RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (Full Version)

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Onomatopoeia -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/20/2007 17:37:31)

"Cid. Well, obviously it's magic, but I am a bit more concerned with the technical details. It's not just point and shoot after all, a mage must have an understanding of the forces that manipulate his environment in the manner that allows him to achieve the desired effect. This is basic stuff back home, I said this very thing to my good friend Steve. Naturally his name is not really Steve, I just call him that because that's the style these days. Steve's a priest up in the mountains and we were having this discussion over whether mead or ale was better. Now I myself am sucker for a good ale but Steve prefers mead. Somehow the conversation shifted to divine magic vs mortal magic. Now naturally divine magic is more potent and the caster need not worry about technical details as the god in question deals with those but us mages, we got to know these things surely as the sun is bright. The technical details involved in carrying ones voice across great distances with no medium other than the air itself would surely interest me as surely as my name is Steve Rogers. That A on my head doesn't stand for France you know.

And I'm all about teamwork, me and my brothers team up all the time, I also work with my cousin Eddy frequently. He doesn't like me calling him Eddy but he's not here so I really don't have anything to worry about. What were we talking about? Ah yes. I would very much like to be rid of this fog, it is quite a nuissance as I'm sure you're aware. I shall gladly join your team, provided you can enable me to find my way. This fog really is rather a nuissance."

Geddesmck -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/20/2007 18:53:07)

Zenz' strength returned quickly, but the offer of something to speed up the process was very welcome. "You're Cid right? That's what the owl calls you. My name, as I said earlier, is Zenz Nightwalker. I'd greatly appreciate anything to restore my strength."

Cid was busy, talking to someone else, so Zenz decided he'd attempt to manipulate some lava. Zenz, in his understanding, should have control over the lava, as it was simply molten rock. However, due to the molten part pyromancers also had power over it. Luckily, as it cooled down Zenz got more control. The cold wind and large amount of water in the arena cooled the lava quickly.

The tower was on the south-eastern part of the arena, and was surrounded by a small amount of cooled lava. The tower cast a long shadow across part of the eastern side of the arena. Zenz was sure these facts were important and he was considering how to use them to his advantage when he felt something.

The tower seemed to move. It was a small movement, only about an inch, but it shouldn't have happened at all. Zenz quickly felt out for any geomancy, but felt nothing in his area. He'd have to investigate further. He closed his eyes and reasoned it was time to attempt to re-merge with the earth in the area around the tower the lava was cooled so much that it was just rock (albeit still very hot rock). For a moment the earth resisted, angry at the pain it had suffered, but it recognise Zenz' spirit and joined with him.

It felt like Zenz gained infinite power (he didn't, he just felt like he did). A large smile crossed his face. Then he remembered what he wsa supposed to do. It took moments for him to find the enchanted water, wearing away the stone on the towers base, luckily the water user who had cast the spell obviously hadn't realised that enchanted water didn't work as well against enchanted stone as it should. It was the earth around the base that was causing a problem, it was becoming too weak to support the tower. Zenz cursed. If the tower didn't go so far underground it would have collapsed already.

He thought about it for a moment, then remembered the cooled lava. He knew it was important. It didn't surround the whole tower, just part of the southern side. Zenz could change that. It took a few minutes to gain control of the lava, the lava's spirit just wanted to consume and conquer, Zenz had to forcefully control it. It worked, he managed to merge with it's spirit.

The lava moved around the tower, replacing the weakened earth as the tower's support. When it was finished, Zenz un-merged with the lava. He shuddered. Using the lava felt wrong, he vowed not to use it again unless he needed too. He then got to work on moving the water away. He wasn't sure if it would work, but he attempted to trade the water logged earth with dryer earth nearby. Hopefully the water would move with it. Zenz finally opened his eyes and surveyed his work.

The tower was leaning slightly to the north at an angle of about 94 degrees, just enough to be noticed, but not enough to really worry anyone about balance who was on the top. He hoped his movement of the earth moved the water also. If it didn't the tower wouldn't last for more than an hour, although that didn't worry Zenz a huge amount, the battle could be over by then.

Thecius Landera -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/20/2007 21:14:59)

Arudain heard the wind mage in his head as the hostility of the wind lessened,

"Come back to our defense, Valendr'el has more then enough help now, and if the Wind Man is the tactician I guess to be, will soon be facing the Ice who is resitant to my cold. We'll need your help against him."

He took one last look towards the tower and moved toward Alex and the wind mage. The cold howling wind was gone, and to Arudain it felt good. As he went down, he took note of the easiet places to start a fire, or where the lava was still warm. These would be useful, if the ice man did come.

