RE: Quests - Read the first post! (Full Version)

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Brasca123 -> RE: Quests - Read the first post! (2/21/2016 17:39:32)


Play the Harpie

Location: Robina's Shop » Quests! » Next » Next » Next » Next » Play the Harpie

«Scene: Eukara Vox's class, Jimmy enters the class.»

Jimmy: GUESS WHAT!?!
Eukara Vox: Jimmy, that is not how we enter the classroom when we are late.

«Jimmy leaves and enters the classroom.»

Jimmy: I kheper m-khet a'at I sedjem ... ianew em kekeway shen. Harpie hemsi I maa em hat-ib.

««You» enter the classroom.»

Eukara Vox: Harpie? Sadness?
Jimmy: Yes! She--
Eukara Vox: Unless your excuse is done, continue in VI'dor.
Jimmy: *groans*
«You»: VI'dor?
Jimmy: Netes khen, mesneh. I sewetwet wetekh.
Eukara Vox: Thank you, Jimmy. Your explanation excuses your tardiness.
«You»: He... he just said something that made sense?
Sora: Yes, «You». If we are late, we have to tell Ms. Vox why in VI'dor. Her language. Sheesh, where have you been?
Eukara Vox: Sora, manners!
Sora: My apologies, «You».
«You»: I accept... I think... What did Jimmy say?
Eukara Vox: Who wants to translate for «You»? How about Noah?
Noah «You», Jimmy said that on his way here he heard a strange sound in the shadows of the trees. When he looked, he saw a harpie crying.
Noah The harpie just looked at him, then ran away. Then, he walked as fast as he could to get here.
«You»: Wait... harpies, crying? What? They are just monsters. They don't have emotions.
«The Class»: Mmmmhmmmm...
«You»: I don't like the sounds your class makes, Ms. Vox.
Eukara Vox: Perhaps there is more to harpies than we think?
«You»: What, violent feathers and sharp claws aren't enough?

«Eukara Vox's staff disappears and a book appears in it's place»

Eukara Vox: Book of Monsters: Lore. Here we go. Shall we look in the book and see what we can learn?
«You»: Oh no... no, not today. I would like to stay here, in Battleon, where I feel SAFE.
«Class»: Read! Read! Read! Read!
«You»: I can't tell who encourages who around here....
Eukara Vox: The monsters of Lore are all fascinating, each with an interesting story.
Eukara Vox: Some are merely creatures who have adapted to life through the millennia; others are not what they seem. Harpies are the latter.
«You»: Oh no... no, not today. I would like to stay here, in Battleon, where I feel SAFE.

«Blue streams of light start appearing on the classroom»

«You»: Yep, here we go.

«The screen flashes and «You», the students and Eukara Vox are teleported to a jungle»

«You»: Some of these plants look familiar. Much like the plants from the Dark Jungle. Though, these are much brighter and less ominous.
Eukara Vox: We are actually where the Dark Jungle will eventually be. Right now, according to the book, we are in Draven Wood.
Eukara Vox: Come children, stay close to «You» and me. It is time to learn.
«You»: Learn what exactly?
Eukara Vox: Why, who the harpies are! Surely you put two and two together?
«You»: Yeah, yeah, of course.
«Students»: *giggles*
«You»: What?
«Timmy»: You look like a Harpie, but softer and less feathers.
«You»: I, what?
Eukara Vox: Well, how else are you to learn? Become one with the lesson! To everyone around you, you look like one of them.
Eukara Vox: But, we can see your true form, though the children can see both. No fears, you will not retain this form.
«You»: Great...
???: They attack again. My people, let us guard our children! Beat them back!

«Two armed women pass briefly through the screen»

Eukara Vox: Sounds like your cue, «You».
    Full Heal

    1 BATTLE: Ancient Sneak
    Full Heal
««You», Eukara Vox, the children and 3 armed women are faced with an Ancient Sneak»

???: You will leave our lands. there is nothing for you here.
Ancient Sneak: Oh, but there isssss. Your children are plump. Your landssss are ssssucculant and warm. And your waterssss are youthful.
???: My people have lived here for longer than yours have known civilisation. Be gone and leave us be!
Ancient Sneak: You have today'ssss victory in the bag, Ssssssetna. But, i will be back. You are tired and injured. Your people are ready for plucking. Be ready...

«The Ancient Sneak leaves»

Setna: Quiet my people. We will prevail
Liul: But how? Every time, we grow weaker. The sneak... are too numerous and too resilent
Setna: I have a plan. Follow me

«The 3 women leave the scene»

«You»: Those... are sneaks? What in the name of the Light Lord happened?
Eukara Vox: All things are what they are because of what they were. That is an age old lesson. Are you curious, «You»?
«You»: Definitely. I'm going to join the village.

«The 3 women are once again on the scene, Setna is kneeling while the other 2 seem to be bewildered, «You» and a spirit enter the scene»

Setna: Greetings, Tjaw-ba.
Tjaw-ba: You have remembered one of my many names correctly, Setna-aped.
Setna: I am humbled by your presence. To be graced by such an ancient one....
Tjaw-ba: What is it you wish to trade for?
Setna: The safety of my people and our children. Now, and for the time to come.
Tjaw-ba: Are you prepared to pay?

«Setna raises her head»

Setna: I will do whatever it takes to keep my people alive, Ancient One.
Tjaw-ba: So be it.

«The screen becomes darker, a dark cloud appears atop the women, lighting falls from the cloud, the women turn pure white, the cloud and the lightnings disappear, the screen goes back to it's usual color»

Tjaw-ba: Darkest, deepest, thirstiest need, take to quell your hungriest greed.

«Another lightning appear at the women, they are turned into Harpies»

Setna: ....
Setna: !!!!
Tjaw-ba: Whatever it took, Setna-aped. That is what you said. Surely, you knew the price for bargaining with one of us.
Setna: !!!!
Tjaw-ba: The ancients take what they deem necessary. It is part of the trade.
Tjaw-ba: You will find, Setna-aped, that you will, for eternity, be able to defeat the sneaks. They have lost as well, but you will always, ALWAYS defeat them.

«The spirit leaves, the surprised harpies leave right after, the screen fades, and after that «You» appear alone»

«You»: This is NOT what i imagined.
    Full Heal after every second battle.
«Some harpies gather together, «You» appear and an Ancient Sneak right after»

«You»: Oh, low, even for a sneak....
    1 BATTLE: Ancient Sneak
    Full Heal
«The harpies are gathered around, «You» are still, the children and Eukara Vox come close to you, the screen flashes and you're back at the classroom»

Sora: Ms. Vox? The Ancient One... Tjaw-ba. It spoke of eternity. Does that mean that they never died?
Eukara Vox: That is my interpretation, Sora.
Noah: So... the harpie that Jimmy saw. Could that have been Setna?
«You»: I... I am not sure how to look at harpies anymore.
Jimmy: If it was Setna... she still hurts because of what Tjaw-ba did to her people.
Eukara Vox: Tjaw-ba... I have work to do.

Play the Harpie

Shop Weapons
  • Harpy Talon [L. 10, 30, 50, 70, 90, 110, 130, 150 G]
  • Feather Buster [L. 10, 30, 50, 70, 90, 110, 130, 150 G]

    Shop Pets
  • Harpy Dragon [L. 10, 30, 50, 70, 90, 110, 130, 150 G]

  • Play again!
  • Guardian Tower!
  • Leave

  • Ward got this. ~Carandor


    Layard's Deception
    Clyde's Repertorium

    Prerequisites: Must have completed An Unusual Invitation
    Location: Travel Map » Clyde's Forge » More » Your Weapons.... » Layard's Deception

    «Scene: «You» at Clyde's Forge together with Clyde and Kick.»

    Clyde: Interesting Choice, but ok.
    Clyde: I have to warn you though, my stories are... very immersive? I guess would be the word.
    «You»: Of course they are...
    Clyde: You sure you'd like to proceed?
    «You»: Sure, why not? Thank you for warning me.
    Kick: It's so he doesn't feel guilty later.
    «You»: Guilty for what?
    Clyde: Let's begin!

    «Screen fades»

    «You»: So um, what did Kick mean back there?
    Clyde: I will tell you of Layard's Deception!
    «You»: Just going to ignore me huh?
    Clyde: This will be a very interesting tale.
    «You»: M'kay...

    ««You» suddenly appear on a mountainous background, Layard is there as well»

    Clyde: He was a good fighter and a gifted strategist. He served as Omelyhis' right hand for many years.
    «You»: So he betrayed him? Some friend.
    Clyde: Would you let me finish?!
    Clyde: Anyways, one day...

    «Screen fades and now «You» are at the front of a castle»

    Clyde: He betrayed Omelyhis.

    «Layard flees from the castle entrance, three knights appear following him a bit after, they stop a bit after going through the door»

    Knight: You! Where did the traitor go!
    «You»: Wait, you can see me?
    Knight: You must be working for him!
    «You»: What!?
      2 BATTLES: Knight
      Full Heal
    «You»: What just happened?
    Kick: Soul Immersion.
    «You»: Anyone going to explain what that means?
    Clyde: Not really.
    «You»: Oh, okay...

    «Screen fades, a crown is shown»

    Clyde: Layard had stolen one of Omelyhis' most precious treasures....
    Clyde: ... .his crown.
    «You»: Really? It's just a beat up piece of metal.
    Clyde: To you maybe, but it was a symbol to him and the crown itself was a key.
    «You»: A key? A key to what?
    Clyde: Not what, but who.
    Kick: Ahem, WHOM, Clyde.
    Clyde: Of the all moglins i had to save....
    «You»: Then who?
    Clyde: Just let the story unfold.
    Clyde: Layard was too cunning for those knights, they couldn't catch him.
    Clyde: After a few days - I don't know, maybe from exhaustion - he was caught.

    «Screen fades, in a mountainous background, Layard is seen next to a hooded character with a baby in hand»

    Layard: I've brought you the crown, stranger, now return the young princess.
    ???: Of course.

    «They exchange the baby for the crown»

    ???: Sad, isn't it? A man so obsessed with being King, he completely forgets his own family.
    Layard: It's not like that! You know nothing!
    ???: Tsk tsk, such devout loyalty is dangerous.
    Layard: Speak ill of the King again and I will take your legs and let you crawl back to whatever vile place you came from!
    ???: So hostile, but i will take my leave. it seems you have company.
    Layard: What!? Was this a trap!?

    «The Hooded character goes away flying, «You» enter the Scene»

    «You»: What the!? Clyde!?
    Layard: Clyde? Was it the Soul Smith that sent you? Or Omelyhis?
    «You»: No! Well, yes, I guess technically you could say that -
    Layard: It matters not. I'm in a very foul mood and my shadowy friend just escaped because of you.
    «You»: Can't we talk this out?
      1 BATTLE: Layard
      Full Heal
    Layard: Not bad at all, stranger. Maybe you would be better suited to aide the King than I.
    «You»: No, just tell him what happened. I'm sure he'll understand.
    Layard: Ha! Clearly you must be new here. In Sir Omelyhis' mind, I'm already dead. Besides, after betraying his trust... I could never face him.
    «You»: There had to be another way!
    Layard: There wasn't. Whoever this cloaked person is, he is very dangerous, especially after he has figured out the crown is a fake.
    «You»: You gave him a duplicate?
    Layard: Yes, I had our friend Clyde create one just for this very reason. I would never just willingly hand over the crown.
    «You»: But-
    Layard: Listen, I'd love to answer all your questions, but if you found me then the knights can't be too far behind.
    Layard: Since you bashed them up a little last time you met I don't think they'll be too happy to see you.
    «You»: What're you going to do?
    Layard: I'm going to surrender and accept my punishment for treason.
    «You»: ... I understand.
    Layard: Do me a favor...?
    «You»: «You».
    Layard: «You», find whoever is behind all this and bring them to justice.
    «You»: I will.

    ««You» disappear, the knights arrive and approach Layard.»

    Knight: There you are!
    Layard: I surrender.
    Knight: Smart choice. Traitor.
    Knight: What is the princess doing here!?
    Knight: C'mon you!

    ««You» are suddenly back at Clyde's Forge, in front of Clyde and Kick.»

    «You»: What happened to Layard!?
    Clyde: He was sent away for life, which is pretty lenient considering his offense.
    «You»: Why didn't he have the weapon you made?
    Clyde: Layard was a very prideful person. You'd really think he'd wield a weapon called Layard's Deception?
    «You»: Why did you name it that?
    Clyde: I didn't, it names itself really. I have no choice in it, just like making the weapon.
    «You»: What do you mean?
    Clyde: Geesh you ask a lot of questions. I've got a lot of work to do, Kick, if you'd be so kind as to escort our guest out?
    Kick: So rude.
    «You»: Honestly.
    Clyde: Until next time, «You».

    Layard's Deception

    Shop Weapons
  • Layard's Spear [L. 3, 23, 43, 63, 83, 103, 123, 133, 143 G]

    Shop Misc
  • Layard's Loyalty [L. 3, 23, 43, 63, 83, 103, 123, 143 G]

  • Play again!
  • Guardian Tower!
  • Leave

  • Got this. ~Carandor

    note: on the last dialog lines of the knights, the one that says "What is the princess doing here!?" is a different one than the one that said the other 3 phrases, not sure if there should be something to differentiate them

    Tep Itaki -> RE: Quests - Read the first post! (2/23/2016 6:10:48)

    Because I can't sleep...

    Blades of Victory!
    Which path will you choose?

    Location: Battleon » Warlic's Shop » Quests » Blades of Victory!

    Blades of Victory

    You must decide: Will you battle through the Underworld to turn your Blade of Victory into a weapon of despair? Or will you face the enemies of the Sky Realm to create a weapon of glory?

  • Search for gems!
  • Blades of Victory?
  • Back to Town!

    Blades of Victory?

    Warlic: Hello «You». The Blade of Victory is a very special weapon indeed.
    Warlic: Imbuing it with with either 3 Dark Aura Gems or Bright Aura Gems will determine if the weapon becomes a Dark Blade of Victory or a Bright Blade of Victory.
    *Extra word typo in-game
    Warlic: Once you have one, you can then imbue it with 6 more gems to unlock their ultimate versions.
    Warlic: I have created access to the dimensions through which you must battle. In the Underworld you will find Dark Aura Gems. The Sky Realm holds the Bright Aura gems.
    Warlic: Be wary though, «You».
    These gems are jealously guarded by powerful creatures. Once you travel to these realms I will no longer be able to help you.

    Search for gems! or after Warlic explains what Blades of Victory are

    Warlic: For which gem do you want to search?
  • Dark Aura Gem
  • Bright Aura Gem
  • Base Blade of Victory Shop
  • Leave

    Choosing either gem option

    Warlic: Good luck on your journey. If you die in combat or return to town, all of the gems you collected will be lost and you will have to start over.
  • I'm ready!


    There is a gem embedded in the wall here! Do you have the strength to pry it out?
    Difficulty: 90
    Stat Used: Strength

    Sneaky Sneaky
    There is a gem, but it's being guarded by a TON of enemies. Can you sneak your way through and steal it with no one noticing?
    Difficulty: 90
    Stat Used: Dexterity

    It FEELS like there's a gem nearby! Can you use your magical intuition to detect it?
    Difficulty: 90
    Stat Used: Intelligence

    What do you get?
    There's a gem here, but it's cursed to act as a heavy loadstone. Do you have the endurance to haul it back to Warlic?
    Difficulty: 90
    Stat Used: Endurance

    There's no gem here - just some minor creatures milling aout. Can you convince them to tell you where a gem is?
    Difficulty: 90
    Stat Used: Charisma

    DUN dun DUNNNN
    There's no gem here. OR IS THERE?!?!
    Difficulty: 90
    Stat Used: Luck

    «If you fail the stat roll, you return back to Warlic. If you succeed, you get the gem before getting back to Warlic. Full heal either way.»

    Base Blade of Victory Shop/Turn in!

    Warlic: Sorry, perhaps I was unclear - if you wish to purchase a higher-tiered verion than that, then you do not have to first buy this tier. Just continue questing for the final weapon you want.
  • Shopping!(opens shop)
  • Back

    «If you didn't click the "Turn in!" button then closed the shop.»

    Warlic: You now have the base Blade of Victory! Continue questing to imbue it with the powers of Light or Darkness.

    «If you clicked the "Turn in!" button then closed the shop.»

    Warlic: Excellent work, «You». I have imbued the gems and crafted a mighty weapon for you.

    Blade of Victory

  • Silver Blade of Victory [L. 10, 30, 50, 70, 90, 110, 130, 135Z, 150 G]
  • Silver Glaive of Victory [L. 10, 30, 50, 70, 90, 110, 130, 135Z, 150 G]

    Dark Blade of Victory

  • Dark Blade of Victory [L. 10, 30, 50, 70, 90, 110, 130, 150 G]
  • Dark Glaive of Victory [L. 10, 30, 50, 70, 90, 110, 130, 150 G]
  • Silver Blade of Victory Z [L. 135Z]
  • Silver Glaive of Victory Z[L. 135Z]
    *Not a mistake, Z version of Dark Blade/Glaive of Victory is not here

    Bright Blade of Victory

  • Bright Blade of Victory [L. 10, 30, 50, 70, 90, 110, 130, 135Z, 150 G]
  • Bright Glaive of Victory [L. 10, 30, 50, 70, 90, 110, 130, 135Z, 150 G]

    Greater Dark Blade of Victory

  • Greater Dark Blade of Victory [L. 10, 30, 50, 70, 90, 110, 130, 135Z, 150 G]
  • Greater Dark Glaive of Victory [L. 10, 30, 50, 70, 90, 110, 130, 135Z, 150 G]

    Greater Bright Blade of Victory

  • Greater Bright Blade of Victory [L. 10, 30, 50, 70, 90, 110, 130, 135Z, 150 G]
  • Greater Bright Glaive of Victory [L. 10, 30, 50, 70, 90, 110, 130, 135Z, 150 G]

    NOTE: Dark/Bright Blade/Glaive of Victory shops requires you to get 3 gems of respective alignment to open. Greater Dark/Bright Blade/Glaive of Victory shops requires 6 more gems of respective alignment to open.

  • KlawdStrife -> RE: Quests - Read the first post! (2/23/2016 22:08:23)


    Burning Questions

    Location: Travel Map » Chessmaster Saga » 15. Burning Questions

    «Scene: A pair of blue and yellow eyed creatures are conversing in a dark cave.»

    Luminous Wyrm: HE DID WHAT???
    Arctic Horror: You’re surprised? I thought you were supposed to be the "bright" one. Did you really not think someone as hot headed as him wouldn’t jump at this chance?
    Luminous Wyrm: I’d think he’d have enough sense not to- I mean this…
    Luminous Wyrm: …I’m surrounded by morons.
    Luminous Wyrm: Do you have any idea how much this could set back our mistress’s plans?
    Artic Horror: Oh, do enlighten me. Your criticism of our brother’s action should be most illuminating.
    Luminous Wyrm: … You’re mocking me, aren’t you? Do you have no sense of duty at all?
    Terrapin: Far from it.

    «A pair of green eyes open.»

    Terrapin: He just has faith in our mistress’s plans.

    Meanwhile, in another part of lore…

    «Scene: You're in a jail where Karuna is locked behind bars.»

    Karuna: "Why don’t we just go through this village, Karuna?" "I’m sure it’s nothing, Karuna." "TRUST ME, Karuna." "I’m sure you’re overreacting, Karuna"
    Karuna: …Now do you see why I didn’t want to come here??
    «You»: It was the fastest route to Deren!
    Karuna: Which I was avoiding for a reason! Do I really have to spell it out? They. Don’t. Like. Me. Here.
    «You»: I’m sorry, alright! I didn’t know!
    Karuna: *Snort*
    «You»: Hey, you weren’t exactly Ms. Exposition back there!
    Karuna: Is it too much to ask that you take some things on faith??
    «You»: *sigh* Listen, I said I’d get you out of this, didn’t I? Can’t you just trust me to do that?
    Karuna: My trust in you is what got me in here in the first place.

    «Karuna walks out of the scene.»

    «You»: (thinking) …I swear, make one mistake and-

    «Kamui walks in the scene.»

    «You»: Kamui?
    Kamui: «You»?
    «You»: What are you doing in here?

