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RE: =MtAK= LANDIS (All 231 Posts and Edits Answered! See final post 4 P.S. TREAT!)

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8/6/2008 19:03:44   
Banned Multi

Hola(Spanish For Hi If you didn't know)LANDIS!Let The Questions Begin!

Yo comprendo y hablo Español más o menos. Pregunta primero? (I understand and speak Spanish so-so. First question?)

1.Df,Aq,Or MQ?

Q-Bert! (For real answer see post 4 on page one of this thread)

2.whats Your Favorite Class In DF?

Pet Store owner? J/K Rogue.

3.Do You Have An Ipod?If So,What Kind?

I do not, but my avvy does, he listens often.

4.DragonLord Or DragonSlayer?

Pastry Chef... Actually DL, not a fan of Dracoside...

5.What Does "BILLYBOBJOE IS SMELLY!!!" Mean To You?

That the man could use a bath...

6.Whats Your mood now? , , or ?

None of the above. Maybe :|

7.Have You Seen Me Around The Forums(Not Inculding this one)?

Not as of yet.

8.Color custom or Evolved?

I have both but prefer CC DLA

10.How Often do you play AQ?

Yet to have the pleasure.

11.I have No 9!Anyway,How Often Do you Look In MQ's DNS?


12.Do you like my Avatar?

Sure, who doesn't like Thyton, accept pirates of course...

14.I'm Missing my 13 too!Well Thanks For Answering.

You are most welcome!

< Message edited by LANDIS -- 8/9/2008 0:53:44 >


DF  Post #: 101
8/6/2008 19:44:14   

omg LANDIS? congrats!!

Hey slaya55, thanks!

do you remeber me?

But of course!

are you happy about the dragonslayer armor?

I'm always happy/exited about new DF content but I find I always return to my tried and true rogue armor.

wendys or mcdonalds?

Wendy's, their dollar menu rocks! Though I try to avoid fast food.

you always seemed like the ak type

Thanks, I think... ;)

now that you ak, will you still have time for best dragon character matches?

I intend to make the time though I'm likely to be rating less frequently...

congrats again bye

Thanks again and I'll see you around!

< Message edited by LANDIS -- 8/8/2008 22:07:17 >


watch out little smiley!!!
AQ DF  Post #: 102
8/6/2008 19:51:09   


You have a boo boo? Where? Here's a band aid and some ointment but your on your own if you're looking for someone to kiss it better. ;)



did i say boo

You did but if you keep going on about your injuries people will think you're a whimp... J/K

*confusion crosses face*

Smaller words?

1. halo or df

DF, though Halo can be enjoyable...

2. do you prefer drakel or sheep

For eating? Well I do enjoy a good leg of lamb! Leg of drakel might be a bit on the tough side and synthetic in flavor.

3. is it illegal to drive a car with fluffy attached to the roof

Not if you tie red flags to the ends of his wings and tail. ;)

4.who would you rather turn undead artix or your icwle licwle dwagon

Love Artix but love my dragon more so I guess Artix. On the upside he might gain some sweet new Thriller dance moves...

5.where did the name LANDIS come from

It's an acronym. It stands for Long After Nightfall Dwelling In Shadow. Again I pulled that out of my Acronym Silliness Storage. ;) (for real answer see post 14 on page one of this thread)

6.do u live in the USA or UK woot woot!!£££

USA, though I wish I had British Pounds instead of dollars because our currency is close to Monopoly money these days...

7.do you belive in ghosts,aliens,humans

I am open to the possibilities of such phenomena though I have never experienced them first hand. Accept for that humans one, that's absolute hogwash/pure fantasy... ;)

8. finally can i have your autograph if you say yes yo can pm me it lol

Why, plan on stealing my identity? J/K Best I can offer is my signature which the zpy was kind enough to make me:

this post will no longer self distruct due to all fire hazards being blocked

That's probably for the best, wouldn't want anyone to get hurt.

oh P.S
good luck for the future and please dont stamp on me lol bye!!!!

Thanks, and as long as you don't lay where I'm walking I don't foresee me stamping on you becoming a issue. ;)

< Message edited by LANDIS -- 8/8/2008 22:31:17 >
Post #: 103
8/6/2008 20:38:31   

its me again.