When he reached them he said, "There was someone else fighting the lava guy up there. He with us? Also, Wind mage, what's your name? I don't believe I ever caught it. Oh, if lava guy comes back this way, we, especially Alex, need to try an harden his armor."

Waiting for an answer, Arudain blew a fireball into his hands which he shaped into a firey quiver. Then with another fireball he shaped 5 arrows. Taking these measures would save him some time when the ice man did come. The realizing he was a little close to the wind mage he moved a few steps away toward the center of the arena to prevent himself fom accidentily weakening her.

Shodu -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/21/2007 1:13:19)

Ferith muttered and leapt away from the tower, stopping abruptly. He needed to know where Mr. Loony Mask was. He reached out to the fountains to call upon ice, but there was nothing. More had been destroyed. Ferith cursed, it had probably been his own teammate who had been such a hindrance. The fountains had been destroyed, Ferith thought, but there was still some piping in them carrying water. Ferith reached into the piping and froze the water in them, and suddenly forced it out. Ice came firing out from the fountains like cannonballs from a cannon. Ferith was closing his eyes, completely focused on the ice, all his energy being drained away. He forced the ice into the ground and felt it spread. Mr. Loony Mask had covered himself in fire and lava, he'd be the warmest thing around. He stretched the ice through the soil maneuvering it under lava and flowers alike. He was feeling great heat emanating not too far away. Ferith released the spell and the ice stopped moving, no longer in his control. Ferith stood around for a few seconds, restoring his energy, and took off in the direction he thought Mr. Loony Mask was.

"Cid," Ferith began, "that thing you threw, what was it? It can't be an offensive weapon, you can't possibly be planning to strike now, so it must have some other beneficial purpose. What could that be? If the other group catches sight of it won't they respond? We need to be prepared for their response." Ferith continued. "We have to assume that they'll have gained the wind spirit's trust again by the time I've finished helping Mr. Loony here, there's no way negotiating with wind could be long and they'll no doubt tie it's anger to us. They might not have, but we have to assume the worst. We have to assume they're at an advantage and act based on that. We need some way to battle the wind while at the same time forcing the group into a corner and beating them. I assume you have a plan?" Ferith asked. He was nearing Mr. Loony Mask now. Suddenly a thought struck, what if the aquamancer sensed the ice beneath the soil? Could he affect ice like he could affect water? Ferith decided not to find out. He felt into the ice again, using it to slightly fix his direction, and suddenly, with great effort, pulled it all back around their tower and formed it into large intimidating spikes. Ferith sighed as he finished the spell, it had been hard. This way, Ferith figured, the ice would be too far for the aquamancer to sense easily, and even if it was discovered he could assume that if the aquamancer tried to manipulate it his distance would cause the spell to come out weak. Even if it did come out he figured Cid could communicate with him and being closer Ferith would be able to not only regain control of his spikes but locate the aquamancer through his own manipulation and send the ice straight at him instead. Ferith smiled, it wasn't fool-proof but it was a nice defense, if they tried to manipulate it it would backfire and if they didn't it formed an intimidating barrier. He thought it over for a few seconds and cast a series of more complicated enchantments over the ice as well, very difficult as his distance was a factor and because he couldn't see the ice, only feel it. You see, ice magic allowed him to check the temperatures of the ice and manipulate it as he see fit, as well as freezing thing. The effort was usually minimal but it varied with size and distance. He had to reach out to the ice and get a response on it's position, hold the response, and then cast another spell from afar. This was a fairly taxing task, however Ferith found that as long as he gripped his katar he could regenerate energy rather quickly, which was good as he didn't have much magical energy to start with and exhausted himself fairly easily.

The enchantments would cause the ice to sink beneath the earth when the word "frisk" was uttered while pointing directly at them. Of course, several more enchantments were placed so that the word came out in an entirely different language when spoken within forty feet so it would be impossible to copy, especially as some of the sounds were completely inaudible to the human ear. "Cid, the spikes will lower themselves at the word frisk. Nobody will be able to copy the word if they hear it, don't worry, repeating frisk will cause themselves to fire upwards again. Remember that and be careful." Ferith quickened his pace. Loony Mask was not far away.

Kellehendros -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/21/2007 14:55:01)

Alex frowned, even as Cecilia called Valendr'el back to the protection of the group. She had seemingly been successful in regaining Siren's alliance, hopefully that meant that the wind would die down soon.

All of this was good news, which gave Alex no reason for the dark expression that crossed his features.

