RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (Full Version)

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Lv 1000 -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (1/18/2021 0:20:25)

From Kam on Discord:

Item Update -

Master's Blade: The full HP boost now caps out at +15% Melee, but still scales down to where you lose half the boost at 75% HP, and the boost fully vanishes once you're <= 50% HP. The Blind mode also now pays 15% Melee by default, and gains up to another 15% Melee from the full HP boost. This effectively means that by default the Blind is x1.5 potency so -(12.6 x MobLightRes x Hits / Attempts) BtH for 2 turns, and then you get another up to -(12.6 x stuff) from the full HP boost, so at 75% HP you'd attempt a -(18.9 x stuff) BtH Blind.

Spacefarer's Frost Cannon: The Freeze mode on the weapon now pays an additional 15% Melee (so the weapon pays 25% Melee out of damage, and then 5% Melee via MC) to double the chance of attempting the Freeze, so it's now (38.6 x Hits / 2)% chance to attempt Freeze.

Flame Flora: If used in the Zardshi Rider armour, the weapon will do x1.25 damage in wand mode and trade its 100-proc no true special damage bonus for the damage bonus non 100-proc weapons without a special get, as well as do +5% damage, in spell mode you will instead deal a simple +2.5% damage.

Kamui -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (2/1/2021 22:40:12)

Brightslayer Breaker/Crossbow/Sliver

Melee/Ranged/Magic Ice Sword/Crossbow/Sceptre, Sword has neutral damage/accuracy lean, Crossbow has neutral damage lean and +6 BtH lean, and Sceptre has 1/3 base damage lean and +3 BtH lean. Weapons pay MC effect and 20% Melee in HP cost (this is boosted to 21.25% Melee in HP cost for the Magic version since MC on it is only worth 3.75% Melee) for a total of 25% Melee, this then pays for the weapon attempting a Blind effect on the foe for 2 turns.

Due to the differing hit rates, the potency of the Blind varies between Melee/Ranged/Magic. Before factoring in hit rate, the effect would be worth a -17.86 BtH Blind, so we need to adjust by hit rate for the various weapon types. Melee is the baseline, so /0.85 means we get a -(21.01 x MobIceRes x Hits / Attempts) BtH Blind, Sceptre has a +3 BtH lean, so /0.88 means it's got a slightly weaker -(20.3 x MobIceRes x Hits / Attempts) BtH Blind, finally the Crossbow has a +6 BtH lean, so /0.91 it has a slightly weaker -(19.63 x MobIceRes x Hits / Attempts) BtH Blind. All of these have a 50% save, inflict with Player MainWeaponStat/LUK, vs mob INT/LUK (it's a magical effect, MainWeaponStat is STR/DEX/INT for Melee/Ranged/Magic, respectively).

These all scale, sample numbers are below.

Level	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150
Type	B	B	B	B	B	B	B	B	B
PowLvl	15	23	41	59	78	98	118	138	153

Base	5	6	8	9	11	12	14	15	16
Rand	10	12	15	19	21	25	27	30	32
BtH	2	3	5	7	10	12	15	17	19

Base	5	6	8	9	11	12	14	15	16
Rand	5	6	7	10	10	13	13	15	16
BtH	2	3	5	7	10	12	15	17	19

Kamui -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (2/1/2021 22:40:32)

Nutcracker Rapier/Spear/Mace

Melee/Ranged/Magic Light Sword/Spear/Mace, Rapier has a 0.4 base lean and +3 BtH lean, Spear has a 2/3 random lean and +3 BtH lean, Mace has a 1/3 base lean and -3 BtH lean. MC effect for this swaps between two status toggles. Weapon pays MC bonus and 20% weapon damage to attempt either EleVuln (default mode) or Daze).

For EleVuln, we've got 25% Melee worth of damage, 50% save bumps it up to 50% Melee, /1.4 since your pet (and potentially guest) are also hitting that bigger damage, so far we're at +35.71% damage. Magic version gets a *0.75 modifier due to being on a Magic weapon, so that ends up being +26.79%. Adjust for hit rate, so Melee/Ranged have a /0.88 modifier for +40.58% damage, and Magic has a /0.82 modifier for +32.27% damage. So in EleVuln mode, the weapons will attempt to inflict a +(EleVulnValue x Hits / Attempts)% damage EleVuln effect on foe for 1 turn, where EleVulnValue is 40.58 for Melee/Ranged, and 32.27 for Magic. This has a 50% save, inflicts with player (STR or DEX or INT, for Melee/Ranged/Magic weapon, respectively)/LUK vs mob END/LUK.