That it is!

1. i forgot to say congrats. CONGRATS!!!!!


2.drink and drink and drink and drink and drink and drink and fight!!(floggin molly)

I'm Familiar with the jingle though I like to avoid physical altercations when possible...

3.malware are bad yaa.

Yes! All forms of destructive computer software is bad news...

4.your fav music?

Accordion of course! J/K though Weird Al does play a mean polka... (see real answer in post 5 on page one of this thread)

5.GZQ2; mech-godzilla,king-gidorah,sea-monster2000,or rodan?


6.Ken or Ryu?

Ryu, then Akuma, then Chung Li.

7.Nagat or Bison?

Vega, then M. BIson

8.BassGX or MegamanFG?

Don't know BassGX though I loved the Mega Man games growing up!

9.Beast-Megaman or Abyssion-Bass?

Apparently I missed that version of the game as well.

10.heard of gaiaonline?if so,i wanna put ya on my friend list.

I have now thanks to you and google though I don't have an account.

11.striped sock or gloves?

Gloves I'd think.

12.do you believe in spell tags?

Nah, but I believe in spellcheck and use it often! ;)

13. bye.

So long.

14.oh that magicion thing was a ryan murphy video

I see.

< Message edited by LANDIS -- 8/8/2008 22:48:38 >
DF  Post #: 104
8/6/2008 21:07:23   
Gianna Glow

me again!

What do ya know, me too...

lol, i thought of yet another question....

You've come to the right place.

have you ever read the Dragonkeeper series by Donita K. Paul?

I have not.

If no, too bad. its awesome.

Too bad indeed, perhaps I'll check it out.

Bye again (for now!) and Congrats again. you really deserve it.

Thanks alot, I'll do my best to serve you and others!

< Message edited by LANDIS -- 8/8/2008 22:52:18 >
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 105
8/6/2008 21:33:51   

lol landis. Grats!

lol tenshin. Thanks! Good to hear from you, hope your trip to China has been all you hoped for and more.

1. Um. What's an ArchKnight? I know there's a game called archknight...but that's about it. XD is you being an archknight like being a forum mod or summat?

ArchKnights are an ancient order of elite warriors trained to combat spam and sinister shrubberies. We are so name because we are trained to arch our backs in such as way as to intimate spam large and small! (for the real deal see post 98 on page four of this thread)

oh oh oh, I was browsing around in forums (I do that when I have time, I can really only browse for like 5 minutes before I'm called away to some other duty like feeding chickens), and I saw your name in all caps, and the first thought that crossed my mind was "Landis? Hm...that's a familiar name...Wait, LANDIS? Oh, THAT LANDIS. Wait, is it REALLY that LANDIS?"

xD As you can see, feeding chickens has stolen my soul.

Indeed, I can think of no other activity that would drain one's humanity faster... ;)

2. Does the best dragon matching character thread miss me at all? I've completely been MIA lately...I'll be back on the the tenth though! That's 3 more days! I think. Wait. Is the US 13 hours BEHIND china or in front of china? cuz it's 2 days it they're ahead of china.

We in the thread all miss you a great deal! And we expect you to rate every match you've missed in your absence so have fun with that! J/K I empathize, I've been quite busy as of late as well. It will be good to have you back!

3. Which animal are you in the chinese zodiac? (You promised to answer truthfully!)
If you don't know, here's a little help. It's based on the year you were born in.
1990, 1978 - Horse
1989, 1977 - Snake
1988, 1976 - Dragon
1987, 1975 - Rabbit
1986, 1974 - Tiger
1985, 1973 - Ox
1984 - Rat
1983 - Boar
1982 - Dog
1981 - Rooster
1980 - Monkey
1979 - Sheep

No need for the key, I know my Chinese sign well! I shall answer truthfully as promised but to give my exact animal would be spelling out my age to a certain extent so I'll just narrow things down for you. I don't have scales, whiskers or feathers... ;)

OK! back to packing, i've done way too much shopping, I'm barely gonna be able to shoulder all this stuff back the states.

lol, best of luck with your luggage tetris and have a good flight home!

