RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (Full Version)

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Cow Face -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/15/2007 18:20:10)

Mr. Dragon was annoyed at being pushed backward. He was a knight! So, to defend his honor, he ran to Berzerk, and slashed with his broadsword. The blade keened in the air, blazing edge whistling... then, he stopped. He pulled his sword back, and stepped back a bit. He said to Berzerk, "You know, we have possibilities together. Two powerful fire-weilders like us... Want to join forces?" He was still tensed, but he was hoping the giant would forgive Mr. Dragon's attack.

The Extinguisher -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/15/2007 18:32:55)

Luthor struck at at Seli, apparently with the gift to see through her illusions. She wasn't to lucky dodging this time. She managed to block one attack, but he was fast and Seli was too close. The attacks hit her legs, as she had began take flight, but when the struck she fell backwards, landing on her back. “Ow, that hurt.” She git up and brushed herself off, and flew back in the air. No sense to put pressure on her weakened legs.

Seli placed her fiddle in her bag and drew out her other sword. “So, you think you can see through my illusions? Then see through this!” Seli cast another spell, without her musical instrument. The spell would still work, but it would be less focused than it would have been if cast through the violin. As the spell finished, a thick gray fog covered Luthor, Seli and the area that they had been fighting. Of course, it wasn't really fog, just light manipulated to a fog like form, but due to the wild and unfocused nature of the spell, as well as the form the illusion took, it would be almost impossible to see the through the fog magically. Of course, that meant that Seli would not be able to see as well. But that was fine. As the fog seeped outwards, Seli listened for a sound. Any sound to locate her target.

kenzoku -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/15/2007 18:33:48)

Berzerk eyed the man warily. He could smell tension, but it was to be expected. He opened his mouth to give an answer, only to be struck with two shots of extremely cold water. He ground his teeth together and growled angrily. His body heat climbed and his hair became a flame of fury adorning the top of his head. "We crack heads together." Berzerk said, holding out his massive hand for the other man to shake.

Cow Face -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/15/2007 18:37:35)

Behind his helmet, Mr. Dragon grinned. He took the giant's hand, and said, "Cracking skulls is one of my favorite pasttimes! Do you know who hit you?"
Mr. Dragon was back in the game, ready to slice and dice, with broadsword and bombs. The giant would be a handy, handy ally. He called to Zenz, "We've got a new member! The giant agreed!" He readied himself for battle against whoever had hit Berzerk, and reflected how odd a turn of events it was.

Geddesmck -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/15/2007 18:41:02)

Zenz heard the commotion below, and looked in horror as Mr. Dragon tried to ally himself with the Bezerker. "Idiot," he mumbled under his breath. He turned to Caor, who was still carefully considering his response to Zenz' request. "Sorry to leave like this, but I can't stand here forever. Give me your answer when you can." With that the earth opened up beneath Zenz and he fell into the chasm he had created. It sealed up almost instantly behind him.

For a few moments Zenz moved rapidly through the dirt, making sure to keep his eyes and mouth closed.

He popped up (literally) behind the Bezerker. Zenz brushed the dirt off his armour and and out of his hair. Then closed his eyes. The bezerker didn't get hurt, huh? Zenz strengthed his connection with the rock in the arean.

Zenz punched forward, still feet away from his opponent. For a few seconds nothing happened, and Zenz' face began to redden. Had he messed up a spell already? Luckily he heard the tell-tale rumbling of his spell getting to work.

A large stone fist burst from the earth (Zenz grimaced when as he felt a few plant die) and at great speed collided with the Bezerker. Zenz hoped it collided with the Bezerker at least, that spell had left Zenz a bit breathless so it better have been worth it. Once more there was dust in the air.

As he waited to see the results of his attack Zenz turned his head slightly. There was a boy, only a few years younger than himself nearby. As he had traveled towards the large fiery brute Zenz had been informed by the grass around the boy that the he was a geomancer. It didn't put Zenz at any advantage, just let him know where one of his rivals were. Zenz hadn't been shy about showing off his alliegence to the Earth Lord, at least now both he and the boy nearby knew who one of their opponent might be. What that meant was uncertain, because Zenz had no idea of the boys power or skill. Zenz looked back at Caor quickly, hoping for a confirmation of alligence and a little help aswell.

"Damn Dragon, I just hope he see's his mistake and tries to get a suitable ally!" shouted Zenz to himself, just loud enough for everyone else to hear.

Onomatopoeia -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/15/2007 19:02:34)

It was now apparent that this girl was not a warrior, her reflexes were decent, but only in relation to a girl of her size and apparent age. He could probably defeat her left handed but thought it best to be safe, so he switched his blade to his dominant right hand and raised it to a defensive stance. Then he focused on the fog around him. His tattoo flared brightly, indicating that this was magical in nature, but its attempts to pierce the fog were having little or no effect.

