RE: Quests - Read the first post! (Full Version)

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Tep Itaki -> RE: Quests - Read the first post! (10/15/2016 0:31:32)

Pound the Poachers
14th Anniversary event!

Location: «»

After offering to help Captain Rhubarb keep his
shipment of octopi under control, you arrive at the town
of Krovesport. Down the narrow alleys lined with
vendors, Captain Rhubarb gestures to one stall in

  • Continue

  • «You and Captain Rhubarb arrive and are greeted by an orc mage.»

    Geerly: Ahh Captain Rhubarb, how is my favorite scourge of the seas? I see you brought my merchandise.
    Captain Rhubarb: Stow the niceties Geerly! These beasts nearly destroyed me ship With the repairs I barely be breakin' even.
    Geerly: Oh you know I'm your favorite merchant. Who's your friend here?
    «You»: I am «You». Captain you really associate with slimey types.
    Captain Rhubarb: Aye, but that be the life of a pirate. I do what I must.
    Geerly: Slimey? I am honestly hurt. Hurt I say. I am but a humble merchant trying to support his family.
    Captain Rhubarb: Ye have no family! Well I remember ye did have a brother until ye dispatched him so ye could have this stall to yerself.
    Geerly: That's what I meant. I'm running this market to support the memory of my great brother Mort.
    «You»: Ugh, can we just get this over with? I feel like we'll be robbed any second...
    Geerly: Why I have yor gold right here Captain Rhubarb. Set those down anywhere and you and your friend can be on your way.
    Captain Rhubarb: Not so fast ye wretch! As I said these critters caused a lot of damage to me Red Betty. If you want this shipment the price has doubled.
    Geerly: What?! After all I have done for you throughout the years of our business together! Remember when you were going to be homeless and I bought you a new house?
    Geerly: Or our riverboat fishing trips? All the dragon jerkey we made together?
    Captain Rhubarb: Arrrr! Literally none of that ever happened, you forked-tongue merchant...
    Captain Rhubarb: Now fork over me pay or I can turn these nasty things lose and YOU can see what destruction they'll do first-hand.
    Geerly: Alright, alright! Because we are such good friends I will agree to your request.
    Geerly: Orrrrr you could reinvest that gold back into my latest venture. I have been getting shipments of the finest Gorillphant tusks.
    Geerly: Like bags of gold walking around waiting to be harvested. Not the gorillaphant themselves mind you, just a little *chop chop* and send them on their way.
    «You»: How can a gorillaphant protect itself without the tusks?
    Geerly: Protect themselves? They can still run «You», it's not like they take their legs as well.
    «You»: ...and where are the gorillaphants roaming these days?
    Geerly: Oh haha, nice try. Thinking about going into business yourself huh? A good merchant keeps his sources a secret.
    «You»:: (thinking)Quick with your wits or blade, you have to find a way to find the gorillphant's location.

    Charisma Check!
    Can you convince Geerly to tell you where the Gorillaphants are?
    Difficulty: 70
    Stat Used: Charisma

      «If you fail the roll...»

      «You»: Alright Geerly, if you won't freely tell me where the tusks are coming from then I am forced to take a more... aggressive approach.
    • Take Rhubarb as a guest! - Captain Rhubarb joins the battle!
    • Continue by yourself.

        BATTLE: Geerly(Level 1)
        Full Heal

      «If you succeed the roll...»

      «You»: Not to put you out of business, but to help it thrive. I bet I can collect those tusks faster and offer them to you at a better price.

    «Regardless of the roll...»

    Geerly: Alright I'll tell you, but you better not be trying to stick it to me like this last shipment. The gorillaphants have been seen in the Dark Jungles.
    Geerly: Bandits have set up a camp there, moving the shipments directly by boat here to Krovesport.
    Captain Rhubarb: I know the place well «You». Very dangerous with many a wild beast that call it home.
    «You»: Can you take me there? Sounds like I can use all the help I can get.
    Captain Rhubarb: After saving me Red Betty I'd be glad to haul you there. the thought of cleavin' me some poachers makes me happier than a shark on plan day.
    «You»: Thank you Captain. Let's go!

    «You and Captain Rhubarb walks away.»

    Geerly: Say hello to Mrs. Rhubarb for me!
    Captain Rhubarb: Yarrrr, I really dislike that merchant...

    Sailing in an eastward direction across The Great Sea,
    Captain Rhubarb has called you to his quarters.

  • Continue

  • Captain Rhubarb: I'm lookin' at me maps «You» and we need to make a decision.
    Captain Rhubarb: Directly between us and The Dark Jungle be a blasted mountain range. Treking through the mountains will no doubt make the journey longer.
    Captain Rhubarb: I could sail around to a beach directly south of the jungle, cutting down our travel time, but it brings us perilously close to the Maelstrom.
    Captain Rhubarb: The Maelstrom, she be no joke. Powerful creatures call the waters around it home. Which will it be «You»?

  • Through the Mountains!
    More battles.

      8 BATTLES
      Full Heal every second battle

  • Sail past the Maelstrom!
    Fewer battles but more powerful creatures.

      Captain Rhubarb: Aye «You», run right through the danger. Spoken like a true pirate! Ye keep the deck covered and I'll guide us through this cursed sea storm...

      6 BATTLES
      Full Heal every third battle

    «Regardless of choice...»

    «You»: These jungle clearings seem the fastest way to move goods around. Seems like a good place to start searching for poachers.
    Captain Rhubarb: Aye «You», best stay-

    «A giant tuskless Gorillaphant appears.»

    Captain Rhubarb: Well from the look of those tusks we be on the right trail. Looks none too happy.
      2 BATTLES: Enraged Gorillaphant
      Full Heal
    «You»: Oh great, so not only do we need to battle the poachers, we are also dealing with a bunch of ticked Gorillaphants.
    Captain Rhubarb: Not sure these beasts are friendly to begin with, but I'd say they really don't care for people after havin' thar tusks clipped like that.
    «You»: Let's keep searching, that poacher camp has to be around here somewhere!
      6 BATTLES
      Full Heal
    «At the poacher camp...»

    Poacher Captain: Let's get a move on boys, these tusks need to be on the streets of Krovesport by morning.
    Poacher Bandit: Right, boss!

    «You and Rhubarb gets the drop on the poachers.»

    «You»: Drop those tusks! Your days of poaching are over.

    «The poacher captain faces you.»

    Poacher Captain: looks like we got us a hero here boys!
    Poacher Captain: Get 'em!
      4 BATTLES: Poacher
      Full Heal every second battle
    «You»: Your men are defeated! I suggest you pack up shop while you can still carry yourself.
    Poacher Captain: You may have defeated my laborers but you'll find I'm no pushover.
      BATTLE: Poacher Captain
      Full Heal
    Poacher Captain: Enjoy your "victory" hero. You may have haulted the poaching of Gorillaphant tusks today, but there are a dozen more like me just waiting to make their gold.
    «You»: And we will fight them back every step of the way! Myself and the countless other heros that don't believe in endless destruction to line our pockets.
    Captain Rhubarb: Roll up yer sleeves «You». We got a poacher's camp to tear down!

    «The scene switches and Captain Rhubarb appears in a clearing with a treasure chest on the ground.»

    Captain Rhubarb: Well that looks like the last of the poachers and their camp. The Dark Jungle is safe again for Gorillaphants. Maybe not so much for wandering adventurers.
    Captain Rhubarb: Seems the poachers had a chest hidden away. Let's see what booty they had and call it a day.

    «Click the arrow or chest to open the options for rewards.»

  • Get Rewards! (Opens the :Pound the Poachers" shop)
  • Skip Reward / Already Have It

    «After closing the reward shop.»

  • Reward Shop!
  • Play again!
  • Guardian Tower!
  • Leave

    Pound the Poachers

  • Old Bones [L. 5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150 G]
  • Ken Boseki [L. 5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150 G]

    Correction thanks to big E

    NOTES: In the conversation between Geerly, jerkey is strangely spelled and I believe it to be jerky.

    Geerly: What?! After all I have done for you throughout the years of our business together! Remember when you were going to be homeless and I bought you a new house?
    Geerly: Or our riverboat fishing trips? All the dragon jerkey we made together?
    Captain Rhubarb: Arrrr! Literally none of that ever happened, you forked-tongue merchant...

    The Gorillaphants are missing an a after the double ll

    Geerly: Alright, alright! Because we are such good friends I will agree to your request.
    Geerly: Orrrrr you could reinvest that gold back into my latest venture. I have been getting shipments of the finest Gorillphant tusks.


    Geerly: Oh haha, nice try. Thinking about going into business yourself huh? A good merchant keeps his sources a secret.
    «You»:: (thinking)Quick with your wits or blade, you have to find a way to find the gorillphant's location.

    When inside the Red Betty to decide to go by land or sea...Treking should be Trekking

    Captain Rhubarb: I'm lookin' at me maps «You» and we need to make a decision.
    Captain Rhubarb: Directly between us and The Dark Jungle be a blasted mountain range. Treking through the mountains will no doubt make the journey longer.

    After winning against the Poacher Captain, heros is missing the extra e to become heroes

    Poacher Captain: Enjoy your "victory" hero. You may have haulted the poaching of Gorillaphant tusks today, but there are a dozen more like me just waiting to make their gold.
    «You»: And we will fight them back every step of the way! Myself and the countless other heros that don't believe in endless destruction to line our pockets.

    Again, after winning against the Poacher Captain, halted is misspelled as haulted

    Poacher Captain: Enjoy your "victory" hero. You may have haulted the poaching of Gorillaphant tusks today, but there are a dozen more like me just waiting to make their gold.

  • big E -> RE: Quests - Read the first post! (10/15/2016 4:27:26)

    Since we're hunting for typos, there's also "haulted" in your last quote above.

    Tep Itaki -> RE: Quests - Read the first post! (10/21/2016 4:02:45)


    Mysterious Artifact!

    Location: «»

    «Inside Warlic's shop which now has a snazzy constellation rug...»

    Warlic: Ah, «You», good to see you this Mogloween season. I need your help with a small problem.
    Warlic: You see, I recently uncovered an artifact. The artifact has some potential...
    Warlic: it has been inbued with some of the power of the Ley Lines that were lost during that terrible war between the Necromancers and Paladins.
    Warlic: I was in the middle of studying this artifact when my nephew Barry arrived. Somehow he had an accident with my cauldron, causing an explosion.
    Warlic: He's been unable to speak since the incident, so I don't have many details. However, after the smoke cleared and I cleaned up the mess, the artifact was missing.
    Warlic: I need your help to find the rogue that stole it and bring it back! Its powers are quite unstable and could easily be abused in the wrong hands.
    Warlic: In the mean time, I will concoct a healing salve to attend to Barry's injuries.
    «You»: Of course Warlic. I will start tracking them down immediately.

    «In front of Yulgar's Inn...»

    «You»: The artifact was stolen earlier today, so the thief couldn't have gotten far. Better start looking around town for cl--

    «Twilly appears before you with his arm in a sling and a bandage on his face...»

    Twilly: «You»! *pant* I need your helps! *pant* a group of Paladins have gone CRAZY!!!
    «You»: Whoa! Slow down Twilly! What about Paladins?
    Twilly: It's CRAZY!! I was helping decorate for Mogloween, when all of a sudden we were attacked by Paladins!
    «You»: Are you sure you were attacked by Paladins? What if it was just someone dressed up as them trying to pull a prank on you?
    Twilly: ...and I thought it was such a great prank I decided to dress up like I'd been beaten?
  • Point >.>
    Twilly: They were yelling that we were horrible monsters who had come to terrorize the town!
    «You»: That doesn't really--
    Twilly: They were also yelling "death to the undead!" and they didn't demand a single piece of candy!
    «You»: (thinking)Something attacks around Mogloween and DOESN'T demand candy??
    «You»: Clearly there is something suspicious here! I'll investigate at once, Twilly!
    «You»: You should go see Warlic and see if he has any of that healing salve left.

    «You appear in the land decorated for Mogloween...»

    «You»: (thinking)Well, here's where Twilly said he was attacked.

    «A Paladin Artillery shows up.»

    Paladin: Stop right there you undead freak!
    «You»: That'd be my cue.
  • Fight!
      4 BATTLES

      Full Heal* every second battle

      *You grab one of the Paladins' healing spells and keep fighting!
    «You»: (thinking)Wow, these Paladins are acting crazy! And they seem to be stronger than I remember! Something tells me that Warlic's missing artifact may be involved here.

    «This time a Paladin Axe Master appears...»

    Paladin: Have at ye, knave!! Though shalt perish for felling my brethren!
    «You»: Here we go again....
      4 BATTLES

      Full Heal every second battle
    «You»: Ok, this is ridiculous. Who the heck is even leading these guys? I've barely seen Artix since his Order dissolved so it can't be him....
    ???: You! It's you! The vile fiend that steals potions! You are the leader of these vile creatures ransacking the town!
    «You»: Wait, that voice... no....

    «A fully armored Paladin appears, shiney helmet and all...»

    Leeroy Jenkins: I shalt have my revenge!
    «You»: Give me a minute here, I need some time to process this!

    Leeroy Jenkins: Alright, time's up, let's do this. Leeeeeeeeeroooooooyyy JEEEEEEENKIIIIINS!
      BATTLE: Leeroy Jenkins

      Full Heal
    «After defeating Leeroy, he glows for a bit before the artifact is ejected from him and breaks into the ground...»

    «You»: Leeroy? Are you ok?
    Leeroy Jenkins: Ugh... what happened?
    ???: THERE YOU ARE!!!

    «Leeroy's teammate of warrior and mage comes in.»

    Amani: I sent you to get a new spell from Warlic's shop! What have you been doing??
    Leeroy Jenkins: I... I went in there... I remember I talked to the Mage's nephwe. He said his uncle was busy and offered to make lunch while I waited.
    «You»: I think I see where this is going.
    Leeroy Jenkins: Things went all explody, but then I saw this glowing shiny! I had to touch it and... I don't remember much after that.
    «You»: I'm going to guess that watever power was inside that artifact drove you crazy. But where did you find a bunch of other Paladins?
    Grodd: Yulgar's was having a sale on light weapons, so....
    «You»: Wait, what? Yulgar's was having a sale?
    Grodd: It's over now.
    «You»: Dang it, I wanted some sweet gear!

    «A chest magically appears behind you...»

    Leeroy Jenkins: What about that conveniently placed treasure chest over there?
    «You»: Yeah, that'll work. However, promise me you won't go and cause any more trouble?
    Amani: don't worry, I'll keep an eye on him. Honestly, you couldn't even go to the shop without causing a ruckus?