For Daze, a 42.02% stun rate for 1 turn is worth 25% Melee with a 50% save when affecting a mob, so from there we just need to factor in hit rate. So for Melee/Ranged, this gets a /0.88 modifier, for a 47.75% stun rate, and for Magic this gets a /0.82 modifier for a 51.24% stun rate, but this then gets a x0.75 modifier since it's on a magic weapon, so the final result is a 38.43% stun rate. So in Daze mode, the weapons will attempt to inflict a (StunRate x MobLightRes x Hits / Attempts)% stun rate Daze on the mob for 1 turn, where StunRate is 47.75 for Melee/Ranged, and 38.43 for Magic. Inflicts and resists with same stats as the DefLoss mode.

Level	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150
Type	B	B	B	B	B	B	B	B	B
PowLvl	15	23	41	59	78	98	118	138	153

Base	6	7	9	11	13	15	16	18	19
Rand	8	10	13	15	17	19	23	24	26
BtH	2	3	5	7	10	12	15	17	19

Base	3	4	5	6	7	8	9	10	11
Rand	14	16	21	25	29	33	37	40	42
BtH	2	3	5	7	10	12	15	17	19

Base	5	6	8	9	11	12	14	15	16
Rand	5	6	7	10	10	13	13	15	16
BtH	2	3	5	7	10	12	15	17	19

Bolter -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (2/2/2021 9:13:10)

Other than the Blightslayer ranged form which is obviously 100% proc, are the rest of the forms no-proc?

Kamui -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (2/5/2021 14:57:16)

(Classic) HeartBreaker Axe

Melee/Magic Fire Axe, classic only comes in Magic versions, these are separate versions, no toggle or such, 1/3 base lean, and -3 BtH lean for weapon attacks and special. These used to have a Fire/Light special that did x1.1 damage, they've now been changed to deal +1/6 damage on the special. Normal 20% proc special does 150% damage, 5% MC does changes to +25% damage on a 20% special, so special adjusts to 175% damage total.

Level	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150
Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G
PowLvl	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	153

Base	5	7	10	12	14	16	18	20	21
Rand	4	6	9	12	14	16	18	19	22
BtH	1	2	4	7	9	12	14	17	19

Base	4	5	7	9	11	12	13	15	16
Rand	3	5	8	9	10	12	14	14	16
BtH	1	2	4	7	9	12	14	17	19

Proc	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20
SBR	2.16	3.29	5.23	7.36	9.64	12.01	14.17	15.42	16.5
SLS	2	2.99	4.97	6.95	8.93	10.91	12.89	14.87	16.65
SBtH	3.85	8.35	17.35	26.35	35.35	44.35	53.35	58.75	63.25

MCPrice	35	47	178	1226	9682	77859	627513	5059007	24205166
MCSell	17	23	89	613	4841	38929	313756	2529503	12102583

Level	135	143
Type	Z	Z
PowLvl	145	153

Base	21	21
Rand	20	22
BtH	18	19

Base	15	16
Rand	16	16
BtH	18	19

Proc	20	20
SBR	16.03	16.5
SLS	15.86	16.65
SBtH	61.25	63.25

MCPrice	5324	5940
MCSell	Z	Z

Kamui -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (2/12/2021 19:11:20)

Havarti Blade - IMR says:

(Not MC) Light Magic sword. Uses CHA instead of INT. +5 BTH lean.

Deals -(20/0.75)% damage. If you attacked with it this turn, then you have a 50% chance of gaining one turn of Pet Celerity (and Guest Celerity if you have a guest).

Special is one hit, Magic Light. It gets an additional +10 BTH, for a total of +15.

Kamui -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (2/12/2021 19:12:44)

Yarek's Staff

Magic Fire Staff, neutral base/random and BtH lean, no special. Weapon has multiple modes, and its damage/accuracy leans and MC bonus vary based on which mode it's in. Modes are listed below, along with their leans/MC bonus. Weapon is always considered a staff and a Magic weapon, the modes just change leans and such.

Normal/Staff: Neutral damage/accuracy leans, MC is +5% damage.

Scythe: 1/3 base lean, -3 accuracy lean, MC is +5% damage.

Morningstar: 1/10 base lean, -5 accuracy lean, MC is +5% damage.

Crown: Neutral damage/accuracy leans, MC is +4.25 BtH.