    After catching Kamui up on the recent events…

    «You»: …and then they just took the statue and tossed her in here.
    Kamui: Interesting. Does she have a criminal record?
    «You»: I don’t think so. But…you know, come to think of it, I’ve never heard her talk about her past.
    Kamui: Have you tried asking?
    «You»: Somehow, I doubt she’s feeling very chatty. I don’t know if you noticed, but she’s kinda angry at me right now.
    Kamui: Well that’s where you use your noggin. Ask her questions, see where she’s being deceptive and zero in on those details.
    «You»: Uh-huh…and how exactly do you expect me to do that?
    Kamui: Well you just use your…oh right, 'deception' isn’t usually a part of the visible spectrum, is it? Hang on a second, I think I have something for that.

    «Kamui opens up a portal and tries to grab something in it.»

    Kamui: Hmm… no that’s the makeup gun… and that’s the bacteria culture… instant cooking tools, salamander cannon, absolute zero fridge… huh, so that’s where I put my sink….
    Kamui: Aha! That feels like them!

    «Kamui took out a necklace from the portal and closes it.»

    Kamui: Wait… that blue eye’s not right. That’s my incendiary suppression project. Hmm… well I guess one eye work well enough for this. Here you go.

  • Take the necklace

    Kamui: As the name suggests, the Occular Parser for Truth In Conversations (OPTIC, for short)….
    Kamui: … is designed to analyze the physical and chemical signals the speaker displays as he or she speaks.
    Kamui: Thereby determining whether or not that person is hiding something, and showing results on a convenient Heads-Up-Display.
    Kamui: Quite simple, it will show you when someone’s being deceptive, evasive and/or belligerent. Guaranteed to occassionaly get you answers most of the time, maybe.
    Kamui: Now if you’ll excuse me, the maintenance of my LSN should be finishing up pretty soon.

    «Kamui starts to walk out.»

    «You»: Wait, you’re leaving? Why? I KNOW you didn’t just come here to give these to me!
    Kamui: True. In all honesty, I was trying to get a hold of your friend, but seeing how she’s in jail and I’m not comfortable getting people to sign testing waivers under duress.
    Kamui: It’s not exactly a good time for that. I am a principled scientist, after all.
    «You»: … And here I thought you were a Mad Scientist.
    Kamui: Don’t be silly, «You». The two aren’t mutually exclusive.

    «Kamui exits the scene.»

    «You»: (thinking) …What a strange guy.
    Karuna: So then, is your great plan to get me out of here "stand around in the jail"?

    «Karuna re-enters the scene.»

    Karuna: Because really, I think I have that covered on my own.
    «You»: *sigh* Listen, Karuna, I want to help you, but I need to know something first. Why do these people hate you?
    Karuna: ….

    «A transparent vault appears below Karuna.»

    «You»: What the?
    Karuna: ?

    «The vault fades away.»

    «You»: Did you just see that?
    Karuna: See what?
    «You»: (thinking) OK, she didn’t... so what-oh right, the OPTIC thing Kamui gave me. This must be what he was talking about.

    Detective Time! Click on a location to explore it!

    «You are shown an overview of the town. On the top right corner a credibility counter is shown. There are four main locations that you can explore. From left to right: The Jail, Fritz's House, Town Crossroads, and the Lada House. You need to collect clues from these places to determine the truth about Karuna.»


    «After meeting certain conditions, Fritz will be present when you visit Karuna and a Yes option is would be added.»

    «You»: (thinking) Ok, Karuna obviously didn’t want to talk about this, but if I want to help her, I’ll need to know. But do I really know enough to make her talk?

  • YES!

    «You»: Alright, Karuna. I know you don’t want to talk to me right now, but if I’m going to get you out of here, I need you to trust me and be able to talk to me.
    «You»: So, before we go anywhere else, let’s talk about this town and your family.
    Karuna: ….

    «A transparent vault appears below Karuna.»

    «You»: (thinking) It’s never easy with her, is it?
    «You»: I’m starting to get an idea of what happened. Fritz confirmed that you lived here as a kid. Probably until you were around seven years old?
    Karuna: ….
    «You»: At least that’s what the height marks in the Lada House suggest. After all they simply stop at 6. Am I wrong, Karuna Lada?
    Karuna: ….
    «You»: And that that was, what, about 20 years ago now?
    Karuna: … yes.
    «You»: About the same time as the lightbringer attack?
    Karuna: !!
    «You»: Given that the villages apparently blame you for the attack, I’d venture to guess that the two events were related. Do you want to fill me in, or should I guess?
    «You»: Guessing it is then.
    «You»: So why did the lightbringers attack?
    • You drew them in!

      «You»: You were probably out playing in the woods, angered a group of lightbringers and ran back to town with them hot on your heels! I’m right, aren’t I?
      Karuna: …Oh gee. I have been found out. The villagers hate me because I was a careless child in the woods, like so many before me.
      Karuna: They hold me personally responsible for having the forethought of a child…when I was child. How ever did you figure it out?
      «You»: (thinking) …Ok, it was a bad idea, but I’m not sure it deserved that kind of snark.

    • You defended them!

      «You»: It’s simple really. After the attack, while the town was still licking its wounds you suggested that they weren’t all bad. The adults didn’t like that and ran you out of town.
      Fritz: …They ran a six year old girl out of town for holding an unpopular opinion? Just what kind of monsters do you think live here?
      «You»: (thinking) ….Yeah, I guess that is kinda an extreme reaction even if I assumed the town was crazy. Whoops.

    • They came for you!

      «You»: The lightbringers didn’t just attack for no reason. They were looking for something. Or rather, they were looking for someone. They were looking for you, weren’t they?
      Karuna: !!
      Karuna: That’s – no. What makes you think that they’d have any reason to look for me??
      «You»: What reason indeed?

      • Present Marks!

        Fritz: Er…what does that probe exactly?
        «You»: They prove that…wait, wrong evidence.

      • Present The’Galin Statue

        Fritz: Ooh, that’s a nice statue. I don’t think I’ve seen that before.
        Karuna: …You? Baldev just made that a few week ago, remember?
        Fritz: Baldev?
        Karuna: My son.
        Fritz: Oh…
        «You»: (thinking) Well, that didn’t work out.

      • Present Drawing

        Karuna: Is that…?
        «You»: A drawing that I found in your old house. It’s a picture of you and Fritz.

        «The paper drawing is shown on the screen.»

        «You»: And I can’t help but notice that you aren’t wearing your headband in it.
        «You»: Funny thing about that mark on your head, I’ve only ever seen anything like that…
        «You»: On a Lightbringer.
        Karuna: !!

        «The vault dial turns.»

        «You»: You’re half-lightbringer, aren’t you Karuna?
        Karuna: ….

        «The vault opens before promptly disappearing.»

        Karuna: I suppose there is no point in hiding it any more. Figures, every time I think you’re just going to charge forward, you go and attack from a different angle.

        «Zooms in on Karuna without her headband on which shows the mark on her forehead.»

        Karuna: You got me. My mother was lightbringer. It wasn’t until the attack that l learned what that meant to the village.
        Karuna: *wry chuckle* They probably never liked us, really. I think Fritz was the only one to stand up for me after the attack, and the adults weren’t going to listen to an eight year old.

        «Zooms back.»

        Fritz: *mutter* insufferable jerks.
        «You»: Holding a grudge, are we?
        Fritz: They exile my best friend because some lightbringers thought she was “impure” – or some other nonsense – and attacked the town to get to her!
        Fritz: Of course I’m holding a grudge!
        «You»: Impure?
        Fritz: I dunno, that’s what they were muttering about when they attacked. By the end of it, Karuna had lost her parents and what did the elders do?
        Fritz: They blamed her for it! Even at 8 years old I knew how dumb that was!
        «You»: …and that’s what they blame you for? The Lightbringer attack?
        Karuna: Pretty much. So, what now? Are you going to see that “justice” is served?
        «You»: Of course. I said that I was going to get you out of here, didn’t I?
        Karuna: Huh?
        «You»: I’m going to get you out. I already knew that you were innocent of the theft charge, I just had to know what you were being so dodgy about.
        «You»: If I’d known that you were just sensitive about your heritage…
        Karuna: I – Thank you, You.
        «You»: Hey, that’s what friends do, isn’t it?
  • NO!

    «You»: (thinking) Hmm, guess I should probably look around a bit more before I ask…


    «You»: Hm, no one here. And I probably shouldn’t be breaking and entering unless I have a good reason.

    «After going through certain scenes. You knock on the door.»

    «You»: Fritz! Come on! I need to talk to you!’
    Fritz: Sorry, can’t help you! I’ve got an…infestation! Yeah that’s it! I’ve got to deal with an infestation of…wait what’s that rabbit doing?

    «The area shakes.»

    Fritz: OH GODS! Somebody help me!
    «You»: (thinking) Well, I’ve had worse reasons to break in a door!
      2 BATTLE : Bun-Broiler, Bun-Bard (Random order)
      Full Heal
    «You»: …Bun-Bits again? I swear those things are everywhere these days.
    Fritz: Oh thank you! I don’t know how I can replay you for your help.
    «You»: You could start by answering my questions.
    Fritz: Oh… right….

    «A transparent vault appears below Fritz.»

    «You»: (thinking) This again?
    «You»: Is something wrong, Fritz? You seem nervous,
    Fritz: Nervous? Aheh… why ever would I be nervous?
    «You»: (thinking) I wonder…maybe it’s…
    • Ill be back! Return to town

      «You»: Excuse me, I need to check something.
      «You»: Don’t leave town.
      Fritz: Er…ok?

    • You’ve done something sinister!

      «You»: You’ve clearly done something wrong! Admit it!
      Fritz: …Is this your first interrogation or something?
      «You»: Er…yes…
      Fritz: It shows. Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll get the hang of it eventually.
      «You»: (thinking) Smooth, You. You’re lucky this guy is humoring you after that stunt.

    • You’re a thief!

      «You»: I caught you while you were stealing from the Lada House!
      Fritz: ….
      «You»: ….
      Both: ……..
      Fritz: So wait…you think I was stealing from a house that nobody lived in for nearly twenty years? I’m sorry, but are you daft?
      «You»: (thinking) Well, when he puts it like that, it does sound silly.

    • You knew Karuna.

      «You»: It’s obvious really. You knew Karuna when you were younger!
      Fritz: !!!

      «The vault dial turns.»

      Fritz: …Yeah…I knew her. I don’t see what that matters though. It’s not a crime to know someone.
      «You»: No, but you didn’t just know her in passing, did you?
      Fritz: And how would you know that?

      • A HUNCH!

        «You»: It’s natural conclusion!
        Fritz: …and?
        «You»: (thinking) …I really did not think that one through, did I?

      • The Marks! [Appears only after a certain condition is met]

        «You»: I found marks on the wall at the Lada house.
        Fritz: …I’m sorry, but have you seen the state of that house lately? I’d be surprised if there WEREN’T marks.
        «You»: Oh that house has certainly seen better days, but I’m not talking about that kind of mark.
        «You»: I’m talking about something deliberate, something that would have been put there by the people leaving there.
        «You»: HEIGHT MARKS! Labeled D and K, to track “K”’s growth. “K” stands for “Karuna”, doesn’t it?
        Fritz: !!

        «The vault dial turns.»

        Fritz: That…so what? Karuna lived there, sure. Most people in town could tell you that. But that doesn’t prove anything about how I might have known her.
        «You»: (thinking) I’m making progress, but he’s right. I’m not going to make any headway unless I can probe he knew Karuna well. It’s do or die now!

        • The drawing! [Appears only after a certain condition is met]

          «You»: I found THIS!

          «The paper drawing is shown on the screen.»

          Fritz: !!! That’s-
          «You»: I found it in the Lada house. And given the town’s frosty reception towards her, I think it’s pretty obvious that the girl in this picture is Karuna.
          Fritz: ….
          «You»: And the other child in it…

          «The paper drawing is taken off the screen.»

          «You»: That’s you, isn’t it Fritz? You and Karuna were friends when you were younger.
          Fritz: Yes…

          «The vault dial turns.»

          «You»: And that never changed, did it Fritz? The rest of the town obviously hates her, but you’re still willing to risk it all for her well-being, aren’t you?
          Fritz: Aheh…I’m sure I have no idea what you are talking about. I mean what would even make you think that?
          «You»: Well you DID run home to get a hacksaw as soon as you heard that Karuna was in jail. It doesn’t take an archmage to connect the dots there.
          Fritz: !!!

          «The vault dial turns and it opens before promptly disappearing.»

          Fritz: Alright. You caught me. I know this town well enough to say that Karuna won’t get a fair trial here, and I’m not about to let her rot in jail.
          «You»: Wait, trial?
          Fritz: Yeah. She’ll be found guilty though. They still hold her responsible for the lightbringer attack.
          «You»: What lightbringer attack?
          Fritz: The – it doesn’t matter right now. We can discuss what happened twenty years ago when Karuna is safe.
          «You»: (thinking) "Twenty years ago" again? The same time that the Lada house was abandoned? Are the two connected?
          «You»: You’re right. Wait for me at the prison and don’t do anything rash. Don’t worry, we’ll find a way to get Karuna out.
          Fritz: Alright. But I make no promises. If things look bad for Karuna, I’m not going to sit back and let it happen.

          «Fritz leave the scene.»

          «You»: (thinking) Well, I have to give the guy points for determination.

        • Ill be back! Return to town

          «You»: Excuse me, I need to check something.
          «You»: Don’t leave town.
          Fritz: Er…ok?

      • Ill be back! Return to town

        «You»: Excuse me, I need to check something.
        «You»: Don’t leave town.
        Fritz: Er…ok?

    Town Crossroads

    Gastoff: Aha! If it isn’t the hero of the hour! You’re going to get his a lot, but perhaps it will mean a little more from the most charming and handsome man in the village.
    «You»: And you’re so humble too…
    Gastoff: Thank you! Nobody’s ever noticed before, and I’ve always said that’s my best trait!
    «You»: Yeah… I think I can believe that.
    Gastoff: At any rate, let me be the first to thank you for helping us capture that vicious monster.
    «You»: …Wait, monster?
    Gastoff: Yes. The beast with the purple skin. The one who undoubtedly stole this statuette from some poor unfortunate soul. I know! It’s sad, but true.
    Gastoff: Rapscallions like her are always causing trouble. It falls upon us as heroes to right their many wrongdoings.
    Gastoff: I only wish my father could have lived to see that evil woman brought to justice.
    «You»: He knew Karuna?
    Gastoff: Oh yes. Her people caused quite a stir here when I was younger. We all suffered for it. Especially Fritz, poor fellow.
    «You»: (thinking) Hmm… Fritz… maybe he’ll know more about what’s going on around here.
    «You»: Do you know where Fritz is right now?
    Gastoff: Well, if I were to apply my – not inconsiderable – intellect to it, I’d guess that he was at the old Lada house.
    «You»: The what house?
    Gastoff: The Lada hohuse. The one with all the holes in it. Such a sorry tale, that one. Perhaps I’ll tell you the story someday. But alas, I have to locate the owner of this exquisite piece.
    «You»: Let me help you with that. She’s in the prison right now.
    Gastoff: Truly this will be a great search that might last as long as –
    Gastoff: What was that?
    «You»: She’s in the prison. That statue was made by her son, a guy by the name of Baldev, she added the glow though for a bit of 'razzle dazzle'.
    Gastoff: HAHA! Fate is truly a funny thing! To think the owner of this would follow the thief to our own quaint little village!
    «You»: That’s not – You know what, sure, let’s go with that.
    Gastoff: I trust you can return this to its rightful owner on my behalf then. And if she’s easy on the eyes, be sure that she hears about my heroic rescue of her property.

    «Gastoff throws the statuette on the ground and leaves.»

    «You»: (thinking) Oh believe me, she knows about that already…

    Lada House»

    «You»: Hm. Nothing here.

    «After going through certain scenes.»

    Fritz: Hey, stranger, what brings you here?
    «You»: I’m looking for Fritz.
    Fritz: Well, I’d say you found him. What do you need?
    «You»: Well, I was hoping you could answer some questions.
    Fritz: Alright, shoot.
    «You»: What happened here with Karuna?
    Fritz: With who?
    «You»: Karuna. See, she’s kinda in prison right now and-

    «A transparent vault appears below Fritz.»

    Fritz: Wow, would you just look at my wrist! Is it that late already?

    «Fritz walk out of the scene and the vault disappears.»

    Fritz: Sorrygottagobye!
    «You»: (thinking) … Well that wasn’t at all suspicious, was it?
    «You»: (thinking) Hmm…I wonder what this house’s story is….

    Click around to search for clues!

    «At this point you have the option to go back to town or click around to look for clues.»

    «Click on the wall markings. You will zoom in on the wall markings»

    «You»: (thinking) Those marks…K2, K3, K4…

    «Click on the paper on the floor. You will zoom in on the paper drawing.»

    «You»: (thinking) What’s this?
    «You»: (thinking) Hmm… this might help loosen some lips. I’d better hold onto it for now

    «Click on the left are of the wall. You will go to the attic.» [

    «You»: (thinking) Hmmm, what could be in this old, creepy attic?
      2 Battles: Dust Bunny
      Full Heal
    «You»: (thinking) Pests in a rundown house. Who’d have thought? Don’t think I’m going to find anything up there…well except more pests.

    «When the Credibility Counter reaches zero.»

    «Fritz and Gastoff confront you at the center of the town.»

    Fritz: You’ve worn out your welcome, You. There is something about you I don’t trust.
    Gastoff: Indeed, with your oddball questions... something isn’t right about you.
    «You»: (thinking) Oh great, my line of questioning has just made them suspicious of me. I better leave quietly if I want another chance to return.

    «Scene: You appear outside of town.»

    «You»: (thinking) Great… now how am I gonna get Karuna out? They don’t trust me, and I don’t have anyone here to help me talk them out of it.
    «You»: (thinking) Actually—!!
    «You»: Kamui? Hello? Is this ear communicator thingy working?
    Kamui: (offscreen) «You»? I’m here. What’s up?
    «You»: I.. kinda screwed up. The whole town hates me, and I can’t get Karuna out.
    Kamui:: (offscreen) Oof. I hate when that happens. I usually hate to wipe everyone’s memory if I want to keep going.
    «You»: … Is that safe?
    Kamui:: (offscreen) Well, it really depends on how you define "safe". See, there’s various degrees—
    «You»: Never mind. Could you do that? Make everyone forget me screwing up, so that I can start my investigation again?
    Kamui:: (offscreen) I… hmm. My radar says that you’re out of city limits, so yes… a localised ray from my satellite….
    Kamui:: (offscreen) Okay, here it comes. Cover your eyes!

    «Screen flashes red for a moment.»

    Kamui:: (offscreen) All done! Everyone’s forgotten everything from the last ten minutes. You should be clear to begin investigating again.
    «You»: Thanks! I owe you one!

    «Your Credibility Counter is reset to 5 and you restart the investigation from the start.»

    Correct order of events:

    Town Crossroads » Lada House (Click on both the wall markings and paper drawing) » Fritz's House » "You knew Karuna." » "The Marks!" » "The drawing!" » Jail » "Yes" » "They came for you!" » "Present Drawing"

    «After discovering the truth about Karuna the credibility counter disappears.»

    «You»: Alright, the trial should be starting soon. I think I know how to win this. All we have to do is keep calm, take things slowly and –
    Kamui:: (offscreen) You! You! Listen! The LSN just finished rebooting!
    «You»: Now’s not the time, Kamui!
    Kamui:: (offscreen) Oh yes it is. I just got two hits on the Fire Orb 200 metres southeast of your position!
    «You»: WHAT?
    «You»: Ok, change of plans. Fritz? Start sawing. Quickly.

    «Scene changes to the center of the town. A fire monster with the Fire Orb appears.»

    Blazing Serpent: AHAHAHAHA! I’ve never felt so alive!

    «You enter the scene.»

    Blazing Serpent: You again???
    «You»: Guilty as charged. And I believe we have some unfinished business
      1 BATTLE: Scorching Serpent
      Full Heal
    Blazing Serpent: Oh no no no. I can’t lose here! Not while I have the orb!
    «You»: I believe the evidence suggests otherwise.
    Blazing Serpent: You smug little…

    «Fritz, Karuna and Gastoff enters the scene.»

