RE: Pets/Guests (Full Version)

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Shadowlord9k -> RE: Pets/Guests (12/31/2010 17:06:53)

Plushie Ghost
this is the cutest specter ever
(No DA Required)

Location: Plushie War Waves, Nitroglycerin Sponge Catapult ((Plushie War))
Price: N/A
Sellback: 100 gold

Level: 30
Damage: 12-16 (Unknown damage type)
Element: Darkness*
Bonuses: +5 Bonus

Rarity: 10

[link=LINK TO IMAGE OF ATTACK]Attack Type 1[/link] - Pet is broken and doesn't attack for me, thusly no know attack. Assumption is that is the same as the Ghost Plushie monster
(Continue if applicable)

[image]Link to pic[/image] No picture at this time

EDIT: Is temporarily transformed into a rescource until the bugs are fixed
*Was previously light, when it was bugged

Thanks, Current resource entry can be found here, will add the pet version when released. [Niki]

wesley12sosa -> RE: Pets/Guests (1/2/2011 5:17:02)

Plushie Artix
this is the cutest specter ever
(DA Required)

Location: Nitroglycerin Sponge Catapult (This is where i got this from)
Price: N/A
Sellback: 250 gold

Level: 59
Damage: 18-24
Element: Light
Bonuses: +5 Bonus

Rarity: 1

-Sorry i cannot post a picture of it. I can't tell the skills too. Sorry again.

Silver Xoven -> RE: Pets/Guests (1/3/2011 9:06:40)

Plushie Nythera needs images.

[link=]Attack type 1[/link]
[link=]Attack type 2[/link]


Done, by owner. [Niki]

Might do some more soon, but I'll start making the missing "hero" plushies.

Silver Xoven -> RE: Pets/Guests (1/3/2011 9:42:16)

Plushie Thyton needs a re-write.

Plushie Thyton
This is the cutest ninja EVER!
(No DA Required)

Location: Fight the Power! Strike!, Nitroglycerin Sponge Catapault
Price: N/A
Sellback: 150 gold

Level Required: 35
Damage: 12 - 18
Element: Wind
Bonuses: Bonus +5

Rarity: 3

Attack Type 1 - Runs forward, jumps into the air and headbutts enemy for one melee damage
Attack Type 1 - Runs forward Jumps into the air and fires a series of shurikens one melee damage each


Done, thanks. [Niki]

Peachii -> RE: Pets/Guests (1/3/2011 9:44:46)

Here's the entry correction for Plushie True Mortal.

[image][/image]Plushie True Mortal
This is the cutest spirit warden EVER!
(No DA Required)

Location: Cysero's Superstore of Savings - Rare Pet Shop
Price: 125 Dragon Coins
Sellback: First 24 Hours: 113 DC, after 24 Hours: 31 DC

Level: 35
Damage: 13-19
Element: Ice
Bonuses: Crit +5 Bonus +5

Rarity: 3

Attack Type 1 - Runs to the enemy and bashes it with his head for one hit of ice melee damage
Attack Type 2 - Runs to the enemy, jumps, and shoots the enemy with dark spheres for one darkness melee damage each


Done, thanks. [Niki]

Silver Xoven -> RE: Pets/Guests (1/3/2011 9:52:21)

Plushie Tomix needs some information..

Location: Fight The Power! Strike!, Nitroglycerin Sponge Catapault

The Required Item: -thing.. I have no idea what it is..

Attack Type 1
Attack Type 2

^Images for Attack types.

Done, thanks. [Niki]

Peachii -> RE: Pets/Guests (1/3/2011 9:54:54)

Opps, Plushie True Mortal needs "Required Item: Plushie True Mortal" removed and,
Attack Type 1 - Runs to the enemy and bashes it with his head for one hit of ice melee damage
(attack type 1 is ice melee damage, attack type 2 is darkness melee damage)

Below: YAY! Celebrate!