The source of that frown as the Earth Mage's tower, still standing, though tilted now at a barely perceptible angle. It would seem that the Earth Mage had sensed Alex's depredations to the tower's base. What was worse, the Earth Mage was attempting to reinforce the tower's base by moving large quantities of earth up against the tower, to stabilize it.

This was an advantage of sorts, if he could keep the Earth Mage busy compacting soil to hold the tower up, the Earth Mage would be effectively held out of the fight. It would take a few modifications to Alex's spell though.

Alex took up his staff in two hands, and began a slow, circular motion, much like a person stirring a giant kettle. Unbeknownst to the other contenders, his slow circle mimiced the movement of the water beneath the surface of the Arena. With a steadily building rythym Alex increased the tempo of his stirring, muttering a constant stream of incantations as he did so.

Underground, the water responded to Alex's magical promptings. The speed of the water increased, and the pattern changed from its merely circular path of moments earlier. The water reached out to claw at the cracks and flaws in the hardened lava, prying through the stone and rattling against the sides to widen the cracks.

The Water Mage was sweating heavily, but he continued stirring and whispering incatations softly. Water was patience given shape and purpose. The tower would fall, and nothing would stop that.

Ronin Of Dreams -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/21/2007 20:07:06)

There was a rush of elemental energy that reverberated mightily underneath the expansive tiered complex that formed the beautiful visage of Fountain Arena. Displeasure resonated from these energies as the volcanic armor of Berzerk erupted in a violent cacophony of spitting, white-hot flames. Within the blink of an eye, Berzerk was irrevocably consumed molten rock as Fire ate away at his flesh and bone from within, his personage instantaneously transported miles away from the Arena complex and the burgeoning township of Bren, leaving him more than burnt slightly in the act.

The flames parted, the volcanic rock flowing like so much water to harden in a puddled disk, the power dissipating amidst the damp terrain of Fountain Arena, all to reveal his pointed absence from the midst of both current friends and foes.

But this was not the only message wrought upon the Arena's denizens. The ground beneath their feet rumbled and trembled as the raised tower began to move of its own volition. With a whip-crack of motion, Zenz Nightwalker was eaten by jaws of earth that grew out of the tower itself, his body being transported away from even the other removed contestants beyond the Arena complex and Bren. The jaws themselves flowed like so much quicksilver back into the solid mass of the tower, leaving no trace of Zenz to the sight of Arena denizens or spectators alike.

This messages were quite clear, lose all favor of the Lords and your presence would be removed from this competition of skill and ability.

sharpie -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/22/2007 5:41:47)

Adis jaw dropped as his javelins seemingly did no damage to the brute whatsoever. Even with the man’s thick armor he thought they would at least draw some blood. He was suddenly snapped back into reality when the brute launched his own javelin back at him, his pebble shield immediately stopped rotating as all of the floating rock and dirt came together to form a four inch think shield.

Due to the berserker’s sheer brute strength the javelin pierced through his shield, he narrowly avoided being impaled in the head. Still, the warm feeling of blood ran down his cheek adding to his growing number of small wounds. He moved slightly northward as a flaming tentacles reached outward, they, unlike the javelin, were easy to avoid.

He watched in curiosity as the brute ripped a piece of the fountain off and launched it, though he was unsure what the behemoth’s target was. Despite the force with which the man had launched the fountain it somehow managed to be redirected midair toward the brute’s back.

The brute shrugged off the blow as if it were nothing despite the sheer power that it must have carried. Adis gulped, If I had been hit by that I surely would have died. He watched with wary eyes as the brute glided down to a lower tier, though he wasn’t sure why the man would give up the high ground. He ignored his common sense, it literally screamed run away; he had chosen his opponent and he would see things through to the end.

Something shattered some distance away, and it was promptly ignored as he began to pull a large egg shaped rock from the ground. This time; however, he had added something special just for the brute. It had incised threads, only covering half of it, and would act in a manner very similar to a screw so long as he remembered to add some spin as he launched it.

He slowly gathered his energy, summoning more than his previous attacks had required due to the rotation that was needed. He made a quick glance at the tower and found it odd that it stood at a slight angle, obviously something had happened but he wasn’t quite sure what nor did he care to find out anytime soon. He returned his attention to the just as the arena trembled once more, he watched as Berzerk was consumed by his own armor that had seemingly come to life.

He had to pinch himself to make sure he wasn’t dreaming; his opponent had vanished into thin air. He was happy yet, overcome with sorrow at the loss of the satisfaction of removing the brute from the field himself.

Unbeknownst to Adis, Zenz had also been removed from the competition. That lack of knowledge allowed him to easily pick his target. After all, it would be a waste not to fire his “drill”. He eyed the southern most base of the tower, his eyes catching sight of the slowly growing cracks amongst the lava. He hoped that his attack would weaken the base enough to cause the tower to continue its northern fall.

