RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (Full Version)

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The Extinguisher -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/16/2007 0:27:45)

The sword came flying again and, very desperately, Seli pushed herself backwards and she narrowly missed a fatal wound, only for the sword to connect to her now completely useless legs, slashing the left with force. “Ah!” Gasping and panting heavily in pain, she readied herself for another attack, successfully blocking the weapon, however at the cost of the string still wound to her rapier. There would be no playing anything until she could restring. “Geez, I'm getting tired of these outrageous stories. You're not even trying anymore. Who do you think you are anyway?” She shouted to him, dodging his vertical slashes. “Unfortunately, you've snapped my bowstring, and unless you've happened to mastered the fiddle with your hands in your horrendously exciting life,” she spoke those words with a sneer, “then I guess you won't be hearing any music any time. However, my illusions are more than enough to beat you.”

Seli summoned another mirror image of herself. However, this time, she would give him no time to attack. They charged, weaving in and out of each other, weapons poised to strike. As the real Seli focused the attack on Luthor's chest, the illusion went for the head. Of course, the illusionary blades would do nothing to him, physically. The Seli's attacked, thrusting the rapiers into their target.

Onomatopoeia -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/16/2007 1:02:00)

"That brings to mind a rather interesting story actually, you see on my way back from a tour of the Orient, I came across this old violin maker who was plagued by a malevolent spirit," Luthor broke off and jumped to the side as a sword cut through the fog. It came faster than he expected and connected with his left shoulder, just to the side of where it ended and his prosthetic arm began. "Very good, my lady. That was a marvelous ploy, fast enough that I could not detect the real you in time. I fear you may have landed a hit away from your intended target, but none the less quite admirable. I think you may have even hit something big in my shoulder, but I'd have to take the time to stop and check to be sure."

"I take it from your outburst that you tire of my words. Perhaps you would like me to be serious. If that is your wish, then I shall concede, for a time. Now let's see if I can remember how this technique works. I'm a bit rusty with my swordsmanship, but I believe it goes something like this. Wald Ury:Een Ori." Luthor brought his weapon to bear and thrust forward with a stab, then threw out a short series of slashes, alternating between high, low and middle, with a pair of vertical slashes for good measure.

Shodu -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/16/2007 2:40:28)

Ferith hadn't moved while Berzerker had attacked Cid or while the geomancer had run. He was simply staring at the large axe-weilding maniac, sizing him up. Obviously this man had power but, after watching Cid, seemed extremely unintelligent. He could be a great help or a great hindrance at the same time. He didn't flinch as the large man landed only inches away after narrowly missing Cid, Ferith figured he could probably avoid most of the large man's blows- he was too predictable. It was when the mask came on when he sensed a problem.

The change was dramatic. What was once a stupid and brutish man was suddenly intelligent and composed. He could feel the darkness creeping from the mask and distrust boiled within him. This berserker was no fool, and he could not believe he would be loyal at all. The mask almost seemed to be laughing at him, he could imagine it cackling as Cid fell for it's ploy.

Even after Cid explained the rune oath process Ferith felt uneasy around the man. Common sense indicated that the man could not be trusted, but logic seemed to be doubling back on common sense with ten times the force. This would destroy any hope of alliance with Cecilia, he had heard her shout out that any approval of the berserker made them her enemy. He felt foolish for attempting to rush to her aid mere moments ago. He still didn't want to fight her, maybe a peace treaty between teams would be possible. If not, Ferith knew that his hand would be forced. If it came down to it he would not hinder at striking her down, although he'd try to refrain from killing if possible. Senseless violence had never really worked for him, which was part of why he mistrusted the large man not too far from him.

"Fine." Ferith sighed. "I approve of him being on our team, but this'll ruin our chances of alliance with Alex and Cecilia's group. We might be able to throw in a non-agression pact though," Ferith stated, trying not to seem as desperate for it as he really was. "However,' Ferith's voice suddenly turned as cold as his weaponry, "if Mr. Mask here even hints at betray I'll slit his throat." Ferith had no remorse for the man. He had a purpose to kill this man, simply stopping his rageful animalistic behavior would serve his sense of duty, but he knew better than to provoke him or betray him. He'd keep a close eye on him.

Nyao -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/16/2007 4:07:26)

The terrible nature of the pounding demon in her head caused her to groan. She reached for a glass, decided against it and instead grabbed the jug but a shout from the demon caused her iron-grip to falter. She slopped some down her fronmt and realised, I'm not lying down.

Her eyes snapped open. Perhaps she had been dozing. Her memory was a little hazy. She swept away a greasy curtain of too-long red hair and blinked in the dreadful light, seeing, but not really comprehending.

Memory, at least, told her that there was a glass and a jug of water in front of her. She was... was... she grasped at details-- the little mirror, three-legged stool, raggedy curtains drawn firmly shut, a door with a carved knob. The little room she'd hired, of course!

Tammy Senko, filthy sellsword that she was, attempted to leap to her feet and pound her fist into her open palm to symbolise comprehension. Still holding the jug proved to be a dire impediment and still more water sloshed out onto her. Peering down at it suspiciously, some shred of advice permeated an alcohol-induced vacancy: drink the damn water, it's good for you!. The less said about the part where she got to her feet the better, in her mind.

"WATER!" she roared from the ground, this time climbing to her feet with a little more help from her motor functions. She groaned and asked the empty room, "what time--?! No, the sundial DOES NOT SAY THAT."

Upon closer inspection, the little sundial she kept with her did not say anything of interest, largely due to the fact that no sunlight penetrated the curtains. She drained her jug of water in one mighty draught, threw it aside (luckily it was wooden and her glass a rough cup) and yanked open the curtains with typical force. This action she regretted almost instantly, the light burning at her.

Tammy reeled backwards, staggered around and came to face the sundial. There was no time to shout.

By the time she entered the Arena, a little cleaner than the hungover mess she was earlier, the roars of the crowd were not for her quiet, belated entrance but the large-scale battle taking place. She tried to affect, for anyone who cared so much as to notice, a nonchalant expression. From what she could observe, as she stood and made little fuss of drawing her broadsword and assigning tags to the combatants she saw. Weirdo, Strangeman, Mask... they didn't help.

sharpie -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/16/2007 4:33:46)

Adis was caught off guard when his attack exploded before it had made contact with his opponent. “Just how did he,” mumbled Adis under his breath. He followed the Zenz’s gaze in order to catch a glimpse of the brute but he had no time to waste on others. He had called out an opponent and he needed to focus; it was obvious that the man before him was no weakling.

He bit his lip as the man called out his name, and boasted about his so called immunity. He drew blood when the man proved to be arrogant enough to simply ignore him and focus on the brute that he had sent after the group at the base of the arena.

Before he could call Zenz a coward again he felt a strange rumbling, but it didn’t quite feel like geomancy. His eyes caught sight of swirl of colors beneath the arena, and the sudden appearance of flames about a contestant. He quickly regained his compsure and screamed, his voice going so far as to crack, “What’s your name so I can drag it through the mud when I break through your so called immunity?”

Despite his outburst he dug his hands into his pockets, a seemingly defeated scowl on his face. Within that moment the earth shifted, his timing would have to be perfect because he was positive the man would sense his magic. The earth launched him into the air as if it were a spring. Once at the peak of his launch he removed his hands from his pockets, the veins on both his arms were visibly black, eight blades of earth extended from his fingertips.

He had formed them from the earth that remained in his pockets, he needed to surprise his opponent and if Zenz didn’t see the attack until it was to late then he might have a chance. Still, it seemed that the Lords were against him as a strange fog rolled in just as he began his descent. He lost sight of Zenz and randomly launched the blades toward the spot that Zenz was last.

He landed with a roll before he hit the base of the next tier. He assumed he was on the fifth tier but he couldn’t be certain. Damn, I have no idea if I hit him, and I can’t see a thing. This just became much more difficult, thought Adis as he concentrated on the earth beneath his feet. He needed to be ready for any of Zenz’s attacks, if only he could get higher.

With a groan he felt his way up to the next tier, his vision still blurred. His concentration was still on the earth, there was little else he could do aside from hope that he wasn’t suddenly beheaded. With the cautiousness of a rabbit he slowly began to poke his head upward while praying that Zenz wasn’t there waiting to remove his head.