Spear: 2/3 random lean, +3 accuracy lean, MC is +4.25 BtH.

Arrows: 9/10 random lean, +5 accuracy lean, MC is +4.25 BtH.

Level	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150
Type	B	B	B	B	B	B	B	B	B
PowLvl	15	23	41	59	78	98	118	138	153

Base	4	4	6	7	8	9	10	11	12
Rand	7	10	11	14	16	19	21	23	24
BtH	2	3	5	7	10	12	15	17	19

Base	5	6	8	9	11	12	14	15	16
Rand	5	6	7	10	10	13	13	15	16
BtH	2	3	5	7	10	12	15	17	19

Base	7	8	10	13	15	17	18	20	22
Rand	1	2	3	2	2	3	5	5	4
BtH	2	3	5	7	10	12	15	17	19

Base	3	3	4	5	5	6	7	8	8
Rand	9	12	15	18	22	25	27	29	32
BtH	2	3	5	7	10	12	15	17	19

Base	1	1	1	1	2	2	2	2	2
Rand	13	16	21	26	28	33	37	41	44
BtH	2	3	5	7	10	12	15	17	19

Kamui -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (2/12/2021 19:15:23)

Dark Asgardian Hammer/Sickle

Melee/Ranged Darkness Hammer and Magic Darkness Scythe. Hammer has 0.2 base lean and +10 BtH lean and Scythe has 1/3 base lean and -3 BtH lean. Both of these share the same MC effect, which is Paralyse based on % of hits landed. Hammer toggles between two modes detailed below, Magic toggles between no-special and wand mode, but stays as a Magic weapon the whole time.

Hammer is an MC Darkness weapon, +10 BtH lean in both modes (not a typo), toggles between:
  • Melee mace, x1.08 damage for no Special
  • Ranged thrown weapon, 100% proc, x1.1 damage for no real Special

    Scythe is an MC Darkness weapon, -3 BtH in scythe mode, +10 BtH in wand mode, toggles between:
  • Magic scythe, x1.08 damage for no Special
  • Magic wand, 100% proc, x1.1 damage for no real Special

    Hammer MC: At the end of your turn, there's a (12.5 x MobDarknessRes x Hits / Attempts)% chance of Paralysing the monster for 1 turn. The monster can resist with a save at a +20 bonus (inflict with [STR|DEX]/LUK, resist with END/LUK).

    Scythe MC: At the end of your turn, there's a (Chance x MobDarknessRes x Hits / Attempts)% chance of Paralysing the monster for 1 turn. The monster can resist with a save at a +20 bonus (inflict with [STR|DEX]/LUK, resist with END/LUK). Chance is 10.89 in scythe mode, and 9.4 when in wand mode.

    FSB: While using the Dark Asgardian shield, the "no real Special" bonus is always x1.1, and you deal a further x1.1 damage against monsters with > 0 STR.

    Level	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150
    Type	B	B	B	B	B	B	B	B	B
    PowLvl	15	23	41	59	78	98	118	138	153
    Base	8	10	12	15	17	20	22	24	26
    Rand	4	4	7	7	9	9	11	12	12
    BtH	2	3	5	7	10	12	15	17	19
    Base	5	6	8	9	11	12	14	15	16
    Rand	5	6	7	10	10	13	13	15	16
    BtH	2	3	5	7	10	12	15	17	19
    BowBR	145	169	223	277	334	394	454	514	559
    BowStat	199	251.8	370.6	489.4	614.8	746.8	878.8	1010.8	1109.8
    BowBTH	1	2	5	7	9	12	14	17	19

  • Kamui -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (2/12/2021 19:19:17)

    LightCaster - IMR says:

    MC Light weapon. Click to toggle Melee/Ranged/Magic. No Special, so *1.08 damage.

    Takes -25% damage (-1/3 damage in Magic). At the end of your turn, there's a 54.6*[hits connected]/[hits attempted] chance to inflict Spirit Rend (1 round). The monster can resist with a save at a +20 bonus (inflict with [MainStat]/LUK, resist with CHA/LUK).

    Ianthe -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (2/13/2021 16:07:05)

    New in the UR GGB shop: Exalted Unity

    MC Light sword. Click the blade to swap between Melee/Ranged/Magic.

    Gains 4 charges per turn (or 3 in Magic mode). Click the hilt to spend charges:
  • 27 charges: weapon becomes autohit for one turn.
  • 27 charges: Empowerment (Light+Dark, +33.3% damage)
  • 40 charges: Imbue (Darkness, 1 turn)

    You can also focus to gain 80 charges (60 in Magic mode). Err, 84/63 with the passive bonus.