    «All three of them leave.»

    «You»: Wait, what about the... oh well, more for me!
  • Rewards!(Opens the "Mysterious Artifact" Shop)

  • Play again!
  • Guardian Tower!
  • Leave

    Mysterious Artifact

  • Paladin Lord's Axe [L. 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150 G]
  • Pumpkin Fang [L. 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150 G]

  • Got this. ~Carandor

    Tep Itaki -> RE: Quests - Read the first post! (11/3/2016 0:14:45)


    The Grand Pumpkin!

    Location: Mogloween Portal Painting » Mogloween sign » The Grand Pumpkin

    Each year, the Grand Pumpkin rises out of the pumpkin patch that it thinks has the most adventurers to rob of candy. It's gotta pick this one. And this year, it's gonna be this one! And you're gonna make sure of it!

    «You»: Rumor has it this Grand Pumpkin loves candy. I bet using some of my candy will increase my candy will increase my chances of finding it!

    Search Difficulty

  • Sacrifice Candy to Lure It Out!

      Sacrifice How Much Candy?
    • Sacrifice! (Sacrifice candy increases in increments of 1000 candy per 10% drop in Search Difficulty)

        Sacrifice «» Candy for a +«»% Chance?
      • Do it!

          «You»: *om nom nom* Man, I have ALL THIS CANDY! MMMM! It's DELICIOUS! And there's SO MUCH OF IT!

          Grand Pumpkin!
          Is that enough? Did you manage to make the Grand Pumpkin appear?
          Difficulty: «»
          Stat Used: Luck

      • Back

    • Back
  • Fight Monsters to Lure It out! (Each battle won decreases the search difficulty by -15%)
  • Search for the Grand Pumpkin! (same stat roll as Sacrifice Candy)

    «If you fail the roll or choose to fight monsters...»
      BATTLE: Pumpkin Spider (3)
      Full Heal
    «If you succeed the roll...»
      BATTLE: Grand Pumpkin
      Full Heal
    «Opens the Grand Pumpkin shop. Once you close the shop...»

  • Reward Shop!
  • Play again!
  • Guardian Tower!
  • Leave

    Grand Pumpkin

  • Pumpkin Slayer [L. 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150 G]
  • Pumpkin Reaver [L. 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150 G]

  • Got this. ~Carandor

    Ianthe -> RE: Quests - Read the first post! (11/22/2016 3:03:26)

    Srsly last update before I work on this week's stuff: Ballyhoo's been updated with the last few months' worth of shops. Enjoy your new titles!

    Revofev -> RE: Quests - Read the first post! (11/22/2016 7:14:57)

    ^ I'm getting a shop load error for Beachmancer Blade :(

    Butterfly -> RE: Quests - Read the first post! (11/22/2016 7:46:53)

    Dragon Stables - Gives Kickstarter title.
    Synaptic Shock leads to Sinmaw Depths Shop.
    BeachMancer Shops, Scuba Mask Shop, Griffinder, Scarred Crow and Volcanic Lightning has error loading.

    Ianthe -> RE: Quests - Read the first post! (11/22/2016 13:11:49)


    Dragon Stables - Gives Kickstarter title.
    Synaptic Shock leads to Sinmaw Depths Shop.
    Should be fixed.

    BeachMancer Shops, Scuba Mask Shop, Griffinder, Scarred Crow and Volcanic Lightning has error loading.
    I blame Cap'n and his new anti-hacking stuff that I still haven't properly learnt about for this >.> <.< Should theoretically be fixed. Post again if not.

    big E -> RE: Quests - Read the first post! (11/23/2016 6:23:01)

    Still not seeing a shop for the Kickstarter rewards? I read somewhere that we were getting one?

    Ianthe -> RE: Quests - Read the first post! (11/23/2016 8:25:01)

    The "shop" is split up into Beachmancer Garb (under Armours), Beachmancer Blade (under weapons), and Scuba Mask (under Miscs).

    big E -> RE: Quests - Read the first post! (11/23/2016 8:31:13)

    Kickstarter, Imry. Kickstarter Hero and Sword.

    Glacies -> RE: Quests - Read the first post! (11/23/2016 12:51:26)

    ^ The shop for the Kickstarter rewards is under the Packages section of Ballyhoo rewards. The shop is named Kickstarter Heroes, and it is the last item on the second page.

    big E -> RE: Quests - Read the first post! (11/23/2016 14:03:48)

    Thanks! Derp, never occurred to me to look under packages -_-

    Ianthe -> RE: Quests - Read the first post! (12/11/2016 11:42:02)

    Trivial: Ballyhoo now offers the Shadowwalker and Under Realm sets. Both are under packages.

    big E -> RE: Quests - Read the first post! (12/20/2016 7:17:48)

    Correction to The Bloodline: after the first conversation with Tentei, there's only one random battle (and a heal) before the Lizator, not two.

    Legendary Ash -> RE: Quests - Read the first post! (12/25/2016 2:12:40)


    Frostval: Rise of the Sweater Zombies!

    Today's Events or Frostval 2016 Portal Painting > Rise of the Sweater Zombies!

    <<Robina and You enter the scene of a decorated Frostvale, a hut is on fire and a zombie lies on the ground>>
    Robina: Looks like we got here in time. There's hardly any damage done. Where is everyone?
    <<An exclamation mark pops up of Chilly's head>>
    Chilly: <<You>>!! Robina!! We have to hurry!
    <<Chilly runs off towards the right>>
    <<You>>: Wait for us!

    <<Zooms in on a scene of two zombies, one yellow and two red sweaters on the ground in front of warehouse whose doors hang open at odd angles>>
    Two Battles: Zombie
    Full Heal

    <<Robina, You and Chilly stand in front of a warehouse>>
    <<You>>: Zombies. Yep, Kabroz was here, alright.
    Chilly: And the sweater warehouse is empty - his zombies must've stolen all the sweaters!
    <<You>>: Sweaters?
    Chilly: Yes! Beautifully hand-knit sweaters that we give out when the snow starts falling! They help keep people warm, and get them into the holiday spirit!
    Chilly: They're especially needed this year - with the BURPs eating all the crops. The people of Battleon are gonna need all the help they can get to survive the winter!
    <<You>>: What would Kabroz want with sweaters?
    Robina: Maybe he's developed a fashion sense. That cloak he has is SO 2004.
  • Zing!
    Chilly: Umm, guys? Those sweaters are enchanted to keep people warm through the cold winter nights.
    Chilly: If we don't get the sweaters back, then millions of people are gonna freeze to death!
    Robina: What?! That's pure EVIL!
    <<You>>: This is Kabroz we're dealing with. We're not dealing with cuddly EBIL plots like Zorbak's - we're dealing with the a serious villan here.
    Chilly: Oh noes!
    <<You>>: Don't worry, Chilly - he and his zombies left a pretty wide trail. I could follow him even without Robina's expert tracking skills.
    <<You>>: We'll have your sweaters back before you can finish a round of "Jingle Bells"!

    <<You appear in a forest with one blue and one yellow sweater on the snow>>
    Battle: IceCat

    <<You appear in a forest at night with a full moon, blue, yellow and red sweaters lie on the dirt ground with a few leafless trees nearby>>
    Battle: Cozy Zombie
    Full Heal

    <<Robina and You are in a forest at night with a full moon, blue, yellow and red sweaters and the Cozy Zombie lie on the ground with a few leafless trees nearby>>
    <<You>>: A zombie in a sweater? Definitely Kabroz's work.
    Robina: And it was resisting my Fire arrows, so I guess I'll be switching to Light ones.
    <<You>>: Good idea. If we're running into zombies, we're definitely getting closer to Kabroz's lair.
    <<A large building appears with the name EVILCORP, A Division of EbilCorp.>>
    Two Battles: Cozy Zombie
    Full Heal

    <<Robina and You appear inside the building hallway with two small trees in pots between You and the Reception desk.
    Receptionist: Hello! Welcome to EvilCorp HQ! May I help you?
    <<You>>: Out of the way - we're here for Kabroz!
    Receptionist: Do you have an appointment?
    <<You>>: I don't need an appointment! I have people to save!
    Receptionist: Tsk tsk tsk. You adventurers are so disorganised. What is your name?
    <<You>>: Tell Kabroz that <<You>> is looking for him.
    Receptionist: <<You>>... oh, here you are! You're late for your 3 o'clock appointment with the president. I'll let you right in -- follow me.

    <<Receptionist walks off to the right>>
    Robina: That was oddly considerate of him.

    <<Robina, You and Receptionist appear to the left of Kabroz and a Cozy Zombie, three flasks of pink, red and blue liquid appear in a chemical apparatus and three crates with Sweaters written in orange colour recede into the background>>
    Receptionist: Sir? Your 3 o'clock is here.
    Kabroz: Thank you. That will be all.
    <<Receptionist walks off to the left>>
    Kabroz: You're late. Almost as late as you are ugly.
    <<You>>: Oh no, your expertly-crafted insult has hurt my delicate and fragile feelings. Whatever will I do?
    Kabroz: You're gonna stuff the sarcasm and get taken out like the garbage that you are. Sic 'em!

    Battle: Cozy Zombie Giant
    Full Heal
    Battle: Kabroz
    Full Heal

    <<You appears to the left of a defeated Kabroz with stars spinning over his head, his skull staff on the ground, Robina stands behind Kabroz>>
    <<You>>: So, who's the garbage now? We'll be taking back those sweaters now, if you don't mind.
    Robina: <<You>>? We have a problem....
    <<Zooms in on a green fur rimmed red sweater with red and blue skulls and green horizontal stripes printed on it>>
    <<You>>: WHOA! That's hideous!
    Robina: I know! These can't be the Frostval sweaters!
    <<You>>: Alright Kabroz, where are the sweaters?
    Kabroz: That's them.
    Kabroz: No way!
    Kabroz: Believe it, red. It would be so UNDIGNIFIED to have my zombies running around in ~pretty pretty soft~ Frostval sweaters...
    Kabroz: I cast a simple transmutation over them and turned them into something more EVIL.
    <<You>>: We can't give out sweaters like this - people will hate Frostval for it! Change them back!
    Kabroz: Huh? How?
    <<You>>: Well, you changed them to that in the first place! Just undo it!
    Kabroz: Kiddo, I knew you were dim, but I didn't think you were THAT stupid. Magic doesn't work like that. You'll need... not really a counterspell, but some sort of similar design spell to change them all back.
    <<You>>: Then I guess we're throwing you into the Guardian Tower stockade until you can come up with one.
    Kabroz: Hey! I'm an important businessman! I have a corporation to run!
    <<You>>: Oh, my apologies! Just give me a minute to find the tiny little piece of me that actually cares about your business! ... Nope, sorry, can't find it!
    <<You>>: You're coming with us, Kabroz.
    <<Stars disappear from Kabroz's head as his head is now upright>>
    Kabroz: Ugh. Botoxia, clear my schedule for the next few days? I'm gonna be tied up with other matters.

    <<Robina and You are in Warlic's back room, a cauldron is bubbling with green liquid between You and Warlic>>
    Warlic: I... have to admit, this is an unusual request. I'm not entire familar with mass-transmutation spells of this fine detail.
    <<You>>: So you can't change them back?
    Warlic: I'm capable, but designing the spell will take quite a bit of time. It would be best to hand out the sweaters immediately, so that people don't perish while I'm working on the reversal.
    Warlic: In the meantime, I'm going to need to talk to Chilly - frost moglin magic is definitely needed here. I may also need Kabroz, to see his original version of the spell.
    <<You>>: Can do, on both. Chilly's always helpful, and Kabroz isn't really in any position to say otherwise.

    <<Two UltraGuardians, Guardian#1 with a Knight helm on the left, Guardian #2 with a Barbrute helm on the right, both wearing the green fur rimmed red sweaters with red and blue skulls and green horizontal stripes printed on it, they stand in front of a prison cell with Kabroz in it>>
    Guardian #1: Man, I can't believe how HORRIBLE the Frostval sweaters look this year!
    Guardian #2: I know? I'm really depressed over it. Especially with Frostval right around the corner. Seeing my family like this will be... probably the second most embarrassing thing I've done.
    Guardian #1: Yeah. It's really impossible to get into the Frostval spirit with only this to keep me warm....
    <<Green sparkles are emitted by the sweaters>>
    Guardian #1: It's... ugh. I can barely work up the motivation to do anything.
    Guardian #2: Right now I don't even care about being a Guardian. Everything's so bleak. I just... I can't even.
    Guardian #1: It's like there's no point in anything. My Frostval spirit's gone. My whole SPIRIT'S gone. This whole holiday is worthless.
    Guardian #2: Nothing matters anymore. Nothing. Everything is bleak and horrible.
    <<The UltraGuardians glow green and become zombies>>
    Guardian #1: Guhhhhh..
    Kabroz: Mwahahaha!
    <<Zooms in to Kabroz through a circle everything outside is black>>

    Coming Next Week: Revenge of the Sweater Zombies!

    Shop: Save the Sweaters

    Cozy Farzhad Mogloo (Lv 5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150)
    Cozy Fire Bat Swarm (Lv 5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150)
    Cozy Fire Orb (Lv 5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150)

  • Play again!
  • Replay Intro: Decorate the Tree
  • Guardian Tower!
  • Leave

    Frostval: Attack of the Sweater Zombies!

    Today's Events or 2016 Frostval Portrait > Attack of the Sweater Zombies!

    <<Robina, You and Warlic are in Battleon, Cozy Zombies are running around and the logs next to the The Inn is on fire>>
    <<You>>: What's going on?!?!
    Robina: Kabroz is what's going on. Looks like his sweaters have zombified anyone wearing them!
    Warlic: I feel like this is my fault... I can clearly see the spell - pardon the pun - interwoven into the fabric of the sweaters now that I know where to look...
    Warlic: ...but before I was too focused on restoring the sweaters' appearance to notice!
    <<You>>: No one blames you. What we need now is some way to turn the zombies back to their former selves.

    <<Cozy Zombie Guardian Ranger with a Darkness aligned Guardian Spear approaches>>
    Robina: Watch out!
    <<You attacks the Zombie and Warlic jumps>>
    Guardian: Ooof....
    <<You>>: Huh. That's a surprisingly effective way of turning them back.
    Warlic: Quite. Remember that zombies are not undead - they are living beings on the verge of death who-
    <<You>>: Err, short version? We got a holiday to save.
    Warlic: *sign* Take my Oblivion Sphere. Weaken the zombies enough, and my Sphere can restore them back to their former selves.
    <<You>>: Got it. Robina, you up for smashing a few Zs?
    Robina: Sure. Race ya!

