RE: Meet the Mods - Reens! offline! (Full Version)

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Chandler -> RE: Meet the Mods - Reens! offline! (5/12/2005 6:52:37)

Well you are apparently a fantasy novel fan,so have you read/what did you think of:

Garth Nix: Sabriel trilogy
*haven't seen this one...*

Raymond Feist: Any, but in particular the Riftwar Saga
*didn't mind it, not my favorite*

Tamora Pierce: Trickster's choice/Trickster's Queen
*apparently I have some books to find...*

Also, do you read any webcomics?
*User Friendly mostly, pop by Homestarrunner every now and again*

Any favourite movies in particular?
*Princess Bride. :)*

Do you watch 'Friends'? *points at own name :p*
*I liked it for the first couple of seasons, but then it got boring. Sorry.*

Do you chat in IRC? Other than the AQ channel that is. IF so, what channels? I can never find any that aren't either empty or full of spam and flooding etc. :(
*I'm usually in Battleon...*

When did you become a mod? I stopped playing AQ about 7 or 8 months ago until now, and you weren't around then, at least not as a mod.
*I was MOD-ified in March. Just a "helpful" before then..*

Well, that's all we have time for ladies and gentleman. Thankyou, and good night. *snuggles*

tyty_pretzel -> RE: Meet the Mods - Reens! offline! (5/12/2005 7:36:57)


How did you get that name?
*It was my nickname as a kid*


Do you like pretzels?

If yes, with or without cheese?

How old are you (sorry if this has already been answered)
*on the far side of 30*

Favorite author/book?
*David Eddings...see some of the other answers for the books*

Favorite food/snack?
*don't really have a fave food. Fave snack? Chocolate!*

Well I guess thats all

The Preatzel stealer, muahahahaha

demonhunter -> RE: Meet the Mods - Reens! offline! (5/12/2005 9:19:13)

Back again.

Favourite scene from the 'Smokey and the Bandit' movies? (mine was the 'World's biggest game of chicken' in number 2. hell funny.)
*any of the ones from number one with the truckers blocking Smokey.*

You read the 'Witches of Eileannan' series?

What about the 'Trinity' series?

What's your favourite Suzi Quatro song? Mine's 'Trouble'.
*honestly..I've heard of her. Couldn't name one of her songs, though.*

Bah, my brain hurts. Hope you feel better tomorrow!
*thanks, demonhunter! me too. :(*

Chandler -> RE: Meet the Mods - Reens! offline! (5/12/2005 9:59:30)

Posting again so soon just to say that the 'Witches of Eileannan' series demonhunter just mentioned is great. And I recently met the author, Kate Forsyth when she was in Queensland :). Incidentally, Isobelle Carmody is another author you should read.

EDIT- To demon: Seen it, have it, haven't gotten around to reading it yet though.

*taking notes....I'll look into these when I have some free time*

demonhunter -> RE: Meet the Mods - Reens! offline! (5/12/2005 10:06:24)

Firstly, to chandler: Finally, someone else who's read the series and likes it! Have you seen her new series, Riannon's Ride?

OK, back to Reens.

I can post some Suzi Quatro lyrics if you want, just to jog your memory...
*that's ok...*

Think my RPing has improved since I became ARPer? I fixed up the capital letters thing.
*good. I thought your RPing was wonderful to begin with...that's why I pointed you out to the ARPers.*

Well, that's me done for tonight. If I post again, it's because I'm up later than I should be :P

The One Wolf -> RE: Meet the Mods - Reens! offline! (5/12/2005 10:42:48)


Bwama? The snuggled's bwama? Or an entirely different bwama? >.>
*the snuggled's bwama. Cyrus' bwama.* <----- ROFL

If you are online right now, how can you be offline? GAH! *brain blows a fuse*
*heh. I'm in and out...easier to keep it offline*

Have you ever read the Silmarillion? Like it?
*yep. yep*


Play Runescape? :P
*nope, but my nephew does. I'm trying to convert him, but it's not working.*
*hands Reens a sledgehammer with which to 'convert' her nephew to AQ* >.>

How's Danny?
*he's fine! watching "Backyardigans" right now.*

Hope you're feeling better.

