 ArchKnight DragonFable
One Step Forward Location: Sulen'Eska -> Up -> Up Vortex -> Up -> Kara SuLema -> Quests -> One Step Forward -> Quest!, Location: Sulen'Eska -> Up -> Up Vortex -> Mritha -> Past Quests -> Kara SuLema -> Quests -> One Step Forward -> Quest! Requirements: Completion of A Decisive Blow Release Date: May 28th, 2021 Objective: Things are looking up for the Vind... Objective completed: It's been a while, Jaania. Experience rewarded: Scaled Gold rewarded: Scaled Monsters (2) Energizer (1) Frogidile (2) ManaHunter (1) (3) ManaHunter (2) (6) Mushroom (1) Nature Elemental (1) Snapperdilla (1) Swamp Shambler (2) Tog NPCs Amadeus Bajacu' Jaania Kara SuLema Melissa Mritha Niki Svera Rewards Woven Vines Wooden Carved Beads Seed Spitter Seed Fossil Necklace Flower Necklace Stone Bead Necklace Crystal Necklace Glamorstone Necklace Access to After War DC. Dialogue *In Sulen'Eska's meeting area, Kara SuLema holds a meeting with you and the other members of the Vind.* Kara SuLema: Thank you all for gathering at my behest. Kara SuLema: I wanted to... I wanted to thank you all for your help. For believing in me. In this cause. Kara SuLema: In the Vind. Kara SuLema: It's thanks to your hard work that we were able to save the clawkin, and defend the Dravir against the odds. Kara SuLema: Since we repelled the attack on Haven, more and more join us in Sulen'Eska by the day. Kara SuLema: Tales of the heroics of the Vind, all of us, all of the resistance, are spreading like seeds on the wind. Kara SuLema: But as our numbers grow, I can't help but worry. Kara SuLema: I... I didn't ask to lead the Vind. Kara SuLema: No matter what happens, I just hope what we're doing is right. That we're making Lore a better place. *Kara SuLema contemplates about leading the Vind and its hardships.* Niki: Kara... Niki: I've had my own doubts. There are... There are those we are unable to save. That is a fact. Niki: After the siege of Haven, I asked myself if it was worth it. All this loss, even among the victories. Niki: But I've seen what has happened to the clawkin first-hand. I've visited the refugees living in the boughs of Sulen'Eska. Niki: Rest assured, it's better that we are here to defend who we can, than not at all. Bajacu': Niki speaks true! Bajacu': You are not all-powerful. Not one among us is. Bajacu': You must have confidence, Kara. We follow because we trust your leadership. Kara SuLema: Thank you, Niki, Bajacu'. Kara SuLema: When I started the Vind from the lost scraps of the Sanctuary, I did it because there was no one else who would. Kara SuLema: Who could. Kara SuLema: I truly appreciate– ???: Kara! Intruder incoming! *A wind elf with orange eyes interrupts the meeting with urgent news.* Kara SuLema: Svera? What is the matter? Is there another disagreement between the refugees? ???: Let me through! I have to speak to Karla! Kareena? Whatever her name is! Kara SuLema: Let our guest in, Svera. Kara SuLema: I have confidence I will be safe. Svera: As you wish, Kara. *Per Kara's request, Svera allows a purple-haired fairy with purple wings to enter the meeting.* Kara SuLema: And who might you be? Melissa: I'm Melissa. Kara SuLema: A pleasure to meet you, Melissa. I am Kara, leader of the Vind. Kara SuLema: ...And I got the impression there was something you urgently wanted to discuss with me? Melissa: Ah, right. Let me just... *Melissa holds and reads her paper to the members of the Vind.* Melissa: Ahem. Melissa: Greetings, Kara of the Vind. Melissa: And assorted leadership. Melissa: I am Melissa, princess of the Fairy Court. <Character>: Didn't we already do that introduction? Mritha: Shh! Melissa: I have come as a representative of my people, the Fairies. Melissa: To humbly request your aid. Melissa: Queen Maeve believes that The Rose is targeting our current grove. Melissa: And they may make their move soon. Melissa: We believe that with the aid of the Vind we- blah, blah, blah. Niki: Blah? Melissa: Look. We need your help, okay? Melissa: The Rose has been getting a bit too close to our grove for comfort. Melissa: My... mother, Queen Maeve, that is, refuses to let me fight them off, and we heard about what you did for the dravir and the clawkin. Melissa: You're the resistance, right? Can you do some resisting for us? Shoo away The Rose or something? Kara SuLema: Your mother is Queen Maeve... of the Fairies? Mritha: Aren't you a bit tall to be a fairy? Kara SuLema: Mritha! Melissa: You know, in all my years, I have somehow, by some miracle, never heard that one before. Melissa: If you want to keep all your limbs, I suggest I never hear it from you again. Mritha: Brave talk from an oversized dragon snack. *Your dragon appears to be drooling, presumably now tempted after Mritha's words.