Dr Disrespect -> A Guide to AQWorlds Farming [ARCHIVED] (4/24/2015 11:26:09)
[image]http://i.imgur.com/pLE69gU.png[/image] A Guide to AQWorlds Farming Presently owned by GojetaDragon08 Previously owned by PD (creator of the guide), Laos, Zyrain and Sato Table of Contents - [I] - Introduction
- [II] - General Farming Tips
- [III] - Gold
- [IV] - Experience & Class Points
- [V] - Miscellaneous Items
- [VI] - Reputation
- [VII] - Legion Tokens
- [VIII] - Credits and Updates
Use the Ctrl+F function and type in any section you need in brackets to locate a specific section . Introduction [I] What is Farming? quote:
1. You think you found a Quest/Place/Battle that offers good Experience/Gold/etc. 2. You will do that Quest/Place/Battle over, and over, and over again (this is the truly repetitive part of "Farming") . 3. Slowly, you build up a massive pile of Experience, Gold, or others. 4. Once you have done that Quest/Place/Battle so many times, you will have found yourself with a large amount of Experience, Gold, or others, depending on what you did to acquire those rewards that you have desired so much. That's what Farming is and how it works! Taken from PD's MechQuest Farming Guide. Suggestions Do you have a suggestion to add, change, or delete something in this guide? Great! This guide is always trying to absorb the most select feedback there is. Please post your suggestion here, using the following format: [b]1. What is being farmed? (Gold/Exp/etc.):[/b]
[b]2. Location and routine:[/b]
[b]3. Monsters/quests/items being farmed:[/b]
[b]4. Rewards and reason to suggest this area:[/b]
[b]5. Advised level range:[/b]
[b]6. Farm solo or as a party?:[/b]
[b]7. Requirements (if any):[/b][/b]
[b]8. Advised classes (if necessary):[/b]
[b]9. Will it remain permanent content?:[/b] General Farming Tips [II] - It is always better to farm together, rather than farming alone! - Take advantage of the fact that you're playing an MMORPG, farm together, host parties or join them by using the =AQW= Let's Party! thread in the AQWorlds General Discussion forum. Farming together prevents monotony.
- Use the best advised locations - Sure, you can kill lots of level 5 Zardmen quickly, but is it as effective and rewarding as killing monsters at battlegrounde? Location is also very important when it comes to farming.
- Make sure your enhancements are maxed out and that you are using the right enhancements for the right class! - There is no point of using level 60 enhancements when you are level 65 as it provides you with lesser stat points which reduces your damage which in turn slows your farming speed. Use capes and helms as they provide you with more stat points. If you don't want them to be displayed then you can open the Options window in-game and turn of the 'Show Helm' and 'Show Cloak' options. Also,if you have access to them, make use of Awe enhancements. The special effects which they give you in battle are useful. For more information about them please visit these pages: Healer Awe Enh, Hybrid Awe Enh, Lucky Awe Enh, Thief Awe Enh, Wizard Awe Enh and Fighter Awe Enh. To increase the rate of farming you need to enhance your class with the right enhancements thereby creating a good class build.What I mean by this is that a particular class (in most of the cases) can be geared/enhanced in different ways depending upon our needs and purposes. Each of these different ways of gearing up a class is known as build. For example you can use Wizard enhancements on the Oracle class when you want to increase your heals and keep everybody alive and Lucky enhancements can be used when you want do more damage.
- Assign specific roles/functions for each person in the party (if you are farming in a group) - This is especially important and necessary when farming mobs or bosses which deal heavy damage and have special abilities such as Binky, Blood Titan, Undead Raxgore, etc. Before you begin fighting the monster(s) decide the role of each person. Who will be the healer of the group, (Oracle,Healer,etc) who will be providing offensive support (Arachnomancer, Archfiend, Bard, etc), the person who will be the main damage dealer (Chrono classes, Legion Doomknight, Darkblood Stormking etc) and so on. Assigning roles reduces the time taken to kill the monster which thereby increases your farming speed. It keeps the entire group more organised and prevents unnecessary confusion. I would also like to emphasize on the role played by support classes while farming. Most people in the game like to use only classes which deal heavy damage and do not realize the true function and potential of support classes. Some people think of support classes as only those that can heal others. This is a wrong notion. There are support classes which can increase the damage done by your allies to the monster,there are those that can buff your groups defences and those that can nerf the monster's defences. They play a key role in increasing your farming speed. Take for example the Arachnomancer class. It can double the damage done to the monster by your allies which is pretty incredible.
- Do all you can to reduce lag-
- What is lag?
In online gaming, lag is a noticeable delay between the action of players and the reaction of the server. Taken from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Types of lag and their causes-
a) Frame Rate Lag: This is what MOST Aqw players call lag, but it isn't actually lag at all. It's low frame rate. Technically it feels like you're lagging behind so you call it that, and since you do, we do. This is caused by a few factors... i.Flash does NOT use your graphics card or chip to process for 2D stuff such as AQW and just about everything else out there. It ONLY uses your CPU to process graphics. ii.Animations. Anything that moves takes more processing power, this is why your frame-rate might drop when you're fighting, especially using an animated weapon. iii.Gradients and Alphas. I'm lumping these together because they are both essentially color effects. Gradients are smooth color transitions. Alpha refers to how see-through an object is.In short, if you are fighting with all of your friends, using flashy powers, animated weapons, pets, and armors with a bunch of gradients and alphas on them on a computer with a fairly weak or out dated processor on high quality while running several CPU intensive programs in the background... you probably won't enjoy it much since you'll be playing a slideshow rather than a video game. b) Server Lag: This is REAL lag. It's caused by poor communication between your computer and AQW server. It also has a lot of causes such as how fast our servers are (which are the best we can afford), how fast YOUR internet is, your connection health, physical distance from the server (if our servers are in Florida and you're playing from the moon... it will cause you some lag) , how many people are playing on a server and how the game itself deals with the constant stream of data being pulled off it and thrown onto it. This server restart lag is especially bad on Friday when our traffic is highest and everyone is trying to get back online and play the new release as fast as they can. It's like being in a crowd outside a stadium with a load of people. You are all wearing everything you own all at once and you are all trying to push through the same double doors to get inside. people get stuck and the more people trying to crowd through the more it slows things down. Taken from the July 19, 2012 design notes - Problems caused due to lag-
Lag can prevent items from dropping from quests. It prevents you from using your skills, allowing the monster to easily kill you. It also causes you to get disconnected from the game which makes you loose your progress in a particular quest and makes you loose temporary quest items. It also causes other issues like delay in chat, delay in opening shops or buying stuff, delay in deleting items, delay in movement. - How to reduce lag?
