Timelines (All Versions) (Full Version)

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Occavatra -> Timelines (All Versions) (8/12/2016 20:06:22)


Location: Swordhaven (Book 3) -> Up -> Circe -> Quests -> Timelines
Requirements: Completion of The Beast
Release Date: December 30th, 2022

Objective: Time to hear out what Jaania has to say...
Objective completed: What now?

Experience rewarded: 0
Gold rewarded: 0



Seer's Ring (I-IX)

Access to Timelines Loot for DCs.


*Jaania leads you through the corridors of Swordhaven's Ivory Tower.*

Jaania: I'm sorry I wasn't here to greet you. I was... busy. I hope you've been enjoying your visit to Swordhaven?
<Character>: I'm not here for small talk. Not after you put out a bounty for me.
<Character>: Not after everything The Rose has been doing!
<Character>: You've been quite busy since you froze me in a solid wall of ice!
Jaania: ...A wall of ice? The last time I saw Alexander it was through the wall of ice I was trapped in after his head had been set aflame.
Jaania: Imagine my surprise, after what seemed like eons of being entombed...
Jaania: Imagine my surprise... at seeing his grinning skull still burning, with all of Lore at the mercy of the one that set that fire in the first place.
<Character>: Xan isn't my ally. I needed his help to break you out so we could all save Warlic. But that's not—
Jaania: He was your ally when you freed me, <Character>. You were working together. All to save Lore from... that thing.
<Character>: Then—
Jaania: You may have fought Alexander in the past. You may not have liked him, but you chose to put aside your animosity.
Jaania: How was I to know whether or not you were entangled in his madness?
<Character>: You could have asked.
Jaania: So you think I would trust any conversation with the maddened fiery shell of a former friend or his apparent ally?
Jaania: No. Never again. Neither what remains of him, nor the other one. The Alexander and Warlic I once knew... are no more.
<Character>: . . .

*You both stop outside a door with a large Rose emblem adorning it; Jaania casts a spell, unlocking it, and proceeds to enter; you follow, stopping before a large blue curtain.*

Jaania: I love magic, <Character>. From its wonders and spectacle, to its secrets and mysteries. But I am no longer blinded by its shine.
Jaania: For all the good that magic can do... it has wrought untold harm and pain upon the people of Lore. There is no escape from its grasp.
<Character>: It's true that magic has been abused to hurt others, but that's not the fault of magic. It's not some inevitability!

*Jaania looks down solemnly before opening the curtain, revealing a scene of Swordhaven overrun by Imps and Fire Elementals in the wake of Wargoth's emergence in Book 2; you appear shocked.*

<Character>: What— Is this some kind of sick threat?!
Jaania: It's the remains of Swordhaven... the remains of all of Lore... in a timeline where you failed to break my crystal prison.
<Character>: But... No. That's impossible! <Dragon> and I would have—
Jaania: Ah yes. <Dragon>. Shall I show you one of the ones where they betray you? One where they abandon you to join the foe?
Jaania: It's a possibility. One of so many. So... many...

*You glare at Jaania.*

Jaania: Nothing is beyond the dangers of magic. Nothing, and no one. The risks of... of misuse... Even I... I almost...
Jaania: You can't protect everything. No one can. Magic cannot be stopped.
Jaania: This mirror... It's a window to other timelines. Other possibilities.

Jaania: And I can view them all.
<Character>: ...Kara said she didn't understand how you could let The Rose do such terrible things. And I still don't. Your mirror excuses nothing.
Jaania: I've been... preoccupied with my research. I did hear there were some regrettable skirmishes with the Vind.
Jaania: That is what Kara sent you here about, is it not? I will make sure the parties responsible are properly reprimanded.
Jaania: Now, I must ask you to leave. Our conversation is finished, and my work demands my attention.
<Character>: That's it?! Villages burned, people kidnapped and enslaved... and you'll "reprimand" those responsible?
Jaania: I assure you, I do not approve of these alleged actions. Mistakes of the well-meaning are still mistakes.

*Unmoving, you continue to glare at Jaania.*

Tipu: <Class>, you were given an order to leave.
Tipu: We received your notice, Lady Jaania. <Character>, we are here to escort you from the tower.
Ahimsa: Do not make things difficult for yourself. Lady Jaania is only extending this courtesy to you out of respect.
Tipu: Come along now. Lady Jaania's patience— and ours— wears thin.

