RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (Full Version)

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Cpeepers -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (1/13/2016 22:29:47)

They have detailed their plans and we can make fair assessments based on that, and I am allowed to express how I dislike those plans. Most of what I've been doing is explaining why it's not good to do certain things, not why I don't like that they've done things they haven't done yet.

Because clearly everyone who is giving suggestions for how to improve something needs to wait until they do something wrong before telling them that it's the wrong thing to do, right?

speedmeteor101 -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (1/13/2016 22:57:19)

Well, I'm not saying you don't have a good point, I'm just saying most of what you've targeted is not about the future, but about the stuff we (from our general knowledge) know will not change. Now that point you made last, in general, (I guess what you were referring to up there in this post I'm replying to) that point was actually a pretty fair warning of what you don't want to see, so I'll say you're very right there.

Emrys -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (1/14/2016 20:38:12)

AHHH! Pre-Beta looks amazing! I really want to get to doomwood and beyond, but I have to play through some easier zones to level up first, looking forward to getting all that new gear though! I'll probably do a more in depth comment later, but there's one thing I noticed right away. With the new attack layout, it's really hard to determine which keys are tied to which attacks. It doesn't even go in a circle. If I didn't play aqw, i probably wouldn't know the number keys were bound to the attacks at all. Each attack should probably have what key it's tied to in its description.

TheFarReach -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (1/14/2016 22:22:42)

I kinda want there to be falling damage, but I'm not sure how they would implement it or how difficult it would be to do.

speedmeteor101 -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (1/14/2016 22:39:33)

Yeah if there were fall damage, players would also want a roll or something to break or reduce fall damage. Or at least that's how I feel it'd only make sense. And if it were to come it'd most likely come post beta.

Azan -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (1/14/2016 22:59:53)

I recall Prince of Persia had fall damage, and I thought it was really nice to have that. Made exploration more tricky (and more interesting) because you had to be cautious of where you set foot, and since a very important part of these games was exploring and reaching places in the area, I think it was a great addition. I'd love AQ3D to have that too (even if, of course, I don't expect exploration to be nearly as central in AQ3D as it was in Prince of Persia).

Buffy A. Summers -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (1/15/2016 5:01:09)

I'm Seeing A Lot Of Warriors Dying Far Too Easily Around Me At The Start Of Pre Beta.

As A Melee Class That Should Be Able To Take Some Punishment As Well As Deal It Out, The Defense Is Quite Soft, Especially At Lower Levels.

I'd Like To See The Warrior Class Be Much More "Tank" Like In Nature, With A Much Higher Defense.

The Long Cast Times Of The Warrior Attacks Leave Them Standing There Just Being Attacked And Unable To Move Again Or Strike Quickly.

If The Defense Isn't Stronger, Then The Attack Times Should Be A Bit Faster. It Leaves The Warrior Class Very Vulnerable In Head To Head Fighting.

Now, I Had A Fully Geared Level 3 Warrior And When I Had Two Level 2 Frogzards On Me, They Ate Through My Health Super Fast. Even With Rend Active. Warriors Should Not Have To Hit And Run To Survive.

The Other Issue I See With Other Warrior Players Is Since The Ability Attack Time Are Fairly Long, If They Get Turned Around Or Attacked By A Second Monster, They Take Damage Far Too Easily Before They Can Deal With It.

I Assume, And Hope, That This Balances A Bit More At Higher Levels And With Some Of The Better Statistical Gear, But It's Not An Enjoyable Experience Early On, When I See So Many Dead Warrior Players Laying At The Frogzards Feet.

As A Warrior In Full Plate, I Want To Feel Like I Can Take A Few Hits, Not Like My Armor Is Made Of Cloth.

~ Buffy

Edit: Addition

Balance Greatly Improves At Levels 4-6 For The Warrior Class. With The Additional Stats From Shoulder Gear And Other Upgrades, Warrior Plays Much More As Intended.

It Feels More As It Should With Much Greater Survival Time, Even When Encountering Multiple Enemies.

I Look Forward To Trying Levels 7+ Soon.

All In All It's Been Fun. :)

solomi123 -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (1/16/2016 3:18:56)

"killing x skeletons" has now become my most hated quests in all of aq3d :P

First 3 zones are fun but it get incredibly repetitive during doomwood forest with the kill & search quests combo.
Need something else than AQW in 3D.

Rezilia -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (1/16/2016 7:16:06)

Currently getting the "game is unable to connect to the server" error whenever I click on the server name. This happened before in Alpha and it stopped so I'm not sure why the problem is up again.

Which browser?

All of them: FF, IE, and O.

Change in IP or PC?


