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12/10/2011 2:17:50   
Voodoo Master


Location: Reagent Race, The Wizards Apprentices, Playing With Fire, Revenge, Petty Squabbles, The Duel, Wrath of Wargoth, Disarray, The Merge, One Step Forward, Trust, Melissa, Changing Winds, A Day for Farewells, An Uncertain Future, The Beast, Timelines, Tournament of Champions / (Easy), Calamity, Epilogue, The Gala, Words and Deeds, Queen of Swordhaven, Three Questions, The Obsidian Tomb, The Queen of Roses, An Elegy of Ice and Fire, Heroes, A Petal Falls, Plans Entwined, Loose Ends, Out of Control, The Golden Hand, The Greenguard Alliance - Choose a Faction, Into the Light, Collapse, The Spells We Weave, Sunfall: Part 2, A Storm in the Night, Ambition's Crossroads, Direct Current, AdventureFriends! (Part 1), AdventureFriends! (Part 2), The Spark of the Soul, Broken Circuit (Part 1), Broken Circuit (Part 2), Reasons to Fight, Into the Abyss, Twin Tides, The Point of No Return (Part 1), The Point of No Return (Part 2), From the Embers, Hawk in the Sky, Crash and Burn, Threads of Trust, The Flame Within, The Final Steps, Convergence (Part 1), Convergence (Part 2), The End of Magic (Part 1), The End of Magic (Part 2)

Quests given

Shops owned


Reagent Race

Jaania: Hello.

Jaania: I'm looking for Brump's other apprentices?
Jaania: I'm sorry for running late.

The Wizards Apprentices

Jaania: I'm Jaania. Is Brump here? I really should check in...

Jaania: Oh, ok. Well, I'll just wait here then.

Jaania: Hmm...

Jaania: Vele's Guide to Elemental Healing.
Jaania: It's a fascinating treatise on using non-traditional elemental sources as possible sources of healing.
Jaania: Not many believe in the possibility of using darkness, energy and other less traditional elements to heal.
Jaania: I really should find some of the resource materials as well as competing theories.
Jaania: The scrolls and tomes I'd like are very rare though.

Jaania: There are five resource materials that I need to reference. Do you think you can get them for me?

  • Instructions

    Jaania: If you can find the right scroll and get it to me before I finish the section, that would be ideal.
    Jaania: Just follow the path through the library and bring the material to me.
    Jaania: Make sure to stay on target! The resources are very old and valuable and mustn't be damaged!
    Jaania: If the center of the guide target drifts off of the path, the resources will be damaged. If it is too damaged, we will lose valuable information.
    Jaania: Thank you so much for finding them for me! I'm going to continue studying.

  • Levitate!

    Both are random dialogs after clicking Levitate:
    Jaania: I'll just be over here if you need me. Good Luck!

    Jaania: Okay! I'll just be over here if you need me. Good Luck!

    If the reference was ruined:
    Jaania: Oh no! The reference was ruined! I hope the library has another copy.

    After a successful attempt:
    Jaania: Wow, that was impressive work! You found it so fast! Thank you so much.

    After 5 successful attempts:
    Jaania: ???
    Jaania: Wh-what happened?

    Playing With Fire

    Jaania: I'm not sure what even happened....
    Jaania: I was just studying....

    Jaania: ...

    Jaania: Well, there are several magical ley lines in the area that I was hoping to study...
    Jaania: ...as a side project on how the intersection of the lines could help in the manifestation of portals.

    Jaania: !!!

    Jaania: But... how?
    Jaania: If your magic ability advanced enough to make portals, why are you an apprentice?

    Jaania: Where are we?
    Jaania: Alex... what's wrong?

    Jaania: Alex?

    Jaania: Can you conjure another portal to get us out of here?

    Jaania: Come on, you're an ice mage. I'm sure you can destroy anything we find in here.

    Jaania: I told you you could do it, Alex!


  • His morning tea...
    Jaania: I must thank you for inviting me over, Warlic. I just love tea.

    Jaania: Oh, you're sweet. Ok, you try it first then.

    Jaania: EWW, Warlic! Is this some kind of sick joke?!

    Jaania: You're so gross...

  • His toothpaste...
    Jaania: Oh, I hope I studied enough.. I was up all night going over some parts.

    Jaania: *blush*

    Jaania: Oh. why thank you. That's just what I--

    Jaania: Just what I-- Just... I--?

    Jaania: YesexactlyokweshouldprobablygetgoingseeyaWarlic!

    Jaania: *whew* Thank you, Alex. I didn't know what I was gonna say...

    Jaania: My goodness... What do you think was the matter with him?

    Jaania: Eww...

  • His wardrobe...
    Jaania: Oh, I hope I studied enough.. I was up all night going over some parts.

    Jaania: *blush*
    Jaania: Hey... do you smell something?

    Jaania: Oh dear! Oh my goodness... I *cough*-- WHAT is that smell?!

    Jaania: *cough* But Warlic... we couldn't smell it until you walked over here. Well, until you got within 30 feet anyway.

  • His spellbook...
    Jaania: Uh oh...

    Jaania: *snicker* Oh, Warlic, hahahaa! Oh, how embarrassing...

    Petty Squabbles

    Jaania: Oh, hello Alex. Just look at this elemental bouquet!
    Jaania: Isn't it beautiful?

    Jaania: It's still pretty!

    Jaania: Oh no!

    Jaania: Oh no!

    Jaania: ...
    Jaania: Are you coming, Alex?

    Jaania: Don't work too hard now...

    Jaania: Hahahaha, you're so funny Warlic!

    Jaania: Yes?

    Jaania: Oh, Alex! Are you alright?

    Jaania: Maybe one of your reagents fell, Alex?

    Jaania: Please, I don't want my friends to fight! Why can't you two get along?

    The Duel

    Jaania: *sniff*
    Jaania: *sniff* I just wish..
    Jaania: I just wish they would stop fighting.

    Jaania: !!!
    Jaania: They're at it again! I need to put a stop to this...

    Jaania: Alllee...

    Jaania: ...Xaaaannnnn.........

    Wrath of Wargoth

    Jaania: No!


    Jaania: Hmph.

    Jaania: Haven't you all cast enough spells?
    Jaania: Look. Look at what you've done. The forest is on fire. Cities are flooding. Winds blow others apart.
    Jaania: Now you're looking for more magic to add to the chaos?

    Jaania: Stop.
    Jaania: Are you...
    Jaania: ...are you really him?

    Jaania: Well enough? Well enough?
    Jaania: I have spent years upon years trapped in a magic prison!
    Jaania: The last thing I saw were my two friends fighting. One screaming in agony as he was burnt alive.
    Jaania: I lived with that...
    Jaania: ...as time ticked away, never knowing if that would be that last thing I saw... hahaha....
    Jaania: Then when I am finally freed... I find Alex... Xan, trapped in his own magic prison...
    Jaania: ...and the other... split in two, with one half bent on destroying the world itself with his infinite power.
    Jaania: How do you know Wargoth and you merging won't destroy the world anyways?

    Jaania: Then I hope to see my old friend Warlic soon.

    The Merge

    Jaania: Listen.

    Jaania: ...
    Jaania: Hmph.

    Jaania: I can take care of myself.

    Jaania: You...

    Jaania: I have spent years, frozen in time. Waiting. Wondering.... wondering if I would ever see you again.
    Jaania: Look. Look at what you, what magic has wrought.

    Jaania: You destroyed an entire planet and enslaved it's inhabitants!
    Jaania: Now, they're stuck in the desert, burnt by the light. You would have destroyed this world. Our world... as well.
    Jaania: And you say you wish you had done things differently?
    Jaania: Hahaha....

    Jaania: ...
    Jaania: Whatever it takes.

    One Step Forward

    Jaania: Yes? What is it, Amadeus?

    Jaania: The... Vind?

    Jaania: Ah. Yes. That Vind.

    Jaania: He shall have them.

    Jaania: Has s/he now?

    Jaania: It crossed my desk, yes.

    Jaania: <Character>...
    Jaania: What has <Character> done?

    Jaania: What could s/he do?

    Jaania: Magic and power.
    Jaania: Where <Character> and <Dragon> go, so too follows destruction and catastrophe.
    Jaania: Such things... must be contained.


    Jaania: ...And these losses here?

    Jaania: Then they are getting more and more brazen with each attack.

    Jaania: ...
    Jaania: This cannot be allowed to continue. What if they were to attack Falconreach? Or Oaklore?

    Jaania: That... that is... that is not an option.

    Jaania: No!

    Jaania: Yes?

    Jaania: Enter, Amadeus.
    Jaania: What would the King have of The Rose this time?


    Jaania: I- What is it?

    Jaania: What- What was it, again?

    Jaania: ...

    Jaania: Yes, that should be fine.

    Jaania: ...No. I am... I will be busy.

    Changing Winds

    Jaania: There are too many possibilities.
    Jaania: Too many threads to follow.
    Jaania: But the path the mirror doesn't show...
    Jaania: A world without magic...
    Jaania: ...
    Jaania: No word yet from the Magi. But they're doing their best. They're doing their best.
    Jaania: They'll find something, I know it.
    Jaania: The answer is out there.

    A Day for Farewells

    Jaania: It... is nice.

    Jaania: How fares the reconstruction of the Dreamwood?