  • Kamui -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (2/18/2021 15:19:04)

    Blazing/Fleeting Passionate Light of Destiny

    Fire/Wind Axes, click to toggle Melee/Magic.

    No special, so *1.08 damage. -3 BTH lean.

    MC: Allows you to break free of immobilizing statuses like Fear, Freeze, and Paralysis. The first time is free, but future times costs the listed SP. You can only break free from a stun if the monster is level [PowLvl+20] or lower.

    Level	10	35	60	85	110	135	143
    Type	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z
    PowLvl	44	57	73	95	120	145	153
    Base	12	14	16	18	21	23	24
    Rand	8	9	10	12	13	16	16
    BtH	6	7	9	12	15	18	19
    Base	9	10	12	14	15	17	18
    Rand	6	7	7	8	11	12	12
    BtH	6	7	9	12	15	18	19
    SPCost	80	112	152	209	280	359	385
    MCPrice	495	814	1474	2409	3674	5324	5940
    MCSell	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z

    Shiba -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (2/19/2021 8:03:23)


    Famine Rapier

    MC Ranged Wind sword (it's a rapier, you go all Weapon Finesse on your foe and wield it with your DEX instead of your STR).

    You can click on it to cast a skill. It deals -50% damage and has a +5 BTH lean (which stacks with the above for a total of +10). 5 Melee Wind hits. Afterwards, the monster is Burnt (power: 4.03, [hits connected] rounds). This burn damages monster SP and heals your SP equal to the damage dealt. The monster can resist with a save at a +0 bonus (inflict with DEX/LUK, resist with CHA/LUK).

    Could this be slightly adjusted to target HP when monster SP runs out? Still healing SP? Monster SP is too low to really benefit from this neat effect.

    Ianthe -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (2/23/2021 20:09:03)

    Trivial: Exalted Unity now charges 80 charges in all modes because I don't like fiddly things. (And this is easier than splitting it into separate Melee/Ranged/Magic items.)

    Ianthe -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (2/25/2021 18:14:47)

    Kinda minor but: I was fixing a bug with the Doom Knight's Blade and while I was there I figured I could touch up the code a bit. One thing led to another and
    - it now scales
    - it now uses *1.09 damage for no special (instead of *1.08)
    - deals +10% damage to undead (instead of *1.1)
    - really minor point, but it literally replaces [Mob's Darkness res] with [Mob's whatev res], instead of doing the *new/old. It should have the same outcome, except now it works against mobs with 0% Darkness.

    I also got the shield because it'd be a bit weird of only one scaled, eh?
    - it now scales
    - its damage is a bit higher (the same way that we upped poison/burn when the stat cap was increased)

    Kamui -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (2/25/2021 23:20:30)

    Nith's Fang

    Melee/Magic random element Swords. Neutral damage/accuracy leans, the weapon chooses its element on the first hit you attempt with it each turn, and will retain that element until the first hit attempted on a later turn. The weapon randomly chooses from the 8 standard elements and deals x132/109 damage for this. The weapon pays 25% of its damage on normal attacks to heal the player's SP similar to other regen weapons to be worth (12.5x132/109)% Melee per hit that connects, with a x0.75 penalty for the Magic version. The weapon's special pays MC (which is worth 25% Melee on Melee version, and 18.75% Melee on Magic version) and however much damage is needed to reach 50% Melee (so a further 25% Melee or 1/6 special damage for Melee, and 31.25% Melee or just over 1/4 special damage for Magic) to attempt to inflict a 5 turn ((20x132/109)xHits/2)% Melee power Burn, 50% save, inflicts with VStat/LUK vs mob DEX/LUK.

    Level	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150	135	143
    Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G	Z	Z
    PowLvl	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	153	145	153
    Base	4	5	7	9	11	12	13	15	16	15	16
    Rand	6	10	15	18	20	24	28	29	32	32	32
    BtH	1	2	4	7	9	12	14	17	19	18	19
    Base	3	4	5	7	8	9	10	11	12	12	12
    Rand	5	7	12	13	16	18	20	22	24	22	24
    BtH	1	2	4	7	9	12	14	17	19	18	19
    Proc	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20
    SBR	2.16	3.29	5.23	7.36	9.64	12.01	14.17	15.42	16.5	16.03	16.5
    SLS	2	2.99	4.97	6.95	8.93	10.91	12.89	14.87	16.65	15.86	16.65
    SBtH	3.85	8.35	17.35	26.35	35.35	44.35	53.35	58.75	63.25	61.25	63.25
    MCPrice	35	47	178	1226	9682	77859	627513	5059007	24205166	5324	5940
    MCSell	17	23	89	613	4841	38929	313756	2529503	12102583	Z	Z