*Facing Ahimsa and Tipu, your expression softens; you hang your head momentarily before turning back to face Jaania one last time.*

Jaania: ...You're a hero. So am I. With such fury and anger, I'd hate to see you become the villain.

*Understanding there is nothing more you can do, you oblige and leave Swordhaven's Ivory Tower.*

Circe: Psst.

*Outside, near the Swordhaven Library, Circe is prying you for information from your time inside Swordhaven's Ivory Tower.*

<Character>: Oh. What do you want?
Circe: I see you managed not to get thrown into a Rose prison. Well? Did you get what you needed?
<Character>: What's it to you? I didn't realize you were so worried about my well-being.
Circe: Oh, I'm not. My client, on the other hand, has taken an interest in your poking around.
Circe: But looks like you're safe enough. Saves me having to find a way to rescue you.
<Character>: ...I managed to speak to Jaania.
Circe: And...?
<Character>: She didn't seem to want to listen to anything I had to say. She had this... mirror that showed terrible things.
<Character>: Other timelines, she said.
Circe: You know, she hasn't been seen in public for quite a while. I wonder if that has something to do with it.
<Character>: Well, she seemed to have a high opinion of it.
Circe: What's your next step, then?
<Character>: I'm sorry, what? I'm just going to go back to my allies and go from there.
Circe: Empty-handed? That doesn't sound like the hero I remember. | Empty-handed? That doesn't sound like the hero I've heard so much about.
<Character>: What else can I do? I don't want to cause any trouble here in Swordhaven.
Circe: Why not talk to the King? He's the one funneling funds to The Rose, you know.
<Character>: Is he?
Circe: Yep. Good King Alteon. I'm sure he would listen to a hero like you, right?
<Character>: I don't know how I would even begin to gain an audience with him. Knock on the castle gates?
Circe: Got your interest, huh? Well, it just so happens there's a tournament going on in a couple weeks. A tournament of champions.
Circe: And the reward... is an audience with the King.
Circe: You can fight, right? Find the billboard around town. Try signing up or something.
Circe: Or if you really can't figure it out, find me in the main square later and I'll point you in the right direction.
<Character>: I... I suppose it's worth a shot.

*Meanwhile, back in Swordhaven's Ivory Tower, Jaania appears to still be fixated on the mirror to other timelines, including a timeline in which Alexander is a healthy and presumably respected mage; scene fades to black.*

  • Complete Quest
  • DC Loot Shop - opens Timelines Loot for DCs shop.

    Other information
  • This quest was reimagined with new and expanded dialogue, removed combat and scenes, and a level 90 reward on December 30th, 2022.
  • This quest's ending cutscene was updated on September 29th, 2023.

    Thanks to Jay for entry information.

  • Jay -> RE: Timelines (All Versions) (1/2/2023 16:44:00)


    Location: Swordhaven (Book 3) -> Up -> Circe -> Quests -> Timelines
    Requirements: Completion of The Beast
    Release Date: August 12th, 2016

    Objective: Time to hear out what Jaania has to say...
    Objective completed: What now?

    Experience rewarded: Scaled
    Gold rewarded: Scaled

    (1) Bear
    (2) Raging Boar
    (1) Raven
    (1) Tuskmonger
    (1) Wolf


    Seer's Ring (All Versions)

    Access to Timelines Loot for DCs.


    *Jaania leads you through the corridors of Swordhaven's Ivory Tower.*

    Jaania: I'm sorry I wasn't here to greet you. How have you found Swordhaven, <Character>?
    <Character>: . . .
    <Character>: Do we really need to exchange niceties? The last time I saw you it was through a wall of ice you trapped me in.

    *Jaania glances back at you briefly before recounting her own similar experience.*

    Jaania: The last time I saw Alexander it was through the wall of ice I was trapped in after his head had been set aflame.
    Jaania: Imagine my surprise, after what seemed like eons of being entombed...
    Jaania: ... at seeing his grinning skull still burning and seeing all of Lore at the mercy of of the one that set that fire.
    <Character>: Xan isn't my ally. I needed his help to break you out so we could all save Warlic.
    Jaania: Alexander was ally when you freed me, <Character>. You were working together... all to save the one that threatened to consume Lore with fire.
    <Character>: Then-
    Jaania: You may have fought Alexander in the past, you may not have liked him, but you chose to put aside your animosity.
    Jaania: How was I to know how entangled you were or were not in his madness?
    <Character>: You could have asked.