    War camp

    Frostval: Attack of the Sweater Zombies!
    Kabroz stole all our Frostval sweaters, and then cursed them! Now whoever was wearing one has been turned into a zombie! You have a big fight ahead of you - first you have to take back Battleon, and then save Frostvale and all the frost moglins!

  • Save Hans!
    : Cozy Zombie Hans
    Full Heal

    <<You face Hans who is kneeling on the carpet in front of Yulgar hiding behind the shop table with only his head visible>>
    <<You>>: You okay there?
    Hans: Ow ow ow ow! Did you have to hit so hard?
    <<You>>: Well, you were kinda trying to eat Yulgar's brains...
    Yulgar: I said I'd rather freeze to death than put on one of those wretched sweaters. Once again my good fashion sense saves me.
    Hans: I-- oh no! I'm SO sorry! I didn't mean--
    Hans: Wait, where's Aria?? I gotta protect her!
    <<You>>: She's safe. Apparently she was using a Vampragon for heat rather than wear an ugly sweater.
    <<You>>: Go hide out with her in Warlic's - we'll be fine, especially once we get more Guardians fighting for us.
    Hans: Got it! ...And uh, thanks again for the save.
    <<You>>: Heh. Anytime.

  • Save Blackhawke!
    : Cozy Zombie Blackhawke
    Full Heal

    <<You face Blackhawke who is kneeling on the second floor of the Inn>>
    Blackhawke: Gah! Zardspit!
    <<You>>: Whoa, easy there! You just got un-zombified!
    Blackhawke: Nothing I can't shake off. Have others been zombified?
    <<You>>: Yeah, about half the guardians. Kabroz cursed those sweaters to zombify anyone who wore them.
    Blackhawke: Nothing my blade can't fix. Let's get to work.
    <<You>>: Heh, I like that spirit! Let's go!

  • Save Uldor!
    <<Two cozy zombie sweaters lie on the ground between You on the left facing Uldor and Aquella on the right inside the Inn at the fireplace>>
    <<You>>: ...Uldor? Aquella? You're not zombies?
    Uldor: Of course not, <<You>>. I had a premonition that something horrible would happen were I to wear the sweater, so I didn't wear it.
    Uldor: Aquella followed my advice, and we've been warming ourselves by the fire ever since.
    <<You>>: A premonition? If you saw something with your sixth sense, then why didn't you warn everyone?
    Uldor: I'm sorry, but my visions aren't perfect. I simply thought that people would make fun of me for wearing such a hideous sweater. I ask, have you SEEN the thing?
    Uldor: I mean, I'm BLIND, and even "I" know that that thing is a fashion disaster! That's how truly repulsive it is!
    <<You>>: I... that makes a sadly large amount of sense.
    Uldor: And if my senses are correct, I am to be headed to Warlic's now, yes?
    <<You>>: ... Yes?
    Uldor: Excellent. Best wishes on the war. Let me know if I can do anything to help.

    <<Uldor walks left towards You and leaves>>
    <<You>>: Aquella, you should go with him.
    Aquella: I can't! I-- um-- actually....
    Aquella: Captain Rhubarb is... I invited him over for Frostval. I haven't seen him at all, so I'm worried that he was hit by the same thing that's zombifying everyone.
    <<You>>: Oof. I'll be on the lookout for him.
    Aquella: WE'LL be on the lookout. Let's go.

  • Save Rhubarb!
    : Cozy Zombie Rhubarb
    Full Heal

    <<You face the right as Aquella appears and descends in front of Rhubarb with her knee raised to his chest>>
    Captain Rhubarb: Yarr, me head be spinnin'... did I drink too much eggnog?
    Aquella: Rhubarb! Are you okay?
    Captain Rhubarb: Heh, more than fine now that ye're here with me, lassy~
    Aquella: !!!
    <<You>>: Eep, I probably should leave the two alone.
    <<You>>: So you two, head to Warlic's once you're done, gottagomorezombiestofightbye!

  • Save Galanoth!
    : Cozy Zombie Galanoth
    Full Heal

    <<You face Galanoth who is kneeling on the snow in the forest>>
    <<You>>: You okay there?
    Galanoth: Give me a sec. What hit me?
    <<You>>: Well, it was me if we're taking that question literally, but before that Kabroz cursed you into becoming a zombie.
    Galanoth: So not a dragon?
    <<You>>: Nope. Kabroz, zombies, sweaters, Frostval. Haven't seen any dragons.
    Galanoth: Not even any zombie dragons? Or sweater dragons?
    <<You>>: Haven't seen either. ...Wait, do sweater dragons exist?
    Galanoth: Yeah. Big fuzzy things, flying around up north and roasting everything with their breaths.
    <<You>>: That's pretty cool, actually. You'll have to show me one day, once I'm done with these zombies.
    Galanoth: Sure. I'll even lend a hand, even though zombies aren't my cup of joe.

    Click on Robina's bow if you want her to join you in battle!
    Robina's bow
    Robina the Ranger will join you in battle!

    If you become a Guardian you can ride the Radiant Warhorse into battle!
    You now ride the Radiant Warhorse! It will disappear when you log out.

    Twilly: Oh noes, all the ugly sweaters are zombfinicating peoples! You's gotsta stop it!
    Twilly: If you need to be healed I can help you.
  • Heal me please.
      There you goes! All healed up!
    • Thank you!

  • Let me handle this!

    Potion bag
    You must be a Guardian to refill your Health potions from this bag.

  • To Battle!
      How many waves would you like to fight before returning to camp to rest?
    • One
    • Two
    • Three
    • Five
    • Explore Camp
    • Back to Town

      You will now fight # wave(s) before returning to camp!
      Two Battles from Monster Pool full heal after each two
      [X] Click this button to return to camp at the next save point.

  • Guardian Mission
  • Explore Camp
  • Back to Town

    Once War Meter reaches 100%
    Four Battles from Monster Pool, full heal after each two

    <<Galanoth stands in the snow at Frostvale, behind him is Rhubarb, Blackhawke and Hans, You stands south, all are facing the right>>
    Galanoth: See, I've been in a lot of wars, And I'm gonna bet my Frostval gift that we're gonna fight the big bad here.
    Galanoth: Personally, I'm hoping that it's a dragon. Knowing Kabroz we probably won't fight a regular zombie dragon...
    Galanoth: ...but fighting a sweater zombie dragon is definitely possible. Imagine, a huge beast like that, wrapped up, just for us!
    Galanoth: I doubt that he's managed to zombify the Great Frost Wyrm, so it's just gonna be a regular dragon. Possibly a ReignDragon? Ha, I haven't taken down a ReignDragon in forever!
    Galanoth: Alternately, we might be fighting a sweater dragon. I guess you'll get to see one faster than you thought, ehh?
    Galanoth: Or, y'know what would be really cool? A sweater dragon that's wearing one of Kabroz's sweaters and has been turned into a zombie! Sweater zombie sweater dragon!
    Galanoth: Aw. That's not a dragon.

    Battle: Cozy Zombie Chilly
    Full Heal

    <<Galanoth stands in the snow at Frostvale, behind him is Rhubarb, Blackhawke and Hans, You stand south, all are facing Chilly on the right>>
    <<You>>: Nope, no dragons, thankfully.
    Chilly: <<Y-Y-You>>? What-- where--
    <<You>>: Don't worry, Chilly, you're safe an no longer a zombie now.
    Chilly: I was a zombie??
    <<You>>: Yeah. And we need your help to finish un-zombifying everyone. Can you head over to Warlic's and help him finish his spell to fix up everyone?
    Chilly: I can... but, what about the presents?? How are we gonna deliver them in time??
    <<You>>: Leave that to me and the Guardians. We'll have the gifts delivered in time for everyone to have a merry Frostval! Right guys?
    Everyone: Yeah!!

    <<Fades and a scene at EvilCorp HQ in front the of the three flasks of pink, red and blue liquid that appear in a chemical apparatus and three crates that now no longer have Sweaters written in orange colour>>
    Zorbak: Mehehehe! See? It's not so easy ruining Frostval! Now to collect on our bet....
    Kabroz: Not so fast. So my first plan wasn't successful-- no big deal.
    Zorbak: I might've failed to stop her with my sweaters, but she still has to deliver the gifts. I've got one more surprise waiting for (<<You>>'s gender pronoun) him/her!
    Kabroz: Mwahahaha!

    Shop: Attack of the Sweater Zombies

    Cozy Warhammer (Lv 5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150)
    Cozy Spear (Lv 5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150)
    Cozy Staff (Lv 5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150)
    Cozy Goblin (Lv 5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150)
    Sweater Survivor Lv 5
    Sweater Slayer Lv 10
    Sweater Saviour Lv 25
    Warmonger Lv 50
    Warlord Lv 75
    The Conqueror Lv 100

  • Play again!
  • Re-Open Shop
  • Replay Part 1
  • Replay Part 2
  • Guardian Tower!
  • Home

    Monster Pool
    Cozy Zombie Frost Moglins Lv 5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150
    Cozy Zombie Guardian Beastmaster Lv 5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150
    Cozy Zombie Guardian Warrior Lv 5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150
    Cozy Zombie Guardian Ranger Lv 5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150
    Cozy Zombie Guardian Mage Lv 5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150
    Kibbles the Happy Elf
    Tibbles the Merry Elf

    1 Text error is underlined both in transcript above and below:

    Warlic: *sign* Take my Oblivion Sphere. Weaken the zombies enough, and my Sphere can restore them back to their former selves.
    "sign" should be "sigh"

    Frostval: Gift Delivery!

    Today's Events or 2016 Frostval Portrait > Gift Delivery!

    War camp

    Frostval: Gift Delivery!
    We did it! We stopped Kabroz's evil plant to turn everyone into mindless zombie! Now comes the hard part - we have to deliver all the Frostval gifts to all the good girls and boys as soon as possible, to ensure that everyone has a happy Frostval!

  • Replay Intro
  • Replay Part 1
  • Replay Part 2

    Fir Trees and two left Moglin Huts
    Nighttime in Frostvale is the coldest time of all. Dress warmly!

    Ice Moglins
    The Ice Moglins hail you as a hero for saving Frostval! Time to deliver some presents!

    Red and purple striped with a pink bow gift
    This one is addressed to -- Carnafex?!?! Better deliver it last.

    Red and purple striped with blue bow gift and Green dotted blue with a peach bow gift
    Oooooh, this present is going to the Guardian Tower. I wonder what's in it?

    Green and red striped with a purple bow gift
    I wonder what's inside? *shake shake sha--CRACK tink tink* ._.; You saw nothing.

    Potion bag
    You must be a Guardian to refill your Health potions from this bag.

    Click on Artix's axe to have him join you in battle! He will replace any other guests.
    Artix's axe
    Artix Krieger the Paladin will join you in battle!

    Click on Robina's bow if you want her to join you in battle! She will replace any other guests.
    Robina's bow
    Robina the Ranger will join you in battle!

    Click on Galanoth's sword to have him join you in battle! He will replace any other guests.
    Galanoth's helm
    Galanoth the Dragonslayer joins you in battle!

    Click on Warlic's staff to have him join you in battle! He will replace any other guests.
    Warlic's crystal ball
    Warlic will help you in battle!

    Twilly: You dids it! You saved Frostval from all those ugwy sweaters! Now we gotsta deliver all these gifts!
    Twilly: If you need to be healed I can help you.
  • Heal me please.
      Twilly: There you goes! All healed up!
    • Thank you!

  • Let me handle this!

  • Deliver a gift!
    • To Battle!
      How many waves would you like to fight before returning to camp to rest?
    • One
    • Two
    • Three
    • Five

      You will now fight # wave(s) before returning to camp!

      • Deliver a gift!
        <<You sit on the ReignDragon Rider wearing an Ice Plate armor flying across a leafless forest and makes a landing in front of a house.>>
        Two Battles from Monster Pool full heal after each two
        [X] Click this button to return to camp at the next save point.

      • Guardian Tower!
      • Return to Camp

  • Explore Camp
  • Back to Town

    Once War meter reaches 100%
    <<Outside in Frostval, You face Chilly who is holding a paper, four other Frost moglins are outside standing in front of their huts>>
    <<You>>: We did it! All the gifts are delivered!
    Chilly: Not so fast! I checked the list a second time, and some presents didn't get delivered!
    <<You>>: But they're not here! Where would they be??

    <<Robina enters from the right>>
    Robina: <<You>>! I found some tracks! It looks like someone's been stealing the gifts!
    <<You>>: Well, let's go get 'em! We're running out of time!

    <<Kabroz sits on top of a hill of twenty seven stacked gift boxes>>
    <<You>>: Stop right there, Kabroz!
    <<You>>: Kabroz, I don't know what you're up to, but this ends NOW.
    Kabroz: Well, of COURSE you don't know. Your tiny little brain can't comprehend my evil plans!
    <<You>>: Yeah, well my weapon can certainly take care of whatever you can throw at me. Let's go!
    Kabroz: So be it. Blasten, get 'em!

    Battle: Cozy Zombie ReignDragon
    Full Heal

    Kabroz: Mer...
    <<You>>: And you're next!
    Battle: Kabroz
    Full Heal

    <<Robina, Blackhawke and You face a defeated Kabroz with stars spinning over his head, his skull staff on the ground, with a presents behind him>>
    <<You>>: I hope that taught you a lesson: never--
    Mercuria: Hold, <<You>>.

    <<Mercuria descends onto the scene between Blackhawke and Kabroz>>
    Mercuria: His "lesson" is far from over. He has humiliated me and wounded my dignity. NO ONE transforms me into a zombie and gets away with it!
    <<You>>: Humiliated you? Like, turned you into a sweater-zombie? I don't remember fighting you....
    Blackhawke: That was me. I didn't think it was important enough to mention....
    Mercuria: My dignity is of UTMOST importance! And for degrading me like that, Kabroz must PAY!

    <<Mercuria floats towards and picks up Kabroz, going offscreen, flames flare from the right of the screen>>
    Robina: Oof... that's gotta hurt.

    <<Flames flare and a column of flame explodes from the right of the screen>>
    Blackhawke: Ew... burning moglin fur smells nasty.

    <<Flames flare and an explosion occurs from the right of the screen>>
    <<You>>: Um... okay, she's probably gonna be at this a while. Let's get the gifts delivered, and hopefully she'll be done once we come back.

    <<Scene at Frostvale with Galanoth close up the screen, two Frost moglins are outside their huts with a chest in front of them>>
    Galanoth: Great job, <<You>>! You've saved Frostval and all the citizens of Battleon! I think it's time to open your well-earned presents!