< Message edited by LANDIS -- 8/8/2008 23:08:58 >
AQ DF  Post #: 106
8/6/2008 23:45:06   

Ello' there governer!

G'day ol' chap, ol' bean! Can I offer you a spot o' tea and crumpets? ;)

1. How long were you a regular forum member before you were Alac-napped?

In geological time less than a blink of an eye but in dog years a lengthy bout indeed. (about 15 months)

2. What are some of the more interesting perks of being an AK?

Monogrammed AK undies... Least that's the word on the street. I feel the best perk is being able to assist in keeping the forums clean and friendly.

3. Has Ash made an attempt on your life yet (He told me how jealous he was of you).

I welcome the attempt. He might learn a few things from my pwning... ;)

4. What's your supreme favorite food?

That is highly dependent on my mood. Though my tried and true faves are freshly baked chocolate chip cookies with walnuts, sushi/sashimi, streak, pie and Italian food. Though I try to consume said goodies in moderation.

5. What class best suits your personality?


6. What are the cahnces of someone becoming an AK?

Not sure if anyone has ever checked the odds but I'd say better than the likelihood one would be stuck by lightening and worse than the odds they'll get a parking ticket...

well, I'm signing off. Hope you have a cracker-jack day, mate! (No, I'm not Birtish/Australian).

Cracker-Jack day? Me too if I get a free toy inside!

< Message edited by LANDIS -- 8/9/2008 2:39:46 >


"Allo comrade, why don't you give me a click on the ol' noggin and enjoy a nice little tale of action and sorrow and comedy? Cheerio!"
Post #: 107
8/7/2008 2:35:53   

Do you like AQ?

I've never played it though it looks like fun.

Dragon slayer or Dragon Lord?

Dragon Pacifist! J/K Definitely DL!

< Message edited by LANDIS -- 8/9/2008 2:42:22 >


AQ DF MQ  Post #: 108
8/7/2008 11:43:05   
Moglin Crazed09

MWHAHAHAHA!....Not quite page 13 yet....

*maniacal laugh right back at ya*

1. Ironic Man or iron man

Toss up! Irony is an amusing and powerful weapon.

2. Bat Man Beyond?*A newer series of batman that was canceled on Cartoonnetwork wher eit was mainly shown* Or orgina;?

I'm familiar with Batman Beyond. It's not bad but I definately prefer the original Batman TAS and Justice League.

3. Spide r Man or Venom?

Spiderman.Parker in the Venom suit.

4. Jedi or Sith?

Since sith generally end up as lapdogs to ther mentors and eventually crispy critters I'm gonna go with Jedi...

5. Crocodile or Laigator?

Crocs are larger, stronger and can in some cases be in salt or fresh water so I'd say them.

6. I ask dumb questions don't i?

Not till just then... J/K

7. Wii or PS3


8. 9 or 10?


9 or 10- ...

I avoid deficits if at all possible so 9.

...Thats all....Or is it?

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say, no...

10. ...NOW i don'y have anymore questions....for a page or two....

I'm going to hold you to that! ;)

< Message edited by LANDIS -- 8/9/2008 3:30:15 >
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 109
8/7/2008 12:38:33   

First of all LANDIS, Congratulations on your ArchKnight-hood!

Thank you ShimmerSoul

1. What's it like being an ArchKnight? Anything fun?

Time consuming! But it is fun to help people and be a part of the team!

2. Do you belive in Ghosts?

I believe their existence is possible though I myself have never had a paranormal experience.

3. What's your favorite AE class of all time?

Rogue, now and forever more... Until they comeout with a Dark Knight/Vigilante class ;)

4. Do you prefer Light, or Darkness? (in DF Elemental terms)

Both are good though with the abundance of undead in DF light is far more useful at present.

5. What's your favorite EbilGame?

They are all great! Moglin Punting Game would probably be my fave followed by Artix vs. the Undead and then Deady.

Well, that's it, Congrats again!

Thanks again!

< Message edited by LANDIS -- 8/9/2008 3:48:32 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 110
8/7/2008 14:21:51   

Well sorry for confusing Batman with Superman. You honestly must admit that The only difference in their silhouettes is the end of the cape.

