RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (Full Version)

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The Extinguisher -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/17/2007 11:35:43)

"Flyer, flyer, if you are in need of rest and not afraid to get a little wet, this fountain will protect you from the lava flows."

“Thank you, thank you thankyou.” Seli was never one to decline and invitation, especially one so helpful. Diving for the fountain, she sighed. Coming down was a pain, but it needed to be done. She picked up her small bag, and began to rummage around in it's extra-dimensional storage space. Eventually pulling out some bandage, she set it down and tended to her wounds. As well as cover up the bleeding and damaged parts, the elf bound her two legs together. It would over limited mobility on the ground, but would allow her to fly better, without worrying about her legs. Something told her she would need her wings more than her legs coming up.

Picking up the bag once more, she gathered her violin, and tucked it in her belt. As well, she strung both blades, and tucked one into her belt. Now that that was done, she turned to her companion, who had managed to break open piping to the transmutating fountain, hoping that it would stop the lava. “Thank you again. My names Selinde, you can call me Seli though. Yeah, I'm responsible for the fog, but I have no clue how to get rid of it. I've never used the spell this way before. It doesn't require a lot of concentration. It was just supposed to surround that swordsmen. Oh, that's the last time I use a spell unprepared. Anyway, I'm rambling again. What's your name, and do you wanna team up? A bunch of people are joining together, and I'd rather not be left out.”

Geddesmck -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/17/2007 12:42:48)

Zenz knew something had changed. The fiddler and her opponent seemed to seperate, he couldn't be sure because it seemed the the musician was flying away, but it seemed that way.

There was a flurry of activity. The scythe man and his group (including the Bezerker) split up, leaving one of them alone. Zenz assumed that this person was the scythe man. The geomancer Zenz had fought had been doing something, but Zenz had payed no attention to him. That was until Zenz felt pain, great pain.

Something was decimating arena, starting from the 9th tier and slowly moving downwards. If it didn't stop Zenz would be forced to un-merge his spirit with the earth. That or go insane.

It wasn't really an choice. Zenz staggered towards the man he thought was the scythe man, barely able to stand as the pain increased steadily. He cast a defensive spell, better to be safe.

When he was just a few feet from the scythe man, he cast a spell. If it worked a large stone pillar, well, more of a tower than a pillar, would slowly accend beneath them, bringing them above the fog and away from whatever was ravaging the earth. As soon as Zenz felt the power leave him he seperated from the arena's earth.

Suddenly the pain left Zenz completely (apart from the very dulled stinging in his right shoulder). There was a faint rumbling, it seemed that Zenz' spell was taking effect slowly. Zenz saw a bright flash come from the scythe man's general direction.

"Scythe man! It's the geomancer who hit the Bezerker earlier; Zenz is my name. I need your help and I think you could do with mine too. Sorry about sending the brute at you, I assumed you were a geomancer, or had one on your team. However I revised that opinion since then. Please accept my apology and my aid," Zenz explained, "and let me tell you that the person who caused whatever's going on down there is a geomancer. There's at least two of them, I could help you. Oh, just so you know, I caused the movement in the earth around us. It's a defensive rather than offensive spell, don't worry too much about it."

Zenz made sure not to mention the fact that he was severly weakened. He told the truth about his earlier attack and apologised as well as he could. He just hoped that the scythe man would accept his help, otherwise Zenz was in big trouble. The ground shook for a moment and the tower began to rise from the dirt.

dinranwen -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/17/2007 13:00:23)

Taking one last very helpless look at her gown, Cecilia raised her bow up high and then stepped into the fountain and watched as the hem of her skirt got soaked and started to bleed its dye in the area.

Alex had extended the invation of safety to the flying light user of well, and Cecilia was revealed to see the girl take it, and was even more thrilled to hear the girls extension of friendship.

"My name is Cecilia Yoldar," Cecilia said keeping her bow high so the string would not get wet which would severally damage the use of her bow. She was loath to unstring the thing, but if she had to remain in the water much longer she wouldn't have much choice, "Well met, Seli, and I would be honored to have you as a friend in this competion. If my partner here, Alex responsible for the water effects you have seen, agrees then I have no problem on taking you on as a part......"

Cecilia stopped mid sentence her eyes widening in an expression of shock. From the area of the Wind Man Cecilia felt first an energy surge of somesort followed by a brief shot fired of a concrated energy blast of somesort that was very, very, very hot.

Forgetting her bow, Cecilia hastingly unstrung it and stuck the bow string in the pocket, then she slung the bow proper into her belt disregarding the fact that she was going to have to pay dearly for every second the wood stood in water.

She had more important things to think about.

That energy blast was coming directly their way, and any second now it would hit the North Snow Storm Wind named Sirien. In addition, Cecilia didn't know what kind of effect the blast would have but she knew one thing for sure. The energy blast was very, very, very hot, and such heat would effect her entire imput on the competion if it hit here.

Deciding that this was no time to be messing with the energy user who was still rushing at the them from the other side. The energy user would have other things to worry about in a few minutes or as soon as that energy blast hit Sirien and the fountain at the same time.

Instead, Cecilia shouted towards Galia.

"Galia," Cecilia cried allowed, "Will you be used of me?"

I would give my life for you my lady, as you would have given your life from mine.

"Thank you," Cecilia whispered speaking to both Galia and whatever Lord, Immortal, or other powerful being out there who cared to listen.

Closing her eyes, Cecilia opened her mind to the wind.

Inside Cecilia could see clearly Zephyr and Zer shining like blue and silver lighting bugs to the clear unformed femine wind spirit.

Slowly, Cecilia's hands began to spin pulling from her reserves to form another larger and cooler torando bubble around the small fountains step where she, Alex, and Seli stood.

When she opened her eyes, Cecilia could feel her eyes tear as a circle of pure howling wind made up of the combined spirits of Galia, Zer, and Zephyr began to swirl around them picking up water as it swirled so that it looked like a giant circular water spout. The water was purely mundane in nature but Cecilia released that Alex may be able to increase their defenses by using it.

Realizing that the sythe bearing earth user was still out there, Cecilia turned her mind to the other turando bubble which was far smaller and far weaker then the bubble surronding her small newly formed team of three (Alex willing of course).

Quickly, Zer separated himself from the bubble and zoomed over to the sythe bearer forming a communication tunnel just like Cecilia had used earlier to commincate with Alex.

"Step forward, sir, there is a torando bubble in front of you. It is weak, but it should provide you with some defense, and judging by that energy blast, you're going to need it." Leaving the torando bubble one step away from the earth user, Cecilia put a minor sign on the rune to allow the earth user and the earth user only to step into it for protection. It would be the man's choice if he used it or not, and Cecilia hoped it would be enough because what was about to happen was not going to be pleasant.

Her defenses and preparations were done not a moment too soon, because as soon as Cecilia completled them, the energy blast zoomed through the Sirien obliterating the wind's femine form. Cecilia cringed as she metally heard the bonding spell, a spell that set her winds free once she was done using them, break, and it broke to soon. The sirien, it's mission not completed, was no free of all controlling spells.

A shriek sounded in the arena the emphany of untold rage.

Cecilia felt a shudder run down her back. That other wind user had just set free the wind spirit, and Cecilia had feeling they were about to feel the winds rage.

It cried words, for those who could hear and understand, and Cecilia indeed understood those words.

"Fools! I was a gift! A gift to be used not to be destroyed! It had been better for you if you had waited for my giving to be complete before you broke me. But you did not. Now feel my wrath of a spirit defret of purpose!" Sirien, as the spirit had been known in her bonded form, spoke in the voice of the howling and shrieking of the wind.

Its warning complete, Sirien began to howl and cry as it rushed around the areana as it begun to spin a minor wind storm. Cecilia felt its cold, its bite, and the turando bubble surronding the group shuddered as the wind beat usually against the walls Cecilia had erected.