To start, close other programs that you don't need to have open. Make sure you don't have very many windows or tabs open, and if you do, make sure none of them are running Flash applications (that includes YouTube videos). Having extra programs open and having additional Flash programs/videos playing will only take up your computer's processing power and make AQW slower on your computer. You can also speed up the game by playing in a smaller window. Just simply zoomed in and out of your browser by holding "Ctrl and +/-" (for Mac users — "Command and +/-") Make sure you've the newest flash player upgraded. To download the latest version, click here. Additionally, open the Options window in-game (click the button towards the lower-right corner with the gears on it). Set your graphics to Medium or Low, turn off sounds, turn off pets, turn off helms and turn off cloaks. Uninstalling and then re-installing Flash might also help. Taken from the AQWorlds FAQ section Also make sure that you don't equip any weapon or armor with a lot of animations. One of the main examples of laggy weapons are the Ungodly Reavers of Nulgath. The weapon and armor animations don't serve any purpose. True, they might make you look awesome but your look is not important when farming.
Boosts! Game boosts are incredible, and essential if you want to farm a lot faster. When you activate a boost, it DOUBLES your rewards! These are the following available boosts: Experience: 1 hour, for 150 ACs or through special offers; 60 minutes, reward from the following quests: Free Daily Boost[image]http://aqwwiki.wdfiles.com/local--files/image-tags/membersmall.png[/image] and Ice Treasure Chest [image]http://aqwwiki.wdfiles.com/local--files/image-tags/raresmall.png[/image]; 20 minutes, reward from the Daily Login Rewards System; 10 minutes, reward from the following quest: Fish food. Gold: 1 hour, through special offers or for 150 AC's; 60 minutes , reward from the following quests: Free Daily Boost[image]http://aqwwiki.wdfiles.com/local--files/image-tags/membersmall.png[/image], Break Into the Hoard[image]http://aqwwiki.wdfiles.com/local--files/image-tags/specialsmall.png[/image] and Ice Treasure Chest [image]http://aqwwiki.wdfiles.com/local--files/image-tags/raresmall.png[/image]; 20 minutes, reward from the Daily Login Rewards System. Class Points: 1 hour, for 150 ACs or through special offers; 60 minutes, reward from the following quests: Free Daily Boost[image]http://aqwwiki.wdfiles.com/local--files/image-tags/membersmall.png[/image], Break Into the Hoard[image]http://aqwwiki.wdfiles.com/local--files/image-tags/specialsmall.png[/image] and Ice Treasure Chest [image]http://aqwwiki.wdfiles.com/local--files/image-tags/raresmall.png[/image]; 20 minutes, for 3 Realm Gems in the Reward Gem Shop; Daily Login Class Boost (20 minutes), reward from the Daily Login Rewards System. Reputation: 1 hour, for 150 ACs or through special offers; 60 minutes, reward from the following quests: Free Daily Boost[image]http://aqwwiki.wdfiles.com/local--files/image-tags/membersmall.png[/image], Break Into the Hoard[image]http://aqwwiki.wdfiles.com/local--files/image-tags/specialsmall.png[/image] and Ice Treasure Chest [image]http://aqwwiki.wdfiles.com/local--files/image-tags/raresmall.png[/image]; 20 minutes, reward from the Daily Login Rewards System; 10 minutes, reward from the following quest: Catch of the Day Check out A Guide to AQWorlds Boosts to see what other items can help you farm more efficiently. I highly recommend that you get the Burning Blade (2). It has a 1% drop rate from the Diabolical Warlord monster at the Lost Ruins War. This weapon does a whopping 15% extra damage against every monster. Therefore it is a must have for all players. Also make sure that you get the Cape of Awe. It gives 25% more rep, gold, XP and class points when equipped. Of course, you can get any of the Awe items (Helm or Armor) since they give the same boost as the cape. But remember that they are much harder to obtain as compared to the cape. Another important thing about boosts is that item boosts (boosts that you get from weapons, helms, capes, armors and pets) do not stack. You will get the boost of the item you last equipped. On the other hand, item boosts stack with server boosts and regular boosts. Gold boosts only affect gold obtained from quests. They do not increase gold obtained by selling items. (I have included these bits of information here separately as the 'Guide to AQWorlds Boosts' is in need of updating) The Ideal Class Recommended classes for farming bosses: Legion DoomKnight, CardClasher, Darkblood StormKing, Troll Spellsmith, Necromancer (safe but slow solos), Artifact Hunter, Horc Evader (good for high hitting bosses such as Mutated Void Dragon, Colossal Primarch, etc because of its dodge rate and consistent critical hits), Evolved Shaman (ideal for harder bosses because of Elemental Grasp which negates all evasion and critical strike chance of the target) and Blood Titan. These are randomly listed and are not in any specific order.This applies to the two recommended class lists below as well. Recommended classes for farming multiple monsters: The Chaos Slayer classes, Lycan, Chunin, Elemental Dracomancer, Darkblood StormKing, Troll Spellsmith, Evolved Shaman, Evolved Dark Caster, Paladin High Lord (damages inflicted by all skills, except for auto attack and Undermine, increases with each additional player in your party. Therefore it functions best with a full party.), Ultra Elemental Warrior, Blaze Binder and Shaman Recommended support classes: Oracle, Arachnomancer, Archfiend, Bard, Healer, Legendary Hero and StoneCrusher Important Note: If you use a skill that affects others players, such as a buff or a heal (for example Oracle's 'Group Divination' skill and Legendary Hero's 'Lead the Charge' skill) you'll automatically get "involved" in their battle. So if you're farming Exp and there are multiple people fighting multiple monsters, you can get a lot of Exp by just buffing them rather than have to try to take on all the monsters. For more information on Class strategies and Enhancements, please see the Useful/Recommended Class Builds Guide (which is in need of updating) or ask in the Class Discussion Thread in the AQWorlds General Discussion section. Gold [III] The Gold cap is currently set at 5,000,000. However, after reaching 4,000,000 Gold you can only obtain more by selling items. There is a visual bug that makes it so you have to relog to see the gold you gain from selling items. This happens only after you have attained 4 million gold. Any time you exceed a cap via a certain method, you keep any gold that would go over the cap. For example, if I were to sell a Voucher and had 4,900,000 gold, I'd have 5,150,000 gold rather than it cutting it off at 5 million. Ballyhoo is the only way to gain gold after 5 million. You can easily access shops via your Game Menu or your Book of Lore. While farming for gold, especially through methods which require you to accept monster drops and sell them, it is somewhat time consuming to get the drop, join another room,sell the item, rejoin your former room and continue farming. Therefore the best thing to do, to avoid wastage of time is to open any shop (don't open merge item shops, you can't sell your items through them) using your Game Menu or Book of Lore and leave it open. When you need to sell an item, you can do so on the spot without any hassle and get on with your farming. Gold boosts only affect gold obtained from quests. They do not increase gold obtained by selling items. 