RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (Full Version)

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Gingkage -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (1/30/2015 22:25:04)

Eh. Subpar post. It's what I get for deciding to wait for others to post and gauge where Sera would be the most use, I guess.

Zephyrial -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (1/30/2015 22:34:13)

Oh indeed.

Sorry to steal your thunder, blank, but Kenet is going to have his revenge.

Edit: Posted! I finally got to crush someone's head in my hands like a paper cup. I'm satisfied now.

TJByrum -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (1/30/2015 22:56:30)

I'm sorry Riprose, my apologies. I ought to have known you were working on something cause you mentioned it recently, that was my bad. I'll try to pay more attention in the future. With work, roleplaying gets a bit tricky to do and so I have to do what I can, when I can, and a lot of times I end up getting confused or forgetful.

Master K -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (1/30/2015 23:25:13)

I can't really post anything significant, so I'm waiting for Black Knight.

Draycos777 -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (1/31/2015 0:21:55)

Lol, good grief Gingkage. I thought you said that Sera didn't hate Kit...are you sure about that?

Gingkage -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (1/31/2015 0:53:32)

Apparently she disagreed with me.

Though right now she's not feeling charitable towards anyone, so we'll see.

Kellehendros -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (1/31/2015 1:27:55)

Somewhat surprised and gratified that Marietta survived that. It was looking like she'd need some backup from one of the other PCs, but she got lucky this time, and we got a trail to follow, useful.

I'm looking at posting Sunday, since things are going to be busy for me tomorrow.

TJByrum -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (1/31/2015 11:48:14)

@Gingkage: Character taking on a personality of her own? Has happened to me plenty of times. But I like that, cause it becomes an actual character; otherwise you're just piloting a vessel within a story, if you know what I mean.

Yeah Kell, I didn't want Marietta to 'miss' nor did I want her to kill the Master, so I came to an impasse to let Marietta hit him, and although it didn't kill him at least something good did come of it.

Kell sets up deadlines in Rise of Domrius, and it seems to work well. I use to not like deadlines, but that was because I didn't have have a job and I wanted to post 24/7. I'm available mostly on the weekends, and I'm going to start setting deadlines on those weekends and see how that works out. Basically, just try to get a post in by the specified date. If you're not able to post, that is completely fine. Also, you are not restricted to just one post; you may post as many times as you need - within reason (collaborative posts that require multiple replies, for example).

Deadline: Saturday, February 7th

black knight 1234567 -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (1/31/2015 12:46:27)

One more thing before I finalize my post: is taking a Nazha captive a possibility?

Draycos777 -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (1/31/2015 13:22:46)

doubt it, Kit tried that, and they went and killed themselves.

Bastet -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (1/31/2015 13:57:55)

If it isn't an issue for you, Draycos, or anyone else, I'll have a post up soon.

EDIT: Post's up. As always, hit me up for any issues.

black knight 1234567 -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (1/31/2015 16:04:10)

I don't think he'll have much of a choice if my Sorlan shoves a blade through his shoulder and Marceline handicaps him further. I want to know if it is possible or just completely impossible.

Legendium -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (1/31/2015 16:40:01)

I have a question:

What is Orpheus doing? He has neither fled nor continued attacking. Because he was kinda neglected in your post. What should I do? I'd like for him to escape and perhaps create a mortal enemy out of him, but I'm not certain how and whether or not you have plans for Orpheus yet. With a name like that though, he's gotta have some connection to poetry and music. I mean really:


Orpheus (/ˈɔrfiəs, ˈɔrfjuːs/; Greek: Ὀρφεύς) was a legendary musician, poet, and prophet in ancient Greek religion and myth. The major stories about him are centered on his ability to charm all living things and even stones with his music, his attempt to retrieve his wife, Eurydice, from the underworld, and his death at the hands of those who could not hear his divine music. As an archetype of the inspired singer, Orpheus is one of the most significant figures in the reception of classical mythology in Western culture, portrayed or alluded to in countless forms of art and popular culture including poetry, film, opera, and painting.

For the Greeks, Orpheus was a founder and prophet of the so-called "Orphic" mysteries. He was credited with the composition of the Orphic Hymns, a collection of which survives. Shrines containing purported relics of Orpheus were regarded as oracles. Some ancient Greek sources note Orpheus' Thracian origins.

Sounds like an enemy for Symphony actually, if Orpheus the Nazha has any similarities with the Greek Orpheus.

Riprose123 -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (1/31/2015 16:46:37)

Now I have to find some excuse as to why Maria didn't fight at all. Cue scorn from her party members. >.<

Legendium -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (1/31/2015 16:49:38)


Ya know, you could just make a very long post spanning from before the battle began to the end. That way, they did participate. You can be a bit late, but seeing as Heinrich's battle is not yet over, you still have time to participate and join in at least towards the end.

Bastet -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (1/31/2015 17:08:56)

Now that I think of it, Orpheus would have been very appropriate as an antagonist to Symphony. Oh well, I don't regret playing things out the way they did.
Also, regarding Maria, writing a post that covers the entire fighting until now would be a pretty big undertaking.

Hm, Symphony will need someone to help them. Wouldn't want to leave my character on the cold, hard ground.

TJByrum -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (1/31/2015 19:55:03)


One more thing before I finalize my post: is taking a Nazha captive a possibility?

Nope, sorry. When Kit had Gorst in a situation like what you described, he killed himself rather than be taken alive. Besides, his lord would never let the Nazha be captured; he'd personally destroy the Nazha in some way, shape, or form.

@Legendium: I was only paying attention to the most previous posts to keep active things active. Soon as I'm about to finish this fight I'll explain what's going on with every Nazha.

Draycos777 -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (1/31/2015 21:22:28)

AH, before I post can you tell be how badly Frail was injured?

TJByrum -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (1/31/2015 22:08:52)

I don't recall Frail being injured all that much during the battle. He dueled Sera and Kit for a little while before fleeing the wyvern illusion, and then entered the inn and ended up fighting Symphony's knight illusion. He then expelled a large burst of magical energy but missed. I think by now he's going to focus on pure dueling, as his magic reserves are pretty low right now.

Draycos777 -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (1/31/2015 22:28:30)

Ah, he just got roasted by Symphony.

Edit: Well, since he's low on magic and just got roasted, I believe Sera should have to much of a problem finishing Frail off. Kit will go and ruin Sorlan's time some more then:P

Bastet -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (2/1/2015 12:20:53)

Like Draycos implied, he was referring to the damages that Symphony had done in my last post. You might want to read that one (and also tell me if I took it too far).

Draycos777 -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (2/1/2015 13:14:02)

Posted. The umbrella still has had enough time to shine.

Gingkage -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (2/1/2015 14:00:28)


The stupid idiot had little more then called out to Symphony and Sera that you were a vampire, don't make it look like it was right. Cool your head."

Funny thing is, Sera didn't even really hear it. Middle of a fight, words become little more than noise unless you directly get her attention by doing something like call her name directly. So the Nazha flat out told her what she is which would give her a good idea why there's a bounty... and she still doesn't know. Gotta love irony.

black knight 1234567 -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (2/1/2015 15:16:33)

If we were allowed to use expletives on this forums I don't think there would be enough in an English dictionary to describe how much Sorlan loathes Kits right now.

If I messed up somehow in my post/missed a detail or two, please let me know.

Master K -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (2/1/2015 16:38:25)


Kyrie eleison, Black Knight. It means "Lord have mercy." in Latin.

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