For a moment, Cecilia felt pity for those fools who had done something so foolish as to break the purpose, or spell as mages knew them, of a wind. She knew that if she could feel the cold howling hard blows of the winds wrath inside the bubble like stining lashes against her cheeks, that these lashes were mere paper cuts compared to those who would experience the winds wrath without protection.

Insticevly, Cecilia reached out her touch to Sirien, but the spirit would not be comforted and it would not listen to her soothing words. So one had commited what it had viewed as a trespass, and there was going to devastion to pay for it. Helpless in this manner, Cecilia could watch and hope that her defenses would hold against both the wind and the oncoming blast.

kenzoku -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/17/2007 17:13:45)

The Mask maneuvered Berzerk's body toward the fountains, feeling an inviting heat calling to him. The pipes far beneath shattered, preventing the flow of new lava as the old had begun to harden. "Not on my watch." The Mask said, manipulating the lava. At feeling the will of the berserker combined with that of the mask, the lava was rekindled, burning with its original heat. Suddenly, Cecilia's wind spirit went rogue, showering the arena with its wrath. In response, the berserker pulled the lava towards him. His skin glowed as the lava covered him like a thick suit of armor. He walked up the steps quickly, now protected from the howling winds. He was following the tip Cid had given him; He was going to make Cecilia as uncomfortable as possible. He could sense his fire rats flickering as the wind battered them. He made a clicking sound with his tongue, giving the signal. Immediatly, the rats bit into the ground. They vanished, transferring their heat into the grass. A ring of flame adorned the arena, persevering barely through the storm. As the berserker approached the fountain, he regretted not being able to see the face of the one who he had controlled last year watching his movements. The berserker's axe was sheathed in flames as he marched up the steps, the lava gleaming bright. Another regret of his was that he did not own a flaming horse, or his progression would be particularly dramatic. Nonetheless, he was now a sight to behold: A glowing mass of lava with a burning axe. He hoped that his allies were near in case things went sour. Either way, he would mos likely take the brunt of any violence not wreaked by him. I suppose that's what I agreed to in choosig a berserker. The Mask thought, chuckling.

Thecius Landera -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/17/2007 18:12:36)

Arudain cursed as he finally reached the gate. 'Infernal humans, everywhere I go it's the same. And to top it all, I still have to fight in the Fountain Arena' The EC officials had held him up as he attempted to enter the arena. They thought he was merely a monster, and had made him late to the battle. He did indeed look like a monster. He stood taller than most humans, a near exact replica of a silver dragon sized down. His senses were stronger than that of humans, but the elves he had met claimed their senses were better than his. He was a fire elementalist, one with an advatange your average fire user didn't have. He could breath fire like a dragon, giving him a source when there was nothing else. He was far from a monster however. He was intelligent and rarely lost his temper. Despite his calmer demeanor he could fight with the instinctual fury of the dragons.

As he entered the arena he muttered a simple defensive spell that would at least soften oncoming attacks. The battle was already in full force, and he felt unexpected heat, and looked to find molten lava flows, in some places it had already hardened, but some had been rekindled. A mask-wearing competitior had wrapped some of the lava around him, but not all of it. He unfurled his wings and flew to the lava, hovering just above it. He reveled in this unexpected blessing, hoping the others were to busy to notice him just yet.

With the jolt of power Arudain flew as high as he dared, but as he climbed a cold wind hit him with force, disrupting his flight. 'Wasn't expecting that' He couldn't fly in this wind, he landed in the lava. Letting his feet, protected by scales, sink into the still hot lava, even Arudain couldn't remain here long, but it would refresh him and give him a reserve of energy, while protecting him somewhat from the howling wind. As long as he was here, he would be stronger, provided the lava remained hot.

He drew his sword preparing for a surprise attack that might come from anywhere. It was too early to attack yet. He needed to see how the others were aligned before making a move.

Shodu -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/17/2007 18:18:36)

Ferith, after hearing Cid's orders, snapped his fingers, shattering his third eye spell. His head temporarily burst with a searing pain. He grabbed his head and gasped, staggering backwards. Shaking his head to clear the pain he dropped to all fours. It was several seconds before the pain cleared away, he had been foolish to snap the spell while he was so concentrated on it. Regaining his balance Ferith turned in the direction he had last remembered the group. He suddenly heard a loud explosion, the fountain had broken! Lava was pouring everywhere... Ferith's stomach muscles clenched. He hated lava, it was much like fire but harder to kill. He made sure to avoid the lava as he dashed in the direction of the aquamancer.

Ferith heard a loud howling as suddenly Cecilia's wind spirit was released. Following the source of the sound he picked up his pace. He was able to distinctly see a large howling tornado of what appeared to be water. Ferith quickly figured out what was going on, it was a combination of the wind sprits and the aquamancers power. He snapped his fingers, gripping his katar. Suddenly the water surrounding them froze into solid ice, now in the form of a globe completely encasing them. He knew they'd have to destroy the encasing in order to keep up their air supply, and that's when he would strike.

dragon -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/17/2007 20:37:59)

Valendr'el knew there was something wrong. The transmutation fountain was overflowing and the resulting lava was headed in his direction. The lava spilled down the tiers, one by one, showing the destructive forces that could lie in such a peaceful place. It was chaos around them, and he tried to find a way out as a large energy blast began to bear down on them. He was mad now, all the chaos turning his mind into a combat mode. He saw Cecilia create a spout of wind, and he figured it was for defensive purposes to protect him and Alex. Now it was time to use his powers. It was time to show them all his alignment with the lords.

He jumped inside the funnel of wind, and momentarily a calm began to set over them, as the howling winds muffled the outside world. It was decieving, for as he began to relax his trance was broken by a noise of shattering wind. Cecilia could manage herself, but he an Alex needed more then just the feeble protection of a swirling tunnel of water, which it had become with Alex's addition to the gusting barrier around them.

The arena hadn't seen anything yet, and now was the time to break free. He grabbed Alex with one hand, and thrust his other out in front of him. He began to chant a spell, connecting the earth around him to his inner powers. As he finished the spell, the muffled noises were silenced as another layer of element was thrust upon them, though he could see by the charging warrior who had snapped his fingers only moments before that this was an offensive spell to trap them. He let go of Alex, and quickly yelled "Hold on!" into his ear. He would need both hand for what he was about to do. He began to raise both of his hands out in front of him, as if conducting an orchestra. He supposed he was, as a symphony of crackles and sounds of shattering bonds rang out through their muffled case. The earth around them began to seperate from the rest. He smirked. Can't fly, yeah right! He was even more confident as he remembered their triple elemental protection from the outside. The weak ice spell had indeed given them an advantage, allowing Valendr'el to focus on his spell. He didn't know how long he could carry both of them, or how high he could lift them, but they needed to get out of there, and fast. The shaking increased, as the final bonds of earth broke loose, and their almost boulder sized platform shot into the air. Valendre'el hadn't expected such a hasty acceleration with the weight, bu apparently Alex didn't weigh that much. He stabilized them in the air, a good 30 feet above the top tier of the arena, and knew they had to move out of the way of any spells. He told Alex to stay put, against the side of the ice, and he did the same on the other side. "Don't put weight on it," he said, and he glared into the middle of the platform. He built his concentration, and faltered for a second as the platform lurched from the power being redirected. Steady, steady, he thought to himself. He kept himself calm as the middle of the platform shot up in a spike, breaking through the weak ice case. He flinched as it shattered around him, and quickly focused on supporting the platform again. He motioned to Alex to hold onto the spike, and hoped he took his advice, as he sent the platform into a controlled bee line towards the ground, on an angle. He slowed the platform down at the edge of the arena, and brought it to the ground. He turned to Alex, and asked him in hushed tones, "Do we stay on, or get off?"

Kellehendros -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/18/2007 0:02:27)

Alex looked over at Seli and nodded, agreeing with Cecilia. "My name is Alex Shiveran, as you have probably seen, I'm a Water Mage. I'd be more then happy to let you join with us."

