Shear Destruction (Full Version)

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Jorath -> Shear Destruction (9/27/2014 12:09:21)

Shear Destruction

Location: The Shears -> Up -> Right -> 2 Up Right -> Into the building -> Left -> Up -> Sir Leon -> Quests -> Destruction
Level/Quest/Items required: Completion of Desolation Ruins
Release Date: September 26th, 2014

Objective: Fight your way back to the Oculus Tower and make it a symbol of resistance.
Objective completed: You have destroyed the tower and proved you can work with the resistance.

Scaled Yes/No: Yes

(8) ManaHunter
(9) Manahuntress
(1) Magus Eutin - Boss

Sir Leon

Runestone (All Versions)

Sir Leon: It's time to make our final move, <Character>.

  • Quest!

    *Back in The Shears, the Runestone sits on a table.*

    Gordy: So... you went and found a stone. Yay. So, what's so special about it?
    Navon: This is meant to rally us together? A stone is meant to save us all? A paperweight?
    <Character>: I admit, it doesn't seem terribly impressive. It's very pretty, but I'm not sure how that helps us.
    Leon: This, my friends, is no elegant paperweight. It is a weapon.
    Leon: This stone, what it can- no, what it WILL do- will prove to the resistance in Sulen'eska that we can be a valuable asset to their movement.
    Leon: This will also show everyone in Greenguard that the Rose is vulnerable. That they are not unstoppable.
    Leon: If we can't prove that we have a chance against them, then there is no hope for those who are unable to fight for themselves.
    <Character>: So we destroy stuff, bring hope to the people, and you get to join the resistance in Sulen'Eska against the Rose!
    Leon: Exactly!
    Leon: The Oculus Tower, here, looms in the distance as an imposing symbol of Rose control.
    Leon: It's a powerful symbol, and if we can manage to damage it beyond use, then everyone around will see that the Rose can be broken.
    Navon: Do you truly think it can be done? How do you plan on destroying the Oculus Tower?
    Leon: This stone is the key to this plan. With its power, I have full confidence in our success. We simply need to take it to the top of the tower.
    Navon: AND... you think the resistance will just accept you after this? That they will accept us with open arms?

    *Sir Leon points to a location on the map.*

    Leon: I believe, fine knights, that taking down this tower will prove beyond a doubt that our goals are aligned with those in Sulen'Eska.
    Navon: You have such confidence in this plan, Leon. And though not invincible, the Rose is no sitting duck. They too have plans. Crest, you had a report?
    Crest: Aye, our scouts have found that the Rose has begun reoccupying the tower since our last encounter.
    Crest: From the looks of it, they are trying to get it operational again, but with a more... stable... mana source.
    <Character>: They can't stop us! We can solve two problems at once: Stop the Rose from rebuilding, and get you access to the resistance, Leon.
    Leon: Precisely! A handful of Rose soldiers is no match for us. That settles it, then. It's time to move.
    Leon: I think we can start to make a difference...

  • Sir Leon joins you as Guest A.

    *After battling your way to the top of the Oculus Tower, Sir Leon sets the Runestone down before the Oculus device.*

    Leon: Done. Let's move out!

    *Once the group is outside, Sir Leon uses a spell to remotely detonate the runestone. A sword appears to slash the stone, after which the tower is sliced in half and the upper part collapses. The scene shifts to Mritha, in Sulen'Eska, shortly after.*

    Odgne: There's been an explosion, heart sister. A large one.
    Mritha: How? Where?
    Odgne: Hold on, Marseltha. Rider Monte's companion is telling me...
    Odgne: On their scouting run for the Dragon Rebels, they saw a band of fighters storm the Oculus tower.
    Odgne: They blew it to pieces. Only ruins remain. It... It was a stronghold.
    Mritha: They took down a tower? Just like that? Kara should know of this. Maybe there are others who would be willing to aid our cause.
    Odgne: Marseltha says that... one who seems to be the leader is waving her down. To talk.
    Mritha: Tell Marseltha to accept the leader's invitation.
    Odgne: Will do.
    Odgne: Monte and Marseltha are coming, with the leader. He wishes to speak to you. His name is Sir Leon.
    Mritha: Have Marseltha bring him straight here. Keep an eye out for our patrols, heart sister. The Rose is certainly on edge now.
    Odgne: Give Marseltha two minutes. I will watch over our flock.

    *The scene shifts to a lower level of Sulen'Eska.*

    Mritha: I know Kara doesn't like letting strangers in to Sulen'Eska, but we need all the allies we can get, especially now. I hope this isn't a mistake...