    Kamui -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (2/25/2021 23:21:15)

    Legion Shogun Armaments

    Water Sword (even the Ranged version is flagged as a Sword), 0.2 base damage lean and neutral accuracy lean, toggle between Melee/Ranged/Magic. MC: When you hit the monster, the monster starts Burning (power:0.5, 1 turn). The monster can resist with a save at a +0 bonus (inflict with [MainStat]/LUK, resist with DEX/LUK). This is done on each hit, so you get two applications if you hit twice, etc.

    The Magic weapon has power:0.5*0.75 burns instead.

    Level	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150
    Type	B	B	B	B	B	B	B	B	B
    PowLvl	15	23	41	59	78	98	118	138	153
    Base	8	10	12	15	17	20	22	24	26
    Rand	4	4	7	7	9	9	11	12	12
    BtH	2	3	5	7	10	12	15	17	19
    Base	6	7	9	11	13	15	16	18	19
    Rand	3	4	5	6	6	7	9	9	10
    BtH	2	3	5	7	10	12	15	17	19

    Ianthe -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (3/11/2021 18:02:57)

    New GGB item: Legion Marauder Claymore. Kam says:

    Melee/Ranged/Magic Ice Sword, is a sword no matter what mode it's in, 0.2 base damage lean, neutral accuracy lean. Weapon pays MC and 10% of weapon damage to have each landed hit attempt to inflict an Ice Burn on the foe. 15% Melee gets doubled due to 50% save, halved due to it being a per-hit effect, and then halved due to the Burn lasting 2 turns, so the weapon applies a 2-turn 7.5% Melee Ice Burn after each landed hit, 50% save, inflicts with (STR or DEX or INT for Melee/Ranged/Magic, respectively)/LUK vs mob's DEX/LUK. In Magic mode, the Burn power gets a x0.75 penalty, so it gets lowered to a 5.625% Melee Burn. If used with the Legion Marauder armour, the Burn gains a bonus of +5% Melee, which gets split in half since it attempts per hit, which makes the Burn 10% Melee in Melee/Ranged mode, and 8.125% Melee in Magic mode.

    Level	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150
    Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G
    PowLvl	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	153
    Base	6	8	12	14	17	19	21	24	26
    Rand	2	4	5	8	8	10	12	11	12
    BtH	1	2	4	7	9	12	14	17	19
    Base	4	6	9	11	13	14	16	18	19
    Rand	3	3	4	5	6	8	8	8	10
    BtH	1	2	4	7	9	12	14	17	19

    Veleqwii_Fox -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (3/12/2021 19:25:15)

    Unofficial infosub for Deathwright Whipblade (I got this from joac1144 on Discord)


    100-proc Melee Light weapon. Has no true special. Against Undead monsters, the weapon can either inflict Poison or Control. Click the weapon to toggle which between modes.

    The power of the Poison is 1.5*[hits connected]/[hits attempted]. It lasts 4 turns. The save is STR/LUK vs END/LUK at a +0 bonus.

    The power of the Control is modified by the monster's Light resistance. At 100%, the power is 46.5*[hits connected]/[hits attempted]. This lasts 1 turn. Control save is STR/LUK vs CHA/LUK at a +0 bonus.

    The weapon does -(0.1/1.1)% damage to pay for the effect.

    From my experience, the weapon only deals about ~70% of a normal melee attack, so it probably takes a 30% damage penalty for the effects as well

    EDIT: Ok I just realized this is a Melee weapon and I was using a 0 STR char, the reduced damage I experienced was due to that. Sorry about that

    Zennistrad -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (3/12/2021 21:36:12)


    From my experience, the weapon only deals about ~70% of a normal melee attack,

    Were you using the weapon in a Fully-Offensive Armor? Since the weapon is 100-proc, armor leans don't apply to the damage it deals, so it wouldn't get the x1.25 damage bonus that other weapons would.

    Carandor -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (3/14/2021 7:49:44)

    I updated the Arcane Cutlass of Combustion/Radiance entries with their "legendary" names. Someone with permissions will have to update the indices though.