Further conversation was disrupted by Cecilia's next spell. The formation of a wind bubble around the group huddled rather foolish looking on top of a fountain. The cold wind sucked Alex's breath away momentarily, and pulled up a fine mist of water droplets that swirled and eddied frantically around with the wind, creating a patch of true fog within the heart of the illusory one.

The scythe bearer stepped into the protective barrier of wind, even as a ragged keening, as if a wind howled with gale force through an enclosed space ripped through the Arena. Cecilia cried out in anger, her words caught up and borne away with the force of the wind.

Gasping desperately for breath, Alex yelled out a series of invocations, causing the water that was caught up in Cecilia's wind bubble to roil and condense, forming a sort of second shield within the first. The violent wind died down, and Alex's battered hearing returned slowly. Around them water and wind swirled to an unheard song, it was almost like being in the eye of a storm, or at least, that was how Alex imagined it.

The mage's reverie was broken by a strange crackling noise, as of someone crunching through the snow in winter. He blinked in shock as his watery shield was slowly overtaken by a field of frosty whiteness. An Ice Mage, an Ice Mage had frozen his shield. Alex swore loudly, and cast about for some idea about what to do. The icy cast was solid about them, their air supply was limited by it. There was no need to panic though, they had enough air for a good ten minutes or so, at least, Alex hoped so.

The scythe bearer that Cecilia had let join them proved, at that moment, to be their saving grace. He grabbed Alex with one hand, gesturing with the other while chanting out some magical spell. Alex didn't recognize the language, most magics had thier own special languages associated with them. This one had rumbling bass tones, and rough, grinding phrases. The mage released Alex, throwing his hands out to gesture emphatically, as if to some unseen audience. There was a low grinding rumble, and the fountain and area around it jerked spasmatically. There was another wrenching jerk as the fountain snapped off of the pipe that fed it, and the whole business, scythe bearer, Alex, Seli, Cecilia, fountain, broken pipe, and a good few feet of solid earth within a few yards of them, rose up into the air.

It must have looked from the outside like some bizarre snowglobe, though Alex wasn't sure if the ice around them was transparent to the outside or not. Which way they were floating, Alex really had no idea, but suddenly a spike of earth punched upwards, shattering one rim of the fountain and breaking through the dome of ice around them. The ice dome fractured and shattered, scattering ice chunks like some crazed hailstorm below them. Taking the Earth Mage's advice, Alex grabbed onto the spike as the floating hunk of earth slide diagonally downwards towards the ground.

The fountain landed with a solid thunk, nearly knocking Alex to his knees in the process. There was two upsides to this sudden change that he could see. They were elevated above the level of the Arena floor by a few feet, which would make it hard for the lava to reach them. That, and if he was correct, their course had placed them on the opposite side of the Arena of Cid and his team. They should have time to prepare for any attack that Cid might launch on them.

Steadying himself, Alex looked over towards Seli and Cecilia. "That was a rather rough ride, and for the record, I don't want to repeat it." He glance over at the Earth Mage. "I'd be very greatful if you could just set this rock down here, I don't care much for flying." He pointed to himself, then the others in turn. "I'm Alex, this is Seli and Cecilia, might we have the pleasure of your aquiantence?"

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/18/2007 11:09:11)

The plasma bolt connected with the lava, and the reaction that Cid had wanted occured, though not to the magnitude he wanted. The resulting explosion sent lava across the battlefield on all sides. But what Cid was truly aiming for occured. He wanted to super-heat the arena. He well knew that Ferith would have trouble, but he knew that Alex and Cecilia would have more trouble with a heated atmosphere, plus their berserker would thrive on it. This would give his team the edge on the field.

Then Cid noticed the results of the plasma bolt on the wind spirit. He mentally cursed again. "Damn, it was supposed to disipate the spell, not bloody set her free of the binding. Now we got an angry woman on the field, and she's not going to take too kindly to this..." As he was thinking this, the earth started to rise, and Cid noticed Zenz. "uh-huh, fine. Welcome aboard. I should warn you that the team isn't particularly fond of betrayal, not that you're in much of a position from a start. Looks like you're alone right now anyways, with the Elemental Lords purging your old partner, but nevermind that." Cid said, reaching into one of his belt's compartments, and pulled out a small little gel. An unusual gel, for it was light blue. He put it Zenz hands. "Eat that. It won't kill you, but it should help you recover from any physical or mental pain you've encountered. No, It won't heal you, but it'll act as a pain killer and give you a small boost of energy. The other team is currently making their way to the other half of the arena. We need you at decent power levels in order to disrupt them."

Cid then had to think of the next move. with an angry wind spirit on the field, he knew there was only one way to stabililze the insanity. Even with a super-heated air, the spirit would still pose a threat. He sighed. "Lovely, they've forced me to rely on.... them... And due to my position I'll have to rely on him... this is going to come back to haunt me later" he muttered, and reahced for a compartment on his left side. When it came out, it looked likea 6-inch stick. But, with a push of a small button on the stick, it expanded into a boomerang. A black boomerang, with odd runes engraved in silver upon the entire thing. These runes were a special mix of Cor-Dem and other runes that Aeroduians had run into in the database. Cid sighed again, muttering, and then threw the boomerang straight into the center of the field. Despite the wind currents, which Cid didn't really feel right now due to the fact that his jumpsuit provided for him a resistance to all elements of magic thanks to Cor0Dem fabric they discovered on the airship, though it was usesless at preventing a sword or the like from penetrating it; the boomerang flew like it had it's own wind. When it aproached to the center of the field, it started glowing a bright silver, as all the runes glowed at once.

What happened next was a truly odd spectacle. Or rather, it had one rather odd spectacle. For what emerged from within the bowels of the boomerang, for the boomerang was obviously some sort of containment device, was just as silvery as the boomerang. But the blobby silver thing began to take shape, and when it finished, a truly odd, one spectacled entity emerged. It was an owl, a snow owel obviously, but it had a top hat on, a spectacle in it's left eye, and it's right talons clutching a cane specifically made for a bird. As the boomerang began to dim, it flew back to Cid, who respectively pushed another button on the boomerang, which then collapsed back into a stick, which he stored back nto the same comparment.

"Finally, I'm free, free, free!" said the owl, soaring through the prevailing winds like they were nothing. Odly enough, he seemed to have a british accent, with the same attitude as well. "Oh thank you beneveloent benefactor for freeing me from that accursed prison which my previous "master" kept me in for 5... long.. years." The owl said ,and as he turned to look at his liberator, and discovered that it wsa the same one who imprisoned him. "You barbarian visigoth, why have you summoned me here? I thought your "Free Wind" Doctrine prohibited you from using me? Or did you get bored so you could gloat how you were able to beat my former master and imprison me in that infernal device?" he asked, a haughty arrogant tone in his voice.

"You know, you're the second spirit I've freed today who hasn't shown me any gratitude." Cid said, remaining his composture, but smirking a bit while mentally sighing. He knew that due to his position on the field, he would have to put up with this spirit to take care of the field. Not that the other spirits he had captured during that war, which was actually 6 years ago but he decided not to bother correcting him now about it, were much better. They all despised him, but he didn't exactly care as long as they assisted him, which they would do thanks to those seals. The runes on the boomerang did various other things, including preventing spirits from being controlled by others, or obeying them. Cid was impressed, his own engineering team had developed that boomerang for the war, and had done it within a month. He was pround of his team, and made a mental note to thank them after the Elemental Championships for saving his butt.

"Second? What on earth are you talking about? Surely you haven't released my other breatheren, have you?" the owl asked, eyeing Cid.

"I'm refering to the wind spirit over there that I accidentally released from her binding spell, George." Cid said, pointing to Siren

As George turned around, he let out a large gasp. "By the Wind Lord she's naked!" he exclaimed, turning back to Cid, flabberghasted by the whold ordeal. "Wait... you released a spirit from their bond? What exactly happened?" he asked, eyeing Cid suspiciously.