He carefully pulled the rest of the stone from the earth. He placed his palms on the rock and with great care and precision he quickly released the built up energy while simultaneously rotating his arms. The force of the launch knocked him off his feet, and he was content to rest. He was wheezing and drenched in sweat but he watched with excitement as the stone rapidly approached the tower.

It would most certainly hit, the primary cause being Zenz’s absence from his creation, and he had a front row seat. Though if any of the competitors were to engage him at this moment he would most certainly be at a disadvantage, his energy greatly depleted. That was if anyone in the area survived the possible tower collapse.

dragon -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/22/2007 12:40:30)

Valendr'el's mind swarmed with an upwelling of rage as the berserker didn't even flinch with the hit from the fountain. I...I can't believe that! Thats impossible! He should be DEAD! He said the last word out loud, his madness building up, seeming to seer the air the sound was invading.

He stopped himself when the berserker's armor seemed to explode, destroying him from the inside out, devouring him until he was no longer in the arena, and Valendr'el wasn't even sure if he was still alive. But he didn't care. It was not for him to worry about any more, for he was still in the arena, and he had a championship to win. His jaw collapsed slightly as the earth tower came alive, and just as quickly it died away again. Another person had been purged. He rejoiced in his mind as he realized two members of the other team had been purged.

Looking around, he spotted the other geomancer who had been in battle with the berserker forming an odd weapon of the earth. It resembled a giant screw, and Valendr'el watched as his energy was released and the screw was launched, spinning, towards the tower. Valendr'el decided if there were any defenses on the tower, or if it had not been Zenz who had been purged, the drill would not be able to pierce the tower. He hoped the drill would succeed. He turned, eyeing the barrier, and after a moment's pause, he re-entered the howling winds thrashing on the western side of the arena.

Focusing as he ran, he sent vibration rumbling through the ground toward his group. Through the ground he fired the fierce words, "The fire berserker and one opponent occupying the tower have been purged. The tower is currently under attack by the other geomancer." As he came into the midst of the group, he asked, "What is our next move?"

dinranwen -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/22/2007 23:02:27)

Cecilia still realing from the sudden banishment of two players, both not on her team small blessing that, turned to and blinked very slowly trying to clear her mind from the fog that threatened to steal her reason. Thankfully Valendr'el, interfered by asking in sincere severity, "What's our next move?"

Looking at the field, Cecilia carefully obversed the field. "The Ice man is somewhere near here I think, I can sense his cold near but how close he is I cannot tell. Fools or not, let's not forget the possibly insane darkness user still out there somewhere, or the lightning user either. Also I think I sense more competiotors on the field although with my baffled senses, I cannot get a good read on them nor their elements. Yet those are the least of our worries. I think our biggest concern is that wind spirit, and the man controlling him. The wind man seems to be the clear leader on that field, and with him gone any remaining members of his team should fall into disarray. His our biggest threat, and not because his a wind user like me either, but because he's a natural leader, and tactian. I also think he doesn't like me so he's going to keep attack me and thus us as a team. His natural leadership alone make him a dangerous threat, but add the fact that he has clearly picked our whole team as his target, and we are forced to do something with him. Currently, I'm out of the works offensively, but I can hold the defenses down here as long as I have access to at least Galia's strength."

"Here's what I purpose, but please lets discuss this as a team, not as one person to their subordinates. We are doomed the moment one of us because a leader here. Arudian the Firecracker and possibly you, Valendr'el take on the ice user as a distraction. Since Ice and Fire are opposing elements, and earth is natural the match should be challenging enough to be viewed as a threat. Meanwhile, perhaps, Alex can see about what we can do about the wind user on the other half this field. I think Seli can be useful here too, I'm not sure of the extent of your ability Sun's relfection Seli, but if you are capable of creating doubles of us so that our entire team appears to be attack Ferith, it may enough to catch that wind user off guard when Alex attacks. If Alex needs help Valendr'el, you can break off your fight with the Ice user and assist us here. Since my wind spirits cannot enter that half of the arena. I'll stay here and provide defense or help when its needed."

"But that's only the lowly insight of blind woman, what does everyone else think we shall do?"

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/23/2007 8:38:18)

Cid watched in awe as he saw two teamates get gobbled up by their own elements. It was sort of a scary thought, your own element turning against you, especially if it happened to an ally that was standing right next to you. But, thanks to two clan wars, he was able to regain composture and re-focus on the battle.