Mittoo -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/16/2007 7:17:42)

Caor stared dumbly at the chaos unravelling around him - mainly because it was meant to be his chaos - and at the Earth man's pledge of allegiance so soon after trying to decapitate him. He smelt a rat and spat out, ending any form of contract. In fact, this whole team thing disgusted him beyond words.

He vaulted on top of one of the fountains, spluttering as water invaded his face. However, the connection allowed him to draw charge from the fluid, and he felt himself crackle as his static field built. He took the advantage of this elevated posistion to scout on these despicable teams.

First was a team of four, and one that would be suicide to try and take out. That left the two teams of two. Scooting over the Earth user's little squad - he owed him one - he spied a woman with a water mage. He examined them closely, and sensed the trained skill of archery amongst the woman - a lady, no less. Whatever the hell she was doing in the field of combat, Caor aimed to stop her.

He drew his sword, thrusting it into the sky as the water brought fresh charge with every drop. He could feel the static, practically a solid force at this point, and he aimed a single hand at the aquamancer partner of this lady.

"Aquan!" he yelled, using the ancient language of the elements, Kalimag, to attract the man's attention.

With that, he muttered an incantation, feeling the field move to a single hand. His hand glowed for the briefest of seconds before a silent lightning bolt fired itself directly at the ground where the aquamancer's feet met. Realising his rather weak position to an aquamancer, he leapt off, sword out, and sprinted directly at him, his yellow eyes alight with fury. Drawing closer, he let out a bestial snarl and leapt into the air, slicing diagonally down.

Geddesmck -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/16/2007 9:27:05)

“What’s your name so I can drag it through the mud when I break through your so called immunity?”

"Zenz Nightwalker! Oldest son of Nathail Nightwalker. A geomancer, a swordsman and a gentleman. Actually, not much of a gentleman," Zenz laughed. He felt Adis launch himself in the air, but he had prepared no other attack so Zenz did nothing. The fog rolled in in an instant.

Zenz hadn't expected the blades to come at him. In fact if it hadn't have been for the fog they could have caused a real problem. However the other geomancer had just randomly attacked where he thought Zenz was. He'd almost got a perfect hit with two of the blades, one would have decapitated him.

The defensive spell Zenz had cast before even attempting to fight the energy user was still active and that was enough to save him from the first attack. The dirt and dust clingling to Zenz' person hardered into stone, momentarily turning Zenz into a statue. The first blade had no effect, but as the dirt returned to his normal state, a second blade hit Zenz on the right shoulder. The armour on his shoulder, thin as it was, was completely destroyed.

Zenz fell to his knees cursing. The blade had left a large, but thankfully shallow, gash on his shoulder and it was incredibly painful. He'd misjudged his opponent, he'd thought that his boasts and arrogance would scare Adis, not provoke him. He was glad the mist was hiding him from view, otherwise everyone would see him wounded, knocked off his high horse.

Well, so far all these mind tricks of mine have just caused people to dislike me and I've been injured for my troubles. I suppose Juney was right, I'm not smart enough to do this, Zenz came to this realisation, and it felt as if some kind of important decision had been made. I know what personality I should choose. My own one, I'm a swordsman! A fighter, and all fighters need to know that fair play is important. What I've been doing is cowardly, not clever.

Zenz smiled. He removed most of his armour, leaving only his gauntlets and chainmail shirt on. His shoulder felt a bit better at this. Then Zenz opened the small bag of soil he had been carrying with him. Careful not to loes any of the precious soil, Zenz picked up a small seed that was settled on the top of the dirt. He threw the seed onto the arena's floor, and it was then swallowed up instantly. After a few seconds a small bush burst from the ground and seconds after that purple, egg shaped fruits which were a bit bigger than apples appeared on the bush.

Zenz reached out and squeezed some of the fruits juices into his hands and proceeded to rub the juice into his wound. The pain was extreme, but it paid off, the blood was stopping and beginning to clot. Zenz then squeezed what was left of the juices into his mouth. The Guillan fruit was rare and very valuable. The juices caused blood to clot around a wound much faster than normal and had the added bonus of acting as a painkiller if you drank them. The only down side was that it tasted awful.

Zenz drew his shortsword with his left hand and began to ask the earth for a report on the current events. Zenz couldn't see through the fog, but he could feel using the earth, it wasn't quite as good, but it worked. He felt the energy user, Zenz had expected him to refuse his help and it seemed he was. He disconnected from the ground, probably in the air on on a fountain. The other geomancer was close, it felt like the 5th tier, Zenz would like to avoid him. The light user woman was in trouble, but when the energy user returned to Zenz' "sight" he was racing towards the man Zenz had first noticed when he entered the arena, the one who so far had done nothing.

Zenz was split. Worse he could no longer feel Mr. Dragon and it seemed that the Bezerker was talking, not fighting. Damn, damn, damn! Zenz thought. He made his choice, time to regain some of his honour. He grabbed another Guillan fruit with his right hand and raced towards the winged female, trusting the earth to guide him.

As he ran he thought about Adis. He was definately stronger than Zenz had guessed, he had some unnatural power augmenting his own. He also had his own source of soil somewhere, otherwise the blades couldn't have hit Zenz. He scared Zenz.

dinranwen -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/16/2007 11:48:57)

Alex had still had not responded to her words, and Cecilia wasn't sure if he supported her idea of alligning themselves with the light user or not.

Zer returned to her, whistling around her distractly causing Cecilia took look up and then forth up beyond the fog and into the stands. Within the stands where two very familiar but opposite auras that Cecilia could sense due to their familiratity dispite the distance that separated she and them.

An aura so feeled with hate, malice, spite, and violence burned first in Cecilia' mind sense causing her to wince momentarily as if in great pain. She recongized that aura. It had been the aura of her father, her eldest brother, his son, and now it lied in her brother's son's son's son. Cecilia felt old, small, weak, and fragile knowing that such a violent aura was against her in the stands. For Cecilia was indeed old, very, very old. Three generations had passed with time, her brother's had died, and so had their sons leaving only now Cecilia's great-grand nephews. Yet still, Cecilia's face, figure, and spirit was that of one who was barely 25. Why this was Cecilia was loath to reveal in her thoughts just yet, Mortarian had taught her well that even your most private thoughts could be violated and read, and she wasn't about to risk having that accomplished with such a deadly secret. Mentally, Cecilia prayed to the Elemental Lord's that if she did not win to please kill her for it would be surely more mericful then anything her grand-nephew had planned for her. Death at that man's hands would not be pleasant as his wrath would be all the compined wrath of her house, the house of Yoldar. A house that blaimed her, an innocent but near ageless party by right of birth, for its downfall and destruction when it should have only blamed its pride.

There was another presence in the stands, one that made Cecilia very glad indeed to feel it especially in the face of such hate. It was the aura of the immortal of north wind, a powerful being not unlike the unspoken only this immortal could still speak, and this immortal only had power only over the northern winds. In real life Cecilia knew when not invisible in her wind form the immortal of the north wind appeared as atonishly beautiful, but heartless lady. Cecilia knew that the woman had no heart, it had been broken so long ago, yet despite her heartlessness, her cruelty, and her fleeting whim, Cecilia both knew and loved the Immortaless of the North Wind. Unconciously Cecilia reviewed her actions in the arena remembering the words of that same woman in her mind echoing again as if in a dream, "I will come one day to see how you have grown child, you who are of the northern winds. Until I grant thee a long life a forstalling of time in your mortal aging. You will not age until it is time for me to judge you. But when I judge you, if I find you wanting, know this, all those years which had stilled for your coming of power will catch up with you an instant, and you will crumple as the dust you should have long ago been. Pray that I do not find you wanting when that time comes."

The time of Judging, Cecilia felt as her heart beat faster in fear and hope, had come.

Yet there were other matters at hand then her grim but wonderful past, some of the players had moved and a new contestant had entered. Cecilia couldn't get a good sense of the newly entered contestants aura however, Alex was being attacked and her attention would probably be need.

Even as she watched Static, as she was calling the energy user, fired a bolt of lighting so that it aimed not for Alex himself but at his feet. The Static holding his sword eye his eyes gleaming white with furry rushed at Alex causing Cecilia's heart to momentarily pause before it began beating again.