You'know I could always be the big bad wolf who'll eat Danny up when he's naughty.......
*I know...but he's not that bad....Yet.*

*Au Revoir*

Whoops, got some more.

Where do you come from? Home town?
*grew up in Alberta, moved to Ontario for Uni and never left*

How about a pic? PMed to me on IRC if you dun wanna expose yerself to the public? ^_^
*there are a couple floating around somewhere...

Where'dya live?
*Ontario, Canada*

Hm. When you're bored, what do you do?
*I have a 2.5yr old. I rarely have time to get bored*

The gecko, wolf or dragon? >.>
*all 3! and the hawk! and hawke!*

Why'dya swap with Bele?
*Because he was too busy this week*

Is it true that Beleirdawke is going to do a MtM?
*you'll have to wait and find out. ;)*

*À bientôt*

Dor -> RE: Meet the Mods - Reens! offline! (5/12/2005 11:12:28)

Hi Reens!
*Hi Dor!

What's your favorite food?
*I don't really have a favorite...*

What's your most hated food?
*liver. 'nuff said*

What's your favorite PS game and PC game?
*I used to play GT4 on the PS, and I play this really neat game called AdventureQuest!*

-Do you like Prince of Persia or Need for Speed: Underground 1 or 2?
*never heard of them*

If you would give me a title, what will it be?
*I'd have to get to know you first...*

Do I got a good or a bad reputation?
*I don't know...which isn't a bad thing.*

Where do YOU think I am from? (guess or tell what do you think)
*I don't know..

Who's the most snuggly mod?
*I'm pretty snuggly...

Who is the most snuggly Member/Helpful/Creative?
*hmm, Silverwing is pretty snuggly...*

Am I annoying?
*no...of course not!*

Doesn't seem I have any other questions in my mind except for:

What's your favorite shield (Use U and B on the answer)
1) Cheese
2) Corn
3) Wheat
*don't have any of them..*
-same question-
1) Ethos
2) Pathos
3) Logos
*same as above*
-same question-
1) Undead Terror
2) Nighthunter

See ya later Reens!
*bye Dor!*

lillerare -> RE: Meet the Mods - Reens! offline! (5/12/2005 11:21:03)

hi Reens

can i get a snuggle please?
*sure! snugglehugglewuggles lillerare*

have you ever watched Jetix or Disneychannel?
*no....I don't get them*

have you ever heard about the animal Degus?

if answer is no do you want a little explanation on what it is?

Degus is a little animal thats looks like a rat (not the battleon rats of course) and squrls.(if thats the correct spelling) and they can live up to 8 years.
*interesting...although quite frankly a squirrel is nothing more than a rat with good P.R. and a fluffy tail...*

talwraith -> RE: Meet the Mods - Reens! offline! (5/12/2005 11:52:37)

Yo Reens. Guess I'll give this thing a shot. Since I don't have any serious questions that haven't already been asked, I'll go with the hypotheticals.
*yo, tal*
Alright, if you had a wish for anything, anything at all, what would you wish for?
*that I could get better...really, that's all I want right now*
What if you could only with for a material object? (applicable only if you didn't wish for one on the last question)
*does a credit card with no limit that I don't ever have to pay off count?*
Not to be morbid, but if you were trapped on a tiny island, not more than a large rock in the middle of the sea, with nothing but the clothes you're wearing right now, would you rather have it be: Arctic, and die from hypothermia. Tropical, and die of Hyperthermia. Or, somewhere inbetween, and die from starvation?
*arctic...would be faster. You're kinda morbid today...*
Finally, do you have a question that you've been watching for? A kind of dream question that you have some sort of clever, revealing, or just generally neat answer to that you hope someone will post? If you do, what is it, and it's matching answer?
*hmm, nope. sorry. :)*