1. Cleric Dawn's Quests (/join portalundead) Levels Any Basic Analysis: In Portal, Cleric Dawn has 3 quests (a different one available each day, and you can only do one once a day). Upon completing a quest, you will receive an item which then sells for 12,500 Gold. Note that there is a permanent version of the 'Fire Gem' quest in Portal Undead (/join portalundead) which you can complete every day. What you need to do: Accept one of Cleric Dawn's quests -- whichever one is available to you. You need a lot of luck on your side as the quest items have low drop rates. For the 'Fire Gem' quest, defeat Skeletal Fire Mages found in Portal Undead (/join portalundead). For the 'Gold Digger' quest, defeat the Lich found in Marsh 2 (/join marsh2). Finally, for the 'Lodes of Gold' quest, defeat Chaotic Draconians (beware, a much tougher opponent!) found in Dwarfhold Keep (/join dwarfhold). 2. The Black Knight (/join greenguardwest) Levels 20+ Basic Analysis: The enemy here that is being farmed, is the one and only Black Knight. He is an HP beast, totaling at a grand 50,000 HP. You may think this is going overboard, as well as not deserving a spot here, but believe me, here's the catch -- the drops that the Black Knight has sell for 6,250 Gold each! Also, since you are able to bring in ten other people, taking down this boss will be relatively quick, and since the Black Knight drops often, he's like a Gold Piñata! Beware of lag though. What you need to do: First, you must have completed the quest Hardly Suiting Armor and have the Black Knight Orb in your inventory. Go to the Black Knight Ghost in Green Guard West and summon him. Once you have defeated the Black Knight and obtained a few of the drops, open up a shop via the Game Menu or your Book of Lore to sell them. 3. Tainted Elemental (/join nulgath) [image]http://aqwwiki.wdfiles.com/local--files/image-tags/membersmall.png[/image] Levels 20+ Basic Analysis: Although Legend-only, this is a fast and easy way to farm gold compared to The Black Knight. However, the drops sell for less, ranging from 125 Gold to 6,250 Gold. The monsters in this map have artificial intelligence, so there's no time to heal! If you have the Oblivion Blade of Nulgath or Crag & Bamboozle pets, you can accept quests to obtain Escherion's Helm which then sells for 12,500 Gold. What you need to do: Join the location and head towards the Tainted Elemental by going right and right again (it's a hidden location, but just walk right as normal). Once you have obtained a few of the drops, open up a shop via the Game Menu or your Book of Lore to sell them. It might be useful to have a healing class as, due to the AI, it is hard to get a chance to heal properly. If you have the Oblivion Blade of Nulgath pet, accept 'The Dark Deal' quest to turn the Tainted Soul into Escherion's Helm. If you have the Crag & Bamboozle pet, accept the 'Bamboozle vs. Drudgen' quest to turn the Tainted Core into Escherion's Helm. 4. Berzerker Bunny Armor (/join greenguardwest) [image]http://aqwwiki.wdfiles.com/local--files/image-tags/seasonalsmall.png[/image] Any level Basic Analysis: This quest is easy and super fast, and you can sell the armor reward for an easy 6,250 Gold. What you need to do: You still are going to need the Vorpal Bunny so if you have it or can find someone with it, make use of it. Head over to the Wereboar with the Bunny or the person who has the bunny. Click the Bunny to open the quest box. If you're the owner of the bunny, good on you. If not, the owner can now leave, though they'll have to come back if you mess up, leave, or do anything else to close the quest box. Kill the Wereboar and turn in the quest for the armor and accept it. Open a shop using the Game Menu (you don't HAVE to keep it open but you should to be able to check that you do have the armor in your inventory) and find the Berserker Bunny armor and click sell. Instead of hitting Yes on the "Sell Confirmation" Box, keep on clicking Sell on the armor and stack a bunch of the "Sell Confirmation" boxes up. Click Yes on the "Sell Confirmation" box one time to sell the armor, then repeat the quest and get the armor to drop again. When the armor drops, click Yes to accept it, then you just have to move the mouse up a little and hit 'Yes' on the "Sell Confirmation" box again to sell the armor once more. Repeat getting the armor and clicking the two Yes's to accumulate fast gold. Once you figure out how to do this efficiently (as in where to have your mouse at what point) and have a good class that can quickly take the Wereboar down, it only takes about 10 seconds to accept the quest, get the armor, and sell it. So, 6250 in 10 seconds. Pretty dang quick! 5. Lake Hydra (/join hydra) Levels 15+ Basic Analysis: Relatively easy farming, solo or as a party.The drops here sell for 1,250 Gold to 8,750 Gold, however, they are rarer than the above strategies. The Hydra Heads are easier to kill though. What you need to do: Join the location which can also be done by speaking to the Time Travel Fairy in Mobius (/join mobius), and make your way to the Hydra Heads. There are 3 of them, so if you are a high enough level, use a class with area of effect skills to take them all on at once. 6. Vasalkar's Lair (/join lair) Levels 15+ Basic Analysis: There are two different areas to farm here. Firstly, the Draconians which have items that sell for 500 Gold to 3,750 Gold. The other area is to farm the boss, the Red Dragon. This boss has rare drops, but has many of them -- the highest ones selling at 12,500 Gold. What you need to do: For solo farming, head to the room with the 3 Draconians (Purple, Bronze and Venom). If you're a high enough level, attempt to attack all 3 at the same time using an AoE skill. If you're able to farm as a party, take on the Red Dragon. Fighting this boss is pretty simply, and doesn't require much tactics, however, if you're a lower level, make sure you bring a healer! 