Energy and Water two very leathal enemies, creating a battle that could sway either way.

Loath to leave her position, Cecilia hestiated a moment before abonding it. The other team was gathering on the northern side anyway and with her words about the beseker and the darkness users, Cecilia had no doubt she had just made herself the perfect target.

So perhaps it would be better if she stood a little closer to her ally.

Whistling to Zer and Zephyr, Cecilia had the wind sprite pair lead her with unerroring accuracy towards where Alex stood. There Cecilia took her stand on the plant consumed step just above Alex's own.

Narrowing her eyes, Cecilia momentarily considered what to do before giving a faint smile that rapidly disappeared so that her face was one of frozen calm giving away nothing to her new oppenent.

Galia, Cecilia called causing the north-east wind to circle around her gleefully tossing her air in the wind Galia created. Galia told Cecilia it was about time she used her, that she, Galia that is, was getting bored. Smiling mentally Cecilia responed back, Want to play Galia?

Yes, my lady, Galia laughed gleefully in hear ear, the other contestants if they were listening would have heard the wind howl as it was rustling through leafless branches.

Could you create a loud bang behind the Static Man, Cecilia inquired pointing to the attacking energy user.

Of course, my lady, some of your power will be needed to divide me in half, but I can do the rest.

Nodding, Cecila muttered another rune of din this one being shaped like to upwards crooked and broken lines, meaning to break, to divide, to shatter.

Instantly, as Cecilia felt a smidgen of her power leave her, Galia was divided in half causing two halves of Galia's whole to form.

Gleefully the newly made twin Galia divided and rushed in separate directions before slamming together violantly in an asume clash about 10 feet behind the energy user. The clas when heard would sound a bit like thunder.

Lighting like to be where Thunder was, and if Cecilia had guessed correctly, perhaps some of the energy users power would leave Static to expend itself harmlessly where the thunder had sounded. At least, Cecilia hoped as much, she was unsure if it would work or not.

Still it was better then nothing, and Cecilia readied an arrow on her bow, just in case none of the energy's magic had left him.

Bending down briefly, Cecilia muttered in Alex's ear, "Help the light user if you can, I'll see what I can do for this fool," before straightening and she began to draw her bow taunt.

And she waited...

And waited...

And see what Galia's thunder sounding would do to the energy user.

dragon -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/16/2007 12:08:50)

Valendr'el stopped his movements immediately. His entire position was changed now. An energy user who feet echoed a running pattern was hurtling towards Alex. Just as this was happening, a small wind user bounded right above Alex, whispering something in his ear, just as a crash sounded behind the energy user. Water and energy? That is a lethal battle right there, thought Valendr'el. He had no doubt in his mind that the crash was a magic one, created artificially, but he could not define the purpose. Cecilia was still bounding through the air, and Valendr'el decided it was time to help someone. "Cecilia!" He shouted her name at the top of his lungs. "Want some help, or do you want to take him?" He hoped he wouldn't be attacked by giving his position away, but he knew in the chaos it would be only moments before he was comprimised. As he waited, he called forth his scythe to his outsretched hand. It slid into his grip without hesitation, and he assumed an agressive stance. Though, at the moment, he wasn't sure towards whom he was aiming. Alex, Cecilia, or the energy user now rushing their postion.

Valendr'el momentarily fumbled, almost touching the ground wih his knee, as he felt a surge of Earth run through the battlefield. Two geomancers were clashing. He only knew of two other geomancers in the arena, the one that had sentenced his group to the berserker, and the one who had been determined to make him pay. Apparently that battle had reached a new stage, as he felt the power rising somewhere in the arena.

The fog was consuming everything now, and if Valendr'el didn't get an answer soon, he would be forced to a higher tier, to watch the growing chaos below.

He heard two voices in his head, and was not at all surprised, for he recognized their hissing qualities right away.

Valendr'el, do not fear. We do not exist where you do, and we do not see there, either.

The other voice sounded, in a mirrored whisper. We shall evade the fog and still run through it, release us and we shall do your biddiing.

He could feel his tattoes tingling, the dragons twitching to fight.

I can't, not yet, Valendr'el responded in his mind. If I relsease you now and you are slain, you will not be useful until much later on, and I get the feeling I will need you soon. Valendr'el moved his mind away from the conversation, and as if to confirm his answer he could feel the power in the arena rising, swarming about him.

dinranwen -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/16/2007 14:10:27)

"Cecilia!" someoneshouted her name at the top of his lungs. "Want some help, or do you want to take him?"

Cecilia's senses pivoted, but she kept one eye on the energy user by sending Zer to perform a small lazy circle of silver whistles for her to 'see' and 'hear'.

Ah yes, there, on of the earth elemental's, the one whose aura felt like stone, but now that he was closer Cecilia's delicate nose picked up the aura of tainted earth, yet this one was not tainted, neither was he dark, cruel, or twisted or so Cecilia hoped from what she sensed from him.

Pulling the bow string so that the arrow rested against her cheek, Cecilia kept one eye on the ever approaching Static and responded by shouting back, "Just how you know my name, I do not know however, some help would be appreciated dear sir. And if may companion here agrees as well, we would welcome you to our team but I cannot speak his mind so I won't extend such an inviation as yet, but I think a momentary I won't attack you, you won't attack me and we're temporarily united against this one man treaty, would do nicely I think. Sound good to you?"

Not waiting for her response, she turned her attention back to her target. Suddenly Cecilia realised something, her arrow heads were made of metal, forged steel in fact.

Most likely the arrows would have no effect on the energy user.

Bitting her lip momentarily, Cecilia eased the tension on the string so that she could hold comfortably but was still prepared to release something.

Metal would no effect on this man other then acting as an conduit.

Suddenly the expression vanished and was replaced with a cool calm that should have ditressed her opponent than any of her grim smiles. Opening the connection to her and the newly returned Galia who had finsihed the thunder clap which still echoed in the arena, Cecilia requested a small piece of Galia's wind once again in exchange for some of her magics.

Feeling the slight drain, Cecilia removed her arrows completly and tossed her still strung bow over her shoulder as the particule of wind tosseled her hair playfully making Cecilia look for a moment like an avenging godess of the wind.

An impression which would be far from accurate, but for a moment it was there, a brief vision as if it was a brief flash of Cecilia's full potential before going as quickly as it came. Hopefully before her opponents noticed it, for Cecilia herself was completly unaware of her apperance in any manner or form.

Gathering the wind like a piece of invisible cloth, Cecilia's hands fashioned the ball of tumbling violent wind into a hollow ball, then raising the ball to her lips, Cecilia gently began to blow into the hollow ball of wind draing her magic as she did so. As the ball of tumbling wind grew bigger, Cecilia's hands grew wider and wider until the ball was just large enough to fit someone of Static's size within its hollowing gale comfortably.

If anybody had the skill to see it, the ball of tumbling wind would have looked like as if a cyclone had become a spear of moving air around a whole still air center large enough to contain a man with it.

Energy user's usually needed air to earth contact for their magics to work. Cecilia wondered if it was the same with this energy and just how well Static could function if his feet weren't touching the ground.

Cecilia planned on finding out as she put her signature on the bubble to allow her to retain (unless the bubble of howling winds was broken) complete control over the bubble so that it would not be used against her. She also placed a rune on the surfac for the spell to be broken in the circumstance that Static was freed from the bubble without breaking it first. She did that so that either way, when Static left the wind bubble, the bubble would break and the wind it was created from would return to Galia.

Then Cecilia made a throwing motion with her hands throwing the wind bubble at Static creating a hole in the wind bubble just large enough the should catch the man into it and then shut him up in the bubble.

If the bubble hit, the wind bubble would close up with Static still inside and rise him directly up in the air where he had been standing before be captured by the bubble. There Static would remain too until her bubble was broken, an occurence which was highly likely given to the unusual shape and fragility of the wind bubble. But Cecilia hoped that the bubble would remain unbroken just long enough to be vulnerable. Cecilia also hope that Static wouldn't notice the bubbles fraglity

Readying herself for to play with her new toy, Cecilia watched to see if the bubble of wind would successfully catch it's pray, Static.

And she waited...

And waited...

