Back to the Mainland (Full Version)

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Occavatra -> Back to the Mainland (9/16/2016 23:31:55)

Back to the Mainland

Location: Azaveyr Port Inn -> Mazurek -> Let's go!
Requirements: Completion of Precious "Cargo"
Release Date: September 16th, 2016

Objective: Time to go back to Osprey Cove!
Objective completed: Arr!

Experience rewarded: Scaled
Gold rewarded: Scaled

(X) Bonny Lass
(X) Buccaneer
(X) Energizer
(X) Galeocerda
(X) L.D. Monkee
(X) ManaHunter
(X) Ocean Fury
(X) Pirate Monkee
(X) Unlucky Pirate


Experimental Captain's Rifle (All Versions)
Pirate's Pal (All Versions)

Access to TLaPD 2016 Loot.


*As you and Mazurek prepare to leave from Azaveyr, Bavlo arrives at the pier in time to help pack and say goodbye.*

Bavlo: There, cargo's loaded. You are good to go.
Mazurek: Thanks sweetie. Love ye.
Bavlo: Shut up, you love everyone.
Mazurek: Yar, well, I 'ave so much love t' be givin' aft all!
Bavlo: Bah!
Bavlo: Be seeing you, surface dweller!
Mazurek: Don't count on it, gemborn!
<Character>: Bye Bavlo!
Bavlo: Harumph...

  • Quest - begins minigame.
  • Heal & Potions - fully replenishes HP, MP, and potions.
  • Leave - returns to Talk Like a Pirate Day 2016.

    *You play a minigame, where you control the Kessel using your mouse; if you collide with a rock or a ship, you must fight a monster (see other information) before continuing; after completing the minigame, now back at the Land of Dragons, you and Mazurek regroup at Osprey Cove after docking the Kessel there.*

    Mazurek: I be thankin' ye fer th' help <Character>. Tis much appreciated, it is.
    <Character>: I hope these people will find themselves at peace in Volkenraand. The Rose shouldn't bother them there.
    Mazurek: Aye, I be hopin' so too, but... th' winds are freshenin'. Thar be a storm brewin'.
    Mazurek: Anyway, fer a landlubber, ye 'ave some nice sailin' skills ye know. Th' offer remains. I expect ye t' sign aboard me crew in th' future!

    *You smile upon hearing Mazurek's words; scene fades to black.*

  • Complete Quest
  • DC Loot Shop - opens TLaPD 2016 Loot shop.

    Other information
  • After completing this quest, you will be teleported to Talk Like a Pirate Day 2016.
  • The player has a option to restart during the Kessel minigame.
  • During the minigame, colliding with a rock or a ship will have these specific encounters:

    Thanks to DemonicDarkwraith for entry reformat, other information, and corrections.

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