Cid mentally cursed, quite a few times this round. Two team-mates just managed to piss off the Elemental Lords for some reason. Plus the spirit he summoned was rubbing it in his face.

"Awwww, what's the matter Cid? Having some problems with the team? I do hope it's not coming apart" George gloated, keeping the barrier up.

"Just a minor set-back. I've encountered far worse. Besides, things are starting to look up. The Best tactician will make the best of the situation, even if the Elemental Lords just set me back." Cid replied, thinking of advantages to the situation. Fortunately, he had a few tricks up his sleeve, and he felt that one of them had payed off. "Gotta thank my team for those devices" he muttered, feeling the boomerang's connection with him fluxuate. He knew that what would happen would help reduce the other team's advantage tremendously.

The boomerang had a few magical enchantments so it wasn't completely defenseless against magic attacks. Particularly other elmental ones. The boomerang's "sensors" could detect incoming magic at it, and could sway it's course to some degree to avoid those magical projectiles. This is what it did with Alex's water net. However, other wind magic it couldn't do anything about. It was "blind" to it, which is why the boomerang didn't even try to evade the arrow. This was an intentional design flaw that the Aerodu Engineers designed.

"So, re-explain to me the types of boomerangs. I don't recall a type 3 boomerang" George asked.

"Of course not. If you had you wouldn't be here. Allow me to enlighten you. There is a good variety of "types" of these boomerangs. I'll explain the common ones we used during the war:

Type 1 is a standard containment device. Used for capturing spirits that aren't formally bound to anything.

Type 2 is more powerful, used on those spirits where a formal bond was made, I believe the level is refered to as "Friendship Bonds" by the spirit aeromancers. It's capable of capturing them.

Type 3 is a very special one. The one I just threw wasn't actually used for containment. It's a banishment device." Cid stated, and at this the owl's eyes grew large. "Very ingenious. The engineers purposely made the type 3 weak to aeromancy, particularly spirit aeromancy, because the only way to activate a type 3 is for hostile spirit magic to destroy it. Not a spirit directly attacking it, but if it's being combined with something like an arrow. If this is triggered, the boomerang self-destructs, and will banish any spirit bonded loosely... "Agreement pacts" I believe the bond is called, the weakest one. The banishment process not only removes them from the area range, but prevents the spirit from ever returning to the area if it was banished for at least... 3... 5 years. All other spirits that are 'bond' more strongly, like you, will be fine, though your feathers will be a tad ruffled." he added, deciding to throw in a few more puns back at the owl. "There's also 2 side-effects of the boomerang, but you'll see that in a moment." Cid concluded, and watched the fireworks that were about to take place.

The Runes on the boomerang glowed. Dimly at first, but soon they glowed so brightly that they litterally penetrated the illusion fog, causing the entire illusion fog to dissipate. Then, the sound of an explosion could be heard from the boomerang, as the while light turned red, and it slowly made it's way out across the field in that always classic explosion bubble that eventually covered the entire field, and then faded. The results could be seen as the red light started to fade away. The Western half of the field was missing one angry harlot of a spirit, and as such the air was much calmer, making it similar to it's eastern counterpart. Plus, with the fog gone on both sides of the field, one could easily see at the damage that was done to the field.

George did indeed have his feathers ruffled. Quickly realizing this after getting used to the explosion, he began primming himself, while asking in-between pecks with his beak "What the hell happened? And what in the name of the elemental lords is that awful smell... wait... I shouldn't be "smelling" anything, I'm a spirit!?"

Cid smirked, happy to see that something had gone right today. "That explosion just banished that "harlot" as you called her. The boomerang's explosion was able to bypass your barrier with ease, as it was working on a level beyond that of mere air. But to answer your question, The field has become a wasteland now, for spirits. You know how we mortals have to put up with the stench of battle? Of flesh rotting? Well, essentially, the entire field just got covered in a substance that acts to spirits what a nasty odor does to us mortals. There's no way any spirit can cover up that "smell", it's there. What does it mean? Well, it just made the field unfavorable to spirits. It certainly doesn't prevent their use. What it will do is drive the majority of spirits in the present area away from here. The effect is temporary, true, but it will last long enough so that when it does wear off... it'll be a lot harder to find any new ones. The Second effect that boomerang has is to banish any illusion spells. We had some problems earlier with spirits casting illusions and confusing our boomerangs, so we had to make that a special feature of the type 3, to dispel any active illusions." Cid explained to the owl.

"I see... you do realize that she has 3 spirits though, yes? And that you're going to be the major target. After all..." he began, but Cid cut him off.

"Stop flapping your beak and start with your wings. The enemy sees this tower as a prime threat, and have decided to target this. I would hate for their efforts to go in vain. It's time for one of your famous Easterlies" Cid said, grinning.

