lonewulfy -> RE: =Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread (2/2/2010 22:00:11)
Umm... this may be WAAAAY too late, but they disabled gold donations for the time being. If not permanently. So we can't get any of the gold awards anymore, for the time being. Question: How can I become a diplomat for Aerodu? And I have some ideas for new awards, too. But I can't put them anywhere, because there's no place for them... I'll make a thread for it, okay? Plus, the gold-based awards. Will they be replaced with something new? Or can we get some more of them? My sayings: War Cry: Move swiftly, and may your enemies fall before you! Friendly Greeting: How goes thy flight? Duh: Does a bird like to fly? Exchange: Me :How goes thy flight, friend? [image]http://i978.photobucket.com/albums/ae265/lonewulfy1/Winddragonside.jpg[/image] Aerodian :Ah, it was glorious! Art thou going to join the fight? Me :Does a bird like to fly? Aerodian : Move swiftly, and may your enemies fall before you! Etc.