Done, thanks. [Niki]

Silver Xoven -> RE: Pets/Guests (1/3/2011 10:02:55)

Plushie Cysero

Description italicized.

Price: N/A (not n/a)

Attack Type 1
Attack Type 2


Plushie Rolith

Location: Fight The Power! Strike!, Nitroglycerin Sponge Catapault

Attack Type 1
Attack Type 2

*removed Xan corrections, done by Dante*

That's it!
All Plushie Pet entries done! Let's celebrate!

Done, thanks :) [Niki]

Stephen Nix -> RE: Pets/Guests (1/3/2011 11:48:48)

Plushie Thyton needs one thing changed! The attacks to be reading 1 and 2

Plushie Noxus needs the Attack Types to be capitalized!

Plushie Artix needs a (DA Required)

Plushie Seppy needs a (DA Required) and the Attack Types to be capitalized!

Plushie True Mortal needs this erased as it never applied!.... Required Item: Plushie True Mortal

Plushie Xan needs the Attack Types to be capitalized!

Plushie Tomix needs this erased as it never applied!.... Required Item: Plushie Tomix

Plushie Rolith needs this erased as it never applied!.... Required Item: Plushie Rolith

All done (some by owners), thanks. [Niki]

Silver Xoven -> RE: Pets/Guests (1/3/2011 11:51:35)

Nixie - Got Artix, thanks. [;)]

Okay, NOW all pet Plushies are done. [:D]

element resistance -> RE: Pets/Guests (1/3/2011 13:50:09)

Plushie Noxus attack damage is actually 14-24 and not 13-23 and he does Melee damage on both attack 1 and 2 and not Magic. Can you fix it please?

Done by owner. [Niki]

Stephen Nix -> RE: Pets/Guests (1/3/2011 15:34:53)

Lil' Typhoon needs this....

Price: N/A / 2500 Gold
Required Item: Red Present 2010 / None

Done, thanks. It do looks messy. The same needed for the other two present pets. [Niki]

Stephen Nix -> RE: Pets/Guests (1/4/2011 16:01:41)

Plushie Cysero needs the description in italics

And I don't really think it's a mess, they are somewhat organized aren't they?

Done, thanks! ~Karika

Peachii -> RE: Pets/Guests (1/4/2011 21:19:27)

Hi, I think I saw a small mistake in Plushie Cysero:

Description: "This is the cutest crazy gut EVER!" - you can never know with Cysero [:D]

gut should be guy

Jimmy The Eye (I and II) needs
Attack Type 1

Revered Ancient Ninja Terrapin needs Also See: Ancient Ninja Terrapin, Post-Adolescent Ninja Terrapin, Revered Post-Adolescent Ninja Terrapin
(same goes to their counterparts for Also See!)

Revered Post-Adolescent Ninja Terrapin (the title is written as Revered Adolescent Ninja Terrapin which is incorrect)

Revered Ancestral Boar Spirit needs Also See: Ancestral Boar Spirit
(same applies to the other one for Also See!)

Revered Ancestral Snake Spirit needs Also See: Ancestral Snake Spirit
(same applies to the other one for Also See!)

Revered Shadow Monkey needs Also See: Shadow Monkey
(same applies to the other one for Also See!)

Sneevil Ninja Buddy needs Also See: Revered Sneevil Ninja Buddy
(same applies to the other one for Also See!)

Chocolate Bunny - level 20, 40, and 60 versions need additional Location: Chocolate Bunny (Pet Upgrades)
Clockwork Tog Location should be: Dr. Voltabolt Clockwork Merge Shop

Pirate Monkey Admiral needs Also See: Pirate Monkey Captain Merged Captain/Admiral added See Also to Pirate Monkey and other way around.
Pirate Monkey Captain needs Also See: Pirate Monkey Admiral
Shellack needs the Price change to N/A, and add Required Item: Dusty Old Tome
Gift Box (Magic and Mystic too) needs Location: Frostval 2010 (Shop) added

Pristine/Pristine Dragon Snowman, Slushy/Slushy Dragon Snowman, White / White Dragon Snowman, Yellow / Yellow Dragon Snowman needs:
Location: Frostval 2010 (Shop) added, and
Attack Type 1: Runs up to the enemy, throws a snowball for one melee damage
Special Attack: A giant snowflake appears on the Snowman, disappears, and the Snowman hits your enemy. Guaranteed crit.