"This reminds me of the time I went sailing through the black mists of Guada Lupa on my way back from fighting Conquistadors. Me and my crew of trusty pirate friends when all of a sudden we were attacked by ninjas. We fought bravely but soon all my frieds were killed by those blasted ninjas and I had to fight off all one hundred and fifty of them at once. At least I think it was a hundred and fifty, we couldn't see nothing mind you, but these are ninjas so they probly had some sort of crazy ninja mojo that let them see. After I defeated the ninjas singlehandedly, my arm fell off and I had it replaced with a new fangled metal arm called "Automail". Of course then I ran into this alchemist who also had a metal arm but I defeated him and I lost my eye, which is why I wear this eyepatch. After that I sailed the seven seas for seven years killing any ninjas I came across."

While Luthor continued to babble on about his various adventures he began walking through the fog, trying to find his opponent, the outside of the fog field, or perhaps both.

kenzoku -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/15/2007 19:10:06)

Berzerk shook his head. "I not see. I not care, either. Woman probably in trouble, but is her choice." He was beggining to calm, which was a bad sign. He spun his axe and thumped the ground with the hilt, starting a small fire in the all-too-burnable grass. He rose his voice over the cheers of the crowd, speaking more eloquently now that he was addressing each and every one of the contestants. "The Aerodu man is attempting to unite a force great enough to overcome us all! For victory, we must stop him! Charge! Crush his alliance with the force of your will to win! Soon after his outburst of direction, he was knocked a few feet forward by a large stone fist. He stood up quickly and angrily and shattered the fist with one swift swing of his mighty axe. Why DID everyone want to smite him? The obvious answer was his intimidating stature. A deep low snarl sounded from behind the mask, as he was ready to smash whoever got too close without the excuse of being his ally.

Geddesmck -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/15/2007 19:22:46)

When the stone fist shattered Zenz knew that his target was a lot tougher than he had anticipated (although Zenz was planning on getting rid of the fist anyway). Zenz frowned. It looked like the real fighting was about to begin.

The large fire user looked angry, but, luckily for Zenz, it appeared he'd actually felt some pain from Zenz' attack. Zenz was about to send another attack, then he smirked, he had a better idea. It appeared the rumbling and the large crash of the fist had prevented the Bezerker hearing what Zenz cried out, the fact he wasn't sure who to attack proved this.

"Hey, you, big guy! I saw who attacked you. It was those guys over there," Zenz pointed towards the small group of four quite a distance away. Zenz was pretty sure the giant would believe him, he had after all, confirmed he wanted to attack one of the men in the group earlier. Zenz had just made the Bezerker angry. That meant he was at the height of his strength, and an angry bezerker occupying Zenz' main opponents would be extremely helpful. Even if the big guy died, Zenz was still good.

He climbed to the 5th tier of the arena as fast as he could. Just in case.

kenzoku -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/15/2007 20:01:15)

Berzerk didn't think twice. He had been given a target for his rage and was willing to unleash it tenfold. He charged towards Cid, bellowing angrily. He swung his axe, sending a wave of flame speeding across the grass, only to vanish after burning several yards of it into ashes. His mask pulsed and its smile twisted into a frown. The eyes became angry. Whatever possessed his mask was obviously displeased just as Berzerk was. In the blink of an eye his long strides and swift legs had brought him to stand beside his opponent. His eyes glinted just before he struck. "Revenge!" He demanded angrily. He swung his axe from right to left, arcing down and swiftly brought it up to swing left to right arcing down as well. A fire of wrath burned in his eyes. He was releasing his primal rage in as constructive a way as he knew how. His body temperature escalated dramatically, making him hot to the touch.

sharpie -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/15/2007 20:22:31)

Adis watched on with interest, the brute of a man had leapt into the air while simultaneously destroying the first jet of water and avoiding the arrow. As if that wasn’t enough he roared at the other jet and it merely dispersed. “Unbelievable, that’s completely inhuman,” he said as he slowly got to his feet.

Apparently during all the commotion the behemoth had made an ally, but not before being hit by the same jets of water. That’s interesting magic, I should make sure to avoid it, he thought as he moved up one more tier. He dug his hand into the dirt in preparation to attack the newly formed pair, but before he could even release his magic a large fist emerged from the ground.

He saw a brief glance from the man he assumed had cast the spell, for if he hadn’t his posture and positioning appeared quite foolish. The blow proved quite powerful indeed as it pushed the brute a few feet forward. Yet, the giant of a man proved to be even more powerful as he shattered the fist with his axe.

He glanced up at the spells caster; apparently he was attempting to blame the newly forming group at the base of the arena. “Shifting the blame to others, how underhanded,” said Adis as he gazed at the other geomancer.

The man was easily within range, but he was also far enough away where he could see an attack coming. Still, his actions were inexcusable even if they were in a tournament where their lives hung in the balance. He reached into the earth and pulled a cylinder with a rounded top, it wasn’t more than a foot long and its diameter couldn’t have been more than four inches but it would serve his purpose.

He once more placed the fingers of his right hand into the earth; dark lines appeared just above the bracer where his veins were. From the earth a large stone emerged, its tip pointed. It was similar to the lance that he had conjured up before except it was as tall as him. With a grunt he ran his fingers through the dirt and launched the stone at the geomancer who summoned the stone fist.

Just moments later he held the cylinder in the palm of his left hand and punched it with his right. It followed behind the large stone, which at this point was an obvious distraction to any observer, with a slight rotation that made it far deadlier. Adis wiped the sweat from his face and shouted at the man, completely giving away any form of surprise he might have, “Take responsibility for your actions you coward!”

