RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (Full Version)

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Serbitar -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (8/16/2007 12:45:09)

Check our post count. The chompation just pwned us.

yeah I cleared some threads in each clan.

Apocalyptic -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (8/16/2007 14:04:53)

Ouch... How did Aerodu escape with so many?!?! They've got more than Nocturu!!!

Serbitar -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (8/16/2007 15:21:30)

It has something to do with Pie. I always knew he was as sinister as....something...

Apocalyptic -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (8/17/2007 5:06:57)

I think there is some sort of conspiricy here...
Every time we get to 2nd in post count, they obliterate us...

Lord of Ice -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (8/17/2007 5:39:03)

Hmmm. Something is definitely wrong here...

Serbitar -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (8/17/2007 6:29:35)

Well we're third ATM and we've zoomed past Igneus, Nocturu will soon fall! And Aerodu isn't active enough to hold that position.

Apocalyptic -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (8/17/2007 7:03:29)

Yaiz! We're still te 2nd most active forum community in Paxia, no matter what our post count.

Serbitar -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (8/17/2007 7:04:11)

And still the number 1 coolest. [;)]

brotherbeast -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (8/20/2007 11:51:25)

hello there my gelid comrades. I come bearing gifts from Geoto. How's a banner for this here thread.
(there happy serbitar?lol)

Serbitar -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (8/20/2007 12:58:07)

(Yuh-uh) Take it more as a Nocturan gift. I might set it on fire it was Geotian..

Apocalyptic -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (8/20/2007 14:31:57)

Let's not be racist now... [:o]
We love it! SIEGE! Get over here and update with the banner!

Lord of Ice -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (8/20/2007 20:46:51)

That's more clanist, not racist.

Ricobabie -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (8/20/2007 20:48:21)

SO we want the banner Brotherbeast made right ?

I can edit posts you know :P


Siege -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (8/21/2007 0:47:24)

I was never much for being on time. =P

Thank you rico. =P

Serbitar -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (8/21/2007 5:55:58)

Yay! And the threads in Glacius get even cooler..

Sentevan -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (8/24/2007 13:31:36)

Hiyas, just left Geotal, and I've always liked Glaciar *cough*Iorek Byernison *cough* Let enemies of the Glaciar feel the frozen points of our blades as the dark fogs of oblivion swirl across their eyes and life is ripped from their bodies. Let there be frozen dairy treats!!

Apocalyptic -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (8/24/2007 14:47:50)

Woo! Welcome to Glacius Sentevan!

Serbitar -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (8/24/2007 18:40:45)

Welcome to Glacius! Iorek is teh pwnzorz. I was gonna name my character Serby of the Panserbjorne but Azer already had it. Now that he's changed it though.. Ehehehe.

Demonstar -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (8/24/2007 20:22:16)

lol.... you could just become an Ak and make a title of the panserbajorn.....

dragonmencer -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (8/25/2007 1:54:30)

Welcome Sentevan. And I love that banner!!!

Siege -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (8/25/2007 1:54:44)

Serby, or soemone, could you explain what you are referencing? Panserbjorne, Iorek, I am so lost. =P

dragonmencer -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (8/25/2007 1:57:42)

Uh... A person?? (I have no idea whatsoever)

Z -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (8/25/2007 2:06:32)

Added credit to brotherbeast and thanks to Geoto for the banner.

Serbitar -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (8/26/2007 6:59:21)

Its from the His Dark Materials trilogy. They're making a film of the first book that should be out on a few months. The Panserbjorne are armoured bears and Iorek is an uber cool armoured bear who the main character befriends in the books. This trilogy is the best. ^_^

Lord of Ice -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (8/26/2007 8:08:07)

I see...

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