All done, thanks. [Niki]

nightslayer321 -> RE: Pets/Guests (1/7/2011 16:31:18)

Mr. Poofles need be merged with Mr. Poofles.

Done, thanks. [Niki]

Peachii -> RE: Pets/Guests (1/11/2011 3:13:33)

The pets need additional location and correction to Required Item.

For Lil' Typhoon:

Location: Red Present 2010
Required Item: Red Present 2010

For Lil' Squall:
Location: Blue Present 2010
Required Item: Blue Present 2010

For Lil' Inferno:
Location: Green Present 2010
Required Item: Green Present 2010

Below: Yeap! Listed as above!

Baron Dante -> RE: Pets/Guests (1/11/2011 12:01:05)

@Peachii: But hey also came from the shop with all the other stuff. As in the pedia now. ;)

Stephen Nix -> RE: Pets/Guests (1/12/2011 16:16:14)

Yellow Snowman needs a few things.....

Attack Type 1 - Runs up to the enemy, throws a snowball for one hit of melee damage.
Attack Type 2 - A giant snowflake appears on the Snowman, disappears, and the Snowman hits your enemy, one hit of guaranteed melee crit.

The Yellow Snowman entry need the bonuses to say None not N/A

Yellow Dragon Snowman needs an exclamation mark at the end of the description, not a period!

I also have a new image!

Slushy Snowman needs a few things.....

Attack Type 1 - Runs up to the enemy, throws a snowball for one hit of melee damage.
Attack Type 2 - A giant snowflake appears on the Snowman, disappears, and the Snowman hits your enemy, one hit of guaranteed melee crit.

The Slushy Snowman entry need the bonuses to say None not N/A

I also have a new image!

White Snowman needs a few things.....

Attack Type 1 - Runs up to the enemy, throws a snowball for one hit of melee damage.
Attack Type 2 - A giant snowflake appears on the Snowman, disappears, and the Snowman hits your enemy, one hit of guaranteed melee crit.

The White Snowman entry need the bonuses to say None not N/A

I also have a new image!

Pristine Snowman needs a few things.....

Attack Type 1 - Runs up to the enemy, throws a snowball for one hit of melee damage.
Attack Type 2 - A giant snowflake appears on the Snowman, disappears, and the Snowman hits your enemy, one hit of guaranteed melee crit.

The Pristine Snowman entry needs a correction in the description!.....

This magical pet was made from the purest snow found in the heart of the frost moglin village of Frostvale!

I also have a new image!

All done, thanks. [Niki]

Question: Do you mind seeing in entries it saying...... Level Required or should it just be Level......Or is it too much of a hassle lol for something so small!?

Fixed too. Entries should be according to the template whenever possible.

Peachii -> RE: Pets/Guests (1/12/2011 20:49:36)

Toddler Dragon needs Damage Type: Melee changed to N/A (Normal Attack - or known as Fire Breath Attack is Magic, some other skills are melee)

All Armors - Attack! needs Young Hero and Dragonslayer linked.

For Baby Dragon I would like to see the whole points chart in one place instead of sending users to each individual skill to hunt for the info. It should be combination of the exiting skill list with your links along with Attack images

Mostly everything is alright except the images, maybe I'll get the image to focus on the skills more.

Just a concern: Will Toddler Dragon be applied to the whole point chart as well? If not I suggest maybe applying it in Attack Type 1, something like this:

Attack Type 1: The Toddler Dragon uses its default attack OR one of the skills that you have trained for it (for the whole point chart, see Baby Dragon), ....