Well, that's that.
*snuggleshuggleswuggles talwraith*

<.< *Gets in a quick snuggle.*

Chandler -> RE: Meet the Mods - Reens! offline! (5/12/2005 12:00:26)

1:30 Am. School tomorrow. Too much caffeine to sleep. The solution: Forums!
*silly boy..*
Hmm... Favourite TV show?
*Dr. Who*
Ever watch M*A*S*H?
Caffeine addict/not caffeine addict?
*coffee all the way*
Sleep: good or bad?
Play FPS games? (I ask, because I am imagining the responses if you typed *snuggles* on counterstrike :D)
*nope...but wouldn't that be hilarious?*
Horror movies: good or bad?
Favourite horror movie?
*original children of the corn*
Clowns: Funny or freaky?
*freaky. thanks to Stephen King and Pennywise*
Got any pets?
*yep. a cat.*
What time is it now where you are?
*1247pm EST*
EDIT- feh. Just when I post, you really ARE offline :/
Finally, to Talwraith: 'Not to be morbid'? That is definitely 'to be morbid' IMO!
*he's Talwraith...*

Lord Ray Dragonheart -> RE: Meet the Mods - Reens! offline! (5/12/2005 14:48:42)

Hiya! ^_^

Well,questions...hmm..hmm..,ah,got one!
*ok, shoot!*

If you could choose one werecreature/lycanthrope type,what would you be?
Werecrow myself,Waaarck!
*probably a were-snugglekitty*

Text smilies or [sm=music-smiley-016.gif] ones?

School or work?
*I'd love to go back to school! But right now I work.*

What kinds of music do you like?
*all kinds - except most rap and really heavy industrial. Not a huge fan of opera, but I like some of it*

Any favorite band/artist?
*favorite is so hard...I like so many!*

Whats the best part about being a moderator?
*helping keep the forums clean*

Is my sig any good?

What do you prefer,Fantasy or SF?
*I like both, but lean more towards Fantasy*

Where did you find out about AQ?
*from someone on LiveJournal*

How long have you been playing?
*just under a year*

Coffe,Coke,or hot chocolate?

Snuggles or Huggles?
*snugglehugglewuggles, actually*

Ever tried eating a pizza with a spoon? It's quite a challange actually.
*umm, no*

Last question,Old AQ or New AQ?
*new town all the way!*

Well,my brain can't figure out more,Bye Reens!

(Note:I didn't read all the posts,so I might have asked some that already have been)

keegan -> RE: Meet the Mods - Reens! offline! (5/12/2005 15:37:09)

Hi Reens!!!!!!

Do you know me?
*not really*

Do you think im a good person?
*I don't know you well enough to say. But that can be a good thing, you know.*

If you could give me a title what would it be?
*I'd have to get to know you, first*

Your the coolest and smartest and every other thing I can say to suck up to you so maybe you will upload this avatar for me please!!!! I will never ask you for anything again for the rest of my life!!!!
*thanks for the suckuppiness, but I can't upload avatars. ;)*

Guess who my favorite mod is?
*Fyrel? smbdoll?*

Why was 6 afraid of 7?
*because 7 is bigger and all pointy and stuff?*

2 zombies raced who won?
*neither...they both fell apart before the finish line*

Did I say you were the best person ever!!
*you did. *huggles!*

Your my Idol!

