(DF) Mordred's Vengeance Comments and Criticism (Full Version)

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Mordred -> (DF) Mordred's Vengeance Comments and Criticism (5/17/2010 9:04:22)

Here you may make your comments and criticism on my developing novel of sorts. The link to it is http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=17603110

Crimzon5 -> RE: Mordred's Vengeance Comments (5/17/2010 9:50:54)

Hi Lord Voidstar.

Some errors I've found on the last post (which for now contains all the installments)


No longer was it dangerous to remain seperate on the mountain



"...And in other news, it has come to our attention that Mount Everest has erupted only just yesterday. Scientists are scratching their heads in bafflement, because who knew Mount Everest was really a volcano?"

Splendid! Nice way to make the story thrilling. However, when making a sci-fi story, try not to reference in your current time. Second, don't change facts (but let's say that Mr. X is the fastest person in our time. In the story, it could be possible that he had already been beaten).
* But I /think/ that Mt. Everest became a volcano -- meaning, it never was. Well yeah, I'd like to comment by stating how I'm being impacted by the story WHILE I read it


ho cared what happened in the Himalayas? There were far worse things to be worried about for them in the near future..

You either have an excess of one period OR a you lack one if you wish to use an ellipsis (which is three dots like this: ...). But of course, it'd be better use a period.


The coffins had been clawed open from the inside (if only Artix was there).
Oh yes. The first post says that this is a DF-AQ-Fan-Fic.


What woes befell Terra within those next weeks.

I think it'd be better to use an exclamation point here. When people say "What a pain it has been!" ... they speak in a certain tone that makes use of expression.


All abel bodied people were



defenses the President had stationed and defend their loved ones; including Harry.

turn it into a comma

Around this was a crag that surely led down to the fiery magma that gave the dracolich sustanance.



The chances of this great host being caught off guard was slim to none.

"Chances" is the subject, "was" is the main verb. One is plural, the other is used by singular ones. I'd change "was" to "were."


hearts had been chorrupted by the Emperor of the Shadowscythe

This word sounds familiar? Is it an AQW-term?


These thirteen thrones varied in hight by increments



will be refered to by their rank until their


Ooo, I loved reading the dialogue. Especially when you refer to people by just using their roman numeral name.


to himself.Lesser beings think at such a mediocre

You lack a space after the period


no doubt holding some arcane improtance


with a slight overhange


back, which will be explaine at a later date


: we could layest seige to the American capital

Some typos. "Siege" is spelled with I before the E


an almost indestructable titanium alloy



almost helf the military in the area was wiped



the catapulters released their deadly

Not sure if that's a real word. But if you look at it, it's still okay (and safer) to say if the catapults released their ammunition.


Harry was stupified; all he did was


Well, that's all I could find. Hope you keep this up and continue to improve.

Mordred -> RE: Mordred's Vengeance Comments (7/8/2010 21:54:05)

I'm beginning to think no one reads my work... I doubt that NO ONE can find ANYTHING wrong. I'm not that good. FYI, I did consider Crimzon5's input and make changes accordingly. Thank you for your feed back.

Mordred -> RE: Mordred's Vengeance Comments (9/14/2010 20:41:11)

Well, I recently added to Mordred's Vengeance. I will do so periodically in my free time. Sorry for the long wait, my seemingly non-existant readers.*sigh*

#Garete# -> RE: Mordred's Vengeance Comments (10/3/2010 11:58:23)

Your story is wonderful,although I hate the Drakonnan part,just just something-I-can't-describe...

Anyway I want you to continue it.

Mordred -> RE: Mordred's Vengeance Comments (10/3/2010 12:09:44)

You don't like the name, or all the parts with Drakonnan? I feel that they're not quite as well made myself. I'll try to work on that, but it's low-priority at the moment. I can't really get beginnings done well, and many writers have troubles with that as well. It'll get better as it goes on, though.

Mordred -> RE: Mordred's Vengeance Comments and Criticism (11/30/2010 6:23:01)

Been a while now. I recently went through my story, and took out tyops and other small errors. Enjoy.