Baby Dragon rewrite.

Baby Dragon

Location: Sunbreeze Grove -> Lady Celestia -> Baby Dragon Quests and Training -> Equip / Dragon Amulet Interface
Price: N/A
Sellback: N/A

Level Required: 5
Damage: See Fire Breath Attack below
Element: Elementize at Sunbreeze Grove
Bonuses: N/A

Fire Breath Attack - Normal Attack that does one hit of magic damage, with the damage fomula below:

Average Damage: Base dpt=Ceiling[Sqrt(Player's level)*2.5]

  • Ceiling(value) means that "value" is always rounded UP, even if it is 0.0001.

  • or does Any attack listed below

    1) Increase Player Healing % - Increase player healing % by x% for 3 turns.
  • 1SP: 11%
  • 9 SP: 12%
  • 17 SP: 13%
  • 25 SP: 14%
  • 33 SP: 15%

    2) Increase Player Block - Increase player's Block by x for 3 turns.
  • 41 SP: 8 Block
  • 49 SP: 9 Block
  • 57 SP: 10 Block
  • 65 SP: 11 Block
  • 73 SP: 12 Block

    3) Player Mana Refill - Refills x% of player's total mana.
  • 81 SP: 6%
  • 89 SP: 7%
  • 97 SP: 8%
  • 105 SP: 9%
  • 113 SP: 10%

    4) Heal Player - Heal player for x% of total health.
  • 121 SP: 6%
  • 129 SP: 7%
  • 137 SP: 8%
  • 145 SP: 9%
  • 153 SP: 10%

    5) Heals Player & Refills Player Mana - Refills player's HP and MP by x%.
  • 161 SP: 4%
  • 169 SP: 5%
  • 177 SP: 6%
  • 185 SP: 7%
  • 193 SP: 8%

    1) Elemental Ball - Summon an elemental ball that hits enemy for x% of pet magic damage.
  • 1 SP: 104%
  • 9 SP: 108%
  • 17 SP: 112%
  • 25 SP: 116%
  • 33 SP: 120%

    2) Elemental Stare - Lower enemy's resistance to <Element of your dragon> by x% for 3 turns.
  • 41 SP: 8%
  • 49 SP: 9%
  • 57 SP: 10%
  • 65 SP: 11%
  • 73 SP: 12%

    3) Elemental Beam - One hit of x% magic damage, with y% chance to stun.
  • 81 SP: 106% (damage), 2% (chance to stun)
  • 89 SP: 107% (damage), 4% (chance to stun)
  • 97 SP: 108% (damage), 6% (chance to stun)
  • 105 SP: 110% (damage), 8% (chance to stun)
  • 113 SP: 112% (damage), 10% (chance to stun)

    4) Elemental Breath - 100% magic damage, with x% DOT on enemy over 3 turns.
  • 121 SP: 48%
  • 129 SP: 51%
  • 137 SP: 54%
  • 145 SP: 57%
  • 153 SP: 60%

    5) Elemental Nova - x% magic damage, with y% critical chance.
  • 161 SP: 102% (damage), 80% (crit)
  • 169 SP: 104% (damage), 85% (crit)
  • 177 SP: 106% (damage), 90% (crit)
  • 185 SP: 108% (damage), 95% (crit)
  • 193 SP: 110% (damage), 100% (crit)

    1) Bite - Damages enemy for x% pet melee damage.
  • 1 SP: 104%
  • 9 SP: 108%
  • 17 SP: 112%
  • 25 SP: 116%
  • 33 SP: 120%

    2) Claw - 100% melee damage, with x% DOT on enemy over 3 turns.
  • 41 SP: 24%
  • 49 SP: 27%
  • 57 SP: 30%
  • 65 SP: 33%
  • 73 SP: 36%