And waited...the howl of the friendly wind spirit nearby comforting her in the midst of a great fray.

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/16/2007 14:16:20)

Cid let out a sigh. A small one, he needed to relieve some tension as his mind raced through what was happening. The first thing he needed was to get the location of the situation on the battlefieild. Quickly leaping high into the air, Cid let out a whistle. This whistle was quickly amplified, and flooded the entire arena. It was amplified to the point that it bounced off everything and returned back to Cid. Cid was using a form of echo-location to get a feel for the battle field. Confident that he had adjusted the frequency so it was far beyond the normal hearing range, he descended back to the earth.

Cid was considering on the current burden. It was quite obvious he was the unofficial leader, though if he acknowledged this in any way it might cause fracturing, so he decided to keep up what he was still doing previously. He realized that he had to somehow balance out the needs of the group with the desires of each of the individuals. He figured that more allies would be beneficial, but not too much, otherwise the group would get unwiedly. He also knew that once all other opposition in the arena was eliminated, the group would fracture. He knew he had to keep things going until the Elemental Lords made their call. After thinking of all this, and what he was hearing and from the position of his SONAR pulses, now going frequently from him, which wasn't too much of an effort, Cid decided to lay out the ground work.

"Now that we are all in accordance, here is the situation. The field is polarized. There is currently this group. This will obviously lead to a counter-group to try to defeat us. As our options stand, a general policy would be this cliched phrase: "If they're not with us, they're against us". The more allies the better, but I'm sure you all heard the other Wind User. Apparantly she has something against those who are "darker" then others. I'm not sure why such prejudice exists, but after such a claim we won't be able to form a non-agression pact with her or her group. Quite the contrary, she is one of the two biggest targets on this battle field. I'm sure y'all also heard that thunder clap. That wasn't caused by the arrogant energy user, I assure you. It was a manipulation of the wind from one of her spirits. I also believe she is trying to get her own group going. Indeed, the last I saw our scythe-wielding geomancer, he was rushing towards the aeromancer's group. His allegiance is questionable, as he does owe me one, so he should best be avoided, lest he allies with another. There is another geomancer attacking the swordsmen who tricked the berserker earlier. The entire situation is of course not entirely clear, and this infernal fog is the second threat. That light user can fly and cause illusions like this. So, here is what objectives will need to be accomplished if we want dominance on this field:

One, to take control of the skies. To do that, the light user and the other aeromancer will need to go. The Energy user might also be a hamperance, but I heard him zooming over to that group, most likely to engage his biggest threat, the aquamancer.

The second is to take care of this infernal fog. While I and a few others might enjoy the fog, and it can indeed be an ally, it is also a hamperance. This depends on y'all's preferance on when we take care of this, but it will need to be dealt with. Fortunately the light user is still near the other arrogant swordsman, so it's presumable that they are still fighting. This leaves us with an oppritunity to surprise both of them, and eliminate two more competitors.

The third objective is our second option. As I have said, there is currently some combat taking place near the other aeromancer. She is also forming a team, at least she has connections with the aquamancer. I am unsure of any other allegiances, but even a tag team can be enough to spark a second 4-person team. With combat going on, things will be choatic, and thus, we can surprise them as well, as they are too busy fighting each other. This would help us re-gain control of the skies, and eliminate the largest threat to this group. It might have other repercussions, but they shouldn't be too large.

The choice is yours, gentlemen. I favor rushing the other aeromancer's group, but if this fog is too much of a hinderance to you then we can easily attack the other. Splitting up is another option, though with big risks. While there are two of us there, trying to pick off various members, if the light user falls, the fog will be lifted, which will remove our element of surprise. That's another factor, we are unsure of how much long the light user has. If she's knocked out, this fog will lift by itself. I advise sticking together, but if you prefer we split up, it is another option" He concluded, keeping his composture as he continued with his pulses to hear everything on the field.

Before Cid laid the plans on the table, he had also errected an oscillobarriar around the group. It would certainly not prevent anything from entering in, including sound, but it did prevent sound from getting out of there, so others wouldn't hear the plan... provided they stayed outside the dome. Cid realized that if one of those annoying sprites flew in, they could probably hear everything, but he would at least know of a penetration. He also mentally cursed as he felt the other wind user using the wind, and other spirits. He knew that if things were to gain the other hand, a face off was inevitable. She was the one who wouldn't conceed, so force was the only solution to survival on this battlefield.

dragon -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/16/2007 14:24:43)

Valendr'el smiled, for he knew he seemed enlightened with his knowledge of her name. Simply put, he had overheard Cid mention it, and had retained it for future contact, like now.

Cecilia accepted at least a temporary partnership, and did not wait, nor have time to, discuss this agreement, as the energy user came closer and closer to the three of them. Not sure if he wanted this alliance, or any, Valendr'el accepted the brief acknowledgement. Valendr'el jumped down to the first tier of the arena, and in his light garments ran with full power along the tier, until he was just behind where the energy user was. He jumped up, and as his feet touched the ground he began to swing his scythe, sliding his hand just above the bottom blade, giving the scythe maximum reach as it cut through the air. He could only hope it would land, for the fog was indeed blocking his view.

Valendr'el took the moment of the swing to think inwardly, as he considered an assortment of different things.

What to do. I am in the midst of the beggining of a battle, and I'm not sure whether to use my powers.

Had Cecilia detected the Exodus within me? Did she know my curse? The gifts that came with it?

Furthermore, who did he want allegiance with?

Valendr'el was not able to come to a conclusion at this time as his scythe swung through the air, seeking the blood that lay in reach.

Shodu -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/16/2007 16:09:22)

Feriths' mind was racing, looking at each possibility. A non-agression pact with the other team wasn't possible according to Cid, this means that they'd have to fight each other eventually. He bit his lip, he didn't want to fight them, not yet, however he knew that if they didn't do it soon their numbers might outstrip the team he was currently a part of. They'd either have to recruit more members quickly or destroy the opposition.

Ferith knew this couldn't be accomplished in this dense fog, he couldn't see very well at all. This would definately leave them at a disadvantage as the wind user would most likely know they were coming and be able to retaliate. Her bow also made her a long distance fighter, and her wind could provide the same kind of sonar Cid had used just seconds ago, the sprites would also be able to spot them out.

This made getting rid of the fog their first priority. Would they all need to go to take out the illusionist though? The berserker alone could probably just destroy them both- by the sound of it they were fighting and would already be weakened for him. However he didn't exactly trust the berserker anyway, and the man, despite his newfound intelligence, could get himself killed.

"I suggest we split into two groups. Me with Mr. Loony Mask here, and you with the dark user- sorry I don't know your name. Mr. Loony Mask and I will go take care of the fog and allow us to see, while you two- with Cid being your eyes for the moment- position yourself near the aeromancers group. When the fog dissapears immediately attack, the shock of being able to see- and seeing their being attacked- should throw them off. Then Mr. Loony Mask and I will come in from the opposite direction causing them to have to defend both sides of them, putting them at an extreme disadvantae. I'll take care of the aquamancer since being an Ice user I've got the best defense against his spells, and Cid should help me since I doubt a wind battle would be all that great. Mr. Loony Mask and you- still don't know your name- should take care of the aeromancer. Way I figure it the shadows that Mr. Loony Mask creates with his fire will give the dark user here a good advantage while fighting the aeromance. Now, our double-scythe friend ran off in their direction so we may have to fight him too. If that's the case Cid could probably take care of him, but we don't want to create polar-elemental battles, they're far too dangerous. Rather I suggest we send Mr. Loony Mask to care of it, he's strong enough to crush anything that gets in his way. If worse comes to worst I can probably go help him, I'm fairly certain I'm the most agile of the group and this would definately throw the geomancer out of a loop. By the time anything strong enough to really damage Mr. Loony here had occured I think we probably could have defeated the aquamance, meaning Cid could join don't-know-your-name here in the battle against the aeromance. Hopefully he'll be able to lower her offensive power and we could wound her enough to get her out of here." Ferith emphasized the word "wound". He didn't want to kill unless he had to, and feared the dark user might go insane and try to kill anyway.

