Summoning (Boss Fight), The (Full Version)

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Voodoo Master -> Summoning (Boss Fight), The (9/14/2013 3:07:18)

The Summoning

Location: The 13th 13th! -> War Camp! -> Boss Fight!
Requirements: 100% War Meter None
Release Date: September 13th, 2013

Objective: The ultimate villain has been summoned!
Objective completed: This is not the last you've seen of Baron Valtrith... Monstervania is coming this October!

Experience rewarded: Scaled
Gold rewarded: Scaled

(1) Valtrith - Boss

Baron Valtrith
High Cultist

Cultist Hood
Dark Cultist Hood
Evil Cultist Hood
Villainous Cultist Hood
Malicious Cultist Hood
Foul Cultist Hood
Doomed Cultist Hood
Brutal Cultist Hood

Access to Cultist Hood (Shop).

*The High Cultist is standing in a big circle of rocks, in front of a stone table, somewhere in DoomWood*

*Then he raises his scythe, and seven cultists appear out of thin air, each holding a different artifact. They place them in a circle on the table*

High Cultist: The war has been a success. With the distraction in Falconreach, we've been able to achieve our true goal...
High Cultist: ... gathering artifacts from the some of the most evil villains that Lore has ever seen.
High Cultist: Using these pieces we shall summon the ultimate villain.

*He raises his scythe. The piece of the DoomKnight armor rises to the air and glows red*

High Cultist: One with the devotion to darkness of Sepulchure...

*The puppet rises and starts glowing as well*

High Cultist: The ruthlessness of Xan...

*Sek Duat's mask joins them*

High Cultist: The necromantic powers of Sek Duat...

*The icicle is next*

High Cultist: The cold capability of the ice dragon, Aisha...

*...then the purple crystal and Edgar's hand...*

High Cultist: The tenacity of the Necromantress and her brother...

*And finally, the mysterious necklace rises to the air and glows red*

High Cultist: And the daring of Yalla...
High Cultist: Where they failed, our new master shall succeed. There shall be nothing he cannot conquer. Nothing he cannot defeat.
High Cultist: Join now, my dark brothers and sisters, join now so our master can arise!

*All the cultists join hands and circle the table. The artifacts combine, and the ultimate villain is summoned...*

High Cultist: The Baron has come!
Cultists: The Baron!
Cultists: The Baron!
High Cultist: Baron Jaysun Valtrith, the ultimate villain, who shall bring death and destruction and darkness to all of Lore!
Baron Valtrith: Show me the way to my enemy, cultist. I must test their powers to lay my path for conquering this world.
Cultists: To Falconreach!
Cultists: Falconreach!

*Meanwhile, in Falconreach, pink mist starts covering everything. Ash, the hero and a Guardian are talking outside the Guardian tower*

Guardian: The monster waves have pulled back!
Ash: It's not over yet... Can you feel it, <Character>?
<Character>: Something is coming... I...

*A dark figure is flying in front of the moon. The camera zooms on Jaysun. He has hunger in his eyes*

  • Battle!
  • Extreme Battle!

    *After you win, Jaysun smiles behind his mask*

    Baron Valtrith: A worthy opponent. I shall enjoy breaking you and all you protect.

    *Then he teleports away*

    <Character>: What... Who was that?
    Ash: I... have no idea, but it's definitely not the last we've seen of him.

  • Complete Quest
  • Loot Shop - opens Cultist Hood (Shop).

    Next Up: Forest Hunt

  • Page: [1]

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