RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (Full Version)

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TJByrum -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (1/27/2015 20:13:49)

@Tdub: I'd say it is about 10 foot high; it's not exactly too tall, as Blackwater is a backwoods town.

@Draycos: If you drink it, yeah its poisonous. But it's not directly poisonous. It had a foul smell cause the Nazha are undead.

TJByrum -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (1/27/2015 21:11:17)

I had a tiny bit of free time earlier and thought it'd be fun to make these:

Kenet the Wanderer
Sera Blackwell
Heinrich van Hjaalreich
The Master

No images for the characters themselves, but I had fun doing these cards. It's from HeroScape.

Zephyrial -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (1/27/2015 21:22:22)

Dude, those are awesome! I don't know much about the game, but if those abilities are all in it, then you did an amazing job picking them!

Now we need Master K to make us some pictures for them! XD

TJByrum -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (1/27/2015 22:01:10)

It was a pretty neat table-top miniature war game. It had samurai, Vikings, robots, WWII soldiers, orcs, elves, dragons, secret agents, undead, etc... everything you could think of pretty much. You should check it out one day. Kenet could use more abilities I think, but I was doing those really quick and hurriedly put that together. In that set, however, I really like what I did with Heinrich's character; his abilities are my favorite.

HeroScape: Legends of the Hallows Inn! Coming to a UCaG near you!

Kidding, but that would be cool.

Riprose123 -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (1/27/2015 22:12:04)

@Zeph Blank and I are planning on helping Kenet out. Franklin and Maria to the rescue! :D

Draycos777 -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (1/27/2015 22:58:03)

lol that's awesome TJ. Imagine rolling 15+ on Kenet or Kit every turn and Sera's double attack. XD plus Heinrich and Master's range attack, plus Toren's constant fortress stats. Those cards are so OP they'd get banned before release:P

Master K -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (1/27/2015 23:40:21)

If anyone would like a distraction, Marcelline's available. Just call her way and she'll probably come running, dagger and umbrella in tow.

black knight 1234567 -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (1/28/2015 8:14:12)

Again, I need help so any is appreciated. That kind of distraction is precisely what I need.

Zephyrial -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (1/28/2015 18:08:56)

Excellent! Thanks Rip, Blank. Just engage one of them completely enough that he has to drop the spell, and I'll take the other myself.

If Ripper is as canny as TJ says, you guys will probably have more fun with him than with the crippled one. He's mine.

TJByrum -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (1/28/2015 18:16:32)

I would prefer you guys treat Ripper as if he's nearly OP. Not unbeatable, per se, but he HAS been watching the entire battle and has observed everyone' strengths and weaknesses. He's probably ranked #2, just behind The Master himself.

I feel like I'm naming Predators from the Predators franchise.

Master K -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (1/28/2015 19:06:54)

Posted. Marcelline engaged Pharaoh. Sorlan's move.

It was fun writing up those insults, I must say.

TJByrum -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (1/28/2015 20:14:05)

This RP takes place in the same setting as Asgeir, which I am sure most of you have heard off. If not, then perhaps you've heard the terms 'Valgard' or 'Varan'. I have extensive information on that setting, the events, and characters involved and I am currently trying my best to condense it on the web. The entire setting has been like 2 years in the making, but the condensing of it it is still in the early stages.

I would be open for additions to that setting. As in, additional nations/countries/kingdoms, races, events, religions, stories, characters, etc. It is similar to a world-building project. If you are interested in the idea, just say so here or PM me.

Legendium has expressed interest, and we're currently talking about the potential connections between Asgeir and Friesland, and I have already offered him a spot in the project.

As of now, however, your characters are deemed part of the setting. If you wish for them not to be, just say so.

Draycos777 -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (1/28/2015 20:34:01)

Hmm, I feel like I should make a chart of the Fon family as well. Tho it's not anywhere as big as the Valgards, it would still help me keep track of current events and future events that I might have planed.

TJByrum -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (1/28/2015 21:11:35)

@Draycos: I would be absolutely fine with having the Fon family within the setting.

Master K -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (1/28/2015 21:16:13)

Wait, I'm lost. I've heard none of the terms "Asgeir", or "Valgard", or "Varan".

What is this world building you speak of?

TJByrum -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (1/28/2015 21:41:53)

Asgeir is a kingdom north of the Darkwald. The Valgards are a prominent clan in that kingdom. Varan is the name given to the race of men who live there. Toren and Lily are directly linked to all three of those terms, and the events in the Hallows Inn plays a major role in the overarching plot of the bigger story.

I am trying to build a bigger world around that setting but I'd like input from you guys. If you'd like to chime in, you may. I could send you a link via PM if you're interested.

EDIT: I should be off this weekend. If so, expect a post.

Draycos777 -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (1/28/2015 23:10:53)

Fon Family Ok, here's my awful graph of the Fon family.

Bastet -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (1/29/2015 1:39:16)


I'm very surprised with Articis being a relative of Kitsondra. I just now noticed that their surnames are the same. Derp.

Riprose123 -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (1/29/2015 20:51:25)

I'd like to point out that Ripper may not be as potent against Maria, considering she has yet to engage anyone. :P

blankmaskara -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (1/30/2015 8:50:45)

Really, really, really sorry for the late post. I'll try to get it up sooner next time.

TJByrum -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (1/30/2015 20:33:26)

A -terrible- post, I know, but it moves things along.

Time to wrap things up.

Draycos777 -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (1/30/2015 21:07:59)


Continuing to laugh, Gorst relaxed the bones and muscles throughout his person. Kitsondra needed not strain herself to keep him in place. He had been defeated - there was nothing else to it. But then Kitsondra was exposed to an action she could not defend against. The Nazha's cloak - whatever it was made of - began to ripple and ruffle... it was moving! It was alive!

The bony and decayed structure of Gorst began to crumble and rot away, but his cloak began to wrap itself around Kit's legs. Whether she stepped away or jumped back, tugged and pushed it away - there was nothing she could do. The cloak continued to wrap itself up her body until it squeezed her so tight she couldn't breath. Finally it dissipated! As if there was nothing there. With a final laugh Gorst was naught but dust blowing in the wind...

That son of a monkeynutter went and used up all of his magic and killed himself! Kit won't be too happy about that.

Riprose123 -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (1/30/2015 21:15:08)

Guess I waited too long to try and post. Guess Maria gets no action this time around. WAs going to have her engage Ripper, but pep band got in the way. Guess that's what a few hours makes.

*deletes his mostly finished post*

Zephyrial -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (1/30/2015 22:06:01)

Aww. I were having funz.

Ah well. I presume we'll regroup and then make an effort to follow the Nazha, right? Is Jagger dead?

Draycos777 -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (1/30/2015 22:15:58)

No, I believe the only two that died are Lamentor and Gorst. Ripper left along with the Master. So Jagger should still be there fighting Franklin at the moment.

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