Will you post a pic?
*I don't have any that I like.*

Your my Idol!

umm, your my Idol!
*see above*

Can I have a snuggle?????[:)]

I will be back! *runs away hoping he wont get tripped!
*see you later!*

Deathmage -> RE: Meet the Mods - Reens! offline! (5/12/2005 16:26:15)

Do you know Fyrel?
*yes...she's snugglerific!*

Do you know Seahawk?
*yup. he's my favorite 'hawk'-named person. (please note.. Blackhawke is a 'hawke'-named person. ;p) and Accipitris is a hawk of another type of name!*

Do you know me?
*I recognize the name, yes. :)*

If you gave me a title what would it be?
*I'd have to get to know you first...*

Do you like monkeys?
*sure, why not*

Do you want a really good salsa recipe? (I've used it before)
mmm...salsa. I'd love it!*

Do you play computer games?
*yeah...I play this really cool game called AdventureQuest!*

Have you tested the new town? (It rocks!)
*'s great isn't it! Kaley, Oishii and J are GREAT artists.*

Do you like my siggy?

joe72492 -> RE: Meet the Mods - Reens! offline! (5/12/2005 17:10:21)


*if I find one I like, I'll post it, ok?*

Chandler -> RE: Meet the Mods - Reens! offline! (5/12/2005 17:27:16)

Whoopee! Realised I don't HAVE school today thanks to having an athletics carnival on a saturday... lucky my friend on msn reminded me, or I would have gone :p
*heehee. that would have been funny.*

So, some more random questions.
*random is good!*

How do you love coffee and yet like sleep?
*coffee is yummy, and sleep is the best thing in the world. they're not mutually exclusive - unless you REALLY overdo
the coffee.

Action movies, good or bad?

Favourite actor Dr. WHo? (Gotta love the third guy!)
*the 4th Dr. puffy-shirt/long scarf guy. of course!*

Herbal medicine/natural remedies etc, good or useless?
*some good...I think some of it is worthless, though*

Modern art, good or bad?
*I'm not a big fan...I like my pictures to look like things I recognize*

Art in general, boring or interesting?

Radio talk programs, good or bad?
*depends on the program...

8-bit thatre, good, bad, never read it?
*I've read it...kinda like it.*

Deleted User -> [Deleted] (5/12/2005 18:52:48)

[Deleted by Admins]

demonhunter -> RE: Meet the Mods - Reens! offline! (5/12/2005 20:03:52)

Bon matin, Reens!
*Bonjour!* (trans: hello!)

Feeling better?
*yes, actually! I'm still sick, but it's better than it was.*

Tu parle francais? Je fait.
*Oui, je parle Francais. Mon marie est Franco-Ontarien* (trans: yes, I speak French. My husband is French Canadian from Ontario)

What made you think my RPing was wonderful when I started? I'd only been RPing for, what, two days?
*the quality of your writing and level of description that you put into your posts. It was a nice change to see that.*

Gotta go to school soon, catchya later!

kratos -> RE: Meet the Mods - Reens! offline! (5/12/2005 20:06:44)

do you like coffee?
*you betcha!*

do you own a gorilla i bet you dont i dont either

im not very poise are you *falls down and breaks neck*
*I definately have better co-ordination than that!*

i bet you think im boring right?
*I don't know you well enough to say....*

i own a xbox!i dont play it though

no you cant have it and im crazy i just ate some candy and a cappachino or however you spell it
*don't want it. Cappucino.*

the last confusing question:if you ruled the war what would you do?
*If I ruled the war? Depends on which war...because I sure wouldn't be a ruler of Safiria...I mean c'mon! She's the Vampire Queen!*

Golden Dragon -> RE: Meet the Mods - Reens! offline! (5/12/2005 20:57:23)

hey reens!!!
*hey golden dragon!*

can i get some snuggles??
*sure. *snuggles golden dragon*

did you know it is strongbads b day today? Go wish her a happy b day ok?
*it was yesterday...and I did!*

you know who are my best friends on the forums? You, coot and strongbad
* sweet!*


Jergal -> RE: Meet the Mods - Reens! offline! (5/12/2005 21:53:51)

Wait, it's your turn and nobody told me!
* was a spur of the moment takeover from Bele!*

Erm. Hiya! Can I ask you a deep question ?