    3) Ram - One hit of x% melee damage, with a y% chance of stun.
  • 81 SP: 106% (damage), 2% (chance to stun)
  • 89 SP: 107% (damage), 4% (chance to stun)
  • 97 SP: 108% (damage), 6% (chance to stun)
  • 105 SP: 109% (damage), 8% (chance to stun)
  • 113 SP: 110% (damage), 10% (chance to stun)

    4) Tail - 100% Damage +x% DoT over 3 Turns.
  • 120 SP: 48%
  • 128 SP: 51%
  • 136 SP: 54%
  • 144 SP: 57%
  • 152 SP: 60%

    5) Frenzy - Each hit with x% damage, total 6 hits of y%
  • 161 SP: (6 x 16)% damage, total of 96%
  • 169 SP: (6 x 17)% damage, total of 102%
  • 177 SP: (6 x 18)% damage, total of 108%
  • 185 SP: (6 x 19)% damage, total of 114%
  • 193 SP: (6 x 19)% damage, total of 114% (damage currently bugged)

    1) Increase Player Hit % - Increase player's chance to hit by x% for 2 turns.
  • 1 SP: 20%
  • 9 SP: 40%
  • 17 SP: 60%
  • 25 SP: 80%
  • 33 SP: 100%

    2) Increase Player END - Increase player's Endurance by x for 10 turns.
  • 41 SP: 5 END
  • 49 SP: 10 END
  • 57 SP: 15 END
  • 65 SP: 20 END
  • 73 SP: 25 END

    3) Increase Player INT - Increase player's INT by x for 10 turns.
  • 81 SP: 2 INT
  • 89 SP: 4 INT
  • 97 SP: 6 INT
  • 105 SP: 8 INT
  • 113 SP: 10 INT

    4) Increase Player Damage % - Boost player's damage by x% for 3 turns.
  • 121 SP: 6%
  • 129 SP: 7%
  • 137 SP: 8%
  • 145 SP: 9%
  • 153 SP: 10%

    5) Increase Player Critical % - Increase player's crit by x% for 3 turns.
  • 161 SP: 11%
  • 169 SP: 12%
  • 177 SP: 13%
  • 185 SP: 14%
  • 193 SP: 15%

    1) Reduce Enemy Damage % - Reduce enemy damage by x% for 3 turns.
  • 1 SP: 8%
  • 9 SP: 9%
  • 17 SP: 10%
  • 25 SP: 11%
  • 33 SP: 12%

    2) Reduce Enemy Hit % - Reduce enemy Bonus by x% for 3 turns.
  • 41 SP: 1%
  • 49 SP: 2%
  • 57 SP: 3%
  • 65 SP: 4%
  • 73 SP: 5%

    3) Reduce Enemy Resist to All Elements - Reduce enemy resist to All Elements by x% for 3 turns.
  • 81 SP: 1%
  • 89 SP: 2%
  • 97 SP: 3%
  • 105 SP: 4%
  • 113 SP: 5%

    4) Enemy Stun - x% chance to stun enemy for 1 turn.
  • 121 SP: 42%
  • 129 SP: 44%
  • 137 SP: 46%
  • 145 SP: 48%
  • 153 SP: 50%

    5) Shrinks Enemy - x% chance to shrink target.
  • 161 SP: 5%
  • 169 SP: 10%
  • 177 SP: 15%
  • 185 SP: 20%
  • 193 SP: 25%

  • SP=Stat Points
  • Requires completion of The Hatching to gain access to all baby dragon's stuffs.
  • By using 10,000 Gold, you can upgrade your Baby Dragon to Toddler Dragon.
  • Ability: Frenzy actually does 6 hits of damage instead of 5.