    Karuna: I’ve had a very bad day, so I’m only going to say this once. Leave.
    Gastoff: If you couldn’t hold up against this hero, how do you expect to face off against the mighty Gastoff? ..and everyone else?
    Blazing Serpent: ….
    Blazing Serpent: Fine. I know when I’m beaten. I’ll remember this, «You». And I’ll etch the memory on your bones the next time we meet.

    «The Blazing Serpent leaves. You and Karuna goes outside the town.»

    «You»: Well, that went better than I’d hoped.
    «You»: Er…after the fire beast, I mean. With how the villagers just let you go.
    Karuna: They owed you, they wanted to get rid of me again, and their prison had a hole in it.
    «You»: I’ll take that as a victory.
    Karuna: Maybe next time you’ll listen to me when I say that I don’t want to go somewhere.
    «You»: I promise.
    Karuna: Then I’ll take THAT as a victory.
    «You»: You know, there’s one thing’s still bothering me, Karuna.
    Karuna: You don’t say?
    «You»: Yeah. You had to left this town when you were…what? Six or seven?
    Karuna: Something like that.
    «You»: Well you had to have gone somewhere after that. What did you do after you left?

    «Three vaults appear that keep on fading in and out of existence.»


    «More vaults appear and they all suddenly disappear after a moment.»

    Karuna: Sorry I don’t feel like talking about that right now.

    «Karuna leaves the scene. »

    «You»: OH COME ON!

    «The Burning Questions shop opens. After you exit the shop:»
  • Play again!
  • Guardian Tower!
  • Leave

    Burning Questions

  • Hacksaw [L. 7, 27, 47, 67, 87, 107, 127, 137 G, 147 G]

  • OPTIC [L. 7, 27, 47, 67, 87, 107, 127, 137 G, 147 G]

  • Ace Detective
  • ~ Ward

    Tep Itaki -> RE: Quests - Read the first post! (2/24/2016 14:42:03)


    Date Night!
    SnuggleFest '16

    Location: Snugglefest Portal Painting > Date Night!

    «Scene: Battleon is blurred.»

    «You»: Ooof, that was some random adventure, I can barely see straight!
    «You»: Twilly, I'm gonna need an extra-strong dose of your healing magic!
    «You»: Twilly?
    «You»: Twilly? Hold on, where.....

    «The scene becomes clearer and there is a note where Twilly use to stand.»

  • Take the note!

    Hey nerd,
    I've kidnapped Twilly. Come
    to my hideout ASAP or else
    I'll turn him undead. Or into
    dogfood. Or into undead

    P.S. Also bring a dozen

    «You»: *Groans*

    «Screen fades to black.»

      2 BATTLES
      Full Heal
    «You»: ZORBAK! Unhand Twilly RIGHT NOW before I--
    Zorbak: (Shhhh! You'll wake the--)

    «A Waaaaaaaa! floats across the screen.»

    Zorbak: (--baby. Ugh. Back in a second.) Coming, buddy!

    «Zorbak leaves the scene.»

    «You»: ?!?! Twilly, what in--
    Twilly: (Shhhh! The baby!)
    «You»: (Sorry. Zorbak has a baby now?!)

    «Zorbak comes back holding the baby wrapped in cloth.»

    Zorbak: Don't worry, kiddo! Everything's alright!
    Li'l Z: Gaha! *giggle*
    «You»: ... Zorbak, I don't know who you stole that baby from, but you gotta return him. Now.
    Zorbak: Mer? No, you idiot, this is MY kid! Me and Mu-Glen's little pride and joy: Li'l Z!
    Zorbak: At least, that's his name until he goes through the Moglin Coming-Of-Age Ceremony.
    «You»: I... what?
    Mu-Glen: Zorby! I'm all ready!
    Li'l Z: Kwee!
    Zorbak: Quick! Did you bring the roses like I said?
    «You»: Uh, yeah.

    «You hand Zorbak the roses as Mu-Glen walks in.»

    Mu-Glen: Oh, flowers! How sweet of you!

    «Zorbak turns towards Mu-Glen.»

    Zorbak: Anything for my little snugglemuffin~
    Mu-Glen: You're always so charming! Oh, and are these the babysitters?
    Zorbak: Yep! They'll be looking after Li'l Z while we're off on our date.
    «You»: Date? Wait, what?
    Zorbak: One second, honey.

    «Zorbak hands over Li'l Z to Mu-Glen, goes to you and the screen gets a close up of his face.»

    Zorbak: Alright, listen up. Mu-Glen and I have been super-busy since Li'l Z came into our lives. We've barely had a night off.
    Zorbak: We've scheduled a date night, and you'll going to look after our kid. Or else.
    «You»: Or else what?
    Zorbak: Or else Mu-Glen and I are gonna take turns watching our kid like we normally do, and while it's Mu-Glen's turn, I'm gonna finish up my LATEST CREATION that I'll release upon Battleon!
    «You»: ....
    Zorbak: So? Whaddaya say?
    «You»: Honestly I'm more shocked than anything. I came here expecting a huge brawl with that LATEST CREATION you're touting.
    Twilly: And he's so cute! How could you say no?
    Zorbak: Bingo. You get an easy night, I get a night off. We all win.
    «You»: So I just have to sit in your hideout and take care of your kid, while you do not-evil things? Sounds like a deal.
    Zorbak: Mehehe! You're smarter than you look. And sound. And smell.

    «The screen zooms out with Zorbak facing Mu-Glen.»

    Zorbak: Alright, sweetiepie, we're all ready!
    Mu-Glen: Perfect! There's snacks in the fridge. You'll have to feed Li'l Z and put him to bed, but other than that, things should go smoothly!
    Mu-Glen: Have a lovely night! And don't cause too much trouble, my little beanie!
    Li'l Z: Googaga!

    «Mu-Glen gives the baby over to Twilly. Zorbak then hands Mu-Glen the roses as both she and Zorbak walks outside their house, with hearts hovering over their heads.»

    «You»: This is great. Now I can infiltrate his hideout, find out that LATEST CREATION he's working on, and sabotage it while he's not looking!
    «You»: Alright Twilly, let's get Li'l Z taken care of. Then we'll dive into his lab.
    Twilly: Okies!

    «The scene changes as you and Twilly are standing before a small platform with Li'l Z on top watching a red crystal ball.»

    «You»: So this crystal ball plays pre-recorded programs?
    Twilly: Yeps! It's a great way to keep the kids having fun!
    «You»: I dunno. What's he watching, anyway?

    ???: How are we gonna get past No-Fun Paladin?
    ???: We gotsta sing the Slendy Song to call our friend, Slenderman! He'll show Mr. Paladin how to have fun!
    Li'l Z: Gahahaha! *wiggle*
    «You»: This is horrible. It'll rot his brain and turn him into a villain!
    Twilly: I thinks that's what Zorbak wants....
    Twilly: Let's see if there's something better on. Hand me the controls.
    *I think this one is the hero talking...I could be wrong...but there's no cutesy way of talking that Twilly does...
    «The orb flashes once.»

    ???: But Lance... we were star-crossed lovers in a past lifetime! We're clearly meant to be together! Why can't we?!
    ???: I love you but... Crystal and I were even more star-crossed lovers in an even paster lifetime!
    ???: DUN DUN DUN

    «Li'l Z starts crying loudly.»

    Twilly: I don't think he likes it....
    «You»: Yeah, this show looks trashy too... what els-

    «2 Fiery Moglin Ghosts appear from the ground.»

    «You»: ?!?!
      2 BATTLES
      Full Heal
    «You»: What was that?!
    Twilly: I thinks the babby did it! He's a necromagicker, just like Zorbak!
    «You»: Ugh... I better switch the orb back.
    ???: Yay, Mr. Paladin's dead! Let's all get up and do the Murder Dance!
    ???: Murder Dance~ ooh, ooh Murder Dance! Yeah!
    Li'l Z: *sniff* Weh? Mahhh! *giggles*
    «You»: Zorbak's a natural necromancer... it's just our luck that his kid inherits it.
    Twilly: So whats do we do??
    «You»: Well, he seems happy enough watching the orb. How about if you watch over him, while I look for Zorbak's LATEST CREATION?
    Twilly: Okies! Twilly's a good babysitter!

    «The scene fades to black and changes to Zorbak's lab.»
      2 BATTLES
      Full Heal
    «You»: Hm, nothing here.
    Twilly: «You»? I needs you!
    «You»: Coming!

    «You return to Li'l Z's room.»

    «You»: What is it Twilly? More ghosts?
    Twilly: Nopes! It's time for his dinner!
    «You»: Oof, almost forgot. Don't want him hungry and summoning more ghosts.
    Twilly: Twilly gots the bottle right here, but doesn't know how to prepare it...
    «You»: No probs, let's see what it says...
    «You»: "Mix ingredients. Heat with a Level 1/10 Fireball for exactly 10 seconds."
    «You»: Sounds easy enough!

    Mini-Game Time!

    Hit the "Start" button to start heating the bottle, and
    then after exactly 10 seconds hit the "Stop" button
    to stop. You'll have to time it yourself - you don't
    have a counter to help you! Be careful! Don't make it
    too hot or too cold!

    «If you press "Stop" before 10 seconds or fires.»
      «You»: Okay, I think it's ready! You can give it to him.
      Twilly: Twillies can do that!

      «Twilly gives the bottle to Li'l Z and he starts crying and summons 2 Frosty Moglin Ghosts.»

      «You»: Not again!
        2 BATTLES: Frosty Moglin Ghosts
        Full Heal
      Twilly: Oh noes, you didn't make it hot enough!
      «You»: Sorry! But it looks fine now - the fire attacks I used to fight off those ghosts heated the bottle up. Hopefully he'll like it this time?
    «If you press the "Stop" button after 12+ seconds or fires.»

      «You»: Okay, I think it's ready! You can give it to him.
      Twilly: Twillies can do that!

      «Twilly gives the bottle to Li'l Z and he starts crying and summons 2 Fiery Moglin Ghosts.»

      «You»: Not again!
        2 BATTLES: Fiery Moglin Ghosts
        Full Heal
      Twilly: Oh noes, you made it too hot!
      «You»: Sorry! But it looks fine now - the ice attacks I used to fight off those ghosts cooled the bottle down. Hopefully he'll like it this time?
    «If you press the "Stop" right at 10 seconds or fires.»

    Li'l Z: Mmm? Mmm! Mm-mm!
    Twilly: Yayyyys, he likes it!
    «You»: Good! Keep him happy, and I'll get back to finding Zorbak's LATEST CREATION. Hopefully things go smoother this time.

    «You move back to Zorbak's study.»
      2 BATTLES
      Full Heal
    «You»: Gah, still nothing. Where could he be hiding it?
    Twilly: «You»? It's Li'l Z's bedtime!
    «You»: *sigh* Okay, let's take a break.

    «You return to find Li'l Z in his bed.»

    «You»: There we go, you're all ready for bed!
    Li'l Z: Gooah?
    «You»: We just need to wait for him to fall asleep. ...Although he doesn't seem to be too sleepy.
    Twilly: Ohs, maybe we can sing to him! Singing always helped Twilly fall asleep!
    «You»: Sure. I be he'll love my voice!

    How's your voice? You might not be the next Lorian Idol, but are you a good enough singer to lull Li'l Z to sleep?
    Difficulty: 110(if you failed the minigame)/70(if you succeeded)
    Stat Used: Charisma

      «If you fail the roll.»

      «You»: Hush, little baby, don't say a word. / Hero's gonna buy you a mocking bird
      Li'l Z: Bleh!
      «You»: And if that mockingbird won't sing, / Hero's gonna buy you a diamond ring
      Li'l Z: Mehm... wehhhh...
      «You»: And if that diamond ring turns brass, / Hero's gonna buy you a looking glass

      «Li'l Z starts crying and 2 Moglin Ghosts appear.»

      «You»: ... I'm gonna try to not take that personally.
    • >_>
        2 BATTLES
        Full Heal
      «Li'l Z is already asleep after the battle.»

      «You»: (Huh? He fell asleep?)
      Twilly: (I thinks he's all tired out from all the ghostsing!)
      «You»: (Thank Lorithia for small favours.)
      «If you succeed the roll.»

      «You»: Hm, I should probably change the lyrics around. You remembered what happened with the orb?
      «You»: *Ahem*
      «You»: Hush, little moglin, don' say a word / Hero's gonna buy you an undead bird
      «You»: And if that undead bird don't sing / Hero's gonna buy you a dread lich king
      «You»: And if that lich king's reign does end / Hero's gonna get you some souls to spend
      «You»: And if those souls don't buy much sin / Hero's gonna get you a dev'lish grin
      «You»: And if that grin ever goes dow / You'll still be the evillest little baby in town

      «Li'l Z goes to sleep.»

      Twilly: (Aww! Look at him sleep!)
      «You»: (Still got it!)
    «Regardless of failing or succeeding the roll.»

    «You»: (So now that he's asleep, let's go find that LATEST CREATION and shut it down.)
    Twilly: (Right behinds you!)

    «You and Twilly enters Zorbak's lab»

    «You»: Alright I already checked over here and here, and I didn't find anything. If there's something in the rest of the lab--
    «You»: What's thats over there?
    *Typo in game? Should be Twilly? Because it doesn't make sense for the hero to say thats and Twilly's next line also supports my guess.
    «You and Twilly move to the right a bit and see a big white container with the sign "WurK n Progres" and a low red button.»

    «You»: ....
    «You»: Seriously? Did I roll a 1 on a spot check or something?
    Twilly: Twilly's got really good eyes!
    «You»: Well, I'm not complaining. Let's crack 'er open.

    «Twilly goes up to the container and pushes the red button. The container shakes twice and a bear opens the container's doors and sends Twilly flying.»

    Bear: DESPAIR!!!!
      1 BATTLE: Despair Bear
      Full Heal
    Twilly: Oh noes!
    «You»: *huff* It's... still standing? How are we gonna--
    Li'l Z: Goo gah?

    «Li'l Z appears on Zorbak's table.»

    «You»: Kid, get back before--
    Li'l Z: Gahaha! *giggles*
    «You»: ?!?
    Li'l Z: Wheeeeeee brbrbrb
    Li'l Z: *giggles* Myaa <3
    «You»: It's... entertaining the kid? Well, this should make it easy. As long as it's distracted...

    «The screen flashes instantly and the bear falls to the ground.»

    «You»: Victory!
    Li'l Z: Bah... bawa?
    «You»: Uh-oh! Gotta think of something quick! Uh....
    Li'l Z: Wa....wehh...
    «You»: Murder dance! Ooh, ooh murder dance!

    Scene of you dancing removed to preserve your dignity
  • Thank you!

    Li'l Z: Wheee! *giggle*
    «You»: *whew* Close one! I don't know how you got out, but we've got to get you back to bed now before Zorbak comes home.
    Twilly: And thens we can nom the snacks that Mu-Glen left for us!

    «Scene changes to where you first entered Zorbak's house.»

    Mu-Glen: I just checked, and he's sleeping soundly! I hope he didn't give you much trouble?
    «You»: Nothing we couldn't handle! Right Twilly?
    Twilly: Yepsies! Piece of cake!
    Zorbak: Good! Now Mu-Glen and I are gonna finish up the night with a nice bottle of Moglinberry juice. Why don't you two beat it?
    «You»: Yep, should probably get out before Zorbak finds what I did to his bear.
    «You»: Sure, I can't wait to get out of here. Smells like something died in here.
    Zorbak: Well, it couldn't have been your brain, 'cause that was never alive in the first place. Now scat.

    The next day...

    «The scene shows the outside of Zorbak's house.»

    Zorbak: Alright, let's see where I left off on Li'l Z's toy. I should be able to--- WHAT HAPPENED HERE?!?!

    «The house jumps once.»

    Zorbak: «YOU»!!!!!!!

    «Li'l Z cries.»

    Date Night

  • Snugglefest '16 Commemorative Spoon [L. 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150 G]
  • Underheated Baby Bottle [L. 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150 G]
  • Overheated Baby Bottle [L. 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150 G]

  • Necromantic WAHHHHH [L. 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150 G]

  • Got this. ~Carandor

    Tep Itaki -> RE: Quests - Read the first post! (2/26/2016 1:18:10)

    The Janitors Strike!
    Spick and Span and WAR!


    «You can skip the cutscene at any time.»

    «A flash of white and goo green flashes on the screen as bubbles float up afterwards.»

    «You»: Good grief! What just happened?
    Warlic: We appeared to have been arrested by some overzealous cleaning robots. Odd, they don't look like Kamui's work....
    ???: Keep that away from me, there's no reason to... ARRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!
    «You»: what was that?
    Warlic: Whatever it was came from Yulgar's Inn!

    «The scene changes to Yulgar's Inn as you and Warlic enter.»

    «You»: Yulgar, what happened? We heard a scream coming from your place! Is Hans okay?
    Hans: I'm fine, thanks for... wait, why did you specifically mention me?
    Yulgar: It wasn't us, it came from upstairs. One moment everything was quiet, then we hear screaming and....

    «Three janitors in blue jumpsuit runs down the stairs and off the screen.»

    «You»: Were those janitors here before?
    Yulgar: Yeah, I asked that they fix the shower.
    Warlic: Did anything abnormal happen?
    Yulgar: Well now that I think about it Blackhawke recently went up the stairs, but I don't see what that--
    ???: They... will.... PAY for this!! I've had my sword turned into foam. I've endured a HORRIBLE prank that shall not be repeated. I've been charmed by a crazy ex-girlfriend.

    «Blackhawke comes down the stairs with pink suds on his head and shoulder and a towel over his other shoulder.»

    Blackhawke: THIS however, has crossed the line.
    Blackhawke: Those... THINGS... they said something about my "presence producing pungent pollution" or something and then they soaked me with cold water and soap!
    Blackhawke: And when I mean cold, I mean ICE cold here! Then they sprayed me with something and told me that I'm on probation for failure to uphold basic hygiene!
    Blackhawke: Just because I don't use the shower HERE doesn't mean I don't use one at all!
    «You»: I does smell a lot better here.
    Blackhawke: I heard that.
    Warlic: We have more pressing matters than offences to the olfactory system. It would seem the janitors are doing more than their packaging said they can.
    Warlic: I believe we may need to investigate this matter before things get too--
    ???: Attention Citizens of Battleon! Your dirty ways have gone on for far too long!
    ???: Exploding dust clouds! Unsatisfactory cleansing facilities! Bodies of dead monsters littered everywhere!
    Plants that exceed the recommended height limit so that they do not hide potential trip hazards that could cause one to get dirty!
    ???: Due to these offences, we have placed your city under quarantine.
    «You»: That can't be good....
    ???: Prepare to be purged of all dirty things!


    A mysterious organization has placed the town of Battleon under quarantine! Already these cryptic curious crusaders of cleanliness have begun construction a barrier made of magical bubble-wrap! Who knows what these superb sanitizers have planned to clean up the town? You had better get to work repelling the invaders before everything is too sparkly clean to look at!

  • To Battle!
      How many waves would you like to fight before returning to camp to rest?
    • One
    • Two
    • Three
    • Five
      «If you select any other than ENDLESS: You will now fight «» wave(s) before returning to camp!»
      «If you select ENDLESS: You will now fight waves endlessly until you flee from battle!»
  • Explore Camp
  • Back to Town

    Twilly: Ohnoes! Twilly doesn't wanna be sprayed with nasty chemicals!
    Twilly: If you need to healed I can help you.
  • Heal me please - Full Heal, continues with dialogue below
  • Let me handle this! - Ends dialogue
    Twilly: There you goes! All healed up!
  • Thank you!

  • Potion Bag - Refills potions if you have less than 4 on hand (Guardian Only).
  • Robina - Click on Robina's bow if you want her to join you in battle!
  • Robina's bow - Robina the Ranger will join you in battle!
  • Warlic - Click on Warlic's crystal ball if you want him to join you in battle!
  • Warlic's crystal ball - Warlic will help you in battle!
  • Blackhawke - GUARDIAN ONLY: Click on Blackhawke's sword to have him join you!
  • Blackhawke's sword - Blackhawke is ready to join you in battle!
  • Door - Whoa, it's a door!
  • Crates - What myserties could these crates hold? Perhaps extra blankets!
  • Grass - Ever wonder who keeps the grass mowed around Battleon?
  • Dust Clouds - +0.1 Ranged BTH per cloud, maximum of +20.0 BTH, or 200 dust cloud . Resets if you log off.