"I was firing a plasma bolt at the main fountain. The bolt's path neared that of the wind spirit. I thought it would disipate her, instead, it released her before her objective was done" Cid explained.

"I do believe that that harlot is Siren... not a very pleseant spirit, but then again those northeners weren't always the friendlines... wait, WHAT? You released a spirit before it's mission was complete? And a female at that? A northern female spirit? Do you not know of what they say of a northern female wind spirit scorned? Hell hath no fury like one, I assure you of that" George scolded at Cid.

"By the way, it's been 6 years, not 5" he replied, needing some ground to make a comeback on. "I didn't intentionally release her, but now that you already met her, perhaps you can quell her? or at least take care of this field? My allies are currently in danger..." Cid began to explain, but the owl cut him off.

"Now see hear dear boy. I don't even know why I should help you after that dreadful existance you've made me live for 6 years. Here here, this is absolutely wrong. There is nothing I would love to see then you getting slaughted by a spurned wind spirit. Why in the name of the skys should I assist you?" he asked angrily, nearing Cid, staring him in the face.

Cid looked back up into those giant, cold, menacing eyes, for the owl was at least twice as big as Cid was. "One, the boomerang you're bound to has special runes that require you to obey me, no matter how much you despise me. Two, you can't attack me, as another rune prevents that. Three, no one else can control you or anything else that places their will above mine. Four, my scythe is still enchanted to cut through more then matter, less you've forgotten some of your other Eastern buddies falling to it" he pointed with his thumb at the scythe, which was also engraved in runes that glowed silver as the owl neared him. "Five, I figured that you would be the most qualified out of all the spirits to handle the matter..." and then the owl cut him off again.

"How dare you! Just because I have a top hat and a cane does NOT make me a Pimp! You barbarious vandal, there is no class or honor among your entire clan! I will not even associate with that tramp over there!" George exclaimed, his feathers quite ruffled.

"I meant that you being a gentlemen you knew best how to handle females. Besides, you help me out now, I'll release you and the others I got on me after the Elemental Championships is over." Cid proposed, wanting somethign to be done about this so his allies wouldn't have to endure this wind.

"The Elemental Championships! Oh I've always wanted to be here!" The owl said, excited, looking around at the stands. Then it dawned on him that a proposal was made. "By jove old boy, I quite like that reasoning. Very well, what is it you want me to do?" he asked, finally deciding to listen to Cid.

"First stop that infernal spirit from raging over the field. Errect a barrier or something." he asked.

"Done" the owl replied, and with that the owl soared high above the field, and glowed bright white. Suddenly, half of the field (The Eastern half where Cid was) began to calm down. Slowly, the winds restored to what their usual calm was. Meanwhile, the western side grew more intense, as the wind trying to get over to the eastern half, was buffered by an invisible wall of wind. The wall of wind was a pretty strong one. While it didn't prevent solid beings from passing through, all wind magic and wind spirits were blocked. Fortunately for Cid, the field itself had a magical dome over it, in order to help protect spectators and the town nearby from random shots of magic leaving the field. A high barrier, but he had felt it as he went in. When the winds on the eastern half had calmed, the conversation resumed. By now the lava the explosion had flung had hit the field, so the eastern half of the field was relatively peaceful, albiet scorched and what remaining lava.

"Think you can do something about this fog?" Cid asked.

"Good lord man, I'm trying to keep this barriar up, and I must say it is requiring a good deal of concentration. I don't think I'll be able to do much else. Can't you just release other spirits to help you?" asked George.

"One, you know that I don't want to unless I have to. Two, you know the more spirits that I "use" the less magic I can do myself. It's the side effect of using the boomerangs like that. I already can't use my heavy spells." Cid replied, cursing himself for having to resort to this.

"Well, you better get your allies to start on a strategy then." George suggested.

"Can you prevent sound from traveling though?" asked Cid.

"Even better, I can put a small layer of air underneath the field to prevent the sound vibrations from going through the ground. I detected some geomancers on the field besides the one next to you, and I wasn't sure of their intentions." George offered.

"Do it, I don't think they're friendly anymore." he asked. and the owl did just that.

"Alright guys, we got a temporary stalemate over here. Keep an eye out for random projectiles from the enemey on the other side, or break in, but we at least have a shield from that wind spirit. Hopefully it'll hold while we come up with a new plan" Cid called out using his sound channels. "Suggestions? We can basically assume that for now, everyone else is on the other team, or at least against us. I don't suggest going to the western half, as that wind spirit is going to be raging even worse then before."

He sighed, things had gotten a tad out of control to his liking, but oh well. It was battle, nothing else he could do.

Thecius Landera -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/18/2007 12:59:53)

Arudain watched as the plasma bolt explosion sent lava flying everywhere. A few drops scorched his armor, but did no lasting damage. He felt the arena's heat rise dramatically following the explosion.

Soon afterward a flash of light pierced through the fog, for a brief second. Afterwards a strange sensation moved through his body as the wind on his right disappated, while the wind on his left doubled in force. 'A barrier, now the field is spilt' He moved to the East side, now able to fly. He flew above the fog to get a look around. A man in a jumpsuit seemed to be in discussion with an owl.

'The jumpsuit shows he's a technical sort so he must be the one who caused the explosion. Which means the lava guy his on his side as well. It would be a fool to give a non-teammate, especially that one, an advantage like that. It appears he has the upper hand.'

Though the thought disappointed him, he realized he'd have a better chance of joining whoever might be on the other side of that barrier. He landed and went through the wind barrier. The sudden wind almost made him lose his footing, but Arudain kept going. Moving slowly through the lave and fog, he sensed a group of magic users ahead of him. He couldn't tell their exact element, but he knew none were fire and that their were four of them. He blew a fireball into his hand and whispered a few words.

The fireball zoomed through the air toward the group stopping suddenly in the middle of the group. Arudain's voice cam out of the fireball, Greetings, fellow competitiors. My name is Arudain. Care to add one more to your number? If you'll allow me to join you, I'll share what little I know. If not, I ask that you let me go on my way for now."

dragon -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/18/2007 13:35:25)

Valendr'el turned to the three people who he had just carried. None were heavy, but we was tired from carrying all of them. He would regain himself in a few moments, but for now he panted his name. "I'm...Val...en...dr'el...," he couldn't be sure if they had heard him through the wind. Which, as he now noted in his mind, had picked up a considerable amount, doubling its rage to become what would amount to an ear pounding tempest. He saw the other side of the arena, though it remained in a sort of haze as he peered through the dust that was rising around him. He had seen the owl moments before, and began to connect the dots. "We...have to kill...the owl," he began to regain himself. "Its the cause of this," he peered over his shoulder as if motioning to the chaos. The grouped seemed unresponsive, as if they coud not hear him clearly, which he expcted. He focused, shutting out the howling wind, and fired his words in a vibration form through his body and into the ground, and he knew his companions would soon hear him as if the earth was speaking, for indeed it was. Then he paused in his vibrations. Something was indeed approaching them. A fireball whipped into view, and Valendr'el glared into its heat. It didn't look as though it were hostile, though he did admit he hadn't brushed up on his fire knowledge in, well, a long time, to say the least. It slowed as it approached them, and he relaxed as a voice crackled through the flames.

"Greetings, fellow competitiors. My name is Arudain. Care to add one more to your number? If you'll allow me to join you, I'll share what little I know. If not, I ask that you let me go on my way for now."

Arudain, he thought. Certainly not aligned with the others, he would've recognized the name. Without thought, Valendr'el motioned to the howling oblivion ahead of him, towards the source of the fireball. Should they let him approach? He turned towards the rest of them, and asked them with vibrations their opinions.