    Jaania: ...I see.
    Jaania: After my mistake, I cannot blame them.
    Jaania: And how are your fellow wind elves doing here on the mainland?

    Jaania: The tragedies never truly end, do they?

    Jaania: R-right... Sorry, Kara.
    Jaania: ...

    Jaania: Yes. Yes, you're right, of course.
    Jaania: There will be peace.

    An Uncertain Future

    Jaania: I can't persuade you, can I?

    Jaania: Does it? I've seen...

    Jaania: I don't think so, Kara. I haven't had what you've had.

    Jaania: .......

    Jaania: You aren't taking this seriously.

    Jaania: I don't know, Kara.

    Jaania: At first, after I was brought out of the freeze and saw all that Xan and Warlic had done, I was angry. So very angry.
    Jaania: They were irresponsible, hurtful, driven the world into an unbalanced chaos.
    Jaania: This made me realise that if we just didn't have magic, then this stuff, like Xan's curse, or Warlic's craze, wouldn't be able to happen.

    Jaania: I don't have to. Most of the world doesn't know what is good for them.

    Jaania: No... no, slaves were not. Slaves aren't what I stand for... I do not make slaves.

    Jaania: I just want a world of peace. I want to avoid the mistakes of the past. I want... my heart to feel as if it wasn't weighed down by pain and loss.

    Jaania: You really cannot be persuaded?

    Jaania: Then, you can never leave. You are too dangerous. I see how people follow you.
    Jaania: As long as you are here, I can go about my plans.

    Jaania: I can't. You will make my job harder. Perhaps, though, I will have you brought to me, away from here. That way, if I need you, I can visit you easier.

    Jaania: You can never be free.

    The Beast

    Jaania: Hello again, <Character>. It has been a while, hasn't it?
    Jaania: Come along. Join me in my study.
    Jaania: I have much to share.


    Jaania: I'm sorry I wasn't here to greet you. I was... busy. I hope you've been enjoying your visit to Swordhaven?

    Jaania: ...A wall of ice? The last time I saw Alexander it was through the wall of ice I was trapped in after his head had been set aflame.
    Jaania: Imagine my surprise, after what seemed like eons of being entombed...
    Jaania: Imagine my surprise... at seeing his grinning skull still burning, with all of Lore at the mercy of the one that set that fire in the first place.

    Jaania: He was your ally when you freed me, <Character>. You were working together. All to save Lore from... that thing.

    Jaania: You may have fought Alexander in the past. You may not have liked him, but you chose to put aside your animosity.
    Jaania: How was I to know whether or not you were entangled in his madness?

    Jaania: So you think I would trust any conversation with the maddened fiery shell of a former friend or his apparent ally?
    Jaania: No. Never again. Neither what remains of him, nor the other one. The Alexander and Warlic I once knew... are no more.

    Jaania: I love magic, <Character>. From its wonders and spectacle, to its secrets and mysteries. But I am no longer blinded by its shine.
    Jaania: For all the good that magic can do... it has wrought untold harm and pain upon the people of Lore. There is no escape from its grasp.

    Jaania: It's the remains of Swordhaven... the remains of all of Lore... in a timeline where you failed to break my crystal prison.

    Jaania: Ah yes. <Dragon>. Shall I show you one of the ones where they betray you? One where they abandon you to join the foe?
    Jaania: It's a possibility. One of so many. So... many...

    Jaania: Nothing is beyond the dangers of magic. Nothing, and no one. The risks of... of misuse... Even I... I almost...
    Jaania: You can't protect everything. No one can. Magic cannot be stopped.
    Jaania: This mirror... It's a window to other timelines. Other possibilities.

    Jaania: And I can view them all.

    Jaania: I've been... preoccupied with my research. I did hear there were some regrettable skirmishes with the Vind.
    Jaania: That is what Kara sent you here about, is it not? I will make sure the parties responsible are properly reprimanded.
    Jaania: Now, I must ask you to leave. Our conversation is finished, and my work demands my attention.

    Jaania: I assure you, I do not approve of these alleged actions. Mistakes of the well-meaning are still mistakes.

    Jaania: ...You're a hero. So am I. With such fury and anger, I'd hate to see you become the villain.

    Tournament of Champions / (Easy)

    Jaania: Enter.

    Jaania: No, Amadeus. This is... a welcome distraction. What can I do for you?

    Jaania: Please, go ahead.

    Jaania: Hm. Have Magus Hansa continue her efforts. The magic the Ateala possess is an unknown that we must account for.

    Jaania: What of the conflict with the Vind? Have you found evidence to support the allegations of slavery and displacement?

    Jaania: I see. I shall have to speak with him. I know he means well, but these methods are unacceptable.

    Jaania (thinking): Kara... You're making things harder for yourself...

    Jaania: A shame it takes such extremes for people to open their eyes to magic's dangers. Still, we must not let them down.

    Jaania: . . .
    Jaania: Investigate.

    Jaania: Do not engage.

    Jaania: They're playing with the Vind, yes?
    Jaania: Regardless, I'll continue to respect Alteon's wishes for the time being.

    Jaania: Anything outside the kingdom?

    Jaania: I see. It was always a curiosity... but perhaps there is something to be gained from it after all.
    Jaania: Send them a message that I will be arriving soon. I wish to see it for myself.

    Jaania: The ball?
    Jaania: Oh, that... gala for ambassadors and dignitaries. I had fully intended not to attend but...
    Jaania: Ugh... after.

    Jaania: Why does this tournament have to happen now? I can't focus in these conditions...

    Jaania: Hmm.
    Jaania: I do not recognize this emblem...

    Jaania: Exactly how unusual?

    Jaania: Well. They sure act quickly. This... may become an obstacle in the future.

    Jaania: Amadeus, find a way to send this back as my reply.

    Jaania: The letter was sent from the Capitol, in Azaveyr...
    Jaania: From an order called "The Magesterium".
    Jaania: Also, have someone look into this "Magesterium". They appear to be quite the influential and problematic bunch.

    Jaania: How are you feeling, Amadeus?

    Jaania: Are you feeling well?

    Jaania: Is anyone bothering you?

    Jaania: That's good to hear.
    Jaania: Neron wears his scars proudly, but I know he's suffering. I'd hate to think that—

    Jaania: I know.

    Jaania: You can go now.


    ???: How touching.

    Jaania: Such a cold reception...

    Jaania: I'm here to help.


    Jaania: Good people of Falconreach, please, calm down.
    Jaania: I'm here now. And I'm here to hel-

    Jaania: Protecting Swordhaven was my first priority. I was tasked with it by the king himsel-

    Jaania: I didn't say that-

    Jaania: Please-

    Jaania: I assure you-

    Jaania: ...

    Jaania: I... see-

    Jaania: It's fine!!!
    Jaania: I'm fine.
    Jaania: I can read the situation. I see that I am not welcome here.
    Jaania: You don't need my help... and I respect that.
    Jaania: I will make sure Swordhaven provides you with necessary resources and supplies.
    Jaania: I am...
    Jaania: I am sincerely sorry I couldn't be here sooner.
    Jaania: Farewell, people of Falconreach. The Rose will not bother you anymore...

    The Gala

    ???: Hello... <Character>.

    Jaania: I had heard you would be gracing us with your presence. Please, do introduce me to your... enchanting companion?

    Jaania: Thank you.
    Jaania: You look lukewarm, at best.

    Jaania: Oh, you are hilarious.

    Jaania: What is it?

    Jaania: And this is urgent how?

    Jaania: You are excused.

    Jaania: ...
    Jaania: I hope this event is to your liking?

    Jaania: Do we really need to do this? Can't we be civil?

    Jaania: ...You are exhausting, <Character>.

    Jaania: I beg your pardon?

    Jaania: You might want to be careful, everyone is listening.

    Jaania: You are such a brute, <Character>! You need to be the center of the attention, don't you?
    Jaania: You crave it.
    Jaania: You are the hero, aren't you?
    Jaania: Well, let me tell you something!
    Jaania: You are not the only one who can bear that title! You are not special!
    Jaania: You were not the one who woke up in a world on the brink of destruction, caused by your closest friends.
    Jaania: I was!
    Jaania: You were not the one who tried to help people when the elves invaded Greenguard and threw the land into chaos!
    Jaania: I was!
    Jaania: You were not the one who managed to crush the onslaught, saving countless lives— the one people turned to!
    Jaania: I was!
    Jaania: You were not the one who had to deal with all that pressure and still come up on top!
    Jaania: I was!
    Jaania: You were not the one who, in the midst of all the destruction and chaos, founded an organization that to this day is bringing peace to this land!!
    Jaania: I was!
    Jaania: You are not the hero of this story!
    Jaania: I AM!

    Jaania: Who are you...?

    Jaania: They are no one. I will take care of them.

    Jaania: This does not concern you... Your Majesty.

    Jaania: And if I refuse?

    Jaania: ...
    Jaania: <Character>, escort the king and the princess to safety.

    Jaania: Please... do as I say.

    Jaania: Protect the royal family. This is going to get messy.

    Words and Deeds

    Jaania: You have some nerve, attacking the palace during a peaceful royal celebration...
    Jaania: Do you understand what you've started?

    Jaania: Well, this only makes me want to look into it even more.

    Jaania: What is it that you're so desperately protecting? That you're ready to start a war for?
    Jaania: The Fissure is simply a geyser of raw mana... it's not even on your territory.
    Jaania: You're trespassing.