    «Once Janitors on Strike war meter hit 100%...»
      4 BATTLES
      Twilly Heal every second battle
    «You enter the attic of the Yulgar Inn.»

    «You»: Good grief, where ARE these people and robots coming from??
    ???: Have at thee, ragged rapscallion! You deviled dirtier of decorum! I shall cleanse thy clothes along with your colon!
    «You»: Can't we tal...

    «You get water splashed at you.»

    «You»: Guess we do this the hard way...
      1 BATTLE: Joe the Janitor
      Full Heal
    «After the battle, you are facing a Janitor John and 2 Janitor Jane behind him.»

    «You»:Ok, now that we've settled this in proper Lorian fashion, will you PLEASE tell me who you are and what's going on?
    Joe: I am Joe the Janitor!
    «You»: I fought like, ten of you in the war at the least?
    Joe: No, those were Janitor Johns and Janes you fought! The difference is that John and Jane are aliases used by the intern apprentices until they're officially promoted to real apprentices!
    Joe: That way it's less painful when we have to deal with those who... wash out of the program.
    «You»: Wait, intern apprentice? I wasn't aware that being a janitor involved so much--
    Joe: Bite thy tongue, thou saucy codpiece! Janitoring is among the noblest professions! Up there with teacher, caretaker and trash person!
    Joe: Those under-appreciated careers that keep society functioning, but are so ill-treated by the same society that needs them!
    «You»: I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Just tell me why you attacked us already!
    Joe: I thought we made it quite obvious with our announcement when we surrounded your town. You people are filthy. Absolutely FILTHY.
    Joe: And YOU! The "Chosen" of Lore! You go about killing monsters left and right without thinking of who cleans up the trail of bodies all over the place!
    «You»: Uhmm, I don't kill most of my foes... they usually flee, or poof away or--
    Joe: You leave a trail of destruction in your wake: blood, feathers, and destroyed bushes!
    Joe: WHO do you thin has to go and repair all that damage? It's most certainly not YOU, my dear "Chosen".
    «You»: I never thought about it....
    Joe: EXACTLY! That's the problem with you people! Adventurers, Guardians, civilians, the lot of you! Not one ounce of respect! You people little like you own the world!
    Joe: I even asked the Guardians at the tower to keep their people in check, but nooooooooo, they're too busy doing... what DO they do? I barely see them leave that tower except when a war comes out?
    «You»: They do all sorts of important stuff! Like.. uhmm. Well....
    Joe: Know this, oh "special one" of Lore. This was but a small portion of the Jannock Janitor Juntocracy!
    Joe: We are sick of hiding behind the scenes cleaning up everyone else's messes with little pay and no appreciation! Your interference in this war is proof of this!
    «You»: I think you're taking this the wrong way....
    Joe: Oh yeah? Let's see how you like it when we go on strike!

    «Both Janitor Janes and Joe the Janitor runs off.»

    Janitors on Strike

  • Mop [L. 5, 25, 45, 65, 85, 105, 125, 135, 150 G]
  • Latrine Wand [L. 5, 25, 45, 65, 85, 105, 125, 135, 150 G]

  • Adversary of Oppressive Cleanliness
  • Slayer of Oppressive Cleanliness
  • Bane of Oppressive Cleanliness
  • Warmonger
  • Warlord
  • The Conqueror

  • Tep Itaki -> RE: Quests - Read the first post! (2/27/2016 22:40:07)


    Hunt for the 5 Treasures!

    Location: Battleon » Warlics Shop » Mastercraft Sets » Celtic Set!

    Cap Rhubarb is perplexed. Ships are
    disappearing. People are going missing. Shipments
    and hauls are either late, gone or never had a
    chance to be picked up. For Captain Rhubarb, this is
    unacceptable, yet there is no explanation.

    And then, one day, the explanation came...

    «Scene: Captain Rhubarb with Petey on his shoulder talking to a blond cloaked man. A silhouette of Captain's Rhubarb's home ship is in the background.»

    Captain Rhubarb:, you mean to tell me that someone created a bridge to my Lore, from your place of residence, came over and has been stealing my ships?
    Ogma: I know it sounds far-fetched, Captain. Even I would have trouble with such a revelation. But, my father The Dagda, is convinced that someone from my world is on yours, and causing you trouble.
    Captain Rhubarb: And if we don't stop it... yadda, yadda... Yes, we are very familiar with this line. The Dagda? What kind of name is that?
    Ogma: *Clears throat* It means "The Good God".
    Captain Rhubarb: Oh lord of the seas, more of yer types...
    Ogma: Pardon?
    Captain Rhubarb: Nothing... just, let's leave it at that. I already sent a note to «You» to come. He/She is going to have a great time with this one.
    Ogma: Who is this «You»?
    Captain Rhubarb: The Chosen One. The person who sets it all right and saves the day. Don't ye have one of them where you come from?
    Ogma: *Groans* That would be my brother, Nuada...

    «Your character enters the scene.»

    Captain Rhubarb: Finally. «You», meet Ogma. Ogma, «You». This is why I sent for ye.
    «You»: So... this is the emergency? A shiny mop of ninnycurls?
    Ogma: Ship mop of ninnycurls? That does have a ring to it, but there are ways it could have been more eloquent.
    Both: ....
    «You»: Anyways... what's the emergency?
    Ogma: If I may, good Captain? I... well, how do I start...
    Ogma: I am Ogma, also known as grian-ainaecg. My father is waiting, as are my brothers and sisters, for your word that you will help us. You see, we are also missing items, items that mean very much to us.
    Ogma: We may have a common enemy, and though I have an inkling of who it is, I dare not utter that name without full knowledge of truth.
    «You»: Who is your father and where is your family?
    Ogma: My father is the The Dagda, The Good God. My family awaits you in the feth fiada, The Fairy Mist. You must accompany me there, to hear us out and help us.
    Captain Rhubarb: I'll be taken ye there. This... mist isn't too hard to miss. It's swallowed up most of the sea northeast of here.
    «You»: Then, let's go and meet this... Dagda and figure out what is going on.

    «The screen fades to black and everyone is on a ship.»

    Ogma: Up ahead lies the feth fiada. It is there, we will discuss our commonality.
    «You»: Um, guys, the feth fiada is come TO us...
    Captain Rhubarb: It better not hurt me Red Betty!

    «A cloud of mist covers the top portion of the screen as an entity floats in and Ogma turns to face it.»

    Ogma: Morrigna... My ladies.
    «You»: Who is this?

    «The cloud of mist becomes more transparent revealing the figure inside.»

    Nemain: We are Morrigna.
    Badb: We have a common enemy on the field!
    Macha: Will you assist us in your world so we may return to ours?
    «You»: That is freakish...
    Ogma: Choose your words wiser, «You». Before you stands the sister goddesses of war. You may want to keep such thoughts to yourself.
    «You»: Note taken. Do you know who our enemy is?
    Badb: I shall not see a world that will be dear to me. Summer without flowers, Kine will be without milk, Women without modesty, Men without valour, Captures without a king.
    Nemain: I have not heard you utter that prophecy in so long, sister. Do you think...?
    Macha: Let us hope that she is but remembering harder times. You have missing ships, we have missing treasures. They are connected.
    Badb: And you shall retrieve them, and in doing so, find your ships.
    «You»: How will I retrieve these treasures? All around us is this mist Ogma speaks of. And what am I looking for?
    Macha: There are four treasures that belong to us, and a fifth symbol of all that we are.
    Nemain: Lia Fáil, Claimh Solais, The Red Javelin of Lugh, Cauldron of Plenty, The Celtic Wheel.
    Badb: And after you find them all, you will see me. Me, «You».

    «Morrigna disappears.»

    Ogma: You know what you have to do?
    «You»: I have to go find five things, come back, talk to one of those ladies, and get the ships back.
    Ogma: You will have to choose which island to visit.

    «The screen fades to black and you are presented with 6 options.»

    Which Island do you want to search?

  • Falais - The cold bites sharply, and so do the creatures who roam its hills. Here, amid the cold, the legendary Lia Fáil can be found!
  • Gorias - The green fields that surrounds this majestic city stays bright all year long. Here, amongst the greenery, the legendary Sleá Bua, the Spear of Lugh, will be found!
  • Finias - Torches can be seen glowing in the distance from an ancient city. Firelight gleams perfectly off the treasured blade found near here - Claimh Solais, the Sword of Victory!
  • Inis Fáil - This land of wonder and beauty is full of magic and mystery. Search here for the Celtic Wheel Shield.
  • Muirias - The fields outside this city, located near the sea, hold the wonderful Dagda's Cauldron. No one who visited this city ever left feeling empty. Here you will find Coire Dagdae, the Cauldron of Plenty!
  • Seek Morrigna - When you've found all the treasures, you can call for Morrigna to return. Woe betide the adventurer who calls upon her before completing the quest, though...

      ...I require help!

    • It's dangerous to go alone! Take this!

    Seek Morrigna

    «If you seek Morrigna without collecting any or all the treasures.»
      «You»: You said to see you once I have found your treasures.
      Badb: Did you find them all?
    • Yes!
    • Not yet

      «Regardless of either choice.»

      Badb: I see you have found some. I had asked that you find them all. Either you have decided to defy my wishes, or you are incapable of finding everything.
      Badb: Do you wish to continue, or find more items?
    • I need to find more. I will return.
        «Returns to selection screen»
    • I have found all that I can for now. The other will wait for another day.

      Badb: Very well. I had hoped for better. In order to continue, you will have to go through me.
        1 BATTLE: Badb
        Full Heal

    «If you seek Morrigna after collecting all the treasures and clicked Yes!.»
      Badb: Very well done, «You». You've done as I have asked. But now, you must prove your worth and fight me. Can you show the goddess of War how worthy you are?
      «You»: Yes.
      Badb: Then, let it begin.
        1 BATTLE: Badb
        Full Heal
      Badb: You are a worthy opponent. You represent your land well.

    Nemain: With our treasures gathered, we have learned who our mutual enemy is.
    Macha: The Children of Domnu. They have tried to begin again.
    Ogma: The Fomorii? The have brought this mist upon this land, building the bridge between us and these?
    Badb: Help us defeat our ancient enemy and the legendary Armour of Llyr will be yours!
      1 BATTLE: Fomorii
      Full Heal
    Nemain: You are indeed the finest warrior of this land. You have helped us drive back our enemy, locking them away in the mist.

    «After closing the shop.»

    Nemain: And now, we will take our leave and will sing of your valiant efforts.

    «Morrigna disappears, along with the mist.»

    Ogma: Thank you, «You». You have faced much today, as though you were one of the Tuatha De Danann. Perhaps, in another life, you were one of our own...

    «Ogma disappears then Captain Rhubarb enters the screen.»

    Captain Rhubarb: One of their own? One of their own! Make ready the sails. Let's go home.
    «You»: What just happened here...

    Lia Fa'il

  • Mizuchi's Design [L. 11Z, 45]
  • Apam Napat's Karma [L. 60]
  • Poseidon's Fate [L. 75]
  • Neptune's Destiny [L. 80Z, 90]
  • Aegir's Fortune [L. 105]
  • Chalchiuhtlicue's Prospect [L. 120]
  • Sedna's Ordinance [L. 135]
  • Lia Fa'il [L. 150 G]

    Spear of Lugh

  • Mizuchi's Forbearance [L. 11Z, 45]
  • Apam Napat's Constitution [L. 60]
  • Poseidon's Stamina [L. 75]
  • Neptune's Heart [L. 80Z, 90]
  • Aegir's Resolution [L. 105]
  • Chalchiuhtlicue's Grit [L. 120]
  • Sedna's Mettle [L. 135]
  • Spear of Lugh [L. 150 G]

    Claimn Solais

  • Mizuchi's Light [L. 11Z, 45]
  • Apam Napat's Shine [L. 60]
  • Poseidon's Gleam [L. 75]
  • Neptune's Glint [L. 80Z, 90]
  • Aegir's Sheen [L. 105]
  • Chalchiuhtlicue's Flash [L. 120]
  • Sedna's Luster[L. 135]
  • Claimh Solais [L. 150 G]

    Celtic Wheel Shield

  • Mizuchi's Deference [L. 11Z, 45]
  • Apam Napat's Fervour [L. 60]
  • Poseidon's Reverence [L. 75]
  • Neptune's Piety [L. 80Z, 90]
  • Aegir's Zeal [L. 105]
  • Chalchiuhtlicue's Devotion [L. 120]
  • Sedna's Faith [L. 135]
  • Celtic Wheel [L. 150 G]

    Dagda's Cauldron

  • Mizuchi's Repast [L. 11Z, 45]
  • Apam Napat's Fiesta [L. 60]
  • Poseidon's Regale [L. 75]
  • Neptune's Spread [L. 80Z, 90]
  • Aegir's Smorgasbord [L. 105]
  • Chalchiuhtlicue's Banquet [L. 120]
  • Sedna's Feast [L. 135]
  • Coire Dagdae [L. 150 G]

    Armour of Llyr

  • Mizuchi's Thinker [L. 11Z, 45]
  • Apam Napat's Scholar [L. 60]
  • Poseidon's Intellectual [L. 75]
  • Neptune's Academic [L. 80Z, 90]
  • Aegir's Doctor [L. 105]
  • Chalchiuhtlicue's Professor [L. 120]
  • Sedna's Sage [L. 135]
  • Llyr's Druid [L. 150 G]

  • Mizuchi's Disorder [L. 11Z, 45]
  • Apam Napat's Snarl [L. 60]
  • Poseidon's Discord [L. 75]
  • Neptune's Anarchy [L. 80Z, 90]
  • Aegir's Ataxia [L. 105]
  • Chalchiuhtlicue's Bedlam [L. 120]
  • Sedna's Chaos [L. 135]
  • Badb Catha [L. 150 G]

    NOTE: If you already reached the treasure at a location, your progress is saved* and you'll just open the shop. This is lost when you log off.
    *You've already explored this island.
  • Clicking the treasure - You've found the «Treasure»! Time to take it back to the Red Betty.

    Monster List:


    Level 0-44: Ice Blecch (11), Ice Dragon (11), Ice Golem (11), Ice Snayl (11), Quadrus (11), Yeti (11)
    Level 45-59: Ice Blecch (45), Ice Dragon (45), Ice Golem (45), Ice Snayl (45), Quadrus (45), Yeti (45)
    Level 60-74: Ice Blecch (60), Ice Dragon (60), Ice Golem (60), Ice Snayl (60), Quadrus (60), Yeti (60)
    Level 75-89: Ice Blecch (75), Ice Dragon (75), Ice Golem (75), Ice Snayl (75), Quadrus (75), Yeti (75)
    Level 90-104: Ice Blecch (90), Ice Dragon (90), Ice Golem (90), Ice Snayl (90), Quadrus (90), Yeti (90)
    Level 105-119: Ice Blecch (105), Ice Dragon (105), Ice Golem (105), Ice Snayl (105), Quadrus (105), Yeti (105)
    Level 120-134: Ice Blecch (120), Ice Dragon (120), Ice Golem (120), Ice Snayl (120), Quadrus (120), Yeti (120)
    Level 135-149: Ice Blecch (135), Ice Dragon (135), Ice Golem (135), Ice Snayl (135), Quadrus (135), Yeti (135)
    Level 150: Ice Blecch (150), Ice Dragon (150), Ice Golem (150), Ice Snayl (150), Quadrus (150), Yeti (150)

    Gorias, Finias, Inisfail

    Level 0-44: Baby Earth Dragon (10), Burrow Worm (11), Chimera (11), FunGuy (11), Griffin (11), Mud Golem (11), Nombus (11), Qubak (11), Razorweed (11), Razorwing (11), Stone Golem (10), Wind Wasp Swarm (11), Wolverine (11)
    Level 45-59: Burrow Worm (45), Chimera (45), Earth Dragon (45), FunGuy (45), Griffin (45), Mud Golem (45), Nombus (45), Qubak (45), Razorweed (45), Razorwing (45), Stone Golem (45), Wind Wasp Swarm (45), Wolverine (45)
    Level 60-74: Burrow Worm (60), Chimera (60), Earth Dragon (60), FunGuy (60), Griffin (60), Mud Golem (60), Nombus (60), Qubak (60), Razorweed (60), Razorwing (60), Stone Golem (60), Wind Wasp Swarm (60), Wolverine (60)
    Level 75-89: Burrow Worm (75), Chimera (75), Earth Dragon (75), FunGuy (75), Griffin (75), Mud Golem (75), Nombus (75), Qubak (75), Razorweed (75), Razorwing (75), Stone Golem (75), Wind Wasp Swarm (75), Wolverine (75)
    Level 90-104: Burrow Worm (90), Chimera (90), Earth Dragon (90), FunGuy (90), Griffin (90), Mud Golem (90), Nombus (90), Qubak (90), Razorweed (90), Razorwing (90), Stone Golem (90), Wind Wasp Swarm (90), Wolverine (90)
    Level 105-119: Burrow Worm (105), Chimera (105), Earth Dragon (105), FunGuy (105), Griffin (105), Mud Golem (105), Nombus (105), Qubak (105), Razorweed (105), Razorwing (105), Stone Golem (105), Wind Wasp Swarm (105), Wolverine (105)
    Level 120-134: Burrow Worm (120), Chimera (120), Earth Dragon (120), FunGuy (120), Griffin (120), Mud Golem (120), Nombus (120), Qubak (120), Razorweed (120), Razorwing (120), Stone Golem (120), Wind Wasp Swarm (120), Wolverine (120)
    Level 120-134: Burrow Worm (120), Chimera (120), Earth Dragon (120), FunGuy (120), Griffin (120), Mud Golem (120), Nombus (120), Qubak (120), Razorweed (120), Razorwing (120), Stone Golem (120), Wind Wasp Swarm (120), Wolverine (120)
    Level 135-149: Burrow Worm (135), Chimera (135), Earth Dragon (135), FunGuy (135), Griffin (135), Mud Golem (135), Nombus (135), Qubak (135), Razorweed (135), Razorwing (135), Stone Golem (135), Wind Wasp Swarm (135), Wolverine (135)
    Level 150: Burrow Worm (150), Chimera (150), Earth Dragon (150), FunGuy (150), Griffin (150), Mud Golem (150), Nombus (150), Qubak (150), Razorweed (150), Razorwing (150), Stone Golem (150), Wind Wasp Swarm (150), Wolverine (150)


    Level 0-44: Amphibious Oyster (11), Big Blue (11), WhaleZard (11), Young Water Dragon (15)
    Level 45-59: Ample Amphibious Oyster (45), Big Blue (45), Water Dragon (45), WhaleZard (40)
    Level 60-74: Big Blue (60), Bulky Amphibious Oyster (60), Water Dragon (55), WhaleZard (60)
    Level 75-89: Big Blue (75), Burly Amphibious Oyster (75), Water Dragon (75), WhaleZard (80)
    Level 90-104: Big Blue (90), Enormous Amphibious Oyster (90), Water Dragon (90), WhaleZard (90)
    Level 105-119: Big Blue (105), Gigantic Amphibious Oyster (105), Water Dragon (100), WhaleZard (100)
    Level 120-134: Big Blue (120), Hulking Amphibious Oyster (120), Water Dragon (120), WhaleZard (120)
    Level 135-149: Big Blue (135), Voluminous Amphibious Oyster (135), Water Dragon (135), WhaleZard (135)
    Level 150: Big Blue (150), Titanic Amphibious Oyster (150), Water Dragon (150), WhaleZard (150)

    Monster List courtesy of In Media Res. Monster List write-up courtesy of Carandor.
  • We got this ~ Ward_Point

    Ianthe -> RE: Quests - Read the first post! (2/28/2016 21:25:30)


    Update: the Mogloween portal now gives access to last October's Ghosts 'n' Moglins quest.

    Got this. ~Carandor

    Tep Itaki -> RE: Quests - Read the first post! (3/6/2016 5:02:39)

    Because sleep evades me yet again! Don't blame me for being a little colorful here... >.>;; <.<;;



    Void Takeover (Part 6)

    «On 15 January 2016, Ancient Four-Eyed Freak was replaced by the festive Tooty FruitcakeZard wearing a hat...made of fruit...»

