RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (Full Version)

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The Extinguisher -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/14/2007 19:36:44)

Seli leaped backwards, dodging her enemy's attack. However, as fast her light structure and speed spell allowed her to be, she was not particularly able to dodge one of them. It cut into her side, grazing the skin. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to attack the swordsmen. She readied her sword for another attack.

“Look look, I haven't killed anyone recently, and no one by that name anyway, so I have no clue what you are talking about. Maybe your mistaken?” Seli launched into the air, just above Luthor's head, and began to play once more. The tune was swiftly played, and her voiced murmured. Soon enough, there were two of her, a perfect copy. Seli landed, and the illusion remained in the air, both of them circling her opponent. Throwing her voice, Seli made it appear as if both were talking. “As long as there is light around me, I can make anything I want. Care to take a gamble at which is the real me?”

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/14/2007 20:03:49)

Cid observed the combat while considering the proposition. "Yes, large teams can be bad, might cause bi-polarity on the battle field, when the goal is uni-polarity, for one group to be dominant. There's a few other factors we need to consider, for instance, a leader. With partners, it's easy, equal voice. If there is a 4 team up with us... a leader might need to be designated, though I'm sure we'll sort all that out when the oppritunity arises." He began, watching Seli with her trick.

"As for the geomancer, I am aware of his alignement, though there might be more then meets the eye, and I mean that in a negative way. I watched him attack the energy showoff as he zipped around the stadium. This is cause for some alarm, as there is no reason to respond to such teasing. This shows either a lack of restraint on his part, or that something else prompted him to react on impulse. He was meditating earlier when I walked in..." Cid began to drift off a tad, pondering while keeping his senses alert for sneak attacks.

"Ahh, I am the Chief Engineer of Aerodu. If you've been around that area, you might have heard of us. My clan is aligned with the wind, as am I. I won't go into long details as this sadly isn't the palce for it. There's somethign odd about that Earth swordsmen, I can feel it. After fighting two Clan Wars against Geoto, the clan of earth, I have a lot of expierience fighting them. But it is bettter to be-friend then to make enemy in any situation." he added.

"The light user, the winged one over there" Cid pointed to Seli. "She might be useful, as control of one of the areas on this field is a good goal. Control of the skies will certainly make combat easier. Plus, she knows who needs a good stab in the ego. If not we should be able to take her on none the less. Oh, I should also add I'm an ocillomancer, so I guess technically I'm an aerocillomancer."

Onomatopoeia -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/14/2007 20:05:11)

The girl dodged most of Luthor's attacks, only taking away a single cut. She assured him that she had not killed his father, and asked if he were mistaken. Luthor stopped, placed a hand over his heart and said, "Alas, for you have caught me in a lie, madam. I would be remiss is I did not tell you truly that my name is not really Inigo Montoya. My real name is Thor Odinsson. I am a god that was kicked out of the heavens and now I seek to regain the favor of my father, Zeus." Without thinking, Luthor reached up and switched his eyepatch over to his other eye.

The girl launched into the air and played a short musical tune. Then, suddenly, there were two of her, one on the ground and one in the air. The girl said something about light, which Luthor took to mean she was an illusionist. He grinned and the tatoo on his forehead flared brightly, "Forgive me madam, but I do not need to gamble." Luthor dashed up towards the real Seli and threw out a few more slashes, more tests. "This tatoo on my forehead is not just for show, madam. It allows me to pierce any illusion crafted by mortal hands."

Shodu -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/14/2007 20:22:55)

Ferith had no idea what an aerocillomancer was but he didn't care much. A wind elementalist... he was reminded of the idea of Cid flying and nearly chuckled.

"The idea of a leader might cause a general disruption, everyone would want to lead and nobody would want to follow the leader. General group plans should probably work just as well. Your point about the geomance is valid, it might be dangerous to consider him, but at the same time having him on our side might simply prevent us from getting attacked similarly." Ferith looked over at Seli. she was a light user then? This made things easier. She'd most likely be a huge ally if they could recruit her.

"She seems smart enough, and with your wind and her flight sky control would definately be ours to command. That puts us much higher than them. Now, with a large tank warrior and a good mage we could make a pretty invincible team, coverin for one anothers weaknesses. With light, wind, and ice we could simply go for energy or water, although water would be the best choice for this kind of arena. Then again energy's much more diverse than my ice and we could probably use that too..." Ferith's voice trailed away as he was lost in thought.

dragon -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/14/2007 22:50:08)

Ok, there was no way that swords clashing had ever been a good sign.

Certainly, if he had a choice, this was the last way Valedren'el would choose to enter. He had no chance for alliances before the battle, and no chance to warm up, unless he thought this through. Fountain Arena, the arena he had been wary of from the beggining. He would much rather have fallen off the sky arena then be put an arena where every element had a chance. No matter, he knew the ways of war, how to fall and rise again, how to force those who defied him to admit their mistakes with the blood that would soon drench their clothes, and the fear that would soon soak their souls. His anger was the source of these feelings, but alas, he was much more cautious about controlling his emotions then he was currently letting on, and he needed to gain control. This was no time to fight inner battles, this was a time to get himself on one team and let loose. He settled down, feeling his blood pulse through him, woven with earth magic. He breathed deeply and opened his eyes. Their black depths showed no change, but there was one deep inside. He would fight. He would win. Today, he thought, is the day I conquer.

To the stragglers outside of the arena, he looked like a competitor, although a very odd one at that. His hair lashed around in the air close to his head, lunging this way and that, as if it were alive. A correct assumption indeed, as the leechthorns sought foreign blood to feed upon. His black eyes seemed like they could bore a hole into you if they watched you to long, but it seems no one ever stuck around him long enough to find out. His cloak was blowing gently in the cool breeze, whipping freely behind his figure. The enchanted white cloth about him was made to further harness his earth magic, though with all the power he held within, he rarely needed foreign assistance. He gently reached back and brought up his hood, covering the thorns, vanquishing them to the harsh darkness. The cloak was odd though, translucent in appearence. This was due to its enchantment, the magic had invaded the cloak and turned it clear with its power. You could barely make out the tattoed dragons that seemed to crawl up his body, two of them. Chances are, they did move, though he would never awknowledge this fact. You could see under the cloak he wore black pants, baggy cloth covering, keeping him light and maneuverable, and providing him with a weak defense enchantment. He would rather he have that then no magical protection at all. You could see the handle of a dagger protruding through the front of the whipping cloak, seemingly normal, though the blade was not visible. Upon his back he wore a scythe, but it was fairly stunning in appearence. It was double bladed, one blade on top, and one on the bottom, one on each side of the scythe, and the bottom one appeared upside down so that the scythe could be spun, and both blades used.

Valedren'el was nearing the arena now, almost sauntering to the gates. He looked around at the outside of the arena, disturbed only by the growing sounds that flowed from the arena like a breeze, carrying the heavy scent of blood. He smirked, for just a moment. A masscre, he thought, an organized massacre. His forte was hunting, had been since he had come of age in his village. Now he simply hunted beasts who would hunt back. Beasts armed and determined. But no more than he, he imagined. Resuming his emotionless expression, he walked into the arena, wearing a harsh expression of a scholar on his face. Scrutinize he did, as light was finally shed on the true level of bloodshed already present.

