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1/23/2021 3:25:32   

Been awhile, would like to check if active inventory is still up to date/usable for these two characters:

Pure FO warrior: https://aq.battleon.com/game/flash/charview?temp=1444558

FD spellcasting beastmage (is this role still viable?): https://aq.battleon.com/game/flash/charview?temp=77041010
Post #: 1
1/23/2021 4:52:11   
Primate Murder

Welcome back!



Kindred sword has a chargable autohit.

Haunted Dragonlord's Might restores a large amount of sp based on your number of hits - great synergy with 4-hit werewolf Beast Form.

Royal Voidrender compresses harm, which allows you to replace Horo Show with Blade of Frostval Past.

Lumenomancer Bloodblade is noticably stronger than BoV and has minor synergy with Paladin's Overwhelming Light nuke.


Hanuted Dragonlord has a skill that's both powerful and accurate, plus a Daze toggle.

Paladin class has been revamped! It's now endgame-viable and has 20 skills, including healing, ressurection, light booster guest, a variety of anti-undead passives and one of the strongest light nukes available to warriors!


Mystic Father Time is an energy clone of the original Father Time shield.

Eclipsed Dragonlord's Will gives you a qc Barrier - great synergy with Purple Rain.


We now have booster guests for fire, ice, energy and darkness elements.

Invincible Star is an incredible spell for nuke builds, especially against bosses with Freedom or Boss Boost.

New Year's Surprise is a qc accuracy booster.


Angra Linnorn is a f2p booster pet that splts its effect between boosting your ranged/melee damage and giving you Backlash status.

Kindred's Tranquility provides charges for Kindred sword/shield/armor.


Helm of Frostval's Past gives you a qc accuracy boost.



Loremaster's Tome compresses earth, light and harm spells.


Retro Bard of War has great synergy with whatever earth pet/guest you use.

Paladin has a lvl 12 skill that gives you FD lean and lvl 17 toggle that further boosts both your defences and your pet/guest. And that's in addition to a wide variety of benefits including a light guest that toggles between boosting your light damage and dealing 2x damage itself.


Snuggle Hearts (returns at Snugglefest) gives Burn potence, which has great synergy with Neko armor.


Since Loremaster's Tome has both earth and harm spells, you can replace Archmage Research and Gravity Crush with guest summons.

Fruitcake Zard (returns to the Void in a few months) has great synergy with Umazen Aspis shield.

Dekanor does +50% damage for an increased upkeep cost.

Sugar Gobbler (returns at Mogloween) has great synergy with Fu Dog and any wind spell.

Mogdin (returns to the Void in a few months) is the best stun guest we have in the game.


Baby Egg (returns on Grenwog) toggles between giving you damage resistance and paralysing the monster. Has 8 elemental variants, though I only suggest grabbing water and wind.

Frost Effigy has both a potence and a Freeze toggle.

Fu Dog has both a petrification toggle and a potence, giving it great synergy with Sugar Gobbler and any wind spell you use.

Use Guardian Upgrader to switch you Jelly to Meteoid variant (energy) - it's a fairly nice sp/mp regen pet.


Clever Disguise sacrifices your turn and some sp to give guaranteed celerity to your pet and guest.

Frostgale's Remorse toggles between giving you Paralysis and Freeze potence.

Rejuvenating Necklace restores mp based on damage dealt.

Hope the info's useful and don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions!

< Message edited by Primate Murder -- 1/23/2021 4:54:58 >
AQ DF  Post #: 2
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