He glanced toward the other group only to find that the brute had descended upon them. His face didn't contort into anger, he didn't feel sorry for them, but it was still wrong. "You truly are a coward," said Adis with narrowed eyes.

Kellehendros -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/15/2007 20:56:15)

The jets of water sailed towards the great brute's back, yet somehow he noticed them. Squinting, Alex just made out the impact of several small dirt clods that hit the giant human's head. This caused the massive man to turn, catching sight of the water jets. What happened next was amazing, impossible, and completely against all logic.

The huge fighter jumped over the first jet of water. How was such a thing even possible? The man had easily jumped his hieght or more from a dead stand. The next jet of water was shattered by a great bellow from the beserk human. The mage blinked, staggered, that wasn't even possible.

All was not lost, however, the water jets fragmented, then pulled themselves back together, made a beautiful sweeping curve, and smashed into the beserker only a few moments later.

Alex frowned, this was very odd. The water jets should not have reformed, he could feel though, that his original spell had been altered, enhanced, as it were, by the help of both Wind and Ice Mages. Combinations of spells could often have fantastically different properties from the expected, so perhaps the interaction of the three spells had caused the event.

The beserker, it seemed, was the favorite target of the current action. Taking a moment to rest after his castings, Alex watched as the man was hammered with a fist made entirely of stone. The hit staggered the beserker, but other then that seemed to have made no impact on the savage brute. Bezerk smashed the stone fist into rubble with on mighty swing of his axe, then, screaming something about Cid, charged down the tiers towards where Cid and his companions gathered.

Alex was momentarily tempted to take another pot shot at the giant, but since his last attacks were fairly inconclusive, he would try something a bit more subtle. Moving his hands through a series of swift gestures, that looked somewhat like he was tying off a pair of ropes, Alex motioned towards the charging giant. Bezerk was currently swinging his massive axe left and right in the general direction of Cid and company, so he probably wouldn't notice that a small wave of water was rushing up behind him. The spell was designed to tangle opponent's legs with a wave of dense water, thereby tripping or hindering them. Though with such a resiliant target Alex doubted it would work.

dragon -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/15/2007 20:56:29)

"Heads," Valendr'el casually added to the conversation. With that Valendr'el turned around, pinning the scythe to his back again, and began sprinting as fast as he could from the threat. This giant had gotten him out of a sticky situation, but he was confused. He had seen the water hit the giant out of the corner of his eye, but no water users were present in their group. He knew the brute had been given a false tip on the origin of the attack. No matter, it was not he who the giant was after. He could not give up his element just yet, he had to keep the element of surprise. Had he been able to, he could've stopped the brute dead in his tracks, but he choose the passive and intelligible move of running. He would watch from a distance, maybe aid Cid, but Cid had enough mages and fighters around him to protect himself. A flash of fire erupted from the giant's axe, and Valendr'el ran faster. He knew he may look ike a coward, and he also knew someone would underestimate him for it. For now, he was pushing himself to full speed to escape the incoming chaos.

The rest of the arena was much more stable then it had been, fights were being kindled at all sides, but alliances were as well. He smiled, for this arrangement would make the fighting that much better. He was growing more wary by the second, as the arena began to be marked by bloodshed. The shouts cleared away from his mind, and his heartbeat pierced through his ears. The magic inside him was a fierce one, and it was building. Soon his control would break if he did not force himself to remain calm. This he did, as tthe sounds of the arena blasted through him once more.

Valendr'el watched a surprising event occur as one geomancer prepared his attack on another. He realized what had happened, he who was being attacked was the cause of the inhuman warrior charging those who had just been in his presence. He weighed his options, unsure what to do. For now he would wait, and assess the powers of his competition carefully, and if need be he would attack. But he didn't think there would be any reason for such a move.

Geddesmck -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/15/2007 21:11:46)

Zenz heard the young geomancer calling out. Zenz felt the boy's fingers pierce the soil. His name was Adis, the earth knew his touch. He'd let just enough magic seep into the ground for Zenz to get a good feel of his abilities, even, to some extent, his personality. The earth had greeted his touch, but Zenz knew immediately that Adis hadn't bothered to try merging with the earth yet.

Zenz hadn't been paying any attention to the actual attack. His new opponent had used the earth from the arena to launch his attack. He'd used the earth Zenz was a part of. The stone (and the cyclinder, but Zenz hadn't spotted this) both exploded before they hit Zenz. Causing zero damage to him.

Zenz watched the Bezerker attack the group Zenz himself had pointed out. It was cowardly, true, but why should he waste his energy when he could get someone else to do his dirty work. It was only after a few moments of ignoring his opponent (merely in order to annoy him) that Zenz reacted to the attempted attack. He was trying to un-nerve the boy, make him believe he was inferior to Zenz, maybe he'd go away if he thought he was outmatched.

"As noble as that was, Adis," Zenz emphasized the name, hoping the revelation would help in Zenz' quest to scare the boy away, "it was pointless. I am immune to any Earth attacks!" This wasn't a total lie. He was just immune to earth attacks that used the earth from the arena, and that was only as long as he kept his spirit merged with the earths. But that was still a VERY useful effect of the otherwise simple spell he had preformed before the fight.

