Doctor Zhivago -> RE: Meet the Mods - Reens! offline! (5/11/2005 12:13:10)
Reens! *Huggles the ES/CR Board Overlady* *Dr. Zhivago! *huggles the uber-ratings guy!* What would you say is your favorite part of being a mod? Your least favorite? *hmm, my favorite would actually be the ability to keep the boards clean, and helping people. Least favorite? The nasty PMs.* Since you read Sci-Fi/Fantasy, have you ready any of the Ender or Dune books? Just curious. *I read Dune a while back, we have the whole Ender series, so I'll get around to it sooner or later* Since I know what a wuggle is now, can I have one? *Makes puppy dog (Or kitty cat, if you like em better) eyes* */me snugglehugglewuggles Doctor Zhivago* What would you say is your favorite type of food (Or plain ol' favorite food) to eat? *home-made burgers on the BBQ in the summer. with Fries and a salad* Speaking of movies, what are your expectations for Star Wars Ep 3 and Batman Begins? Do you think they'll be better than the SW/Batman movies that came before? I just hope BB is better than Batman and Robin... *I don't think it would be humanly possible to be worse than Batman and Robin. I hope Batman Begins is good...I want to see it. I'm pretty much staying away from Ep. 3. There are so many things I don't like about that set of movies that it would take Waaaaay to long to go through.* What is your favorite movie of all time? In that same vein, what movies do you love that everyone else seems to hate. *Princess Bride. Love it. I like silly movies...but I also really liked "O brother, where art thou"...and a lot of people didn't.* Ooh... TV. Do you think that there is anything good on at all anymore? Just trying to continue HoW's Question. *hmm, I watch CSI, Desperate Housewives, NCIS and Dr. Who. I love Dr. Who* But wait! Speaking of TV, have you ever watched Gargoyles, Pirates of Dark Water or Reboot? *yes! I loved Gargoyles! and Reboot of course - it's Canadian! But I've never heard of Pirates of Dark Water....* *Hugglesnuggles Reens for no reason* *me takes the hugglesnuggles and raises you a snuggleglomp* If Ninja are awsome, and Carriers = Instant Win, what about Carrier Ninja? *umm, what?* I've got a serious one now. If there were one thing you could change about the Boards, what would it be? *I'd like that for the first week or 2 of having an account that it be read-only. No posting ability. That might cut down on the spam, and would definately lead them to the "search" function.* Well, that's all for now, but I might just come back[;)] *Snugglewugglehuggles Reens bye* *bye-snuggles Doctor Zhivago*