Well there is also the minute detail that Superman is afraid of the dark and only comes out during the day... J/K

< Message edited by LANDIS -- 8/9/2008 3:50:30 >
DF MQ  Post #: 111
8/7/2008 15:39:10   


WHat? Is there something on my face? :"\

im back and with more questions


who owuld win in a fight barney or zorbak?

Well Barney is large enough to eat Zorbak whole but I'd love to the the ebil moglin take out that terrible lizard.

is your cell by falconreach?

No, it's actually in Gotham City in a remote cave under an impressive manor... ;)

if there were mount sin aqw, what would you have?

Probably a Nightmare/black stallion with flaming hooves and the power of flight.

who do you think THe NBoD truly is?

Martha Stewart...

do you get to make your own powerful pvp weps like artix and zhoom?

Sadly no, that would rock though...

i asked my friends to clal me archmages...

I'm guessing that didn't go over so well...

they laughed at me and said im weaker than a sneevil

Could be worse I suppose... They might have said you're weaker than ash...

lol thats it....(for now )

So be it.

< Message edited by LANDIS -- 8/9/2008 4:02:44 >


Long Live Ravinia!
DF  Post #: 112
8/7/2008 15:43:07   
Rowan the Dashing

YaYness LANDIS & gratz... Your my newly 3rd fave AK '-)

Thanks! 3rd fave huh? I;m honored and courious who nabbed your first to slots... ;)

1. The forums... Madhouse or Funhouse!?

More frequently they are both simultaneously.

2. Who is your fave DF villain NPC!?

Xan is the funnest by far.

3. How much do you love your baby dragon!?

Words cannot begin to articulate!

4. Which of A.E's games do you love the bestest!? (pwease say DF) ^_^

DF. AQW is shaping up nicely as well.

5. Vegetarian or Cakes!? I'd personally choose cakes!!

How about carrot cake?

6. Can you sing under water!?

I do so in the shower often... Now if you mean submerged in water, I can do that too but the experience is less enjoyable.

Awwwness, gratz again LANDIS, your the 3rd AK that I have MtAK'ed fer... Yippeee... ~R~

Thanks again, glad to be your third and I suspect I won't be your last!

< Message edited by LANDIS -- 8/9/2008 4:15:18 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 113
8/7/2008 19:23:11   


Hi qwe!

2. OK, First of all... Do you like waffles?!

Yeah we like waffles!!

3. Do you like pancakes?!

Yeah we like pancakes!!

4. Do you like french toast?!

Yeah we like french toast!! Du DU Du DUT, Can't wait to get a mouthful!!!

5. Which is better, PS3, or Xbox?

It's Wii for me though I have yet to play PS3 and Xbox 360.

6. Congrats on being an AK!

Why thank you!

7. Sooo, what does an AK do?

Whatever we want! J/K (for real answer see post 106 on page five of this thread)

8. Do you like being an AK?

No! It's constant torturer, help me please!!! *officials in dark glasses and suits restrain me, cover my mouth and inject my neck with some kind of serum* uh... yeah, it's great. I'm honored to be a part of the team...

9. Do you like
This bunny?

If It's chocolate, mm yummy! *crunch!*


10. That's it for me. See ya!

So long and thanks for the chocolate bunny! (at least I hope it's chocolate. If not that's a bit awkward... ;))

EDIT: It WASN'T chocolate =O

*shrug* Still tasty... ;)

< Message edited by LANDIS -- 8/14/2008 1:38:55 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 114
8/8/2008 2:00:31   

1. are you still a rater on the drag and char match up threads?

That I am! Though I frequent the thread far less...

2.do you like cheesypoofs?

Yeah I like da cheesypoofs!

3.1 2 3 kick a baby in the knee

4 5 6 CPS will come to fix. ;)

< Message edited by LANDIS -- 8/9/2008 16:27:02 >
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 115
8/8/2008 8:55:45   


Hi zenj!

only have a few questions.
1.what do they feed AK's?

Scraps fro the AE Team's table like cookie crumbs and empty yogurt containers... J/K We're actually all issued an IV of Holy Wasabi...

2.who would win if kerby & yoshi tried to eat each other?