"I'd rather not fight you yet, I have to look out for that big guy," Zenz smiled a little, "it's only fair I protect him in the fight I got him involved in." Zenz climbed to the 7th tier and sat down to watch the Bezerker. He did feel a little bad about his trickery. Zenz prepared an underground escape tunnel for himself, he had a feeling that Adis wasn't going to give up just yet.

Zenz' erratic behaviour was started to confuse even himself now. Got to settle on one personality soon, otherwise I'll just come across as a lunatic he thought to himself.

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/15/2007 21:54:17)

Cid watched the entire ordeal. The Berserker's actions, the attacks failing, the earth attack, the lying, the charging brute. All of this Cid took into careful consideration as he decided to put away his scythe. "So desperate he has to trick others? Childish, and it will backfire on him. I don't think the Elemental Lords favor under-handed tactics at the least" Cid muttered, deciding to start getting ready. As the brute launched his fire attack, Cid did not budge, looking the berserker straight in the eye, not a trace of fear anywhere. Cid did keep an eye on the fire, but he figured that the berserker would lash out too soon, and he was right, the fire never reached him.

As the berserker stood right before him, Cid still did not yield. He waited until the last possible second, when the berserker had begun his swing. At his, he jumped high into the air, front-flipping over the berserker, and landed with both feet on the ground, a good deal away from the berserker. He swung round to face the berserker, but still he did not attack from the looks of it. Instead, he just looked at the berserker, and also kept his senses sharp, just in case there would be extra interferance in this match from the geomancer who caused all this. He realized that at least Felith had his back, but he was unsure if he could assist in a sudden ground collapse, and Cid didn't feel like exerting too much energy still.

What Cid WAS doing was one of his more curious feats of oscillomancy. Being an oscillomancer, Cid had a very easy time with ventriloquism. It was now a form of it that he was doing now, but this time to the Berserker.

"Woah now, hold it Berserker!" Said a feminine voice, coming from Berserker's left ear. Cid didn't really know the giant's name, he just decided to call him by what it was, seeming that it probably wouldn't matter in the long run.

"Seirously, what do you think you're doing?" said a deep bass voice, coming from his right ear.

"You're seriously going to charge someone who's just trying to make friends?" the feminine voice said.

"We're the voices in your head. Surely you remember us, right?" asked the bass voice.

"We're your real friends, after all, we do live inside you, so we care about you" the feminine voice added.

"Are you seirously going to believe the earth user who attacked you that this group of people attacked you?" asked the bass voice.

"Yes, we saw the entire thing. Though we live in your head, we can see through your head to the surronding areas. Where do you think you get your reflexes from?" asked the feminine voice.

"Seriously, that's us helping you out. Anyways, like we were saying, that geomancer who blamed this group, he's the one who attacked you." said the bass voice

"You know how he feels. He feels threatened by your muscles. He's puny, so he tried to trick you" said the feminine voice.

"I mean, look at this guy. Does he seem like much of a threat to you? All he did was dodge." The Bass voice reasoned.

"He's probably a complete moron and a coward. I mean, he doesn't even have his weapon out. He didn't even attack you! Anyone who had half a brain would try to defend themselves, or at least run away from you!" The Feminine voice added.

"He's trying to act tough, to try to psyche you out, but he's probably just a wimp. He's not even worth your time. None of these guys are." The bass voice reasoned.

"Seriously, did you see that guy with the double-bladed scythe? He just ran away from you! You can beat these guys up any day!" the feminine voice said, speaking more excitedly.

"You want to kill someone who's a threat to you. Someone who betrayed you, trying to trick you!" the bass voice added.

"Kill that geomancer on the 5th level now! He's the true enemy. Look at him, smug, thinking he's so great because he tricked you. He wants you to fight his battles for him, are you going to let him do that? He's no friend of yours, he's planning to kill you right now!" the feminine voice concluded.

With all this going on, Cid was unsure if it would get through, but hey, he could react fast enough while he bought his allies time to do something.

Ronin Of Dreams -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/15/2007 21:55:33)

There was a rush of elemental energy that reverberated mightily underneath the expansive tiered complex that formed the beautiful visage of Fountain Arena. Displeasure resonated from these energies as a swirling vortex pooled beneath Mr. Dragon in a kaleidoscope of liquid shades of red, amber, orange and near-white with dread intent. Within the blink of an eye, Mr. Dragon was irrevocably consumed by the holy flames of Fire itself that sprang from these liquid energies, his personage instantaneously transported miles away from the Arena complex and the burgeoning township of Bren, leaving him singed slightly in the act.

The flames parted, the power dissipating amidst the damp terrain of Fountain Arena, all to reveal his pointed absence from the midst of both current friends and foes.