    Jaania: What? You didn't realize the extent of my power?
    Jaania: Your... colleague, or whoever he was, underestimated me, and look what he has brought upon himself.
    Jaania: You'll end up like that too.
    Jaania: So, before it happens, tell me everything you know.
    Jaania: I'd hate for all your knowledge to go to waste.

    Jaania: I see...

    Jaania: ...

    Jaania: ...That's your magic source, isn't it?

    Jaania: You use people as nexuses? Despicable.

    Jaania: ...
    Jaania: I will repeat myself. Tell me what the Fissure is.
    Jaania: It'll save me some time. As you know, I already have people investigating it.
    Jaania: I'll know sooner or later, might as well be sooner.

    Jaania: You attacked the royal court and infiltrated the castle. I assume you have more of those... golems of yours, scattered throughout it.
    Jaania: I could even assume that they may have attacked the king himself.
    Jaania: Granted, <Character> most likely took the king to safety...
    Jaania: Nonetheless, you've foolishly started a cascade of events that will inevitably lead to intercontinental conflict.
    Jaania: All because of me.
    Jaania: I'd say I'm flattered... *pant*... but I'm not that petty.
    Jaania: Was it worth it?

    Jaania: *pant* It's... *pant*... about time you showed up...

    Jaania: ...
    Jaania: What do you mean?

    Jaania: What are you talking about? I told them to escape.

    Jaania: ...
    Jaania: And if you were so concerned about the king's well-being, why didn't you stop them?!

    Jaania: Just... Leave me...

    Jaania: This day can't get any worse...

    Jaania: Huh...?

    Queen of Swordhaven

    Jaania: A few weeks from now, at most.

    Jaania: General Akanthus will take charge in my stead.

    Jaania: ...Speaking of the General, do you know what he is doing at the moment?

    Jaania: ...I see. I trust you will serve him as loyally as you have me.

    Jaania: Also, have Z study one of the golems, please.

    Jaania: I expect results when I'm back.

    Jaania: Now, time to see what this Fissure is all about.

    Jaania: Princess Victoria... greetings. I'm glad to see that at least you are alright. I haven't yet had the chance to—

    Jaania: It was the right thing to do.

    Jaania: People have to know—

    Jaania: Oh?
    Jaania: My sources tell me otherwise.

    Jaania: You were... what?

    Jaania: I see.
    Jaania: Can you tell me what happened, then?

    Jaania: ...Where did s/he take the King?

    Jaania: I'm having a hard time understanding. If the King was injured, why has <Character> taken him? Why not call for help? Why didn't you stop her/him?

    Jaania: ...It seems apparent that you were forced to make a difficult decision. I only hope you do not come to regret your choices.

    Jaania: ...

    Jaania: I see.

    Jaania: Then I will not question your judgement. Thank you for telling me this.
    Jaania: I shall settle things on my end after I return.

    Jaania: Yes.

    Jaania: To see exactly why a foreign kingdom would attack us.

    Jaania: ...
    Jaania: I'll be off now.

    Jaania: Farewell... Queen Victoria.

    Three Questions

    Jaania: This...

    Jaania: This is... beautiful, isn't it?

    Jaania: It's... certainly troubling to hear.
    Jaania: I saw the Fissure, from the sky. It's much, MUCH bigger than I anticipated it to be. And the surrounding ruins...

    Jaania: How close can we get to it?

    Jaania: Yes?

    Jaania: Intriguing.

    Jaania: Certainly, although I have one question that is of utmost importance.
    Jaania: It has recently come to my attention that the Fissure is not just a geyser of raw mana. Is this true?

    The Obsidian Tomb

    Jaania: It is.
    Jaania: It very much is!
    Jaania: This...
    Jaania: This could be what I've been missing. This... brings The Rose one step closer...
    Jaania: The catalyst... that will change the world!
    Jaania: I knew it. I knew Hawkscry held the answers!
    Jaania: Agrimonia... Your team has done some exceptional work!

    Jaania: For so long I thought I've burned myself out. I've doubted myself for so long...
    Jaania: But this!
    Jaania: This will save the world.
    Jaania: To think this has existed for all this time...

    Jaania: And the Magesterium wanted all of this to themselves!?
    Jaania: Clearly they don't know what they can do with this!

    Jaania: I do!
    Jaania: I need to begin preparations. At once.
    Jaania: Send these to Amadeus. I must return immediately...
    Jaania: *muttering* I'll need these...
    Jaania: *muttering* This too...

    Jaania: *muttering* Every book on this subject...
    Jaania: *muttering* The gnomes... I'll need the gnomes...

    Jaania: And I'll need an airship...

    The Queen of Roses

    ???: That's not how a queen should act.

    Jaania: Greetings, my Queen. I just wanted to notify you that I've returned and I'm ready to serve you as you see fit.

    Jaania: My Lady... if you ever need advice, please don't hesitate to knock on my door.
    Jaania: I know a thing or two about managing people.
    Jaania: You said you can't sleep. I'd be more than happy to help you with that.
    Jaania: Although... a good leader loses sleep, so that their subjects can rest well at night.

    Jaania: Very well.

    Jaania: I could relieve you of the burden. You could be happy... I... would make a good queen.

    Jaania: My apologies, never mind that. Farewell, my Lady.

    Jaania: I'll be in my study in the Ivory Tower, should you need me.

    An Elegy of Ice and Fire

    Jaania: This is so bizarre.
    Jaania: With each day, she looks better after the treatment, but when we check in later, she appears worse.
    Jaania: I can't figure out what's causing it.

    Jaania: It crossed my mind, yes, but that would be impossible. Only you, me and the King— sorry, the Queen, have access to this chamber.

    Jaania: I'm worried she's not going to make it...
    Jaania: I can't have that, not with how little Victoria trusts me.
    Jaania: ...Do you know where the King is?

    Jaania: ...

    Jaania: No. I will not be raiding Kara's little... resistance. Enough of our people have been lost to that swamp. Moreover...
    Jaania: If we return the King against his wishes, the people of Swordhaven may turn against us.
    Jaania: Besides, assisting the knights in their search has garnered much goodwill that we should not hasten to squander.
    Jaania: I still don't understand why you insisted Alteon was kidnapped.

    Jaania: With Victoria as acting queen, things may get a little... complicated. We've bought some time and favor, but I don't know if it will be enough...
    Jaania: But with the successful establishment of our research base, and all of the new Fissure research, I do feel quite reinvigorated.
    Jaania: Have you read my notes yet? What do you think of my plan?

    Jaania: Temporary? Based on what? As long as the spell is sustained it will feed itself from the core.

    Jaania: It will work.

    Jaania: Imagine...
    Jaania: Everyone on Lore will be cut from the devastating effects of magic...
    Jaania: ...They would be free to enjoy life, free from the worries of an unstable and chaotic system.
    Jaania: All life free from the torment of magic. Lives that will never have to experience what I and countless others were put through.
    Jaania: The perfect, elegant solution.

    Jaania: A brand new world...

    Jaania: Have the gnomes been cooperating?

    Jaania: No doubt. And it's up to me to rebuild the trust that you have so foolishly ruined.
    Jaania: You and your division went out of line, and now I'm paying for it.
    Jaania: Always me... paying for everything.

    Jaania: It's exhausting...
    Jaania: And now I need the gnomes! I need an airship! And they are the only ones who have the knowledge to construct it.

    Jaania: You tried, but you took the wrong path. I... I expect better from you, Akanthus.
    Jaania: Stay here and monitor Brittany.
    Jaania: I have to continue my research AND deal with your fallout.
    Jaania: *mumble* It's like the entire world is against me...

    Jaania: ... if it's enveloped in a barrier, then what would be the effect on the connection between...
    Jaania: ... however, if the core's influence is cut out, wouldn't it mean the same for everything else... ?

    Jaania: I don't know.
    Jaania: There aren't even any books on the subject. If scholars have been considering this from the wrong angle...
    Jaania: There has to be somethin—

    Jaania: What?!

    Jaania: No...

    Jaania: Leave.

    Jaania: ... the spell will take a while to cast, but if there's no way to secure the aftermath...

    Jaania: ... there cannot be any unforeseen complications...

    Jaania: ... it would be risky...

    Jaania: I'm busy.
    Jaania: Leave.

    Jaania: My Alexander died in that basement.

    Jaania: I do not care for love. Or for you, Alexander. Or you, Warlic.

    Jaania: Not anymore.
    Jaania: I am on the verge of something great. And you are inconveniencing me.
    Jaania: Leave... please.

    Jaania: No!

    Jaania: My research!

    Jaania: He did it to himself.

    Jaania: Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.

    Jaania: Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment.


    Jaania: Know your place, Z.
    Jaania: You are here only to assess the airship progress.

    Jaania: Speaking of progress, I haven't yet had the chance to speak with you. Tell me about your findings.

    Jaania: How so?

    Jaania: ... let me just— hmm—

    Jaania: Phylactery, as in necromancy?

    Jaania: I've figured as much already.

    Jaania: Barbaric, more like. If your theory is true.
    Jaania: Yet another reason not to concede to the Magesterium. Such horrific magics are not to be toyed with.
    Jaania: Cease experimentation immediately.

    Jaania: I'm glad we have an understanding.

    Jaania: Ah, greetings, sir gnome.

