=Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (Full Version)

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Ultrapowerpie -> =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (1/1/2007 17:46:46)


Welcome new members to the Clan of the Skies, Aerodu! This thread serves 2 purposes:

1) To welcome and make y’all feel right at home, so feel free to say hi to everyone here

2) To act as an FAQ, so that way y’all won’t be completely clueless and have to make spam threads asking questions that have answers here.

Now that we have the pleasantries out of the way, let’s begin!

General Forum FAQ

Where exactly are the rules of the forum?
Why, you can find them right here
You can also find general clan rules here

What exactly is a Mod/AK?A mod is someone who works for Artix Entertainment (over 18) and has crazy powers that allows them to delete others posts, move threads, lock threads, etc. An AK (Arch Knight) is like a mod, except does not officially work for Artix Entertainment (under 18)

Actually, AKs are more like mods in specific areas (like a OOC AK has power in the OOC but not in a place like the GGD) but without the power to perm delete posts and threads as well as ban and give out Severe Warnings that mods DO have. AKs request bans and Severe Warnings and mods give them out. Some AK's are over 18 to :P
Also, mods have power everywhere if I am not mistaken.
Correct me if I am wrong :P

Roar! This is MY FAQ! Grrrrrrrrrrrrr... I mean... Kupo!

Who are our Mod/AK’s and why does it seem like there is less ‘modage’ around here?
It should be noted that Paxia is the back water alley when it comes to modding. Unlike in the GGD (General Game Discussion) and other forum boards, Paxia does not have a mod/AK who’s hub is here. Thus, you’ll find that spam threads and flame incidents tend to manifest and stay around here longer. However, if you find a thread that you feel is spam, instead of minimodding, why not PM one of the AK’s below that commonly patrol around here:

Scakk Scakk is the head Moderator of Paxia. Contact him if you wish.

Ultrapowerpie (That's right, Me!)


Ricobabie Teh Little Oneiric AK is in da house. ~Rico

Z.324 (Z) The Chomper lurks here. ^_^

dna cupcake You forgot meh! :P

Nicky I'm here too ^_^

What happens if the AK's above aren't online?

Well, that does happen, particularly on the weekend mornings (I guess everyone likes to sleep in). In that case, just visit this thread that contains the complete list of all AK's/Mods/Admin on the forums. I'm sure someone has to be on (even on weekend mornings).

General Paxia FAQ

What is Clan Unity?

Clan Unity- A movement for all the clans to unite against the coming of Devourer, who wants to destroy all of Lore. It is also a movement to help support a more friendly atmosphere when we are competing. It is not a giant peace/alliance ploy to stop all fighting in Paxia. You do not need to be 'friends' with anyone for it, as long as you try to maintain a positive atmosphere with all clans. Example: Aerodu and Geoto have a friendly rivalry towards each other, ever since the start of the Second Clan war. Friendly competition is encouraged between all clans, as long as there is nothing personal.

Clan Neutrality- The act of a clan that supports the Clan Unity movement. By declaring Clan Neutrality, you refuse all aliances, as that leads to division, which assists The'Galin. You may be more friendly with one clan then you are with another (example: Igneus and Geoto), however, you choose not to have anything official, and you do not bare any hostilities for any other clan.

I suggest clicking here for more info.

I also suggest visiting this General Paxia FAQ and talking to Paxus in-game if you are confused about in-game related questions (Such as, how does repairing work?, etc.).

Aerodu FAQ

What are our Clan Sayings?

Goodbye: May the Wind always blow beneath your wings.

Who are we allied with?

Aerodu, like many other clans, have proclaimed Clan Neutrality in favor of the Clan Unity movement. Therefore, we don’t have any allies currently.

Who should we attack?

Aerodu is not at war with anyone, and has no hostitilies towards any clans. We are not currently attacking ANYONE, including Igneus.

What is the name of our airship?
We’re currently trying to name it. Just visit the Name thread to discuss it.

I want to know about the Clan Wars and such, where can I find out such information?

Where can I find out more about Aerodu?

Just visit the famous Encyclopedia!


What is the ACC?

The ACC is a bunch of forumites with WAY too much free time on our hands and love our clan. We’re an organization to help keep the clan organized.

Do y’all have any powers?

None, we’re just the same as y’all (except we have more free time/No lives)

Where can I find and how do I contact y’all?

Just visit our thread here. Anyone is allowed to visit, just make sure you follow forum rules.

How can I join the ACC?
Just wait until a new round of applications comes. I’ll provide links when it is up.

How do we vote for ACC members?

Just head to the election thread, which I’ll post a link when one is currently going on.

Miscellaneous FAQ

How do you properly spell other clan Names?

Wind Clan - Aerodu
Fire Clan - Igneus
Water Clan - Nautica
Ice Clan - Glacius
Earth Clan - Geoto
Light Clan - Lucius
Energy Clan - Dynami
Darkness Clan - Nocturu

Why do you use the term “y’all”?

I’m from Texas, deal with it :P

Are you somebody important?

Me? Important? Well, apparently since I’ve been around here since day one (not in the ACC, but Aerodu itself), spend my life in the Paxian forums, I’m one of the HC members of the ACC. What that means is absolutely nothing, except that I’ve been around here for a while, and have way more free time then you probably ever will here in Paxia, and I like to help out people.

How do I submit a new question to the FAQ?

Quite simple, just ask it here! I’ll gladly add it!

KB -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (1/1/2007 17:48:28)

Very nice.

Ok, for anyone, not just nubies, myself and Ultrapowerpie will answer any questions you have.

