RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (Full Version)

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Baron -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (6/20/2009 2:40:42)

@Chugg, be sure to visit the Glacius clan roster so you can register your forum name.
Also visit all the other threads, specifically go to the thread where we are voting for our Power Core & power Collectable source, also glad to see a new Glacian.

Arctic Ninja -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (6/20/2009 11:06:55)

omg chugg u got a UIK that rocks

chugg -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (6/20/2009 14:05:55)

@Archmagus Baron
Thanks for letting me know I will do so.
@Artic Ninja
Yes I do, been around for a long time, never have been too active on the forums, but slowly I am starting to be.

Siege -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (7/6/2009 4:19:23)

Wow, this thread was posted back in 2007 and its still alive. O.O

Welcome to all the new members.

Arctic Ninja -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (7/6/2009 10:27:22)

hi Siege good to see a old glacian back and yes glacius had a dry spell for a bit but we are back and better than ever

brianspenceni -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (7/6/2009 10:30:54)

Yeah. After the leadership election, we're gonna take off!

Baron -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (7/6/2009 17:15:19)

@Siege, are you going to be back at Glacius & active again? It'd be great to see an old Glacian come back.

137ben -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (7/6/2009 17:38:40)

Yes, we would be glad if you came back!!!

Siege -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (7/6/2009 22:56:53)

Thanks [:D]

But I can't be super active here, though I will stop by from time to time.

J_bn -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (7/7/2009 10:01:11)

Woot! Siege, how ya doing? So you're gonna be an "occasional" like me :P

brianspenceni -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (7/7/2009 10:10:44)

I think we'll have to discuss how to increase clan-activity soon; both of you will have more experience in that than the rest of us (I imagine). Make sure you give us the benefit of that, even if it's only the occasional post.

J_bn, for example, you got us back on the IRC! Great stuff.

Baron -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (7/7/2009 17:24:23)

As long as you both occasionally speak on the forums, we'll be happy. Also, I'm keeping a look out for Glacians that arn't on these boards yet...maybe an idea like Olympus Lux will increase activity as well.

cudgel -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (7/8/2009 3:25:48)

hiya i just wanted to say hi to all of my fellow members of glacius and i will sign up in the rooster wednesday

Baron -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (7/8/2009 3:55:57)

Hi Cudgel, good to see more blood coming into Glacius.

brianspenceni -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (7/8/2009 4:04:08)

Hi Cudgel! Welcome to the clan.

137ben -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (7/8/2009 15:53:07)

Great to have you cudgel, but...your aq character is not linked to your forum account, so you cannot be entered in the roster until then;)

Arctic Ninja -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (7/9/2009 20:07:42)

uh o cudgel got banned

DigDog -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (7/10/2009 5:05:09)

2 posts and already banned? That must be a record or something.

brianspenceni -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (7/10/2009 13:42:40)

Makes you wonder how can others have survived for so long? lol

DigDog -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (7/10/2009 14:41:55)

Oho, I see what you did there ;)

brianspenceni -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (7/14/2009 7:51:38)

You can't really blame me - it was the perfect set-up.

Baron -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (7/18/2009 4:46:27)

You might want to update the Glacian History Resource Center link, with the New one[;)]


Here are a few things you may want to update:

  • The old Getting to know your Glacians thread has been moved or deleted, if Scakk allows I will create a new one & will provide a link to it so you can put that there instead.

  • The GHC thread 7 has been moved or deleted, the new one can be found here

  • The old Glacius clan roster has been moved or deleted, the new one can be found here

  • The old Bobby the Ice Penguin thread has been taken over by Cryo, the new one can be found here

  • The old clan FAQ/Q&A has been taken over by me, the new one can be found here

  • Finally, you might also want to add the Glacian Level Tracker to the useful links within the Glacian sub-forums, but that decision is definately up to you.

  • Siege -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (7/28/2009 2:47:05)

    That needed a serious overhaul. Thanks, baron.

    Raven Mac Drake -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (9/18/2009 12:31:27)

    Hi peaple, I just joined the icy clan. I was a member (not really active 'cause I left the game for almost 2 years) of the Igneus.
    As a Drizzt Do' Urden's fan I seriosly falled in love with winter, cold scenery and icy places like IcewindDale, so I chose to join Glacius, 'cause it reminds me of these things.

    How things work here?

    137ben -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (9/18/2009 15:51:09)

    We are glad you are in glacius now!

    You may want to visit the glacius clan roster to register.

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