    Tooty FruitcakeZard: Ribarg!
  • Ribarg?
      1 BATTLE: Tooty FruitcakeZard
      Full Heal

      «Tooty Fruitcakezard shop opens. Once you leave the shop:»

    • Play again!
    • Guardian Tower!
    • Leave

    Tooty FruitcakeZard

  • Call FruitcakeZard [L. 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150 G]

  • Fears No Fruitcake [L. 50]


    Void Takeover (Part 7)

    «On 6 March 2016, Tooty FruitcakeZard was replaced by an evil heart being, Keyote. Get it? ...anybody? ...I'll show myself out. Oh and he spruced up the void...»

    Keyote: I greet you from the other side
    Of sorrow and despair
    With a hate so vast and shattered
    It will reach you everywhere
  • Shut up and fight!
      1 BATTLE: Keyote the Heart Crusher
      Full Heal

      «Keyote the Heartcrusher shop opens. Once you leave the shop:»

    • Play again!
    • Guardian Tower!
    • Leave

    Keyote the Heartcrusher

  • Blade of the Thornful Rose [L. 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150 G]
  • Blade of the Briar [L. 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150 G]
  • Lance of the Rose's Thorn [L. 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150 G]

  • Keyote [L. 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150 G]

  • Heartcrusher [L. 0]

  • Got this, thanks! ~Carandor

    Golden Giftbox Cross-Game Extravaganza Item List

    Before Ultimate Dragon Scythe of Elements was fixed:
    ORIGINA:TRB1965, Copied from:dragonlord555
    Ultraviolet Blade

  • Ultraviolet Blade - New

  • Crusader's Shining Repeater
  • Monolith Mace
  • Deathbringer
  • Reaver of Nulgath - New
  • Golden Dragon Spear - New
  • Dark Dragon Staff - New
  • Human Fisher - New
  • Gandolphin
  • Mini Nulgath

    U. Rare
  • Titan's Triumph
  • Zardbie Scythe
  • Caladbolg
  • Nulgath's Wrath
  • End of Graves
  • Galaxythe
  • Hasu-Horimono - New
  • Cleaving Dragon Buster - New
  • Celtic Cleaver - New
  • Voidsplinter Tether - New
  • Gilded Dread Scythe - New
  • Ultimate Dragon Scythe of Elements - New
  • Demonmancer Plate
  • Warlord of Nulgath - New
  • Paragon Plate - New
  • Zorbo
  • Randor
  • Azrael's Reaper
  • ChickenCow Clone

    After Ultimate Dragon Scythe of Elements was fixed and Chickencow Clone was finished, both were moved into the UR shop. The extra Crusader's Shining Repeater was removed from the UR shop but kept in the Rare shop.

  • ArchMagus Orodalf -> RE: Quests - Read the first post! (3/10/2016 15:27:50)

    Xanatos Speed Chess
    Chessmaster + ENTROPY?

    Location: Today's Event » Xanatos Speed Chess

    «Scene: Battleon»

    Scion: -- which is ultimately how I ended up involved with Nightbane in the first place.
    «You»: You certainly have a colorful history.
    Scion: As if you don't, «You».

    «Nel and Cerin enter.»

    Nel: Hello, cousin.
    Twilly: Nels! What are you doing here?
    Nel: We came to let «You» know that the dedication ceremony is moving forward.
    «You»: About time.
    Nel: However, we need to secure the temple site against the current unrest in Deren. Also, I have a book I need help retrieving from the old temple library.
    «You»: And you would like my help?
    Nel: If you could be so kind.
    «You»: Of course; let's go.

    «Scene fades. New Scene: A chessboard.»

    ???: (off-scene) Quite the lovely setup you have here.
    Luminous Wyrm: (off-scene) You incompetent lout! How did you not realize that you were followed??
    Terrapin: (off-scene) Brother, none of us noticed him until he spoke.
    ???: (Black King) Very true. Hold your temper for now. I don't care to make moves blindly.
    ???: (off-scene) A wise philosophy, to be sure.
    ???: (Black King) Flattery will get you nowhere, Mr...?

    «The off-scene ??? is identified.»

    Entropy: Oh. You can call me ENTROPY.
    ???: Right. So would you be a dear and tell me why I shouldn't let my friends have their way with you?
    Entropy: Because I know things. Things that you don't. Things that you need to know if you want your own plans to succeed. Because, my dear, you need my help.
    ???: I need your help? How do you figure that?
    ???: I will have mate in 3 moves.
    Entropy: Ah, the board?
    ???: Yes. The pieces all have their niches and move sets. The game is all about strategy... but enough with the metaphors for now.
    ???: You say you want to help me. I have a hard enough time believing you can do that, but it's even harder to believe that you'd want to. I'm no fool.
    ???: Just what is your goal in all of these things?
    Entropy: Oh, but the game makes for such a delightful metaphor.
    Entropy: As to my goal, would you like to know? Would you like me to show you?
    ???: I asked, didn't I?
    Entropy: Why merely move pieces when you can move the very board itself?

    «Entropy's hand reaches down and overturns the board.»

    ???: ... Move the board?
    ???: Well that's certainly an ambitious goal, er, what did you call yourself? ENTROPY, was it?
    Entropy: It is who I am and what I seek, which, my lady, is precisely why I want to aid you in your endeavor.
    ???: And what, exactly, do you know of my plans? And how?
    Entropy: Actually little, but regardless of what you plan, your efforts fuel my own course. Of course, even were I uncreated utterly, that too would serve my goal.
    ???: I see.
    ???: Well, let's get down to it, then. You clearly have gone through a lot of trouble for the chance to tell me something. What is it, and why should I care?
    Entropy: Your servitors gather the elemental orbs. Do you think that you will have them all when you are done?
    ???: Let's just say that I have backup plans.
    Entropy: With incomplete information, your plans are patently irrelevant. There are not 9 orbs. There are 10. You know that, I assume.
    ???: I suspected. But even if that tenth orb exists, nobody knows where it is. Chances are that the Network stole it.
    Entropy: Is that what you think? And if I told you that evidence is buried deep in the historical records of the Royal Library at Deren that suggests a rather different conclusion?
    ???: Then you'd certainly have my attention. Go on.
    Entropy: Sealed records I have unearthed suggest that the Orb of Uncreation is still on Lore, or at least accessible therefrom.
    Entropy: It was left in the possession of The'Galin's own cadre of servitors-- the ones tasked with keeping the world in check, rather than judging it.
    ???: His knights.
    Entropy: Ah, you know of them. Yes. The reason the orb is so hard to find is because those knights sealed it away. I trust you can connect the dots from there.
    Entropy: The knights seek order and I seek ENTROPY, chaos, and disruption. No matter what your plans are - even should you remove me with the Orb itself - my great purpose will be served.
    Entropy: Anything that thwarts the knights aids me. It is that simple.
    Entropy: Of course, you might still seek to outwit me and repay my kindness in aiding you with treachery.
    Entropy: But as I have already shown you how willing I am to cheat and how little interest I have in interfering in your own design,
    Entropy: I imagine we can find a mutually agreeable conclusion.
    Entropy: Especially considering that you are far to intricate in your own planning to use the orb against me without knowing what ripple effects my removal might have.
    ???: As I said before, I am no fool. So long as I have your silence, I have nothing to gain with such a risky action.
    ???: So I am sure something can be arranged.
    Entropy: Just what I hoped to hear.

    At the ruins of the previous Temple of Hope...

    Nel: The natives are restless.
      4 BATTLES (last is an Angry Protestor)
      Full Heal after every 2 battles
    «You»: What are protestors doing here?
    Nel: This ENTROPY has something to do with-- did you hear that?
      4 BATTLES
      Full Heal after every 2 battles
      1 BATTLE: Uvee
      Full Heal
    «You»: Something very bad is going on.
    Nel: Clearly. Unfortunately, I have to return to Deren to prepare for the ceremony. This will have to wait. Will I see you there?
    «You»: I wouldn't miss it for the world.

    «Scene fades.»
    Xanatos Speed Chess

    Shop Weapons:
  • Pawn's Maul (10, 30, 50, 70, 90, 110, 130, 150G)
  • Bishop's Bow (10, 30, 50, 70, 90, 110, 130, 150G)
  • King's Staff (10, 30, 50, 70, 90, 110, 130, 150G)
  • Play again!
  • Guardian Tower!
  • Leave

  • Tep Itaki -> RE: Quests - Read the first post! (3/10/2016 19:04:05)


    Entropy: Is that what you think? And if I told you that evidence _ buried deep in the historical records of the Royal Library at Deren suggests a rather different conclusion?

    Ingame: the marked blank spot says "in" but I believe that is a typo; "is" can replace it or removing the "in" ingame, like how Orodalf has it would make sense as well.

    Also, thanks Orodalf for the quick write up[:)]

    You know, there is a better place to report typos that staff will more likely see, just sayin' [;)] ~Carandor

    ArchMagus Orodalf -> RE: Quests - Read the first post! (3/10/2016 19:33:46)

    "is" can't replace it; it would still be ungrammatical.

    And, yes, I tend to do grammatical and spelling corrections in my write-ups rather than leaving them as they are in-game.

    Ianthe -> RE: Quests - Read the first post! (3/11/2016 20:35:02)

    Line fixed to:

    Is that what you think? And if I told you that evidence is buried deep in the historical records of the Royal Library at Deren that suggests a rather different conclusion?

    Clear your cache to get the new version.

    big E -> RE: Quests - Read the first post! (3/14/2016 14:33:50)

    Yon Ill Wind needs the link to its map updated. The map can be previewed on google image search by searching for "aq yon ill wind", but none of the links work there either.

    Tep Itaki -> RE: Quests - Read the first post! (3/29/2016 20:12:32)

    *rises up from my slothiness and readies the entry writing*


    Blarney War 2016!


    «You can skip this cutscene at any time to proceed straight to the war.»

    «A zooming shot of the EbilCorp building and the scene switches to the inside.»

    Uncle Sham: Mehehe! We've done it, Lucky! We extracted pure Essence o' Luck!
    LepraKhan: Congrats, boss!
    Uncle Sham: Wi' this, we can build th' ultimate leprechaun soldiers an' use 'em to take over Battleon fer good!
    Uncle Sham: Let's get ta work!

    «Uncle Sham and LepraKhan leaves and the scene fades to another room.»

    Zardmaster: Mwahaha! We've done it, Lars! We extracted pure Primordial Zardium!
    Lars: Ribarg!
    Zardmaster: With this, we can create the ultimate zard soldiers and use them to take over Battleon for good!
    Zardmaster: Let's get to work!

    «The Zardmaster leaves and the scene switches. Zardmaster and Uncle Sham runs into each other causing their extracts to fly and collide. A Leprezard appear in the middle.»

    Leprezard: Ribarg?
    Uncle Sham: Oy! Ya got yer Zardium in me Essence o' Luck!
    Zardmaster: Hey! YOU got YOUR Luck in MY Primordial Zardium!
    Uncle Sham: How'm I gonna take ov'r Battleon now?!
    Zardmaster: How am I gonna take over Battleon now?!
    Uncle Sham: ....
    Zardmaster: ....
    Uncle Sham: Hmmmmm....
    Zardmaster: Hmmmmm....

    Exactly 17 hours later...


    Blarney War

    Uncle Sham has teamed up with Dilwod Sackelberry to produce a truly terrifying creation: the LepreZard. A crafty and adaptable creature empowered by pure Luck! And now they're assaulting Battleon with their combined zard and leprechaun forces in hopes of taking over the town (and taxing it into oblivion)! Can you defend the town from this two-pronged assault?

  • To Battle!
      How many waves would you like to fight before returning to camp to rest?
    • One
    • Two
    • Three
    • Five
      «If you select any other than ENDLESS: You will now fight «» wave(s) before returning to camp!»
      «If you select ENDLESS: You will now fight waves endlessly until you flee from battle!»
  • Past Blarney Rewards! - Opens the Blarney shop
  • Leprechaun Power Armor! - You have equipped a special Leprechaun Power Armor! It will disappear when you log out.
  • Explore Camp
  • Back to Town

  • Potion Bag - Refills potions if you have less than 4 on hand (Guardian Only).
  • Robina - Click on Robina's bow if you want her to join you in battle!
  • Robina's bow - Robina the Ranger will join you in battle!
  • Warlic - Click on Warlic's crystal ball if you want him to join you in battle!
  • Warlic's crystal ball - Warlic will help you in battle!
  • Zardhunter - Click on the Zardhunter's hat if you want him to join you in battle!
  • Zardhunter's hat - The Zardhunter joins you in battle!
  • Chest - You now wield Zardbane! It will disappear when you log out. - *If you're not a guardian - If you become a Guardian, then you can wield Zardbane into battle!
  • 4-Leaf Clover - This magical 4-leaf clover just healed you!
  • Leprezards - +0.1 Ranged BTH per Leprezard shot. Maximum of +20.0 BTH, or 200 Leprezards.

    «After defeating 50% of the Leprezard army, new cutscene button was unlocked in the war camp.»
      «A panning view of a meadow with 3 guardians lying on the ground with 2 leprechauns and a leprezard over them. The scene fades to the front of Yulgar's Inn.»

      Robina: The western units aren't holdin gup well. They've been pushed back almost to the city centre!
      Nimrod: The Guardian Tower's running out - we need reinforcements!
      Robina: The south's doing even worse - they've almost completely collapsed!
      «You»: What about the eastern blockade?

      «An orange-red light flashes from the right side of the screen.»

      Nimrod: What eastern blockade?
      «You»: This isn't going well. We won't be able to get by with some kind of miracle....

      «The scene fades to the meadow and 6 blue slashes happen. Afterwards, the 2 leprechauns and leprezard falls. The scene switches to Sham and Zardmaster standing over a cauldron.»

      Sham: Oy! What in me gold's name just happen'd there?!
      ???: Mr O'Slayhee. Me. Sackleberry.

      «Zorbak appears with a green hue and swirling green vortex around him. The scene will switch between the two over the cauldron and Zorbak when they talk.»

      Zorbak: I have been informed that you two losers are in breach of the contracts you signed.

      Zardmaster: Contracts? I never signed any contracts! Especially with you!
      Sham: I bet me lucky penny that yer talkin' a load of guff!

      Zorbak: Oh, you definitely signed waivers when you rented out labspace at EbilCorp Labs.
      Zorbak: And part of what you signed is very clear: any discoveries, inventions, or breakthroughs you make are to be property of EbilCorp.
      Zorbak: *I* own your Essence of Luck, your Primodial Zardium, and your LepreZards. You using them here - without MY permission - is a serious breach of contract.
      Zorbak: I demand that you stop this circus and hand over your findings. NOW.

      Zardmaster: Pfft! Yea, like we're gonna stop when we're so close to taking over Battleon!
      Sham: Whaddaya gonna do? Take 'em from us? Wi' what army?

      Zorbak: Yeah, I'm gonna take 'em back. Me, and my army of NINJA LAWYER ASSASSINS.

      «Two well dressed ninjas appear behind Zorbak.»

      Zorbak: Sic 'em, guys!
      Ninja Lawyer: You've been served notice...OF YOUR IMPENDING DEMISE!

      «Scene: In front of Yulgar's Inn.»

      Nimrod: ...What just happened?
      «You»: Zorbak Happened. Don't ask too many questions! Just keep fighting! We got a chance now!

    «Once Blarney War LepreZards war meter hit 100%...»
      4 BATTLES
      Twilly Heal every second battle
    «You appear in the room with Sham and the Zardmaster.»

    «You»: It's over, you two! Surrender and hand over the Zardium and the Luck, and we'll go easy on you.

    «Sham backs away from you.»

    Zardmaster: Not a chance! There's no way that you can take down the two of us!
    Uncle Sham: If ya can take 'im on by yerself, I'll up yer share to 90% o' the fortune we get from this!
    Zardmaster: !!!! Deal!

    «Sham flees the scene.»

    «You»: Right. Time to show you and Goldilocks there that your luck's run out!
      1 BATTLES: LepreZard Master
      Full Heal
    «Zorbak comes up to the fallen bottle.»

    Zorbak: I'll be taking this!
    «You»: Not to thrilled about that, but what about Sham?
    Zorbak: He's being... taken care of.
    * too
    «The scene switches to the front of the Portal to Leprechaunia as Sham runs to it but is stopped by 3 ninja laywer assassins.»

    Uncle Sham: *Gulp*

    «In front of Yulgar's Inn.»

    «You»: Repairs are underway! Looks like everything's going to be alright.
    Nimrod: Not quite, «You». Zorbak now has both Primodial Zardium and Essence of Luck, and can create his own army of leprezards to take over Battleon!
    Zorbak: Mer? Ew, no. That's stupid - you're really living up to your name, Nimrod.
    Zorbak: There's no way that I'd lower myself to the level of using ZARDS and LEPRECHAUNS to attack Battleon! I'd sooner fight with flowers and the power of ~love~. BLEH!
    Zorbak: I'm handing these vials over to EbilCorp R&D. They'll probably turn it into some medicine or a fruit drink that I can sell for a ton of cash.
    «You»: Oh good! I guess that means you'll be supplying the war rewards!

    Blarney War '16: LepreZards!

  • Gilded Warbow [L. 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150 G]
  • Blarney '16 Commemorative Spoon [L. 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150 G]

  • Ninja Lawyer Assassin Contract [L. 95, 115, 135, 150 G]

  • Lepre-Chan [L. 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150 G]

  • ZardAde [L. 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150 G]

  • Play again!
  • Guardian Tower!
  • Leave

    Grenwog Releases!
    Mmm, delicious eggs...

    Location: Grenwog Portal Painting


  • 2008: Egghead! - An odd new animal has showed up in town just as Grenwog arrived, quest to find out what it is!
  • 2009: Food Chain! - It looks like the Grenwog isn't quite the top of the festival food chain!
  • 2010: Bun-Bit War! - Cuddly bunnies have emerged from their burrows, and they're MAD!
  • 2011: Bun Rangers! - They're the cuddliest defenders of justice you'll ever meet!
  • 2012: Bun Rangers Nitro! - The Bun Rangers return with souped up hot rods!
  • 2013: Night of the Grenwog! - The Grenwog undergoes a dark transformation this year! (Hope you brought garlic!)
  • 2014: Missing Eggs! - It's a catastrophe - who stole all the Festival's eggs!
  • 2015: Bad Eggs! - Nerfits have left their eggs all over Zorbak's house! - (when clicked) Click the Grenwog Festival logo to play!
  • 2016: Dino Eggs! - Watch out - there's some dangerous eggs mixed in with the Grenwog eggs! - (when clicked) Click the Grenwog Festival logo to play!
  • 2017: ??? - Coming in 2017!
  • 2018: ??? - Coming in 2018!
  • 2019: ??? - Coming in 2019!
  • Grenwog Festival - Click the Grenwog Festival logo to gather eggs!

    Grenwog Festival 2016

    «After clicking the logo, the opening cutscene is the same as Grenwog Festival 2015. You can skip at any time.»

    «The menu contains the same content as from [link=]Grenwog Festival 2015[/link], with the exception of the following:»
  • During the Egg Hunt!
      Any time you beat a monster - You loot «» eggs off the monster!
      Any time you lose against a monster - The monster loots «1/2» eggs off your corpse!
      Any time you run from a monster - You drop «» eggs as you flee!

  • The permanent Shops have been updated with two new items - T-C-Rex Rider and Invoke T-C-Rex respectively.
  • The random trigger for the Nerfit quest, the Bad Egg battle, won't continue after the battle. The Nerfit quest can only continue through the "Find Out Who's Behind This!" button after collecting 20,000 eggs.
  • You can randomly trigger the event with the Tyrannochicken Rex during the Egg Hunt.
      You found some eggs...
      But one looks out of place!

      «The screen shakes.»

      ...and the egg's parent
      doesn't sound happy!

    • Outrun it!

        You enter into a mini-game similar to the game in The Memories of a Gecko/Pae's quest. Use the up arrow to dodge objects when they come.

        If you fail, a cutscene happens where the Tyrannochicken Rex CHOMP! you causing instant death. You don't lose SP when this happens but you do lose half of the eggs you collected.

        If you win.

          «You»: *Huff* *huuf* *Wheeze* Gotta.... catch my breath. Who knew egg collecting could be so hazardous? I hope I don't run into anymore of those!
          «You»: Now I just need to find out where I am. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and nothing around here looks--
          «You»: Why hello, giant pile of eggs. Have I got a nice home for YOU!