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (1/1/2007 18:14:15)

Yay, I have people helping me out now! Now we need our first new member to post here!

KB -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (1/1/2007 19:35:55)

All you need to do is ask...

Oh yeah, what pie said.

Waker of Wind -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (1/1/2007 21:37:56)

Yay. One thing that I'd just like to note:

It's nice that you noted the 3 AKs that commonly patrol these boards to hunt down the Rule-breakers, but we may not be online at the time. If anyone wants to PM an AK to delete/lock something, they could also resort to any online AK [;)]

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (1/1/2007 21:44:17)

Thanks for the tip WoW, I'll add that immediately!

*cheers* Usually it doesn't hurt to leave the spam for a few hours or so, but some of it needs to be removed as soon as possible. ;P

slayerm11 -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (1/2/2007 3:04:45)

Finally somone made this, and I was betting it was gona be someone else, not Pie, would make this, once again i'm not wrong! (don't ask, belive me, it will save you alot of mind-confussion) You should really post the info about the pervoius wars for people who haven't been on for awhile, snice that isn't state in any of the FAQ, and it has been asked by more than what, 10-25 people? Thats alot consdering that theres not many people on the forums.

Sakarakas -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (1/2/2007 5:07:07)

Ultrapowerpie, you forgot to put Darkness Clan - Nocturu in the Miscellaneous FAQ. Just thought I'd let you know! :)

Also, I have a question you might want to add: How much does repairing heal our base? I heard somewhere that completing all the lines restore 200 hp, but what about a single line?

Nemesis -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (1/2/2007 8:28:51)

excellent work pie. maybe you should add that you cannot use the ACC logo without permission of 1 high council member?

KB -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (1/2/2007 9:45:40)


Sakarakas suggestions will be added, 'cept I'll add a whole new section for Sakarakas.

Wow, how did he forget Nocturu, it was a simple copy paste.

Anyways, any questions will be added.

Pie, maybe a sub-title is in order? Like, if you're new come here! See the thread below this one.

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (1/2/2007 9:49:29)

*blames Keyblade for forgetting* YOU! *lol*

That's what the ACC thread and the Encyclopedia are for, but I'll add the links and just repaste them, new questions/answers now added.

Sub-title? I haven't used one of those on these forums in forever... wait, you can't make a sub-title on these forums, unless you mean something in parenthesees.

Also, the health game is explained by Paxus, I'm not repeating what he said, though I'll add it with an example.

New Edit Oh, how much? I dunno, someone see if they can find those numbers....

KB, I know you're trying to help, but I'm adding stuff here, you're just helping answer questions :P. We already have a general Paxia FAQ and Aerodu FAQ, we can put that info in one or the other.

The logo thing is explained at the very top of the ACC thread, so that should be covered....

KB -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (1/2/2007 10:25:01)

*weeps in a corner*

K! Less work for me :P

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (1/2/2007 16:20:06)

We're still awaiting our first new member, or old returning member!

Edit: Added Clan Sayings! We need some more though! So just post em here!

Robert the avenger -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (1/3/2007 6:42:37)

I once left adventure quest, during the second clan war, but now i'm back.
I have a few questions.

1. Who won the second clan war?
2. Was there any more wars? if so who won?
3. Did the fisherman go to Aerodu?
4. What happened to the fisherman?

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (1/3/2007 9:31:18)

My dear friend, perhaps you should read in the Aerodu Encyclopedia, history section, there you should find all your answers ^^

tristan12 -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (1/3/2007 14:22:03)

Very good FAQ. It answered alot of questions I had, especially about our clan's current state in regard to unity. That was something I've been trying to find out about.

dman12 -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (1/3/2007 14:25:51)

hey you guys hope every thing going well by the way whens the new newspaper

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (1/3/2007 16:55:32)

That is a Paxia Post question dman, you should ask there.

Thanks tristan ^^ We're just trying to help out!

Edit: Added the infamous 'who should we attack?' to the Aerodu FAQ.

ricardo1991 -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (1/7/2007 13:46:13)

When was the Paxus Says Challenge?

I just had a look at some clans *Was bored* So then i
was at the Trophy room and looked at some off the Rooms I saw
A Broken Paxus Doll *Igneus and Geoto* have Gotten a Part
But I'm just Curios what I have missed

Where Can i Find some Info about it?

Konker -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (1/12/2007 22:56:52)

Hey guys! just like to say hi for once on the forums. Just joined Aerodu after coming from Geoto after the first clan war. if you guys need anything from me just holler!

Konker -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (1/12/2007 22:57:54)

Hey guys! i'm pretty new here. participated in the first clan war(i admit it, i was with Geoto) but i got wise and decided to join you guys when the new clans came out!

just like to say hi and if Aerodu needs anything from me i'll gladly help out!

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (1/28/2007 10:21:22)

Please don't double post in here. Have some patience, Aerodu isn't the most active of forums. Welcome to Aerodu ^^

Added some new stuff.

Hansuke -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (1/29/2007 7:18:54)

No you didn't break Unity :D, the arena was a friendly competition between all clans, it ended yesterday and we won! More information in the Aerial Ascension threads

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (1/29/2007 7:48:54)

I was lazy, and technically the FAQ IS up to date, becase we are no longer in any war ^^

So, in my lazyness, I was ahead of the game.

Just drop by once in a while.

Also, don't change the subject of the thread, as that's against the rules.

ApolloKnight -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (1/29/2007 7:52:40)

I be careful to remain on point when replying to a Thread THanks[:D]

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