"Of course, if what's-his-face wants to take care of the light weilding illusionist he can come with me rather than Mr. Loon here, but I fear that the illusionist is at an advantage having not only his polar element but control of the skies. If we're lucky the other team won't recruit the geomance so we won't have to put up with him, but I see the possiblity of them throwing him aside extremely low. There's also another way we could combat them, by having Cid take the aeromance to reduce her damage and the dark weilder here cutting her down while I take care of the aquamancer. We'd probably end up modifying each others spells to uselessnes so I believe that Mr. Loony Mask could probably then take him down as well. If the geomancer is there then we should either hope we aquire an earth user alone the way or that we can take out one of our foes before he goes into battle. If that's not the case then Mr. Loony should take him, that way you two can take out the aeromancer, and Cid can come help me take out the aquamance while the rest of us defeat the geomancer." Ferith hadn't thought the results of his thinking would take so long to say but it didn't bother them, he trusted Cid would prevent anyone hearing their final decision with his wind prowess.

kenzoku -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/16/2007 17:29:12)

The Mask grinned wider in amusement at the accuracy of the name given to him. He turned to face the fog as the glow in his eyes intensified. He grew frustrated; Why wasn't it working? He could see through magic, so this shouldn't have been a problem. The purple rope-like structures plugged into Berzerk's head pulsed periodically. With such focus, he could better manipulate fire. He struck the ground with his axe's hilt, producing countless rats made of fire. Without a word spoken, they scrambled to the far ends of the arena to await his signal. Being magical in nature, they's be able to see him command them, even with the fog. The only readily apparent weakness to his plan was the fact that the rats were at the bottom of a hill; If the aquamancer suspected them, he could send waves down the sides to quench the rats into nonexistance. "The water user will prove more than a nuisance if he's permitted to persist. As strong as I am, I have no such delusion as to being the most powerful here: After all, what really is power at its core? Also, the fog should be wiped out immediately to avoid accidentally harming one another." His point made, Berzerk waited patiently for a course of action to be decided on. While the Mask had no delusion of being more powerful than any of the contestants in his current state, he knew that if released--which would get him disqualified and banished by the elemental lords--He would be able to crush a union comprised of the collected challengers. However, these thoughts would do him no good. He knew that he would be limited to this berserker's body.

SomThngWickdThsWyCms -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/16/2007 19:22:24)

He could feel his eyes slip closed but was not worried a bit – they almost completely useless in this anyway. He wanted to close himself off from the somber looks and sounds of the arena around them, though he was one with the darkness he couldn’t help but find himself in tune with the surroundings like anyone who appreciated beauty. It wasn’t till then that he began to think of himself as one man defined by two different emotions, constantly clashing within his brain. His emotions were so… incompatible. Aiden knew himself better than anyone but it confused him so much. The anger, the hatred, the fuel of pain and suffering. Bloodlust at its core but with a higher intelligence. And then… this concern of what? His environment? As his mind began to trail else his body settled down, his grip relaxed, his body wasn’t so stiff.

He would always remain conflicted. Always. (alwaysalwaysalwaysalways it echoed in the back of his mind) And from his partially parted lips he let out a sigh of soft innocence at the morose premonition that he was in fact a walking contradiction of himself and how others saw him to be. In battle it was like he was someone different, like the shadows he had control over lurked within his conflicted heart and managed to sway him to their side. Made him something that he did not regret, but rather something that he used to kill. Used to release all those nasty things that had happened to him as a child, the training, the wound on his face (as he thought of it his empty hand rose from the opposite and crossed his chest to touch it. It felt so, so cold…) all of the emotions that he should feel during battle but he shouldn’t so they brood, and brood, and then turn into the bloodlust. Corruption was constantly happening deep down within his chest.

The thunder crack is what snapped him out of his state of mind and he looked around quickly, making sure that it wasn’t from around their group. It wasn’t. His mind was a bit more at ease yet his feelings were gone. He had pushed them back into his brain once more like he had done countless times when he needed to remain emotionless and though he had missed the beginning of Cid’s speech but he began to listen intently now, getting the gist of it as he listed their options as a group. Aiden agreed with the points brought up – the flyer who seemed to be casting the illusions from Cid’s point of view would be a dangerous combatant that would need to be taken out early if they wished to make things easier for themselves. But she was a light user. That fight was one best not for him and when he opened his mouth to suggest the action of splitting up it was then his friend (even if it was only for the time being) spoke up.

Again he listened with intent as the idea he thought of was brought to life within the speech of someone else. Splitting up and then finally coming together as a team would be an excellent strategy – and if all went well it would be a complete surprise. A few of those may know something about the group that they were forming, but he doubt all of them did. And this would be another surprise to see four warriors attacking targets together in unison. The plan was hardly flawed and left things open for new techniques and new ideas in the process. But anything that seemed perfect would have a defect someone along the line. It was never as good as it sounded.

“It’s Aiden, my name that is, but your plan would work out superbly if orchestrated with planning. In regards to the teams I think it would be best of I remained with Cid and moved on to the other aeromancer instead of the woman with wings. My spells wouldn’t be able to reach her, especially because this fog casts no shadow, so I would be severely limited in my pool of resources. Not to mention that a class of polar opposites could turn out to be a stalemate at the very least. I say we do split into two teams, each going for their own goal. The only problem with our attack would be on the one controlling the winds. I believe you said she was blind, correct? Either way those spirits would make it hard for us to sneak up on her in order to free the winds as you have said. I could use our shadows to mask our footsteps as much as I can, but we would need to remain close together. But from what I’ve seen here…” He motioned to the barrier they were standing within. “I’m sure you could provide us with some kind of… Masking spell.” It was then that Aiden was hit with a thought of pure genius. “Maybe, just maybe you could use that trick you preformed Cid to block her sonar with your own? Cause some interference on her part while maintaining sight for both you and I, that is, if we take this path.”

He thrust the bottom of his polearm into the ground and leaned against it gently, looking from person to person. “Thoughts? Comments?”

Kellehendros -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/16/2007 19:41:18)

There was a distinct clicking noise behind him, as if some small bit of rock or metal had been dropped to the ground.

Alex whirled about, staff rising into a defensive posture. It was the other scythe bearer, the one with the strange, dual blade. The mage groped for this man's name, but came up with nothing. The man simply stood there at the moment, not making a threatening move, so Alex assumed that he had intentionally drawn Alex's attention for some purpose. If that was so, it would have to wait.

Cecilia had contacted him, relaying that she could do nothing for to lift the fog, but might have a solution for him. Mere moments later an arrow flying point downwards appeared from the fog, planting itself at his feet. The mage blinked a bit in surprise, and retrieved the item from the ground. The arrow was fletched with odd, light blue feathers of a type Alex had never seen before. The shaft had some sort of inscription upon it, and it seemed to shiver softly, as if the magic trapped inside longed to get out.

Whispering softly, Alex reached out with his magic, modifying the spell laid upon the arrow as he was instructed to by Cecilia. Gesturing one hand vaguely, Alex conjured a small globe of water, and placed the arrow in it. The arrow floated there, waiting for Alex to speak the command word to trigger its spell and launch it forth. He was interrupted most rudely from doing so immediately though.

"Aquan!" Alex blinked, his eyes snapping to where the Energy user stood, in all his vainglory, a blearily realized figure in the thickening fog. The man seemed to be waving his sword around, or something. There was a sudden glow that for the briefest of moments illuminated the area around the Energy user. Swearing, Alex jumped backwards and rolled to his left, placing the bulk of the nearby fountain between himself and the incoming attack. A bolt of lightning sizzled into nothingness in the very spot Alex had just been standing.

The mage came up to one knee catiously, hearing the patter of feet approaching. The Energy user burst through the fog in a flying leap, slashing diagonally downwards across the area Alex had been. Somewhere in the intervening moments Cecilia herself had appeared out of the fog, casting another spell towards the Energy user and telling Alex to attend to the Light flyer. The mage called out to the scythe bearer somewhere in the mist nearby. "Scythe wielder, lend us your aid against this caster of lightning!"

Said caster of lightning was currently lost in the fog, having overrun Alex's position in his charge. Standing, Alex banged his knee against the fountain and cursed. "Won't someone clear this thrice-cursed fog?"

Which reminded him of the arrow. "Seear." He whispered, triggering both arrow and watery orb. The orb launched the arrow on its path, yet amazingly the arrow seemed to bend around, throwing itself back at Alex. Praying that he was right in trusting Cecilia, Alex dropped his defenses and let the arrow rush in towards him.