The air was splintered with the hollow sounds of clashes. The crowd roared, but he forced that noise into the back of his mind, into the expanse if things he wouldn't consider. Even with his eccentric features, he doubted the roars of the crowd were directed at him. Most likely they were directed at the war fought before his eyes. The fountains were still peacefully flowing, though one seemed broken. He wasn't sure if this was an intentional obstacle, or whether it had been broken by one of the projectiles, magic and artificial, that could be seen whizzing through the air. The ground was trampled, plants drooped as if crying at the chaos around them, other ripped apart as though they had given too loud an outcry and had been punished. No matter, thought Valendr'el, for his power was one that came from within. Surely, he would need the earth, but beauty was a thing for those of a peace he had not known since he was a child. He bent down, examining the earth with one hand, the other hand on his dagger. He was not sure how long it would be before he was attacked, but he knew in this chaos it would not be much longer. He hustled to the side of the arena, and pulled out his dagger. Now the blade shown to all who wished to see. The serated edge had been quite obviously newly sharpened, and the regular edge had undergone the same treatment as well. The blade move silently and quickly through the air, like a beam of light might pierce the barrier of leaves in a forest as the sun rose and fell. Leaning back, Valendr'el once again scanned the mighty expanse of chaos, and as he did he ran his hand softly over the edge of the dagger. The top blade on his scythe pulsed on his back, and a stream of blood ran over its edge to the pointed tip, dripping softly into the soft soil that lay beneath. The ground soaked up the blood, seeming as bloodthirsty as some of the competitors. The sun bounded through the fountains, making them sparkle, but that was nothing compared to the sheen of drawn blades.

He scoped the competitors, now those present generally giving up the secret of their element. He saw all kinds, but he knew that it was fighting skill and style that would determine the outcome in this arena. He saw a winged, angelic like figure, but this was certainly a peaceful disguise as her inner beast roared through the air, through the sound of her flute. Music magic. That was a very distinctive style, anyone who took the time to master that kind of magic was a threat. His eyes criss crossed the arena. He saw a few other like himself, pinned against the wall of the arena. He saw two talking, and he zeroed in on this. It was odd behavior, as if they were a team. He had heard of this happening, but to see it so soon surprised him. He was not sure if he would ally, for he did not know the power his opponents had.

dinranwen -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/14/2007 23:07:19)

Cecilia's obversances of the auras of her competitors had been quick, not trying to gauge each persons personality at this point merely their elemental alingnment and if as far as she could tell they were a threat.

The fight had begun, Cecilia knew, but she ignored the noise of battle so far.

There was at the present at least: one darkness elemental whose aura seeped of poision and mistruth, one light elemental whose being seemed to be that of flight and music deciptive and illusive, one water elemental careful preparing the south side of the fountain if the flickering power of his aura as his magics were used were any indication.

Finally, an very angry, and powerful earth elemental attacking a staticy energy element by making a pillar of earth rise, beginning the fight with a surge of dirt that caused Cecilia to spread her feet wide in order to keep from losing her balance with the shift. The crowds cheer told Cecilia that the fight had begun.

Still it was not her battle.

Not yet at least.

She still had one last thing to do.

A thing she supposed she should have done earlier in a wise preparation for the battle to come.

Still she had saved this thing, the practice which she loved so much. Wanting to savor it like a piece of sweet candy on her tongue.

Closing her senses momentarily to the world save for that of her hearing to warn her of any coming danger to herself, Cecilia opened herself to the barely detictable shifts in the wind.

She had to soar high in her awarness, upwards in the sky where the hot and cool wind currents played.

Smiling Cecilia gently made contact with a north-east wind whose spirit felt familar to her. In gentle tones, she asked it, very kindly if it would be willing to serve her, to protect her, and to fight for her.

The wind agreed, and Cecilia's spirit rushed downward to the husk of her alert body below with joyful glee.

Opening her eyes with a snap, Cecilia smiled as a north-eastern wind descended and curled around her ankles to play with her skirts. There the wind lurked like a giant snow leopard that had been tamed as someone's pet.

Cecilia had been right, the wind had known her from her past and she had saved it once, although from what and from whom only Cecilia knew and she wasn't ready to give her secrets away even in her thoughts.

The wind's name was Galia. The femine form and human equilvant of the word Gale. It was a powerful wind, and it would be a good source of power if she needed it.

Smiling, Cecilia released the wind from her hold, with a request that it stay near but it was free to do as it wish until she had need of it. Howling in glee the wind tore across the arena in a power guste of wind before settling down to a slight breeze which circled the arena playfull tossing the specators hats in the wind as it waited for its 'friend' to call upon its aid.

Cecilia smiled.

It was so much easier this way, calling on them before hand, and then connecting with them magically only when neccesary. Not only did it mean a quick response to any wind spell Cecilia uttered while fighting in the match, but it also ment that there would be no magical strain on Cecilia to maintain the connection that channeled the winds power into herself. There may have been an eventual strain on her magics if the wind was unwilling to aid her, but Cecilia had been lucky today and found a friendly wind which ment that none of her energy would be spent other then which she chose to spend in casting wind spells.

Cecilia hoped that this would prove an advantage to her.

Opening her eyes, ears, and senses to the world, Cecilia noticed that three more contestants had joined the field. Glancing over the pair quickly with her 'senses', Cecilia scried that two were fire elementals and one was of the earth, but all of them were male.

Increasing her awarness to the field, Cecilia spotted the light elemental the hollow boned female bard was attacking her opposite, the dark elementals whose aura made Cecilia feel sick to her stomach.

She also noticed that the other wind elemental was talking to the ice elemental, and their conversation was friendly. Cecilia mentally cursed herself for her lax of attention.

She wanted to team up with the ice elemental. He could have been a great advantage to her by cooling any winds upon which she called, and Cecilia would have liked that she seemed stronger when she handled to cooler winds of the north.

No matter, the opporunity was gone and lost now, and sooner or later, the newly made team would have to be faced. Cecilia didn't relise the idea of meeting such formidable foes, one a wind elemental like she, and the other naturally resistent to the cold winds Cecilia could conjure without much effort.

Hearing a disturbance in the waterfall behind her followed by a thump, Cecilia's hand lept pulling an arrow from her quiver and knocking it at a blink of an eye.

Almost unconciously, a wind shield sprung up to surrond Cecilia in a pale blue and silver bubble as her wind spirites swirled protectively around her. Cecilia smiled thankfull at the pair for despite the shields fragility it would protect from most projectiles and would gain her just enough time to conjure up a spell on the arrow she held knocked at the ready.

A shift in the sand caused Cecilia to partially turn her head in that direction. The other fire elemental stood a little ways off as if weighting to see what she would do.

"We shall stand as one, yes?" boomed the loud rumbling voice of the large almost giant like man behind her.

In response, Cecilia glanced at the man's aura. The man radiated heat with the intensity of a wild fire, his very core screaming with madness, and rage.

Instantly, Cecilia didn't care for the man.

Wise or not, she was not going to accept this firey man's help in a way in any form.

"No," Cecilia said simply as she pulled her arrow backwards. "I'm loath to use this one you man, now begun before I do what I must."

Cecilia's plan had been to be stay on the defensive to not to attack her opponents until they attacked her, and this little tryst with the fire elemental giant size man hadn't affected that plan. She would attack him. Unless that was, he attacked her.

Already planning for the inevitable, Cecilia wraked her brains to scoar up the brief images of her combeitors auras to see which one would be of help.

There really only was one.

The earth elemental was attacking the lighting elemental and could not help.

The ice and other wind elemental were talking stragery, and Cecilia doubted if the wind elemental man would allow another to join their group.

The femal light elemental was attacking her opposite, a male darkness elemental, and thus would be of no help to her any time soon.

That left, the water elemental, the only one so far to be unaffected by the fight.

Zer Cecilia mentally called not releasing the taunt string but she held the string there the arrow poised for flight.

The bubble surronding Cecilia lost its silverness of Zer hovered in front of Cecilia's unseeing eyes to give a smart salute.