The owl stopped primming itself. What appeared to be a smile crossed his face. "I'm assuming you want me to drop this barrier?" he asked.

"Put all your oomph into this tower. That drill will disrupt the base, so this giant is coming down anyways. Let's just make sure we return the favor that they gave us." Cid said, and with that he leaped off the tower. Anyone else would have went splat after leaping from a 20-30 foot tower, but Cid was able to use his wind magic to slow hid descent to land softly enough on the ground. "Parachutes are for whimps" he muttered, sprinting to the south east corner of the arena, making sure to get out of range of the tower and what was to transpire next. "Get away from the tower! Bolt to the north or south side of the arena, just don't get caught by it." Cid called out on hi

The Owl quickly soared to the east of the tower, and started to grow. He grew about 3 sizes that day, and started to glow brightly. As he did this, the wind barrier lifted from the field. He then swooped down upon the tower with all the might of an Easterly. The effect on the tower was the equivilant of a type 4 Hurricane wind in a concentrated area. As the drill tore away at the base, the sudden gust of wind caused the tower to fall in a new direction: The west. And down that giant tower fell, like a tree who had been chopped down by a lumberjack. Cid grinned, knowing that the other's efforts to bring that tower down would only have it crash down on them.

Of course, there was a side effect of having George use such a move. The owl started to dim, until he was normal, but when he was shrinking, he returned to half of his original size. He also looked really weak. "Looks like you're going to need to let me out more. That last easterly took more out of me then I thought" he said, eyeing Cid with very tired eyes. Cid knew that look all too well, and with those words, he reached into a compartment, expanded the owl's boomerang, and recalled the spirit back into it's boomerang. "Sorry for pushing you that hard. Hell, sorry for even using you, but the field required it." he muttered, putting the folded boomerang in his compartment.

"All right gentlemen, the field has changed. My owl is currently going to have to take a break, and I hesitate to call out another spirit. The enemy has lost their latest spirit, and the fog. The fog will help us, but at the same time we can expect a full out assult. With our current numbers, I sugget we go defensive. Any suggestions?" he asked, using all sound channels. "Keep an eye out, they're probably mobilizing on the west side as we speak... though that falling tower will buy us time... I just don't know if it will reach them."

Kellehendros -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/23/2007 12:06:34)

Alex's stirring slowed to a stuttering halt, and his magical control of the water that had accumulated underneath the great tower drained away. The mage stared in shock towards the center of the Arena, at the place where, mere moments earlier, the massive human had once stood. A great fiery burst of heat from the man's magma armor had consumed him. The message was abundantly clear those lacking proper respect for the Elements, especially their Elements, would have no place in the Championship.

Moments later the ground around Alex, Arudain, Seli, and Cecilia began to vibrate. The rattling of the earth transmited up through Alex's bones, and seemingly forming into Valendr'el's voice, informing them that another competitor had been purged as well. The Earth Mage and the Fire Beserker, two members of Cid's team, this could seriously help thier chances.

The mage dropped to one knee, leaning forward on his staff for support. Valendr'el had arrived, and was asking what thier next move should be. Alex looked over towards Cecilia, as she gave her rapid analysis of the situation. "I'm perfectly infavor of going after Cid and Ferith, the Ice user, but I'm going to need to rest a bit first. I need to pace myself or I'll run out of mana. If we can just take a few minutes to rest I'll be ready to go, besides it might also give us a better idea of what Cid's up to."

The group got an idea of what Cid was up to a moment later. As the water-net Alex had cast a few moments ago splashed harmlessly against the wall of the Arena there was a sudden brilliant light, and the sharp crack of an explosion. The illusory fog that had for so long hung over the field was lifted, and Alex released the spell that had been allowing him to see through the fog. The fog had hindered both sides, so it was for the best that it was lifted. "One less spell to fuel too." Alex added to himself.

Yet, like a titan a new threat loomed out of the disipated fog. The tower that the Earth Mage had erected was falling. Unfortunately it was falling directly towards them.

"Oh my, I guess someone succeded in knocking it over." Alex gasped, and pointed to the tower. "Um, I suggest we move, and now!" Without further ado, Alex did just that, dashing along the curved Arena wall towards the North-side of the field, where he could just make out a growing pool of water, apparently run off from the broken fountain.

dragon -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/23/2007 13:43:29)

Valendr'el was busy catching his breath when a new commotion erupted behind him. He was dazzled as the fierce winds suddenly dissapated, and the false fog that had been so heavy just moments before was immediately banished from sight. The wind spirit was gone, and that was bad news.