He waited for their reply, and for just a few moments turned his head towards the top of the arena. He wasn't sure what he was looking for, but he knew it was important. Out of the corner of his eye he saw the group on the other side, in a similiar huddle as the one he was currently involved in, though he was sure they were able to talk with their voices, and were not threatened by the immense pounding of wind around them. His eyes focused on a spot on the eastern side of the arena, high in the air. Sure enough, basking in the calm of that side, was a snowy white owl, the source of the barrier. The chaos would spread to the rest of the arena, he assured himself of it. If the owl was what stood in the way, so be it. He wouldn't stand for long.

Geddesmck -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/18/2007 17:51:28)

Zenz took the gel, eating it as instructed. The pain subsided a little more and Zenz felt some of his energy return. He smiled gratefully and sheathed his shortsword. No one needed the fruit, but it was far too valuable to get rid of. Zenz decided to but it into the the bag with the dirt, it barely fit, but it was better than carrying it around for the rest of the match.

Zenz watched the Scythe man summon the owl and commanded it to stop the raging wind that had started moment before. The arena was in chaos, the west side especially, where the lava and wind were far worse. Zenz smiled slightly when he looked at the lava, it seemed it was cooling rapidly, as long as no one reheated it then it would no longer be a problem. In fact it would help Zenz, because as soon as it cooled completely Zenz would be able to control it, albeit with some difficulty. Also he'd be able to re-merge with the earth and regain his big advantage over the other geomancers.

Speaking of geomancers Zenz had finally indentified the one he'd been looking for since he'd entered. He saw a piece of rock fly into the air, then descend under the fog again. From his stance and the way he was chanting, Zenz knew the scythe-man on the other rock was the geomancer who had caused the rock to float. Without knowing his name Zenz decided he'd call him Rocky.

With his strength fully returned and the pain in his shoulder almost none existant Zenz decided that he'd get to work. He intended to use the tower as a base of operations, but first he needed to give it defences. Large spikes shot up around the towers top, curving slightly inwards at the top, leaving Zenz and the scythe man in an incomplete dome of rock. Next Zenz prepared small blades of stone inside the tower and cast a spell that would launch them at anyone that tried to attack the tower. Zenz was beginning to sweat as he cast this spell. Finally he needed a way for his teammates to get to top to join himself and the scythe man. The smooth wall was marred by a quite a few rocks that jutted out of the tower, forming a sort of tower that would allow anyone to climb up, but it'd be a slow accent. These rocks were on the wester side, so as to prevent projectiles from the opposing team. Zenz could have made a staircase, but it would be too hard to defend, if anyone Zenz didn't want to tried to climb up the tower they'd get a facefull of stone blades.

Zenz smiled and sat down, breathing heavily. Zenz didn't use incantations, he just willed what he wanted to happen. It was less limiting, but also took more energy. Without being merged with the earth's spirit, what Zenz had just done was very tiring. He just hoped that the Scythe-man (and the owl, which was also inside the stone dome) appreciated it. Zenz almost finished there, but then caught realised he'd missed out the most important defence. Closing his eyes he concentrated hard. The tower glowed a faint green for a few seconds and then returned to normal. No other geomancers would be unable to interfer with the earth the tower was made of (including the large section that was still underground) as long as Zenz was conscience. However Zenz wouldn't be able to merge with this particular part of the earth later on.

Zenz yawned, the spells had taken a lot out of him and made him remember how little sleep he had had the night before. It'd be a few minutes before his energy returned.

kenzoku -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/18/2007 21:44:45)

The fire on the east side vanished, put out by the howling winds. That wouldn't do at all. With the full force of the 'circle of flame,' he would have been able to smash the entire pyramid that contained the fountains. Wings of fire appeared on his back, though they were mostly just for show, as he could only glide with them. Berzerk roared, drawing the remaining flames toward him. Hundreds of flames cirlcled around his blazing lava armor. He ran up and down the structure in the center in blind fury, effortlessly obliterating each fountain on the west side before stepping over the top with the intent of finishing the job. First, he dropped to his knees, allowing the remainder of the lava on the top tier to soak into his armor. Beneath the shell, lava had begun to sink into his skin, adding fuel to the fire of his soul. The thrill of battle rang out in his voice as he released a monstrous scream. The overlapping voices of Berzerk and the Mask of Domnu were horribly unpleasant and disconcerting to hear. It was the dread roar that so few would ever hear and live to remember it. Tentacles of flame jutted from behind the mask, lashing out in all directions. The force of the twin voices shook the ground and cracked the top tier with the power conveyed through the scream. A tongue of fire seeped out of the mask's mouth to lick where its lips had been. He could sell the winged ones blood and longed to feel the heat of her life's nectar running down his throat. He wanting to drain all of their veins and move on to their compatriots.

dinranwen -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/18/2007 22:53:31)

As the earth user caused some earth stone to be raised, Cecilia fell to her knees her balance lost by the rapid upheaval of earth. Silently, she silently thanked the ice user who had unwitedly thrown ice around them. While it lasted, it cooled Galia, which was a good thing. Yet, Cecilia knew that for every moment Galia was trapped off from open air supply, the wind would grow considerably weaker.

Therefore, she sent thanks to the mericful lords above as the ice barrier broke, and Galia began to take energy from the howling rage of Sirien. Cecilia was also thankful that the raging spirit had unwittedly cooled the lava flow, so that although some heat still radiated from the lava, it wasn't intense enough to effect Cecilia. Heat was damaging to her, and if she got hot, she could still function, but her power would be severly limited.

Then something made Cecilia frown however, the Wind man called upon a wind spirit, an owl to Cecilia's senstive senses, and Cecilia felt herself and her senses be cut off from the eastern side of the arena.

A barrier.

A barrier against wind if the Sirien's howl of rage was any indication.

Great that put a tamper on her usefulness offensively. She could still act defensively however, and would be able to perform offensive acts against whomever crossed the barrier.

Cecilia's eyes piveted as her senses sensed two fire elemental's enter the area, one friendly, and the other considerably not so. Even behind the barrier of wind, Cecilia made a face of disgust as if she smelled something nasty as the berzeker crossed the barrier.

Suddenly a fire ball, from the friendly fire user approach them. "Greetings, fellow competitiors. My name is Arudain. Care to add one more to your number? If you'll allow me to join you, I'll share what little I know. If not, I ask that you let me go on my way for now."

The sheathe user mimed his approval, and pausing Cecilia echoed the miming by putting up a thumbs up and nodding in the fire balls direction.

On second thought, why Mime?

Frowning a little, Cecilia carefully, and very, very slowly removed Zer and Zephyr from the turando wind shield. Then she opened a local conduit of communication inside the bubble so that her companions could hear each other side.

As she did so, Cecilia looked out to their half of their field, momentarily considering Sirien who had reformed into her nude female form in her anger even as her wind influence threatened to pound everything on the eastern side to bits.

"We should be able to talk now," Cecilia said aloud, relieved to hear her own voice once more. "Valendr'el, the wind owl spirit over there is responsible for the barrier, and the increase of winds we are experincing. I also sense that the bezker has crossed the barrier. We may need the fire users help against him. But not to be rude, can we ask him to keep his distance from me. I'm allinged with the north wind for better or for worse, so if I got too hot, I won't be able to use any my more poweful wind attacks. So no offense, but he can't get to close to me if you want me to be useful to you."

"As the rest, I have some good news and some bad news, and a choice for each of you."

"Good news: Galia, responsible for the turando shield protecting us from the majority of Sirien's wrath is able to increase her strength by taking advantage of the hair Sirien is throwing away," Cecilia explained momentarily forgetting the others wouldn't be used to this term. "Oh, I'm sorry. Let me see if I can put that into simplier terms. If wind was a woman, and each tendril of that wind was a lock of her hair, as the wind usess its energy it losses some of it's spirit power, or a little bit of its hair if you will. I'm sorry but that's all detailed as I can get."