What's the difference between all these snuggles, huggles, wuggles, everythingelseuggles ? I've always wondered... That's why I ask before doing it, I wouldn't want to do something illegal you know.
*heh. well, a snuggle is just a snuggle...a huggle is a hug, a wuggle is a funny sounding word. None of them are illegal, snugglehugglewuggle away! *snugglehugglewuggles Jergal!*

Now can you pick the best *uggle in the list and give it to you ? Thanks!
* have to do it*

I noticed that you liked Piano ?
If so, do you know who is Yann Tiersen ? The one who 'wrote' the musics of the film "Amélie Poulain".
*Amelie! I loved that movie!*

Are you able to play these musics ?
*nope. I'm definately not that good. ;)*

Aren't they 'magnifiques' ? =)
*I love that soundtrack. Ce sont definatement magnifiques! (it's great...remember, my written French is horrible...)*

Do you play for your son (I suppose I shouldn't call him by his name in the forum), and if yes does he cry, laugh or smile happily when listening ? ^^
*I don't have one at home, so he doesn't get it very much. When we visit my family he gets to play and giggles a lot. I tend to refer to him as "the munchkin*. ;)

Well, I'm glad you like Piano AND cats. You're definitely worth it. =p
*why thank you!* ;p

Anyway, I hope you feel better now! I have more questions but I'm so shy, I won't ask. *Wonders if it is a credible excuse to leave her, alone, sick and in the dust*
*Thanks, Jergal...ask away.*

*So cruel, sometimes*
*sniffle. :D*

Well, I can't go without a good type of *uggle, just chose which one for me. A bientôt! ^^
*Reens snugglehugglewuggles Jergal!*

Chandler -> RE: Meet the Mods - Reens! offline! (5/13/2005 10:25:30)

Ooh, friday 13th! Well, Saturday 14th now technically, but meh.
*still Friday here. ;)*

4th doctor, yeah. That's the one I meant. Tom Baker wasn't it?
*yeah. heh. puffy shirt/funny scarf guy.*

Ever write any short stories or anything?
*I used to...*

If so, can I see them?
*don't still have any, I don't think.*

Still sick? I'm getting a cold too now :(
*oops. sorry about that!*

Well, I'm out. *Snuggles*

Tharg Bloodaxe -> RE: Meet the Mods - Reens! offline! (5/13/2005 14:43:08)

Hey Reens!
*Har Tharg!*

Who is your favorite orc? ;)
*hmm, you?*

How did you first become exposed to RPGs?
*D&D years ago, this is my first online game.*

What aspect to them do you like best in them, that makes you play them?
*I like the fantastical aspect...the use of imagination, mainly.*

What is your favorite RPG? Why this particular game, out of all the existing ones?
*Well, I don't play any tabletops any more, and since AQ is the only game I play online....AdventureQuest! I love the new art, and the fact that the game is constantly changing. The staff is pretty cool, too. ;p*

How about your favorite fantasy race? Why?
*as a species, Dragons. I've always loved dragons. The ability of flight, I guess. And they're really cool*

If you were given the power to control one of the four basic elements, which would you choose? How would you use it?
*Fire is good for defense and offense. And it keeps me warm*

What do you think are the strengths to AQ?
*The fantastic art, the continual evolution of the game, and the relationship between the staff and players*

What areas do you believe need the most work or are lacking in?
*I'd like to see some of the old unfinished quests finished. That "friendly Drakel" drives me nuts*

What was your first impression of me when I arrived to this site? (If you could remember)
*I remember! I thought you were incredibly well spoken - your arguments were well stated and in order..they made sense. And then you started helping me with my job. ;p*

Were you ever annoyed at the amount of PMs I sent you in reports at any given point when I did? :D
*nope. it helped us keep the boards clean!*

What part of the Orcish language fascinates you? Do you look foreward to it next?
*I love looking at it thinking "I should know what that means", and trying to puzzle it out. I'll try to answer it!*