    <<A column of light emits from the interior of the chest as it opens>>

    Shop: Frostval '16 - Gift Delivery!

    Frostval '16 Commemorative Spoon (Lv 5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150)
    Sweater Dragon Mount (Lv 5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150)
    ReignDragon Rider (Lv 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150)
    ReignDragon Rider Z (Lv 62)
    Elder ReignDragon Rider Z (Lv 105)
    Ancient ReignDragon Rider Z (Lv 143)
    House Items:
    Frostval '16: Rise of the Sweater Zombies
    Postman Lv 5
    Master Postman Lv 10
    Please, Master Postman Lv 25
    Warmonger Lv 50
    Warlord Lv 75
    The Conqueror Lv 100

    <<Scene at Frostvale with Galanoth close up the screen, two Frost moglins are outside their huts with a column of light emitting from an opened chest in front of them>>
    Galanoth: Happy Frostval to all, and may your wishes come true! Be sure to check your Gift Boxes when they open on New Year's Eve! Remember, you can get your Gift Boxes in the Guardian Tower ONLY until New Year's Eve!

  • Guardian Tower!
  • Epilogue
    <<Pans to the right of a Hut in a graveyard>>
    <<In Zorbak's hut Kabroz faces Zorbak to the right who has two blue suitcases on the ground next to him, a painting of Mu-Glen hangs on a wall, a pile of wood rests behind Zorbak>>
    Kabroz: Alright, you win.
    Zorbak: I'm sorry, could you say it a bit louder?
    Kabroz: I said, YOU WIN. You were right.
    Zorbak: Right about...?
    Kabroz: Gah. You're not making this easy, are you?
    Zorbak: Mehehehe! Nope!
    Kabroz: Fine, you were right. Ruining Frostval is not a "piece of cake" that "any idiot" can do. I take back what I said.
    Zorbak: Good! Now there's just the other part of our bet....
    Mu-Glen: Zorby-kins! I'm ready!

    <<Mu-Glen carrying her child walks from the right to towards Kabroz and gives her child wrapped in a purple cloth to him to hold>>
    Mu-Glen: Thank you SO MUCH for agreeing to look after Li'l Z for us!
    Kabroz: Don't... mention... it.
    Zorbak: We should be back from our vacation by the 12th. Until then, make sure that kiddo here is safe.
    Kabroz: Will do. *sigh* Enjoy your trip.
    Zorbak: Buh-bye!

    <<Mu-Glen followed by Zorbak who picks up the two blue suitcases exits the hut>>
    Kabroz: So. "Kiddo". You like zombies?
    Li'l Z: P--papa?? *sniff*
    Kabroz: Nope. You're stuck with uncle Kabroz for the next while.
    Li'l Z: B...b...
    <<Outside Zorbak's hut in the graveyard, the hut leaps a few inches as a Waaaaaaa emits from it>>

  • Replay Intro
  • Replay Part 1
  • Replay Part 2
  • Back to Town

    Monster Pool

    Frost Berserker
    Frost Colossus
    Frost Goliath
    Frost Herculean
    Frost Titan
    Frost Trooper
    Ice Cweam
    Ice Dragon
    Jotun Combatant
    Jotun Commander
    Jotun Executioner
    Jotun Fighter
    Jotun Hero
    Jotun Knight
    Jotun Leader
    Jotun Marauder
    Jotun Raider
    Jotun Shevite
    Jotun Warrior
    Tree Slugger
    Tundra Reaver

  • Got this. ~Carandor

    Legendary Ash -> RE: Quests - Read the first post! (1/14/2017 2:01:20)

    The Return of Artix
    Thursday the 12th

    Today's Event > The Return of Artix Thursday the 12th

    <<Artix walks into Deadmoor Screen 5 mirrored image a Guard in an Earth Plate raises her Royal Elven Blade>>
    Guard: Halt! Who goes there?
    Artix: Greetings and salutations! I am Artix Krieger, paladin of light! I assure you, I am a friend of all good people of this land.
    Guard: Good enough for me. Welcome to Old Belfount. Come on in, but be careful - Friday the 13th is approaching!

    <<Artix walks into Deadmoor Screen 6 approaching a stranger who wears a violet trim magneta Mage robe and hood, the tree is replaced by a fountain>>
    Artix: Hmm... which way to the inn good sir?
    ???: That'd be the Lawson's, but they've been full up for days now.
    Eugene: I'm Eugene Hall, the mayor of this town. You're new here, I take it?
    Artix: Hail and well met! I am Artix Krieger, a paladin of light. I am on a spiritual quest, and I seek rest and refuge in your town.
    Eugene: Ooh. Then perhaps you can help us out tomorrow? We have... a bit of a problem with the undead.
    Artix: What?! Undead?!
    Eugene: Yeah, undead. Friday the 13th tends to bring them out, so we're bracing for an attack. If you can help out, you can stay at my place.
    Artix: Excellent! I would be pleased to help slay foul undead and protect your beautiful town!
    Eugene: Great! We could use all the help we can get, and I haven't had guests over in forever. Have you had dinner yet? I cooked up a bunch of pepper steak if you need something to eat!

    <<Artix in Deadmoor Screen 18 mirrored image without the skeleton, closet and wraith sits down on one of three chairs from Deadmoor Screen 14, with a feather pen in his right hand touching his chin, a piece of paper with writing lies on the table. His Paladin Lord axe leans against the side of the bed and his Paladin helm on the bed>>
    Artix: Wow, that was some really good pepper steak! I really should find out where this town is on the map so that I can recommend it to people!
    Artix: But that is for tomorrow. Right now I need a full night's rest if I am going to be battling undead in the morning...
    Artix: ...but not before updating my FaithBook!

    << Artix sets his hand on the paper, with eyes looking down, begins to write>>
    Artix: "It has been nearly four years since our war with the necromancers that wiped out our ley lines, causing out Paladin Order to be expelled from the Temple of the Lady of Light."
    Artix: "Since then, I have been on a spiritual quest to find out what I did wrong, and how I can rebuild the Paladin Order to its former glory."
    Artix: "I have yet to find my true path, but I have accomplished much along the way!"

    <<Artix looks up and touches his chin for a moment, then looks down and resumes writing>>
    Artix: "I investigated a bunch of paranormal activity and destroyed a cult and the evil demon they worshipped (who had a really silly name and basically no powers anyway)!"
    Artix: "I helped a surfer survive some freak shark-related weather and reunite with his wife!"
    Artix: "I teamed up with a group of female ghost slayers and helped them save their town while re-living my cherished childhood memories!"
    Artix: "I helped a small-town sherrif with a head injury fight his way through a zombie invasion and reunite with his family! I am sure that they are okay now!"

    <<Artix looks up and touches his chin for a moment, then looks down and resumes writing>>
    Artix: "Bute despite all this good I am doing, I have yet to have my paladin powers restored! Clearly my spiritual journey is far from over."
    Artix: "I have been told that, in the morning, waves of undead will being attacking this city. I will do my best to defend the city at all costs, and save the innocent from harm!"
    Artix: "Hopefully in the process I can get some direction as to how I can restore my powers. Even if I do not, saving this town will be enough of its own reward!
    Artix: "Battle On! ~Artix Krieger"
    <<Artix looks up and touches his chin>>

    War Camp

    Thursday the 12th The Return of Artix!
    The small town of Old Belfount is under attack! Every Friday the 13th waves of ghost, ghouls and skeletons attack the village! You're not sure what could cause such chaos, but you're the only thing standing between the town and utter annihilation!

    Artix has returned to bring the Light back to Lore!

    "Arf arf!"

    If you become a Guardian you can ride the Radiant Warhorse into battle!
    You now ride the Radiant Warhorse! It will disappear when you log out.

    Twilly: Twilly's followed Artix this far, and Twilly's not giving up!
    Twilly:If you need to be healed I can help you.
  • Heal me please.
      Twilly: There you goes! All healed up!
    • Thank you!

  • Let me handle this!

    Potion bag
    You must be a Guardian to refill your Health potions from this bag.

    10% Cutscene

    <<A Ghost appears in Deadmoor Screen 10 without Souleater and Wraith, Artix walks ups swinging his Paladin Lord Axe up and then down, a cyan human ghost in steel plate stabs at the Ghost with Seal of Primal Shadows vanquishing it>>
    Artix: !!!
    Ghost: Down goes another one! Sorry about kill stealing. Wait, is kill-stealing still a thing? Or have you moved onto a better way of distributing loot?
    Artix: EVIL UNDEAD!

    <<Artix walks ups to cyan human ghost in steel plate swinging up his axe and then down, the ghost flickers at the attack>>
    Ghost: Hey, stop that! I'm trying to save this town.
    Artix: You will be vanquished! Your kind will never take Old Belfount!
    Eugene: Hold on, Artix! He's telling the truth!

    <<Eugene walks in with a Ethereal Amethyst Staff from the right with cyan human ghost in Rogue Outfit holding a Wind Staff>>
    Eugene: These are the ghosts of the former residents of Old Belfount who have died defending the town. They've volunteered to help defend the city, and I'm using my powers to help fulfill their wishes!
    Ghost(Rogue): Dude's right. I still got grandkids living here, and there's no way I'm gonna let them get killed by ragtag mooks.
    Artix: What? But... if you are using your powers to power undead...
  • 2+2=....
    Artix: ...then you must be an evil necromancer!
    Eugene: Half right - I'm a necromancer, but I'm far from evil. I'm fighting to protect the innocent in my town, just like you are.
    Artix: Nonsense! You have used your evil necromantic powers to force these adventurers' souls to fight on your side!
    Ghost(Steel Plate): "force these adventurers"? Trust me, the only force I've felt since coming back is the force of your axe. Gene's far from evil.
    Artix: Wrong! That's his necromantic domination corrupting your minds!
    Ghost(Steel Plate): No, stop that. I volunteered. Eugene contacted us--
    Artix: --and twisted your souls to his evil whims!
    The conversation continues for twenty minutes. Despite Eugene's best efforts, Artix remains firm.

    Artix: ...which is exactly what an evildoer would say!
    Eugene: Oh, for the Dark Lord's sake---
    Ghost(Rogue): Okay, stop. Real talk. Artix, let's say you're right.
    Artix: Of course I am right!
    Ghost(Rogue): ...yeah. Anyway, if you wanna mess with US, then you're fighting two armies: the one out here that wants to destroy the town, and Gene's army that wants to save the town.
    Ghost(Rogue): Wouldn't it make sense to NOT attack Gene's army so that we can save the town first, and afterwards we can talk about this whole want-to-rekill-us monkey on your shoulder?
    Artix: ....
    Eugene: He's got a point. Temporary truce? For the good of our town?
    Artix: I...
    Artix: I will not stand in the way of your effort to save the town.
    Eugene and Ghosts: *Whew*
    Artix: But know this, evildoer - your days of controlling innocent spirits are numbered!
    Eugene: That's... progress. Hopefully it's a really big number. Now, let's get back to the fight!

    40% Cutscene

    <<A Dragonfable woman kneels holding her Adventure Quest child against her body as a Ghost appears before them in Deadmoor Screen 6 the tree is replaced by a fountain>>
    Villager: Help! Someone help before--
    <<Ghost in Rogue Outfit with a Wind Staff flickers in>>
    Ghost: Hang on, kiddo!
    <<Ghost in Rogue Outfit takes an energy skill attack from Ghost and lies defeated on the ground>>
    Villager: Grampa!
    Ghost: Oof....
    Artix: Return to the grave, spirit!
    Battle as Artix in Legendary Paladin Armour with Blinding Light of Destiny and Daimyo guest: Ghost
    Full Heal

    Artix: Are you okay?
    Villager: I'm okay, but my grampa!
    Ghost: No, it's good, kiddo. I'm out of juice, though. I guess I'm out for the rest of this fight.
    Ghost: Stay safe, okay? I'll see ya when I see ya.

    <<Ghost in Rogue Outfit vanishes>>
    Villager: Grampa!
    Artix: Worry not - your grandfather was being controlled by--
    Villager: No! I heard you before arguing with Mayor Hall. And you're wrong.
    Villager: Thanks to the mayor, I've had my grampa around to help me.
    Villager: He's given me good advice. He's given me the courage to propose to my wife. He's played with my child when I'm at work.
    Villager: And now he's saved us from death.
    Villager: You have to understand - Mayor Hall isn't evil! he's helped me and my family in so many ways that I've lost count! That's why the town keeps electing him as mayor!
    Villager: Please... whatever hatred you have for necromancers, put it aside for Mayor Hall. For the sake of our town, please!
    Artix: I... this is a lot to take in! You have given me much to think about.
    Artix: I will take your words and consider them carefully. I cannot promise any more, but I will do what is right.

    70% Cutscene

    <<Pans across Deadmoor Screen 1 and two flashes of black lightning strikes from the skies>>
    <<Artix and Eugene looks to the left in Deadmoor Screen 6 the tree is replaced by a fountain>>
    Artix: Huh? What was that?
    Eugene: I don't know, but it feels bad.

    <<In Deadmoor Screen 1 and three flashes of black lightning strikes from the skies and Ultrageist appears close up looking towards the left>>

    <<Artix looks at Eugene on the right in Deadmoor Screen 6 the tree is replaced by a fountain>>
    Artix: Holy wasabi! What treachery is this?!
    Eugene: Don't look at me - I don't have anything to do with it!
    Artix: How can I be sure??
    Eugene: I don't know. Right now I'm not sure if I can trust you either, but we're both trying to save the town and everyone in here. I guess we HAVE to trust each other.
    Eugene: What I do know is that this thing's old. Like, ancient. I've never felt magic this old before. It's... scary.
    Artix: Worry not - no challenge is too great! There must be a way to overcome it!
    Eugene: I certainly hope so... that thing looks like a super-sized spectre, and I know a few tricks for dealing with spectres.
    Artix: What sort of tricks?
    Eugene: I don't think I have time to explain it. I'm sorry, but we'll just have to trust each other on this.

  • To Battle!
    • Fight as Artix!
    • Fight as a Ghost who through an amazing coincidence, has the exact same equipment and stats that you do!
        How many waves would you like to fight before returning to camp to rest?
      • One
      • Two
      • Three
      • Five
      • ENDLESS

        You will now fight # wave(s) before returning to camp!
        Two Battles from Monster Pool
        [X] Click this button to return to camp at the next save point.

  • Guardian Mission!
  • Explore Camp
      Path and grass
      The path from Old Belfount keads to a clearing perfect for setting up the warcamp!
      Two adjacent large flat rocks
      Rocks: harmless decoration or an accident waiting to happen?
      The path ends at this unusual tree
      Stone Wall
      A finely built wall!
      A lantern dimly lighting the war camp below.