    • Fight!
        1 BATTLE: Tyrannochicken Rex

    Eggstra-Secret Shop: «»


  • Carrotana [L. 1, 21, 41, 61, 81, 101, 121, 131, 141 G]
  • Carrot Spear [L. 1, 21, 41, 61, 81, 101, 121, 131, 141 G]
  • Carrot Staff [L. 1, 21, 41, 61, 81, 101, 121, 131, 141 G]

    House Items:
  • Grenwog Portal Painting


  • Nerfit [L. 10, 30, 50, 70, 90, 110, 130, 150 G]

    House Items:
  • Grenwog Portal Painting

    Tyrannochicken Rider

  • Grenwog '16 Commemorative Spoon [L. 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150 G]

  • Tyrannochicken Rex Rider [L. 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150 G]

    House Items:
  • Grenwog Portal Painting

    Invoke Tyrannochicken

  • Grenwog '16 Commemorative Spoon [L. 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150 G]

  • Invoke Tyrannochicken Rex [L. 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150 G]

    House Items:
  • Grenwog Portal Painting

    «When you exit the permanent shops:»
    Robina: I hope you enjoy those items! They'll probably all be gone after Grenwog Festival is over, so be sure to get what you need now.

    NOTE: Only put down the last year's and this year's Eggstra-Secret shop as they weren't recorded.

    EDIT: Aaaand...DONE! *flops to bed and slothiness intensifies*

  • Got these, thanks! ~Carandor

    Brasca123 -> RE: Quests - Read the first post! (3/31/2016 19:04:24)

    Corundum Corruption
    AQ/DF/MQ Crossover Event!

    Prerequisites: Must have completed Crystal Cave
    Location: Travel Map » Dwarfhold Mountains » Skip through Dialogue » Sequel: Corundum Corruption!

    The corruption of the Vizalain's happened many eons ago but the effects are about to be felt today. A foul corruption has awaked in the burrow of a small group of Vizalian protectors and their charge. This Corruption threatens the very earth around them. Sensing this, and knowing what could happen if left unchecked, Warlic has summoned you to his shop.

  • MechQuest: Play the events that started it all!
  • DragonFable: Play the events leading up to this!
  • Continue: Battle in the war and this event's conclusion!
    Clicking on "MechQuest" or "DragonFable" leads to their respective websites, clicking on "Continue" directs you further in the quest

    «You can skip this cutscene at any time to proceed straight to the war.»

    «Scene: «You» enter Warlic's shop, Warlic is already there.»

    «You»: Your message sounded urgent. What's wrong?
    Warlic: Something that never should have occurred. A crisis that was supposed to have been dealt with long ago, by you «You».
    «You»: Me? I know I've messed up a few times but you'll need to be specific since I don't remember anything like this.
    Warlic: Not you exactly, but a past version of you, in a very different timeline.
    «You»: What, who, when now?
    Warlic: *sigh* The short version is a past you was supposed to stop a large amount of corruption from infecting the planet.
    Warlic: You thought you had succeeded but you apparently missed something and that's now about to unleash itself upon us.
    «You»: So like, an analogue?
    Warlic: Yes, that's right.
    «You»: Huh. I knew I had analogues too, but i know so little about them. So this "other me" failed in his mission?
    Warlic: Evidently so, as the signs cannot be denied, «You».
    «You»: Wonderful. So what exactly is "about to be unleashed"?
    Warlic: Darkness corrupted, light aligned, crystal beings.
    «You»: Like the Brilhado?
    Warlic: No the Brilhado left the Lady of Light freely. These are very different.
    «You»: How?
    Warlic: The Shadowscythe, beings of evil that are aligned with the Darkness element, attempted to conquer everything eons ago.
    Warlic: You, the past you that is, stopped them, but during that time they tried various ways to corrupt and control the "lesser" beings.
    Warlic: Using pure darkness magic and infusing it with their hatred of others they were able to twist and corrupt the minds of a small group of crystal beings.
    Warlic: Apparently you missed one of the beings because not only has the corruption resurfaced but it has spread to others.
    Warlic: An army of creatures has begun pouring out of a network of caves deep in the Dwarfhold Mountains. They've shown signs of the corruption and are infecting others with it.
    Warlic: If something isn't done soon this tide of corruption will wash over everything, twisting minds, and allowing the Shadowscythe to actually win.
    «You»: You know eventually we're going to have to have a talk about letting me know about end-of-the-world events before it's "almost too late".
    Warlic: Perhaps, but that day isn't today. We first need to make sure we are able to have that talk.


    Corundum Corruption
    Crossover Event

    An army of creatures has begun pouring out of a network of caves deep in the Dwarfhold Mountains of Adventure Quest. If something isn't done soon this tide of corruption will wash over everything, twisting minds, and allowing the Shadowscythe to take over!

  • To Battle! - A wave consists of 2 battles, you get a Full Heal at the end of each wave
      How many waves would you like to fight before returning to camp to rest?
    • One
    • Two
    • Three
    • Four
      «If you select any other than ENDLESS: You will now fight «» wave(s) before returning to camp!»
      «If you select ENDLESS: You will now fight waves endlessly until you flee from battle!»
  • Explore Camp (Minimizes the War Scroll)
  • Back to Town
  • Guardian Mission (if clicked by a non-guardian) - You must be a Guardian to take this special mission!
  • Guardian Mission! - gives you the following dialogue

    Fight back the enemy funneling through this opening!

      8 BATTLES
      Optional Full Heal after battles #2, #4 and #6 with the following dialogue, as well as a compulsory Full Heal after the #8 battle.

      Twilly: I can heal you now if you need help!
    • Heal Me - Full Heal, continues with the dialogue below.
    • Battle On! - Ends dialogue
      Twilly: There you goes! All healed up!
    • Thanks Twilly!

      1 BATTLE: Treasure Chest
    You are sent back to camp afterwards

  • Chest (guardian only) - equip the temporary Tarnished Caliburn
  • Potion Bag (if clicked by a non-guardian) - You must be a Guardian to refill your Health potions from this bag.
  • Potion Bag (guardian only) - Refills up to 4 potions if you have less than this much in hand
  • Twilly - Starts the following conversation:
      Twilly: All these creatures look so angry. Be careful, «You»!
      Twilly: If you need to be healed I can help you.
    • Heal me please - Full Heal, continues with the dialogue below.
    • Let me handle this! - Ends dialogue.
      Twilly: There you goes! All healed up!
    • Thank you!
  • Robina - Click on Robina's bow if you want her to join you in battle!
  • Robina's Bow - Robina the Ranger will join you in battle!
  • Galanoth - Click on Galanoth's helm if you want him to join you in battle!
  • Galanoth's Helm - Galanoth the Dragonslayer joins you in battle!
  • Warlic - Click on Warlic's crystal ball if you want him to join you in battle!
  • Warlic's Crystal Ball - Warlic will help you in battle!
  • Crystal Monsters Flying in the back - +0.1 Ranged BTH per monster, maximum of +20.0 BTH, or 200 monsters. Resets if you log off.

    «After defeating 50% of the Corundum army, a new cutscene button was unlocked in the war camp.»
    «Scene: surrounded by a lot of corrupted crystals, there is a big red and transparent crystal with something inside it, the transparent crystal cracks and an arm-like thing goes out of it»

    Ricterild: I... am finally... free....

    «Once Corundum Corruption war meter hit 100%...»
      4 BATTLES
      Twilly heal every second battle (same dialogue as in guardian mission)
    «Scene: «You» appear in front of a fully corrupted corundum tree, on the background there are lots of corrupted crystals».

    Hiztchered: You... you have... returned to us.
    Hiztchered: You who... failed to protect... who did not keep his word!
    Hiztchered: The Darkness has claimed... me... us... we all... serve... .
    «You»: I'm sorry but I don't know what you're talking about. This is the first I remember hearing of what happened to you.
    «You»: I'm sorry it happened and i would have helped you had i known.
    Hiztchered: Silence! I know... your lies... the Darkness has... revealed all to... me.
    Hiztchered: I know what... I must... do. What they command me... to do.
    Hiztchered: DESTROY.
      1 BATTLE: Hiztchered
      Full Heal
    ««You» are now alone on the scenario surrounded by the corrupted crystals».

    «You»: It was too far gone. I wish I didn't have to destroy it. None of these creatures deserved this....
    ???: No, they did not. They only did what they were told to do.

    «Ricterild enters the scene».

    Ricterild: I am awakened from my long sleep. The Darkness I was gifted with has given me power beyond anything my kind has ever known!
    Ricterild: I hear their whispers, their commands. They want you to suffer for what you have done.
    Ricterild: You who tried to ruin their great work many cycles ago, I shall take revenge for them!
      1 BATTLE: Ricterild
      Full Heal
    «Ricterild is on the ground, Warlic teleports to your side».

    «You»: What was he? I've never faced anything like that before.
    Warlic: He was what the Shadowscythe wanted us all to be when their first plan failed.
    Warlic: A puppet, someone who would do anything they wanted and feel no remorse for it.
    Warlic: A moment, if you will.

    «Warlic starts to float, his crystal ball floats a bit away from him, it blasts a red beam towards Ricterild, after that, the screen flashes and all of the corrupted crystals (Ricterild included) have their corrupted cleansed and go back to their original color, warlic's crystal ball is now red».

    «You»: What was that?
    Warlic: I've pulled the corruption that was in this cave out of it, just like I did to the creatures you defeated outside.
    Warlic: When we're done here I'll send this Darkness back to the elemental plane that it came from. The Darkness Lord will know what to do with it.
    Warlic: The single seed that corrupted Corundum dropped when you defeated it is also cleansed, so it will eventually regrow.
    Warlic: At least one good thing will come of this.
    «You»: Why did this happen in the first place? What did the Shadowscythe hope to actually accomplish? Did they just want servants?
    Warlic: Yes and no. They wanted servants, yes, but they also were testing what would and wouldn't work in this plane.
    Warlic: When they started this experiment they had many plans in motion and this one just took longer to work.
    Warlic: We were able to stop it though. We prevented a darkness that would have swept across the entire planet.
    «You»: While that's all well and good, that has me wondering something.
    Warlic: What would that be?
    «You»: If the Shadowscythe were able to do this, what else is out there that hasn't surfaced yet?

    Corundum Corruption

    Shop Weapons
  • Crystaline Edge [L. 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150 G]
  • Crystaline Scythe [L. 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150 G]
  • Crystaline Staff [L. 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150 G]

    Shop Spells
  • Vizalain Vision [L. 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150 G]

    Shop Titles
  • Corruption Cleanser [L. 0] - requires 50 wins on this war.
  • Capable Corruption Cleanser [L. 5] - requires 100 wins on this war.
  • Competent Corruption Cleanser [L. 10] - requires 250 wins on this war.
  • Courageous Corruption Cleanser [L. 20] - requires 500 wins on this war.
  • Conquering Corruption Cleanser [L. 30] - requires 750 wins on this war.
  • Champion Corruption Cleanser [L. 40] - requires 1000 wins on this war.

  • Epilogue - proceeds to the dialogue below
  • Play again!
  • Guardian Tower!
  • Leave
    «Scene: In a dark cave a brilhado is chained to the walls, Erebus is right in front of him, the right corner is darker than the rest (it's where ENTROPY talks from)»

    Erebus: I am certain it was them. I masqueraded as such for long enough to know the tell-tale signs.
    ENTROPY: Shadowscythe activity on this plane is irrelevant Shade.
    Erebus: They will interfere with your plans, surely.
    ENTROPY: I know what this is really about. You fear retribution for your affront.
    ENTROPY: After all, it was you who replaced them here.
    ENTROPY: I, on the other hand, have nothing to fear from corruption, chaos, and doom.
    ENTROPY: All of these are forces of entropy. Now, leave, before I decide to experiment on you next as I am on this creature of shadow.
    Erebus: Shadow? That is a Brilhado. They are creatures of light, necromancers or not.
    ENTROPY: This is no Brilhado. It is a mere shade with an elaborate glamour, much like the kind you used.
    Erebus: You are messing with shadows themselves now. What other abilities have you stolen from me?
    ENTROPY: Unless you wish to find out personally, I suggest you leave.

    «A cloaked figure enters the scene from the left, (closer in looks to the mysterious stranger than to the mysterious necromancers)»

    Erebus: !!!

    «Erebus teleports out of the scene»

    ???: He has nothing to fear. Our vengeance is already being completed, with his order in tatters beneath the feet of our feat.
    ENTROPY: Kaley Obsidia is more responsible for that than you.
    ???: Obsidia's order has been aided in finding the secrets that she sought at every turn, I assure you.
    ???: Your world is merely taking its proper place in the necromantic mold that others follow already.
    ???: But you know that quite well. After all, it was through your own access to the shade's powers that you were able to contact me as well.
    ???: Our agreement stands, Drachen, as you met your end of the bargain. And, as to your Chosen, you are right about him. I am reminded of parallels to my own Lore.

    «Screen fades and you are sent back to the shop, after leaving the shop you are given the same options as before».

    for the sake of completeness i also linked the quests from DF and MQ on their links, not sure if necessary though

    On the Underlined Vizalian word, it's like that because of an in-game typo, the correct spelling should be Vizalain.

    also, on the phrase "No the Brilhado left the Lady of Light freely. These are very different." i think there should be a comma between "No" and "the brilhado..."

    same thing for the phrase "If something isn't done soon this tide of corruption will wash over everything, twisting minds, and allowing the Shadowscythe to actually win." i think there should be a comma between "soon" and "this" or between "done" and "soon", either of them seem to work, but using none seems wrong

    on "You know eventually we're going to have to have a talk about letting me know about end-of-the-world events before it's "almost too late"." i think there should be a comma between "know" and "eventually"

    The "if" that i changed the color in the war description is written correctly in-game, but it's not written with a capital letter even though it's right after a dot.

    the sentence "The single seed that corrupted Corundum dropped when you defeated it is also cleansed, so it will eventually regrow." should probably have some commas, i think it should be like this "The single seed, that corrupted Corundum dropped when you defeated it, is also cleansed, so it will eventually regrow."

  • Andlu -> RE: Quests - Read the first post! (3/31/2016 19:43:45)


    My first time, let's see show it goes
    Explore the Pyramid
    Adventure Quest

    Location: Warlic's Shop » Mastercraft Sets » Osiris Set!

    «Scene: Pyramid»
      2 BATTLES
      Full Heal
    Strength Check!
    A massive stone wall now blocks your path! Do you have the strength to lift it?
    Difficulty: 90
    Stat Used: Strength

    «If you fail the roll.»
      2 BATTLES
      Full Heal
    «After this, you retry the roll, until you succeed it»

    «If you succeed the roll.»
      2 BATTLES
      Full Heal
    Dexterity Check!
    You stepped on a hidden panel and triggered a volley of arrows! Can your swift reflexes save you?
    Difficulty: 90
    Stat Used: Dexterity

    «If you fail the roll a bunch of arrows come flying in and hits you for 50% of your health»
      2 BATTLES
      Full Heal
    Endurance Check!
    The sand here is incredibly deep, impeding your progress! Can you endure trodding through it?
    Difficulty: 90
    Stat Used: Endurance

    «If you fail the roll you get choked for 9999 rounds, which makes your effectiveness drop to 70%»

    «You»: Oh a... bald cat? Hey there little guy, scoot on out of the way. *pst pst* Shoo!
    ???: *Hiiiiiiiissssssss
    «You»: Ugh, I hate fighting cats. They always go for the sensitive bits first...
      1 BATTLE: Mau
      Full Heal

      2 BATTLES
      Full Heal
    Intelligence Check!
    Magical glyphs have activated, sapping your energy! Can you cast a magical barrier to protect yourself?
    Difficulty: 50
    Stat Used: Intelligence

    «If you fail the roll you take 50% of your health as damage»
      2 BATTLES
      Full Heal
    Charisma Check!
    Those pots are filled with venomous snakes! Can you use your charms to get by them?
    Difficulty: 90
    Stat Used: Charisma

    «If you fail the roll you get power 3 light damage poison for 9999 turns»
      2 BATTLES
      Full Heal
    Luck Check!
    Two paths before you - One leads to Ammon, the other to certain doom! Can you get lucky and guess the correct path?
    Difficulty: 90
    Stat Used: Luck

    «If you fail the roll.»
      2 BATTLES
      Full Heal
    «After this, you retry the roll, until you succeed it»

    «If you succeed the roll.»

    «Scene: You appear inside Ammon's room while Ammon himself is locked by Amun Ra's power»

    Ammon: Amun Ra, your power holding me here is nearly gone. Even now I feel my shackles loosening.
    «You»: Oh good, you haven't escaped yet. Ammon I assume?
    Ammon: I am Ammon. Whoever you are, stranger, you are about to witness my freedom at last.

    «Scene: Room is flashed with a strong light and Ammon is set free.»

    Ammon: At last! Now the world will cower under my sandals and worship me as their supreme deity!
    «You»: Oh.... Ammon? Yeah, this is going to be a problem. See, I'm kind of a big deal around these parts. Danger arises and people need a saviour.
    «You»: These tasks falls on my shoulders. You have no idea how fast my inbox will fill up with pleas of desperation.
    Ammon: You dare question me? You insolent welp, I will be worshipped!
    «You»: C'mon, just think about it. No one wants to cover under some old, musty sandals. You've been down here for.... a long time.
    «You»: I didn't see any bathing facilities on my way in. I bet those feet of yours are pretty ripe by now.
    Ammon: Enough of this nonsense! You will be the first one to witness my power!
      1 BATTLE: Ammon
      Full Heal
    «Scene: Light flashes from the symbol on the wall and Ammon disappears.»

    «You»: This pyramid doesn't seem long for this world. Time to go.

    «Scene: You appear in the desert, while the pyramid in the background falls and disappears over the sand»

  • Reward Shop! Osiris Set!
  • Scarab Set Shop! For Level 105+ Players
  • Play again!
  • Guardian Tower!
  • Leave

    Osiris Set

  • Kopesh of Seth Z [L. 11Z]
  • Spear of Seth Z [L. 11Z]
  • Crook of Seth Z [L. 11Z]
  • Kopesh of Seth [L. 45]
  • Spear of Seth [L. 45]
  • Crook of Seth [L. 45]
  • Kopesh of Ra [L. 60]
  • Spear of Ra [L. 60]
  • Crook of Ra [L. 60]
  • Kopesh of Thoth [L. 75]
  • Spear of Thoth [L. 75]
  • Crook of Thoth [L. 75]
  • Kopesh of Horus [L. 90]
  • Spear of Horus [L. 90]
  • Crook of Horus [L. 90]
  • Kopesh of Bastet [L. 105]
  • Spear of Bastet [L. 105]
  • Crook of Bastet [L. 105]
  • Kopesh of Isis [L. 120]
  • Spear of Isis [L. 120]
  • Crook of Isis [L. 120]
  • Kopesh of Osiris [L. 135]
  • Spear of Osiris [L. 135]
  • Crook of Osiris [L. 135]
  • Elahi Kopesh of Osiris [L. 150G]
  • Elahi Spear of Osiris [L. 150G]
  • Elahi Crook of Osiris [L. 150G]

  • Waqaya of Seth Z [L. 11Z]
  • Waqaya of Seth [L. 45]
  • Waqaya of Ra [L. 60]
  • Waqaya of Thoth [L.75]
  • Waqaya of Horus [L.90]
  • Waqaya of Bastet [L. 105]
  • Waqaya of Isis [L. 120]
  • Waqaya of Osiris [L. 135]
  • Elahi Waqaya of Osiris [L. 150G]

  • Ikm of Seth Z [L. 11 Z]
  • Ikm of Seth [L. 45]
  • Ikm of Ra [L. 60]
  • Ikm of Thoth [L. 75]
  • Ikm of Horus [L. 90]
  • Ikm of Bastet [L. 105]
  • Ikm of Isis [L. 120]
  • Ikm of Osiris [L. 135]
  • Elahi Ikm of Osiris [L. 150 G]

  • Mau of Seth Z [L. 11 Z]
  • Mau of Seth [L. 45]
  • Mau of Ra [L. 60]
  • Mau of Thoth [L. 75]
  • Mau of Horus [L. 90]
  • Mau of Bastet [L. 105]
  • Mau of Isis [L. 120]
  • Mau of Osiris [L. 135]
  • Elahi Mau of Osiris [L. 150 G]

  • Irt of Seth Z [L. 11 Z]
  • Irt of Seth [L. 45]
  • Irt of Ra [L. 60]
  • Irt of Thoth [L. 75]
  • Irt of Horus [L. 90]
  • Irt of Bastet [L. 105]
  • Irt of Isis [L. 120]
  • Irt of Osiris [L. 135]
  • Elahi Irt of Osiris [L. 150 G]

  • Pharaoh

    Scarab Shop

  • Scarab Axe [L. 105, 120, 135 | 143Z | 150 G]
  • Scarab Mace [L. 105, 120, 135 | 143Z | 150 G]

  • Scarab Shell [L. 105, 120, 135 | 143Z | 150 G]

  • Scarab Swarm [L. 105, 120, 135 | 143Z | 150 G]

  • Scarab [L. 105, 120, 135 | 143Z | 150 G]

  • Got this. ~Carandor

    big E -> RE: Quests - Read the first post! (4/1/2016 3:34:03)

    Nicely done! You've listed the INT roll as having 50 difficulty and all the others at 90, is this actually the case?