"Bad news: Sirien is eventually going to stop trying to pound down that wall over there and she is going to want something to take out her anger on, and since we're the only powerful things in sight, it's probably going to be us. Also the berzeker has crossed the border and I'm afraid it's going to get a little to hot over here for my comfort. More bad news, I can't do anything against that barrier or that wind spirit. The wind spirit has been forcibly bonded to the other wind mage over there, and not even I can break that bond, though I wish I could if only to gain that winds friendship."

Pausing, Cecilia adjusted herself so she sat more comfortable on the platiform of earth.

"The choice I have for you is this: There is a possibilty that I can reform the friendship bond between me and Sirien by explaining to her that we weren't responsible for the blast that destroyed her bondings before she completed her purpose and by promising her that we will do everything we can so that she can get her revenge. The only bad thing is that to do so, I will have to dismantle the wind shield around us in order to make initial contact with Sirien. By dismantling the shield, I will leave use defenseless against anything oncoming wheither Sirien's rage or enemy attack. I will also have to go into mediative state, and that will take me out of the competion for awhile and will have to ask you to defend me while I cannot defend myself."

"It is a great risk," Cecilia said starring afar off, "One that I will understand you not be willing to take, but if I take it, I will gain another powerful wind spirit far more powerful for having been released from her bondings. But I'll leave it up to you."

"So I ask, new friends and well met companions, What would you have me do?"

sharpie -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/19/2007 4:08:43)

Adis eye the flow of the lava; apparently someone had attempted to cool the lava. He eyed the apparition before looking toward the fog once more. He had little interest in what happened to the lava, he merely wanted to draw out an unsuspecting opponent. Still despite his lack of caring he saw a green bolt fly up toward the fountain. Instinctively he looked up to see what would happen.

Bits of lava were flung about the arena but Adis avoided them by creating an overhang from the tier above him. The overhang receded as he heard a horrible shriek fill the arena. A harsh wind began to circle around the lower levels of the arena, and occasionally it would randomly hit him. After several shallow gashes he grew tired of the annoyance and a large amount of pebbles rose from the ground and rotated around him, creating a cylinder like shield.

Through his shield he saw the brute moving up the arena steps. As the winds howled he pulled the lava that he had breathed new life into around his body. He barely noticed the ring of fire flickering into life around the arena, his mind was made up and it appeared that he was quite foolish. Before he began his attack he glanced toward the source of a minor tremor, his eyes caught sight of the floating boulder but its passengers were not his target.

Before he could attack a barrier surrounded the eastern section of the arena, which seemed to act as an effective barricade against the howling wind. “Always wonderful to receive unintentional help from others,” said Adis, his eyes locked on the brute.

As the fool of a man, or giant in this case, ran about on the western side of the arena Adis turned to see if any other opponents had appeared. His eyes fell on the tower of earth, the only other geomancer that he knew of was Zenz and he hoped that he had erected the tower.

He gazed at the incomplete dome and then up to the top tier to see the brute standing in the fountain. The man’s roar appeared to crack the top tier, and Adis couldn’t help but say, “I hope his bark is worse than his bite.”

He chuckled to himself for a moment before realizing that he had a decision to make. It was all to clear to him, he had attacked the brute originally even if only playfully, but that made him his first target. To top it all off the brute actually looked like he’d be a challenge now, since his mask seemed to be producing tentacle like flames.

His placed his right hand on the ground and it quickly slid into the earth. Three javelins, razor sharp from tip to tail, emerged from the ground at an angle suitable for launch. He fired all three at once, with any luck they would be strong enough to pierce through the brute’s armor. If not they would at least get his attention, and if he came charging Adis would be ready.

For good measure he glanced over his shoulder at the tower of earth, if all went well he would attack. Assuming he caught his breath by then.

kenzoku -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/19/2007 9:41:54)

Berzerk rose to his feet, eyeing Seli hungrily. He could already smell the bleeding of her legs. He was coming up with a plan to wring their blood out. Then a trio of stone javelins slammed into his armor. They struck shallow, thanks to his thick armor. The flyer could wait. Berzerk was tired of being struck by projectiles of stone, and demonstrated his anger by ripping a javelin from the ground to hurl it at the geomancer who had conjured it. Following the javelin, the Mask's tentacles of fire stretched forward like the clawing hands of the damned attempting to drag a living soul to its eternal rest. In this case, the were attempting to wrap around the geomancer and constrict. If they were able to grip him, their squeezing would be accompanied by thrashing, slamming the geomancer into the floor, the walls, and the piles of fountain debri. If it worked, there would be much blood to revel in. The Mask began to sing a wretched lyric of hums hisses and unrecognizable words, causing the flames gravitating around it to find new life. The wings of flame grew thicker and stronger as Berzerk stepped over the barrier to rip a fountain from its foundation and hurl it to the ground below, attempting to smash it.

dragon -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/19/2007 12:36:13)

(OOC: Seli and Cecilia aren't there kenzoku...Valendr'el lifted her and the rest of the group to safety on the western side of the are out of throwing range because of the heavy winds...)

"Cecilia, I will defend you." Valendr'el said it as though no one would hear it, but apparently a local communication network had been opened up. He was saddened to think that at one point or another these fighters would once again be his enemies, but he had no choice. They would take down the opposing team and then turn on eachother, for that was the way of these battles. Valendr'el eyed a large tower on the eastern half, apparently erected by a geomanccer. He must be tired, after all that, but he was not Valendr'el's target. Valendr'el wasn't sure who was, but he knew that soon the arena would hold much more chaos then the winds tearing around the western half. Suddenly Valendr'el felt a disturbance in the earth, something else, much smaller than the tower, rising. By the time the feeling subsided, it was obvious the object was some kind of weapon. Soon after, he felt a part of the earth seperate, pointing to the fact that these weapons were projectiles. He looked towards the fountain, and found Berzerk in a rage at the top tier. Tendrils of fire lashed out of his mask, slashing the air ferociously. Berzerk turned as something hit him, and Valendr'el followed his gaze. He found another earth user, who had launched the attacks, preparing to fight.

"I have to help him," he said, casting a glance in the direction of Cecilia. "The berserker is in a rage, a perfect time to attack him, because he is intent on destroying that one over there." Valendr'el pointed to the other earth user. "Cecilia, I'll be back."

Valendr'el launched himself in the direction of the two competitors, curving around the arena so he was behind the berserker with a straight shot at him. Valendr'el paused, trying to figure out what to do. He saw the berserker pick up a fountain, hurling it in another direction, apparently lashing out at something. As the berserker turned away, Valendr'el caught the fountain in mid air with his mind, and brought it around behind the berserker. With a deep breath, he hurled the fountain towards the berserker, who was so occupied with his next target, Valendr'el was sure the fountain would connect. But he knew not how this creature worked.

Shodu -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/19/2007 21:01:44)

Ferith cursed, it would have taken one more spell... one simple reformation spell and he could have killed all of them... he had been so close. Instantly the geomancer who had caused the escape became a target in his minds eye. He'd get his revenge, nobody played him like a fool. He turned to see a tower of stone not too far away.

"Cid, Ferith here. I see you on that tower, I assume you recruited us a geomancer. I'll be climbing up it shortly to meet you there. As for a plan, we can assume the aeromancer will try and calm down her wind, so she should be a bit easier to attack directly, but we can assume her teammates will try and defend her. Because of this I suggest we get a good formation done. Mr. Loony Mask and I can lead, with our polar elements we're much harder to reflect through magic. The dark user can also come with us if he wants. I can strike from the left, Loony directly, and if the dark user cares to join us he can go from the right. After our initial attack we can leap back and you and the geomancer can throw out your most powerful spells directly at the group. This combination of wind and earth should ether force them into a defensive stance or force a retreat. They'll probably try for a defensive barrier. At that point Mr. Loony can charge them and try and break down their defenses while I try and leap over them. While they're destracted have the dark user charge in and strike from the ground around them. We need to seperate our opponents. After that I believe we can hit their aeromance and take her out, further angering the wind. The wind should increase in it's anger dramatically, we may have to retreat but so will our opponents. Of course, with your owl we'll be much better off, all we'll have to do is pass through the barrier and strike them down with long range magic. Between the wind and us they won't last." Ferith voiced his plan. He knew there were flaws in it, and there was a large chance it could go wrong, but if executed correctly it could very well destroy the other team. "Get Mr. Loony Mask and Sir Darky over to the tower will ya? I don't want to be around this lava longer than I have to be." And with that he began his ascent up the tower of stone, thankful he wasn't struck down on the way.