This message was also quite clear, lose all favor of the Lords and your presence would be removed from this competition of skill and ability.

kenzoku -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/15/2007 22:12:06)

Berzerk's mind went into overdrive, trying to process this information. He had never heard these particular voices before, and yet they seemed to point him in the right direction, praise his strength, point out his enemies' faults... How stupid are you? Berzerk drew back, surprised by a third voice. It was neither deep nor high. It hissed slightly with each s and filled Berzerk with an unplaceable emotion. One that he didn't like. Who are y- The voice cut off his thoughts. Silence. I'm taking over. The mask grinned as it gripped Berzerk's head with organic purple rope-like structures. The fire in the berserker's eyes died out, turning white as the eye-holes of the mask lit up with an evil red glow. The grin on the mask widened, and the empty mouth filled with rows of sharp teeth. When he next spoke, his voice was warped. Berzerk's voice overlapped with the voice of the mask. "No more games. I'M in control now. My first order of business..." He gazed down at the wind manipulator with the scythe. "You preyed on this mortal's weak reasoning with your sound magic." He pointed out. "Such a dastardly trick is commendable, far more powerful than a simple lie. I wish to ally with you." The teeth of the mask spun around the mouth like a malevolent blender filled with a thousand clashing knives. His eyes flashed with a dark intelligence. He held his ground as the water swirled around his feet.

The Extinguisher -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/15/2007 22:15:23)

I'm beginning to not like that guy, but as long as he keeps talking, I'll be able to find him. Seli's elvish heritage gave her acute hearing. Perfect to locate a bragging swordsmen. The problem was with the heavy fog, that was spreading out farther and farther throughout the arena, not high enough to reach the top levels, with the transmutating fountain however. It meant that even if she could hear him, it was impossible to make out where he was. Dark shapes could be anything. Trees, other combatants and even heavier patches of fog.

The swordsman was close. His voice was getting louder, rambling on about something to do with pirates, and Seli could see what looked like the man waving his sword about. Luckily, he seemed to be moving away from her. That would give it an advantage. She speed towards him, her weapons ready to strike, and within moments, she was upon him. “Hey, talk-ity guy, I hope this makes for a good story.”

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/15/2007 22:30:43)

Cid looked slightly taken aback. He certainly wasn't expecting the mask to be possesed. As he listened to the proposal. While it's true he had dealt with darker magics before, this was his first time to deal with a possesed berserker. The mask clearly had far greater intelligence then the beserker, and it was making a good proposal. Surely a beheamoth as this would be a great asset. But, Cid was no fool. He had a feeling that possesed artifacts had a tendency to back-stab. He decided to play it safe for now.

"I'm surprised that one like you would consider allying with me just because of a small magic trick like that. I mean, if that's what that body could do with the mind of a berserker, it must be even more enhanced by a greater intelligence. Your proposal is very interesting, but I would have to consult my colleagues first, as it wouldn't be much of an alliance without the consent of an entire group" he voiced out loud. He didn't draw his weapon, knowing that it probably wasn't a good idea to get on the wrong foot with a possesed berserker with a decent intellect at least.

Cid also noticed that a fog was approaching. A special fog. "Damn, more illusions... though that does give me an idea." he muttered, deciding to hold off using this new oppritunity. He was still looking directly at the berserker, still not giving way any type of emotion.

Onomatopoeia -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/15/2007 22:39:59)

At the sound of his opponent's voice coming from behind him, Luthor reversed his grip on his sword and stabbed backwards, hoping to take her by suprise, maybe even score a serious hit, "You know that's the very thing the Czarina of Russia said to me when I rescued her from death by horse. Of course, she didn't call me Talk-ity Guy, she called me Steve. Of course, my name isn't Steve, it's Tony Stark, but she thought I was named Steve. It's a long story. You see, I was on my way home after fighting a war with those bloody Trojans over this girl named Helen. So anyway, I was sailing the seven seas as is my wont and I sailed past these Sirens. Nasty creatures, Sirens. So there I was sailing right? And I crash landed on this island where this woman lived with a bunch of pigs. She said her name was Circe and she cast a spell on me. Naturally, me being so handsome the spell didn't work." Luthor drew back his sword, reversed his grip once more and, turning, threw out a high slash. He could not see her but figured he was targeting her general area.

"Madam, if you wish to defeat me may I suggest that you take a more agressive approach? Certainly you will never defeat me by using illusions and letting me know of your presence. I said as much to my good friend Sun Wukong, he had gotten himself stuck in a mountain and I says to him I says 'Bobby' I called him Bobby because that was the style at the time to call your best friend Bobby. So anyway I says "Bobby, you'll never beat me by using illusions and letting me know of your presence.' Of course, he didn't listen and that's how he got stuck in a mountain." Luthor threw out pair of vertical slashes to either side of him. "I notice you have a musical instrument. Surely you are a Spellsinger with access to potent magical attacks. I may be beaten in that manner, though I really don't have any desire to lose."

kenzoku -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/15/2007 22:46:34)

The glowing eyes of the mask stared at him as though piercing his soul. "If my intelligence comes with other other positive qualities, I am both honest and honorable." He reassured Cid. "What good would it do to betray an alliance anyway?" He continued. "If I did so, it would prove that you could not trust me, and if you can't trust me, why should any other allegiance?" The mask spoke convincingly, smoothly, and debatably most importantly, truthfully. He felt rather than saw the fog approaching, and grinned inwardly. The fog would certainly provide several excellent strategic opportunities. "I know that if I betray you I will wind up alone and hunted, just like last year." By 'last year,' he was referring to the incident in which a jester had worn him and together they turned everyone against them. It was this very arena, if memory served correctly.