Excellent question! I'd say Kirby, he seems to have the range with his vacuum where as Yoshi is limited by the length of his tongue...

3.what your favorite letter?

Hmmm, haven't given that much thought... I like the shape of S but R and U have very satisfying sounds...

4. what do you think of the nuts people in the AQW forums?(me included)

I'm not on AQW forums often but from what I've seen of you you're no more nutty than us here in DF... ;)

thats all for now

Very well.

< Message edited by LANDIS -- 8/9/2008 16:35:13 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 116
8/8/2008 10:41:28   


And a hearty hiya to you as well!



what is your favorite color

Zebra Print! J/K (see real answer in post 43 on page two of this thread)

what is your quest

My quest? I don't believe they've created a DF quest yet where LANDIS is the central theme, but I'd welcome it... ;)

what is the wing span of a swallow

An African or European Swallow?

what is your favorite movie

That timeless classic "Babe" about the amazing talking, singing pig! Sooooo J/K (for real answer see post 31 on page two of this thread)

do you prefer turkey or ham

Leg of lamb, prime rib or streak. Though if I had to choose between the two, a well prepared, juicy turkey. (if such a thing exists. ;))

what is the meaning of life

Cookies! (for real answer see post 25 on page one of this thread)

good luck


< Message edited by LANDIS -- 8/9/2008 16:53:07 >
MQ  Post #: 117
8/8/2008 10:47:25   

Yay an MtAK thread!

Yay indeed!

Ok,do you want cheese with your cracker?Or cracker with your cheese?

Thats all Have a good AKshipnessness 8D

And may you enjoy good 45cmannessness!

< Message edited by LANDIS -- 8/9/2008 16:59:31 >
DF MQ  Post #: 118
8/8/2008 13:03:56   

omg landis ure the rater from the dragon charecter thing

Who me, No! Who the heck is this guy? I wish they'd dtop sending me his mail.... He sounds like a real jerk! ;) Yes, that would be me...

< Message edited by LANDIS -- 8/9/2008 17:01:46 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 119
8/8/2008 13:24:25   

Rawr =D


Congratulations on becoming an AK... Do you want a cookie?

Thanks! Always!!!

Do you want a cookie?

If you want to keep the arm holding it I suggest you hand the cookie over. ;) I'm getting hungry, you wouldn't like me when I'm hungry...

Tell me how awesome you are.

Awesome enough to warrant a cookie!

Now tell me how much you like Cookies!

That's it, I can't take it anymore! * morphs into a furry blue monster with googly eyes* COOKIE COOKIE COOKIE! *Swpipes the cookie from your and and all others on your person, wolfs them down* UM NUM NUM NUM!

How did you come up with the name Landis?

Because Land is all around us... (for the real answer see post 103 on page five of this thread)

I'm only here because I'm bored =-(.

How nice for you. Though I recommend other more exciting things to fill your time if you're truly bored, like Ski Ball!

I'm gonna go break some rules now catch me if you can!

*extends still large and furry paw and grabs you behind the struff of the neck* That was easy... Tell ya what, I'll give you a head start... *drops you* 1, 2, 3, 4, 5...

< Message edited by LANDIS -- 8/9/2008 17:15:41 >
DF  Post #: 120
8/8/2008 16:33:47   
Raylith Lynwor

ok more questions (none of them invalve daimyo this time...)

No need for daimyo questions, we've already cracked that case... On to the next!

1. so... what do you think happens if ether cysero of warlic crosses the yellow line in their tower?

The Universe collapses on itself at the speed of sock.

2.favorite animal?

WQill it was my dog of 14 years but I had to put him to sleep recently. I guess he's still my favorite...

3. best buddy on da fourms

I don't have a best bud per se though Brill has been very helpful and friendly as have all the other AKs. Also my fellow raters in the Dragon/Character matches thread and the many great people I've met in the contest discussion threads.

4.most comonly used guest on DF

Artix. All others don't do enough damage to warrant their animation time...

5. and uh most commonly used weapon?

C's Defenders Daggers.

6. favorite quest?

Too many great ones to choose from! I'm a big fan of this newest "A Long Walk" dragon bonding quest.