  • Back to Town

    Once the War meter reaches 100%
    <<A close up Ultrageist walks from the right in Deadmoor Screen 5 mirrored image>>

    <<Artix and Eugene looking at the right stand in Deadmoor Screen 6 the tree is replaced by a fountain>>
    Artix: Never, foul spectre! We will stand strong and defeat you!
    Eugene: Let's go! Distract them!

    <<Eugene walks towards the screen exiting the area>>
    Artix: Wait, what? Necromancer, if this is a trap--

    Four Battles from Monster Pool with Full heals after every second battle as Artix in Legendary Paladin Armour with Blinding Light of Destiny and Daimyo guest
    <<The synergy of your equipment grants +6 BTH to your Melee weapon attacks.>>

    <<Eugene thrusts his Ethereal Amethyst Staff into the ground and the crystals on the top emit a flashing black circle with a purple glow>>
    <<Purple lightning from the crystals strikes Ultrageist who flashes purple repeatedly>>
    <<Eugene has his staff on the ground affecting Ultrageist whose bony arms and cloak close up to the screen are flashing purple>>
    Eugene: Heh. I'm not sure what you are, spirit, but you've got the same weaknesses that any normal spectre has.
    Eugene: Artix! Get him!

    <<A close up on Ultrageist's upper body, which is flashing purple>>

    <<Artix looks down and raises his axe in Deadmoor Screen 6 the tree is replaced by a fountain>>
    Artix: I...

    <<Artix looks forward with determination and raises his axe at head level>>
    Artix: I will! Die, foul undead!
    Battle as Artix in Legendary Paladin Armour with Blinding Light of Destiny and Daimyo guest: Ultrageist

    <<A close up on Ultrageist's upper body, which is flashing purple>>
    Ultrageist: NO! NOOOOOOOO!!

    <<Eugene has his staff on the ground, it emits a bolt of purple lightning, Ultrageist whose bony arms and cloak close up to the screen are flashing purple>>
    Eugene: Just a bit more! He's almost--

    <<A multitude of small purple explosions occurs from his staff, it is knocked over and Eugene is hurled backwards to the left offscreen>>
    <<A close up on Ultrageist's upper body, which is flashing purple>>
    Ultrageist: NOOOOOOooooo....

    <<Ultrageist retracts the arm to the body and in a flash of white light, disappears and black debris falls in its place to the ground>>
    <<Artix looking at the right stands in Deadmoor Screen 6 the tree is replaced by a fountain>>
    Artix: Take that, evil abomination!
    Artix: I did it! ...No, WE did it! Eugene, without your help....
    Artix: Eugene?

    <<Artix looks left and right two times>>
    Artix: Eugene!!!

    <<Artix kneels down besides a Eugene who has his eyes closed as he lays on the ground Deadmoor Screen 5>>
    Artix: Somebody call a healer! We have to do something!
    Artix: He is hurt badly! We have to save him!
    Artix: Hold on, Eugene! We are getting help! We--

    <<Artix hands glow with yellow light and small white spheres of light are being absorbed>>
    Artix: What?

    <<A white glow takes over Artix's hand and a column of yellow light descends onto Eugene, the glow from his hands subsides and Eugene props his upper body up while resting on the ground as small spheres of light fall down from him.
    Eugene: *cough* *cough* Did... did we win?
    Artix: By the Lady of Light!
    Several days later....

    <<Pans downward from the sun during daybreak in Deadmoor Screen 5 mirrored image where Artix with his axe on his back and helm in his arm faces Eugene who has bandages across his forehead and from his right shoulder to his left arm like a cast and cyan ghost in Rogue Outfit>>
    Eugene: Sad to see you go. I owe you my life.
    Artix: I was just doing what was right - protecting the innocent from evil.
    Artix: And I have much to owe to you. For the first time in years, I have felt my magic returning!
    Eugene: That's good! Glad that I could help out. Especially if it means you not wanting to kill me.
    Artix: The only thing I worry about is the spirit that attacked the town -- what will become of it?
    Eugene: Well, it's a spectre. Spectres take years to form and gather power, so we won't see it for a long time. Either that, or it'll appear again and be about the size of a bunny.
    Eugene(should be Ghost): Either way, I'll be ready for it. We should be fine.
    Eugene: I've marked that location of the old Paladin Order's town on your map.
    Eugene: They're an older Order - much older than yours, by the sounds of it - and they had much different views of necromancy than yours did.
    Eugene: I got no idea if you'll find anything there, and it'll probably take you a few months to reach it, but it's a good lead.
    Eugene: I'll be praying that you'll be able to find some answers from there.
    Artix: Excellent! While the idea of paladins tolerating necromancers is really weird for me, you have proven that you are a true force of good in this world.
    Artix: Farewell, and Battle On!
    <<Screen blacks out except a circle which decreases in size as it zooms towards a wooden sign with Belfount written on top horizontal piece of wood pointing left and Graveyard beneath it on another piece of wood pointing right>>

    Shop: The Return of Artix!

    Ethereal Amethyst Staff (Lv 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150)
    Soul Slinger (Lv 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150)
    Graveyard Smash (Lv 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150)
    Old Belfount Souvenir Snowglobe (Lv 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150)
    Won 3rd Place in an Artix-Impersonation Lv 5
    Won 2nd Place in an Artix-Impersonation Lv 10
    Won 1st Place in an Artix-Impersonation Lv 25
    Warmonger Lv 50
    Warlord Lv 75
    The Conqueror Lv 100

  • Play again!
  • Epilogue
    Hey, what about Battleon?

    Battle: Moulder and Skully
    Full Heal

    <<You on the left face Kaley and Cenara on the right in front of the Inn in Battleon>>
    <<You>>: Done! Now for yo-- aw, Zorbak got away again.
    Cenara: Not for long! Let's go, team!

    <<Cenara transforms into a Dracopyre and runs off to the right, a three Shadowslayers follow after her>>
    <<You>>: *sigh* I really hope that Cenara finds something. Zorbak constantly attacking Battleon is... really annoying, to put it lightly.
    <<You>>: Like, we don't have enough enemies trying to take down the town? I really wish that things were quieter around here.
    Kaley: That'd be lovely. Now that we know that there's a convergence with the Darkness Realm every Friday the 13th it's opened up a world of possible research!
    Kaley: I could be in my lab, studying these new revelations! Finding the secrets of planar cosmology and how it affects living and undead creatures!
    Kaley: But nooooo, I have to deal with Zorbak stealing my notes and getting all the credit. Ugh.
    <<You>>: I was more worried about all the Battleonians who are getting hurt and killed because Zorbak suddenly feels like playing a villain.
    Kaley: Oh. Right. Yeah, um... innocent people. That's bad too. Really bad.
    <<You>>: ... Uh, yeah, that sounded sincere. Really sincere.
    Kaley: *sigh* I just... I'm sorry, but I'm not a hero. I'm a scholar. There's nothing more I want to do than to be in my lab, happily working away.
    Kaley: I get that preventing villains from destroying everything is important - I don't think that anyone wants to die to a random undead attack - but that seems so... small in the grand scheme of things.
    Kaley: Like, we're all gonna die eventually. You, me, Cen, everyone. Whole nations rise and fall every couple centuries...
    Kaley: ...but what survives is the knowledge and lessons we learn. And I want to be part of that!
    Kaley: I want to find something super amazing, something that'll change the way people think! Just the idea of that makes everything else seem tiny in comparison!!
    Kaley: Right now, that idea is all I can think about. Or like, it's the first thing that comes to mind.
    <<You>>: That's really... amoral?... of you.
    <<You>>: So, you helping General Herous and Granemor - that's all just a way to get a safe space where you can study? Because we're offering you the best deal?
    Kaley: Oh, Darkness Lord, no! I mean... it started out that way, sure. I was just interested in getting a place to research in peace.
    Kaley: But Granemor's always been more accepting of necromancers and tenebromancers, and everyone there is so nice. You've all really grown on me.
    Kaley: I've made some really good friends, y'know?
    Kaley: Boog's tavern is nice and quiet. The guy's been through a lot, but he never lets that keep him down. And he's a real softy once you get to know him.
    Kaley: Lucretia is great to talk to - I don't do much alchemy, but we have a lot in common! And she's got AMAZING taste in Moglinberry juice!
    Kaley: And then there's Cen - she's been treating me like a little sister ever since last May. She's really... inspiring? I really get how she can command an army against her half-brother. She's amazing.
    Kaley: I used to half-joke/half-threaten Herous that I'm just working with him because he's giving me the best offer...
    Kaley: ...but really, Granemor is my home. I wouldn't trade it for anything.
    Kaley: (Just don't tell Herous that!)
  • *snrk*

    <<Dracopyre Cenara leaps in from the right and transforms into human form>>
    <<You>>: You're back! Did you catch him??
    Cenara: *pant* Well... *huff* not me but... my team is on him. He might've outrun me, but I got my fastest trackers hunting him down. He can't outrun all of us.
    Cenara: I'm sure that we'll catch him. *whew* And if not, then we'll at least find out where his new base is, so that we can take him down.
    <<You>>: That's great! I'll keep my fingers crossed.
    Cenara: Meanwhile, it looks like one of my scouts found some weaponry that Zorbak was holding from us. Let's go check it out!
  • Reward!

  • Re-Open Shop
  • Guardian Tower!
  • Leave

    Monster Pool

    Moglin Phantom
    Skull Swarm
    Undead Archer
    Undead Mage
    Undead Spellsword
    Undead Moglin
    Undead Zard
    Zombie Zard

    1 Text error is underlined both in transcript above and below:

    Eugene: Either way, I'll be ready for it. We should be fine.
    Should be "Ghost" thats saying it as the speech bubble points to him

  • Legendary Ash -> RE: Quests - Read the first post! (1/29/2017 0:40:11)

    The Frogzard Hunter Part 3

    Today's Event > Zardhunter part 3 The Zardmaster or Zard Hunter Shop > Frogzard Hunter! > Part 3

    The Frogzard Hunter hands you a letter from someone named Nilia. She explains she has information that may lead to the Zardmaster's location, but she needs to see you in-person.

    <<You face Nilla on a path between grass and two trees>>
    Nilla: Thanks for meeting me here, I knew I could trust you! Listen, there's someone called Gaborah that you need to see. He's in the Oragh Swamp...
    Nilla: the lowlands between the Dwarfhold Mountains and GreenGuard Forest. He knows where this insidious "ZardMaster" is.
    <<You>>: How do you know that Goborah knows what you say he knows, hmmmm?

    <<Nilia winks her left eye>>
    Nilla: Let's just say I have a way with others. My Charisma is maxed.

    <A CloudZard descends, the tip of its wings and feet are seen above>>
    <<You>>: Watch out!
    <<The CloudZard clutches Nilla and flies away towards the right>>
    <<You>>: What in the name of Akriloth's beard was that?! It moved so fast I could barely see it! It must've been one of those mutant zards....
    <<You>>: I need to hurry on to Oragh Swamp and find this "Goborah" before these new zards can strike again!
    Although you move quickly, you are unable to outrace nightfall. And Oragh Swamp is not a place to be in the dark...

    <<You stand in a jungle, the full moon casts its light on the ocean's horizon>>
    <<You>>: Eegh! This place gives me the creeps, even more than Granemor Cemetary! Undead, I can deal with the Undead. It's buzzing, slithering, sliming things that bug me the most.

    <<A BZZZZZZZZ emits from the right>>
    Battle: Skeeter

    <<You stand in a jungle, the full moon casts its light on the ocean's horizon>>
    <<You>>: Ah yes... no better mosquito repellant than my fiery determination!
    ???: Ergh... That wasn't very nice of you to kill my pet!

    <<A Swamp Trog swings in from a tree branch and lands on the grass>>
    <<You>>: Uh...hello? I'm sure we can talk this over...

    Battle: Swamp Trog
    Full Heal

    <<You face the Swamp Trog in a jungle, the full moon casts its light on the ocean's horizon>>
    ???: Oh well, insects are kind of hard to get really attached to. I've always liked leech-rats more anyways. So cuddly, and smell so good roasting. *slobbers*
    <<You>>: *shivers* Wow, really? Uh, sorry for nearly beating you to a pulp just then, but I was wondering if you could help me find someone named Goborah?
    Goborah: Haha *SNORT*! That's me! I'm Goborah. They call me "Goborah the Handsome" around here. So what do you want, clean-skin?
    <<You>>: Nilia sent me here to find you. She's the sister of the famed Frogzard Hunter. For a while now a new breed of Zards has been terrizing the countryside.
    <<You>>: These Zards captured the Frogzard Hunter, and a short while ago captured Nilia as well! Nilia said that you know who or what is behind this. So, uh... do you?
    Goborah: You humans are CRAZY... always lookin' to get yourselves into trouble. You got some NERVE coming into my territory asking for my help. But, yes, Nilia was right. I do know.
    Goborah: Nilia once saved me from a rabid Zarlath so I guess I owe you humans something. The person behind this mess calls himself the ZARDMASTER...
    Goborah: ...and it's no wonder-- his given name is DILWOD SACKELBERRY.
    Goborah: He is a fallen mage's apprentice who has always believed that Zards and their kind should be the REAL rulers of Lore, not you human-types.
    <<You>>: Dilwod Sackelberry? Hmmm, do you know where I can find him?
    Goborah: Yes I do, but it's SUICIDE for you to go there. He's at the old VORADAK TEMPLE in the coastal jungle, about two days' journey east of here.
    Goborah: I gotta get going! I can smell my B.U.R.P. burning in the oven.
    You spend two long days trekking through through the swamps. At it's edge you can make out a sillouette of a temple rising up through the jungle.

    <<Pans downward onto You in the jungle with a silhouette of a temple in the distance>>
    <<You>>: That must be Voradak Temple! It looks like a temple to the Elemental Lords!
    <<You>>: Until recently, anyway. Rumor has it that the temple lost its magical connection to the world, so high elemental priests found it useless as a place to call upon the energies.

    <<Zardmaster mounted on a zard walks in and pull on the reins, the zard halts its movement>>
    Zardmaster: Energies that are useless to fools who fail to recognize the TRUE lords of Lore! The ZARDS!
    <<You>>: ZardMaster!! Or should I say... DILWOD SACKELBERRY! What have you done with the Frogzard Hunter and Nilia???
    Zardmaster: The await you in the sanctum of the temple, or what's left of them.
    Zardmaster: *Cackle* You see, I left their fate up to my beautiful SuperZards! And now, you shall face them all by yourself!
    Zardmaster: heeeheee... Muuhahahahahahahaaa!!!!