As further consolation, he burned three intertwining runes into the ground: Truth, Berserk, and Slaughter. "I pledge." He began, stepping forward onto the now-glowing runes. "That for the duration of our stay in the fountain arena, I am allied with..." He paused. "Cid and his companions. This pledge will be rendered void if our group crumbles, and exclude individuals who act on hostility against me." At the last word, the runes vanished. "Satisfied?" He asked calmly.

Kellehendros -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/15/2007 22:48:15)

Alex wasn't quite sure what was going on, but it seemed that Cid was trying to talk to the massive beserker. If such a great brute could be reasoned with at all was a mystery. The mage wasn't sure what Cid was up to, nor why he seemed to be trying to talk to the beserker who had just about suceeded in cutting Cid in half a mere moment ago.

There was a dense, grayish pall of fog spreading towards him, and Alex wasn't too pleased about this. It might be to a mage's advantage not to be seen while casting his spells, but if he couldn't see his targets there was simply no way of hitting them. Something would have to be done about this fog, and Alex had an idea where help might come from. Reaching out a tendril of magic, he attempted to communicate once more with the Wind Mage, Cecilia. "Cecilia, this is Alex. We seem to have avoided a true conflict with the beserker for the moment, I was wondering if there was anything you could do to clear up this fog?"

Even as he sent this message he was watching Cid and the beserker. The beserker turned to face Cid, giving Alex a clearer view of him. A sudden change seemed to come over the massive human, as if some strange force of magic had set on him. The beserker's limbs palsied slightly, and the strange mask on his face seemed to take on a more horrible visage. The brute's voice had changed too, Alex could hear its grating new tones even at from his distance from the beserker.

Cid looked shaken for a moment, then seemed to recover admirably. Alex was concerned, whatever had just happened had rattled Cid, who's calm demeanor thus far had shown him to be a hearty veteren of combat. Reaching out with another thread of magic, Alex attempted to against contact the Aerodian. "Cid." Alex's voice was transmitted as a soft musical babbling of a brook. "This is Alex. I don't know what's happened, but there's something wrong with the beserker. Very wrong, I believe it to be in our best interests to take him out of this battle as quickly as we can."

Alex had made his play, this might turn out badly. He knew that Cid was trying to form some sort of team that he might lead. The Lord's selections for Champions balanced on many things, leadership might be one, Cid seemed to think so. By appealing to Cid's apparent need to lead Alex might be able to sway him into helping against the beserker who was obviously the threat here. Alex just hoped Cid didn't try to ally with the beserker.

He would have to prepare for that eventuality though. Clenching one hand tightly, Alex began to murmur the soft chant of another spell.

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/15/2007 22:58:42)

Cid stood his ground still, but slackened off. He could tell by the tone of the voice and the story that the mask probably had tried last year to go lone and probably got others mad at it, and if it were a vetran of the EC, it would be quite handy to have one expierienced in these matters. Plus, the facts were that the demonic mask seemed to have some good qualities, and his arguments were valid at the least.

Watching the pledge, Cid actually recognised the runes, due to the fact that he studied ancient runes in the giant database the Airship had. Remebering what they meant was a different story, but he did remember the one about truth. Convinced that this rune at the least would be enouh, and after hearing the pledge, Cid finally swayed over. Anyone who invoked one of the more ancient rune pledges would face the wrath of the higher ups if it was broken. He listened to it, thought about it, liked it, and then decided to speak.

"Your point is made. You certainly do know how to get it across at the least. I'm convinced. For the rest of you, that little "pledge" he did was a rune pledge. More of an ancient ritual, I'm not fully up on details of it, but it does show that he's serious about this. No one enacts a rune pledge unless they mean buisness." He stated, still looking at him. He was still trying to cotemplate how to deal with the fog, and what to do now. Certainly this trend of events was un-expected, but first he would need confirmation from allies. It would do no good if the group didn't accept him, as team work would be nulled. To show that he was serious about his speech, Cid unclenched his fists, and assumed a more relaxed posture. The biggest thing though was that he still did not draw his blade again, nor made any sudden movements.

Cid then heard Alex's thought. Cid was still weary, he knew that the aquamancer would be useful, but his connections with the other aeromancer might make things a tad difficult depending on the situation. In addition, he seemed against the berserker, which would hamper an alliance. Still, he liked keeping all oppritunities thrown to him, so he responded on the same length, using some extra magic to help conceal it from others. "I am aware that the mask is at the least cursed or possesed by a darker force. However, there is the fact that he performed a Rune pledge adds some backbone. I am honorned that you're concerned, but I think things will go along fine here. No reason to attack when there is an oppritunity to ally. Besides, there's a bigger threat to the entire arena now that a illusion fog is rolling in." he replied. It wasn't a direct inventation to him to join, but it wasn't a refusal for aid either. While a desicion would have to be made, Cid hoped that he could achieve his ultimate goal of uni-polarity on the field if there was to be survival.

dragon -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/15/2007 23:09:53)