7. Favorite thread of all time on the fourms?

No one in particular but I enjoy the contest discussion threads and the thread I rate in.

8. maybe you should ask me some questions edited and then ill come back later to awnser them (iam all outa questions, most likly my last post on this thread)

Thanks for the offer but with all the posts I'm getting in this thread I don't really have the time at the moment...

< Message edited by LANDIS -- 8/9/2008 17:26:29 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 121
8/8/2008 16:58:46   

Congrats on becoming an AK!

A'thank you!

What were you thinking after you became an AK

"How did this happen? Where did my parents go wrong?" J/K (for real answer see post 4 on page one of this thread)

What's it like being an AK?

They'll beat me if I tell you... J/K (for real answer see post 114 on page five of this thread)

DOOM or destiny?

snuffleupagus... (for real answer see post 24 on page one of this thread)

Cake or pie?

Lengua! J/K though I do enjoy beef tongue burritos! (for real answer see post 22 on page one of this thread)

< Message edited by LANDIS -- 8/9/2008 17:42:02 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 122
8/8/2008 17:39:51   
hunter lije

Holy Moley Antoher MtaK i just love this

Glad one of us does... J/K

Do you like cookies?How About Pancakes? Daimyo? Ice Cweam with princesses and puppies on top and the scent of panicking villagers(for you're dragon)?

All of the above! Though I too find the smell of panicking villagers mouth-watering, not just my dragon.

If not just take a sip of a 100 Gold cup of tea....

Do you like being in the AK? That's my dream!!!
Do you like Necros or Paladins?

Both though I prefer the Necro Armor.

Do you like/dislike Ash Dragonblade?

Of course! And why? Cause he's the NPC you love to hate!

Want more of the Tea?

Didn't have any the first time as I enjoyed all the other things you mentioned... Suppose I'll try it now... *sips tea* needs garlic... ;)

Dragon Slayers or DLs?

DLs, DSs will stir clear of my dragon if they know what's good for them ;)

Rogue, Mage or Warrior?

Innkeeper! J/K Rogue...

OK that's all CONGRATZ!!!


< Message edited by LANDIS -- 8/9/2008 18:03:18 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 123
8/8/2008 19:54:45   



LANDIS is an AK now? Awesome, dude, you deserve it!

Thanks Death_Knight555! I hope the other 554 DKs feel the same way. ;)

Your favorite food?

Brains! (for real answer see post 40 on page two of the thread)

T.V. show?

Jerry Springer! Sooo not true... (for the real answer see post 100 on page four of this thread)

Well, that's all from me. See you later!

C ya!

< Message edited by LANDIS -- 8/9/2008 18:10:06 >
Post #: 124
8/8/2008 21:36:26   

ello on 2 d interriogation

wii or ds

Wii, though DS is a good portable system!

take on chain mail luv it or h8 it???

Love it for its protection and flexibility, hate it for its noise, weight and uncomfortable in extreme temperatures.

play any sports??? if so....

Not on official teams but occasionally for recreation.

wut sport

Basketball, Bocce Ball, Bowling, Rock Climbing, Pool, Poker, Aikido and Capoeira.

if not get on a sport now!!!

I can see you feel strongly about this...

how fast do u type

N...o...t... v...e...r...r...y...

wuts a better word sharpietastic or blogosphere (i made up the 1st 1 woot)

Congrats on your new word... I'm not really partial to either.

u like president bush???

Well, I'm pretty unimpressed/disappointed by the direction he's taken my country.

eggs or bacon

Both please!

oh and cnt forget y so many superhero refrences????

Because I am a comic/superhero fan. Batman in particular...

anddddddd u watchin d olimpics 2nite???

It's unlikely. Most free time generally goes to the boards these days.

and who wnts 2 c how many posts ppl r doin again as in a new post every page ( i dnt do dat though i edit theres a diff)


~:> chicken time lol

Hook me up, I could go for some chicken!

< Message edited by LANDIS -- 8/15/2008 2:11:59 >


┌(┌ ^o^)┐ follow me on my tumblr http://smalls2233.tumblr.com ┌(^o^ ┐)┐
DF  Post #: 125
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