    Jaania: Greetings, Pozu.

    Jaania: We are here to check on the progress of the airship.

    Jaania: When... will the airship be ready?

    Jaania: Please, again, accept my deepest apologies for what has happened to Popsprocket.
    Jaania: I will personally make sure that the people who were responsible for this are severely punished.

    Jaania: Yes, the people from my organization.
    Jaania: Please understand that my goal is not to destroy, but to save. I learned about Popsprocket only after the fact... and I was appalled.
    Jaania: I was, to be quite frank, furious.
    Jaania: The actions of a few insubordinates do not speak of my organization as a whole.
    Jaania: I acknowledge what has happened to your people and I bring further amends.
    Jaania: Namely, this and all of the other gnomish settlements will be given access to the Rose's supplies and resources.
    Jaania: Of course, we will have to set up a small presence to make sure our resources are not being misused...
    Jaania: ... but I assure you, such intrusions will be minimal.
    Jaania: On top of that, all gnomes are to be allowed freedom of research and experimentation within the Kingdom of Greenguard.
    Jaania: It has been brought to my attention that gnomish science is not the same as the destructive magics we seek to control.

    Jaania: I do.
    Jaania: I cannot turn back time and erase what happened to Popsprocket and all of its denizens, and it will forever weigh down on my soul...
    Jaania: ... but at least I can strive to fix these mistakes.

    Jaania: I couldn't have said it better myself.

    Jaania: I am glad to hear it! Thank you.

    Jaania: What is it, Z?

    A Petal Falls

    Jaania: That is for... the Queen to decide.
    Jaania: If— no, when we succeed, then the effects of their magic will cease. With or without her majesty's interference.
    Jaania: This merely means we must hasten our project in order to minimize the harm done.
    Jaania: It pains me deeply, but our forces cannot be spread out to the far reaches of the kingdom.

    Jaania: Akanthus, do you disagree?

    Jaania: And I expect Queen Victoria will be most generous and accommodating.
    Jaania: The loss of Duat is unfortunate, but we will rebuild later, after we sort everything out.
    Jaania: However, I do have a mission for you, Akanthus.

    Jaania: You may take the initiative for a counter operation against the Magesterium.
    Jaania: Whatever funds you require shall be yours.
    Jaania: Buy the Rose time.

    Plans Entwined

    Jaania: Thrithril?

    Jaania: Ah.

    Jaania: Continue.

    Jaania: I don't want you to believe, I want you to know.
    Jaania: The airship, and by extension us, have to be protected from the unknown influences of the Mana Core radiation.

    Jaania: Z.

    Jaania: I know you can do it.

    Jaania: No.
    Jaania: My schedule is very tight. The majority of my spell scrolls that burned in the incident have to be remade, and I have other business to attend to.
    Jaania: I trust you on this, Z.

    Jaania: You may go.

    Jaania: No.
    Jaania: I need a better synonym, the incantation has to flow naturally...

    Jaania: Magus Hansa, a pleasure.

    Jaania: Securing the Fissure is currently our highest priority. Surely you understand?

    Jaania: I am truly sorry for—

    Jaania: Dear Hansa, we do not lie to each other. When we have secured the Fissure, and my research is complete, we will rebuild.
    Jaania: When our plan comes to fruition, and Lore is saved...
    Jaania: ... these Magesterium attacks will cease, and in this new era of peace, we shall prosper like none before.

    Jaania: I am. You are a talented mage. I could actually use your input on some of my current theories.

    Jaania: I... No, you're right, of course.
    Jaania: We're just so close— I— I must have—
    Jaania: ... if the gnome project is completed soon, then that gives us a small window in which...
    Jaania: Yes. Yes, Hansa, would you be willing to remain if I provided you with the soldiers and resources necessary to take care of any refugees?
    Jaania: Queen Victoria has been somewhat of an obstacle in a few of our recent logistics.
    Jaania: Swordhaven has been very generous, but I fear that over time, even Swordhaven's generosity may run dry.
    Jaania: Take some time. Consider it. You are a tireless protector of the people of Lore, and this cannot have been easy for you.

    Jaania: Actions before words. I understand.
    Jaania: Thank you, Hansa.

    Jaania: It just doesn't make sense!

    Jaania: Where is Amadeus? I require his expertise on these matters.
    Jaania: Perhaps some of his experiments can shed light on the results I'm getting.

    Loose Ends

    Jaania: I see...
    Jaania: <Character>, let me start by expressing my sincerest apologies.
    Jaania: You must believe me when I say that if I had known what these... "Thorns" were doing, I would have stopped them immediately.

    Jaania: I am aware, <Character>! Do you think I like people dying? Do you think I like people seeing me as a villain?
    Jaania: I don't. I built the Rose with my bare hands. I wished for people to see us as something beautiful, something to look up to for protection.

    Jaania: And then monsters like this scurry in.
    Jaania: Trampling over the reputation of the Rose and its good deeds.

    Jaania: Pitiful.
    Jaania: I will make an example out of you, Theano.
    Jaania: And all of your "Thorns".

    Jaania: Worry not, <Character>, the ramblings of a madman do not sway me.

    Jaania: As for you, Theano, I admire the punishment that your daughter has seen fit to carry out.
    Jaania: Therefore, if you can do no evil, I will make it so you can see no evil.
    Jaania: Or hear no evil.
    Jaania: Or speak no evil.
    Jaania: This will not bring back those whom you have harmed, but...

    Jaania: I hope that their souls find solace in your misery.

    Jaania: Ahimsa, Tipu, take him to his cell.
    Jaania: And please inform Akanthus that I have another mission for him.
    Jaania: Would you say that his punishment was sufficient to his crimes?

    Jaania: As punishment for his senseless actions, I have rendered him quite literally senseless.
    Jaania: He cannot see, hear, nor speak. And we will maintain him in such a state until his final breath.

    Jaania: Now, about this Belle...
    Jaania: I understand that she is a scout for the Rose. To have awakened to such power...
    Jaania: Where is she?

    Jaania: What do you mean?

    Jaania: ...Sudden overload of magical flux... depending on the vessel...
    Jaania: I see.
    Jaania: Perhaps that is for the best, then.

    Jaania: And for that, I am forever grateful to her memory.
    Jaania: However, the power to control the fine workings of mana that maintain the—
    Jaania: I'm sorry, you described her power as an... unraveling?

    Jaania: Curious.
    Jaania: As I was saying, I have no doubts Belle was a fine woman.
    Jaania: However, such power brings on not only the threat of abuse, but inspires potential imitators who in turn may do great harm.
    Jaania: So while I would have greatly loved to thank Belle in person, I am also glad that she no longer poses a threat to Lore.

    Jaania: ...But that would mean the leyline theory is...
    Jaania: ... Have all these experiments been using the entirely wrong model?

    Out of Control

    ???: Greetings, Your Majesty.

    Jaania: Brittany's health seems stable for now. Our best researchers are doing whatever they can.
    Jaania: However.
    Jaania: Would it be possible to hasten the rebuilding of my chambers, Your Majesty?
    Jaania: My temporary quarters negatively impact my own research endeavors.

    Jaania: It was simply an experiment gone wrong, My Queen.

    Jaania: Please accept my apologies, Your Majesty. I didn't mean to anger you.
    Jaania: Two of my old acquaintances invaded my tower, uninvited, and caused the incident. They have been dealt with.
    Jaania: I assure you, something like this will never happen again.
    Jaania: I have already put it onto myself to personally help and reimburse the people who were caught up or injured in this incident.

    Jaania: Thank you so much, My Queen.

    Jaania: Long may you reign.

    Jaania: I believe the solution to the eternal protection of the Kingdom of Greenguard, no, all of Lore, lies with unlocking the secrets of the Fissure.
    Jaania: As such, it is imperative that the Rose occupy this territory above all other priorities.

    Jaania: I— No, your Majesty. The Rose is at your disposal.

    Jaania: To go this far... The Magesterium must truly be desperate.

    Jaania: Send word that we are recalling most of our forces from the Fissure.

    Jaania: If this was the goal of the Magesterium, then they've succeeded.
    Jaania: Sacrificing the Sandsea, even Doomwood as well, may have given us enough time to finish our work. But so many places at once?
    Jaania: The safety of the people must come first.

    Jaania: Yet the research must go on.

    Jaania: I wonder...

    Jaania: Golems... necromancy... elemental spirits... mortals...
    Jaania: Ugh, now I need to send for both Z AND Amadeus! Again!

    The Golden Hand

    Jaania: Forgive my interruption, My Queen, but that is not what you—

    Jaania: Rose operations have been constantly pestered by the actions of the Vind. This is unacceptable.

    Jaania: My Queen, it is not so simple. Our people have been in a prolonged skirmish. There are grudges and resentments on both sides.

    Jaania: The Vind kidnapped the King. Even now he is undoubtedly in their grasp!

    Jaania: Of course she'd deny it!

    Jaania: Unbelievable.

    Jaania: She's only telling you what you want to hear!

    Jaania: I... do not, Your Majesty.

    Jaania: If you so command it, My Queen.

    Jaania: I must send out our new orders and return to my research.

    Jaania: That won't be necessary, My Queen. My plan is—

    Jaania: I... I understand.

    Jaania: Behind me, Your Majesty. This magic...

    Jaania: Identi—

    Jaania: The Magesterium!