Go over to the water elemental and establish a whisper between him and me.

Zer hurried to fulfill her order cuting over the fountain to rush over towards the water elemental on the south side leaving a visible hollow tunnel of empty air between her and the water elemental. As long as the other wind elemental didn't disturb the careful current laid by Zer, the tunnel would allow Cecilia to whisper and have her voice be heard by the water elemental.

Smiling as she caught a quick image of Zer sitting on a man's shoulders who was completly unaware of her presence, Cecilia whispered in her end of the connection to sending her words directly the water mage's ears.

"Greetings." Cecilia whispered in a low voice, "My name is Cecilia Yoldar, if it pleases you to know. I am of the wind. I know you are of the water. I find myself in a strange situation of having to refuse the partnership of a violent fire elemental. I fear that he will not react well to this. Therefore, and knowing your strength for your aura is like the rippling sea which although peaceful at the moment can be aspired to great storms, I ask you to aid me. Will you be my partner in this fight? I understand if you say no, but please answer quickly, the means of this comminucation cannot last a long debate.

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/14/2007 23:18:29)

Cid turned to acknowledge the sounds of a new combatant entering, and raised an eyebrow. "Something tells me we may be getting more geomancers in this arena... I'm sensing a good magic aura from that guy, plus he has an awesome taste in weaponry, though dual bladed scythe has some drawbacks from it's single blade counterpart. Judging by the two so far in here, I'd go with him. He looks a heck of a lot more expierienced, though I am seeing that sort of... bloodlust... don't ask how, it's something you pick up when you live through Two Clan Wars... either way we'll have to be cautious about him." Cid reasoned, turning his attention back to the rest of the chaos.

"It is odd though, a lucillomancer out here... rare form... If we want to convince her to join us we'll need to assist her in her current fight. She might need it if illusions aren't going to work... though I am curious to know what other forms of oscillomance she nows... most likely tonic oscillomancy. I did sense that there's one other wind mage around here, so that will be one of our targets. As for a mage... there was that water mage that decided to go off to one of the fountatins... I think he was setting up defenses... or something. As for energy, we shouldn't have to worry about them with this contraption and a geomancer on the team" Cid stated, pointing at the device mounted on his cannon.

"Oh, and in case you didn't know, oscillomancy is a term used to describe sound magic" he added, remembering that he was one of the few people he knew that actually used that term, let alone knew what it meant.

Shodu -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/14/2007 23:29:29)

Ferith hadn't even voiced his question about what oscillomancy was before it was answered.

"Then we go for the new geomancer and the oscillomancer? Sounds like a good plan. Illusions alone would give us a huge advantage, and a geomancer on this kind of arena is a force to be reckoned with." Ferith was sure the plan was sound. "I'm not to keen on attacking the other wind user, he or she will expect that and be prepared for us. Right now we've got wind and ice elements, and the possibility of light and earth elements are out there. That means we have no advantage over the water or energy elements. This means that a fight between those elements would be much longer. I suggest we try to recruit the two we're looking at and take down those of water and energy elements. Then we can go for wind and earth elements as we'd have a clear cut advantage over them with both a wind and a geomancer on our side. This leaves fire, ice, dark, and light elementalists. I suggest we get rid of the ice and light elementalists first to boost the rest of the teams chance at moving to the finals, and then we can all focus on the dark and fire elements at which point we should win by sheer numbers." Ferith presented his plan with a rapid voice. They'd need time if they were to help the oscillomancer. "You try convincing the geomancer, the fact you're opposing elements alone should do it and you're both scythe users. I'll go help our oscillomance and then try and recruit her, cool?"

sharpie -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/14/2007 23:36:35)

Adis strolled up to the arena gates. He stood silently as he surveyed the area, unfortunately for him the battles had already begun. “Better late than never,” he muttered as he removed his pinky from his ear. He quietly played with the mixture of dirt and ear wax before continuing into the arena.

He dug his hands into the dirty filled pockets of his beige pants; a portion of his only protection-a silver bracer-was hidden in the depths of his pants as well. He followed behind a man who appeared to better prepared than he, a large double scythe on his back visible beneath his translucent cloak. Adis paused once more as his bare feet landed in the damp earth; he was taken aback by the slowly pooling water on the bottom level. “Despicable,” was all he muttered. He quickly made his way up to the next tier and took in the safe, comfortable feeling of the grass beneath his feet. Unfortunately the earth did not prove to be as safe and sturdy as he wished, he could see the blood stained earth as if it was before his very eyes. He wiped the growing amount of sweat from his brow with his left forearm and paused briefly while sniffing, “I suppose my odor will suffice as a weapon.”

He eyed the crowd, spectators which, he ventured to guess, probably thought him a young vagabond. His appearance didn’t really suggest he was a contender for any sort of battle; after all he was of a scant seventeen summers. He eyed the fountains with a suspicious gaze, Water most foul. He deeply desired to destroy the closet fountain to him but there would be time for needless destruction later, why ruin the fact that no one was interested in him yet?

He took a quick survey of those that were now considered enemies as he moved slowly about the tier he stood on until he reached the fountain refusing to go any further. Some contestants appeared to be fighting with others while others preferred to follow the true calling of a tournament. Obviously it was much easier to fight alone, fewer chances that your “friend” would stab you when your back was turned.

He bit his thumbnail as he warily eyed the available opponents; his eyes fell upon the behemoth of a man who was currently speaking to a woman who was no larger than an ant in comparison. It appeared that she took offense to whatever he had said. He smiled to himself and removed his right hand from his pocket, specks of dirt fell from his hand; however, this quickly ceased as three small spheres had formed in his hand.

He dropped the orbs of compressed dirt into his left hand and with the slightest manipulation of his right fingers he sent each flying toward the giants head. If they hit they would surely do nothing more than annoy the man, but whom in their right mind could pass up the opportunity to fool with a man who had offended woman, even if he was unusually large? Indeed, what sane person would perform such an inane act? Why, Adis Uvetoj of course.

With a wide grin Adis spun on his heel, his greasy blond hair flinging this way and that as he did so, and faced the man he had followed in. For some reason he couldn’t help but give the man a thumbs up, he didn’t even know him but for some reason he was compelled to do it. Perhaps it was his obviously idiotic attack moments ago, or maybe he felt a kindred spirit amongst the contestants. Still, no matter how you looked at the situation, it appeared in all actuality that he was a fool.

SomThngWickdThsWyCms -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/14/2007 23:43:51)

He scoffed as he entered the arena, looking all around at the sheer open space that filled it. The fountain. The fingers of his right hand danced across the gates with ease as the other adjusted the strap that was slung over his body, holding his glaive in its sling. Those that grabbed onto the gate pulled themselves frequently and fell down to his side as the fountain in the centre of this area loomed over him but that was not what concerned him… It was the shadow. His eyes followed it upward where the tip met the sky and the sky stretched on forever in all directions, obstructed by only the white clouds and the bright burning sun. With every step his mind echoed with the faint splashing of water as his eyes began to slip closed, the roar of the crowd, the chanting, the heckling all filling his head with the more gentle sound of his own footsteps. Water droplets and running rivulets entered his head now as he slowly found himself deeper into the arena.

A soft sigh escaped his lips and he was startled by a sound that didn’t fit – the sound of a lightning crash in the vicinity. Aiden’s eyes slowly peeled open as he watched the entrance of another contestant, flashy, drawing all of the attention to himself. A more likely target than Aiden himself and he liked it that way. That’s why he had spoken to no one before hand, nothing more than a wave or a hello to remain off of their sights. And yet he wasn’t impressed with the display, only a man with magic that was showing off like he was a child. The ooh’s and ahh’s of the crowd in the stands did no surprise him, people were easily amused, easily deceived, and just as easily destroyed.