    <<Zardmaster mounted on a zard jumps backwards towards the right>>
    <<You>>: Looks like I have some serious climbing to do!

    Battle: InfernoZard
    Battle: BlizZard
    Full Heal

    Battle: WhaleZard
    Battle: StormZard
    Full Heal

    Battle: LightZard
    Battle: NightZard
    Full Heal

    Battle: ToadZard
    Battle: CloudZard
    Full Heal

    <<You face Zardmaster in front of the golden entrance between four pillars to the temple>>
    Zardmaster: I... I can't believe it... you SURVIVED!! My poor beautiful little SuperZards!!! *sniffle*
    <<You>>: *Huff* Give... me... a sec. *huff*
    <<You>>: Some of us didn't get up here on the back of a Zard.
    <<You>>: Ok.... ok, I'm good.
    <<You>>: Wait.... now where was I? ......oh, yes
    <<You>>: Cry all you want to, ZardMaster! You're next! Your plan to conquer the world is finished!
    Zardmaster: We shall see about that! The Zards aren't ALL that I've been mutating!!! Come and get me!

    Battle: ZardMaster

    <<Frogzard Hunter and Nilia emerge from the entrance of the temple>>
    Nilla: Thank you, thank you, thank you <<You>>! I couldn't take another minute of listening to the ZardMaster's incessant babbling.
    Zardhunter: Crikey!! Me either, sis! "Master of Zards" maybe but master of cleaning up after zards.... no!
    Zardhunter: These SuperZards make super messes and I was always havin' ta watch where I stepped, mate!
    Nilla: Is there some way you can repay our friend here, brother?
    Zardhunter: Why-- sure! Let's make <<You>> an HONORARY FROGZARD HUNTER! I have a beaut of an armor that should be right up ya alley mate!

    Shop: Frogzard Hunter Part 3

    Frogzard Hunter (Lv 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150)
    Call Skeeter (Lv 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150)
    Frogzard Hunter

  • Reward Shop!
  • Summon Spells 1
    Shop: Frogzard Hunter Part 3: Summons 1

    Summon InfernoZard (Lv 5, 10G, 20, 25G, 35, 40G, 50, 55G, 65, 70G, 80, 85G, 95, 100G, 110, 115G, 125, 130G, 135, 140G, 150G)
    Summon WhaleZard (Lv 5, 10G, 20, 25G, 35, 40G, 50, 55G, 65, 70G, 80, 85G, 95, 100G, 110, 115G, 125, 130G, 135, 140G, 150G)
    Summon CloudZard (Lv 5, 10G, 20, 25G, 35, 40G, 50, 55G, 65, 70G, 80, 85G, 95, 100G, 110, 115G, 125, 130G, 135, 140G, 150G)
    Summon BlizZard (Lv 5, 10G, 20, 25G, 35, 40G, 50, 55G, 65, 70G, 80, 85G, 95, 100G, 110, 115G, 125, 130G, 135, 140G, 150G)

  • Summon Spells 2
    Shop: Frogzard Hunter Part 3: Summons 2

    Summon ToadZard (Lv 5, 10G, 20, 25G, 35, 40G, 50, 55G, 65, 70G, 80, 85G, 95, 100G, 110, 115G, 125, 130G, 135, 140G, 150G)
    Summon StormZard (Lv 5, 10G, 20, 25G, 35, 40G, 50, 55G, 65, 70G, 80, 85G, 95, 100G, 110, 115G, 125, 130G, 135, 140G, 150G)
    Summon LightZard (Lv 5, 10G, 20, 25G, 35, 40G, 50, 55G, 65, 70G, 80, 85G, 95, 100G, 110, 115G, 125, 130G, 135, 140G, 150G)
    Summon NightZard (Lv 5, 10G, 20, 25G, 35, 40G, 50, 55G, 65, 70G, 80, 85G, 95, 100G, 110, 115G, 125, 130G, 135, 140G, 150G)

  • Play again!
  • Guardian Tower!
  • Leave

    2 Text errors are underlined both in transcript above and below:

    Nilla: Thanks for meeting me here, I knew I could trust you! Listen, there's someone called Gaborah that you need to see. He's in the Oragh Swamp...
    Should be "Goborah" like the other times spelled in the quest
    You spend two long days trekking through through the swamps. At it's edge you can make out a sillouette of a temple rising up through the jungle.
    Should be spelt "silhouette"

  • Ianthe -> RE: Quests - Read the first post! (1/31/2017 19:59:04)


    Trivial: Ballyhoo now has shops for the Chilly and Luminous Fire Rooster pets.

    Got this, thanks! ~Carandor

    Legendary Ash -> RE: Quests - Read the first post! (2/8/2017 0:50:45)

    When Powers

    Today's Events or Archery Shop > Truphma Saga > 13: Whens Powers Collide

    K'eld Naer - a command room that has remained uncorrupted by the Truphma...
    <<G'hup and Minister Bree'ha stand in front of a grounded piece of technology with pipes and pressure gauges inside the Drakel city>>
    G'hup: Minister, are you certain the technology is ready to do something so big?
    Bree'ha: Fortune favors the bold, G'hup. Besides, the DrakelCube E has already proven itself capable of creating very real copies given our modifications already.
    Bree'ha: I am more concerned with testing the technology for our present endeavor.
    G'hup: Well yes, but Kabak has not exactly been controllable, and Wynx totally wasted his opportunity.
    Bree'ha: Wynx is up to something. That moglin is more slippery than an eel.
    Bree'ha: But it matters not. I have acquired additional technology that will ensure our success at the recreation.
    G'hup: What technology?
    Bree'ha: The DrakelCubes O and P.
    G'hup: How? I thought they were tightly protected by Kapitoliss.
    Bree'ha: One would think you knew me well enough to know how resourceful I can be, G'hup!
    Bree'ha: It is really quite simple. I used the DrakelCube E to create an illusion... of nothingness.
    G'hup: Of nothingness?
    Bree'ha: Yes: nothingness. I surrounded the DrakelCubes with that illusion.
    Bree'ha: Predictably, Kapitoliss went to that meddlesome human sympathizer Tralin of Deren to inform him of them going missing, not realizing that they were still there all along!
    G'hup: And once he left you stole them?
    Bree'ha: I like to think it more as "reacquired". After all, the Drakel created the Cubes. I am merely returning them to their rightful owners.
    G'hup: But what about Gokar? If the cubes are released, he will surely respond.
    Bree'ha: Gokar is a non-issue. Well, more rightly, he is an asset.
    G'hup: How so?
    Bree'ha: A return on my investment in Wynx's mad schemes.
    Bree'ha: But none of this can be addressed until such time as these interlopers are removed from my planet.
    Bree'ha: Is the abjuration technology prepared for testing?
    G'hup: Yes minister.
    Bree'ha: Excellent. Activating....

    <<Zooms out to the hills in front of Battleon, the Guardian Tower fades as earth is lifted up into the air>>
    <<Twilly and You stand on the on the grassy sides of the former doorsteps of the Guardian Tower, now a vacant hole in the ground>>
    <<You>>: !!!
    Twilly: Oh noes! hat's happeneded to the Guardian Tower?!
    <<Bree'ha walks forward and stops in front of You and Twilly>>
    <<You>>: Bree'ha! What have you done!? Is this about the Drakelcubes!?!
    Bree'ha: Oh good, so you ARE aware of that. We will sort that later. But, no. This is a hostage situation.
    Bree'ha: I have misjudged Xov Arakue and her benefactor. They are utterly destroying me people and my city. They have murdered my family.
    <<You>>: As if you cared!
    Bree'ha: HOLD YOUR TONGUE, CHOSEN. Do not DARE to think you understand my relationships and feelings, you insufferable outsider!
    Bree'ha: If you wish to see the tower and those which are within returned, you will cooperate.
    <<You>>: Or I can just force you to cooperate.
    Bree'ha: Really, Chosen? I thought you had given up your pretense of stupidity. but let us up the ante.
    Bree'ha: Commander: remove the entire town.
    G'hup: Yes, minister.
    <<You>>: ENOUGH! What do you want, Bree'ha?
    Bree'ha: Hold off on that last order, G'hup.
    G'hup: Yes, minister.
    Bree'ha: That's better. Now, Xov's Truphma are in some disarray and my monitoring equipment tells me you know all about it.
    <<You>>: Monitoring equipment?
    Bree'ha: Everything within Naer and within some miles is recorded by me. I know all about the Changeling and your duplicity.
    <<You>>: You monitor and record all of your own citizen's lives and conversations?!
    Bree'ha: Do not presume to judge. Act.
    Bree'ha: Go to the Changeling. Those who are like him may remain, but they must be freed.
    Bree'ha: Any who have been wholly changed, regardless of their original form, must be driven to the center of the walled City of Naer.
    Bree'ha: Once there I will remove them from this plane of existence as I have removed Battleon. Then - and only then - I will restore Battleon.
    Bree'ha: And "ALL" includes Arakue herself... and for good measure, her means of connection as well, as it might allow a return.
    <<You>>: Means of connection?
    Bree'ha: That which drew her here and that her appearance emulates.
    <<You>>: You cannot mean...
    Bree'ha: I do. Loremaster Vox.
    <<You>>: You expect me to betray Eukara?!
    Bree'ha: Make your choice: Eukara or all of your Battleon.

    War Camp

    Truphma Saga Finale!
    When Powers
    Minister Bree'ha has decided that enough is enough with the Truphma. If you want to save the Changeling, his people, and all of Battleon. Xov Arakue and her Truphma as well as Loremaster Vox, must be driven away. To arms.

    Click on Robina's bow if you want her to join you in battle!
    Robina's bow
    Robina the Ranger will join you in battle!

    Click on Warlic's staff to have him join you in battle! He will replace any other guests.
    Warlic's crystal ball
    Warlic will help you in battle!

    GUARDIAN ONLY: Click on Blackhawke's sword to have him join you!
    Blackhawke's sword
    You must be a Guardian for Blackhawke to join you!
    Blackhawke is ready to join you in battle!

    If you become a Guardian you can ride the Radiant Warhorse into battle!
    You now ride the Radiant Warhorse! It will disappear when you log out.

    Twilly: There's never a dull moment with Twilly, Twilly's here to help brighten up the day!
    Twilly: If you need to be healed I can help you.
  • Heal me please.
      There you goes! All healed up!
    • Thank you!

  • Let me handle this!

    Potion bag
    You must be a Guardian to refill your Health potions from this bag.

    25% Cutscene

    <<You face Eukara and Kastio in her classroom>>
    <<You>>: ...and so now he wants me to betray you too, or else he threatens to never return the Guardian Tower.
    Eukara: Then we clearly have no choice. Kaitso, make preparations for departure.
    Kastio: Yes, Lady Vox.

    <<Kastio flashes, becomes a red swirl and enters a glass vial of yellow liquid, then capped with a string tied around it>>
    <<You>>: You cannot mean--
    Eukara: I do. If Bree'ha believes me culpable, wrongly or not, I cannot allow my presence to threaten Lore.
    <<You>>: But Loremaster, youre needed here! I can't just betray you!
    Eukara: It's no betrayal. If this is our chance to stop Xov once and for all, then I must do what needs to be done. No matter the cost.
    Eukara: Any teacher must eventually set their students free.
    Eukara: I'll return if I can. In the meantime I only ask that you ensure the rest of my students are cared for.
    <<You>>: I... I will....

    50% Cutscene

    <<Xov and Truphfal face each other in a monochrome interior space lined by pillars supporting the building>>
    Truphfal: The Chosen continues the assault, Lady Xov. If we are to stand, you need to unchain me.
    Xov: Do not presume to tell me what to do. Regardless of who you look like, you are my servant.
    Truphfal: But Lady, the armies are already in disarray and--

    <<Xov thrusts her staff out in front of her and yells>>
    Xov: But NOTHING. You are to return to your station NOW.

    75% Cutscene

    <<You on the left face Eukara and Kastio on the right at a Truphma camp>>
    Kastio: All is prepared.
    Eukara: Very well. <<You>>, the time has come.

    <<You, Eukara and Kastio enters to face Xov and Truphfal in a monochrome interior space lined by pillars supporting the building>>
    Xov: Eukara Vox, what have you done?!
    Eukara: Merely cooperated with my own exile. We will all be leaving this place, Xov.

    <<Xov thrusts her staff out in front of her and yells>>
    Xov: No! Stop them!
    Truphfal: I have not been able to gather my power. You refused to allow it. I am weak.
    Xov: No excuses! Eliminate <<You>>!

    Battle: Truphfal
    Full Heal

    <<You, Eukara and Kastio stand in a monochrome interior space lined by pillars supporting the building>>
    <<You>>: She got away! We'll have to pursue her.

  • To Battle!
      How many waves would you like to fight before returning to camp to rest?
    • One
    • Two
    • Three
    • Five

      You will now fight # wave(s) before returning to camp!
      Two Battles from Monster Pool full heal after each two
      [X] Click this button to return to camp at the next save point.

  • Guardian Mission
  • Explore Camp
  • Back to Town

    Once War Meter reaches 100%

    Four Battles from Monster Pool, full heal after each two

    <<You on the left face Changeling on the right at the Truphma camp>>
    Changeling: My kind have been rescued, and the last of Xov's forces that were in the city are now in the courtyard.
    <<You>>: Fine.
    <<You>>: <<You>> to G'hup.
    G'hup: Go ahead Chosen.
    <<You>>: Be ready.

    <<You and Changeling on the left face Xov, Truphfal and four Truphmas on the right in front of a building's entrance>>
    Xov: You insufferable meddler!
    <<You>>: I might say the same!

    <<Xov thrusts her staff out in front of her and yells>>
    Xov: I'll end you!

    Battle: Xov Arakue
    Full Heal

    <<You>>: Now G'hup!

    <<Truphfal and the four Truphmas fades as white spheres rises up in their place, Eukara flies in, lands behind and locks her arms around Xov's arms and waist, then she closes her eyes>>
    Eukara: Finish it!
    Xov: You too will be banished, Vox!
    Eukara: So be it.
    <<You>>: End this Minister, and you had better be as good as your word.
    Eukara: Goodbye <<You>>. Please be there for my students; this will be hard on them.
    Bree'ha: G'hup.... FIRE!
    G'hup: Yes, minister.

    <<Xov and Eukara start to turn a shade of white>>
    Xov: Bree-ha! You treacherous snake!
    Bree'ha: Why thank you. Now leave this planet!

    <<Xov and Eukara fades as debris rises up in their place>>
    Changeling: I feel strange... I'm feeling.... happy?

