 ArchKnight DragonFable
Talk Like a Pirate Day 2016 Access Point: (2016/2017) Book of Lore -> Go see Mazurek! Access Point: (2023) Book of Lore -> TLAPD: Mazurek's Precious "Cargo", Access Point: Osprey Cove Inn (Book 3) -> Left Up -> Right -> Right Up -> Ol' Raspy -> Past TLaPD -> Precious Cargo Requirements: None Release Date: September 16th, 2016 Quests Available Precious "Cargo" NPCs None Shops None Dialogue None Talk Like a Pirate Day 2016 - begins Precious "Cargo" quest. Leave - returns to player's home town. Other information Mazurek appears in this zone, but offers no dialogue.
< Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 9/29/2024 16:48:37 >