With a small shake of his head he dismissed him, eyes darting around the rest of the competition was taken in. Nothing about them was too brutally revealing, nothing for him to worry about except for the girl. A flyer. If the fighting started to be between them his lack of transportation would be his downfall, and his weapon could only be thrown once before he would need to fetch it. He prayed to the Lords that if it came down to that it would land in the shade. Tendrils of darkness moved much faster than human legs. As for the others it seemed they would remain on the land and that was useful though his area would remain as close to the shadows as he possibly could, they were his source of power and they would mask him from those on the opposite side of the hill. It seemed like he was the only one who hadn’t made it here on time. Late, but all the better. Scoping out the territory, looking at all the contestants in place. Not only would the flyer be a problem now, but those with armour… and the mages. He would let someone else take care of those unless he happened to get close enough.

His feet found themselves in the deep mask of darkness and he tapped the bottom of his sling quickly and hard, the glaive leaving the bottom of the pouch for his other hand to catch easily to swing around in front of him in which the other hand caught another part of the shaft. The blade managed to catch the faint glint of the sun as his eyes focused in on a likely target that was near to him, flinging his hair out of his face with a quick movement of his head. A faint wind caught the fibers of his striped shirt – widely cut, loose on his body sleeves that stopped mid-hand. The bottom rested gently on his waist which were covered with low rising black pants that fit tightly to his legs and tucked into his boots to keep the bottoms out of the way.

It was as he was about to strike when he heard the rumble, a loud sound that was like rock against rock and as he turned to watch a pillar burst from underneath a man. Aiden smirked as his hair fell back into his face. Alright, party’s already getting started. He spun his glaive around in both hands and held it behind him at the ready – the pole pressed against the back of his left arm. The battle raged around him and his smile grew larger, an eye widening with what looked like madness. It was true, war and fighting threw him into a trance, another personality. The veil of violence slid down over his eyes and he began to howl with laughter, fingers tightening around his weapon.

“Already, already the fighting has started?” He called, roared, screamed above the clanging of swords, the clashing of magics, the speech of those who planned to fight as one and take down the competitors together. Aiden could feel his fingers rap against the pole and beneath him he could feel a slithering, almost like snakes beneath his feet and his laughing died down as the slippery tendrils of the shadow he was standing on gripped at his feet, running up his body like oil. Wildly his eyes looked for a combatant not previously engaged… or maybe one his own attack would silence? He rocked back and forth on his toes as he searched for the nearest to him, the darkness making its way up to his waist by now – and for any paying attention it seemed like the shadow he was standing in was slowly beginning to get smaller as each inch pulled itself up onto him. The ability was something passive to him, something limited only to his location and his state of mind but that was all, the darkness would do nothing for him unless he told it so and that was a strain on both the body and the mind.

His eyes set on a newly entered opponent, one not engaged, one not speaking to anyone.


As his body left the darkness it began to peel back off of his skin like tar, slinking back to the large shadow it came from until it completely left him altogether. The man he was targeting was equipped with a scythe, not the only one here either. He broke into a dash, the blade dipping into the earth and scraping across the surface, cutting through both soil and green plants as his eyes zeroed in completely, his mind emptying everything else like it was a trash bin.

He felt his feet leave the ground. He felt his arms bring the glaive in a half circle up from the ground so that it was pointed downward, down at the man’s head, the sun glistening off its tip…

It thirsted for blood.

Mittoo -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/15/2007 4:01:00)

Today was not turning out to be his day.

After all, it had taken quite a bit of time studying the layout for his tricks, and all he got for it was people attacking him.

And if the massive pillar flinging him into the air wasn't bad enough, everyone else seemed to be teaming up!

'To hell with that,' he thought. 'No-one here is my friend.' He surprised himself at his ability to think so clearly when he was airborne. In fact, the pillar was his chance - the fool attacking him used stone as his weapon of choice, giving him a chance to land on the pillar as he fell. The man drew sword and legged it after him - removing what little doubt of his identity and rage that Caor might have had. As the pillar withdrew, Caor put two and two together, made seventy-two, (just because his idea was just so, so much better than four) and drew his own sword.

He settled into a defensive posture - which was a facade, as neither he nor his armor was strong enough to keep still - and sneered at his earthen friend, kicking more dirt up with one foot.

"What's wrong, tree-hugger? Worried about the fates of your ickle plants?"

He made a sound that was somewhere between a giggle and a shout. As he charged towards him, Caor broke stance and span to the left, taking advantage of his momenteum to end up behind him. Raising his sword, he sliced diagonally down, aiming for the joint between neck and shoulder. With this kind of blow, he wouldn't even need to draw blood to have the chance of paralyzing him.

Pulling back slightly, Caor straightened up. All semblance of cockyness had escaped from his posture as quickly as it had arrived, and he was noticably calmer now.

"Keep focused!" he yelled to his opponent. The tone was authoritive, almost condescending, but Caor meant it truly. "Don't let the little things distract you, or you'll be out of this fight in a body bag. A smoking, several-thousand-volt body bag, that is." he added, chuckling slightly.

He readied himself to move again, and beckoned the man. "Come on! Fight me because you want to win, not because I might have killed a shrubbery or two."

Geddesmck -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/15/2007 7:37:41)

As Zenz ran towards where he thought his opponent would have landed, he heard a call from one of the other competetors. "Oi! Wanna team up?" Zenz was slightly surprised by the offer, but stopped mid-run and gave the thumbs up. He expected his new team mate to join him in his fight against the energy user, but instead he provoked the giant who had been roaring about. Zenz sighed, it seemed he'd be looking after his ally as well as himself.

He looked towards the pillar again, it was almost completely receded back into the ground. There was a lot of dust in the area, so Zenz couldn't be sure of his opponents position. He was preparing a defensive spell, just in case, when he felt an awful dizzyness come over him. Two Geomancers had entered the arena. He wasn't sure who they were or where they were, but the earth itself recognised them and was telling Zenz. They were both more skilled than himself he guessed, he just had to hope neither of them attacked, not yet at least.

The dust finally cleared and there was his choosen target. He wanted to end the fight quickly, even if that meant allying with enemy, although he didn't think that was possible. Unless...

Zenz thought about it for a moment, it was risky, incredibly so, but if it payed off he might have a chance against his rivals.

"What's wrong, tree-hugger? Worried about the fates of your ickle plants?" called the man, obviously hoping Zenz would repeat his ealier loss of control. A pang of anger racked Zenz' body, but he kept it under control, he had to appear to respond however. He charged at his opponent, and knew what was coming. The only real question was wether his opponent would pivot to the left or to the right.

It didn't matter, the result was the same, he put his enemy behind him and put himself in a vunerable position. He hoped from here his opponent may be willing to listen to him. He felt a blade coming towards him. He readied the spell that would save him, but surprisingly there was no need for it. The energy user seemed more interested in lecturing Zenz.

Zenz ignored most of what he was saying, he knew how he looked, impulsive and unexperienced. "Come on! Fight me because you want to win, not because I might have killed a shrubbery or two." They were the words of his target.

Zenz straightend up and sheathed his blade.He turned to face his enemy. "Wise words. Words I will act on. I have no reason to fight you for now, I have more important rivals in this arena. We can either fight, ally or simply go seperate ways. You're in the position of power here, it's your choice, but, in case you havn't noticed, teams are springing up. I need help quick or I'm dead." Zenz tried to sound equally pleading and reasonable. He could have just left there and then, but that wouldn't help him fight the Geomancers.