He saw the boomerang swirling fiercely back to its origin, the destructive device splitting the air as it rampaged back to Cid. Valendr'el became even madder at this site, though the pure rage building behind his senses blotted out the reason for this anger. He calmed himself once more, although at this point doing so was becoming increasingly harder as the events of battle unraveled in front of him.

The fog was not the only thing to leave its long held position in the arena. At this point, the wind spirit in the middle of the arena was visible, hovering with ease on the steady wind currents. It was not long before the owl let down the defenses of the barrier, for one reason or another. At the same time, Valendr'el observed the geomancer's drill grinding into the base of the tower, which began to sway in the presence of the slight breeze in the arena. His gaze whipped upward as the owl grew larger, now clearly part of a plan that was being put into play as he thought. As the owl dove at the tower, Valendr'el knew that he planned to topple the tower towards them, and with that momentum, he would certainly drive the tower down hard. Right towards his group.

Alex seemed to notice this too, for as the tower began to toppled, he shouted and sped off out of range of the falling tower. Valendr'el motioned to his companions, and with that he accelerated into a sprint towards Alex, out of the way of the brutal attack on their position. When Valendr'el came into position next to Alex, he turned towards where the tower was toppling. He quickly transformed into a defensive position, and prepared himself to stop any debris that might come their way. The mana began to swirl at Valendr'el's fingertips, as he mentally prepared himself for the coming chaos. But his thoughts were invaded by two very persistent spirits.

Valendrel let us free. We ssshhhhall serve you, to the end.

Yes Valendr'el, let us call upon the mountains of the land, upon the plains of the desert, upon the canyons of the world. Let us gather our Earth brethren, and together we shall reign eternal!

Valendr'el focused inwards to speak to the spirits.

Releasing you now will enable all of these competitors to comprehend more of my power, of my tricks. You shall stay with me for now, and when the time comes, you shall be released. But now is not that time. Now is the time to hold back, to use as little power possible to decieve. They already know I can fly upon the earth, let us not give away my spirit connections just yet. You know as well as I do that if you call upon other spirits I cannot control them, and if they choose to attack me, my only defense will be your word and my earth alignment. Against your brethren, that will not be enough.

Yessssss Valendr'el, we understand.

That we do, agreed the other spirit.

Once again he returned to observe the chaos that would inevitably begin soon.

Shodu -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/23/2007 20:50:23)

Ferith cheered as the fog vanished, this was good. He would no longer have to depend on ice to guide him to his destinations, which made his job much, much, easier. He was still grinning when Cid's message reached him. His skin went a slightly paler shade and Ferith turned to see the tower falling. Ferith yelped and dashed to the north, the south being too far to go to properly escape. Ferith chanced a look at the opposing team as he ran. They didn't seem too badly off, but they weren't exactly the best either. Ferith sighed, they were probably more mana heavy than he was, he had nearly exhausted his supply of mana. Of course, they didn't know that. Not yet anyway. Ferith figured he stood a good chance against the water user, his ability to freeze anything Alex threw at himi would be a huge asset. Ferith frowned, they had gained an ally, one he didn't recognize. They had light, wind, water, and earth... Ferith knew he was the only ice user to have been signed for the Fountain Arena, meaning that there was a high chance of the new guy to be either dark, energy, or fire. Cecilia didn't seem to take to darkness so well so... energy or fire? Ferith's stomach muscles clenched. If it was a fire user he would be in trouble. They'd have to take out the new guy, quickly, before any sign of fire had even the slightest chance of being shown. Ferith lost some magical ability against fire mages, and he wasn't too keen on a polar element battle. It was too hard to strike one down without his attacks turning to steam.

Ferith cursed loudly and stopped running after he was a good distance away from the falling tower. Ferith needed to regenerate his magic, he'd need a hiding place. Ferith remembered the waterfall where he had thrown his "third eye" up. If he could get near there he'd have a huge advantage over anyone that got near him.

"Cid, I suggest we get nearer to our starting point, where the waterffall was. I'll have a good advantage there, and the water user will be fairly easy to beat seeing as how I can freeze anything he throws at us. It's also good because it's less chaotic there, everyone's been moving away from there due to the lava, which should have cooled down. It also means one less side to watch if they try to make an offense. We need to regroup, and that'll be a good chance to rest our energy. They'll probably come with a powerful offense so we should be in good condition when it happens. Thoughts?" Ferith communicated through Cid's sound channels.

Thecius Landera -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/24/2007 16:09:10)

Arudain stood motionless, searching for any sign of the ice man, or any other enemy. Suddenly he felt the lava guy and another compeitior in the direction of the tower vanish. 'I alone control fire now'

He listened closely to Cecilia's plan. "Sounds good to me."