    <<Changeling bends his head back as he transforms into a human in Rogue Outfit with a blue bandanna and turquoise shirt>>
    <<You>>: Looks like all the dullness spread by Xov has left with her.
    Changeling: I'm... me... again.

    <<Zooms out from K'eld Naer as it turns from monochrome to its original colour>>
    <<You>>: It's over, Bree'ha. Now return the Guardian Tower!
    Bree'ha: Restore Battleon, G'hup.
    G'hup: Yes, minister.

    <<Guardian Tower fades into its place in Battleon with debris falling down>>
    Bree'ha: I will be seeing you soon <<You>>. Be sure of it.
    Bree'ha: Now run along and check on your town. Bree'ha out.
    <<You>>: I gotta return to Battleon. I have to check on the Guardian Tower and-- wait, what is your name?
    Harris: My name? Yes, my name! I'm Harris.
    <<You>>: Thank you for all your help, Harris, I must be going - I have some bad news to deliver to a group of kids.

    Shop: When Powers Collide

    Prismatic Paintbrush (Lv 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150)
    Fate's Betrayal (Lv 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150)
    Palette Protector (Lv 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150)
    House Items:
    When Powers Collide
    Truphma General (Lv 21, 41, 61, 81, 101, 121, 141)
    Boredom Beater Lv 5
    Boredom Buster Lv 10
    Boredom Breaker Lv 25
    Warmonger Lv 50
    Warlord Lv 75
    The Conqueror Lv 100

  • Play again!
  • Re-Open Shop
  • Guardian Tower!
  • Leave

    Monster Pool

    Bored Buzzer
    Dull Dragon
    Dull Forest Demon
    Dull Ramleon
    Dull Vagaran
    Dull Woodland Pack
    Paintball Truphma
    Trakel Brute
    Trakel Enforcer
    Trakel Ninja
    Trakel Power Chariot
    Trakel Water Mage
    Washed-Out Water Wyrm
    Washed-Out Wolverine
    Winged Truphma

    1 Text error is underlined both in transcript above and below:

    Eukara: Then we clearly have no choice. Kaitso, make preparations for departure.
    Should be "Kastio" like the other times it is used in the quest

  • Legendary Ash -> RE: Quests - Read the first post! (2/11/2017 0:48:18)

    Snugglefest: More Troofles, More Troubles!

    Today's Events or Snugglefest Portal Painting > More Troofles, More Troubles!

    <<You face Aria inside her pet shop>>
    Aria: <<You>>! Thank goodness you're here!
    <<You>>: Hi Aria! I came as soon as I got your message! What's wrong?
    Aria: Well, as you know, it's Snugglefest.
    <<You>>: Yes, I love this time of year! Helping everyone out with matters of the heart.
    Aria: Right, It's definitely a festival! However, have you noticed that there is a distinct lack of snuggles during Snugglefest, despite it's name?
    <<You>>: You know, now that you mention it, I have noticed a lack of snuggles during this festival.
    Aria: Exactly! So, I figured to help out with this issue, I'd breed a new pet that actively snuggled people who needed it!
    <<You>>: Awwww, that's sweet! So where is it?
    Aria:Well, that's part of the problem... the troofles escaped.
    <<You>>: Uhm, troofles? What are those?
    Aria: Right, so in order to breed the new pet, I needed to use an existing species, so I decided to use trobbles, because everyone likes trobbles.
    <<You>>: Of course! They're so adorable... wait, I though trobbles didn't like clingy people...?
    Aria: No no no, trobbles only hate it when you cling on to them for too long.
    <<You>>: Oh, right. Still, wouldn't that be an issue for a pet specifically designed to snuggle?
    Aria: Exactly! So I asked Warlic for a little help to change the behavior of a trobble while also making them even more snuggly, which he happily helped with in the spirit of the day.
    Aria: He made a potion to make them far more snuggly.
    <<You>>: Ah I... wait... a potion... on Snugglefest...
    Aria: What's wrong?
    <<You>>: I'm having flashbacks to another Snugglefest with a very similar premise... did something go horribly wrong?
    Aria: Well, not really 'horribly wrong', maybe just a little wrong... The trobble I was experimenting with wouldn't drink the potion, so I poured it all over some truffles I had and fed it.
    <<You>>: Ahh, that explains the name.
    Aria: Anyways, so it turns out it was a complete success. The new troofle species is far more fluffier than the original trobble, is far more adorable, and is extra snuggly to anyone nearby.
    Aria: Perhaps a little too snuggly.
    <<You>>: Too snuggly?
    Aria: Right, so troofles have a need to snuggle others. And they're really excited to do it. Like, REALLY excited to do it.
    <<You>>: So they escaped to go off and snuggle others? That doesn't sound so bad...
    Aria: Right, it wouldn't' be, if they didn't move at the speed of snug.
    <<You>>: The speed of snug? How fast is that?

    <<Frogzard Hunter is hit sending spheres of fur outwards and is tossed backwards in an arc through the air>>
    Frogzard Hunter: Crikey! What's this strangely adorable and snuggly critter that sent me flyin' all the way here from Yulgar's as I was talkin' about making some new zard-huntin' weapons wi' 'im!??
    <<You>>: I see. That is indeed quite fast. And destructive.
    Aria: Yeah... that's why I asked you to come and help subdue them.
    <<You>>: I have to fight them?
    Aria: Don't worry, all that extra fluffiness has made them quite resilient to attacks.
    Aria: Although, the pheremones of the troofles seem to attract other cute creatures, so you may need to go through them to get to the troofles.
    <<You>>: How many are loose?
    Aria: Uhmmm, by now? I think we're looking at 1,771 right now.
    <<You>>: Well that's definitely worse then 561 of them! How am I going to run them all up?
    Aria: Oh that's simple, just go after the original troofle. It'll be much larger than the others an will also move the fastest.
    Aria: Look for a trail of snuggled and maimed bodies - it should lead you to it. Once you get the original troofle, I can use it's pheromones to lure the other ones into a safe area.
    <<You>>: Alright, I promise not to beat them up too badly.
    Aria: Thank you, <<You>>!

    <<You are in Warlic's shop>>
    Two Battles from Monster Pool
    Full Heal

    <<You are in Battleon at the path in front of Archery and Warlic's shop>>
    Two Battles from Monster Pool
    Full Heal

    <<You face Robina who lays on the ground with her knee bent in front of the Inn, four spheres of fur lie on the ground around her feet, four more are on the ground near her skirt and left arm>>
    Robina: So... snuggly yet... violent...
    <<You>>: Dang it, I must have missed it. Don't worry Robina, the Ninja Cleric is on the way, just stay there! Moving will only make things worse!
    Robina: How...
    <<You>>: No time to explain! I need to hunt down a troofle!
    Two Battles from Monster Pool
    Full Heal

    <<You face Robina who lays on the ground with her knee bent in front of the Inn, four spheres of fur lie on the ground around her feet, four more are on the ground near her skirt and left arm>>
    <<You>>: Wait, I think I see something... it's like a fuzzy blur heading right towards--

    Battle: Troofle
    Full Heal

    <<You face Robina who lays on the ground with her knee bent in front of the Inn, four spheres of fur lie on the ground around her feet, four more are on the ground near her skirt and left arm>>
    <<You>>: Well that was... both snuggly and dangerous. These things do need to be rounded up.
    ???: Help! A giant fuzzy blur just knocked Hans into Room 42!
    <<You>>: ROOM 42???

    <<You face Yulgar who is behind the table inside the Inn>>
    <<You>>: Dont' worry Yulgar! I'm here to investigate the disturbance in Room forty--

    Battle: Troofle
    Full Heal

    <<You>>: There, I have subdued the troofle! Now to go and--

    <<Hans walks down the stairs and faces Yulgar>>
    <<You>>: Hans, you're alright! And out of room 42?
    Yulgar: I helped him come around while you were fighting that thing. Also tidied up and installed a new door.
    <<You>>: I didn't think my fight took THAT long....
    Yulgar: It didn't; I'm just really fast at installing doors .
    <<You>>: Why?
    Yulgar: It's an inn. Do you know how many adventurers just burst through the door without concern that it could easily come off its hinges?
    <<You>>: Fair point. Hans, can you go get Aria so we can round up the troofles?
    Hans: A-Aria?! Oh, uh... sure....

    <<Hans blushes and walks left towards the exit>>
    <<You>>: Well, that takes care of that. Hopefully Aria can find a way for these troofles to function in society.
    Yulgar: I think I may have an idea for all this fur they're sheddding....

    Shop: More Troofles, More Troubles

    Snugglefest '17 Commemorative Spoon (Lv 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150)
    Troofle (Lv 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150)
    Troofle Fur (Lv 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150)

  • Play again!
  • Guardian Tower!
  • Leave

    Monster Pool

    Demon Cat
    Fire Vampragon

    6 Text errors are underlined both in transcript above and below:

    Aria: Right, it wouldn't' be, if they didn't move at the speed of snug.
    Remove the extra apostrophe
    Aria: Although, the pheremones of the troofles seem to attract other cute creatures, so you may need to go through them to get to the troofles.
    Second "e" should be an "o"
    <<You>>: Well that's definitely worse then 561 of them! How am I going to run them all up?
    "then" is supposed to be "than" and "run" is supposed to be "round" if consistent with the rest of the times used with "them all up"
    Yulgar: It didn't; I'm just really fast at installing doors .
    Remove the extra space between doors and the period
    Yulgar: I think I may have an idea for all this fur they're sheddding....
    Remove an extra "d"

  • Legendary Ash -> RE: Quests - Read the first post! (3/12/2017 0:52:29)


    Necragon Incursion

    Today's Events or Dragonspine > Necragon Incursion

    The fires of Limkragg's lair have long been quiet since the great dragon's defeat at your hands. The lava that once flowed so freely cooled to barely a glow. Now, deep inside an ember is being fed...
    <<Zooms in from the outside desert hills of Limkragg's lair>>
    <<Udorian, a true-born Drakel, the direct descendants of great dragons in Necragon Guise holds a Necragon's Might to the edge of a cliff within the lair.
    Udorian: The Avatar of Limkragg, Aspect of Balance! This moral form of his has been reduced to nothing more than bone and ash. Such a pity...
    Udorian: If this ritual works I shall have a new general and my plans to ascend all dragons into my undead kingdom will begin.

    <<Uldorian tilts the axe forwards>>
    Udorian: LIMKRAGG! I beseech your mortal remains! Ascend from you molten grave and have your revenge!

    <<A counterclockwise rotating purple spiral emits from the axe with rays of light rotating clockwise>>
    Udorian: It's working!

    <<The lair shakes violently an rocks from the ceiling drops down to the molten depths below the cliff, the light emitting from the lava increases in luminosity and head of an Infernal Dracolich rises up to face the Necragon>>
    Udorian: Yes, mighty avatar, you shall have your revenge! Lead my armies oof dragons against those wronged you. Once nothing stands in my my way I will ascend all dragons and build my kingdom of the undead!
    Limkragg: YES... YES!!

    War Camp

    Necragon Incursion
    Limkragg Rising

    The Necragon Udorian has raised the fallen Avatar of Limkragg! Galanoth and Cyrus once again join forces to aid you in battle. You must stop Udorian from "ascending" all dragonkind and building an army of undead dragons!

    Click on Artix's axe if you want him to join you in battle!
    Artix's axe
    Artix the Paladin joins you in battle!

    "Arf arf!"

    Click on Cyrus' katanas if you want him to join you in battle!
    Cyrus' katanas
    Lord Cyrus the Dracomancer joins you in battle!

    Click on Galanoth's helm if you want him to join you in battle!
    Galanoth's helm
    Galanoth the Dragonslayer joins you in battle!

    If you become a Guardian you can ride the Radiant Warhorse into battle!
    You now ride the Radiant Warhorse! It will disappear when you log out.

    Twilly: DWAGONS! Big dwagons!! Big undead dwagons!!! Oh noes!
    Twilly:If you need to be healed I can help you.
  • Heal me please.
      Twilly: There you goes! All healed up!
    • Thank you!

  • Let me handle this!

    Potion bag
    You must be a Guardian to refill your Health potions from this bag.

  • To Battle!
      How many waves would you like to fight before returning to camp to rest?
    • One
    • Two
    • Three
    • Five

      You will now fight # wave(s) before returning to camp!
      Two Battles from Monster Pool full heal after each two
      [X] Click this button to return to camp at the next save point.

  • Guardian Mission
  • Explore Camp
  • Back to Town

    Once War Meter reaches 100%

    Four Battles from Monster Pool full heal after each two

    <<You on left face Udorian and Limkragg on the right on the cliff above the molten depths>>
    <<You>>: I'm not sure why you resurrected Limkragg, but your dragon armies have been defeated. Now it's time to end this!
    Udorian: Ever the predictable hero, you have my gratitude.
    <<You>>: Gratitude?
    Udorian: Indeed, I could never have killed so many dragons. You have provided me with all I need to build my undead dragon army!
    <<You>>: Unless I happen to kill another few... y'know, like the drakel and his bony brat right in front of me?

    <<Uldorian tilts the axe forwards>>
    Udorian: *Chuckles* I think not! You have served out your usefullness. Avatar, now is your time! Become the claws of vengence!
    Limkragg: YES...

    Battle: Undead Limkragg
    Full Heal

    Udorian: You are proving to be quite meddlesome. You may have defeated my minion but now you will feel the full fury of my Necragon powers!
    <<You>>: Fear not, you will be joining your fallen minions very soon.

    Battle: Udorian
    Full Heal

    <<Udorian falls off the edge of the cliff>>

    <<Udorian as a red silhouette falls down alongside the dark rocky walls and the light emitting from the lava increases in luminosity, the drakel splashes into the molten lava in upright position and raises the right arm with a thumb up before sinking below the surface>>
    <Galanoth stands next to a chest outside the desert hills of Limkragg's lair >>
    Galanoth: Well done <<You>>! The Avatar of Limkragg has been stopped and once again the fires of his lair grow quiet.
    Galanoth: The drakel necromancer has me curious... what other surprises do those wretched beasts hold?
    Galanoth: My scouts found this treasure while taking care of a few stragglers. Whatever's in here is yours for the taking. You've earned it, hero!