Has this happened before?

Yes, before the last Alpha update. Once that update went in, there was no longer a problem.

Cache cleared?

Yes, through History and the link on the login screen, on all 3 browsers.


Yes, multiple times.

Mrogue -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (1/16/2016 13:39:50)

please don't forget there is a bug where safari users can't type or say anything in the chat. I don't know how hard it will be but if it's possible to fix it... please that would be very very appreciated[&:]

Evangel -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (1/16/2016 17:30:35)

My biggest complaint about the game so far is the UI. I despise it. If I'm playing a game on PC, I expect a UI design appropriate for the platform. Not a mobile platform UI.

Drun -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (1/16/2016 18:09:48)

Here are a few things I would like added.

1) When finishing a quest that doesn't auto-complete. I would like know who and where I have to turn it into instead of having to remember or searching various people.

2) The Current Pre-Beta HUD doesn't have numbers to notify user of the hotkey. Plus the current design has the numbers its like the numbers are reversed from a normal person reading left to right top down. If I didn't play in Alpha I would would confused and saying hey why are these icons/keys backwards.

3) It would be cool to see how much of inventory we used. Currently there is no way to tell without knowing what is max inventory amount and counting how many inventory items we have.

4) It would be cool to have multiple stacks of items. Currently the stacks go to 99 and that's it. Even if we aren't full on inventory we can still loot additional items but it only stays at 99.

5) The quest helper that tracks our current quest progress only shows 1 entry. If there are multiple parts of quest it does move on to the 2nd part but I would like to see all parts. For example the quest where you need a key from the frogzards, sneevils, and the eyes. It only shows the frogzards until you get that item.

6) Currently only the settings and inventory are options are shown on the screen. I would like it to have at least the quest journal be an option you don't have to find in the settings.

omgGrim -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (1/16/2016 22:01:05)

I too have an issue with how the UI looks like. Don't make the PC version have the same design as mobile or at least let us move around features in the future for PC users.

Nightmare AQW -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (1/16/2016 22:16:05)

The game looks amazing so far, but a huge problem still exists. We need armor that looks like actual armor instead of a skin painting, especially on the chest area. Please fix this, while there aren't too many armors in the game. It's a little less noticeable when shoulder pads are equipped, but right now I'm looking at my character wearing just the alpha knight armor and it really just looks like a shirt with a nice pattern. The shading is nice and smooth but there is literally no dimension in there.

megakyle777 -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (1/17/2016 8:24:21)


I have no idea what I'm equiping in each slot half the time.

Also reposting my quest feedback since part of it is changed:


Okay, so here is my feedback on some of the quests:

First of all: Overall, I enjoyed the story of all of them. HOWEVER in a lot of cases I felt they were too kill heavy. I was discussing this with a friend and one of the big failings we both have of MMO's is a constant grind. Having to do a quest where you kill 22 Skeletons is not fun for us. With both the Explooration And Enviromental streach goals hit, I'd like to see more variety in quests using these, and less of the grind. Now into indivudual quest reviews.

Greengaurd: A bit bland in terms of story, but servicable. A decent introductory quest. I don't think it too kill heavy (Aside from haing to kill 30 flying eyes. That's a lot of eyes for a new player. 0-0), but I may be alone in this.

Heartwood: One of the better stories in my opnion. In fact one of the best. And it did not feel too kill heavy either. It also had a somber ending which i liked.

Cave: I must say I enjoyed the levity of this one. helping a Trolluk lent a freindly face to the foes which is unique, and he asfunny a lot of the time too, like when he got the potions. Much enjoyed for comedy. Also not too grind heavy. As a additional note I liked summoning the Earth Golem.

Doomwood Artix: This is where I started feeling the grind. Rather grind heavy TBH. But I liked ths story of what happened to the paladins, and I liked how the Leader who betrayed them gets redemption later on on the bridge. Tying stories like these together aling with the threat of the Necromancer Sargoth... well I look forward to owning his butt.

Gravedigger Loth: The one I saved for last, and only did just now because the Alpha shuts in 2 days. WHy did I save this for last, even after the grind heavy Slime questline? Because annoying grind for no reward. I was not really enjoying the story either. I LIKED the idea of finding out more on The Gatewraith, but we never realy found OUT much about it or of Loth. I WILL say however the story DID win more over with Loth's Sacrifice near the end. That I enjoyed and it made a teduiis and boring quest quite a bit better.

Bridge: Again, I like how these last three quests tie toether. I like how the Leader Paladin ets redemption by savin everyone from the undead plague. In terms of story and setuo (A army spwaling out of the tower ready to destory all life) it was epic, with a cool fight against a powerful General at the end. But again it was rather grind heavy. i get there's not much you can do with so little space in a map and so many enemies, and again I like he SETUP, but the qest itself was boring.