Valendr'el looked curiously back at Cid, as he decreased his pace to a near stand still. He now faced his entire body that way, as if he could somehow more easily comprehend the questionable treaty now being formed. Valendr'el noticed Cid a competitor who had oddly rarely moved from his place by the fountain. Something was wrong. He was speaking, as if under his breath, like one would speak an incantation. This was the second time he had noted a betrayel, and never again. He was going to find out the meaning behind his spells, and he was going to find them now. He began his march towards the mage, only going quick enough to keep away from any stray attacks that might come his way. He stepped up onto the second level of the arena, and the leechthorns began to detect a source of blood close to them, for the snapped out on all sides of Valendr'el's face, as his black eyes seemed to burn into the skin of the mage. He lay a hand on Starcorpse, the dagger showing as his cloak blew with the fog. He did not want to harm this one, but he wanted to know his intentions. As he neared the mage, he slowed his steps, and they were almost completely silent as he began to manipulate the stone beneath his feet, keeping sound from penetrating them. This one had a well trained ear, and he could only hope to establish a better position then he currently had before he was heard. He crept closer, and was now within feet. He stood still, and with his powers picked up and dropped a pebble to test this one's ear.

dinranwen -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/16/2007 0:01:04)

Cecilia frowned. Maybe she couldn't see what was going on. But she could certainly hear it well enough.

It wasn't enough to gather precise details on what had occured, but it was enough. She knew and had felt the vegenance of the elemental Lords as they removed the hearth like fire user out of the areana, effectively taking him out of the competion. Cecilia couldn't help herself, she cringed in pity. She also winced in pain having felt the heat of the wrath of the Elemental Lords, she was loath to experience such a sensation herself.

There were only three ways to leave this arena: Dead or severly wounded, Purged by the Elemental Lords, or to go away the victor.

Personally, Cecilia thought she would perfer death to the displeasure of the elemental lords but that was just her.

Several other occurences had developed as well causing Cecilia's head to spin in confusion.

The Earth user who had erricted the pillar had some 'words' with his partner which although Cecilia had not heard she heard the tones well enough to know that the earth user was made. She also noticed with a raised eyebrow as that particular greenish growing brown damp earth aura approached that the man's aura actually seemed to be fused with earth much the same way Cecilia's was fused with that of Zephyr and Zer. Cecilia raised an eyebrow. Interesting she thought.

Smiling, Cecilia shouted back, "It's agreed, as long as you keep yourself from being allied from any of the darkness users so far present in the arena and keep away from that mad fire elemental then you will not be my enemy. Ally yourself with them however, and I will not call you friend."

Cecilia made sure her words were hopefully loud enough to be heard by every contestant present.

Still she was thankful that one person at least wasn't homing onto her like a drone bee going in for the sting.

So she was also very, very, glad that the Bezerker after somehow miraclously avoiding the first shot aimed at him had walked away apperantly unoffended at her refusual. When he had left, Cecilia had breathed a deep sigh of relief.

Something instictevly told her that something was very, very, very wrong with the man and she was glad she was wrong.

Presently something said something about 'Fog'. Cecilia not seeing anything extended her senses slighty. There was no dampness to the air to indicate a natural fog made of clouds. Illusion then.

Cecilia smiled. Illusion had no effect on those who could not see it to begin with.

She was somewhat saddened however when the other air user alligned himself with the Berzerker whose actions now seemed to be controlled by a dark source that Cecilia's senses made her guess radiated from somewhere around his face almost like...almost like...almost like a mask, Cecilia guessed momentarily stunned.

The berzker was obviously crazy, and the dark twisted aura of flame that hung about him like a diseased thing told Cecilia in no uncertain terms that this man was not right and his mask was cetainly not sane, therefore, Cecilia thought he could not be trusted.

Cecilia shook her head turning her attention away from the new team. As long as they didn't attack her, she wouldn't attack them, but by teaming with the twisted fire Berzker, the wind man had made himself her enemy.

They were not her concern yet though, and Cecilia's intelligent mind began weaving through the possibilites of attacks she could possibly use against the team of fire, ice, wind, and who knew who else had joined them. She had to be prepared for all the possibilties.

Presently Alex contacted her using his own connection this time, sending his deep tones into her ears. "Cecilia, this is Alex. We seem to have avoided a true conflict with the beserker for the moment, I was wondering if there was anything you could do to clear up this fog?"

Cecilia shook her head momentarily forgetting the man couldn't see or hear the expression before adding in almost forgetful fashion, "Oh, no, I cannot. I'm sorry. The fog seems to be an illusion, as I sense no wetness from it. It also seems to be orginating from the light woman. Since the fog is not real, I cannot effect it nor blow it away, I can however give you something to help. Hold on, it will be there presently."

Unknocking the arrow she held her hand, Cecilia returned the arrow into her quiver. Before reaching into her quiver again before bringing forth an arrow whose end feathers had been died a light blue.

On the handle of the shaft, Cecilia had painstakenly carved the symbol of an eye followed by the symbol of a cupped hand. The symbols togther stood for sight in hearing.