    Ammon: Amum Ra, your power holding me here

    Also Osiris is continuously typo'ed as Orisis. Edit: Okay, only for the shop title and weapons/armors

    Andlu -> RE: Quests - Read the first post! (4/1/2016 5:07:22)

    Its kinda weird but the roll is indeed 50 while everything else is 90
    Gonna fix that thanks
    Also Amum Ra Is correct
    Its as it shows on the dialogue

    big E -> RE: Quests - Read the first post! (4/1/2016 5:40:13)

    Oh, it actually says "Amum" in-game? Should go in the AQ typos bug forum in that case. Ditto for "your's" in the penultimate line before the fight, apostrophe shouldn't be there.

    Oh, and you fixed all the "Orisis" except the heading :)

    Andlu -> RE: Quests - Read the first post! (4/1/2016 6:36:44)

    Yeah had to go to college
    The your's is also there
    Now that you say it, its weird

    Tep Itaki -> RE: Quests - Read the first post! (4/3/2016 17:21:26)


    Alright. I figured out how to do this.... *slogs out of slothiness and readies the entry*
    Also, you can access the past April Fools' quests by clicking the emodjinn figure in the event page.

    The Frogzard Hunter


    Frogzard Hunter 1 "new" quest dialogue.

    Translation:(Through rough guessing and the original dialogue)

    Frogzard Hunter: Frogzard Hunter here! We're in the wilds of Athzes... On the trail of fierce and elusive Frogzard!
    Frogzard Hunter: And with me today is our hero, one of the adventurers of Battleon.
    Frogzard Hunter: Stick with me mate and you will learn a lot about Frogzard lore.

    «You enter the scene with the Frogzard Hunter by you.»

    Frogzard Hunter: Hold on! I think I see one now! You must approach the Frogzard with extreme caution...
    Frogzard Hunter: And when you make a grab at it, do not grab the teeth!

    «The Frogzard Hunter runs off screen.»

    Frogzard Hunter: Gotcha little bugger!
    Frogzard Hunter: CRIKEY!!

    «The Frogzard Hunter runs back with a frogzard stuck on his head.»

    Frogzard Hunter: Watch out mate! Here comes another...
      1 BATTLE: FrogZard
    Frogzard Hunter: Crikey, look at the size of these teeth! Say, would you mind helping a feller out?
    Frogzard Hunter: Now, just knock the little bugger off me head. Careful not to hit me though!

    «An arrow appears and clicking it will will have a fireball fly and hit the Frogzard, blowing away the Frogzard Hunter as well. The Frogzard Hunter is now lying on the ground with the Frogzard holding onto to him.»

    «You»: That thing has a nasty grip, she will not let go!
    Frogzard Hunter: No worry, mate! She will tire out before she can drag me back to her den and have her cubs feed on me!
    Frogzard Hunter: Then we can get some measurements of this beautiful specimen.

    «The Frogzard drags the Frogzard Hunter off screen.»

    Frogzard Hunter: Oh I can feel it, mate! Her teeth is slowly unpiercing me torso. Agh! Just a bit more...
    Frogzard Hunter: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    «The Frogzard Hunter runs back facing you.»

    Frogzard Hunter: Thanks mate! I owe ya one. If you had not wore her down, I'd have been zard-chow for sure.
    «You»: You are welcome?

    «The Frogzard Hunter turns around and looks up.»

    Frogzard Hunter: Did you hear that? Sounded like thunder. Must be a storm moving in.
    Frogzard Hunter: Or perhaps a rare Zappitus Frogenzarditous... better known around here as ENERGYZARD!

    «The Frogzard Hunter takes some distance by a tree.»

    Frogzard Hunter: Crikey, here he comes! Put a beat down on that bloke... I am going to study this magnificent specimen here!
      1 BATTLE: EnergyZard
    Frogzard Hunter: Good job! Fortunately a good wildlife management professional always carry a healing potion.

    «The potion flies to you and you are fully healed.»

    Frogzard Hunter: Now, most people think the only good Frogzard is a dead one... but not me. Wait? Do you smell something burning?

    «There are fires flying around the Frogzard Hunter.»

    Frogzard Hunter: AHHHHHHH!

    «The Frogzard Hunter runs off screen past you.»
      1 BATTLE: FireZard
    «The Frogzard Hunter appears once again.»

    Frogzard Hunter: Nice fighting! That fella tried to barby me like a shrimp.

    «It starts snowing and the ground changes to snow.»

    Frogzard Hunter: Brrrr.... weather changes rapidly in this part of the continent. Perphaps we will get a chance to spot the rare ICEZARD!
      1 BATTLE: IceZard
    Frogzard Hunter: I guess you gave that fella a cold shoulder...

    «The Frogzard Hunter turns around.»

    Frogzard Hunter: 'Ello! Wait a minute. He dropped something!

    «The Frogzard Hunter runs off screen and returns with a green sword handle shaped after the frogzard.»

    Frogzard Hunter: Crikey! What a rare find.. some sort of weapon! It is very unusual to find something like this in the wild.
    Frogzard Hunter: G'job for now mates, and be sure to join us next time when we set off to find wild and wiley Mother zard and her treasure!

    Frogzard Hunter 1

  • Frogzard Rider Armor [L. 1, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150 G]

  • Play Part 2!
  • Play again!
  • Guardian Tower!
  • Leave

    The Frogzard Hunter
    Part II: Electric Boogaloo

    Location: Beat Frogzard Hunter 1

    Frogzard Hunter 2 "new" quest dialogue.

    Translation:(Through rough guessing and the original dialogue)

    Frogzard Hunter: Well, 'ello there mate! We are back for another helping of Frogzard fun!
    Frogzard Hunter: ...and with us today is *THE* leading authority on Frogzard lore! This hero has fought more Zards than most people realize exist!

    «You enter the scene.»

    Frogzard Hunter: What was that? Did you just feel a breeze?

    «The Frogzard Hunter is blown away by a gust of wind.»

    Frogzard Hunter: I can see my house from up here........ weeeeeeeeee!
      ! BATTLE: WindZard
    Frogzard Hunter: Now that bloke was just full of hot air. You know what they say... Zards of a feather... um... how's that go again?
    Frogzard Hunter: They actually receive their power directly from the the sun and can redirect it into a powerful attack that has potential to blind an opponent!
    Frogzard Hunter: Hey, there is one... look, he is gearing up to launch a blast at me!

    «A blast of concentrated light hits the Frogzard Hunter and there is now a white swirl on his face.»

    Frogzard Hunter: Crikey!!! Bugger blinded me!
      1 BATTLE: RayZard
    «You»: Today our true objective is to find the legendary Frogzard Blade! It is an ancient weapon of untold power.
    *This should be the Frogzard Hunter's line given the context...
    «The scene changes before a pool of water.»

    Frogzard Hunter: ...and to get it, we need to jump in the drink and get to the other side. Hope you brought your swimming trunks mate!
    «You»: Excuse me... Frogzard Hunter. I would like to make a comment. An observation really.
    Frogzard Hunter: Sure thing! What is on your mind?
    «You»: Well, not to be nosey or anything... but what is the deal with the long, heavy giant sized ball?
    Frogzard Hunter: It was a gift from a lovely, sweet woman name Gram. Taught me everything I know she did!
    Frogzard Hunter: Every time I crush something with it I think of her kind face!

    «The Frogzard Hunter jumps in the air above the pool of water.»

    Frogzard Hunter: Cannonball!!!!

    «The Frogzard Hunter enters the waters with a splash.»

    «You»: Hope that water is not as cold as it looks...
      1 BATTLE: TadZard
      Full Heal
    «Screen goes past the pool of water and reveals a cave.»

    Frogzard Hunter: Whew! Now that was refreshing! It always surprises me how long average adventurer can hold their breath.
    Frogzard Hunter: *Hears a growl* Crikey!... I would know that sound anywhere! Mighty Frogzard Mother. Not a friendly beast by any measure.
    Frogzard Hunter: Now, Mother Zard herself is not so bad... it is her babies you need to look out for. Those little buggers will swarm you and...

    «Small baby zards come and knocks the Frogzard Hunter down.»

    Frogzard Hunter: No worry mate! I can flip these off me in one quick move!

    «The Frogzard Hunter gets up and all the baby zards go flying.»

    Frogzard Hunter: Woooohoooo! Did you see that mate? Zards rule?... bah! I rule!!!
    Frogzard Hunter: Now, let us go get that...

    «A swarm of baby zards knock down the Frogzard Hunter again.»

    Frogzard Hunter: Maybe you should take this one.
      1 BATTLE: MotherZard
      Full Heal
    Frogzard Hunter: Good job mate! While you were distracting the Mother Zard I found it! The Legendary Frogzard Sword!
    Frogzard Hunter: I think you should hang on to this for awhile. You earned it!

    «The Frogzard Sword flies to you and is now equipped.»

    Frogzard Hunter: It is now in your inventory, but be careful, it will disappear when you log off or go to the shop.
    Frogzard Hunter: Hmmm, something just occurred to me.
    Frogzard Hunter: If the Mother Zard Created all Frogzards... who created the Mother Zard?

    «The Frogzard Hunter goes off screen.»

    Frogzard Hunter: Just a thought.
    Frogzard Hunter: CRIKEY!!!!
      1 BATTLE: Emodjinn
      Full Heal
    Frogzard Hunter: Who knew Zard lineage went back so far? I do NOT wanna see a GreatGrandmotherZard!
    Frogzard Hunter: Well mate, I got some zards to go round up. 'ave a good one!


  • Emodjinn [L. 1, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150 G]

    House Items:
  • April Fools' Portal Painting

  • Play again!
  • Guardian Tower!
  • Leave

    If anybody find any problems with the emoji translations, please do tell...otherwise...

    NEVER AGAIN!!! *plops back into bed and slothing intensifies*

  • Better you than me ;). Got these, thanks! ~Carandor

    Tep Itaki -> RE: Quests - Read the first post! (4/22/2016 18:03:29)



    The Frogzard Hunter

    Location: Zard Hunter Shop » Frogzard Hunter! » Part 1

    Frogzard Hunter: Frogzard Hunter here! We're in the wilds of Athzes... on the trail of fierce and elusive Frogzard!
    Frogzard Hunter: And with me today is «You», one of the adventurers of Battleon. Stick with me mate and you'll learn a lot about Frogzard lore.

    «You enter the scene with the Frogzard Hunter by you.»

    Frogzard Hunter: Hold on! I think I see one now! You must approach the Frogzard with extreme caution... and when you make a grab at it, do not grab the teeth!

    «The Frogzard Hunter runs off screen.»

    Frogzard Hunter: Gotcha little bugger!
    Frogzard Hunter: CRIKEY!!

    «The Frogzard Hunter runs back with dark gray-green and purple frogzard stuck on his head.»

    Frogzard Hunter: Watch out mate! Here comes another...
      1 BATTLE: FrogZard
    Frogzard Hunter: Crikey, look at the size of these teeth! Say, would you mind helpin' a feller out?
    Frogzard Hunter: Now, just knock the little bugger off my head. Careful not to hit me though!

    «An arrow appears and clicking it will will have a fireball fly and hit the Frogzard, blowing away the Frogzard Hunter as well. The Frogzard Hunter is now lying on the ground with the Frogzard holding onto to him.»

    «You»: That thing has a nasty grip, she will not let go!
    Frogzard Hunter: No worries, mate! She'll tire out before she can drag me back to her den and have her cubs feed on me!
    Frogzard Hunter: Then we can get some measurements of this beautiful specimen.

    «The Frogzard drags the Frogzard Hunter off screen.»

    Frogzard Hunter: Oh I can feel it, mate! Her teeth is slowly unpiercing my torso. Agh! Just a bit more...Yaiiiaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Frogzard Hunter: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    «The Frogzard Hunter runs back facing you.»

    Frogzard Hunter: Thanks mate! I owe ya one. If you had not wore her down, I'd have been zard-chow for sure.
    «You»: You're welcome?

    «The Frogzard Hunter turns around and looks up.»

    Frogzard Hunter: Did you hear that? Sounded like thunder. Must be a storm moving in.
    Frogzard Hunter: Or perhaps a rare Zappitus Frogenzarditous... better known around here as EnergyZard!

    «The Frogzard Hunter takes some distance by a tree.»

    Frogzard Hunter: Crikey, here he comes! Put the beat down on that bloke... I am going to study this magnificent tree here!
      1 BATTLE: EnergyZard
    Frogzard Hunter: Good job! Fortunately a good wildlife management professional always carry a healing potion.

    «The potion flies to you and you are fully healed.» - You quaff the potions! Full heal!

    Frogzard Hunter: Now, most people think the only good Frogzard is a dead one... but not me. Hey? Do you smell something burning?

    «There are fires flying around the Frogzard Hunter.»

    Frogzard Hunter: AHHHHHHH!

    «The Frogzard Hunter runs off screen past you.»
      1 BATTLE: FireZard
    «The Frogzard Hunter appears once again.»

    Frogzard Hunter: Nice fighting! That fella tried to barby me like a shrimp.

    «It starts snowing and the ground changes to snow.»

    Frogzard Hunter: Brrrr.... weather changes rapidly in this part of the continent. Perphaps we will get a chance to spot the rare IceZard!
      1 BATTLE: IceZard
    Frogzard Hunter: I guess you gave that fella a cold shoulder...

    «The Frogzard Hunter turns around.»

    Frogzard Hunter: Hey! Wait a minute. He dropped something!

    «The Frogzard Hunter runs off screen and returns with a green sword handle shaped after the frogzard. The day sky turns to night.»

    Frogzard Hunter: Crikey! What a rare find.. some sort of weapon! It is very unusual to find something like this in the wild.
    Frogzard Hunter: It got dark awful quick aye mate?

    «A dark gray-green and purple frogzard comes from behind the Frogzard Hunter and bites him. Both disappear off-screen.»

    Frogzard Hunter: Wow, this one has a tail!
      1 BATTLE: DarkZard
    «The Frogzard Hunter runs back on screen.»
    Frogzard Hunter: Nice work «You»! That bugger might'ov taken me leg with it's deathroll!
    Frogzard Hunter: Well g'day for now mates, and be sure to join us next time when we set off to find wild and wiley Mother Zard and her treasure!

    Frogzard Hunter 1

  • Frogzard Rider Armor [L. 1, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150 G]
  • Call FireZard [L. 5, 10 G, 20, 25 G, 35, 40 G, 50, 55 G, 65, 70 G, 80, 85 G, 95, 100 G, 110, 115 G, 125, 130 G, 135, 140 G, 150 G]
  • Call IceZard [L. 5, 10 G, 20, 25 G, 35, 40 G, 50, 55 G, 65, 70 G, 80, 85 G, 95, 100 G, 110, 115 G, 125, 130 G, 135, 140 G, 150 G]
  • Call FrogZard [L. 5, 10 G, 20, 25 G, 35, 40 G, 50, 55 G, 65, 70 G, 80, 85 G, 95, 100 G, 110, 115 G, 125, 130 G, 135, 140 G, 150 G]
  • Call EnergyZard [L. 5, 10 G, 20, 25 G, 35, 40 G, 50, 55 G, 65, 70 G, 80, 85 G, 95, 100 G, 110, 115 G, 125, 130 G, 135, 140 G, 150 G]
  • Call DarkZard [L. 5, 10 G, 20, 25 G, 35, 40 G, 50, 55 G, 65, 70 G, 80, 85 G, 95, 100 G, 110, 115 G, 125, 130 G, 135, 140 G, 150 G]

  • Play Part 2!
  • Play again!
  • Guardian Tower!
  • Leave

    The Frogzard Hunter
    Part II: Electric Boogaloo

    Location: Zard Hunter Shop » Frogzard Hunter! » Part 2

    Frogzard Hunter: Well, hello there mate! We are back for another helping of Frogzard fun!
    Frogzard Hunter: ...and with us today is *THE* leading authority on Frogzard lore! This Adventurer has fought more Zards than most people realize exist!

    «You enter the scene.»

    Frogzard Hunter: What was that? Did you just feel a breeze?

    «The Frogzard Hunter is blown away by a gust of wind.»

    Frogzard Hunter: I can see my house from up here........ weeeeeeeeee!
      1 BATTLE: WindZard
    Frogzard Hunter: Now that bloke was just full of hot air. You know what they say... Zards of a feather... um... how's that go again?
    Frogzard Hunter: They actually receive their power directly from the the sun and can redirect it into a powerful attack that has potential to blind an opponent!
    Frogzard Hunter: Hey, there is one... look, he is gearing up to launch a blast at me!

    «A blast of concentrated light hits the Frogzard Hunter and there is now a white swirl on his face.»

    Frogzard Hunter: Crikey!!! The bugger blinded me!
      1 BATTLE: RayZard
    «You»: Today our true objective is to find the legendary Frogzard Blade. It is an ancient weapon of untold power.
    *This should be the Frogzard Hunter's line given the context...
    «The scene changes before a pool of water.»

    Frogzard Hunter: ...and to get it, we need to jump in the drink and get to the other side. Hope you brought your swimming trunks mate!
    «You»: Excuse me... Frogzard Hunter. I would like to make a comment. An observation really.
    Frogzard Hunter: Sure thing! What is on your mind?
    «You»: Well, not to be nosey or anything... but what is the deal with the giant ball?
    Frogzard Hunter: It was a gift from a dear, sweet lady named Gram. Taught me everything I know she did!
    Frogzard Hunter: Every time I crush something with it I think of her kind face!

    «The Frogzard Hunter jumps in the air above the pool of water.»

    Frogzard Hunter: CANNONBALL!

    «The Frogzard Hunter enters the waters with a splash.»

    «You»: Hope that water isn't as cold as it looks...
      1 BATTLE: TadZard
    «Screen goes past the pool of water and reveals a cave.»

    Frogzard Hunter: Whew! Now that was refreshing! It always surprises me how long the average adventurer can hold their breath.
    Frogzard Hunter: *Hears a growl* Crikey!... I would know that sound anywhere! The mighty Frogzard Mother. Not a friendly beast by any measure.
    Frogzard Hunter: Now, the Mother Zard herself is not so bad... it is the kids you need to look out for. Those little buggers will swarm you and...

    «Small baby zards come and knocks the Frogzard Hunter down.»

    Frogzard Hunter: No worry mate! I can flip these off me in one quick move!

    «The Frogzard Hunter gets up and all the baby zards go flying.»

    Frogzard Hunter: Woooohoooo! Did you see that mate? Zards rule?... bah! I rule!!!
    Frogzard Hunter: Now, let us go get that...

    «A swarm of baby zards knock down the Frogzard Hunter again.»

    Frogzard Hunter: Maybe you should take this one.
      1 BATTLE: MotherZard
      Full Heal
    Frogzard Hunter: Good job mate! While you were distracting the MotherZard, I found it! The legendary Frogzard Sword!
    Frogzard Hunter: I think you should hang on to this for awhile. You earned it!

    «The Frogzard Sword flies to you and is now equipped.»

    Frogzard Hunter: It is now in your inventory, but be warned, it will disappear when you log off or go to the shop.
    Frogzard Hunter: Hmmm something just occurred to me.
    Frogzard Hunter: If the MotherZard created all Frogzards... who created the MotherZard?