* Mritha: ...I think we're going to get along. Kara SuLema: Please, excuse Mritha. She– Melissa: It's fine. She speaks her mind. I like that. Melissa: So, about the help? Kara SuLema: I'd be glad to provide any aid possible, but– Melissa: Great. Sounds good. Let's get going. Kara SuLema: But we need to be careful now more than ever before. Kara SuLema: We have more refugees to care for, more fighters to train, just... more everything. Kara SuLema: We will reconvene with you in a moment, Melissa. But please, allow us some time for private counsel. *There is a brief moment of silence following Kara's orders for Melissa to leave during the Vind's private counsel.* Melissa: Okay. Melissa: Nice tree you have here. Kara SuLema: Private. Counsel. Kara SuLema: Svera can show you the way out, if you'd like. Melissa: Right. Private. Gotcha. *Melissa leaves the meeting.* Kara SuLema: Melissa, princess of the fairies... <Character>: She's certainly a character. Kara SuLema: I haven't had any dealings with the fairies personally, but I see that the rumors of them being... capricious are not unfounded. Bajacu': We clawkin tend to avoid them. Mischievous beings, though not malicious. Yet beings nonetheless. Niki: We have to try to help them, don't we? We can't just leave them for The Rose to attack! Mritha: I agree. We can't stand by and do nothing. <Character>: If The Rose threatens more innocents, then I'll do my best to defend those who need it. Kara SuLema: Thank you, everyone. I'm glad we are all in agreement. Kara SuLema: Prepare yourselves, we're off to visit the Fairy Court! *You fight your way through various creatures and Rose members on your way to the Fairy Court.* Melissa: Welcome... to the Fairy Court! Melissa: I... *You, Melissa, and the other Vind members find that the Fairy Court is empty.* Melissa: Hold on. Where is... everyone? <Character>: Are we too late? We fought The Rose along the way here... Maybe... Melissa: Stop. No... Niki: There's no sign of struggle that I can see. Melissa: Mother... you wouldn't... Mritha: Melissa? What's going on? Bajacu': Where are the fairies? Melissa: That must be it. Melissa: You were too slow! Mother must have had no choice... Kara SuLema: The fairies must have gone already. Melissa: How could they leave me behind?! <Character>: Melissa? Melissa: If they were going to leave anyway... why? Melissa: Not even a trace to follow... Kara SuLema: Melissa... I'm sorry... If only we were quicker... <Character>: Wait. Melissa, didn't you say earlier that Queen Maeve didn't want you to fight? Melissa: Yeah. In front of the whole court too. As if I didn't have the training. Or the skill. <Character>: What if... What if sending you out to find the Vind was her way of granting you that wish? Melissa: You mean... <Character>: Yeah! She knew you wanted to fight The Rose, but if the other fairies didn't agree, what else could she do? Mritha: That had to have been her plan! Melissa: But... everyone else... *Melissa contemplates Queen Maeve and the Fairy Court's decision to leave her behind to fight the Rose.* Melissa: I... I need some time to think. Please. Leave me to my thoughts. *Meanwhile, in Swordhaven, Jaania is in her room with her magic mirror; someone is knocking on her door.* ???: Lady Jaania? ???: I bring news from General Akanthus. Jaania: Yes? What is it, Amadeus? *Amadeus, who has an appearance of a young man with light red hair, enters Jaania's room.* Amadeus: The campaign against the Vind has run into some setbacks. Jaania: The... Vind? Amadeus: The ones who attacked the prison and broke out a number of high priority magical criminals, my lady. Amadeus: General Akanthus suspects they may end up targeting the Oculus Tower project. Jaania: Ah. Yes. That Vind. Amadeus: On that matter, General Akanthus is requesting more funds and troops. Jaania: He shall have them. Amadeus: Very well, my lady. Amadeus: And a final note– Amadeus: There are reports that <Character> has been seen in the company of the Vind. *Jaania pauses, presumably as her once previous ally during the events with Wargoth has resurfaced.* Jaania: Has s/he now? Amadeus: I take it you read Magus Hansa's report on the Sandsea incident? Jaania: It crossed my desk, yes. Amadeus: Very well. I shall take my leave. *Amadeus leaves Jaania's room; Jaania ponders the Hero's resurfacing.* Jaania: <Character>... Jaania: What has <Character> done? Jaania: What could s/he do? *Jaania turns to her magic mirror for enlightenment.* Jaania: Magic and power. Jaania: Where <Character> and <Dragon> go, so too follows destruction and catastrophe. Jaania: Such things... must be contained. *Scene cuts to black.* Complete Quest Loot for DCs - opens After War DC shop. Other information A minx fairy circle acts as a healing source during the quest. Pop-up headline during the quest: quote:
What a rare sight, a minx fairy circle! This quest replaced After the War with new dialogue, artwork, structure, music, and a level 87 reward; more information can be found in the May 28th, 2021 Design Notes. Amadeus' fourth dialogue was previously "General Akanthus suspects them to have had a hand in the Oculus Tower disaster."; this was updated on October 22nd, 2021.
< Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 5/23/2023 20:39:19 >