joe72492 -> RE: Meet the Mods - Reens! offline! (5/11/2005 18:43:50)
Do you like Green Day(the band)? *they're not bad* fav food? *don't really have one* can I make up for what I did to Destined Darkness?(you know, flaming him and all) *just don't do it again* What would you rate me as a good guy so far including everything i've done on a scale of 1 to 10? (be honest!) *honestly, I don't remember most that is a good thing. If I remember you it's because you've been very very bad. or very very good.* where were you born? *Edmonton, Alberta* Are you married? *yes* If not, can I marry you? Can you PLEASE post a pic of yourself so I can see how you look?PLEASE? *no...I don't have any that I like* You know what? Honestly, you're the best moderater on the message boards, even better than ARTIX! I'm SERIOUS! *awww. *blushes* I'm in 7 grade, and I LOVE physics!! It's so awesome, I SQUEAL like my little sister! Do YOU like it? Umm, nope. Sorry. My favorite is Quantum physics, do you like THAT? Have you even heard of it? Physics? yes, I've heard of it. Seriuosly, my IQ is 157!! Had to take it for my Accedemicaly Inttuelectualy Gifted class! (Not sure how to spell it) Try and put some of that 157IQ towards learning to spell, hmm? Have you ever read Stephen Hawking's book "A Brief history of time?" It's amasing! Yes, we have it. Bye! *bye*