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/16/2007 20:18:11)

"Fine, since we're in accordance, Ferith and the Berserker will take on the light user. See if you can't get her foe to join us, even if he is arrogant an extra person wouldn't hurt." Cid said to the two. "You two come up with some strategy, just get that fog taken out ASAP, and meet up with us. That aeromancer will be tough enough for me to handle, and in a worse case scenario we got 4 on one over there at least. Also, keep your eyes out. There might be others in your area. I'll keep a link between us, just whisper the words after saying my name first and Il'l hear you. It's not a very difficult spell, and I did it many times during the clan wars, so no strain on me. Also, keep an eye over there. One of them might bolt for whatever reason from that area. If I hear the light mage moving, I'll let you know"

He then turned his attention to Aiden. "This aeromancer is going to be far more difficult for me to tame then any other opponent on the field. A Geomancer will be a match, but as I've faught plenty of them, I'm skilled. An Aeromancer is another concern. I do have one or two tricks against her type of aeromancy, but it won't be much. Sound cloaking is simple, it's cloaking visibly I'm concerned about. She has two wind sprites that serve her, they probably serve as her eyes. She's going to be a tough nut to crack. As for interferance... I might have something to help cause a distraction. We'll come up with more ideas on the battle field. Let's move out!" Cid said, dropping the shield, and re-opening up a link between all three of them via oscillomancy.

"Alright Aiden, we can't just charge in there. It'd be best if we did thing subtly. You got ideas? I trust you have much better ideas for cloak and dagger methods then me." he asked, communicating on the private link between them.

The Extinguisher -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/16/2007 21:37:50)

“Ooh, the man's still got some fight in him. Unfortunately, despite all your bragging, you seemed to not notice that who you were attacking was just an illusion. So much for that tattoo of yours.” Seli mocked her enemy from behind him, having used the fog and her mirror image to escape being seen. “You've just slashed the air.” She chuckled. However, the illusion did not last, once the attack was over, it disappeared. A side effect of the illusion being attacked.

At that moment, a burst of pain shot through her legs. Seli let out a mumbled shout. “Look, as much as I would love to stay and chat, I need to get to these legs, and fix up my bow. Ta ta.” Seli waves, then suddenly became invisible, and speed of, in a random direction. The spell wouldn't last long. But it would last long enough to get her out of the fight. At least, until she could do something about her legs, anyway. Once the spell had worn off, Luthor was no where in sight. Who was in sight, however, was a mage, dressed in gray and blue. It had been the water user she had seen as she entered the arena. And he was about to get struck by an incoming arrow.

There was no way Seli could get to him in time. “Look out!” She shouted to Alex, “It's gonna hit you!”

Shodu -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/16/2007 22:33:02)

Ferith had nodded and bound off in the direction Cid had told them the illusionist was, not waiting to see if "Mr. Loony Mask" had followed. He knew the large man would be able to keep up, although losing him wouldn't be so bad.

"Cid, can you use your sonar and guide us to the illusionist? I don't trust my sense of direction." Ferith said, remembering Cid's communication spell. He wasn't lying either, he had never been good at locating anything, and the dense fog found him running in a straight line in his attempt to locate Seli. This was a huge disadvantage seeing how Seli and her opponent could easily be moving while in combat, and thus they could end up fighting the wrong enemies. This alone could lay the entire plan to waste, especially if they were wounded or killed in the attempt at someones life. An idea struck. Gripping his katar tightly he felt magical energy wash over him, and remembering the waterfall focused on it. Part of the waterfall instantly froze, succumbed to Ferith's control. Concentrating Ferith began muttering enchantments. The block of ice- forming into an orb, suddenly became a third eye to him. Of course, it wasn't nearly as accurate or effective as a normal eye, however it had the advantage of being able to reform whenever he wanted it to. Still concentrating Ferith had it shoot up the waterfall and above the illusioned fog. Now that the eye was above it Ferith had a slightly blurred vision of the entire arena. His concentration of his surroundings vanished, he was putting all his focus into keeping the magical eye in its position and keeping it from sliding back down the waterfall.

"Cid, never mind. I've found her, but there's been a change. She's apparentally escaped her opponent, and she's near the aquamance. We need to change our plan to suit the situation. She seems hurt, I'm not sure if her illusion will keep up at this rate. I'll act as your eyes so you don't have to risk the aeromance hearing your sonar, I'll guide the rest of you. I think that one good hit on her should be able to break this fog. We need to at least shatter her concentration. Tell Mr. Loony Mask to move to the right and keep running in a straight line, he should catch up with you guys." Talking was a huge strain, he felt a headache wash over him. He had never been much for magic that needed anything more than freezing things or changing the shape of ice. He couldn't even generate ice without either a cold water source or his katar in hand. This magic was hugely taxing for him. He managed to walk until he found a safe position- well, as safe as it got in this arena- away from most of the competitors where he could focus without too many distractions.

"Cid, I won't be able to join you in getting rid of the illusionist, it's taking all my energy to keep this spell up and talk to you. The fog's a good deal high but you'll have the best visibility at the top tiers where the fog isn't quite what it is near the lower tiers, but the visibility is still pretty horrible all around. Now I'm going to try and push you in the right direction but I won't be able to do anything myself, especially if my concentration breaks, so you'll have to take care of it fast so I can get right back into the action. Unless the aeromancer's sprites have found out I'm using this spell, which I highly doubt as it's very small and unnoticable in it's current position, you should have the element of surprise and the advantage." Ferith was talking quickly so he could remain focused on seeing above the fog. "I'm not sure if using sonar is a bright idea, if the aeromance finds you getting closer and using sonar she might try and block you out or retaliate with offensive magic. Don't let it seem like you have any offensive intention at all until I tell you to, keep your weapons tucked away. They might think you're just wandering around if we're lucky so look a bit clueless."

sharpie -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/16/2007 23:28:27)

Adis poked his head out of the fog and was relieved to find that Zenz was not there. He pulled himself up to the seventh tier and glanced around. His eyes first fell on an odd plant with some form of fruit on it, his eyes lazily drifted from it to the pile of armor on the ground. Adis couldn’t care less that Zenz had removed his armor; something much more important caught his eye.

There was a small bit of blood on the ground, not enough to show that the wound was deep but it still meant that Zenz was wounded. He chuckled to himself briefly before he looked toward the top tier. There would be time to gloat later, besides Zenz had to have been shaken by his attack. Why else would he have fled?

He eyed the fog filling the lower levels; pursuing Zenz through the fog was useless. Even if he tracked him down Zenz would probably just feel him coming. He continued to stare at the fountain and its molten contents. He spun on his heel and gazed into the fog when he heard a thunderclap. His fingers twitched as he waited for someone to emerge from the fog.

When he realized that no one was coming he turned his attention back to the fountain. He had made up his mind, he needed to draw the others out rather than blindly search for them amongst the fog. “There’s nothing wrong with this,” he muttered to himself trying to suppress any doubts concerning what he was about to do.

He took a deep breath and pulled a large oval shaped rock from the ground. He held it in the palm of his hand and eyed the south side of the fountain. He appeared to be putting strain on his body by holding the stone in the air, but it would be worth it in the end. With a mighty heave he launched the rock at the fountain.

He quickly pulled up a wall of rock to shield from the ill effects that were about to take place. He peeked over his wall just in time to see the stone collide with the southern base and midsection of the fountain.

Water began to pour form the base with the molten lava floating down on top as if it were oil. Within the fountain itself the base was emptying of water and with a little bit of time the water vents would be covered by cooled molten lava. This chain reaction would end with more lava flowing down the tiers toward the competitors as time drew on.

Surely none of the competitors would survive direct contact; such a thing would be an act of the Gods themselves. Adis was quite content with his work and so he moved eastward away from the southern flow of the lava. “They will be forced to move this way in time”, he said to himself as he scanned the fog for any emerging heads.

dinranwen -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/17/2007 0:21:11)

Cecilia watched with baited breath as time apparently begun to hang still.

His services no longer neccesary Zer ahd returned to her and was now doing a cursury expectation of the field.