    Jaania: They must not be trusted, Your Majesty.

    Jaania: The voice screeching that it is, in fact, your doing, seems to indicate otherwise.

    Jaania: My Queen, you can't seriously be considering trusting them? They are our enemies! They attacked your father!

    Jaania: I cannot promise that.

    Jaania: I have an inquiry.

    Jaania: Where do the rifts lead?

    Jaania: Then we will find out on our own!

    Jaania: I...

    Jaania: Thank you, My Queen.

    Jaania: Yes, Your Majesty.

    < Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 6/29/2024 17:47:12 >
  • AQ DF MQ  Post #: 1
    4/17/2021 6:48:48   

    The Greenguard Alliance - Choose a Faction

    Jaania: Unfortunately, my own tasks necessitate my full attention. It was with the greatest regret that I asked this of you, my dear Hansa.

    Jaania: Do decide quickly, <Character>. My research beckons.

    Jaania: Hmph.

    Into the Light

    Jaania: My research is progressing well. Pending response of the gnomes, I may be able to begin implementation of—

    Jaania: I- I don't know if I have the time to—

    Jaania: ...
    Jaania: Yes, My Queen. I believe I may have a solution.

    Jaania: <Character> is correct. We do not know what will happen if the Tytan is destroyed.
    Jaania: I shall begin developing methods of containment for the city, as well as redundant protections for multiple potentialities.
    Jaania: It may take some time. I have to check... no—
    Jaania: That is, I have to ensure that all probabilities are accounted for.

    Jaania: I- I have many spells that need—

    Jaania: I'll...
    Jaania: I'll consider it.

    Jaania: It seems the Tytan is now on the offensive.

    Jaania: I- I'm not sure if—

    Jaania: I think... maybe... but...

    Jaania: But... what if...

    Jaania: R- right.

    Jaania: This will take some effort to cast. It's been a while.

    Jaania: Defend me.


    Jaania: This will take some moments.

    Jaania: Defend me.

    Jaania: I told you to protect me!

    Jaania: Of course.
    Jaania: It will take slightly longer, and I must maintain concentration.

    Jaania: Understood, My Queen.

    Jaania: I'm ready.

    Jaania: I... *pant* I...

    Jaania: I... don't know.
    Jaania: I did all I could.
    Jaania: I made sure the city gates were excluded...
    Jaania: Did I calculate that correctly?
    Jaania: No no no...

    Jaania: What if I...

    Jaania: What have I done?

    Jaania: But I didn't...
    Jaania: The consequences...

    Jaania: NO!
    Jaania: I didn't, I couldn't–

    Jaania: The magnitude of such magic is beyond your scope of view.
    Jaania: Beyond mine.
    Jaania: I must know what the long-term effects are.
    Jaania: I have to know what... what I have done.
    Jaania: I need to consult my mir–

    Jaania: No.
    Jaania: You may be fine with diving headlong into changing the world and uprooting the order of Lore.
    Jaania: But I am not. I am responsible for my actions, and their consequences, whatever they may be.

    Jaania: It was by my hand.
    Jaania: My own hand...

    The Spells We Weave

    Jaania: I asked not to be interrupted!

    Jaania: They infiltrated the tower and no one stopped them?

    Jaania: So many possibilities... but which ones are true?

    Jaania: I cannot be sidetracked by these distractions. Have General Akanthus pursue the attackers.
    Jaania: And increase the guard. The magical defenses are still intact, so whoever took Amadeus must have entered the tower normally.

    Jaania: More and more choices, more and more branches...
    Jaania: Every choice, every moment. There must be a solution.

    Sunfall: Part 2

    Jaania: ...

    A Storm in the Night

    Jaania: Th-thank you, Kara.

    Jaania: ...

    Jaania: I... know.

    Jaania: I did no such thing.

    Jaania: ...

    Jaania: Thank you, Kara.

    Jaania: You have given me much to think about.

    Jaania: ...Control...

    Ambition's Crossroads

    Jaania: I am well, thank you, My Queen.

    Jaania: I apologize for my moment of weakness.
    Jaania: But you summoned me for a reason, did you not?

    Jaania: I...
    Jaania: It would be my honor. However, may I ask for more funding toward research projects of The Rose?

    Jaania: As I am sure you are no doubt aware, I recently spoke to Kara, of the Vind.
    Jaania: She opened my eyes to new possibilities- possibilities that I should like to pursue, if you would allow me.

    Jaania: I understand.
    Jaania: By your leave, I shall tend to Princess Brittany before returning to the Ivory Tower.

    Direct Current

    Jaania: General Akanthus. It's good to see your recovery proceeds well.

    Jaania: Do you have any word on Amadeus' whereabouts or who took him?

    Jaania: So it couldn't have been the Vind... Perhaps the Magesterium, then.

    Jaania: A regrettable situation.
    Jaania: I could use his experimental expertise at a time like this...
    Jaania: Hmm...
    Jaania: Recall your forces. We'll just have to do without him.
    Jaania: We can't risk drawing the attention of the Magesterium back to us.

    Jaania: Magus Z, what of the progress on the airship?

    Jaania: For the most part?

    Jaania: Good. Have the gnomes on standby for deployment.
    Jaania: I assume the projects you've been tinkering on with the gnomes have also gone well?

    Jaania: Good.

    Jaania: General Akanthus, begin consolidating any spare troops we have.

    Jaania: I've decided on a different path. Cutting off Lore from the mana core had too many unknowns.
    Jaania: Too many risks.

    Jaania: But there's another way to protect Lore.

    Jaania: I shall become its protector.
    Jaania: I will weave a spell to allow me to control the flow of mana across the world!

    Jaania: A simple example from a child's textbook.
    Jaania: That belief is why none of our models worked when applied.
    Jaania: Do you remember Theano, Akanthus?
    Jaania: He was under your command, was he not?

    Jaania: He was thwarted by a brave Rose scout named Belle who apparently exhibited an interesting phenomenon over mana.
    Jaania: And that got me thinking.
    Jaania: It wasn't until my dear friend Kara SuLema reminded me that this world is so devoid of control that it finally... all became clear.
    Jaania: If not leylines, then what? I was told Belle's control over mana took the form of "unraveling".

    Jaania: Precisely, General Akanthus.
    Jaania: My theory- my new discovery- is that magic is not, as has been posited by mages for so many centuries, transferred across Lore by leylines.
    Jaania: Rather, these threads of mana are what connect people, us, to the mana core!
    Jaania: And these threads should be able to be pulled, tugged, or even cut.

    Jaania: I don't need the Magesterium. And they must not suspect anything.
    Jaania: This will work. I will weave my spell into the mana core itself by way of the Fissure.

    Jaania: My body will be sacrificed. But if I can complete the spell, my body will have little use to me, anyway.
    Jaania: I will watch over Lore. Protect it.

    Jaania: Nurture it.
    Jaania: There will be no pain, no suffering.
    Jaania: Magic will remain beautiful and untarnished.

    Jaania: And soon, it will become reality. With Amadeus' help perhaps it would have come even sooner.
    Jaania: But we must make do with what we have. Carefully, as to not draw undue attention from the Queen or the Alliance.
    Jaania: The last thing we need is the Magesterium getting wind of our movements.
    Jaania: You have your orders. You are dismissed.

    AdventureFriends! (Part 1)

    Day 1
    Jaania: I haven't been notified that it has been cancelled. And as Student Council President, I would certainly hope I would have been notified had any changes to such an important event occurred.

    Jaania: I'd be happy to lead such an extracurricular project, if Mr. Warlic approves.

    Jaania: Meeting one of the Aspenvale Academy QuestVenture Fundraising Committee, begin! Attention, fellow students. If we're going to be holding this fundraiser, and we don't want it to be a total flop, we're going to need some organization.
    Jaania: We're going to need subcommittees. Activities, Decorations, and... Leadership!

    Jaania: Naturally, I'll be heading the Leadership subcommittee. Are there any volunteers for Activities and Decorations?

    Jaania: Very well, if there is no opposition, Aria will be in charge of the Activities. Anyone willing to volunteer to lead the Decorations subcommittee?

    Jaania: Well, if no one wants to speak up... Victoria, you're in charge of Decorations.

    Jaania: Let's see... Ash, you can join Aria on the Activities subcommittee, and Aegis, you're probably a good fit for the Decorations with Victoria.

    Jaania: What about you, Tomix? I was under the impresion that you were "too cool" to help with our fundraising endeavors.

    Jaania: Fine. I guess... *sigh* I guess you can join me on Leadership. Where I can keep an eye on you.

    Jaania: What? Who? Oh. <Character>. You can... Well, since you're newer to Aspenvale Academy, I suppose I can let you choose whichever subcommittee you want to join. It will be interesting to see how you work together with your fellow classmates.
    Jaania: But all subcommittee assignments are final. So the one you choose is the one you're going to be stuck with to the end. So choose carefully.
      If you joined the Leadership Subcommittee:
      Jaania: Oh... Um... You really don't have to. I can take care of it by myself.

      Jaania: I admire your eagerness. It's... endearing. But I've got the responsibilities of the Leadership subcommittee under control. I'll let you know if I need help in the unlikely event that I ever need anything.