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/19/2007 22:50:41)

"The field didn't go quite as you planned, did it, Cid?" asked George, maintaining the barrier with no signs of trouble.

"They never do, do they? Fortunately I was a better tactician then I was a strategist." Cid responded.

"That is true. So, what now, General?" The owl asked, turnign his head back to him.

"That rank is old. The War's are over. I'm a Chief Engineer. Winging it is my specialty. Especially around Aerodu" Cid responded, a grin on his face. As he was grinning, he reached into his one of his compartments.

"You do realize that the other team is assembling, right? They're also protected from that wind. In fact, things may get worse. If that Aeromancer is capable of calming that harlot down, then you're going to have trouble. Spirits are stronger when we're un-bound" George stated matter-of-factly.

"I am fully aware of Spirit's strength. I am also aware of their weaknesses. There's many ways to take care of spirits. You may be immune to most magic, but there's always specific magic that allows us fleshlings to handle you all. Including this lovely device you're well aquainted with." Cid said, as he pushed the button on the little stick, and it unfolded into a boomerang.

"What, you're going to summon another... no, that device is empty. I see. I am curious why you're caring extra containment devices" the owl asked, raising one of it's eyebrows.

"Simple, I kept them as mementos of my team's work during the war. This one is a particular favorite of mine though" Cid said, the grin on his face. And as he said this, he threw that boomerang into the barrier. And on it flew, deep into the bowels of the western side of the field. Cid hoped that the containment device did it's job. The only thing that could interfere with his plans was interferance from the other team. He knew that the boomerang was fragile, and that it emitted a very strong magical aura, so anyone could detect it. While these devices were perfect against spirits, but against matter... not so much.

"Out of curiosity, which model is that one? Type 1 or 2?" George asked, eyeing the boomerang with disgust.

"Type 3" Cid responded, wiping the grin off his face as he concentrated on the surronding battle. "I want a status report on the field" he asked, returning to his soldier-like composture.

The owl grimmed. "You're really going to use a type 3 on her? Is she even worth it?" the owl asked.

"I'm not taking any chances here. I'm bringing out the big guns. Now, give me the status report" Cid responded.

"Fine. The oposing team currently consists of a geomancer, an aquamancer, and the aeromancer. There is a pyromancer aproaching them, most likely be-friending them. Your Berskerker is currently under attack by the third geomancer. The extra swordsman is currently wandering around and the energy wielder is currently on a bit of a delayed reaction. I'm sure you know about your team-mates already." The owl explained.

"Wait, a second pyromancer?" Cid asked.

"Late competitor" George responded.

"I hate late entries. They always throw monkey-wrenchs into plans. Fortunately, that shouldn't have any immediate effects on the field right now."

"Alright team, listen up. Berserker is under attack. Ferith, I need you to provide cover. It's a Geomancer. Aiden, provide some help for him. Berserker, if you still have any sanity left in you, try to stay with the group. If you charge on ahead you'll be taking on a hell of a lot of fighters against you. We can't take them all on right now, but hold up. I do have a plan to take care of this annoying fog, but you'll need to hold up on your blood rage." Cid explained. "Ferith, your plan is fine, but don't rely on it. Right now we bail out a team mate while I take care of the field."

As a final note for now, Cid extended an invintation to the energy wielder and the swordsmen. "Gentlemen. The situation is currently to your disadvantage. Your opponents have banded together against everyone else into one giant team. You might be loathe to the idea of teaming up, but if you wish to survive, it would be in your best interests to join this one. The other team won't likely accept you as you tried to kill some of their members. We're a tad more open on that policy. Please respond via the same sound channel. Just whisper Cid and then just give your answer."

And with that, Cid decided to wait for the other's actions, surveying the battlefield, and contemplating future moves. He decided that acting now in the fight below wasn't necesary. "Yo, swordsman geomancer. I didn't quite catch your name. You need some assitance? I have a few supplies that should give you more energy if you need it."

Kellehendros -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/20/2007 13:24:54)

"Its a pleasure to meet you, Valendr'el." Alex nodded to the Earth Mage diffidently. Yet, once more, as seemed to happen so often during the Elemental Championships, further conversation was cut off most decidedly.

The wind's howling redoubled. Cecilia's wind bubble shield shuddered, and the occasional sharp, cutting blast penetrated its protection. What little water was left in the broken fountain that Valendr'el had carried with them was launched up into the air to seethe about as a fine spray.

Gathering his power Alex created a second watery reinforcement for the wind shield, much as he had moments before, shutting out the Siren's fury for a while longer.

Surprisingly a ball of fire burst through the dual shields. Even more shockingly, the fire ball pulsed, spitting out a message in a crackling, wavery voice of flame. Apparently there was a late coming pyromancer who wished to join them. Looking over at his teamates, Alex nodded as first Valendr'el and the Cecilia gave their agreement. He cast a glance at Seli, then addressed the fiery ball. "I am Alex Shiveran, for my part I should be glad of any help you could give to us. Approach us if you wish to join us, the shield will let you pass."

Cecilia proposed to lower thier defenses so that she could attempt to regain control over Siren. It was risky, very risky. If Siren spurned Cecilia, they would be at her mercy until they could remake their defenses. "I am loath to risk it, but if you can regain Siren's power, we will be much better off. I say we try it." With a moment's more thought, he added. "I'll stay back to protect you."

Something pierced the barrier of wind that had been erected along the East/West axis of the Arena. Something that flew straight and true despite the heavy swirling winds, something that also gave off a heavy, almost palpable magical aura. Alex frowned, and gestured with one hand. The watery shield gave way, reforming into a dense, net-like structure. With a murmur and another wave of his hand the water-net launched out of the wind shield and cut through the air to intercept the flying object. "Well, the water shield is gone, so if you're going to do this, Cecilia, I suggest you hurry."

Sometime when Alex hadn't been watching Valendr'el had hurried away, no doubt he had some idea or threat to handle. That was beyond Alex's concern at the moment. He had cast a few glances over at the otherside of the Arena, and had seen the tall tower of stone some Earth Mage had raised to protect himself. The tower was just begging to be knocked over, and Alex knew just the way to do it.

Closing his eyes Alex plunged his awareness beneath the soil. For there, just below the surface, water was pooling in pockets. Three fountains or more had been decommisioned during the battle. Yet thier pipes still flooded water into the field, this water was gathering beneath the surface, waiting to be used. The mage's idea was simple, water erodes stone. It was a subtle attack that Alex hoped would not be noticed until its effect manifested.

Prodding the water along, Alex gathered the great mass of liquid and compelled it to encircle the base of the Earth Mage's great stone stronghold. A smile on his lips, Alex gestured, and the water, deep beneath the soil, began to swirl along the tower's base, grinding away at it with the patience and surety that only water can have. Certainly it would take years to wear down this tower's base enough so that it would collapse, but Alex knew that given the magical enhancement on the water it might, if he was lucky, take only a handful of minutes. The tower's base would be eroded, but the soil around it would also become a soggy swamp from the continuous inflow and movement of water through it, the tower might not collapse from the base's destruction, but hopefully it would fall when the surrounding soil's support for it was compromised.

kenzoku -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/20/2007 16:22:58)

Berzerk's thoughts were interrupted by the fountain he had thrown rudely returning uninvited to slam into him. His lava armor softened the blow greatly, but it still stung. He would have contemplated on a way to eliminate the airborne opponents, possibly having to use one of the four gleaming throwing axes in his pockets, the only mundane weaponry he had other than his battleaxe. That's when he got the message from Cid to head back. He crossed the barrier and leapt off the top tier to glide quickly back to around midfield with the use of his semi-worthless blazing wings. Now with some time to himself, he sat down. Grass and other vegetation was ripped from the nearby soil by the clambering tentacles to fuel Berzerk's fires. His wings vanished so that the fire could be used to strengthen his other firey aspects. The lava thickened, blazing. The lava conscealed all of Berzerk's body except for the mask, itself conscealing Berzerk's face. He had the look of a masked lava golem.