SLime: My MAIN concern with this quest is this: according to one Tester, the quest was designed to be tedious in exchance for a OP reward. I'm sory to say, making ANY part of your game tesious for ANYTHING is bad game design. It is and should be entirely possible to reward a OP item and have FUN at the same time.By all means make the questline long and hard. But FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THING DO NOT MAKE IT TEDIOUS. I don't care if I get the Epic Helm of Unkillableness for it. Whatever the reward, making a part of the game tedious is BAD GAME DESIGN, and with both Exploration, World effects, all the other planned features of AQ3D and the creativity of the team, IT IS 100% UNNEEDED. If you go for epic rewards again, make the questline FUN. Make it have a good story at the VERY LEAST.

Alsso, for side quests, make it so you can complete them from the Quest Lo and pick up the nest in a chain from there. better yet when you accept the first in the chain move it up to the top and auto it too.

Buffy A. Summers -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (1/21/2016 17:58:34)

I Really Like The Improved And Increased Difficulty Of The "Bosses" Of Each Area.

I'd Like To See Some Sort Of Marker Or Some Such, Like A Chuckles Skull Or Highlighted Name, Etc... That Would Inform Players That This Monster Is Much More Dangerous And Difficult Then The Others In The Future.

And I Still Think That The Starter Area Of Greenguard Is Pretty Difficult 'Balance Wise' For New Players And Players Not Familiar With Their Class Skills.

A Tutorial Of Sorts Or An Easier Starter Area, Besides The Drickens, Would Be Helpful Moving Forward, As I See Far Too Many Deaths There For A Starter Zone And Early Level Area, Which Is Almost Unheard Of In Other Games.

Again, Player Survival Seems So "Soft" At Levels 1-3 And This Should, In Theory, Be An "Easy" Mode/Stage Of Player Experience As They Get The Feel Of Things Before They Advance To More Challenging Areas And Monsters.

Perhaps A Level 1-3 Range Shoulder Armor (For Added Defense) Or A Minor Heals Of Some Sort Would Be Helpful If Balance Is More Set For Higher Levels.

~ Buffy

Raven Star -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (2/1/2016 10:05:28)

Simplified version of AQW, Plays awful

Animation is feels clunky UI is clunky. Skill animation or lack thereof is just awful and basic.
Sorry, I don't see anything new in this game. I just see repeats of AQW, including classes. No char progression .... all to simplified for me and same same, seen that done that. Touts itself as a new game, but I see the same classes I levelled up to rank 10 having to be redone in this 3d replica. Game has progressed backwards compared to AQW. Great opportunity to evolve to their now older audience, instead we get a 5+ and below age range.

I just couldn't see this working at the start. MOP.

Old ideas reused, recycled in aqw3d.

1 AC short of an upgrade

The Jop -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (2/1/2016 18:34:55)

It's pre-beta, the animation and pretty much all the quests in-game are not final. If you don't like the way things are going you can recommend ways to improve the game while pointing out flaws (constructive criticism) rather than just criticizing, this is the time and place to change the game in positive way.

Well, my point is that it can get better. Make suggestions on how to improve instead of just bashing it. Besides, it's not even in beta, so you can give it a little slack, yeah?

LyRein -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (2/1/2016 18:44:02)


Just because it's Pre-Bete doesn't mean it's going to get better, it is very poor at the moment when comparing most MMOs in closed beta.

Raven Star -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (2/2/2016 4:34:53)

Your kidding me right??? You want me to make suggestions for this game, not understanding that I pushed hardcore for improvements to AQW since 08. Did some major major conceptual plans on google slide for them.... AE is set in their ways. Same old ideas... thats why their other games failed as is AQW.

Can you tell me what you see new in AQW3D that hasn't already been done in AQW ... .... Can you tell why the classes AE are going to release I have already ranked to 10 in AQW.
I have 60+ Rank 10 classes that is going to be re released in AQW3D.

The mistakes they did in AQW has been carried over to AQW3D.

Same stuff, different day type scenerio. I can't see anything new.... Can't suggest new and creative ideas to AE. They are too set in their ways. Management is their own worse enemy. No proper char progression, game is set up for 5+ Under. No thought for old school players that have supported AE through out the years....

Game didn't evolve..... it devolved

I have omitted the profanity. It is not allowed here, even if you have part of it with a symbol. ~Jorath

Suggestion:- I would like to see new fresh ideas implemented in AQW3D. Better char progression, New Classes, Better animation skills, better and more sophisticated UI. I would like to suggest a reduction in the amount of made up classes/items/weapons that are of no use other then cosmetic purposes.