      Jaania: I can hear you. And it's not like I... I don't... dislike you. I just don't think there's anything of value that you can add to this subcommittee.
    Day 2
      If you select the 'Welcome to Aspenvale Academy!' option:
      Jaania: Welcome!
    Jaania: Who- Oh, it's you two. The transfer students. I think all of the subcommittee roles are filled. I don't know if there's anything...

    Jaania: *Sigh* Fine. Yashta, was it? You're with Victoria.

    Jaania: And Alz'ein... You can help Aria out with the activities planning. There. Is everyone happy? Let's get back to work.
      If you joined the Leadership Subcommittee:
      Jaania: ...I humored them, in the end. Is that not enough?

      Jaania: I have enough responsibilities on my plate as Student Council President, and as head of this Leadership subcommittee. I don't need to add hand-holding new students to that list.

      Jaania: I am not here to make "friends". I am here to become the best adventurer I can be. I plan to take what I have learned and accomplished and kickstart my career as a hero.
      Jaania: And there are plenty of students here who share that mindset, and who would leap to be at my side for the QuestVenture!

      Jaania: I am beginning to regret accepting you on to this subcommittee. Why don't you go... "hang out" with <Character> or something? Just leave me alone.

        If you select the 'Side with Jaania' option:
        Jaania: Thank you, <Character>. As for our job on the Leadership subcommittee, Tomix, we're here to resolve any issues or disputes that may arise, as well as be the conduit between the school administration and our fundraising project.

        Jaania: I don't know. I trust everyone to do their jobs properly. And if something does come up, then we will resolve it when we learn of it. Now if you would please excuse me...

        If you select the 'Side with Tomix' option:
        Jaania: Outvoted? There wasn't even a vote! And as leader of-

        Jaania: Homework.

        Jaania: I'm doing homework. And calculating finances for our budget, and drafting letters to school officials. Leader things. But... I suppose you have a point.
        Jaania: I guess it wouldn't hurt to take a... short break.
    Day 3
    Jaania: Miss your old friends from Atrea High?

    Jaania: What? Everyone's here, aren't they?
      If you joined the Leadership Subcommittee:
      Jaania: <Character>, do you mind delivering these papers to the Activities subcommittee? And then afterward, I have some budget plans I'd like you to take to Mr. Warlic's office. I could do it myself, but you don't seem busy.

        If you select the 'Sure thing, Jaania' option:
        Jaania: Thank you, <Character>.

        If you select the 'Why me?' option:
        Jaania: What was that? No, I don't think so. It's just you and me.

        Jaania: I have no idea what you're talking about. Really, this is the oddest excuse I have ever heard to avoid doing a simple task. Are you feeling well? Maybe you and Yashta have both come down with some sort of illness.

          If you select the 'No, really, there was someone else!' option:
          Jaania: As Student Council President, I think I would know if a student went missing, don't you agree? If you need a break, you can take it after you finish your tasks. Maybe later, I'll put on some tea for us.

          Jaania: Excuse you?

          Jaania: I... I can't deal with this right now. Are you going to deliver the papers or not?
    Day 4
      If you select the 'Say nothing' option:
      Jaania: Victoria, what's gotten into you?

      If you joined the Leadership Subcommittee:
      Jaania: <Character> has been acting very oddly recently. You're not dragging her/him down into delinquency with you, are you, Tomix?

      Jaania: Are you feeling okay, <Character>? Tomix was here. He helped me deliver some papers in fact. And we all had tea afterwards. Remember?

      Jaania: What happened? *redacted* What's going on?

      Jaania: I... see. I'll go fetch Mr. Warlic. Maybe he can figure out what's happening to *redacted*.

      Jaania: The... the door's locked! it won't open!

    AdventureFriends! (Part 2)

    Day ?
    Jaania: I haven't been notified that it has been cancelled. And as Student Council President, I would certainly hope I would have been notified had any changes to such an important event occurred.

    Jaania: What did I do?
      If you select the 'Say nothing' option:
      Jaania: I can't either. I... I... don't know what's happening!
    Day ??
      If you joined the Leadership Subcommittee:
      Jaania: This... this is all wrong... No... no, no, no...

      Jaania: How... How haven't you noticed? Look out the windows!

      Jaania: We're trapped. There's no escape. Everyone else, everything else is gone. There's no escape!

        If you select the 'Jaania... We're.. We're the leaders.' option:
        Jaania: But... I... I can't do this. Not by myself... There's no way... I can't...

        Jaania: You're... Yes. You're right. I can't let myself be paralyzed by fear. I... I have to...

        Jaania: And... and if I can't keep up?

        Jaania: I... see. That... that would be acceptable, I think. *sigh* Right. Let's do this.

        Jaania: <Character>, Tomix, do you see that, in the distance?

        Jaania: There's something... glowing! We should head toward it. It's... well, at least it's something different, right?

        Jaania: Then we keep going. We don't give up. We'll find our way out, no matter what it takes. All of us, together!

          If you have sufficiently bonded with Jaania:
          Jaania: Before we go... I just... I wanted to thank you, <Character>. For helping me. For staying by my side, even when I was being... well, me.
          Jaania: Once we get back to school, well, the real school... You should consider joining me on the QuestVenture. I'd appreciate it.

          Jaania: Think about, okay?

        If you select the 'We can do this, Tomix.' option:
        Jaania: Don't... don't leave me here by myself...

        Jaania: ...Everyone's counting on me... I'm the leader...

        Jaania: You're right. Both of you. I... I apologize for my moment of weakness.

        Jaania: Light. That's different. That's... different!

        Jaania: I... I don't dare hope... No. We've come this far. Even it it's some trick, or some other trial...
    Hero's Heart Day
    Jaania: <Character>.

    Jaania: Is there a reason why you're here?
      If you have sufficiently bonded with Jaania:
      Jaania: What an intriguing surprise.
      Jaania: I'm not... comfortable leaving Swordhaven, but if you'd like, I suppose I wouldn't mind having some tea with you.
      Jaania: You can tell me all about this... dream you had.

      If you have not sufficiently bonded with Jaania:
      Jaania: A Quest-what? Don't be ridiculous.

      Jaania: No.

      Jaania: Get out.

    The Spark of the Soul

    Jaania: The soul...
    Jaania: And the body...

    Jaania: Hmm...

    Jaania: Soulweaving...
    Jaania: What makes the forbidden... forbidden?
    Jaania: Manipulation of the body by means of the soul... which means either the soul itself, or the body, is special.

    Jaania: Flesh can be easily manipulated.
    Jaania: Cut, burned, or otherwise harmed.
    Jaania: Which leaves the soul.

    Jaania: What makes the soul so hard to manipulate...? The Soulweavers can do it...
    Jaania: What makes the soul so hard to...?
    Jaania: The weavers.

    Jaania: The weavers of soul threads.

    Jaania: The weavers.

    Jaania: Soul threads.
    Jaania: Such power in threads. Could these threads in fact be... that which connect one...
    Jaania: The threads... that connect one...
    Jaania: To the mana core!

    Jaania: Then... this shapes the perspective of the Oculus disaster.
    Jaania: The resulting overflow was not the latent power of the subject, but rather the result of forcing a conduit to the mana core.
    Jaania: Following that logic, then the soul is therefore limited. And depending on its strength...

    Jaania: Then how does a focus stone work?
    Jaania: If mana is passed to us from the mana core by threads, and when creating a focus stone, we pass mana to the stone, then...
    Jaania: Then the process used to create focus stones must be inherently related to manipulating the threads of mana.
    Jaania: A starting point to extrapolate from.
    Jaania: If I can figure out how to pull on these threads... combined with my theoretical spellwork from before...

    Jaania: ...
    Jaania: It's... It's for the sake of everyone on Lore.

    Jaania: I'm sorry, lost soul, but I will remember your sacrifice.

    Broken Circuit (Part 1)

    Jaania: Brittany...
    Jaania: I thought... I really thought I had it that time.

    Jaania: It worked. For a week.

    Jaania: At this point, I can only imagine it must be some kind of poison. Or multiple.

    Jaania: The only way...

    Jaania: I hate to ask, General Akanthus, but are you poisoning Princess Brittany?

    Jaania: ...
    Jaania: Then perhaps... perhaps it is a malady of the soul.

    Jaania: Indeed. The books you procured from the Shapeless Empire have been most enlightening.

    Jaania: *Sigh*
    Jaania: We must do what we can to keep the princess stable.
    Jaania: If- no, when my plans are finished- when I have control, I'll be able to solve it myself.

    Jaania: Thank you, Akanthus.

    Broken Circuit (Part 2)

    Jaania: The citizens have nothing to fear. The airship is quite safe.

    Jaania: It is the latest product of our endeavors with the gnomes.
    Jaania: The Rose has made mistakes in the past, and we seek to right them.
    Jaania: The airship is an unequivocal statement to all that The Rose is not an oppressive force, but an uplifting benefactor.
    Jaania: Perhaps in time, we will be able to work with other races in harmony to construct similar marvels.
    Jaania: It can also fly, as you've no doubt observed.
    Jaania: It may prove useful in dealing with the Proclamation rifts, should another flying Tytan appear.

    Jaania: I assure you, I have nothing but the best of intentions.
    Jaania: I hope the citizens of Swordhaven can come to understand that.

    Jaania: I apologize. Another hard lesson learned. I will not make the same mistake again.

    Reasons to Fight

    Jaania: NO!
    Jaania: No... No!
    Jaania: Not again!
    Jaania: Not... not again...
    Jaania: These souls are so...

