 ArchKnight DragonFable
The Queen of Roses Location: First Halo -> Quests! -> Queen of Roses Requirements: Completion of Culture Shock Release Date: August 18th, 2018 Objective: Queen Victoria is burdened by the reign. Objective completed: Akanthus, just as Jaania, has found his conviction. Experience rewarded: 0 Gold rewarded: 0 Monsters None NPCs Akanthus Amadeus Jaania Robina Rewards None Dialogue *In Swordhaven Castle, a distressed Robina stands on a balcony to contemplate her new responsibilities as the Queen of Swordhaven.* Robina: *deep sigh* *Robina looks up at the sky, wishing the best for King Alteon's recovery; however, Robina is heavily burdened by her new responsibilities.* Robina: I hope you are well, father. Robina: I'm not cut out for this. I never thought ruling a kingdom was so... exhausting. You do it with such ease. Robina: You know how to deal with the dignitaries. Which hands to shake. Robina: I should have watched you. I should have been around. Robina: Brittany's much better suited for this than me. Even Tara. Robina: Brit's not doing well... Whenever she starts regaining even a sliver of health, the next day she's robbed of it. Robina: She's getting worse and I don't know what to do. Robina: I'm trying everything. The best mages and medics in the kingdom. Robina: I can't do anything... Robina: I can't do anything right... Robina: Even though people tell me otherwise, I know that the kingdom is crumbling under my "rule". I was never good at this. Robina: I can't sleep... Robina: I have no one... Robina: No one I can trust here. Robina: I'm surrounded by sleeziness... *Robina begins to cry as she laments that her simplier days is behind now.* Robina: Mom... Robina: I don't want this! Robina: I want to go back to the days I could just... *Robina cries in silence until she hears a familiar voice that shows up on the balcony to see her.* ???: That's not how a queen should act. *Robina's eyes widened in surprise as she turns around to face whoever comes to see her.* Robina: Momma?! *Robina's expression changes from surprise to exasperation when she realizes who actually came to the balcony.* Robina: Oh... Robina: It's you. *The individual is revealed is none other than Jaania herself, who returned from her travels to The Fissure; Robina is not pleased to see Jaania.* Robina: Don't you ever knock? Jaania: Greetings, my Queen. I just wanted to notify you that I've returned and I'm ready to serve you as you see fit. Robina: ... Jaania: My Lady... if you ever need advice, please don't hesitate to knock on my door. Jaania: I know a thing or two about managing people. Jaania: You said you can't sleep. I'll be more than happy to help you with that. Jaania: Although... a good leader loses sleep, so that their subjects can rest well at night. Robina: Thank you, but I don't require your advice. Jaania: Very well. *Jaania smiles despite that Robina is resistant of her advice.* Jaania: I'd make a good queen... Robina: I beg your pardon? Jaania: Ah, my apologies. Fare thee well, my Lady. Jaania: I'll be in my study, if you need me. Robina: I won't. *Robina and Jaania briefly exchange glares at each other until Jaania turns around to leaves the balcony, leaving Robina by herself once more; meanwhile, in the Ivory Tower, Akanthus can seen holding a focus point from Bolemira when Amadeus approaches him from behind.* Amadeus: General Akanthus. *Akanthus's eyes shift toward the direction of Amadeus.* Akanthus: Don't you ever knock? Amadeus: Lady Jaania has returned from her voyage and asked me to deliver these reports to you. Amadeus: She expects you to familiarize yourself with them and report to her post haste. *Amadeus hands Akanthus the reports; Akanthus puts down the focus point on a desk as he look over Jaania's reports of The Fissure.* Akanthus: ... *Akanthus is surprised by what the reports document and becomes alarmed when he finishes reading them.* Akanthus: Have you read this? Amadeus: I didn't, obviously. These documents were sealed. Akanthus: ... Akanthus: This... this is huge. Akanthus: The Fissure... Akanthus: You're dismissed. *Akanthus walks out of the room while Amadeus looks at him from behind without turning around; after Akanthus leaves, Amadeus looks at the focus point that Akanthus put down on a desk; scene shifts to focus back at Amadeus before it fades to black.* Complete Quest Thanks to Occavatra for original entry.
< Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 8/1/2023 22:00:45 >