What Zer saw was disturbing. Through him, Cecilia detected a sound shield around the tag team of the berzker, the wind man, the ice user, and the darkness user. Apparently they were talking togther, deciding not press her luck, Cecilia didn't allow Zer to pierce the sound barrier, an invasion that surely would have been detected. Instead, Cecilia put a mental peg over the spot and promised to herself to keep mental tabs on the group.

Presently the began to break off as if on two different missions, one half heading directly their way. Cecilia mentally cursed herself for making the declaration she had early. She would have no choice but to fight that group now as they would soon becoming after her. Cecilia had a feeling that the other wind user would not tolerate her presence for long as her presence as well as her powers represented a threat to him.

She was going to have to prepare herself, and that ment be able to call on every wind from north, not just the north east wind. But that would take time, time Cecilia knew she did not have at the moment. Cecilia instictevly knew the action would have to wait until the oppurtune time to call on the other winds of the north. Besides, Cecilia mused no use showing my full power. At least, not yet.

Speaking of distractions, Cecilia watched as her ball of air slowly approached the energy user, and the thunder clap echos slowly began to end with no indication of any effect whatsoever on the energy user. She did not think one of her attacks had ever taken so long.

Yes they have. Cecilia's memories answered back from the depths of her mind.

~ ~ ~

How many years had it been since that day? 100? 200? Even Cecilia's memory could not remember.

She remembered the dress she had been wearing with unerroring accuracy. How the wedding had been beautiful in its snowy whitenss, that mockery of white lace, those light blue embordery overtwining her small torso, those silver threads in the lace bell sleeves, and that black viel that had been drapped over her head to cover her face. A face that if seen would have been seen streaming with tears.

She remember the tightness of the circulete pressing down on her head, the comfort she had found within pain of the taughtness of her bond hair that had been woven so intrictally over her head and down her back.

She remember the coldness of the dagger that she held cooly under her sleeve even though her insides had been shaking.

She remembered waiting for what seemed forever for the door to crack open to reveal her finacee soon to be husband. But her finaccee, a young lord's son he was supposed to be, never came to see if she would make an acceptable bride before he wed her in an arranged memory.

But the person who Cecilia had been told would be her future husband never came, instead her father had entered the room with her two eldest brothers each bearing swords simlar to the one her grand-nephew wore in the stands.

She remember seeing the death in their eyes.

She remembered their taunting words that had spoken of her unworthyness.

She remembered the dark twistedness of their auras, the cruelty in their errors, their completle lack of pity.

She remembered hurridly calling upon the winds.

She remembered being surprised by the fact that just not one wind had answered but several instead.

She remembered aiming all the fury of the winds at her father and her two eldest brothers in a gesture of defense against the oncoming swords that she alone would not be able to defend herself from.

She remembered having to wait a long time before the blow had struck.

The she remembered their blood. She remembered the sight of their broken bodies. She had not killed them, merely broken them, only because she had been afraid, only because she had been forced to defend herself agains her own flesh and blood.

~ ~ ~

Cecilia shook her head to clear the memories away like cobwebs from her mind. However, the memory had been more then enough to remind her that she had more then enough cause to hate those who had dark, cruel, twisted, or violent souls.

Even as she cleared her mind, her natural hearing again pivoted to the oncoming energy user, but directing her other senses towards the other group.

Muttering, Cecilia began to form another shield bubble around herself as a hopefully strong enough defense and a secondary means of aleration. This bubble however missed the tell-tale silver and blue that told of Zer's and Zephyr's influence. Instead Cecilia left her personal spirites free to act as scouts. Instead of using the pair, Cecilia had used the wind from Galia in exchange for more magic.

Also silently Cecilia's fingers began to mentally check her arrow supply. She had thirteen left. Some marked with preset spell, some ordinary, some semingly ordinary but not what they seemed.

Suddenly, Cecilia's hearing picked up the tigger word "Seear" coming from Alex, and watched some what proudly as the spell seemed to be taking effect. Sure enough, the arrow disappeared completly leaving nothing but the water Alex had shot it with and the wind runes Cecilia had carefully inscribed in the arrow before entering the competion. The arrow would not harm Alex at least, but still she did not know if the spell would have its desired effects on Alex. Despite working for her, the spell might not work for one who did not have her special skills to aid them.

Momentarily, the light users voice rang out nearby startling Cecilia's hearing and thus 'her gaze' from Static. "Look out! It's gonna hit you!”

"Peace," Cecilia shouted back, "It's a friendly spell it will not harm him. I'm sorry I could not aid you earlier as I was busy. Much the way I am now," Cecilia said giving a nod to on rushing Static user, "So if you forgive my rudness, can we save the talk until I don't have so many enemies heading towards me at the same time. If you wish to help however, I will gladly accept it, as I wished to have aided you earlier in interest of gaining your alliance, but had been unable to do so. However, it is up to you."

With that Cecilia turned back to Static man only to have her attention diverted again at the sound of breaking stone somewhere above her.

Zer also alarmed by the same sound went soaring at fast pace towards the area where the sound had come from. Cecilia couldn't believe her eyes.

The top tier of the fountain had been broken by the earth user whose aura made her want to sneeze. The breaking of the fountain caused lava to pour out from it at an amazing pace.

Acting on instict, Cecilia's hands flashed to her bag retrieving the wind arrow she had crafted before the challenge. The arrow being prespelled with the essence of another spirit would cause no energy for her to fire, it would require a small portion of her magic to activate the spell.

Pulling the string taunt, Cecilia aimed and the fired, crying out as she did so, "Sirien!"

As she spoke the tigger word a small bit of her magic left her changing the ordinary from metal and wood to an arrow made up a freezing wind. The wind had been gathered at the top of a snowstorm in the month of December on All Spirit's Eve, when the wind gave its breath freely to anyone with skill enough to catch it during that time. As it speed along, the wind took the form of dangerously beautiful but completly unadorned woman whose voice and passing sang like a siren song, as the wind spirit speed free to be released from its confiment, it left a path of frost behind it created by frezzing what little moisture there was in the air by its mere touch.

Hopefully the apparation, which could clearly be seen by anyone who cared to look that way, would provide not only a distraction but would help to cool the lava and thus harden it before it possesed a threat to her health.

"Alex!" Cecilia shouted forgetting curtesies in the midst of battle, "Water to harden the lava if you can. I have no desire to scorch this dress today, needless to add my skin."

Cecilia only hoped that her spell and arrow had been enough to forstall the lava a little bit. Returning her attention, Cecilia couldn't help but feeling a little closed in. Enemies were all around her, above her, below her, in front of her, and at either hand. She couldn't help but feel like a mouse trapped in the box. She couldn't help but be afriad.

Cecilia's eyes hardened to icles.

She detested being afraid. She had spent far to long of her life afraid.

This time, she would not fear.

And if she feared, she would conquer that fear.

And so she waited...

And waited...

And waited...her muscles tensing in a stern resultion of possesing no fear within her heart.

Kellehendros -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/17/2007 0:58:54)

The arrow screamed through the air, on a direct course for collision with Alex, right between the eyes.

This is insane, I'm can't seriously be about to do this.

It was an arrow. It was headed straight for him.

And he wasn't even going to try and dodge it.

Why? Because of the word of someone he had just met? This was the Elemental Championship, for Heaven's sake, competitors would do anything to win. Sure the Lords could resurrect a competitor if they favored them for the Finals, but that was incredibly rare. And here he was, staring Death in the face and daring himself not to blink.

A voice cried out in warning, but Alex couldn't make out the words. His entire universe had been reduced to himself and the metal tip of the incoming projectile. His eyes squeezed shut.

Aurouras help me, but I trust her.

The arrow vanished in a a flash of mingled blue-gold light. The mage cried out as his head was torn apart by a splitting headache, his magical defenses slamming back into place. Slowly the pain subsided, and Alex opened his eyes.

Somehow, inexplicably, he could see. Certainly it wasn't as good as true vision, the edges were fuzzy, and he seemed to have a hard time focusing on any particular details for a long time, but he could see.

Moments later the mage was pulled from his contemplation of his new sight by the sound of shattering stone. Whipping around, Alex's eyes darted up to the top tier, even as a chill of dread cascaded down his spine. The transmuting fountain, it had shattered at the midsection. A fiery trail of lava and fire rode down towards them.