7.Escherion's Tower (/join escherion) Levels 20+ Basic Analysis: Escherion's drops sell for a lot of gold and he has quite a lot of drops. His drops sell for 1,250 Gold to 12,500 Gold.One of his drops the, Emerald Pickaxe sells for a whopping 25,000 Gold but the major downside is that it has a less than 1% drop rate. In addition to the drops of Chaos Lord Escherion, you will also get drops from the Staff of Inversion monster (this staff is present next to Escherion and once you attack him, the Staff of Inversion automatically begins fighting you). It has only 991 HP and has drops which sell for 12,500 Gold and 6,250 Gold thereby making it a sort of treasure trove. What you need to do: To have access to this boss you need to have completed the rest of the Chiral Valley quest lines. The Storyline Walkthrough Guide should help you out. Escherion is extremely easy to take down for higher levels and lower levels shouldn't have that much of a problem. You will almost always find people farming him for his helm (which is required in a few of Nulgath's quests) or for the 'Runes Found' item (the last item required to create the Blade of Awe. It has a 0.1% drop rate), so you generally won't be alone. An important thing to note is that, when the Staff of Inversion monster is alive, Escherion doesn't take any damage. The staff respawns often so make sure you kill it before you continue battling him. 8.Eagle's Reach (/join eaglesreach) Levels 1-65 Basic Analysis: This area was made for the sole reason of farming exp and class points. However the quests here also reward you with a large amount of gold. Eagle's Reach has six separate maps which you can join depending upon your level. The last map (Honor Hall) is for legends only the quests here give you greater rewards, as compared to those in the other maps.All the maps except for Battleground A and Honor Hall are locked zones. This means that you cannot /goto any player in these maps. Given below is a list of all the zones, their level requirements and the corresponding quest offered. - Battleground A (/join battlegrounda)
- Level Requirement: 1 and above
- Quest: Levels 1-15
- Additional Notes: This area can also be accessed by talking to Storvald Iron Shield at Eagle's Reach. You will need the Isakr Key to access the Screen 7 which has the Level 20 Arctic Direwolf monster. The Isakr Key can be created by merging 5 Isakr Shards. The Isakr Shard drop from all monsters in Battleground A, except the Level 20 Arctic Direwolf. It is also important to remember that the Isakr Shards are temporary quest items. This means that you will loose them if you log out of the game.
- Battleground B (/join battlegroundb)
- Level Requirement: 16 and above
- Quest: Levels 16-30
- Additional Notes: This area can also be accessed by talking to Storvald Iron Shield at Eagle's Reach. You will need the Shorl Key to access the Screen 7 which has the the Level 25 Blue Crystalized Undead monster. The Shorl Key can be created by merging 5 Shorl Shards.The Shorl Shards drop from all monsters in Battleground B, except the Level 25 Blue Crystalized Undead. They also drop from the monsters which are present on the first two screens towards the left or the last two screens towards the right at /join battlegrounda. It is also important to remember that the Shorl Shards are temporary quest items. This means that you will loose them if you log out of the game.
- Battleground C (/join battlegroundc)
- Level Requirement: 31 and above
- Quest: Levels 31-45
- Additional Notes: This area can also be accessed by talking to Storvald Iron Shield at Eagle's Reach.Y ou will need the Datharn Key to access Screen 7 which has the Level 46 Frosty monster. The Datharn Key can be created by merging 5 Datharn Shards. The Datharn Shard drop from all monsters in Battleground B and from the monsters which are present on the first two screens towards the left or the last two screens towards the right at /join battlegroundb. It is also important to remember that the Datharn Shards are temporary quest items. This means that you will loose them if you log out of the game.
- Battleground D (/join battlegroundd)
- Level Requirement: 46 and above
- Quest: Levels 46-60
- Additional Notes: This area can also be accessed by talking to Storvald Iron Shield at Eagle's Reach. You will need the Aevedar Key to access Screen 7 which has the Level 65 Ice Lord monster. The Aevedar Key can be created by merging 5 Aevedar Shards. The Aevedar Shards drop from all monsters in Battleground D and from the monsters which are present on the first two screens towards the left or the last two screens towards the right at /join battlegroundc. It is also important to remember that the Aevedar Shards are temporary quest items. This means that you will loose them if you log out of the game.
- Battleground E (/join battlegrounde)
- Level Requirement: 61 and above
- Quest: Levels 61-75
- Additional Notes: This area can also be accessed by talking to Storvald Iron Shield at Eagle's Reach.You will need the Kojold Key to access Screen 7 which has the level 75 Permafrost Pummeler monster. The Kojold Key can be created by merging 5 Kojold Shards. The Kojold Shards drop from all monsters in Battleground E and from the monsters which are present on the first two screens towards the left or the last two screens towards the right at /join battlegroundd. They also drop from the Frost Dragon (3) monster which is present on the first screen towards the left or the last screen towards the right at /join honorhall. It is also important to remember that the Kojold Shards are temporary quest items. This means that you will loose them if you log out of the game.
- Honor Hall (/join honorhall)[image]http://aqwwiki.wdfiles.com/local--files/image-tags/membersmall.png[/image]
- Level Requirement: Accessible to a player of any level,who has an active membership.
- Quest: Hall of Honors
- Additional Notes: This area can also be accessed from all the above maps mentioned by going west at. the second screen. You will need the Fenmoor Key to access Screen 6 which has the Level 75 Frost Dragon (3) monster. The Fenmoor Key can be created by merging 5 Fenmoor Shards. The Fenmoor Shards drop from all monsters at Honor Hall and from the Permafrost Pummeler monster which is present on the first screen towards the left or the last screen towards the right at /join battlegrounde. It is also important to remember that Fenmoor Shards are temporary quest items. This means that you will loose them if you log out of the game.