Hopefully his opponents ego would force him to accept Zenz, I mean surely he would be flattered that a "less skilled fighter" would want his help. Zenz just hoped...

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/15/2007 8:39:12)

Cid suddenly froze, and for the first time in the battle looked a little on edge. "That a negative on that wind mage. I know this won't directly effect you, but there is a slight problem. See, using a combined magic sensory, air and sound magic, I can help trace others. I can only pinpoint them though under certain circumstances. When wind magic is being used is one of them, you get used to that if you're trying to find comrades in need. Anyways, that blind Aeromancer that came in is a special type. A Spirit Aeromancer, as we Aeroduians dubbed the class. Essentially they rely on the aid of wind spirits to help them, which is fine and all if they're minor ones like the two she was using to scope out the arena. However... Siprit Aeromancy was banned from Aerodu because of our policy of Free Winds. We believe that the winds belong to everyone, and that it's not right to hog one direction. Unfortunately, I've just sensed a disturbance from the north east wind. The only explination is that she's made some sort of pact or deal with a North East spirit. Though it looks like things return to normal, if she is unfriendly towards us, that spirit will cause trouble. Fortunately she choose a northern spirit. Alinging herself with one of the wind directions tends to weaken the control she has on others. Plus the fact that the northern winds tend to be colder won't be too much of a problem for either of us, but still, she will be a threat... oh, and you know that water mancer I was talking about? Forget it, one of those sprites already contacted the aquamancer. Worse... I was sensing a fire berserker in her vicinity, but due to the fact that she used arial magic, I'm thinking there's some rough spots between them, so no worries there. But... The problem remains though, I'm detecting... earth magic near her... and it's not going against her either. As long as those wind spirits keep near her I can pin-point her location. But still, if she's organizing her own band, I don't think she'll take too kindly to our group. I do wish we could settle things out, not that I really care if she is aligned with the wind, but I do care about her infringing on Free Wind Policy... oh well, on to other matters"

During this speech, Cid noticed that the geomancer in question was being observed by what apeared to be a darkness user. "If we split up, I'll need you to move quickly. Our friend's being eyed by one who wields darkness, and we may be needing light support ASAP. I'm not sure if the geomancer will be able to fend him off, but I will assist him. Just don't get lost in the pandamonium" he added, a small wink in his eye, trying to show some humor into this. Cid decided to move out in order to get on the geomancer's good side. Using aeromancy to help give him a boost of speed and smooth down wind resistance, he rushed over near the vincinity of the geomancer. As he reached the Geomancer, he saw the darkness user leap into the air at the geomancer. "Back off!" he yelled, and as he did this he let out a horizontal slash with his scythe from left to right at angled at the descending darkness user. As he did this, a giant slash of wind, shaped like a boomerang, and barely visible to those who un-trained at Aeromancy or at least fighting it, flew threw the air as it made it's way on an intercept course to the darkness user. Cid only hoped that he had calculated the trajectory right so that the Air Slash would hit dead on, otherwise his effort would have been in vain, and he did so hate using needless magic.

Cid decided to also help clarify the situation. "Look, there's little time to talk. I'm organizing a team right now to fight in the Elemental Champion ships. It comprisies of me, an ice user, and possibly a light user. We need a geomancer, you seem to be the best one around here. You interested in joining?" he asked, keeping an eye out for any retaliations from the darkness user

Kellehendros -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/15/2007 10:29:16)

The field was quiet, and yet suddenly exploded into violence, like a spring gale that reared its head to smash an unsuspecting village. Suddenly the Arena was filled with cries, taunts, the clash of arms and the sizzle of magical power.

It was perfect, no one so much as cast a second glance at Alex, they turned on each other like so many rabid dogs fighting over a prized piece of meat. The situation gave him all the time he needed to cast his next spell.

Had any of the competitors actually been paying attention to the mage, they might have seen an amazing sight. Abstract geometries of light flashing into being, then fading off into nothingness. Slowly, oh so slowly, Alex ran through the spell. "The Moat of Tefer, the Wall of Naren, the Tower of Sil-Nan..." A litany of names, places, structures, woven through with words of magical reinforcement and power. A ghostly structure took shape around the muttering mage, a wide moat, and a great white wall, surmounted by ballistae and archer towers. The structure a great towering ziggurat, a seven layered city, all marble and stone. A massive citadel topped the city, powerful and unassailable. The ghostly vision of the city and its masterful defense wavered and faded, sinking into Alex's skin, endowing him with some small portion of its defensive might. He wasn't going to be impervious, no number of defensive layerings could acheive that, but at least now he might be able to turn aside a few blows.

His task was completed not a moment too soon, for no sooner had he come back to himself then he was assailed by images of the competitors in the midst of conflict about him. Alex took in the proceedings with a clinical interest, he had attened the competition last year as a spectator, the result of which was a fascinating essay into the group dynamics of the Championship. The teams, the betrayals, the loners. Speaking of which...

The mage felt a tingling of magic, as the young woman, the wind mage, opened a channel of magical communication between them. She needed help against the brute. To her words he was a fire element brawler, that would explain his foolish move before in approaching the top tier fountain. He would probably regret this later, but Alex was never one to refuse a cry for help. Assuming that the connection Cecilia had created still held, he called back to her. "I am Alex Shiveran, in this matter I shall aid you in such ways that I can."

That was all well and good, but the mage didn't feel to keen on trading blows with the massive brute. He would need help to take down this hulking threat. Alex's eyes quickly swept the field, there! A pair of fighters coversing, perhaps what he needed? There was so little time to evaluate, it had to be risked.

Muttering another spell softly, Alex opened a magical conduit, even as one of the pair began to move to attack another competitor. Grinding his teeth, Alex continued the spell, he refused to waste his energy, no matter how little the spell was, so rather then abandon his attempt despite the competitior's obvious engagement with another, he cast on.

His voice would be heard to the single-blade scythe bearer and his companion as the distant rumble of the surf. "I am Alex Shiveran, Water Mage, I would entreat you for your aid against the great Fire brute who threatens Cecilia, the Wind Mage."

The die was cast, it was up to the scythe bearer and his companion to decide to help or not. Alex simply had to focus his energy on helping Cecilia now. He spun his staff back and forth from one hand to another, calling out words of power to strengthen his spell. A bluish glow slowly accumulated at the tips of the staff, untill even through the haze that hung about Alex it could be seen as a spinning wheel of color. Suddenly he snapped the staff downwards, pointing at the broad back of the Fire brute. A concentrated jet of water blasted out of the end of the staff, followed quickly be a second as Alex spun and snapped off another shot from the back end of the staff.

dinranwen -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/15/2007 11:08:10)

Cecilia kept one eye on the giant man and the other on the other fire elemental near her. Unconsciously, Cecilia felt a bead of sweat beginning to form.

It was the one disadvantage to sensing auras like she did, not only did Cecilia detect the type of aura whether good, evil, and what element the person was using but she also felt the effects of their auras. No normally this was fine and dandy since it allowed her to roughly gauge the strength of her opponents magical ability when they started throwing magic around. Yet it currently was working against since with two fire elemental's near her, she felt there heat. Although she had traveled through many temperature ranges, Cecilia still suffered heat intolerance, it was a weakness, she knew. It was a weakness she hoped wouldn’t be exploited and she couldn’t only hope that her opponents wouldn’t discover it.

Staring so intently at the giant man whose aura steamed and hissed like a forest fire, Cecilia heard to audible soft thuds of dirt hitting the giant’s skull and Cecilia felt her eyes widened as she turned her attention upwards.

While she had been distracted, some new opponents had entered.

