 hits of Fire damage. *
Attack 4: "Be consumed by my fire." 3 hits of Fire damage. (Clenches fist while holding it up.)
Attack 5: "You have no hope!" ? hits of Fire damage. (Fire erupts from below and Wargoth proceeds to throw fire.)

All but attack 1 are open for debate.

Done by Leon ShadowHart. ~Voodoo

He also buff himself with each turn (not sure you can see it in his stats), "Absorb Magics" also reset all other effect cast by the player from both himself and the player. [Niki]

The ErosionSeeker -> RE: Monsters (8/28/2012 16:59:08)

Titan Chickencow

the attack that steals all your hp is always followed by giving some of it back [already known]
when CyseroChickenCow gives some of your hp back, he always gives back 75% of what was stolen and heals the other 25% himself.

when he has very low hp, he attempts to steal 20%(?) of it. "Mmm! Your HP looks nice!" probably occurs when he is below 10% hp (might be epic titan only)

his chickensive stance gives him all+100 for 1 turn, effectively negating damage. it is quite possible that this is the same mechanic that Lowe-viathan uses.

second ddefensive skill increases block/dodge/parry by 140 for 3 turns. i am fairly sure that the chickencow swarm attack did this every few times.

@below that might actually be a bug, if it was to add 5 cooldown, it shouldn't only target 1 skill that not everyone has

Baron Dante -> RE: Monsters (8/28/2012 23:48:48)

The Chickencow Swarm attack also puts your Primal skill to a 5 turn cooldown if it isn't cooling down at the time. (So, if there's 1 turn left, and you use any attack, right after that hit, it's no longer on cooldown, and can be affected.

Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: Monsters (9/8/2012 14:56:26)

ManaHunter needs the following resistances added.


Added, thanks. ~Leon

Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: Monsters (9/19/2012 14:33:42)

Fire Elemental resistances.

Fire:200, Ice:-100, Water:-100

Done, thanks. ~Voodoo

Stephen Nix -> RE: Monsters (9/22/2012 1:29:05)

Killer Dragonman needs Attack Images and main image....

Attack Type 1
Attack Type 2


Added them, thanks. ~Leon

The ErosionSeeker -> RE: Monsters (9/27/2012 19:10:12)


Location: The Merge (nerfed version)

Level: Scaled
Element: Fire
Damage: Scaled
Damage Type: Magic

HP: Scaled
MP: Scaled

Stats: STR: 0, INT: 20, DEX: 0, END: 0, CHA: 0, LUK: 0, WIS: 0
Defenses: Melee: 15, Pierce: 15, Magic: 15, Parry: 5, Dodge: 5, Block: 5
Offenses: Crit: 4, Bonus: 10, Boost: 0%

Resistances: Immobility: 200, Light: 25, Fire: 25, Ice: 100 / 20, Water: -20, Shrink: 100, Darkness: 100 / 50

Attack Type 1 - "Your efforts are in vain!" Shoots fire from the palm of the hand for 5 hits of Fire damage and inflicts "Fear" which stuns you for 1 turn
Attack Type 2 - "Insolent mortals!" Shoots fire from the palm of the hand for 5 hits of Fire damage and inflicts "Absorb Magics" which lowers your boost by 10% for 3 turns
Attack Type 3 - "Be consumed by my fire!" Clenches fist while holding it up which causes 3 explosions for 3 hits of Fire damage and inflicts "Burn" which gives you a Fire DoT (12-25) for 5 turns
Attack Type 4 - "Cower in my presence!" Shoots fire from the palm of the hand for 5 hits of Fire damage and inflicts "Fear" which stuns you for 1 turn
Attack Type 5 - "How pathetic!" Clenches fist while holding it up which causes 3 explosions for 3 hits of Fire damage and inflicts "Burn" which gives you a Fire DoT (12-25) for 5 turns
Attack Type 6 - "Burn!" Fire erupts from below and Wargoth proceeds to throw fire for 7 hits of Fire damage and inflicts "Magic burn" which reduces your heal resist by 40% for 3 turns (adds 40 to your health stat, reducing your heal)

Gold gained: Scaled
Experience gained: Scaled

the current wargoth entry lists him for both Wrath of Wargoth and The Merge, but the current attack list only applies for the "tougher" version.
so i went and spaded the "weaker" version's attacks.

Done, thanks. ~Leon

Stephen Nix -> RE: Monsters (10/21/2012 18:14:17)

Jack O Titan thanks to Craze, we have the Gold and XP values...

Gold gained: 441
Experience gained: 3302

Fixed. ~Leon

Stephen Nix -> RE: Monsters (11/16/2012 21:10:14)

X-304 needs a correction, new attacks and image...

Element: Nature/Energy

Attack Type 1 - If it has more than 3/4's of it's MP, than it launches this pie at you for one hit of a guaranteed crit 100% Melee Nature damage (Will always start a fight off with this attack, and will regenerate MP over 3 turns and once those 3 turns are up, it attacks with this again)
Attack Type 2 - Crawls over to you and bites into you for one hit of 100% Melee Energy damage
Attack Type 3 - Crawls over to you and uses it's tail to whip you for one hit of 100% Melee Energy damage


XXL-304 needs a correction, new attacks and image...