Cecilia's frantic call pierced Alex's momentary shock. An arrow buzzed by quickly, trailing a wake of icy cold air. Alex stood for a moment, unsure of what he could do to stop such a disaster.

Then it hit him, he might not have to. "Cecilia, the fountain, quick, get in it." No time for waiting or watching or thinking, Alex scrambled up into the shallow bowl of the fountain, spilling water of the side as he did so. The water's splash onto the ground below gave Alex another idea. Moving quickly he sliced his staff through the air, creating a series of blue glowing runes that hung in the air twisting gently. Drawing the Master Rune he pointed to the top of the fountain he stood in. The runes dissipated, and suddenly the jet from the fountain changed directions, rather then spraying into the air as it had just moments ago, the jet of water now sprayed at the incoming stream of fire, slowing and cooling the lava in conjunction with Cecilia's spell.

Before he could think of the possible reprecussions of doing so Alex reached out to Cid again. "Cid, you guys had better get back, the Transmuting Fountain is broken."

Onomatopoeia -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/17/2007 1:16:26)

Luthor shrugged as his opponent fled the fight, resheathed his weapon, and began walking again, searching for the edge of the fog. As he walked, having nothing better to do, he began a conversation with his favorite person. Himself. "This fog is becoming rather irksome. I can't see a thrice damned thing and on top of that something big is happening somewhere around here and I'd really rather avoid it as long as possible whatever it is. Reminds of the time I escaped the lair of the treacherous molemen. You see, I had just finished saving the world from the cosmic being known as the Devourer of Worlds, with a little help from this scientist whose name escapes me. Steve Richards, or something to that effect. Anyway, i had just saved the world and the molemen appeared from beneath the ground and kidnapped me and threw me in a cell. Having little recourse I fashioned a crude transmitting device from my hair and a rock I found and sent a message to the Super Friends. Then I faked an illness so that the guard would come to see what was the matter while I stealthily hung from the ceiling ready to ambush him. When that ploy worked I had to fight my way through their legions of mudmen and giant monsters." Luthor continued to babble on about his adventures in the "underground kingdom" which involved increasingly fantastic scenarios, a majority of which involved Luthor singlehandedly saving the day through various unlikely or just plain impossible means.

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/17/2007 9:32:50)

Cid heard Ferith, and was worried. "Damn it man, put that ice hunk of yours away, there's no need for it. We need you up here with the rest of us, there's been a change in plan. And relax about the sonar, it's on a frequency far above anyone's nomral hearing range. I highly doubt she'll be abe to pick up on it. Besides, she already knows that we have hostile intentions towards her, she made it obvoius that we would when she declared her hatred for darkness."

Jut then, Cid heard the cracking of stone. Curious to see what was going on, he jumped high out of the fog, and witnessed the destruction of the fountain, and the eruption of lava and water. Smirking on his way down, he felt, saw, and heard a very strong wind burst being shot directly at the lava, taking the shape of a female. "What the... there's cold in that wind burst... there's no way she should be able to get that much of a temperature deviation in her blasts... unless she's alinged to the North Wind..." He muttered. He then began to remember that the North Wind had a colder touch then the other winds. He also rememberd during the brief was Aerodu had with their own Spirit Aeromancers that those who alinged with the north had an uncanny ability to resist cold, but were seceptible to warmer temperatures. "That expalins why she's so interested in stopping that lava then... plus adding the fact that the aquamancer won't be too fond of it..." he muttered, and then suddenly he picked up a comunique from the aquamancer. This reminded him that the aquamancer wouldn't be fond of lava either. Coupled with the fact that the lightmancer had moved over to the rest of the group, Cid realized that he could now launch a bold new plan that if sucessful could end this. He was fully aware of the repercussions of ending a match this quickly, but he had one or two things in mind for aftermath. Now, it was action time.

"New plan" he said, whispering to all. "The fountain in the middle is breaking. The aeromancer's team won't be too fond of that hot lava pooring down. Berserker, think you can tap into the heat of that lava? They're ruining the pace of this operation by cooling down all that lava. It will buy us time, but we need them to fully concentrate on the lava. If you can't I have a plan B to keep them busy."

"On to the new objective. Ferith, we need you to take out that aquamancer. He'll be a pain if he can douse the Berserker's flames. Aiden will assist you with that. Berserker, take out the Aeromancer. You might think I'm crazy, but from what I've seen, she's aligned with the North Wind. The North Wind prefers cold to heat, which means Ferith won't be any use taking her on. With me there's too likely a chance it'll be a stalemate. Don't underestimate her because she's blind. She has two wind spirits that act as her eyes plus she has a third one that gives her the ability to manipulate wind. Also, she's been making little tornado bubbles. Don't worry bout them, they're extremely fragile. I will take out the lightmancer as quickly as possible... and I'll be using Plan B now, as they're cooling at an accelerated rate now that they're combining their magics. Hold off on going near the fountain until I say so. Actually, you might want to back away from that hill." he summed up, and with that he quickly zoomed off to the north end of the field.

On the north end of the field, a distance from the others who were busy with other affairs, Cid unslung his scythe, and pointed the cylindrical device at the top of the hill. Carefully taking trajectory aim, Cid twisted a specific portion of his scythe near the spike. With said twist, the cylinder fired a green fireball. It wasn't an ordinary fireball, it was a plasma bolt. Cid had carefully aimed the plasma bolt so it would colide near where the fountain was spewing up lava. The resulting explosion would not only be a great distraction, but it should also speed up the rate of lava spewing from the fountain. He also calculated a trajectory that would take the plasma bolt near the water and wind blast that was cooling the lava. He knew that the plasma bolt would hit the target, as plasma couldn't be cooled with water or freezing ice, but he wasn't sure if the bolt would be close enough to the cooling spells to disrupt them. He was hoping the heat would dispiate them, but he couldn't be too sure.

Preparing for the resulting explosion that would ensue, Cid quickly darted to the eastern side of the arena, far away from the fountain. Catching his breath for a moment, he began to fiddle with the cylindrical device, setting it up for another charging round. "Guys, stand by, that fountain's going to explode in a few seconds. Also, you may think that I'm completely insane, but I assure you that I have a plan. Just hold back, unless the Berserker can withstand Lava." he warned his team-mates.

Kellehendros -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/17/2007 11:09:01)

Alex eyed the jet of water critically as it spewed its continuous blast of cooling liquid across the incoming lava. Luckily Cecilia's quick thinking seemed ready to save them both, and the dual scythe wielder as well. The Light flyer obviously needn't worry about the lava since she could fly over it, but it seemed she needed a place to set down soon, no one could fly forever afterall.

Looking around he sighted the flyer, she was hovering a few feet away. Closer inspection revealed that her legs had been wounded somehow. Perhaps she had been hurt by some other competitor. Unsure of whether she could see or not he waved and called to her. "Flyer, flyer, if you are in need of rest and not afraid to get a little wet, this fountain will protect you from the lava flows." As a second thought he called out to the scythe bearer as well, "scythe wielder, I extend the invitation to you as well." Getting burnt to cinders by a lava flow was not a fate Alex wished on anyone, well, maybe the Energy user.

Getting burnt by the lava. Lava that was transmuted from water. Water. Water was carried to the Fountains in pipes!
Alex's eyes widened, and he let out a gasp of shock. He didn't need to spray water onto the lava flow after all. All he had to do was smash the pipe that feed water to the fountain!

Closing his eyes Alex fell deep within himself, following the flows of water in the fountain he was standing in. Down through the return vent, through the piping and into the magical pumping station. He zipped along with the current, tracing its path to where several pipes joined to feed water into the Transmutation fountain. Sure enough, there was a junction that fed water to the fountain, water that passed through the fountain's base and was changed to lava. Concentrating, Alex pulled on the water in the fountain, jamming the pipe. The water's flow was plugged at the junction, creating tremendous pressure at the weakest point in the area, the joints holding the pipe junction together. Mere moments later there was the sound of metal rending, as the pipe, unable to bear the strain any long, simply burst apart, spilling the water meant to travel to the Transmutation Fountain into the ground below it.

Alex's eyes open, a huge grin splitting his face. "Well, that just might solve our lava problems."

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