Three more contestants in fact doing a quick scan of the arena. One man of darkness whose aura seemed to be made of dark lighting of madness and bloodlust, it’s color the a much darker shade almost blackish red color of old dried blood. Two more earth elementals had entered. One whose aura spoken of inner strength rather outer strength and who gave Cecilia the impression of a giant moving rock. The other was standing above her and the giant on an upper step and following logic, Cecilia sensed that this was the man who had thrown the clods of dirt. His aura was a dusty brown of dried and unwatered earth and made Cecilia’s nose itch to sneeze just looking at it.

Unable to speak with the man with the channel connecting her and the water mage, Cecilia sent a thankful smile in the man’s direction before returning her attention to the fire mage. She wanted to give the man the impression that she was thankful for his help and would thank him properly later but for now she had to watch the giant incase he decided to attack her out of rage for refusing his offer of partnership if he did so. Cecilia instinctively guessed that in most cases, by refusing the aid of others she instantly became their enemy and was mentally preparing herself for this ready to call on Galia any moment she needed the female wind spirit.

There was a disturbance in the wind, and Cecilia unwisely turned that direction her eyes and senses pivoting to glance at the other wind elemental. The man, an Aerdu by the nature of the clothes that Cecilia could detect through her limited vision thanks to Zephyr, had rushed to the aid of the earth elemental whose aura felt like a strong unmovable stone. The earth elemental had been attacked by the blood stained dark elemental and the wind man, as Cecilia was no calling him mentally, had rushed to his aid. He would probably gain an ally this way.

Seeing the move, Cecilia felt the numbers of whom she could possibly trust dwindle down to a weak number indeed. Having felt their auras, Cecilia was naturally repulsed by the madness of one dark lord and the crazed bloodlust of the other. The stone man was out of her reach currently, and the violent giant man she had probably made her enemy. Leaving out the ice male elemental who Cecilia would probably have to reckon with later due to his alliance with the wind man, that left her three contestants. They were: the dusty earth elemental who had already helped her but he might abandon her if she joined with water since from his dryness Cecilia could tell he despised water, the water elemental whom she was currently contacting, the light elemental who was attacking the other dark lord, and the fire elemental who had been chasing the giant before the man had come to halt somewhere above her.

If the Wind and Ice team approached the any of them, even one of them, Cecilia knew that it would suddenly not look good at all for her standpoint.

Still she was unable to make any moves since all her attention was focused on preserving the hollow tunnel of air between her and the water mage that was very slowly draining her own magical strength.

She was just about to speak again when the man’s answer came his voice to her ears sounding like a great mermaids horn resounding in the deep,"I am Alex Shiveran, in this matter I shall aid you in such ways that I can."

Smiling, Cecilia whispered briefly back to her new partner. “Thank you, Alex Shiveran.” Before letting the connection shatter so that a very thankful Zer could return to her. Watching the male wind sprite carefully, Cecilia knew that although the spell was minor it would be a few moments before Zer would regain his strength. Cecilia sent feelings of comfort and thankfulness through the spiritual bond she shared with her wind sprites allowing to sit on her shoulder to rest while still allowing her to ‘see’ through his eyes.

Cecilia felt her eyes widen as she saw a the powerful flicker of water across the way followed by a concentrated jet of water blasted out of the end of the staff, followed quickly be a second as Alex spun and snapped off another shot from the back end of the staff. Both shots were aimed directly at the broad back of the fire elemental, and Cecilia crossed her fingers in hope that it would hit.

She hadn’t meant for her companion to attack Now but he had done so, casting the die of battle for her where Cecilia would have hesitated to see if her actions were necessary.

The thinking done for her, Cecilia knew she had no choice but to attack know.

Smiling grimly, Cecilia pulled the arrow slightly further back and took her aim at the fire elemental which was surprisingly easy considering how close he was to her.

Making contact with Galia, Cecilia siphoned a small portion of the cold breeze from the north-east wind causing in return a small bit of her own magic leaving her to replace the wind she had gained. Muttering softly, Cecilia uttered two completely soundless runes. For those who had the skill, twin ripples of the air in the shape of the ancient and almost unknown but powerful runes of Din, which where by their very nature wind runes, forming in front of Cecilia’s lips before sealing themselves onto the shaft of the arrow she still held.

The first rune was the shape of a curved line circling around itself like the movement of a small hurricane, and its near name in the common tongue was spiral and return. The rune would increase the accuracy of the blast of water Alex had made by causing them to circle or return as the other meaning of the rune indicated towards the fire man. If the water blast hit, it would hit briefly and then glance off the giant to return for a second blow. If the water blast missed, then the shot would simply circle around for another turn. The rune, although capable of so much more depending on how it was spoken, would only ‘turn’ once after the first initial shot, thus giving the water a second chance to hit.

The second rune was that of a snow flake, which would make her already cold blast of wind that would control the arrow’s movement even colder. It wouldn’t freeze the water, simply make the water very cold but not so cold as to risk the deadly shivering illness Cecilia had often seen take place in the people who had been fallen through the ice over the ponds of the north.

Both ruins were slight, and didn’t require much power since they only enhanced what the particle of wind gained from Galia would naturally do.

Taking aim, Cecilia let the arrow fly, as if flew not towards the shot of water that Alex had fired. Moving so quickly her hands were a blur, her hands retrieved another arrow from her quiver readying it on the string but not pulling the string taunt as of yet. Instead she waited and tensed as she watched to see what effect her and Alex’s combined powers would have on the giant fire elemental.

And she waited…

And waited…

And waited….as the sounds of battle resounded all around her announcing that this garden of fountains was never meant for peace.

SomThngWickdThsWyCms -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/15/2007 11:38:18)

His eyes widened as he saw the other man who was wielding the scythe step in the way of his specially chosen target and take a swing at him. Instinctively he began to twist and contort his body in the air in avoidance to the swing itself because he wasn’t quite sure of the range, wasn’t quite sure if it was meant to hit him and that was when he realized that the man’s slash came so very short. If that was the case, then why would he-

His thoughts were cut off as he felt the impact of something across his shoulder and it was then that his world turned into nothing more than a blur and the loud grunt that escaped his mouth. The action around him began a wildly spinning world as his body was knocked backward and sent spinning at angles until he collapsed into the ground, his body contacting with the ground so hard it knocked the breath out of him. Aiden could feel the slight tickle of plants, of grass, against his face. The earth and dirt beneath him, could feel it sticking to his face, sticking to his skin and clothes. He could feel his eyelash brush against the dirt beneath the plants, taste it in his mouth. The crowd was gone. The rest of the fighting was gone. All he heard was the faint sound of his glaive against the ground, two separate thunks as both ends collided with the ground.

He slid his hands forward through the grass and used them to help push himself up off of the ground, his eyes locking on the man who did this to him as his world began to become less fuzzy, to stop spinning, though the pain in his shoulder flared like he had been struck with a hammer. The dizziness faded and he pushed himself up from the ground slowly, his tongue running against the outside of his upper lip with a very large grin, toothy and wicked. He twisted his head and a loud crack resounded from the joint as his fingers twitched uncontrolled at his sides without his weapon. “So, we have another one do we? Another contestant for me to eat up? I am quite hungry…” The insane howling laughter of before exited his lips as he stood there, commanding his feet to move, trying to down out the pain that his body was exhibiting from his shoulder.

Because the blow was uncentered his body wasn’t knocked back far, but it did put a significant distance between him and the man who had attacked him, as well as the man he was defending. His glaive was slightly closer and he began walking towards it slowly, Aiden’s eyes swirling with simply… nothing. They were empty, emotionless. From the time he was old enough to hold a weapon effectively he was told to show no emotion during battle, not to give into feelings because they only made you weak. Only gave more to your opponents and only let them use it against you. He picked up his glaive quickly as he walked past the point where it had fallen – walking close enough for his shadow to overlap within that of the aeromancer and he smirked.

