Doctor Zhivago -> RE: Meet the Mods - Reens! offline! (5/15/2005 18:44:59)
I said I'd be back, didn't I? It may have taken me 4 pages, but still... Anyway, I'll try to think up some original-ish questions this time. *you did...ask away* First off, if you could visit any place in the world at all, where would that place be? The sky's the limit here. *I'd love to go to Europe and meet all the people that I know from over there. And then a month on a beach would be great. I'm not asking for much...just nice sand, warm weather and somewhere to get rid of this cold* What people would you say you admire the most, and why? *well, I admire Artix for his vision that started this whole thing off...and I admire people like social workers...and aid workers. It is a hard, (mostly thankless) job - it can be dangerous, but they are helping so many people.* Books, books... you've been asked your faves a lot, so what's the worst book you've ever read? Is it worse than The Scarlet Letter? *Shudders* *hey, the Scarlet letter wasn't that bad! I'd have to say for worst book...any of the post-modern-deconstructionist books. Had to read them in 4th year for the one class on moderns that i needed. Horrible things...made no sense at all* I know a lot of people have said this, but... *Snugglewugglehuggles Reens* I hope you feel better soon! *snugglehugglewuggles Dr. Zhivago. Thanks!* On another subject, is there any sort of music that you particularly dislike? Faves have been asked a lot... *I'm not a big fan of rap, but again, that is personal taste. I don't like a lot of opera, mostly because high-vibrato soprano's hurt my ears.* A little different, but do you ever act, Reens? If so, what was your favorite role to take, and why? *act? nope. I have no talent in that whatsoever. I do, however, have a large amount of experience in creating car tracks and jumps for Hot Wheels cars. And playing announcer for my son* What are your favorite heroes and villains? They can be from any medium, so the sky's the limit once more! *The Dread Pirate Roberts (of course), Heris Serrano, Jack the bodiless, Hannibal Lecter ...these are hard questions!* You mentioned Doctor Who last time, and I've been interested in it for a while. Do you know of a way for me to watch old episodes of Doctor Who or will I just have to watch the new ones? *I'm sure they are on DVD somewhere...I'm just watching the new one's for now* Hmm... well, I've asked a lot of questions, so I'll leave you alone for now. *Byesnuggles Reens* *bye-snuggles Doctor Zhivago*