I would like to suggest, new evolved mobs then what is currently in place.

Ya know what..... just a new game would be great. 3D is optional


From This
and this

Oversized text removed. Please do not post in over size 3. ~Gingkage

speedmeteor101 -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (2/2/2016 17:48:28)

@Raven Star

Woah! Chill. If u want a better game, then just don't play aq3d (because the feedback images were really just AE things, not AQW things) u can go out and find the game you're looking for... is that WoW? [8D] Really, I agree with this next part:


I would like to see new fresh ideas implemented in AQW3D. Better char progression, New Classes, Better animation skills, better and more sophisticated UI.
but rather than using "better" I'd use 'different.' This is largely based on opinion and also understanding of their resources. But as a player, you just gotta respect what's in place or leave because I think that's why this thread was abandoned (I assume staff doesn't really check here anymore). The "feedback" thread has really become a place for dissatisfied players to complain and vent. You see if you said, "I don't like the simple character progression we've seen in all the other games, could we have something based more on storyline progress than grinding?" [as an example, not what I want... and really this is too vague to get a good response] You see, saying "New Classes" is just saying I don't like this. HA, they don't care what you like. They care about how to fix what you don't like (in great detail) and if your fix is strong, they will either tell you why they can't use it or that they'll consider using it later (which, when said, usually happens to an extent).


more sophisticated UI

Most of the feedback was "I hate this UI, it's not sophisticated enough" and there was not enough "Could you make the UI be more elaborate with maybe a potions button, pets button, and multiple ways to interact [parkour, players changing environment (with spells and stuff), etc.]?" Chances are they'd reply with a "No, because the potions and all would require extra space on the screen and too many interactives could ruin the mobile experience." Then you say, "Okay, I guess u won't do the complicated interactives, but what if you used a Drop down menu for the potions and such?" Then they may say, "hmm we might look into that." That is good feedback. I know, because that's how I get replies from Cysero on FaceBook. Then after that, the idea he may have said was not possible can become possible via new software, and BOOM your idea is in. Really your points were good, as I agreed, but you were not specific enough to make your response useful.


They are too set in their ways.

Ha, if u feel that way, there is no point in writing a response! Pack up, and find a different game. Hopefully I explained, well enough how set they are and how to ease them out of the stone. But if you don't understand, just don't play AQ3D (or if you suggest, be more specific).

But honestly, all that stuff I said doesn't really matter because I doubt they'll check this anyways... there has been too much feedback that's too vague and not really useful to them. This is more like a guide for future threads and other places (we don't want them to stop coming to players period because we can't give good suggestions. See, try to model your feedback after Megakyle777's up there. Sadly, it might not be seen because it seems only the forum mods read this stuff. Best place for communication seems to be FB. Yeah that's about it.

BTW calling AQ3D "AQW3D" doesn't make it any less like aqw.... I don't think anybody wants an aqw in 3d. I'd much prefer a multi-player, 3d Dragonfable clone.

Vypie -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (2/2/2016 18:15:38)

I just noticed a thing:

You don't have to me a mage to solo any boss. You can simply move around it in very tight circles (keeping 'A' or 'D' continuously pressed while walking).

The boss never gets to attack, as he will be always busy changing direction, trying to face you.
As long as you just use auto-attack and abilities that can be used on the move, its just a matter of time until you defeat any enemy.

speedmeteor101 -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (2/2/2016 21:42:49)

Very true, but you need a lot of space to run without getting attacked by something else, though if you're really good, this can be done anywhere. So you're right, though, it is not fancied because it usually takes a lot longer for non mage classes too, because you're pretty much limited to minimal damage (auto attack) and mages have the ranged attacks with lots of power and can solo quickly and easily. (Just spam thunder and if you have enough space, the fireballO

Vypie -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (2/3/2016 12:33:37)

Actually, running in circles this way takes far less space than the typical kiting. You are turning at maximum Keyboard speed, which creates pretty tight circles (you are basically inside the boss).

While kiting as mage is still preferred, this can be used as a mage too, making it take less effort. You don't even need to look at the screen that way :)

In any case, this kind of boss kiting should not be a possible tactic, at least by release. Even if they make bosses use some kind of special ranged attack sometimes, tha's not enough. Bosses should run a bit faster than players, and be able to auto-attack while on the move too

LyRein -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (2/3/2016 13:14:02)

Also bosses shouldn't just target one person at a time.
They need to be more smart in A.I, otherwise they are just an oversized monster

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