“What a trick you preformed on me, but I can assure you I will be watching out for it from now on.” He swung the glaive forward into a ready position, both hands grabbing onto the pole. “You, my friend, are now in the range of my darkness spells. I could easily use this to keep you from advance or retreating, making your death much easier for me to preform.” That was the only problem with his control of the shadows, he was not yet a master so it required him to be within a shadow itself – as well as his enemies. But the way it reacted with his presence and the strength of his spells more than made up from the lack of distance when it wasn’t night. “Or. We could try and make peace. Either I’ll be joining your group of misfits… or I’ll be slaying you where you stand.”

The shadows began slithering beneath both of their feet as Aiden’s face lit up with a smile that would chill to the bone, his eyes insane and his body anxious. The tendrils of darkness lapped up against his foe’s feet and he stuck the bottom of the glaive into the ground. “I’m Aiden Ryale. What’ll it be?”

dragon -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/15/2007 13:46:38)

Valendr'el didn't bother to even reflect on what had just happened. He hadn't blinked as he twisted his head casually to the side to watch the charging dark warrior. What a fool, he thought. His agressor wasn't even aware of his element. He was not wary of the dragons twitching on his skin, of the double bladed scythe strapped to his back. He didn't even blink at the dagger in Valendr'el's hand, its serated edge shining in the sun that beat down ferociously on their backs, casting shadows across the arena. Perfect for the darkness user.

"Fool!" he shouted at the darkness user. "You thought you had the element of surprise? Haha! Not since you spied me lean against this wall here." He pointed a thumb to the side in its direction. "You have no idea what kind of opponent I am. Weak or strong. Even who may want to help me. He brought a pebble up with his powers, levitating it at eye level, and with a swift motion cast the pebble slowly at his defender, hitting him in the head. He reached up, not in pain, but in reflex. He had done it with good intentions, not to harm him, but to acknowledge him as he spoke, if not in an unusual manner. Now he began to motion with his hand, thrusting out in front of him. Earth magic pulsed in his veins, flowing through him, and now he could really feel it. In his mind he spoke to his scythe, to the stone embedded under the dragonshide and viridium, to where its slender length was laying in the middle of the shaft. The scythe came suddenly off his back, over his head, and down to his hands, and he grasped it as it did. He hadn't wanted to fight this early, and he wasn't sure he would have to, yet. He had chosen his moves carefully at this point, not giving away his element. The pebble could've been picked up earlier for all they knew. He was aware an Earth warrior with the element of surprise in this arena would have a huge advantage, and he planned to keep that. He stepped forward, but did not enter the shadow, always wary. His cloak hanging gently in the still air. His mouth spread into a barely noticeable grin. "Heres the deal. You can back off, or I can kill you. He can join in if he wants, gesturing to Cid. Oh, by the way, maybe we should consider an alliance at a less precarious time?" He turned back to the shadows, and had to hold back his grunt as he considered the pure irony of this moment. He spoke once more, and laced between the letters of his words was a fierce bloodlust like no other. "I'm Valendr'el Carpion," he spoke like royalty, his voice booming out across the arena. He moved into an agressive stance, which meant leaning back slightly on his back leg as he crouched, and pointing the scythe in the directions of the shadows. In a whisper, heard only by those in the careful vicinity, ringing with a tone of a madman's laughter, he spoke. "What'll it be?"

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/15/2007 15:47:16)

"Yes, I do realize the timing is a tad akward, I do appologize for that, but better late then never." Cid said, letting said pebble hit his head. Realizing that it could have been much more fatal, he guessed it was an un-orthadox method of acknowleding existance. "He is your agressor, though if he is willing to join, and you are as well, the shadowmancer might be useful. I'm guessing you noticed the winged creature as you entered, correct?" he asked them both, pointing with his thumb to said person. "That's a lucillomancer. A light user with sound magic capabilities. The flying capabilities obviously make her a nuisance to those who prefer to stay on the ground to fight, as many around here do" he said, giving in there a subtle clue that he was aware of Valendr'el's alignment but would not reveal it. "and would also be a threat to one who likes shadows, as the flying tends to hamper that ability. Throw in the fact that she has light magic, and that makes it pretty much obvious that there is currently a common enemy here."

Cid was unphased by either of their talkings, considering his days of combat kept him focused on the now. "So, the choice is y'all's. I should make it aware that another team is currently forming. I'm currently trying to do... something... about that, but if we're going to act, descions need to be made. By the way, Aiden, don't underestimate your opponents. I guarentee you that the wind slash you just encountered was the least of your worries. Besides, as you can see, it's at least two against one, possibly 3 if my collegue gets it over here. I await both of your responses." Cid said, his grip tighteing a tad on his scythe. He decided that acting rashly now would be bad, as he had some other issues to deal with.

Remaining his pose, he opened up his own channel to Ferith, using pure ocillomancy, and extra security measures, to prevent extra people from eavesdroping on the link via extra magic without him knowing. "Ferith, slight change in our original plans. I might be able to snag the darkness user and the geomancer at the same time, but we gotta drop the flying light user. Besides, if all she's good for is illusions, that won't help us out more. Meet me over here asap. Also, ignore that distress call, I'll handle it, she won't need help, there's already several mages in that area, and I fear that it might lead to another team going. We gotta get ours going first, and put out a plan"

Finally turning his attention to the water mage who adressed him, he returned the distress call via the same channel. "This is Cid, of Aerodu. I will try to assist her, though I don't think that she will take too kindly to me, and might see me as a threat, particularly if I come in with back up. If you still want back up, respond, but I will need your word that my group will not get attacked if aiding you and the aeromancer" he said. Cid realized that it was a risky move, especially as it would cause a major group. But, he was aware that any chance to ally here would be beneficial. If he did not answer the distress call, there would be a chance the field would get bi-polarized, the thing he was trying to avoid. Uni-polarity was the major goal if there was to be any true dominance on the field. He also liked keeping all his options open when they presented himself.

Shodu -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/15/2007 16:24:37)

Ferith got Alex's distress call and was torn on what to do. He knew Cid didn't want to help the aeromancer, but could she really be that bad? Plus, he could make two more allies. At the same time, he could lose alliances with Cid and possibly the geomancer and the lucillomancer at the same time. Ferith bit his lip, thinking. Could he really ignore a distress signal? He had become a mercenary to help people solve their problems, it was his nature, and here he was with a call for help. Could he really just ignore it? He knew he should be helping the light user but at the same time he felt the urge to go help the mage, Cecilia was what Alex had said? She needed it more...

"Ferith, slight change in our original plans. I might be able to snag the darkness user and the geomancer at the same time, but we gotta drop the flying light user. Besides, if all she's good for is illusions, that won't help us out more. Meet me over here asap. Also, ignore teh distress call, I'll handle it, she won't need help, there's already several mages in that area, and I fear that it might lead to another team going. We gotta get ours going first, and put out a plan." Cid's voice whispered into his ear. Ferith turned but Cid wasn't there. He decided it was probably Cid's wind magic. He knew the idea was to meet with Cid in the others, but at the same time he felt more secure with the plan if they went to help Cecelia and Alex faster. His hands gripping his katar he felt magic zoom into his fingertips and pointed at the fountain closest to Cid. A small fraction turned to ice, and on his command, leapt out and slithered in front of Cid spelling out his message.