Mritha -> RE: Mordred's Vengeance Comments and Criticism (1/12/2011 23:58:27)


Sorry for the long wait, my seemingly non-existant readers


I for one am loving you story, though I have mixed feelings toward Mordred. On one hand the guy is the leader of the Shadowscythe and from the looks of things is about to mop the floor with the entire dragonlord order. On the other, if not for him Sepulchure would have enslaved Lore long ago and with the way the dragonlords were acting, did they really leave him much choice? I'm really looking foward to seeing how this plays out :)

Mordred -> RE: Mordred's Vengeance Comments and Criticism (1/13/2011 6:41:15)

*chuckles* This is how I carefully crafted Mordred. I made him so that you have to form your own opinions on him, and not be handed a guy you love or hate right off the bat. And I'll be doing special things with Drakonnan, once I have time to pull in the long-haul and give an overdue update to this tale. }-]

Razen -> RE: Mordred's Vengeance Comments and Criticism (1/13/2011 6:50:03)

I still can't wait for the next piece of this. And, I'm still working on Part III of Razen's Story, out of XV. Intimidating, cause then there is the Book of Elkrei(XV-XX), Gahyl(XIV-XIX), Amdakir(X-XX), and then some others. Very intimidating.

Mordred -> RE: Mordred's Vengeance Comments and Criticism (1/13/2011 6:50:52)

Yeah. RL really gets in the way.

Razen -> RE: Mordred's Vengeance Comments and Criticism (1/13/2011 6:58:14)

Indeed, it does.

Well, I would get work on the story done faster if I were not already spread pretty thin, with the RPs on the RP sect of the Forums, drawing, school, homework, reading, so I have to find time to really want to type my story.

And Mordred, remember Part III, the break-in of the prison, that's what I'm working on! YES!

Mordred -> RE: Mordred's Vengeance Comments and Criticism (1/15/2011 20:49:43)

Finally found some time. I gave a small update, and now Mordred has pulled off something even he doesn't believe. Now, there's only one part of the battle left, and I might update it again today!

Razen -> RE: Mordred's Vengeance Comments and Criticism (1/15/2011 20:54:16)

That's pretty impressive feat there, yet my Zari can boast greater.

Mordred -> RE: Mordred's Vengeance Comments and Criticism (1/15/2011 21:10:45)

But he's not a god yet.[;)]

Razen -> RE: Mordred's Vengeance Comments and Criticism (1/15/2011 21:11:15)

Nor, are my Zari though. *Malicious Smile*

Mordred -> RE: Mordred's Vengeance Comments and Criticism (1/15/2011 21:14:59)

True. But then again, this is only the beginning. There's much, much more to Mordred's tale. And, since I'm bored, I'll make that update now.[:D]

Razen -> RE: Mordred's Vengeance Comments and Criticism (1/15/2011 21:16:00)

Suppose, I will start on either Part IV of Razen's Story or Start on another character, like Elkrei, Gahyl, or Admakir, what would you prefer?

Mordred -> RE: Mordred's Vengeance Comments and Criticism (1/15/2011 21:16:55)

Whatever's least important. You always leave the best for last.

Razen -> RE: Mordred's Vengeance Comments and Criticism (1/15/2011 21:18:49)

Mordred: Well, Part IV then!

Mordred -> RE: Mordred's Vengeance Comments and Criticism (1/15/2011 22:47:54)

Updated! Family ties are broken for good(or are they?), and Mordred shows how ruthless he can be! Nothing as epic as last time, but soon, very soon...

Razen -> RE: Mordred's Vengeance Comments and Criticism (1/15/2011 22:54:47)

That sounded pretty awesome. Just wait for what Elkrei does though. *Malicious Smile*

Mordred -> RE: Mordred's Vengeance Comments and Criticism (1/15/2011 22:55:32)

What did? My comment here? Or the actual L&L?

Razen -> RE: Mordred's Vengeance Comments and Criticism (1/15/2011 22:56:31)

The L&L and comment.

Mordred -> RE: Mordred's Vengeance Comments and Criticism (1/15/2011 22:57:14)

What do you think of the free-verse poem? Does it seem too strained?

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