    Jaania: So... fragile...

    Jaania: ...What is it?!

    Jaania: No... no... just a... rather strenuous spell.

    Jaania: Enter, Akanthus.

    Jaania: I could use your insight.

    Jaania: Slowly.

    Jaania: Barely.
    Jaania: Not at all.

    Jaania: ...These "Soulallies"... these Elemental "spirits"...
    Jaania: They have wills of their own, do they not?
    Jaania: They can rebel, or refuse to act in a critical moment.
    Jaania: For this to work, I need obedience. I need a tool.

    Jaania: ...
    Jaania: When I try to draw power from them... I get flashes of memories. Emotions.
    Jaania: I... I'm sacrificing these people for the greater good.
    Jaania: I can't let it be in vain. I can't.

    Jaania: They are not me. They are not...

    Jaania: These Soulallies... these... Elemental Spirits...
    Jaania: They are... aligned to specific elements... are they not?

    Jaania: And they are, from what I have read, the souls of deceased weavers?

    Jaania: And yet, these souls, as they are, are not aligned as such.
    Jaania: Perhaps instead of... attempting to bind them whole...
    Jaania: What if I were to... pull at a single aspect...

    Jaania: I will be fine.

    Jaania: ...

    Jaania: That is not an option!
    Jaania: Such a scenario would cause too much suffering across all of Lore. Too much...
    Jaania: No, I am fully prepared to sacrifice all that is necessary to see the world at peace, without first plunging it into chaos.

    Jaania: Leave me. I must pursue this new avenue of research.

    Jaania: The pain must end.

    Jaania: I will protect Lore.

    Into the Abyss

    Jaania: No... no, no, no. Again.

    Jaania: Again!
    Jaania: You will obey!

    Jaania: Rest, Siemil. Release these painful lost memories of the past.
    Jaania: I will relieve you of name and suffering.
    Jaania: Lend me your power for a higher purpose.

    Jaania: ...Ha...

    Jaania: ...Hesperrhodos.
    Jaania: I name you Hesperrhodos!
    Jaania: Elemental Spirit of Obedience!

    Twin Tides

    Jaania: Good. You've returned. Quite the resounding success, isn't he?

    Jaania: Regarding that, Queen Victoria has been asking how long I intend to keep the airship over Swordhaven.
    Jaania: I would like to have more practice before we leave, however.
    Jaania: It appears even the simplest of weaving techniques can result in significant complications.

    Jaania: Indeed. But I imagine there is a great difference between weaving simple clothing and weaving the threads of the soul.
    Jaania: What scant admonitions against the practice I can find seem to greatly overexaggerate the difficulty.
    Jaania: Hm.
    Jaania: ...How ever did you procure these texts, Akanthus?
    Jaania: Ah, never mind that—
    Jaania: I require a more hands-on approach.

    Jaania: Ah, yes.
    Jaania: Princess Brittany's mysterious ailment.
    Jaania: She's suffered for so long. But now, with Hesperrhodos at my side...
    Jaania: I can fix her. I will fix her.
    Jaania: Akanthus, I will need your assistance in preparing the poor girl's chamber.

    The Point of No Return (Part 1)

    Jaania: ...

    Jaania: ...

    Jaania: ...If I cannot heal one girl, there will be no point to a journey to the Fissure.
    Jaania: I will succeed. I must.
    Jaania: Go guard the door, Akanthus.

    Jaania: I need to focus.

    Jaania: ...Mana. I need more Mana.
    Jaania: ...What's left in the Tower should suffice...

    Jaania: Yes. Almost there.
    Jaania: I will expunge this malady from you, body and soul!

    The Point of No Return (Part 2)

    Jaania: ...
    Jaania: You've been fighting so hard. For so long.
    Jaania: Your struggle is over.

    Jaania: It's fine, Akanthus. I'm done.

    Jaania: ...Your Majesty.
    Jaania: ...And Spymaster Amadeus. Report.

    Jaania: Have you discerned a motive for these alleged actions?

    Jaania: ...Without a motive, it appears Warlic has twisted your perception of the evidence.
    Jaania: We shall take our leave.

    Jaania: Is he? And I'm supposed to trust your word, Warlic?

    Jaania: I have to?
    Jaania: You do not control me. You do not get to tell me what I have to do.
    Jaania: I know you, Warlic. All I've ever known from you are your mistakes. Your manipulation.
    Jaania: Akanthus has blundered, but he has never betrayed me.

    Jaania: I know what I have to do. What I must do.

    Jaania: Even if this "device" exists, such an eventuality will never come to pass.

    Jaania: ...
    Jaania: I have all that I need. Your support is no longer required.
    Jaania: Come, Akanthus. It is time for us to depart.

    Jaania: Ah.
    Jaania: Your Majesty.
    Jaania: In case you're wondering, my contract has been fulfilled. Brittany is cured.

    Jaania: He was there all along, happy to watch you struggle to find your feet.
    Jaania: All in all, My Queen, you're a better ruler than he could have ever hoped to be.

    Jaania: Lore takes all types.

    Jaania: And he has suffered much for it!
    Jaania: I will see that suffering to its end.
    Jaania: All suffering will end!
    Jaania: ...Even yours.

    Jaania: ...

    Jaania: ...
    Jaania: I see more clearly than I ever have.
    Jaania: General Akanthus, we're leaving. The airship awaits.

    Jaania: No. Leave them.
    Jaania: I want them to see how wrong they were to doubt me.
    Jaania: I want them to enjoy the new world to come.

    Jaania: ...Goodbye, Warlic.

    From the Embers

    Jaania: Please, I'm... I'm not—

    Jaania: I... just did what I had to. To protect everyone.

    Jaania: I tried to protect them. To save them.
    Jaania: I... was caught off guard. I made a mistake.

    Jaania: But this was not my end. It could not be my end!
    Jaania: ...Not when so many people... are counting on me.

    Jaania: A-Alex...?

    Jaania: No, Alex is... gone...

    Jaania: ...Who are you?

    Jaania: Thank you, Akanthus. Let us waste no more time.

    Hawk in the Sky

    Jaania: The shields seem to be holding, and the trithril should protect the hull.
    Jaania: Fire back with the artillery. I will be above deck soon to assess the situation myself.
    Jaania: Hesperrhodos, take a message to our allies on the ground.
    Jaania: Have them find and stop whatever is behind this assault.

    Jaania: Now, let's see what this is all about then.

    Jaania: Conserving my mana is more important. If I must dive into the Fissure from above, so be it.

    Jaania: And why would that be necessary?

    Jaania: ...So that's how it is.
    Jaania: To think they would stoop so low as to ally with those monsters.
    Jaania: Begin a controlled descent. We will have to—


    Crash and Burn

    Jaania: Well done, Akanthus.

    Jaania: ...

    Jaania: No. Nothing.

    Jaania: ...Certainly. I assessed as much.

    Jaania: General Akanthus, lead our survivors to the encampment. I will follow shortly. There is something I'd like to confirm.

    Jaania: I appreciate your concern, General. I will only be a moment.

    Jaania: That is just an energy source... isn't it...?
    Jaania: ...They couldn't have been right. They can't be!

    Jaania: And yet...
    Jaania: What Amadeus said back in the castle with... the others...
    Jaania: Now that I've seen it for myself... the power it exudes...
    Jaania: ...No. No. Akanthus wouldn't....
    Jaania: ...He... saved me...

    Jaania: And yet...
    Jaania: ...So much of the inexplicable could be explained.

    Threads of Trust

    Jaania: Akanthus.
    Jaania: There were so many possibilities. So many potential explanations I saw in the mirror.
    Jaania: But I have seen the truth of the device you are so attached to. And from that truth cascades so many others.
    Jaania: Of all the possibilities, it appears the reality is that you abused my faith and trust in you.

    Jaania: ...Tell me it isn't true.

    Jaania: No. Lie to me!
    Jaania: Spin me a made up fantasy that explains everything—

    Jaania: ...

    Jaania: ...Then why?
    Jaania: Why did you save me? Why did you protect me back then?
    Jaania: Why help me create The Rose?

    Jaania: Everything they said back in Swordhaven. Everything he claimed. Is it true?
    Jaania: What do you intend to do with that... device of yours?

    Jaania: And if it destroys Lore?
    Jaania: Your condition causes you much suffering. But is this really the answer?

    Jaania: ...Are you implying that the Mana Core has sentience?

    Jaania: If the Mana Core has a will... then...
    Jaania: No, such hypotheticals don't matter. Not now.
    Jaania: I would do a better job, anyway. And if it is dormant, then it will be all the easier.
    Jaania: And when I succeed...

    Jaania: You want me to trust you now? After all this? And what if I fail?

    Jaania: ...
    Jaania: And when all this is over— when your suffering finally comes to an end, what then?

    Jaania: Normally I would freeze you in place here, just to be certain.
    Jaania: But we both know that wouldn't work.
    Jaania: What if I froze that Doom device of yours instead?

    Jaania: You have betrayed my trust, Akanthus. I cannot abide that.

    Jaania: Very well.

    Jaania: On this, we work together.
    Jaania: You are dismissed, General Akanthus.