Element: Nature/Energy

Attack Type 1 - If it has more than 3/4's of it's MP, than it launches this pie at you for one hit of a guaranteed crit 100% Melee Nature damage (Will always start a fight off with this attack, and will regenerate MP over 3 turns and once those 3 turns are up, it attacks with this again)
Attack Type 2 - Crawls over to you and bites into you for one hit of 100% Melee Energy damage
Attack Type 3 - Crawls over to you and uses it's tail to whip you for one hit of 100% Melee Energy damage


Done. These two have had no attack info after their entries were made, thanks. ~Leon

Zeuster -> RE: Monsters (11/19/2012 16:35:05)

The monster Greasy Turducken has -100 flee

Added, thanks. ~pjc

Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: Monsters (11/28/2012 9:11:17)

As per Niki's request, the non-titan version. (This is the level 15.)

JellaTON Mold

Location: Thankstaking - Rise of the Turducken!

Level: Scaled
Element: Ice
Damage: Scaled
Damage Type: Melee

HP: Scaled
MP: Scaled

Stats: STR: 0, INT: 0, DEX: 0, END: 0, CHA: 0, LUK: 0, WIS: 0
Defenses: Melee: 4, Pierce: 4, Magic: 4, Parry: 0, Dodge: 2, Block: 0
Offenses: Crit: 2, Bonus: 1, Boost: %

Resistances: Fire:-70, Ice:200, Water:50

Attacks are the same to the titan version.
(Attack type 1 used 20/34mp.)
(Attack type 2 used 10/34mp.) At this point it had 4 mp left.

Gold gained:Scaled
Experience gained:Scaled

Done, thanks! ~pjc

Stephen Nix -> RE: Monsters (11/28/2012 17:15:31)

2 things about that JellaTON Mold you can either consider the Snacker version which has a Scaled Amounts on the Melee, Pierce and Magic and bonus.....or the ones in waves which has 0 Melee, Pierce and Magic Def.

I would change the amounts from 4 and put them as Scaled.

Done, thanks. [Niki]

Zeuster -> RE: Monsters (11/30/2012 22:07:19)

new Turducken war monster

Location: Rotten Turducken

level: scaled
Damage type:Melee


Stats:STR: 0, INT: 0, DEX: 0, END: 0, CHA: 0, LUK: 0, WIS: 0
Defenses: melee 0 pierce 0 magic 0 parry 0 dodge 0 block 0
offenses: Crit 5 Bonus 10 boost 0%
Resistances: Bacon 50 immoblility 45 Light -10 Fire 60

Attack 1: 6 attacks of nature damage that applies poison damage to you

Gold Gained: scaled Experience: scaled

Titan Spiturducken
Location:Rotten Turducken
level 35
Element: nature
Damage: 300-480
Damage type: melee
Stats:20 str,20 int,5 dex,5 end, 0 cha, 5 luck, 0 wis
Defense: melee 5,pierce 5, magic 5, parry 0, dodge 0, block 1
offense: crit 5 bonus 15 boost 0%
Resitances:Bacon 50 immoblility 45 Light -10 Fire 60
Attack 1: 6 attacks of nature damage that applies poison damage to you
Gold gained:92
Exp gained:1235#

Posted by Stephen Nix, thanks. Please remember to use the posting template. ~pjc

Stephen Nix -> RE: Monsters (12/7/2012 21:27:00)

New Monster images...from revamped quests





Seed Spitter...


Minx Fairy...




Nature Elemental...


Done, thanks! ~Voodoo

Baron Dante -> RE: Monsters (12/14/2012 6:18:57)

Gold and XP are 83 and 1122 respectively.

Done. Thanks! ~pjc

Stephen Nix -> RE: Monsters (12/15/2012 1:23:32)

Skeleton needs its Frostvale images...




Opticlops needs its Frostvale image...




Done, thanks. [Niki]

Stephen Nix -> RE: Monsters (12/23/2012 15:26:47)

Skeleton has more images....





Optional: Magman using what I have made in the recent monster entry for its may want to clean up this page a bit more. Immobility spelt right is one, the attack descriptions...etc.

Flamewing has another image...


Done, along with the attack descriptions for Magman. ~Leon

Stephen Nix -> RE: Monsters (12/28/2012 23:12:04)

Tog has a Frostvale Image as well


Skeleton has more images.......we may need to find a new way of showing them...maybe a colleague?




Deadwood Destroyer has a Frostvale Image as well


Boardrake has a frostvale image as well....


All added, thanks! ~Peachii

Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: Monsters (1/2/2013 7:46:07)


Location: Mogkee Waves

Level: Scaled
Element: Darkness
Damage: Scaled
Damage Type: Magic

HP: Scaled
MP: Scaled

Stats: STR: 0, INT: 0, DEX: 0, END: 0, CHA: 0, LUK: 0, WIS: 0
Defenses: Melee: 14, Pierce: 9, Magic: 9, Parry: 5, Dodge: 5, Block: 5
Offenses: Crit: 2, Bonus: 4, Boost: 0%

Resistances: Immobility:35, Light:-10, Fire:-10, Darkness:30

Attack Type 1 - Mogkee spin kicks player in midair for 1 hit Magic darkness damage.

Gold gained:Scaled
Experience gained:Scaled


Note: The stats are those of a level 44 Mogkee.

Done, thanks. [Niki]

Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: Monsters (1/2/2013 9:21:39)

Desert Lizardman needs the following location added to it.

Scarab Scare

Done, thanks! ~pjc

Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: Monsters (1/5/2013 5:25:07)

Pallor's healing ability needs to be updated with the following effect.

Dark Infusion: 25% Powerboost which lasts for 5 turns.

Added. Thanks! ~pjc

Pink_Star -> RE: Monsters (1/6/2013 20:51:00)

Monsters: Angry Spirit, Spirit, Wisp
Missing location:
[link=]Zorbak's Hideout[/link]

Added, thanks. ~Leon

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