What you need to do: Depending upon your level, join a suitable map,accept the quest for that area and start killing monsters .All the quests, require you to kill 10 monsters in that specific map, so you should have no problem whatsoever in finishing the quest quickly and turning it in for gold and exp rewards. Now if you have an eye for detail, you will have noticed two things .Firstly, all of the above mentioned areas have monsters from the next map at the end of the previous map. Secondly,the quests belonging to all the zones are not locked in accordance to level. This means, for example, that someone in Battleground C can accept the quest for Battleground C as well as the one for D, go to the far right (though not the boss room) of Battleground C, kill the monsters there, and get the temporary item for both quests. It also works in reverse: being in Battleground D, you can accept the quest for C as well and staying in the first rooms, get the kills for both quests. This can really help with farming because you are able to complete two quests simultaneously and thereby receive an increased amount of gold and exp. 9.Ballyhoo (/join ballyhoo) Any level Basic Analysis: Though you can't exactly 'farm' gold using this method, you get free gold and all you have to do to get it, is to view an advertisement. You will receive 500 gold each time and you have a 5% chance of getting 5 AC's. If you receive the 5 AC's you will get 200 gold along with it, else you will get 500 gold. Also, it has been stated that players in the USA may view an ad 10 times a day, while non-US players may only view the ads 5 times.Ballyhoo is the only way to gain gold after 5 million. What you need to do: Join ballyhoo, click on her and select the 'View Ad' button to watch an advertisement. After a few seconds a white button entitled 'Click here to return to AQWorlds' will appear at the top of the page. Click it and you will be back at Ballyhoo again. Then, click on the 'Get Reward' option to get your gold and if you are lucky, some AC's Experience & Class Points [IV] The Level Cap is currently set at 65. Classes level up to Rank 10. It is very important to remember that you get 5% lower class points for every level you are above the monster which you are fighting. The reduction mechanism of the Class Points system has a very basic formula: 100% - (5% * Level difference). If you're level 40 and the monster is level 39, you'd get 95% class points, so 95. It keeps going down 5% for every level you are above the monster. This means that at 20 levels above the monster, you're losing 5% * 20, which is 100%. So the monster can be no more than 19 levels below yours to still get class points. There is no limit for monsters above your own level, so that's why some of the better places are the ones where the monsters are above your own level. Taken from a PM sent to me by Shadowhunt. 1. SleuthHound Inn (/join sleuthhound) Levels 1-15 Basic Analysis: A great area for beginners. The monsters are relatively easy with low health and high Exp. There's also a lot of them. And with friends, you're going to level up today! What you need to do: Once you have arrived at the inn, simply go up the staircase in the Main Lobby where the Inn Owner is, and go left, where there is a room of two furniture ghosts, that are close distance of each other. Simply beat down the enemy on one side, and then other. There you go, you have just defeated two level 15 monsters, in just 1 minute's time! 2. Dwarfhold Keep (/join dwarfhold) Levels 10-20 Basic Analysis: Not only is this a place that lets you rack in Good EXP, it also lets you bring in a juicy amount of Reputation. The enemies here have low HP (save for the Chaotic Draconians) and are high level, which means this place is farmable! What you need to do: Once you have arrived at the City (if you are using this place for EXP purposes), simply beat down any Drow you see, going from one room to another as you wait for them to respawn. 3. Hachiko Temple (/join hachiko) Levels 10-20 Basic Analysis: Not only is this a place that lets you rack in Good EXP, it also lets you bring in a juicy amount of Reputation. The enemies here have low health and are high level, which means this place is farmable! What you need to do: First, there are some pre-exquisites. You must have finished the Ferry Boat Quest, as well as beat Ryoku in the Tournament. After you do that, you are able to access Ai-No-Miko's Quests. Hachiko will be unlocked! The enemies here have low HP, and are all level 18. Simply Beat down any enemy here, and you are farming! 4. Arcangrove (/join arcangrove) Levels 20-30 Basic Analysis: The monsters here are relatively easy, although the Gorillaphants do have easy health. Ideal for farming in a party and with AoE skills too. What you need to do: This place is great for EXP. Although it is not required, a class that can multi-target is a good thing to have here. If you can meet the preferences here, this place is no doubt an excellent place to farm. The most common room to farm in is on your first right upon joining Arcangrove. 5. Chaos Gemralds (/join blindingsnow) Levels 20-35 Basic Analysis: A great farming place for lower levels in a party, or solo if you're a higher level. The monsters have relatively low health and can be easily farmed. What you need to do: To be able to access the Northlands Forest, you need to have completed the 'Chasing After A Girl' quest to be able to access the monsters. Travel to the screen with three Chaos Gemralds and farm here. 6. Undead Pirates (/join pirates) Levels 35-40 Basic Analysis: The pirates area is a great place to gain EXP. Although they are still a tough fight all at once, it is still much easier than Time Space. Just make sure you're in at least a small party. AoE skills are great here. What you need to do: Make your way to the platform with 3 Undead Pirates. Reaping the rewards is easy here as you don't need to do anything special to gain maximum EXP. You're going to want to kill the Undead Pirates repeatedly. 7. Forgotten Tombs (/join legioncrypt) Levels 35-44 Basic Analysis: This map is a great place for Exp and Class Points and is better than the Pirates map and to some extent the Time Space map.The monsters being farmed here are the Legion Doomknight (Monster), the Gravedigger and the Legion Infantry (Monster).All these monsters are level 45, have only 2411 hp and deal a minuscule amount of damage.This is a good place to farm because these monsters have extremely low hp as compared to their level. What you need to do: Join legioncrypt and make your way to screen 8, the reason being that it has 4 monsters and you won't have to waste time waiting for them to respawn or changing rooms.Then, just start killing those monsters.You will have absolutely no problem farming here all by yourself but if you are a low level you could get a small group to help you out.To access this area, you need to join it by typing /join legioncrypt in your chat box.You can access it through the World Map only if you have completed the Dark Fortress and the Seraph areas. 