    *Sir Leon runs toward and stops in front of Mritha.*

    Mritha: Well, greetings, Sir Leon.
    Leon: Dragon Rider Mritha.
    Mritha: You've destroyed a tower. You've hit them and made them vulnerable. And, I daresay you meant to show that to all of Lore.
    Leon: Everyone MUST see that the Rose isn't all-powerful. They can fall. They can be hurt.
    Mritha: Oh yes they can. I believe the goals of our two groups -your knights and the resistance here in Sulen'Eska- are aligned, Sir Leon.
    Leon: I would agree, Dragon Rider Mritha. It was my aim to to join your resistance. My knights, and my own abilities are at your service.
    Mritha: Good. I'll bring you to Kara, our leader, and I have no doubt we can find a place for you among our ranks.
    Leon: I am glad to hear it. With our combined forces, the Rose won't know what hit them!

  • Complete Quest

    Other information
  • This quest's dialogue was re-written on January 25th, 2019. From Verlyrus;

    The quest Shear Destruction has had its dialogue mostly reworked, as Leon's motives and the player's motives seemed unclear and out of character. The dialogue also previously placed it in a questionable area of time, and this has been resolved.
  • Chronologically, it is recommended to complete the quest Choose before beginning this quest.
  • Chronologically, it is recommended to complete the quests Mission Possible through Tournament of Champions Part 2 before continuing with The Shears' story.

  • Jay -> RE: Shear Destruction (1/25/2019 22:09:02)


    Sir Leon: It's time to make our final move, <Character>.

  • Quest!

    *Back in The Shears, the Runestone sits on a table.*

    Gordy: So... you went and found a stone. Yay. So, what's so special about it?
    Navon: This is meant to rally us together? A stone is meant to save us all?
    <Character>: I think I would rather sell it. It's a nice looking stone, surely it will fetch a fair price. Then, we could pay for more soldiers to bolster our numbers.
    Leon: This, my friends, is far more useful to us than a few additional soldiers.
    Leon: And, it will prove to the resistance in Sulen'Eska that we can be a valuable asset to their movement.
    Leon: Look, we have a lot of things to accomplish with few resources. We MUST show everyone on Lore that the Rose is vulnerable.
    Leon: If we can't prove that we have a chance against them, we will lose ourselves completely and utterly.
    <Character>: So we destroy stuff!
    Leon: Exactly!
    Leon: This tower, here, looms in the distance imposing their control.
    Leon: It's a powerful symbol, and if we can manage to damage it beyond use then everyone will see that the Rose can be broken.
    Navon: Do you think it can be done?
    Leon: Yes, as a matter of fact.
    Navon: And... you think you can fulfill all those dreams?

    *Sir Leon points to a location on the map.*

    Leon: This, fine knights, is our answer.
    Navon: Really? You have such confidence, Leon. The Rose has been moving and we have struggled to keep up. Crest has been watching them.
    Crest: Aye, our scouts have shown that they have been reoccupying the tower since our last encounter.
    Crest: From the looks of it, they are trying to get it operational again, but with a more... stable... mana source.
    <Character>: So we can solve two problems at once, I call that an opportunity.
    Leon: Well then, boys, I believe that's settled it. Time to move.
    Leon: I think we can start to make a difference...

  • Sir Leon joins you as Guest A.

    *After battling your way to the top of the Oculus Tower, Sir Leon sets the Runestone down before the Oculus device.*

    Leon: Done. Let's move out!

    *Once the group is outside, Sir Leon uses a spell to remotely detonate the runestone. A sword appears to slash the stone, after which the tower is sliced in half and the upper part collapses. The scene shifts to Mritha, in Sulen'Eska, shortly after.*

    Odgne: There's been an explosion, heart sister. A large one.
    Mritha: How?
    Odgne: Hold on, Marseltha. Rider Monte's companion is telling me...
    Odgne: On their scouting run for the Dragon Rebels, they spotted a band of fighters storm one of the Rose's tower.
    Odgne: They blew it to pieces. It's no longer standing. It... It was a stronghold.
    Mritha: They took down a tower? If only Kara was here...
    Odgne: Marseltha says that... one who seems to be the leader is waving her down. To talk.
    Mritha: Tell Marseltha to accept the leader's invitation.
    Odgne: Will do.
    Odgne: They are coming, with the leader. He wishes to speak to you. His name is Leon.
    Mritha: Have Marseltha bring him straight here. Gather the patrols, heart sister. We have to move now.
    Odgne: Give Marseltha two minutes. I will be back.

    *The scene shifts to a lower level of Sulen'Eska.*

    Mritha: Reinforcements, on the eve of our attack on the rebels. This is too perfect...

    *Sir Leon runs toward and stops in front of Mritha.*

    Mritha: Well, greetings, Leon.
    Leon: Dragon Rider Mritha.
    Mritha: You've destroyed a tower. You've hit them and made them vulnerable. And, I daresay you meant to show that to all of Lore.
    Leon: Everyone MUST see that the Rose isn't all-powerful. They can fall. They can be hurt.
    Mritha: Oh yes they can. Kara would be proud. And, this couldn't have come at a better time, Leon.
    Leon: Oh?
    Mritha: I am about to launch one heck of an attack and that distraction will be brilliant. They will never see you coming...
    Leon: I like the sound of this...

  • Complete Quest

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