    «The Frogzard Hunter goes off screen.»

    Frogzard Hunter: Just a thought.
    Frogzard Hunter: CRIKEY!!!!
      1 BATTLE: GrandmotherZard
      Full Heal
    Frogzard Hunter: Who knew Zard lineage went back so far? I do NOT wanna see a GreatGrandmotherZard!
    Frogzard Hunter: Well mate, I got some zards to go round up. 'ave a good one!

    Frogzard Hunter 2

  • Call TadZard [L. 5, 10 G, 20, 25 G, 35, 40 G, 50, 55 G, 65, 70 G, 80, 85 G, 95, 100 G, 110, 115 G, 125, 130 G, 135, 140 G, 150 G]
  • Call WindZard [L. 5, 10 G, 20, 25 G, 35, 40 G, 50, 55 G, 65, 70 G, 80, 85 G, 95, 100 G, 110, 115 G, 125, 130 G, 135, 140 G, 150 G]
  • Call RayZard [L. 5, 10 G, 20, 25 G, 35, 40 G, 50, 55 G, 65, 70 G, 80, 85 G, 95, 100 G, 110, 115 G, 125, 130 G, 135, 140 G, 150 G]

  • Play again!
  • Guardian Tower!
  • Leave
  • Got these, thanks! ~Carandor


    Frogzard Hunter: Now that bloke was just full of hot air. You know what they say... Zards of a feather... um... how's that go again?
    Frogzard Hunter: They actually receive their power directly from the the sun and can redirect it into a powerful attack that has potential to blind an opponent!

    There seems to be a missing dialogue between the Zards of a feather dialogue and the they actually receive their power directly from the sun dialogue of the Frogzard hunter.

    Original Quest:

    Frogzard Hunter: Now that bloke was just full of hot air. You know what they say... Zards of a feather... um... how's that go again?
    Frogzard Hunter: Anyway, it is a pretty sunny day. I am surprised we have not run into any Rayzards. They are a rare breed of Frogzard.

    «The Frogzard Hunter moves off-screen.»

    The Frogzard Hunter: They actually receive their power from the sun and can redirect it into a powerful attack that has the potential to blind an opponent!
    as compared to the previous quest.

    Also, there is a misplaced name where it is the player instead of the frogzard hunter.

    «You»: Today our true objective is to find the legendary Frogzard Blade. It is an ancient weapon of untold power.
    *This should be the Frogzard Hunter's line given the context...
    I've already marked the typo in my entry.

    Original Quest:

    «The Frogzard Hunter recovers from the impact.»

    The Frogzard Hunter: Today our true objective is to find the legendary Frogzard Blade. It is an ancient weapon of untold power.

    «You and the Frogzard Hunter move right towards a small lake.»


    Andlu -> RE: Quests - Read the first post! (4/24/2016 17:06:53)

    Second time, I blame tep for giving me the big ones D:

    Lupin 2
    DrakelCube E Gads Prequel

    Location: Travel Map » Darkovia » Dracopyre Legacy » The Hall of Memories » right » Lupin 2

    «Scene: A group of wolf riders are next to Battleon talking»

    Gedden: I’m not sure I understand this, general. Why are we seeking this person again?
    Lupin: I was a mighty general of the wolf riders. I stood astride the world. All of the wilderness looked upon my work and trembled.
    Lupin: Yet «You», with Ravil’s aid, defeated me.
    Lupin: They rendered my efforts as dust. It causes one to gain a certain perspective.
    Stapimahn: It’s like that strange poem we found when raiding that library last month.
    Lupin: Exactly! What was it called again?
    Gedden: Ozymandias.
    Lupin: Bless you.
    Stapimahn: To your health. I can’t remember either.
    Gedden: ....
    Lupin: Is everything okay, Gedden?
    «You»: No everything is not okay General. What are you doing in Battleon?

    «Your character enters the scene.»

    Lupin: «You»! Just who we were coming to see!
    «You»: Oh really?
    Lupin: Really. I have news of a plot against Battleon!
    «You»: You... you have news? Of a plot? Against Battleon?
    Lupin: Yes, I already said that.

    «If you choose to listen to Lupin.»

    «You»: And why would General Lupin of the wolf riders want to help Battleon? And more to the point, why would I trust you?
    Lupin: You’re right. You wouldn’t. You were right, Gedden. We’ll leave...
    «If you choose to subdue Lupin.»
      2 BATTLES: Wolf Rider
      Full Heal

      1 BATTLE: General Lupin
      Full Heal
    «A shop named Special Title opens and after closing it, there is the option to continue the quest.»

    Lupin: Fine then, we’re leaving. I know when I’m not wanted.
    «Regardless of what was chosen.»

    «Falerin enters the scene.»

    Falerin: No you won’t. When you chose to take your profiteering to my library, the terms of your surrender were quite clear.
    Falerin: Chosen, you need to hear what he has to say. I... Things are happening quickly. Strange things.
    «You»: Why are you not just telling me this, Loremaster?
    Falerin: There are complications, my friend. I cannot help in this, but he will aid you.
    Falerin: Or else.

    «Arden enters the scene by some kind of light portal.»

    Falerin: Arden? Why are you in clerical robes? You detest such frumpery.
    Arden: Because I am your avatar and priest, and the Caelestian council has begun their action.
    Falerin: Already? Where is Eldron?
    Arden: Trying to delay. He is at the Menagerie.
    «You»: Is something wrong on Caelestia?
    Arden: You could say that.
    Falerin: They are seeking to have me deposed, but this is only a prelude to far more serious things. I have to go back to Caelestia now.

    «Arden and Falerin leave to Caelestia using the light portal.»

    «You»: You tried to raid Falerin’s library?!
    Lupin: Err... it depends on your definition of “raid“?
    «You»: I’m so so sorry.....
    Gedden: Sorry? Why are you sorry?
    «You»: I know the loremaster, and I’ve seem what he is capable of. He’s a friend. And the results of that attempt....
    «You»: I wouldn’t wish those on my worst enemy.
    Lupin: Thank you. So, a truce?
    «You»: For the moment. What is this about?
    Lupin: After we last met, I was cast out by the pack. They sided with Ravil.
    Lupin: My dreams were in tatters; I had no food, no supplies. Only my two most loyal henchmen remained by my side.
    Gedden: Yeah... I’m beginning to regret that bit....
    Lupin: Gedden, you wound me! After all we have been through together?!
    Stapimahn: All we have been through together is probably why he regrets it.
    Lupin: Point.
    Lupin: I have reliable intel. The Drakel Minister who rules the K’eld near here is planning an attack.
    «You»: Bree’ha? He is planning an attack? And how did you come by this intel?
    Lupin: Well, it began a week or two ago....

    2 weeks earlier

    «Flashback starts.»

    Gedden: Why are we doing this again?
    Lupin: Because Ardendor has detected weirdinesses coming from this area.
    Gedden: I mean, why are we doing the Caelestian’s dirty work?
    Stapiman: Do we REALLY need to remind you what would happen if we didn’t cooperate?
    Gedden: Eep! No, please don’t....
    Computer: First Passphrase Please.
    Lupin: Geronimo.
    Computer: Password Accepted. Second Passphrase Please.
    Lupin: Allons-y.
    Computer: Password Accepted. Third Passphrase Please.
    Lupin: Jelly baby.
    Computer: Password Accepted.
    Lupin: And we’re in—
    Computer: Fourth Passphrase Please.
    Lupin: Fourth password? What!? The paper we stole from that arms dealer never listed a fourth password!
    Stapiman: Well now. Isn’t that....
    Gedden: Typical?
    Stapiman: No, that’s not the word I was thinking of. Like, in a story.
    Gedden: Ironic?
    Stapiman: No! It’s... ugh, what’s the word? When you’re like the opposite of like...
    Gedden: Fantastic?
    Computer: Password Accepted. Access Granted.

    «Flashback ends.»

    Lupin: So we gained access to the computer. We learned that he’s used Drakel Tech, Order Tech, and something called a “Strange Flack”.
    Stapimahn: No, it was Odd Flick
    Gedden: No, I’m sure it was a –
    «You»: Bizarre Fleck? Seriously... I thought we were done with those.
    Lupin: It gets much worse.
    Lupin: He’s used these to gain a Drakel Cube, and has stolen the other Drakel Cubes. He plans to use them.
    «You»: ....
    «You»: I told Jano that plan made no sense... but did he listen to me? NO, of COURSE not. *sigh* You’re sure about this?
    Lupin: Absolutely sure.
    «You»: Well, time to go to Deren.

    «Lupin II shop opens.»

    Lupin II - Special Title

  • Puppy Kicker

    Lupin II

  • Wolf Maul [L. 10, 30, 50, 70, 90, 110, 130, 150G]
  • Wolf Spear [L. 10, 30, 50, 70, 90, 110, 130, 150G]

  • Play again!
  • Guardian Tower!
  • Leave
  • ~ Ward

    Andlu -> RE: Quests - Read the first post! (4/24/2016 22:05:09)


    Second today, third overall, looking pretty neat
    Rise of the Shadow Council
    Adventure Quest

    Location: Battleon » Twilly » Anniversary Events » Rise of the Shadow Council

    «Scene: Battleon»

    Mysterious Loremaster: Ahh «You», Chosen of Lore. Just the person I needed to see.
    «You»: Really? Well if you are looking for a fight I’m ready!
    Mysterious Loremaster: Don’t let my appearance decieve you. I am part of the Council of Loremasters.
    Mysterious Loremaster: Together we have uncovered rumors that the tentacle of Carnax has been corrupted by... something. We need a fearless hero to bring it back for observation.
    «You»: Huh. Okay. Well we have a problem – Carnax was defeated long ago and turned into stone. It’s a big attaraction for the kids these days.
    Mysterious Loremaster: We are aware of Carnax’s defeat, but time is not a hindrance for us. If what has been whispered is true, then we are all in grave danger.
    Mysterious Loremaster: A great evil looms on the horizon and we need your help if we’re going to conquer whatever it may be.
    Mysterious Loremaster: I can send you back to the time when Carnax roamed the lands, but you must bring back a piece of its tentacle for our analysis.
    «You»: I’m all for time travel and I’ll be glad to help, on one condition.
    Mysterious Loremaster: Which is?
    «You»: Can you please not use some moody portal that relishes in electrocuting me?
    Mysterious Loremaster: ???
    «You»: Nevermind. I will take on your task and return with the tentacle of Carnax.
    Mysterious Loremaster: You are indeed a hero of legend, «You». Remember, you must retrieve the tentacle before the beast turns into stone.

    «Mysterious Loremaster teleports you into the past, when Carnax roamed the lands.»

    «You»: (thinking) Hmmm, well I guess this is the right place.

    Dexterity Check!
    Can you roll out of the way of Carnax’s stonp?
    Difficulty: 80
    Stat Used: Dexterity


    «If you succeed the roll»

    «You»: (thinking) Whoa that was close! This is definitely the right spot.

    «If you fail the roll Carnax’s stomp takes away 50% of your health»

    «You»: (thinking) Ooooowwww! This is definitely the right spot.

    «Regardless if you succeed or fail the roll»

    «You»: (thinking) I’m going to have to join in the battle if I’m going to get close enough to try and get one of the tentacles.

      2 BATTLES
      Full Heal
      2 BATTLES
      Full Heal
      2 BATTLES
      Full Heal
      2 BATTLES
      Full Heal

    «Carnax screams, as he falls to his death»

    CARNAX: I’ve failed you, my Master... death has come, my nightmare ends.
    CARNAX: I can rest, finally... rest... you can’t reach me now.
    CARNAX: .........
    CARNAX: .... I AM FREE...

    «Your character appears»

    «You»: I hate interrupting a death scene but I need just a teensy bit of your time. Promise you won’t even know I’m here.

    «You grab one of Carnax’s tentacle»

    «You»: Alright, now to get out of here!

    «Carnax closes his eyes, as he is slowly turned into stone»

    Mysterious Loremaster: Ahh, «You»! You’ve returned and I see you brought the tentacle we required.
    «You»: I almost trampled to death, but yes, I have returned with the tentacle!

    «You give Mysterious Loremaster the tentacle»

    Mysterious Loremaster: Hmmm, it’s clear this item is tainted – it pulses with dark power and must be quarantined
    Mysterious Loremaster: I know of a location which is specially spelled for things like this, and is closely guarded. They will keep it safe while it’s investigated.
    Mysterious Loremaster: Thank you, «You». I must make haste if we are to uncover this corruption.
    Mysterious Loremaster: It seems your trip back in time had it’s side-effects. The gear you previously acquire from defeating Carnax had somehow changed....

    Rise of the Shadow Council

  • Ultra Omniknight Blade [L. 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150G]
  • Time-Twisted Eye of Carnax [L. 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150G]
  • Time-Twisted Carnax Fighter [L. 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150G]

  • Play again!
  • Guardian Tower!
  • Leave

  • Added. Scakk

    Tep Itaki -> RE: Quests - Read the first post! (4/29/2016 18:46:11)

    A Season of Choices
    The Dedication


    «You can skip this cutscene at any time to proceed straight to the war.»

    «Two Brilhado stand in front of the ruins of the old Temple of Hope.»

    Ciel: The temple dedication will shortly begin in Deren City. Why are we here at this ruin, Umbrasto?
    Umbrasto: You know very well. Because we are looking for something from the remains of the former Temple's library

    ENTROPY: How unfortunate for you, then, that what you have found instead is destruction.
    ENTROPY: Kill them, take their wings. I have use of them.

    «Four protesters appears then Drakath comes running in.»

    Drakaath: What is this madness? In the name of your king, this stops at once!

    «Drakath swings his sword once and the protesters run away.»

    Ciel: Prince Drakath! We are in your debt, my lord.
    Umbrasto: Indeed.
    Drakaath: It's nothing. Why're the two of you on this island? What do you hope to find in such a place?
    Umbrasto: We heard that the temple library might have a copy of an ancient text called the Book of Parted Anima and Orbed souls.
    Ciel: A very ancient necromantic text.
    Drakaath: That text isn't here. It's already been taken by another.
    Ciel: What?
    Umbrasto: You are certain?
    Drakaath: Yeah, the book's in the hands of Tralin himself. If you're looking for that text, then you've come to the wrong Temple of Hope.
    Ciel: Hope, dashed.
    Drakaath: Not necessarily! As it happens, the assault upon you's gotta be reported to the king. If you come with me, you might be able to ask the king yourself about the text.
    Umbrasto: Then what are we waiting for? Let us be off.

    «Drakath runs off screen and the two Brilhado takes flight. Bree'ha appears on the scene holding a book.»

    Bree'ha: Not the only copy though.. The Drakelcube E has seen to that. Tralin holds but a duplicate and I am free to readying my plans.
    «The screen fades to black and switches to the Brilhado's dark fortress. Two golden winged Brilhados are talking to each other.»

    Argentum: Are you certain about this, Lord President?
    President Auricarius: The armies are marching on our location, General. There can be no mistake. His evidence is beyond question Send him in....

    «Argentum goes off screen and comes back with Grimveil.»

    President Auricarius: Grimveil, son of Shroudbrood, your information has proven accurate.
    Grimveil: I was certain that it would, Lord President. ENTROPY himself provided the information.
    President Auricarius: ... Lord President.
    Grimveil: That is your proper title, is it not? As our rightfully elected leader-
    President Auricarius: Rightfully elected.
    Grimveil: Our people spoke, General. I seek only to serve them. And I have means now with which to do so.
    President Auricarius: What do you mean?

    «Two undead knights appear behind Grimveil.»

    Argentum: !!! You still experiment with necromancy?!
    President Auricarius: No, General, this is different. It is no experiment.
    Grimveil: These are my friends. Darkskull and Milldewe
    Argentum: You have regained your necromancy How is this possible?

    «Diviara and Amilara appears.»

    Diviara: He had aid, Lord President, and we would aid you too.

    The completed Temple of Hope in Deren.

    Tralin: And so, as the Herald of Lorithia, the Creator...
    Ryuusei: And as servitor of The'Galin, her husband, the uncreator...

    Tralin&Ryuusei: We dedicate this temple to the people and powers of Lore. May it always be a place of peace in diversity.
    *I believe it should be "and" here for both dialogue
    Ryuusei: All that remains is to open the Temple.

    «You and Karuna arrive to the ceremony. Karuna holds a tablet of sort.»

    «You»: Your majesty, I have come. What do you seek?
    Tralin: Chosen of LORE, of her peoples and powers, it is just and right that you will begin the dedication. Will you do the honors?
    «You»: Certainly.
    «You»: King Tralin, May I present Lady Karuna and her son Baldev. They wish to offer something for the new temple.

    «You»: (That's your cue, Karuna.)
    Karuna: (I have stage fright, alright?)
    «You»: (Really? You!? Afraid of a little public speaking?)
    Karuna: ....
    «You»: (You'll do fine, Just take it one step at a time. Now go, people are starting to stare.)
    Karuna: (NOT HELPING, «YOU»!)

    «Karuna steps forward to King Tralin.»

    Karuna: *ahem*

    «You»: (Sometime today, Karuna....)
    Karuna: Mysonmadethisandwethoughtitwouldlookniceinthe-
    «You»: (STOP! STOP! STOP!)
    «You»: (Take a deep breath, and try again. Slowly this time.)

    Karuna: King... Tralin... with the dedication of... the new Temple of Hope... my son wished to make an offering in his own way....
    Karuna: Baldev could not be here in person, so I'm delivering it in his stead. He felt that... it was important to honor The'Galin for his chosen purpose.
    Karuna: It was his hope that with pieces like this... that duty would not be forgotten.

    «Tralin takes the The'Galin tablet.»

    Tralin: Your son sounds as wise in philosophy as he appears talented in art.
    Tralin: We would be honored to accept this offering for the Temple of Hope and will find a suitable place to display it.
    Karuna: Thank you, your majesty.

    «Karuna returns to her position»

    «You»: (See, that wasn't so bad, was it?)
    Karuna: (Don't want to talk about it.)
    «You»: (Alright, alright.)

    Tralin: That taken care of, I fear I have grave news.
    «You»: Your majesty...?
    Tralin: While the current situation should be a happy occasion, I fear that not all is well, «You».
    «You»: Funny you should mention that, your majesty...

    «Lupin appears from the right of the screen and everything fades to black for a moment with Lupin gone.»

    Tralin: Well this is grave news indeed, but clearly Chosen you cannot be in three places at once:
    Tralin: The Brilhado Civil War, chasing after news of ENTROPY directly, or dealing with Bree'ha. All are important. What shall we do first?
    Auricarius: Perhaps a contest to take a vote of the people majesty?
    Tralin: A splendid idea, Lord President. A splendid idea indeed!

    SEASON of CHOICES: The Dedication
    A vote needs to be taken among the people. You may cast a vote by battling a war wave in the appropriate camp. At the end of a week. The results will be tallied to determine what we will focus on next, in addition to the Chessmaster saga.

  • Explore Camp
  • Back to Town

  • Potion Bag - Refills potions if you have less than 4 on hand (Guardian Only).
  • Sash in front of the door - The Temple of Hope opens very soon!
  • Steps - Oh this place is nice! It has stairs and everything!
  • Rock - It's a rock!
  • Grass - Ever wonder who keeps the grass so nicely trimmed?
  • Statue - A new statue of Lorithia and The’Galin grace the entrance.


    «You have three choices of what to vote for: The Brilhado Civil War. Chasing after ENTROPY. Dealing with Bree'ha. After the timer reaches 0 the voting ends. All monster pools are the same.»

    «When you choose a side to fight.»

  • One
  • Two
  • Three
  • Five
    «If you select any other than ENDLESS: You will now fight «» wave(s) before returning to camp!»
    «If you select ENDLESS: You will now fight waves endlessly until you flee from battle!»

    «After the timer reaches 0...»

    You have chosen to investigate
    the chaos causing the Brilhado
    civil war!
    Stay tuned, as the plot will follow
    this important choice that you've

  • War Rewards!

    Season of Choices

  • Ceremonial Scissors [L. 7, 27, 47, 67, 87, 107, 127, 147 G]

  • Civil Warrior
  • I Voted for Bree'ha!
  • I Voted for ENTROPY!
  • Ultimate Civil Warrior
  • Ultimate Voter for Bree'ha
  • Ultimate Voter for ENTROPY

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