Gaelan (Full Version)

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Occavatra -> Gaelan (5/19/2017 21:44:42)


Location: Falconreach Inn (Book 3) -> Up, Frostval in Falconreach, The Unboxing, Stew It Yourself

Quests given
Spirits in the Inn

Shops owned
Player Suggestion Shop
The Inn Shop

Falconreach Inn (Book 3)
(after Epilogue)

Gaelan: Hello! Welcome to the "Serene Inn"! May I offer you some fresh bread, with a touch of magick? Or perhaps you'd like a room?

  • Talk
    Gaelan: What can I do for you?
    • Talk
      Gaelan: I will be happy to answer any of your questions!

      • Who are you?
        Gaelan: My name is Gaelan. I am a conventional mage, I specialize in abjuration magick and enchanting...
        Gaelan: ... and I love learning about different cultures!

      • Why are you here?
        Gaelan: I've recently arrived here, in the Land of Dragons, which we call "Smocha Gwova" back in Azaveyr, to learn about this continent!

      • Why an Innkeeper?
        Gaelan: Well... I saw the "Innkeeper Wanted" notice... and I decided to apply!
        Gaelan: I mean, how else are you going to learn about a new place if not by hearing about it from the local people and heroes?
        Gaelan: I have been... told... about the previous Innkeeper.
        Gaelan: She must have been a wonderful person... you have my condolences.
        Gaelan: I would like you to know that I am not here to "fill" her shoes.
        Gaelan: Please don't think of me as a replacement for her, because from what I've heard... I cannot aspire to be like her...
        Gaelan: I am my own person and I will make sure to run this inn as well as she did... but with my own personal touch!

      • The Rose
        Gaelan: I have been made aware of The Rose and its influence on this continent. This is such an interesting subject!
        Gaelan: Back in Azaveyr magick is revered, but here it is... what's the word... shunned?
        Gaelan: I would love to meet this Jaania, I have SO many questions for her!
        Gaelan: How did this organization come to be?
        Gaelan: What happened to this poor woman to make her this way?
        Gaelan: Anyway, I know that Falconreach still supports magick, and I love that!

      • Conventional mage?
        Gaelan: I use normal magick... Like... a normal mage does!

        Gaelan: I'm not a Magester.
        Gaelan: Because of the piece of the Mana Core, Magesters are able to use unconventional magicks, that are fueled directly by the piece itself.
        Gaelan: I used to dream of becoming a Magester, but... I've learned what it takes, and I just couldn't.
        Gaelan: I couldn't bear to use... the ignominious.

        Gaelan: Magesters have developed such a dependency on the piece, they cannot draw from the Mana Core itself.
        Gaelan: And so... being a Magester comes with the positives and, to those who view them as such, negatives.
        Gaelan: Positives: one is able to fully control the flow of magick from the Mana Core piece...
        Gaelan: ... allowing them to discover magicks that far beyond what a normal mage can do.
        Gaelan: Negatives: one is either confined to stay in close proximity to the piece, otherwise they cannot perform spells... or to get their own ignominious.
        Gaelan: A felon who, as a mean of... reformation, has been injected, over and over again, with raw mana from the piece.
        Gaelan: They act as walking, living nexuses.
        Gaelan: Therefore, for me, it was either to stay in one place for the rest of my life...
        Gaelan: ... or to use convicts who have been robbed of their selves to serve as... a power source.

        Gaelan: I wanted neither.
        Gaelan: Suffice to say, the Shapeless Empire is... a trying place. For the empties AND for the blessed.

        Gaelan: OH!

        Gaelan:My apologies!

        Gaelan: That's how we-
        Gaelan: I mean they-
        Gaelan: ... are calling those who are cursed with being mundane and those who are gifted with magick.
        Gaelan: Sorry, I have lived there long enough to pick up bad naming habits.
        Gaelan: I'm doing my best to stop trying to label people, though!

    • Ghosts
      Gaelan: Apparently, this inn is haunted! The knight Ash has been clearing out the ghosts, but they keep coming back!
      Gaelan: Fascinating!
      Gaelan: Since I have been told having ghosts is bad for business, could you... look into it, please?

    • Doom Items
      Gaelan: Oh, I think there is an orb that's selling them. I don't know what they are, though!

    • Player Suggestion Shop
      Gaelan: Yes, I do indeed manage a shop with items that have been crafted by local heroes!
  • Shop - opens The Inn Shop.

  • Fresh bread! - adds Serene Bread to your Temporary Items.

  • Rest and Heal

  • Rest until evening / Rest until morning - exactly as the option above, except it also switches the time of day from day to night and vice versa.

  • Set Hometown
    Gaelan: I was instructed to provide a room for free, just for you! Are you sure you want your hometown to be here in Falconreach?
    • Yes
    • Nevermind
  • Reset Base Class - loads, saves, and equips player's base class.

    Frostval (Chapter 15)

    Frostval in Falconreach

    Gaelan: That's right! I wanted to do a spin on your guys' usual ornamental tradition!

    Gaelan: How did it get here?

    Gaelan: Oh my! This must have taken a lot of time and effort!

    Gaelan: Is this what usually happens here?

    The Unboxing

    Gaelan: Oh my! The creatures here are so interesting!

    Gaelan: Without a doubt!

    Thankstaking (Chapter 15)

    Stew It Yourself

    Gaelan: Pardon me, I didn't mean to eavesdrop...
    Gaelan: ...(and by that I meant I had no other choice, everyone in Falconreach could hear you)...
    Gaelan: ...but did you say that you needed an "extra special dish that'll blow everyone's taste buds away"?

    Gaelan: Well, then, umm... I may be of help!
    Gaelan: Back home, in Azaveyr, we had this special stew that I think would compliment your Thankstaking feast quite well.
    Gaelan: I do believe I could find most of the ingredients, or their substitutes, here, but...
    Gaelan: Someone would have to acquire one very specific ingredient, that's only raised and bred in my village.

    Gaelan: And, sadly, I cannot return to Azaveyr, so... maybe Ruby—

    Gaelan: The village I grew up in is the only one that specializes in breeding these cabbages, it's near the Bald Mountains up north, I'll mark it on your—

    Gaelan: Yes?

    Gaelan: Right, so, I'll mark it on your map! When you get there, tell whoever is in charge of the farm that "Gaelan sent you".
    Gaelan: Let's see, I think I will need... five Capustaks!

    Gaelan: Capustak! That's what they are called. Capustaks!

    Gaelan: Oh, and if you can, sour them a bit!

    Gaelan: These are perfect, <Character>! Thank you!
    Gaelan: I'll get to work right away!

    Other information
  • Gaelan's 'Conventional mage?' dialogue was modified on May 24th, 2024; any retired content has been archived here.

    Teaser Image
    Frostval Appearance

    Thanks to
  • DemonicDarkwraith for image and corrections.
  • Dove for teaser image.

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