    Increase Player Healing
    Increase Player Block
    Player Mana Refill
    Heal Player
    Heals Player & Refills Player Mana
    Elemental Ball
    Elemental Stare
    Elemental Beam
    Elemental Breath
    Elemental Nova
    Increase Player Hit Image
    Increase Player END
    Increase Player INT
    Increase Player Damage
    Increase Player Critical
    Reduce Enemy Damage
    Reduce Enemy Hit
    Reduce Enemy Resist to All Elements
    Enemy Stun
    Shrinks Enemy

    Thanks to
    -- Elvard and TigerBoard to pointing out the general damage of dragons.
    -- BooBooBoy101 for getting second stage image.
    -- BadHulk for some notes and corrections.
    -- DragonBlade for updates.

    Done (with some modifications), thanks. [Niki]

  • Stephen Nix -> RE: Pets/Guests (1/15/2011 11:34:00)

    Ok about the new pets........

    Plushie Artix
    Plushie Ghost
    Plushie Thyton
    Plushie Cysero
    Plushie Tomix
    Plushie Rolith

    Each of these now have DC versions......they are the exact same except they need to be broken up obviously and with the image on the very bottom.....and,

    a DC tag
    war tag removed
    and this location..... Cysero's SuperStore of Savings - Rare Pets Shop

    EDIT: Yes they have the same DA tags that are on them such as Artix, and Tomix

    Also here's the DC's

    Plushie Tomix needs this...
    Price: 200 Dragon Coins
    Sellback: 180 DCs before 24 hours, 50 DCs after 24 hours

    Plushie Artix needs this...
    Price: 200 Dragon Coins
    Sellback: 180 DCs before 24 hours, 50 DCs after 24 hours

    Plushie Cysero needs this...
    Price: 175 Dragon Coins
    Sellback: 158 DCs before 24 hours, 44 DCs after 24 hours

    Plushie Rolith needs this...
    Price: 150 Dragon Coins
    Sellback: 113 DCs before 24 hours, 38 DCs after 24 hours

    Plushie Thyton needs this...
    Price: 125 Dragon Coins
    Sellback: 113 DCs before 24 hours, 31 DCs after 24 hours

    Plushie Ghost needs this...
    Price: 100 Dragon Coins
    Sellback: 90 DCs before 24 hours, 25 DCs after 24 hours

    All done, thanks. Will add the entries to Cysero's SuperStore tomorrow (probably) [Niki]

    Peachii -> RE: Pets/Guests (1/16/2011 21:06:06)

    Tomix (guest) needs new location: Altar Hill

    Plushie Xan's description: "This is the cutest pyromacer EVER!" the pyromacer needs to change to pyromancer! ;)

    Corrected the pyromancer description - I'll need to add appropriate links to the Tomix page, as a simple "Ravenloss" probably isn't the best way about it. Thanks. ;D (Yes, shiny new edit colour! 8D) [SamJJE101]

    Stephen Nix -> RE: Pets/Guests (1/16/2011 22:57:49)


    Tomix (guest) needs new location: Altar Hill

    Question or concern about this.... I thought we added Ravenloss to include it for all Ravenloss quests?

    If you add that one the rest of the quests should be added as basically take your pick!

    Any quest when he automatically joins should be written, along with any location that let you invite him along. [Niki]

    nightslayer321 -> RE: Pets/Guests (1/20/2011 8:42:31)

    The damage of the Lil' Squall is 15-21.

    Done, thanks. [Niki]

    Stephen Nix -> RE: Pets/Guests (1/21/2011 12:22:30)

    Last post I'm going to make until the release........

    Tomix needs the following locations......if the above statement is what we are going with!!!

    Dusk Alley
    Weaving Emporium
    Market District
    Silkwood Park
    Mystlyk Museum
    Dark Tower Penitentiary
    The Sewers

    Yes, these are the links I needed. Done, thanks. [Niki]

    Jorath -> RE: Pets/Guests (1/23/2011 14:42:49)

    You Need More Iron in your Diet needs new links for 20/30 Watt Brightbulb.

    Done, thanks. [Niki]

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