[14:25] Wallo: Fear my Golden Toothpick.
[14:26] Tharg: Golden Toothpick?
[14:26] Wallo: Golden Axed Twillyized.
[14:26] Wallo: *Axe
[14:26] * Tharg unsheathes his two-handed steak knife.
[14:27] Wallo: XD
[14:28] * Tharg stabs Wallo as the knife is coated with a vial of A1.
[14:29] Wallo: Urgh.
[14:29] * Wallo dies.
[14:31] * Tharg begins to dig in and saves some Wallo for Reens.
*awww, thanks!*

Wunt sum? *offers a piece of cooked meat and a golden toothpick to Reens with a toothy grin*

Deathmage -> RE: Meet the Mods - Reens! offline! (5/13/2005 15:43:14)

Here is the salsa recipe.
1 quart diced tomatoes
various hot peppers (2-5 works; preferrably jalepenos but others work)
2-3 slices of onions

chili powder
black pepper
garlic powder


In processor (or blender) place onios and peppers. Grind. Place in pot. Put tomatoes in processor. Grind. Add to pot. Then add chili powder, garlic powder, salt, and pepper to taste. Mix Well. Cook on high until boiling and then turn to low for 1/2 an hour or until spices fully blended. Refrigerate. Eat with corn chips.

Very good salsa it is.
*sounds great!*

Well if you han't heard Seahawk and I became Fyrel's Official Groupies. Pretty cool huh?
*very cool. Fyrel has minions. heh*

Can I see a picture of you?
*If I can find one I like, I'll post it.*

Do you like the new mage shop?
*yep. love the green hair*

Are you cool enough to be considered as a cool person who is cooly cool?
*hmm, I don't know. probably not...just cool. not cooly cool.*

What is your favorite type of monkey?

Who is your favorite Star Wars character? (Mine is Vader as you might have been able to tell!)
*R2D2. a trashcan on wheels that makes funny beeping noises. and has the highest number of toys. go R2!*

Firelight12 -> RE: Meet the Mods - Reens! offline! (5/13/2005 17:54:51)

Hi Hi Hi Reens! Im Back and im happy! I know about snuggling now! *me snugglewuggles Reens!*
*Hi Hi! *snuggles back*

More Questions!

Okay, I know of your intense love of chocolate, what kind? Hersheys, Reeses, Crunch bars, Milky ways, what?
*mmmm...Belgian chocolate preferably, but I'll take a Reese's peanut butter cups any day. And Three Musketeers*

I assume you have made many freinds in this forum?
*yes...and they are so great!*

Who are you most happy you met since you cam here?
*hmm, I'd have to say the staff - everyone is wonderful!*

Looking back, where would you be with AQ and its wonderful snuggly wuggly forum?
*a sad and lonely person. ;p*

Do you like spicy food?
*I love mexican spicy!*

Favorite place in the world?
*Finland. A little town called Naantali. We were there for vacation about 5 years still sticks in my mind as my favorite holiday of all time.*

Do you think you do a good job as a mod?
*I do. I work hard at it...and I think I'm doing a good job.*

Did i here correctly you have a cold?
*It's a little more than a cold...I have an Upper-respiratory infection. which is a fancy way of saying a horrible case of bronchitis that they can't figure out how to get rid of.*

I was out of school for a weak with a fever, then i had to do all the homework when i got back[:@] isnt that horribible?
*awww. well, they have to make sure you keep up with the rest of the class, I guess.*

Last Question, Okay can u delete the account called firelight, he hasnt logged in in 5 months and i don't like the icky wicky 12 i had to put on my name. If you can i would like it changed to just firelight. Can you?
*sorry, I don't have that kind of power....try emailing the helpzard*

Bye bye! I think that is all the questions im going to ask you. Unless i think of someting REALLY good.

joe72492 -> RE: Meet the Mods - Reens! offline! (5/13/2005 17:57:45)

*Mafia accent* Found a picture yet? Don't mean to bother you, I just REALLY want to see what you look like!!!!!!!!!! Doesn't even have to be good!

*calm down...if I find one, I'll post it.*

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