RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (Full Version)

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Ultrapowerpie -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (2/2/2007 19:42:42)

No problem man.

Serbitar -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (2/3/2007 13:46:43)

Wow this is really helpful!

I left the clan when the new ones came out but i'm back now.

Xegi -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (2/8/2007 14:18:36)

Hey everyone, i am new in Clan {joined a Clan first time ever :D}

Well, i need to know how can i get this item as being this clan member? "Paxia Award Trophy #1"


P.S. I'll appriciate if anyone PM me the answer as well :)

whitewolf 12 -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (2/8/2007 14:42:07)

You can't anymore Xegi. It was automatacilly (spelling?) inputted into a characters inventory if they were part of the first three clans and stayed in those first three clans until that day. I'm so lucky to have mine. The art is wonderful.

Dyfan -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (2/8/2007 19:32:05)

you know, a link to the Aerodu Roll Call thread might help out a little.

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (2/18/2007 10:47:04)

Giving this thread a major bump, I'll add that link when I get back from church.

Cesar_260591 -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (2/18/2007 22:55:22)

hey hey hey :D im the newest member on this clan hai hai :D

i joined here cuz i like wind and aerodu armor lol :D and also because its one of the smaller clans and i like that :D so HI! :D

BlocParty7.18 -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (2/19/2007 7:46:49)

I'm a new member. Claudio Killgannon, Level 16, Fighter Class(Level 1). While not that strong, my loyalty is with Aerodu, and if you need me to help, tell me. I'll gladly give up every Z-Token to repair the base.

Guardian Patrick -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (2/21/2007 8:15:19)

Hi, I just joined Aerodu.

Who is the highest Aerodu member in the clan?

Hansuke -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (2/21/2007 16:49:56)

According to AQStats its Michalis, you're the fifth and I'm the 561 in a total of 2814 members...

bm_dude1793 -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (3/7/2007 22:26:05)

thanks for letting the nauticans look at a rough design at what our FAQ/Q&A would look like rock fellow clan

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (3/7/2007 22:41:38)

Ummmm, you're welcome? What do you mean by 'rock fellow clan'

Crazy Waffle -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (3/24/2007 18:20:31)

There is gonna be a war i can tell

Darkflame of Ebil -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (3/31/2007 17:42:48)

I made a few edits to the front page.

-SCAKK is now a mod, not a AK :P

-Waker is not a AK anymore for now. He has problems in RL.

-New description for AKs/mods under yours :P

There are in my editing color, THIS.

Midian Zelena -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (4/3/2007 20:08:02)

Hello Zelena Knightstalker here just wanted to compliment y'all on the FAQ. It is quite effective.

dark shadow6 -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (4/3/2007 20:10:31)

Hey guys, love being in Aerodu, was in it since the clans started. Great FAQ

Hell Tutor -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (4/10/2007 13:59:16)

2 Quick question:
1º - Is there any harm if I belong to one of the none official clans/clubs of the AQ/DF forum Beeing I an Aerodu???
2º - Explain me please how does the the elections for the ones who want to be Aerodu Counsil members work.
Who does the voting, etc.
In few words if you please.

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (4/10/2007 19:48:34)

1) Yeah, it's fine, heck, I'm in the Eternal 1337 and here

2) Elections we're re-tooling, ask a little later :D

Suzaku -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (4/12/2007 2:46:40)

Hmm... this should be fun.

1. What's going on in Aerodu?
2. What's going on in Paxia?

That's a lot of things really but just wondering about the ACC & Aerodu's status since I noticed the forums suddenly going more active. That, and I had a feeling that this activity (or attempt at recreating activity) was based on an increased level of activity within the other clans. So just asking pretty much. Thanks for the reply!

saikel -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (4/14/2007 2:52:19)

Im new here...
Please t0 meet you all...

saikel -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (4/14/2007 2:53:39)


phantoodin -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (4/14/2007 14:30:57)

gald to meet ya

mherlee -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (5/9/2007 9:53:39)

Hi there! I'm am new to the clan way of life but plan to be on the forum a what do I need to know? As a newb I have to say it is a little daunting to come in here and be totally clueless. I have read the FAQ and every Aerodu thread that I could understand without knowing all the "in" terms and backstory.[;)] can I help and what should I do to make myself completely indispensible? hehe

Oh I already donated 500 z tokens too!

slayerm11 -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (5/9/2007 18:26:08)

Just look for a thread, repely to other peoples' post, and just get ready to be in more debates than a High School Debating team ever sees, yes that the best metaphor I can dish out, sue me :P.

mherlee -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (5/11/2007 9:44:56)

I won't sue, no need to bring the lawyers into it ;)

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