"Sorry, I'm going to go help them first. Makes our chances of gaining them as allies much more secure. Meet you in a few." The ice spelt, a small fraction splitting off and prodding Cid in the foot to garner attention. Turning Ferith dashed in Cecelia's direction, seeing her shoot an arrow at her foe, and a burst of water- probably Alex- also flying at the same time. Ferith smiled and felt magic rush through his fingertips. Deciding to add a bit of his magic with Alex's he felt himself freeze the very tip of the incoming jets of water (Ferith noticed another one trailing behind it). This'd make it all the more deadly. Ferith's pace quickened, he needed to get his blood pumping.

Cow Face -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/15/2007 16:30:06)

Mr. Dragon had seen the Water elemental woman glancing in his direction. He also noticed that she looked uncomfortable. Dispite his being a hardened soldier, he felt a wave of sympathy. A water elemental must be uncomfortable around two seemingly hostile fire elementalists. He didn't know why he did som but he called to her, "Oi! Water woman! Don't worry 'bout me, I'm only after his hide," he said, nodding toward Berzerk. Then he noticed her drawing her bow, luckily toward Berzerk. He saw her arrow fly, and chose that moment to start pacing slowly forward.

He didn't like the look of the arrow, it seemed... strange. He was no thinker, but he didn't want something like that coming at him. "Keep your stick-shooter off of my direction, if you please," he said to her. "We don't need to fight together, but I don't want to fight against you, either." He wasn't afraid, he just liked the woman. He wasn't sure why.

sharpie -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/15/2007 16:46:20)

Adis frowned as his thumbs up went unanswered, that was of course until another contender attacked his would-be friend from behind. He didn’t immediately react; it took him a moment to register the events that were unfolding before his eyes. A small lance shaped rock had begun to sprout from the ground only moments after Adis had dug his fingers into the dirt.

He was ready to launch the attack when out of nowhere another man appeared from what Adis thought was nowhere. The scythe user saved the double bladed user and while he was relieved he was also slightly disappointed. “Ah, looks like I’m of no use over there,” he muttered to himself as the stone lance slid back into the earth.

He turned away from the trio now standing a tier below him; he didn’t want to involve himself with the others. Besides whatever magic the other scythe wielder used proved to be powerful, at least strong enough to knock the assailant back a little bit. Adis was no fool, the man’s scythe had not made contact with the assailant yet he was still pushed back. A wind user, thought Adis to himself, happy to finally match at least one face to another element.

He gazed at the giant man and the woman again, just in time to see her smile at him. He was delighted, someone finally acknowledged him, though it looked as if she thought he intended to help her. Such a misconception could lead to her downfall; he had only wanted to annoy the brute. Maybe catch his eye and then launch an attack before disappearing amongst the dirt. He made a mental note to not attack the woman as it was most wise to stay in her good graces for the time being, one less enemy could keep him from the grimy claws of death.

He caught the movement of something out of the corner of his eye and as he turned to look at it he fell backward with a high pitched shriek. One, no, two jets of water had been shot toward the brute’s back. In his fright he didn’t notice that the tip of the first had been frozen, and was therefore Adis was unaware that another contestant had joined in. He watched the water fly past but he did not move he merely sat on the ground. He wondered if it was the right for him to join the tournament. He decided he needed to mull this thought over and crossed his legs while blankly staring at the behemoth and the woman.

He saw her ready her bow and mutter something that he couldn’t make out. They always mutter something indistinguishable, he thought in regards to the majority of mages. His eyes saw the release of the arrow but they didn’t follow it after that. His eyes fell upon the brute and he wondered how the man would react.

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/15/2007 17:12:45)

Cid reached down for the ice shard, read it, and cursed mentally, but remained clamed physcially. He relied on his sound connection still up, whispering the words but amplifying them significanly along the way so Ferith could hear it. "Get back here NOW! You're dampening the teams chances of surviving. Let me spell out what's going on right now. I'm currently trying to get two people to join. This may or may not work out, as one was an agressor, so the geomancer may not be so forgiving, but we'll see. However, I need you here. I promised you would be over here, as a sign of good faith and to also show that we're coordinated. If you don't show up, it will show that the team is fractured. They will think that the team is weak, and thus won't join, thus we'll be back at square one. In the mean time, let me assure you I hate not answering a distress call, however, I am sure that she is fine. She has a water mage at least, and I believe that there are a few other mages asisting her. Besides, she may be blind but she's enlisted the aid of other wind spirits. She'll be fine. If you leave now you'll only hurt our chances of winning. Worse, I fear that she may be getting a group of her own, forcing this field to go bi-polar in power. If that happens, we'll need a new plan in order to gain dominance." Cid realized that this was the only way to get everything back together, and hoped that this logic would get the Ferith over here.

In the mean time, Cid acted cool, pretending nothing was wrong. "My friend has been slighty delayed, but he should be here shortly. In the mean time, I do hope you consider our proposal." he stated, deciding not to reveal more information unless it was needed.

Shodu -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/15/2007 17:18:24)

Ferith cursed as Cid's message struck. He had let emotion run him rather than logic and he may have just suddenly screwed everything up. He skidded to a halt, trusting he had done enough and that the girl would be protected and doubled back, picking up speed. He hated himself for making such an amateur mistake but what could he do? He continued running until he saw Cid nearby and flipped in the air, mounting into a handspring and pushing off, landing next to Cid stylishly. He wasn't much for showing off however he found himself much quicker in the air and flipping tended to increase his momentum. He hoped he hadn't attracted too much attention and looked around. Cid had been accompanied by the geomance and, next to him, the dark user who Cid had stopped before. He couldn't seriously be thinking the dark user would join them? Ferith sighed, why was this so complicated?

"Sorry about that..." Ferith muttered, knowing he could have messed it all up. Noticing the ice was still formed in its message Ferith quickly snapped his fingers, magically shattering it to peices so it could no longer be read. Better safe than sorry.

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/15/2007 17:35:54)

"What are you appologizing about? This is a war ground after all. Not your fault that you got caught in some cross fire, is it?" Cid asked, remaining his composure but looking at Ferith with a re-asuring look that everything was fine.

"This is my associate, Ferith, and ice wielder. As you both know, I am aligned with wind, the name is Cid. Ferith, the shadow mancer goes Aiden, and the other scythe wielder here goes by Valendr'el. Now that we're all here, I do hope you both consider this proposition quickly. Please forgive my rushing such a descion, but too long a delay may find us all facing another team, which is bad in any scenario." Cid said matter-of-factly, also keeping an eye on his surrondings and his "sixth sense" for sensing other magic.

kenzoku -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/15/2007 18:11:10)

Beneath the mask, Berzerk frowned as the woman refused his offer.Then he was hit in the hit with a rather irritating dirt clod, reminding him of the chaos of battle. Luckily, his attention diverted from the woman for the moment, he saw the blasts of water coming. There were a pair of them, and he didn't particularly like water. He jumped a height equal to his own, swinging his axe to bust the first bolt of water into many bolts of rain headed in the other direction. He had also evaded the arrow in this way, not noticing that it had been thrown. He roared, tearing the second burst apart with the force of his booming voice. Without the imminent attacks, he faced the woman once again and bowed low. "Choice yours. I would protect. Let Berzerk know if change mind." He said, straigtening up. He spoke the common language, but it was broken. With that, he turned and walked away, still under the influence of the mind-clearing bonk on the noggin. As he caught sight of the other fire wielder, his rage flooded back. He roared at him, his voice carrying the power to throw the smaller man several yards back. After this, he wandered aimlessly. The shouting and slashing had taken much of his anger, and for the moment he had forgotten that he was here only to dominate all of the others. He would accept any ally at this point if he didn't smell too much fear when the request was made.

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