Giving the arrow to Zer to plant infront of the feet of Alex, Cecilia spoke once more to the water mage through his connection. "I'm not sure if this will work for you, but for me it enhances my already sharp hearing. It should, therefore, increasing your own hearing to allow you to detect the location of things through sound. The spell is already laid on the shaft and only needs to be activated with a single spoken word, that of Seear. You may want to alter the spell slightly however since the spell acts on wind magic and not water magic and you may not be able to understand the whispers of the wind like I can. The Arrow must be shot in some fashion just after the trigger word is spoken. The tigger word must be whispered. Please, remember this, it is crucial to the spell. The arrow once shot will turn and then fire itself at you. Do not be alarmed and lower your defenses to allow it to hit. It will not hurt. It will be merely as if the arrow disappeared into nothing before absorbing into your body. I do not know if it will work, but I hope for your sake, that it will. As for me, I cannot be decieved by what I cannot see, so I am not worried.

However, may I suggest we ally ourselves with the light user? She seems to be have been largely ignored by the other combantants and we may need her if the Wind Man continues to gather a large team around himself."

SomThngWickdThsWyCms -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/16/2007 0:19:11)

He could sense the hostilities towards him but he figured it couldn’t be help, he had, in fact made the first attack and threatened both of their lives. But the promise of working together to take the one opponent who he was most worried about was very enticing, something that would get his loyalties and keep them there. Aiden’s eyes followed the pointing finger of Cid as it focused on their target, his head nodding, weapon still drawn as he pulled back, his shadow slipping out of Cid’s own and the shadows he were control returned back to normal beneath his feet.

“I’m in, you have my shadowmancy.” His hand ran itself back through his air in this moment of calmness and his eyes found themselves locked on another – most likely the man Cid was referring to as his other partner. Thus he remained undefensive, showing no signs of aggression to the newcomer though keeping on edge until he heard Cid speak up about his name, who he was, and introduced both him and the man he had attacked only a few minutes earlier. Underneath his feet he could feel the rumble and then there was a sound as he took one step back to keep his balance. He muttered something low, under his breathing, as he saw a fist peel itself up and out of the ground, carving through it like it was butter. Curses spewed out of his lips as he witnessed it connect directly with some man only to be snapped in half, pieces and parts of stone sent flying from the sheer impact.

Aiden could only wish he could hear what was going on so far away, but alas, he could not. His powers were too limited to be useful for anything other than damage to others but somehow over the roar of the crowd he could hear the footsteps of the man coming towards their group in a hurry, he could feel like he could hear his breathing and when the monster of a man shouted at the top of his lungs it echoed through his mind. Whoever had really caused the attack now had condemned them to the receiving end of his anger – his fury.

A berserker.

This was quite obvious, now. Easily tricked out of anger… slow in the brain yet equipped with the brawn to smash mountains. “Cid… Cid, watch out. Cid!” He was calling to him though he barely knew him, didn’t care if he was killed, yet this man was one who brought him together in this group even if he had attacked another member. Cid was the man he needed if he wished to remain in a group and make it through this tournament. “Cid, get the hell out of the way!” He brought his glaive up to take a slash at the approaching man but watched as Cid leapt over him, twisting his body so that he landed behind him with ease and Aiden’s weapon was lowered. Maybe he knew what he was doing?

In the next few seconds it began obvious that he did. The lummox slowly began to settle, to stand for a moment, listening to something that didn’t seem quite audible to himself but yet the warrior could hear it like it was in his head. Or maybe it was? In whatever the case something began to change within the person in front of them… gnashing teeth and a white flame began to take form on the helmet. Its mouth became that of a shark, filled with rows upon rows of what looked like to be ivory teeth, pointed and deadly. The outcome was strange and Aiden was clueless to exactly what really happened, but from the look (and the sound. It was clear that the person who engaged Cid clearly was not the same person at all) of things they were to be joined together to fight under the same cause.

It was then that he noticed their friend, the other with the scythe was gone. He mumbled as he caught the man’s running figure out of the corner of his eye, now so far gone. Too far for him to catch him in a timely manner. For now that was out of hand, though he swore, if only in his mind, that the coward would pay with his blood for betraying their group like this. Cowardice was inexcusable, and that is why he would pay. It was then the fog began to roll over the arena slowly, filling up all the cracks and the bumps and every deformations in the earth beneath them from the fighting. Aiden was on guard, he was always on guard, but how much could he do? He let it overtake him and his visibility became almost nothing, faint shapes dancing across the small particles of water that formed –

But that was the thing. He could not feel the cool droplets of water against his face, nor against any other part of his body as he moved gently through it. “This fog,” he begun, speaking to those in the vicinity of himself, “cannot be real. I believe someone else is casting an illusion on us. Stay on your guard, everyone. This may prove a problem for us all.” Whether or not this was group knowledge he wasn’t sure, but if it wasn’t he was glad to share what he knew, even if he didn’t know where it was coming from. He wasn’t even quite sure where he should go next, other than move closer to the black wavering forms of humans through the gray mist.

He could almost feel the darkness react as his own shadow crossed passed with those belonging to the others but he did not act upon it, treachery was not frowned upon by someone like himself but now was too early to make a move, no matter how ideal the conditions were. Aiden’s body was anxious even if he told it no, he could feel the dark call to him even if it was him that controlled it instead of it that controlled him.

Or maybe that wasn’t so true?

His tongue found itself running against his lips as he turned his knuckles white grabbing onto his weapon.

“When do we make our move?”

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