8. Vordred Battle (/join vordredbattle) Levels 42-51 Basic Analysis: There are three Evil Warrior monsters here at Screen 4.They are at a high level and have very low hp making them extremely easy to farm. What you need to do: Once you join Vordred Battle, head over to Screen 4 of the map. There you will the three Evil Warrior monsters. As you can see, they are all level 52 and have only 3,040 hp, which is one of the most disproportionate level-hp ratios in the game. This map allows only one player, so you will be farming solo. As they have low hp and are in the same room, the usage of classes having AoE (Area of effect.It refers to classes which have skills that can damage multiple and in some cases all monsters on the screen) skills is recommended. The Evil Warriors are all chaos tagged, so using the Chaorrupter Unlocked weapon is extremely helpful. You need to have completed the Dragon Battle map to access this area. Here, it is important to mention that Vordredbattle and Dragonbattle are effectively cut off from anyone who didn't unlock them before October 2014. 9. Ultra-Tibicenas (/join cleric) [image]http://aqwwiki.wdfiles.com/local--files/image-tags/membersmall.png[/image] Levels 35+ Basic Analysis: With the quest from Cleric Dawn accepted, defeating this boss provides 10,000 EXP as well as 10,000 Gold. However, this method is only accessible for Legends. What you need to do: First things first, travel to Cleric (/join cleric) and accept Cleric Dawn's quest 'Dys-Geni-c Chaorruption?'. In a group of 4+, travel to the Djinn Realm (/join djinn) and make your way to the normal Tibicenas, then select to fight the ultra version. Chaorrupter Unlocked is an essential weapon for this fight. With the correct strategies, this fight can be won. 10. Shadow Realm (/join shadowrealm) Levels 45+ Basic Analysis: Essentially, this is a better version of Time Space for those who are Level 45+. The rewards are greater and are ideal for higher level player farming. What you need to do: Head to the Shadow Realm, which only allows players level 45+ to enter. The room limit is only 4, but even a small party is essential for faster and repetitive farming. Follow a similar pattern to the Time Space method, killing all monsters as they spawn. 11. Dark Fortress (/join darkfortress) Level 45+ Basic Analysis: This is another great place for player above level 45 to farm for exp and class points.Even,if you are at the level cap and just want to rank up a few of your classes to Rank 10, then this map serves your purposes too.It has a monster called the Shadow of Nulgath which is level 75, has only 3,477 hp and does damage between 141-163.This makes it the ideal monster to farm. What you need to do: Join Dark Fortress and go over to Screen 4.There you will find a hole which goes downwards.Enter it and you will be in the Bonesaw Prison Cave room.Here,there will be four monsters namely: Belrotten, Infernalfiend, Dreadfiend and the Shadow of Nulgath.All the monsters here are extremely easy to defeat.If you are a lower level, you might have some difficulties with the Dreadfiend and Shadow of Nulgath monsters.It is important to note that all the monsters here are aggressive after respwan.What this means is that,once you kill a monster,when monster respawns it will automatically start attacking you, even if you don't attack it.For this reason,it is recommended that you use a single target class without any Area of Effect (AoE) moves and a good heal to ensure that you do not die quickly and last longer.Higher level players can easily farm solo,whereas lower level players need a party to farm with (the room limit of this map is 6).If you are farming solo you will want focus on killing only the Shadow of Nulgath and Dreadfiend as those are the monsters in the map, which give you most amount of exp and class points. 12. Eagle's Reach (/join eaglesreach) Levels 1-65 Basic Analysis: Please refer to the last part of the 'Gold Farming' section for all the details. What you need to do: Please refer to the last part of the 'Gold Farming' section for all the details. 13. Nightmare Realm (/join nightmare) [image]http://aqwwiki.wdfiles.com/local--files/image-tags/legendsmall.png[/image] Levels 20+ Basic Analysis: Currently, this is the best place in the game to farm exp and class points. However, it for Legends only. The reason why this is called the best, is because of the Nothing monster. It is level 99, does just 102-115 damage and has only 4,285 hp, making it the most ideal monster to grind for class points or exp. Once you've beaten completed the area, you have to talk to Memet at the beginning of the map in order to replay any of the battles. (she will provide you with different buttons which take you to different battles). The one which takes you to the 'Nothing' monsters is entitled 'Loneliness'. What you need to do: You should have completed Kyron's Quests to join this map. Join Nightmare Realm and go over to Screen 14 to reach the 'Nothing' monster. You need to have completed the Fear of Inadequacy? quest to access this screen.You can farm solo with ease because the specified monster is extremely easy to defeat. Even lower level players should not be having any problems. In case you are of an extremely low level, then you can farm in a group. AoE classes are recommended as there are four monsters in the room and all of them are fairly weak. quote:
Requirements to Level 1-2: 65 Exp 2-3: 120 Exp 3-4: 300 Exp 4-5: 600 Exp 5-6: 1,000 Exp 6-7: 1,500 Exp 7-8: 2,000 Exp 8-9: 2,550 Exp 9-10: 3,200 Exp 10-11: 3,850 Exp 11-12: 4,600 Exp 12-13: 5,450 Exp 13-14: 6,450 Exp 14-15: 7,700 Exp 15-16: 9,200 Exp 16-17: 12,900 Exp 17-18: 15,150 Exp 18-19: 17,650 Exp 19-20: 20,650 Exp 20-21: 24,150 Exp 21-22: 28,150 Exp 22-23: 32,650 Exp 23-24: 32,650 Exp 24-25: 37,650 Exp 25-26: 43,650 Exp 26-27: 51,650 Exp 27-28: 63,150 Exp 28-29: 79,650 Exp 29-30: 101,650 Exp 30-31: 131,150 Exp 31-32: 170,650 Exp 32-33: 223,150 Exp 33-34: 290,650 Exp 34-35: 312,500 Exp 35-36: 331,250 Exp 36-37: 350,000 Exp 37-38: 368,750 Exp 38-39: 387,500 Exp 39-40: 406,250 Exp 40-41: 425,000 Exp 41-42: 443,750 Exp 42-43: 462,500 Exp 43-44: 481,250 Exp 44-45: 500,000 Exp 45-46: 518,750 Exp 46-47: 537,500 Exp 47-48: 556,250 Exp 48-49: 575,000 Exp 49-50: 598,750 Exp 50-51: 633,760 Exp 51-52: 664,670 Exp 52-53: 710,130 Exp 53-54: 759,000 Exp 54-55: 785,000 Exp 55-56: 815,000 Exp 56-57: 840,000 Exp 57-58: 870,000 Exp 58-59: 910,000 Exp 59-60: 990,000 Exp 60-61: 1,200,000 Exp 61-62: 1,450,000 Exp 62-63: 1,600,000 Exp 63-64: 1,750,000 Exp 64-65: 1,750,000 Exp 65-66: 1,680,000 Exp 66-67: 1,830,000 Exp 67-68: 1,990,000 Exp 68-69: 2,160,000 Exp 69-70: 2,340,000 Exp 70-71: 2,530,000 Exp 71-72: 2,730,000 Exp 72-73: 2,940,000 Exp 73-74: 3,160,000 Exp 74-75: 3,390,000 Exp 75-76: 3,630,000 Exp 76-77: 3,880,000 Exp 77-78: 4,140,000 Exp 78-79: 4,410,000 Exp 79-80: 4,690,000 Exp 80-81: 4,980,000 Exp 81-82: 5,980,000 Exp 82-83: 6,980,000 Exp 83-84: 7,980,000 Exp 84-85: 8,980,000 Exp The Level Cap was increased from 65 to 85 on May 20th, 2017. quote:
Class Rank Requirements 1-2: 900 CP 2-3: 2,700 CP 3-4: 6,400 CP 4-5: 12,500 CP 5-6: 21,600 CP 6-7: 34,300 CP 7-8: 51,200 CP 8-9: 72,900 CP 9-10: 100,000 CP Miscellaneous Items [V] Note: This section is still being worked on. The methods listed under this section are the fastest means of obtaining a particular item without the use of quests offered by rare pets or other items that are no longer available in game. In case there are two or more efficient ways to get a specific item or if one way is only for Legends and the other is for free players then I shall include both one after the other. The sub heading 'Relevant Quests' used in this section refers to those quests that are closely associated with the main quest being used to farm. Without the completion of the completion of the 'Relevant Quests' it is impossible to proceed with the main quest. 1. Diamonds of Nulgath (Stack Limit: 300) - Only The Strong Survive Today
- Relevant Quests: None
- Items Required To Accept The Quest:
- Item Requirements:
- Locations:
- Strategy:
Step 1: Accept the quest from Dilligaf and head over to Screen 2. Step 2: You need to focus your attention only on three monsters - Skull Warrior, Undead Infantry (Monster) and Skeletal Warrior. These three drop all the items required to complete the quest. Except for the Legion Blade and Dessicated Hearts all the other items are temporary quest items. This means that you need to manually accept the Legion Blade and Dessicated Hearts. With the exception of the Skeletal Warrior, these monsters frequently drop Nulgath's Approvals, Archfiend's Favors and Dage's Favors which can get irritating after some time as they take up the whole screen. Constantly rejecting them can also get annoying because you may accidentally reject a Dessicated Heart or Legion Blade in the process. The best way to deal with this is to wait until they take up the whole screen and then accept one of each item. This will put all of them into your inventory. You will need three additional inventory slots for this though. Beware of clicking 'Yes' for the same item twice. If you do this the game will auto disconnect you (it is an anti-botting feature). After you finish farming, you can delete these items from your inventory. If you want to get anything from the Dage War Merge Shop or the Nulgath War Merge Shop then you can use them there. Step 3: Both the Dessicated Hearts and Legion Blades stack up to 100 so you can let them pile up in your inventory for a while before turning the quest in. Dessicated Hearts do not drop always although they do drop quite frequently. If anything increases the time you take to complete the quest it will definitely be the Legion Blade. It has a somewhat low drop rate and sometimes takes a considerable amount of time to get. Don't get worried too much, it isn't that bad. If you are killing monsters too fast, before they can respawn, you can move over to Screen 3 from Screen 2, kill the monsters there and return to Screen 2. By this time the monsters in Screen 2 would have respawned. You should not have any problems killing monsters. The only monster that may be a little difficult to beat is the Undead Infantry. However if you use a good AoE class like Blaze Binder or Chunin you shouldn't have any troubles. After you have gotten all the requirements, turn in the quest. - Rewards:
- Inventory Spaces Required: 2 (for the Dessicated Hearts and Legion Blades) OPTIONAL 5 if you want to accept the Nulgath's Approvals, Archfiend's Favors and Dage's Favors
- Additional Notes: All the monsters you will be farming here are tagged as Undead. This means that you can use any weapon that has a damage boost against the Undead such as the Blinding Light of Destiny which does an enormous 51% extra damage against Undead or the Khopeshes in the Moonlight Khopesh Merge Shop which range from 15% bonus damage against the Undead all the way up to 35% bonus damage against the Undead. However, the aforementioned weapons require a lot of farming and can take a while to get. If you're the type who doesn't like to spend time farming then you can go for the Dual Chainsaw Katanas. This weapon provides a 25% boost against the undead. To obtain it you will need to kill 100 monsters in a row which can be a little difficult for lower level players but it can be done easily with a little help. If you are a Legend then you should farm Diamonds using the 'Crush the Weak' quest offered by Dilligas. It has the same requirements as this quest but it rewards you with 3 Diamonds instead of 2.
2. Tainted Gems (Stack Limit: 200) - Cube Reagent
- Relevant Quests: None
- Items Required To Accept The Quest:
- You need to own or find somebody else who has equipped any of the following pets - 8th Betrayal Blade of Nulgath, Battlefiend Blade of Nulgath, Blade of Revontheus the Good Pet, Celestial Sword of Nulgath Pet, Guardian Crystal Phoenix Blade of Nulgath, Matrix Conduit Katana Pet (Read the Wiki link first to understand the next sentence. Even AC's obtained through AE Extras count), SoulSeeker Battle Pet, Sword of Nulgath and the Tainted Phoenix Blade of Nulgath. Once you obtain any of these pets or find someone who has equipped it, simply click on the pet. It will open a quest window from where you can choose the 'Cube Reagent' quest.
- Your second option is to obtain certain items that serve as requirements, traverse Tercessuinotlim, find Nulgath and accept the quest from him. The Tercessuinotlim Wiki Page will be of great help to you in this regard. Once you have reached Nulgath, click on him . After his 'Don't move or I'll strike you down' warning, click on his speech bubble. Then, click on the button titled 'Contracts'. A quest window will appear, from which you can accept the quest.