    I Overlord I -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (3/27/2021 11:08:25)


    Were you using the weapon in a Fully-Offensive Armor? Since the weapon is 100-proc, armor leans don't apply to the damage it deals, so it wouldn't get the x1.25 damage bonus that other weapons would.

    Whether they were using a FO, N, or FD armor doesn't change the fact that the weapon deals roughly ~80% damage. 100%-procs deal 90% damage as a baseline, but this weapon has a subtractive penalty on top of that to pay for its passive status infliction. It is unclear what the MC is, though if I had to hazard a guess, it's probably the ability to freely swap between Poison and Control. It is also unclear if there's a damage trigger against undead, necessitating the need for a down-trigger, which would then lower damage against "normal" mobs even further to something like... 75%?

    Ianthe -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (4/4/2021 1:04:35)

    In the LTS: Milk/Dark Choco-Light of Destiny. Kam says:

    Water/Dark Axes, click to toggle Melee/Magic.

    No special, so *1.08 damage. -3 BTH lean.

    MC: Allows you to break free of immobilizing statuses like Fear, Freeze, and Paralysis. The first time is free, but future times costs the listed SP. You can only break free from a stun if the monster is level [PowLvl+20] or lower.

    Level	10	35	60	85	110	135	143
    Type	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z
    PowLvl	44	57	73	95	120	145	153
    Base	12	14	16	18	21	23	24
    Rand	8	9	10	12	13	16	16
    BtH	6	7	9	12	15	18	19
    Base	9	10	12	14	15	17	18
    Rand	6	7	7	8	11	12	12
    BtH	6	7	9	12	15	18	19
    SPCost	60	84	114	157	210	269	289
    MCPrice	495	814	1474	2409	3674	5324	5940
    MCSell	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z

    From the new Grenwogfest quest: Spring Dryad Axe. Kam says:

    Melee Water Axe, -3 BtH lean and 0.25 base lean, no special. MC effect is that at start of player turn, you gain a Water Empowerment status that increases your Water damage by +(1.01x2.5/0.82)% per hit you landed with the axe in the previous turn, basically +3.08% damage per hit.

    Level	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150
    Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G
    PowLvl	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	153
    Base	5	8	11	13	16	18	20	22	24
    Rand	4	4	7	10	10	12	14	15	16
    BtH	1	2	4	7	9	12	14	17	19
    MCPrice	35	47	178	1226	9682	77859	627513	5059007	24205166
    MCSell	17	23	89	613	4841	38929	313756	2529503	12102583

    Bolter -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (4/4/2021 6:56:58)

    Milk Choco-Light of Destiny is Water, not Energy.

    Fixed, thanks! ~Imry

    Kamui -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (4/12/2021 23:46:49)

    Graves End Blade/Axe/Dagger, all three of them have Darkness/Earth toggle as their MC by clicking on the blade/axe part, can swap Melee/Magic by clicking on the handle parts, and have no special. Blade has a 0.2 base lean and neutral accuracy lean, Axe has a 0.1 base lean and a -3 accuracy lean, and Dagger has a 0.1 base lean and a +3 accuracy lean. Scales as per usual, so info on that is below.

    Level	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150
    Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G
    PowLvl	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	153
    Sword Melee
    Base	6	8	12	14	17	19	21	24	26
    Rand	2	4	5	8	8	10	12	11	12
    BtH	1	2	4	7	9	12	14	17	19
    Sword Magic
    Base	4	6	9	11	13	14	16	18	19
    Rand	3	3	4	5	6	8	8	8	10
    BtH	1	2	4	7	9	12	14	17	19
    Axe/Dagger Melee
    Base	6	9	13	16	19	22	24	27	29
    Rand	2	2	3	4	4	4	6	5	6
    BtH	1	2	4	7	9	12	14	17	19
    Axe/Dagger Magic
    Base	5	7	10	12	14	16	18	20	22
    Rand	1	1	2	3	4	4	4	4	4
    BtH	1	2	4	7	9	12	14	17	19

    Kamui -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (4/12/2021 23:47:06)

    Abyssal Cutlass of Nulgath

    Melee Darkness Sword, 1/3 base lean and neutral accuracy lean. Works like the Taxing Cutlass, heals your SP for 5.625% of damage dealt with weapon attacks, after factoring out the mob's Darkness resist.

    Level	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150
    Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G
    PowLvl	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	153
    Base	5	7	10	12	14	16	18	20	21
    Rand	4	6	9	12	14	16	18	19	22
    BtH	1	2	4	7	9	12	14	17	19

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