Onomatopoeia -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/20/2007 16:46:01)

"Cid? Fantastic! You really must tell me how this manner of remote communication works. Don't spare on the gruesome details. Kinda reminds me of the time I trapped that efreet in that iron mountain. He screamed and bellowed for several centuries before he realized I wasn't even there. That really pissed him off. It's really a good story that I would love to relate to you someday. But I digress. You tell me you have teamed up. Query:Once you have recruited every person in this arena to your little group what then? What is to gain? At some point we must inevitably turn on eachother, then we are back to square one. So do inform me as to your reasoning in this particular matter if you would be so kind."

Thecius Landera -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/20/2007 16:57:43)

Arudain listened through his fireball while the wind mage explained her plan and then as Alex introduced himself. One of the group took off towards the lava man and Arudain said, "Thanks for the invite, but I want to take care of lava guy. I'll join up later, I'll hear you through the fireball, give a shout if you need me."

He noticed a something with a magical aura cross the barrier, but Alex sent something at it so Arudain dismissed it; he had other things on his mind. He climbed the tiers til he saw the lava guy and two others. The one that had ran from the group had just tossed a fountain at the lava guy. 'Geomancer.' As he was about to try his own magic against the lava guy, he turned and walked through the barrier, Leaving Arudain with the geomancer and the other competitor.

Arudain yelled over the wind, "They must be re-grouping! How many of them are there?"

He turned his thoughts to the fireball, "Wind mage, I think the others are re-grouping, best hurry with your plan."

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/20/2007 17:04:39)

Cid sighed. Fortunately for him he had dealt with long winded speakers before. There were a few of them in Aerodu. Fortunately he wasn't one of them.

"As for your first question, it's magic. The second question is a little more lengthy in explination. The field is bi-polarized. That means there are two groups. The point is for immediate survival. Would you rather take on the opposing team by yourself, or would you rather join up with someone else and increase your odds? I'm sure that you're quite capable of handling them, but I'm sure that even you would appreciate having people not attack you while you're attacking other, yes? As for the future effects of teams, I am quite aware of this. However, that is thinking too far in advance. Thinking ahead is good in combat, but worrying too much about the future can lead to disatrous events. There might be in-fighting later, but right now the clear bi-polarity on the field will certainly ensure that there will be team combat. Further more, if one team falls, then stragglers like yourself currently may find themselves in a situation of fighting 5 on one. While I am sure you are quite capable of that, there's also other factors to consider. I may not know too much about the Elemental Championships, but I do know a thing or two about the Elemental Lords. If you seek to gain their favor and move on to the finals to increase your illustrious repitoure of stories, you must please them, correct? They are the judges. It is my udnerstanding that they favor those that take up on oppritunities. Besides, what better way for you to show them how good you are by showing them how good you work for team work? Individual effort can only please them so far. Team work is another quality they look for. And finally, if you join our team, I might be able to rid the field of this infernal fog. I am sure that will assist you greatly.

Besides, as I've stated previously, you did attack a member of the other team. They won't be very forgiving of you for that. Besides, you might be able to get the chance to finish your battle with the winged girl who started this fog. I was quite impressed by your fighting with her. You are certainly one we could use. Also, if you question why the teams were created in the first place, I can't exactly tell you as I'm not quite sure of all the details. But if we both survive I can show you my floating droid who has been recording the entire events on the field and will be able to answer your question"

With this, Cid ended his rely, happy to see that the Berserker had moved back a bit. He also noticed that the opposing fire mage had crossed the barrier. "Looks like we got a straggler in the middle ground." he muttered, continuing to observe the field.

dinranwen -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/20/2007 17:37:07)

Cecilia sensed that thing that the Wind Man had sent towards Sirien's central Spirit form. Fortuntaly for her so had Sirien. Her comanions having agreed, Cecilia let her defense fall.

Maybe. Perhaps I don't need to mediate to regain Sirien's friendship.

Standing quickly, Cecilia's hands blurred as she quickly restrong her bow, then reaching into her quiver she brought out a single arrow with black feathers. On the shaft of the arrow a single rune was inscirbed, it said simply True or Verte. She was loathe to use this arrow so soon, but no other arrow she could fire would be able to withstand Sirien's rather.

The spirit in the arrow had been the last strand of a dying wind Verte, an old dear friend who had helped Cecilia understand finally her true purpose and power. She was thankful to Verte for that.

And the moment, she was thankful for the power housed in the arrow that she pulled to her cheek.

This arrow, no matter whatever the circumstances, would hit her target straight in the center and with any hope destroy the target. The spell had been good for five uses. So far Cecilia had used it three times, she had two left. This ment the arrow would return to her after she released would return to her quiver only after it hit her target.

Her target in this case being the object Cecilia sensed streaming through the air straight towards Sirien.

Letting loose the arrow, Cecilia heard it's path like the dong of a deep brass bell as the arrow impossible tore straight towards the capturing device the Wind Man had thrown.

He shouldn't have done that. Cecilia thought, Because he just made me mad and if he thinks Sirien's vicous, he has another thing coming thats for sure.

Finally after what seemed forever, the arrow guided by the small portion of the True North Wind that still resinded in the arrow in part struck her target causing a clear shattering to be heard.

Sirien who had been pressed into a corner unable to flee from the thing that had targeted it onto her like a homing miscile, looked up at the noise flitching visibly. Cecilia watched as she saw Sirien see her arrow returning to quiver, and saw a small reconginition in the wind spirit's eyes.

I was your gift for saving the northern winds from being bottle by that awful man that you called Brother.

Yes, Sirien. My name's Cecilia, do you remember.

The Wind Spirit of Seduction, Sleepiness, and forgetfulness nodded dreamingly, I think I did. Why did you save me?

You were going to be trapped and then forced into anothers service unwilling. A thing that while I live and breath, I shall never abide. Wind spirits should obey only because they wish to not because they are forced too.

Are you my friend?

I will be if you want me to be. Cecilia said as her eyes began to roll upwards in forehead.

I was destroyed before I completed my purpose. Did you do that? Sirien's voice echoed in Cecilia's head like a deadly lullabye.

No, there is a man of the Wind on the other side of that barrier over there that is responsible for that.

He should not have done that. I am very angry to have lost my purpose.

I can give you a new one. Help me...and I'll see that you get your way or another. Cecilia's knees sagged and she leaned against her bow heavily.

I will help. You will feed me, give me my revenge, and I will help.

Suddenly Cecilia felt herself being lifted up and her energy restored as Sirien's power refuled Cecilia both in spirit and in mind. Her eyes rolling to a normal position. Cecilia was overjoyed to watch as her defenses harden and Sirien stood before them clothed in a very revealing transulent dress.

What would you have me do, my lady?Sirien's voice asked in Cecilia's head no longer playing the deadly melody of sleep, forgetfulness, and death by cold.

Help the stone earth man against the fire man whose aura is most foul...he is on the side of our mutual enemy.

It is done.

Watching Sirien run to help Valendr'el, Cecilia contacted Arudain through his fire ball.

"Come back to our defense, Valendr'el has more then enough help now, and if the Wind Man is the tactician I guess to be, will soon be facing the Ice who is resitant to my cold. We'll need your help against him."

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