- Item Requirements:
- Locations:
- Strategy:
Step 1: Accept the quest from somebody else's pet, your pet (if you have any one of the aforestated pets) or from Nulgath. Head over to /join boxes Step 2: Use an AoE class with quick cooldowns (for example Shaman, Abyssal Angel or Blazebinder) and run through all the rooms, clearing all the monsters. Once your get a sizeable number of cubes on your screen, accept one of them and all of them will get added to your inventory. The Box Guardians and Grizzlespits can drop up to two and five cubes respectively if you are lucky. You can also room hop to speed things up. Step 3: Once you're done getting 25 Cubes head over to /join kingcoal and kill a Snow Golem. It will drop an Ice Cube which is a guaranteed drop. Step 4: You have successfully completed the quest. Turn it in and accept your reward. Until I go about describing farming methods, relevant quests, prerequisites, etc for other Nulgath related reagents, I have made the following list which is to serve as a placeholder. These are the best non-rare methods to get the following Nulgath reagents: Tainted Gems: Cube Reagent Totems and Gems: Voucher Item: Totem of Nulgath Dark Crystal Shards: Essence of Defeat Reagent Unidentified 10: Supplies to Spin the Wheel of Chance (Use the "Bamboozle vs Drudgen" quest to get Escherion's helm). Once you have hit the gold cap, turn in "The Assistant" until you no longer have enough gold to buy Blood Cloak. Blood Gems: Kiss the Void (purchase Tendurr from your Buy Back, farm Chaos Fragments from Water Draconians at /join lair), Assisting Drudgen Unidentified 13: Diamond Exchange, Ascended Drakath Gear (if you have the Original Drakath Armor) otherwise just farm Nulgath (Larvae) or Supplies to Spin the Wheel of Chance (If you have Crag and Bamboozle" use the "Bamboozle vs Drudgen" quest to get Escherion's Helm quickly). Do "The Assistant" whenever you have a good amount of gold. Diamonds: Only the Strong Survive Today or Crush the Weak (Use the latter if you are a member) Voucher of Nulgath (non-mem): Assisting Drudgen (If you have max stacked Tainted Gems, Gems, Fiend Tokens, Dark Crystal Shards, Diamonds, Totems, Blood Gems and have a Voucher of Nulgath otherwise just farm Nulgath (Larvae), Assisting Crag and Bamboozle (If you have max stacked Totems, Blood Gems, Elder's Blood and have Unidentified 19 and Voucher of Nulgath. Supplies to Spin the Wheel of Chance (If you have Crag and Bamboozle, use the "Bamboozle vs Drudgen" quest to get Escherion's Helm quickly. You could also farm Nulgath (Larvae). Do "The Assistant" whenever you have a good amount of gold. Favors and Approvals: Farm on Screen 4 at /join evilwarnul. Use BLoD or any other weapon that has a boost against the Undead. Emblems: Nation Recruits: Seal Your Fate (this is the only way). Farm on Screen 16 at /join shadowblast Do "Assisting Crag and Bamboozle" once daily (it is a daily quest) to supplement most of the aforementioned reagents. Reputation [VI] Reputations level up to Rank 10. For an in-depth guide on how to farm Reputation for each Faction, please see the Reputation Farming Guide. quote:
Reputation Requirements 1-2: 900 Rep 2-3: 2,700 Rep 3-4: 6,400 Rep 4-5: 12,500 Rep 5-6: 21,600 Rep 6-7: 34,300 Rep 7-8: 51,200 Rep 8-9: 72,900 Rep 9-10: 100,000 Rep Legion Tokens [VII] Legion Tokens currently stack up to 25,000. For more information on Legion Tokens,how to farm them, best possible methods, etc please see The Undead Legion Handbook Credits [VIII] 04Sep13 - New guide created. Thanks to Laos and PD for the previous versions of this guide, and the others who contributed to them. 04Sep13 - Thanks to Retro The Watcher for information on ideal farming classes, and suggesting Cleric Dawn's quests, the Lake Hydra and Vasalkar's Lair methods. 04Sep13 - Thanks to PhoenixIce for suggesting the Tainted Elemental method. 05Sep13 - Thanks to Hardcastle McCormick for suggesting the Berzerker Bunny and Ultra-Tibicenas methods. 22Sep13 - Thanks to .Shadow// and Kaloderma for further information on the Tainted Elemental method. 24Sep13 - Thanks to .Shadow// for the banner. 23Nov13 - Thanks to Sato for suggesting the TurkeyChampion Helm method. 01Dec13 - Thanks to .Shadow// for suggesting the Shadow Realm method. 02Jan14 - Thanks to Class Meister for suggesting the Chaos Gemralds method. 07Sep14 - Guide remade by Sato due to it being relinquished by former owner Zyrain. 24Apr15 - Guide taken over by GojetaDragon08 25Apr15 - Thanks to Shadowhunt for informing me about the advantages of the Shaman/Evolved Shaman classes. 30Apr15 - Thanks to Shadowhunt for reminding me about the gold cap bug, suggesting an effective means to farm at the Battleground maps, pointing out some formatting issues, telling me about the class points reduction mechanism and reminding about Ballyhoo as a source of easy gold. 4May15 - Thanks to the AQW Wiki Team for all the wiki links. 7May15 - Thanks to TheErosionSeeker for informing about the restrictions of the Vordred Battle and Dragon Battle maps. 19Jul15 - Thanks to Shadowhunt for pointing out the increase in the stack limit for Legion Tokens and a suggestion regarding the Nightmare Realm entry. 1Feb15 - Thanks to Shadowhunt for suggesting and giving detailed information about how to effectively use the 'Bunny Berzerker Armor - Were Egg' quest for gold farming. Also, thanks to him/her for reminding me to add the 'StoneCrusher' class in the 'Support Class' section and for informing me that using heal/buff skills that affect other players on the battlefield draws you into their battle. 4Apr17 - Corrected various spacing issues in the guide. Replaces the redundant Imgur image heading with typed out textual ones. Updated the "Reputation Farming Guide" link. Mentioned that the "Miscellaneous Items" section was a WIP. Added in a list of Nulgath reagents and the best methods to farm them. The list is to serve as a temporary placeholder.