    *Jaania considers her response momentarily.*

    Jaania: So you think I would trust any conversation with maddened fiery shell of a former friend or his apparent ally?
    <Character>: . . .

    *You both stop outside a door with a large Rose emblem adorning it; Jaania casts a spell, unlocking it, and proceeds to enter; you follow, stopping before a large blue curtain.*

    Jaania: I loved magic once, <Character>. I found wonder in the Arcane and using it to learn and to help others. That wonder and naivety was ripped away.
    Jaania: For all the good that magic can do... it is still a weapon. A weapon that in the wrong hands... with the wrong twist of fate... can destroy everything.
    <Character>: I can't believe that. There are still those who use it for good, who use it to defend against those who would destroy Lore.

    *Jaania looks down solemnly before opening the curtain, revealing a scene of Swordhaven overrun by Imps and Fire Elementals in the wake of Wargoth's emergence in Book 2; you appear shocked.*

    <Character>: Is this some kind of sick threat?!
    Jaania: It's the remains of Swordhaven... the remains of all of Lore... in a timeline where you failed to break my crystal prison.
    <Character>: But...
    Jaania: No. Listen, <Character>...
    Jaania: I know you have knowledge of other timelines. I know you know of the Time Travel Fairies.

    *You glare at Jaania.*

    Jaania: My heart isn't totally frozen. I wish there was a better way but...
    Jaania: I've seen both the worst and best that magic has to offer this world, <Character>.
    Jaania: I've seen it through that mirror... it's a window to other timelines.

    Jaania: And I can view them all.
    <Character>: I... I don't believe you.

    <Character>: I can't believe you.
    Jaania: It doesn't matter if you do or not. I've seen worlds where your cruelty rivaled the Mysterious Stranger...
    Jaania: But more often than not you've preserved as a force of good. I wanted you to have that chance in this one as well.
    Jaania: You can go.
    <Character>: No... wait, this can't be right!
    Jaania: Go.

    *Unmoving, you continue to glare at Jaania.*

    Tipu: <Class>, you were given an order.
    Tipu: Do not make it hard.
    Ahimsa: Sincere apologies for entering your personal chamber, Lady Jaania. We are here to escort <Class> outside.
    Tipu: And it would be best for her/him to come with us... peacefully.

    *Facing Ahimsa and Tipu, your expression softens; you hang your head momentarily before turning back to face Jaania one last time; understanding there is nothing more you can do, you oblige and leave Swordhaven's Ivory Tower.*

    Circe: Psst.

    *Outside, near the Swordhaven Library, Circe is prying you for information from your time inside Swordhaven's Ivory Tower.*

    <Character>: H-huh?
    Circe: So?

    Circe: Did you... learn anything that I- we- YOU could use? I ment you... obviously.
    <Character>: I...
    <Character>: I can't do this right now.

    *You begin to run away from Circe.*

    Circe: HEY! I am talking to you!!!
    <Character>: LEAVE ME ALONE!

    *Circe appears shocked by your outburst.*

    <Character>: Just... just leave me be right now.

    <Character>: I need to think...

    *You continue to run away from Circe—and from Swordhaven—to reflect.*

    Circe: . . .

    *You fight your way through the path from Falconreach to Oaklore, battling various monsters along the way, until you reach the cliff where your heroic journey all began.*

    A few hours later

    *Now sundown, you presumably continue to reflect on your conversation with Jaania, questioning everything and pondering how best to move forward.*

    <Character>: What should I do now...?

    *Meanwhile, back in Swordhaven's Ivory Tower, Jaania has fallen to her knees before the mirror to other timelines, now displaying a timeline in which Alexander is a healthy and presumably respected mage; scene fades to black.*

  • Complete Quest
  • DC Loot Shop - opens Timelines Loot for DCs shop.

    Thanks to Occavatra for original entry.

  • Page: [1]

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