RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (Full Version)

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Ressen -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (6/20/2007 8:27:16)

Can I ask?

IF the Aerodu sword's strength depends on the clan, can it grow weak? I'm afraid I have to get another wind sword. Sorry for not believing in the clan! :)

Anyway, how do we participate in the clan wars? Do we fight another players? Can everyone fight in clan wars?

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (6/20/2007 9:11:59)

The Clan Wars are over, kupo.

We currently fight a bunch of monsters in the arena for the glory of our clan. :D

No, it won't grow weak.

Hansuke -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (6/27/2007 15:33:48)

You should add bballman23 in the AK list and remove the Miisa'ren thread from the FAQ...


Nightly -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (7/27/2007 18:09:42)

how do we get other people in our clan to notice our thread ideas without making a thread in the clan forum site or is that how you have to do it?

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (7/27/2007 20:31:10)

Trust me, they notice them. There's plenty of ripping off from each clan. :D

Nightly -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (7/28/2007 12:29:54)

how do we get the clan to approve our thread then?

Suzaku -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (7/28/2007 12:49:03)

One of the Fastest Ways to do so IMO is to just ask in the Current ACC Thread. Several Active Aerodu Members Frequent there and can give you Opinions, of which most notably is Pie who can tell you if it is allowed there or not. Else, the How should we improve Aerodu? (All welcome!) Thread. That would be the better idea and a lot of people will check new Posts there so you can check there to see if the idea will do well. You really don't need Approval per say though to Post, it's just nice to check to make sure that it's something we're allowed to Post in here. =)

Z -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (8/28/2007 2:54:08)

Added Ricobabie, bballman23 and myself into the AK list, and removed Eternal since he is rather busy (at least I get that impression). Also, one of the links for 'Clan Unity' is broken. Any idea which is the new thread?

I added a little blurb next to my name ;) ~Rico

mcbaine -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (9/30/2007 7:36:55)

hey what race in the leader of the clan because i just thaught he is a giant eagle but others say he is something else, some weird name i had never heard of before ... could some one please tell me what race he is

Hansuke -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (9/30/2007 13:44:27)

Some believe he is a Ghitari, but we don't know if that is true or if he's just a normal giant eagle...

doomdesire -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (10/14/2007 6:28:09)

what's the difference between a giant eagle and a Ghitari?

Suzaku -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (10/15/2007 6:03:28)

I didn't confirm it because of the Scavenger hunt but yes, Aerodu is a Githyari. The difference, I'd imagine, lies in the fact that Aerodu is a Sentient Creature who is abnormally large and probably has a few other qualities. Mostly though, it's simply LORE that can be found if you read enough into it. It's sort of like a Phoenix - You could argue that it is a Giant Bird but technically, it is still a Phoenix despite being in all technically a firebird. *shrugs*

david351 -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (10/27/2007 19:36:39)

I have a few questions to ask all seem related to me so I will just make 1 post.

1. What are the z-tokens used for?
2. Are they required at the moment with the clans in a state of supposed neutrality?
3 If I decide to donate the spare tokens I have is there a stated amount that needs to be donated or could I just donate 1 token if i wanted to?

S†ONE -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (11/17/2007 2:07:51)

^1. Z-tokens in the clan is used for providing clan defenses by increasing the amount of hit points our clan has. It would require a memory type mini-game to grind the Z-tokens to become hit points.

2. It could be yes or no as extra defense isn't bad, it gives some sort of security for our future.

3. I believe there are specific set amounts that can be donated, lowest around 10, 20 etc.

YukiKitty -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (11/20/2007 22:42:11)

Helloz, just checked your PF's. Dead huh? It saddens me. :(

Fishtank -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (11/21/2007 11:20:17)

dna cupcake and Nicky are hardly ever around paxia any more, you may wish to remove them and add Sir Gnome.

boomer7984 -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (11/27/2007 20:12:05)

IT says im a new member but I have been playing for 4 years I know our clan inside out I was in the first war and it was fun and awesome i liked shooting missles at geodu and its fun honestly they should make a dance dance contest but you use the arrows insted.

freedom_cleastia -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (11/28/2007 2:37:55)

because u have not reached 10posts yet. when u reach 10posts it will be changed to member. oh yes the first clan war...too bad i missed it[:@]

Red Destruction -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (12/31/2007 16:38:59)

Alright everyone i already posted in the welcome thread but i just wanted to say hey on this one. So........i guess........well.....HEY!!!![:D]

Shadoweangel -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (3/9/2008 6:36:12)

Hmmm... I've looked around a bit and found out that the ship's name was being changed (possibly) from Zephyr but never found an accounting of the current name...
Has it been changed yet or is the verdict still out on that one?
If it's posted somewhere and I'm just blind could you give me a shout as to where I can find it?

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (3/9/2008 9:42:35)

It's in the process of being changed, if anything. I'll probably work up the poll right now actually...

Shadoweangel -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (3/9/2008 15:14:40)

Cool, thanks for the info, I thought I was prolly just missing it somewhere >.<

NQS -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (4/27/2008 2:43:14)

Uhhh, hi. I was just wondering where you submit ideas for new laws.

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (4/27/2008 7:10:03)

Define laws. If you mean forum rules, I suggest FI. If you mean clan policy, the seat of "government" is the ACC thread.

Nightly -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (5/27/2008 15:58:41)

Can we bring back the:

How can we improve Aerodu (all are welcome) thread?

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