    Jaania: ...As if I had any choice.
    Jaania: But still... He is as much a victim as anyone else.
    Jaania: The twisted systems that brought him about will be dismantled.
    Jaania: Whether the Core has a will of its own or not, I will supplant it.
    Jaania: ...
    Jaania: There can be no margin for error.

    Jaania: It must be perfect.
    Jaania: Hesperrhodos, fetch me some blank scrolls and ink.

    The Flame Within

    Jaania: Then we're out of time for preparation.
    Jaania: Call for Ahimsa and Tipu, and gather whoever is nearby. We will begin our descent immediately.

    Jaania: I don't care.
    Jaania: I will not risk unnecessary confrontation. And bring your device with you if you must.

    Jaania: Hesperrhodos, the time has come.

    The Final Steps

    Jaania: Place those instruments over there. Make sure they're properly spaced.
    Jaania: The other ingredients need to be close to hand...

    Jaania: And threaten to bring down the entire Scaffold with the chaos of battle? No.
    Jaania: Stand watch, or help move things, if you wish to be of use.
    Jaania: I must prepare for my ascension.

    Jaania: ...Surely they will see reason.
    Jaania: They are not villains.
    Jaania: They want what's best for Lore, just like me.

    Jaania: They will come to see that this is the only way.

    Convergence (Part 1)

    Jaania: <Character>. Alteon, Amadeus.
    Jaania: ...Warlic and... Alexander.
    Jaania: And a member of the Magesterium... with one of those abominations, nonetheless.
    Jaania: ...All here to stop me from saving the world.

    Jaania: I don't understand!

    Jaania: We have the same goals, <Character>.
    Jaania: We both want to protect people. We both want to save the world.
    Jaania: By arbitrating the flow of mana, I will ensure that none will ever have to suffer again.
    Jaania: Isn't that what you want, too?

    Jaania: And how would you protect everyone? You are only one hero. You cannot be everywhere at once.
    Jaania: What if you manage to stop me? Your Magesterium 'allies' will restore the status quo.
    Jaania: You've seen the horrors they are responsible for. Are you proud to be complicit in their future sins?

    Jaania: Rebuilt on the backs and blood of how many? While you're off rebuilding Nieboheim, what of Falconreach?
    Jaania: You're only one hero, <Character>.
    Jaania: But let's say you could somehow solve everyone's problems, everywhere.
    Jaania: How is that any different from my plan?
    Jaania: Is your problem simply with me, then? With my values?

    Jaania: I admit I have made mistakes.
    Jaania: ...You're right, <Character>. I am imperfect.
    Jaania: But everything I am doing, everything I have done— Can't you at least understand what it's all for?
    Jaania: It's clear you have your doubts. So I have a proposal for you.
    Jaania: You are a weaver of some skill, are you not?
    Jaania: Let us weave this spell together.
    Jaania: If you are afraid of my judgment, join me. Balance me.
    Jaania: Together, we will save Lore. As equals.

    Jaania: I... I see.
    Jaania: I respect your resolve, but you cannot be allowed to interfere.
    Jaania: Akanthus, I must finish my preparations. Hold them off, please.

    Jaania: Well done, Hesperrhodos.

    Jaania: I... I didn't want it to come to this.
    Jaania: I wanted you to see reason, to be a part of the world to come.
    Jaania: I wanted you to be happy!

    Jaania: Alteon, you were happy, were you not? Before the Vind told you what to believe and turned you against me?

    Jaania: Amadeus. I brought you into The Rose, I trusted you and you trusted me. I accepted you as you were.
    Jaania: Do you no longer trust my judgment?

    Jaania: And was that so wrong? To believe in people?

    Jaania: ...
    Jaania: <Character>...?

    Jaania: Then... I believe we've said all there is to say.
    Jaania: It seems you've left me with no choice.

    Jaania: For my vision to become reality, you must be removed.

    Jaania: No. No, no, no!

    Jaania: End? End?!
    Jaania: You think... I'm going to give up on my dreams... everything I've worked for, sacrificed for...
    Jaania: Everything... Everyone... Just like that?!

    Jaania: No... No!

    Jaania: Hesperrhodos!
    Jaania: With me!

    Convergence (Part 2)

    Jaania: Our hopes... as one...!
    Jaania: Full synchronization!

    Jaania: Such... completeness.

    Jaania: Enemies of my perfect world, you will fall.

    Jaania: I gave you a chance to turn away.
    Jaania: I gave you a chance to join me.
    Jaania: It seems my world will have to do without you.

    Jaania: Enough!
    Jaania: Enough...

    Jaania: You win.

    Jaania: But my dream... my world...

    Jaania: ...

    Jaania: Akanthus—

    The End of Magic (Part 1)

    Jaania: ...

    Jaania: No.
    Jaania: He... is right.
    Jaania: The Rose, the sacrifices we made, the progress we built for my dream...
    Jaania: Even that dream itself.
    Jaania: What meaning, what purpose did it all serve, if I would discard it just for my own satisfaction?
    Jaania: I held the fate of the world in one hand and my selfish desires in the other...
    Jaania: And I... I...
    Jaania: ...

    Jaania: ...You all speak as though the day is already won.
    Jaania: As though <Character>'s victory is certain.

    Jaania: ...
    Jaania: ...Yes. Yes, I... I am.

    Jaania: ...I'm not proud of it.

    Jaania: ...So he failed, too.

    Jaania: ..!

    Jaania: Hold on. I think... I think I have a solution.

    Jaania: The spell I wanted to weave— I can adapt it! I think. No, I'm sure. It... would be messy, but...
    Jaania: If Aequilibria and the Mana Core are one and the same as Warlic says, then... the theory should carry over...
    Jaania: Zvezdana, was it? Help me up, please.

    Jaania: Warlic, there is a difference between the physicality of the Mana Core and the flow of mana threads, is that correct?

    Jaania: Hmm... we'll have to make some adjustments, but I believe my spell will still work.

    Jaania: No. <Character>... You...

    Jaania: Lore needs you, <Character>. Not me.
    Jaania: I know you don't trust me. And you have every right not to.
    Jaania: But... I'm willing to put my trust in you.
    Jaania: If— no, when this succeeds... it'll be up to you to keep everyone safe.

    Jaania: Using my flow control spell as a basis, I will weave a sieve around the Core.

    Jaania: The natural flow of mana will continue unimpeded. You have my word.

    Jaania: A fair concern. I imagine Aequilibria will not be content to be contained.
    Jaania: But even the slightest extra push along the currents of mana will not escape my notice.
    Jaania: I expect it will be a rather... perpetual struggle to hold it back, but no more of a burden than I had planned for already.

    Jaania: Originally, I had planned to fuel the spell by siphoning from the Mana Core directly.

    Jaania: ...And now that the nature of the Core has been revealed, perhaps it would have caused unexpected problems...

    Jaania: It will still take a toll on us, though. Especially if Aequilibria makes any concentrated efforts to break out.

    Jaania: It should be possible for me to repair it, but that would split my focus. Even if you were to help, that's still only the two of us...

    Jaania: ...Alex—

    Jaania: ...

    Jaania: If not you... then another, right?
    Jaania: We'll just have to hold it as long as we need to.

    Jaania: *Sigh*

    Jaania: Alex?

    Jaania: Warlic?

    Jaania: Let's begin.

    Jaania: I'm ready to begin casting! Warlic, Alexander, I will need your help.
    Jaania: <Character>—

    The End of Magic (Part 2)

    Jaania: Alexander, your turn!

    Jaania: We've been running out of time since this whole ordeal started!
    Jaania: But...we cannot afford to make mistakes. I'm almost finished re-checking the weave. Just one moment...

    Jaania: Right. Everything looks to be in place.

    Jaania: ...This is it, then.
    Jaania: To think I'll be sealed away again...

    Jaania: I...
    Jaania: I... when I froze you after the battle against Wargoth...
    Jaania: I was scared. I was angry.
    Jaania: But then came the recognition... and the expectations. I was treated like a hero. I wanted to be a hero.
    Jaania: I wanted to live up to that title, beyond that title.
    Jaania: ...But now...
    Jaania: Maybe others could learn from my example. My failures.
    Jaania: Or maybe it would be better to be forgotten.
    Jaania: I know I'm the last person you want to hear from, <Character>.
    Jaania: So... I have a question for you, <Character>. What...
    Jaania: What will you tell people about what happened here?

    Jaania: As have I.

    Jaania: ...
    Jaania: Yes. The spell is ready. I... I am ready.

    Jaania: Right.

    Jaania: Just like the old days...

    Other information
  • Jaania previously appeared in the retired quests The Beast, Timelines, Tournament of Champions / (Easy), The Gala, Are Rocks Evil?, Queen of Swordhaven, Three Questions, The Obsidian Tomb, The Queen of Roses, and An Elegy of Ice and Fire; any retired content has been archived on its respective entry.

    Front View
    Book 3 Appearance
    Casual Appearance
    The Gala Appearance
    Fashion Development Appearance(s)
    Unhooded Appearance
    Coat Appearance
    AdventureFriends! Appearance
    From the Embers Appearance
    Convergence Appearance
    Full Synch Appearance

    Appearance with White Hair

    Thanks to
  • Voodoo Master for image.
  • Heartdragon for front view appearance image.
  • DemonicDarkwraith for additional images.
  • Dove for Fashion Development appearance(s) image.
  • Jay for updated dialogue and other information.

    < Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 2/12/2025 0:25:28 >
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