    <<A column of light emits from the interior of the chest as you click to open>>
  • Get War Reward
  • Skip Reward / Already Have It

    Shop: Necragon Incursion

    Sword of Limkragg's Bane (Lv 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150)
    Spear of Limkragg's Bane (Lv 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150)
    Arcane Sword of Limkragg's Bane (Lv 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150)
    Fleshreaver Strike (Lv 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150)
    Guardian of Balance Lv 5
    Protector of Balance Lv 10
    Restorer of Balance Lv 25
    Warmonger Lv 50
    Warlord Lv 75
    The Conqueror Lv 100

  • Play again!
  • Re-Open Shop
  • Guardian Tower!
  • Leave

    Monster Pool

    Acid Dragon
    Darkness Dragon
    Earth Dragon
    Energy Dragon
    Fire Dragon
    Ice Dragon
    Light Dragon
    Plant Dragon
    Platinum Dragon
    Undead Dragon
    Water Dragon
    Wind Dragon

    4 Text errors are underlined both in transcript above and below:

    Udorian: The Avatar of Limkragg, Aspect of Balance! This moral form of his has been reduced to nothing more than bone and ash. Such a pity...
    Should be "mortal"
    Udorian: LIMKRAGG! I beseech your mortal remains! Ascend from you molten grave and have your revenge!
    Should be "your"
    Should be "WRATH"
    Udorian: *Chuckles* I think not! You have served out your usefullness. Avatar, now is your time! Become the claws of vengence!
    One less "l" on usefullness.

  • Added. Scakk

    RedEyedDrake -> RE: Quests - Read the first post! (3/12/2017 5:09:17)


    "This moral form of his has been reduced to nothing more than bone and ash".

    You forgot this part and how it is supposed to say "mortal" rather than "moral".

    afterlifex -> RE: Quests - Read the first post! (3/25/2017 11:43:00)

    The Misfit Monster Gang!


    Battleon > Speak to Twilly > Misfit Monster Gang

    Should be:

    Battleon > Speak to Valencia > Have you heard any rumors? > Misfit Monster Gang

    Legendary Ash -> RE: Quests - Read the first post! (3/28/2017 2:46:38)


    Blarney War: Battle at Sea

    Today's Events or Blarney Portal Painting > Battle at Sea

    Captain Rhubarb has been hard at work gathering funds to reinforce the defenses of Lolosia. After a particularly lucrative journey he has requested you to help him haul it back home...
    <<You on the left face Captain Rhubarb on the right in a room on the Red Betty with stacks of gold coins and bars behind You and in front of Rhubarb>>
    <<You>>: *Whew* Thats all the treasure loaded!
    Captain Rhubarb: My thanks to ye, <<You>>. This would have taken Frolgar days to haul onto me boat!
    <<You>>: I can't believe someone buried this much treasure and just left it here.
    <<You>>: It's a pirate thing, difficult for you land lubbers to understand. This tre-

    <<The room shakes a little>>
    <<You>>: What was that?! Are you letting Floyd drive the boat again?

    <<Captain Rhubarb and You in Guardian plate as black silhouettes walks across the deck of the ship and there black stream of smoke from the fire of an oval hole next to the stern of the ship>>
    Captain Rhubarb: ARRRRR! Looks like me Red Betty has taken a direct hit!
    Captain Rhubarb: Frolgar! Damage report?
    Folgar: Blasted a gaping hole right through the hull. She ain't taking on water but the cannon battery be in bad shape We can't afford another hit like that Captain!
    <<You>>: I'll help patch-

    <<Two silhouettes of small boats speed past the Red Betty towards the right offscreen>>
    <<You>>: Were those ships?
    Captain Rhubarb: Couldn't be, <<You>>. I've not seen boats move that fast-

    <<Two small boats with a front cannon piloted by leprechauns speed past the Red Betty towards right offscreen and Uncle Sham in a naval commander outfit leads three other boats of leprechauns towards the left to face the Red Betty on the left>>
    Uncle Sham: Attention, tall-folk! I, Sham, President of the Leprechaun Nation, do hereby claim these waters and all-
    <<You>>: SHAM?! What are you doing here?
    Uncle Sham: Well shiver me shamrocks, if it ain't <<You>>. I've been looking to diversify me portfolio and piratin' seemed like a good choice. It's been easy money!
    Uncle Sham: We be harnessin' the power of rainbow magic that cannae be matched by any wind, and as yer about to witness, after we cripple a ship we loot it clean!
    Captain Rhubarb: Bah, ye wretched green vermin! Step foot on me ship and I'll have ye for braken bait.
    Uncle Sham: Here that lads? Sounds like an invitation for a rumble to me. You boys get aboard that ship, Ive got money ta count!

    <<Uncle Sham's boat powered by rainbows sails left offscreen>>
    Captain Rhubarb: So you want to play pirtates? I'll patch my hull with ye wee little bones!

    War Camp

    Blarney War
    Battle At Sea

    Sham has turned to piracy to serve his greed! The leprecahun fleet now surround you and the crew of the Red Betty. With the Red Betty crippled you must fight off the Leprechauns before you, the ship, and all the treasure resides with Davey Jones!

    Captain Rhubarb
    Click on Captain Rhubarb's hat if you want him to join you in battle!
    Captain Rhubarb's hat
    Captain Rhubarb will join you in battle!

    Click on Froglar's cutlass if you want him to join you in battle!
    Froglar's cutlass
    Froglar joins you in battle!


    Four-leaf clover
    The magical four-leafed clover just healed you!

    Leprechaun top hat
    You are now wearing a Leprechaun's top hat!

    Click on the cannonballs under Cap'n's foot to play a special Guardian Mission mini-game!

    Become a Guardian to go on a special mission!

    If you become a Guardian you can ride the Radiant Warhorse into battle!
    You now ride the Radiant Warhorse! It will disappear when you log out.

    Twilly: Twilly's not afraid of Lepwechauns! They're tiny like Twilly!
    Twilly:If you need to be healed I can help you.
  • Heal me please.
      Twilly: There you goes! All healed up!
    • Thank you!

  • Let me handle this!

    Potion bag
    You must be a Guardian to refill your Health potions from this bag.

  • To Battle!
      How many waves would you like to fight before returning to camp to rest?
    • One
    • Two
    • Three
    • Five

      You will now fight # wave(s) before returning to camp!
      Two Battles from Monster Pool full heal after each two
      [X] Click this button to return to camp at the next save point.

  • Past Loot
    Shop: Blarney

    Mystic Unicorn Bowie (Lv 5, 52, 102, 122)
    Mystic Unicorn Bowie Z (Lv 32
    Mystic Unicorn Bowie G (Lv 77, 137)
    Unicorn Bowie (Lv 5, 52, 102, 122)
    Unicorn Bowie Z (Lv 32
    Unicorn Bowie G (Lv 77, 137)
    Driftwood Shelayleigh (Lv 5)
    Guardian Shelayleigh (Lv 5G)
    Zhelayleigh (Lv 11)
    Gold-BlaZting Gatling (Lv 11)
    Clovermore (Lv 12, 32, 52, 72, 92, 112)
    Clovermore Z (Lv 32, 132)
    Clovermore G (Lv 132, 142)
    Celtic Bow (Lv 12, 32, 52, 72, 92, 112)
    Celtic Bow Z (Lv 32, 132)
    Celtic Bow G (Lv 132, 142)
    Celtic Staff (Lv 12, 32, 52, 72, 92, 112)
    Celtic Staff Z (Lv 32, 132)
    Celtic Staff G (Lv 132, 142)
    Gilded Warbow (Lv 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150G)
    Bladehenge (Lv 20)
    Guardian Bladehenge (Lv 20G)
    Balsa Shelayleigh (Lv 25)
    Gold-Emitting Gatling (Lv 25)
    Charmed Bladehenge (Lv 40)
    Oak Shelayleigh (Lv 45)
    Gold-Blasting Gatling (Lv 45)
    Charmed Bladehenge (Lv 60)
    AuZpicious Bladehenge (Lv 62)
    Gold-Blazing Gatling (Lv 65)
    Auspicious Bladehenge (Lv 75)
    Mesquite Shelayleigh (Lv 65)
    Mystic Unicorn Bowie G (Lv 77
    Unicorn Bowie G (Lv 77
    Ironwood Shelayleigh (Lv 85)
    Guardian Gold-Shooting Gatling (Lv 85G)
    Gold-Shooting Gatling (Lv 85)
    Fortutious Bladehenge (Lv 90)
    Gold-Firing Gatling (Lv 105)
    Felicitious Bladehenge (Lv 110)
    Gold-Shooting Gatling (Lv 125)
    Fortunate Shelayleigh (Lv 125)
    Prosperous Bladehenge (Lv 130)
    Sacred Shelayleigh (Lv 135)
    Fightin' Shelayleigh (Lv 145G)
    Gold-Spraying Gatling (Lv 145G)
    Lucky Shelayleigh (Lv 150G)
    Leprechaun Power Au-mour Z (Lv 5, 130)
    Leprechaun Power Au-mour (Lv 32, 77, 102, 122)
    Leprechaun Power Au-mour G (Lv 52,, 132, 147)
    Green Power Armor (Lv 12)
    Gilt Leprechaun Power Armor Z (Lv 15)
    Guardian Leprechaun Power Armor (Lv 32)
    Emerald Power Armor (Lv 52)
    Gold Plated Power Armor Z (Lv 60)
    Lucky Power Armor (Lv 70)
    Leprechaun Power Armor (Lv 85)
    Blarney Power Armor (Lv 105)
    Clover Power Armor (Lv 125)
    Solid Gold Power Armor Z (Lv 125)
    Shamrock Power Armor (Lv 135)
    4- Leaf Clover Power Armor (Lv 145)
    Tartan Shield (Lv 12, 32, 52, 72, 92, 112, 132)
    Tartan Shield Z (Lv 32)
    Tartan Shield G (Lv 132, 142)
    Guardian Knotwork Shield (Lv 19)
    Knotwork Shield (Lv 39)
    Knotwork Shield Z (Lv 39)
    Bespelled Knotwork Shield (Lv 59)
    Enchanted Knotwork Shield (Lv 79)
    Magical Knotwork Shield (Lv 99)
    Mystical Guardian Knotwork Shield (Lv 119)
    Charmed Knotwork Shield Z (Lv 132)
    Charmed Knotwork Shield (Lv 139)
    Meteorbak (Lv 7, 27, 67, 84G, 87, 107, 127, 137G, 147G)
    Ninja Lawyer Assassin Contract (Lv 95, 115, 135, 150G)
    Summon Dragonchaun I (Lv 10)
    Summon Guardian Dragonchaun II (Lv 30G)
    Summon Dragonchaun III (Lv 50)
    Summon Dragonchaun Z IV (Lv 70)
    Summon Dragonchaun V (Lv 90)
    Summon Dragonchaun VI (Lv 110)
    Summon Guardian Dragonchaun VII (Lv 130G)
    Summon Dragonchaun VII (Lv 130)
    Summon Guardian Dragonchaun VIII (Lv 150G)
    Golden Gween Z (Lv 14, 134)
    Golden Gween (Lv 34, 54, 94, 114)
    Golden Guardian Gween (Lv 74, 144)
    Lepre-Chan (Lv 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150G)
    Ninjachaun (Lv 7, 27, 47, 67, 84G, 87, 107, 127, 137G, 147G)
    BLARRRney Hat (Lv 7, 27, 47, 67, 87, 107, 127)
    BLARRRney Hat Z (Lv 15)
    Guardian BLARRRney Hat (Lv 104G, 147G)
    Clover Essence (Lv 14, 34, 54, 74, 94, 114
    Clover Essence Z (Lv 29, 124)
    Concentrated Clover Essence (Lv 91G, 144G)
    ZardAde (Lv 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150G)
    House Items:
    Blarney Portal Painting

  • Explore Camp
    These stairs will take you to the quarter deck.

    This door leads to Captain's Cabin

    Froglar must be a master at deck swabbing!.

  • Back to Town

    Once War Meter reaches 100%

    Four Battles from Monster Pool full heal after each two

    <<You on the left face Uncle Sham on the right welding a sabre in naval commander outfit while a leprechaun runs off towards the right of the with several bars of gold on the deck of the Red Betty>>
    Sham: That's it, lads, make yerrselves useful an'haul what ye can back to the ships!

    <<Captain Rhubarb swings in from the right with a rope and kicks a leprechaun holding bars of gold, causing them to fall on the deck, Rhubarb stands on the stairs to face Uncle Sham on the right>>
    Captain Rhubarb: The only thing getting hauled is yer miserable carcass off'a me ship after I swab the deck with ye!
    Sham: *Sigh* Well, I didn't get dressed up for nuthin...

    Battle: Captain Sham
    Full Heal

    <<Captain Rhubarb stands on the stairs to face Uncle Sham on the right>>
    Sham: Bah! A curse on yet tall folk *hiss*

    <<Uncle Sham emits a gold glow and disappears as a rainbow column of light appears briefly>>
    <<Captain Rhubarb with stacks of gold coins and bars behind him faces the front in a room on the Red Betty, a chest sits on the right>>
    Captain Rhubarb: My thanks to ye <<You>>! Yer mettle be as stout as Folgar's wooden leg.
    Captain Rhubarb: I have just the right treasure in mind for your heroism. Take it, you've earned it... just don't be getting used to me sharing me treasure. HA! HA!

    <<A column of light emits from the interior of the chest as you click to open>>
  • Get War Reward
  • Skip Reward / Already Have It

    Shop: Blarney 2017- Battle at Sea

    Blunderlass (Lv 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150)
    Musket Blade (Lv 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150)
    Piratechaun (Lv 1, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 135, 150G)
    Cooper Doubloon Lv 5
    Silver Doubloon Lv 10
    Gold Doubloon Lv 25
    Warmonger Lv 50
    Warlord Lv 75
    The Conqueror Lv 100

  • Play again!
  • Re-Open Shop
  • Past Loot Shop
  • Guardian Tower!
  • Leave

    Monster Pool

    Giant Cyberchaun
    GO-LD Walker
    Leprechaun Power Armor

  • Got this. ~Carandor

    5 Text errors are underlined both in transcript above and below:

    Folgar: Blasted a gaping hole right through the hull. She ain't taking on water but the cannon battery be in bad shape We can't afford another hit like that Captain!
    Should be "Froglar"
    Uncle Sham: We be harnessin' the power of rainbow magic that cannae be matched by any wind, and as yer about to witness, after we cripple a ship we loot it clean!
    Should be "cannot"
    Captain Rhubarb: So you want to play pirtates? I'll patch my hull with ye wee little bones!
    Should be "pirates"
    Sham has turned to piracy to serve his greed! The leprecahun fleet now surround you and the crew of the Red Betty. With the Red Betty crippled you must fight off the Leprechauns before you, the ship, and all the treasure resides with Davey Jones!
    Should be "leprechaun"
    Captain Rhubarb: My thanks to ye <<You>>! Yer mettle be as stout as Folgar's wooden leg.
    Should be "Froglar"

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