RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (Full Version)

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bshadow -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (5/16/2007 13:17:33)

What have We won so far?

Hansuke -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (5/16/2007 13:20:55)

The Aerodu Shield in the First Clan Wars and the Rusty Cleaver in the second Clan Event.

bshadow -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (5/16/2007 13:21:39)



The Aerodu Shield in the First Clan Wars and the Rusty Cleaver in the second Clan Event.

Ok Thanks, we havent won anything new.

Baker -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (5/20/2007 13:19:01)

LB (Lord Barrius) has been more active in Paxia (or at least Igneus), so I'm guessing he could go up with the others on the list of mods/AKs in Paxia.

Yeagerbr -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (5/20/2007 13:43:57)

What do we do for the current aerodu clan event

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (5/20/2007 15:36:48)

He was only active because I pmed him ><'

Baker -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (5/20/2007 23:39:50)

Haha. Well, I guess that means he responds to PMs asking for activity/moderation in Paxia, but it could have just been because you asked. ;)

Suzaku -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (5/21/2007 1:52:32)

I would imagine that they would respond to anything reasonable and that they would respond to the Clan Heads, which in our case Pie is the closest to.

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (5/21/2007 7:13:17)

1) They're supposed to react to PMiing anyways

2) Count bequeathed the ttile of Clan head to me

3) I know LB from being a Seeker

However, it's point 1 that matters the most, kupo.

jason12712 -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (5/22/2007 10:06:26)

I'm a fairly new aerodu that wants to be added to the roll. my AQ names are bloomeringno and jason12712. Also, how can we get more aerodu participating so we can surpass igneus in total wins for the event?

jason12712 -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (5/22/2007 10:21:13)

As of 1020 am we 62500 battle wins behind, but ahead in wins per member

Hansuke -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (5/22/2007 12:55:46)

Wins per member is what counts for this event, so don't worry (that much) :D

kastaguy -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (5/25/2007 0:42:08)


ORIGINAL: jason12712

As of 1020 am we 62500 battle wins behind, but ahead in wins per member

Huh? I'm totally new to the clan "goings on" so I don't understand that or the "clan war" thing at all.

Oh! Now I get it! (octipaxitotally arena)

JaKe102891 -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (6/3/2007 22:40:54)

I'm new to this clan and the forums just wanted to say that the faq was very helpful and got me up to speed quickly great job on it


cooldude2181 -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (6/4/2007 13:31:55)

hey pie why have you not added yourself to the list of Aks and mods......welcome to the forums Jake102891[:D]

JaKe102891 -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (6/4/2007 14:56:55)

thanks glad to be here
Edit: oh and do we have like an IRC channel or sever thanks

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (6/8/2007 22:37:24)

Tell y'all what, I'll update the front post tomorrow, how does that sound, kupo? :D

Hansuke -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (6/8/2007 22:45:50)

That sounds like you won't do it >.<

@JaKe: Check AQ Stats, it's probably there...

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (6/8/2007 22:46:46)

Oh yeah? Well, we now officially have a clan motto: Aera!

I mean, I think we do... Do we? :O or is Aera our official Battlecry...

JaKe102891 -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (6/8/2007 22:47:20)

thanks Arthur i found it but it messed with my xchat so i just gave up lol

Hansuke -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (6/8/2007 22:50:44)


ORIGINAL: Ultrapowerpie

Oh yeah? Well, we now officially have a clan motto: Aera!

I mean, I think we do... Do we? :O or is Aera our official Battlecry...

Aera is a battlecy. Too short to be a motto...

Our motto is "Fly high free bird" :P

JaKe102891 -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (6/8/2007 22:54:18)

imo i like that better than Aera

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (6/8/2007 22:54:26)

Take it to the ACC thread, we decide this now before I leave for vacation. If other clans are getting a motto, we're getting one too.

I can't BELIEVE the other AK's hacked at my beautiful FAQ! I WILL mob each and everyone of them! Guess this means I really do need to update it, kupo.

Kyzer -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (6/8/2007 22:59:13)

Is there a greetings thread? If there were, then there would be a place for all of these people who are new to introduce themselves and offer their services. There must be a place for that somewhere... *Looks around*[>:] I don't see one.

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (6/8/2007 23:01:31)

It was originally this thread, but I suppose we can have a welcoming thread, but let's take it to the ACC, we need to go through the red tape, kupo.

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