Suddenly the object he had felt cross the barrier earlier exploded, the aftermath revealed that Siren had been banished from the field and that the fog was gone.

That was not all however, the owl on the other side had just expanded and proceeded to knock the tower over. Arudain turned and ran, stopping just in front of Alex.

Parts of the tower broke off as it hit the ground, flying towards the group. Most landed short tearing gashes into the ground. Arudain watched the dust settle then turned to his comrades, "I don't see that this changes anything, Valendr'el if you're ready, let's get the ice man." As he said that he saw a figure headed north. 'The ice man? It's definitly not the Wind man.' Quickly going through his limited knowledge, Arudain decided that the figure was very likely the ice man and even if it wasn't his "arrows" could still do damage.

Arudain pulled two of his fire arrows, one in each hand and pointed them in the direction of the figure. After he whispered a few words, both arrows flew toward their target. As they left his hands, he let out a roar that could be heard around the arena just to rattle his enemies. The arrows flew side by side, one a little higher than the other. His special fire arrows rarely missed, but then again he had never used them against anything as skilled as the competitors in this particular arena.

Shodu -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/24/2007 16:47:49)

Ferith heard an ear-splitting roar and stopped, whirling around. In his direction arrows of fire flew towards him, gaining speed quickly. One was slightly higher above the other.

"Damnit! Cid, I'm going to be late. The other team's holding me up!" Ferith drew power from his katar and slashed into the air, two small daggers of ice flying out of them and straight into the arrows, turning the fire into steam and splitting the arrows in two, sending them flying into the ground. Ferith had been lucky the arrows had been shot from so far away and that he had the roar to alert him otherwise he may not even have been able to throw such a spell. Ferith checked on his mana supply, less than half. That was bad, even with his regeneration he as low. Ferith steeled himself for another blow, his katar's tightly clutched in his grip. Things were bad, the other team had a fire user. No doubt the fire user would be joined by another, Ferith's stomach muscles clenched. He might be able to take out the fire user alone- although that would involve some luck- however if they were joined by another... Ferith shuddered. He needed to stall for time, gain some mana, and find a way to escape. Ferith couldn't charge the man now, he was too close to his teammates... he'd have to draw him away. Ferith shot a glance at the man, memorizing his face, and dashed to the south towards Cid's position, making sure to increase the distance between him and them. His opponent was an archer, he had no doubt the man would be as fast, if not faster, than he was. His biggest option was to reach Cid, who would be able to help him, especially when it came to the arrows. They say a change of wind can make all the difference. If he could lure the man away from his team he'd be easier to kill, that much Ferith was certain.

The other team most likely had someone blocking his escape to Cid, Ferith realized. That'd be the plan of action they'd expect. Ferith growled, would he risk it?

"Cid, I won't be able to reach your position, I think they're going to block the escape route. Chances are they're trying to split us up and outnumber us both, I'm going to try and kill the guys fighting me but I'm not sure I'll be able to pull it off, they've got a fire mage. Send help if you get the chance!" With that Ferith leapt over the peices of the fallen tower and spun, facing his opponent, Katar flashing dangerously. It was too dangerous to risk trying to reach Cid, if he was right about them trying to split the two up they'd more than likely have someone in the way, and furthermore Cid himself would be preoccupied. Ferith cursed violently under his breath. The mage was an archer, this meant he'd have to find a way to get close to kill, however Ferith knew better than that. He'd be severely weakened if he got anywhere near the man... he might to use some of the tricks he was saving.

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/24/2007 17:25:48)

Cid mentally cursed. "Crap, they're trying to split us up? Then we'll just group up." he muttered.

"Alright team, move to the northern half of the field. Ferith needs back up, the other team is trying to split us up. If we stay grouped up, they can't use the old divide and conquer strategy. Ferith, I want you to cover me, or at least take out the fire user while I occupy him" Cid explained, using the sound channels. With this, Cid put on an extra burst of speed and rounded up near Ferith's position.

Cid quickly analyzed the situation, keeping on the alert for aditional support for the fire user. "Bow? Oh good, archer, that makes this fight much easier then I first thought. I do love long ranged combat." And with that, Cid launched another sound attack, though far from one that was considered a "heavy" spell, but it did require concentration.

Cid first started by staring directly at Arudain. He then extended his right arm, and then began snapping. But, the snaps couldn't be heard. Instead, the snaps were quickly upped in frequency, and re-directed to hit Arudain. Cid knew the relative natural frequency of the eyes, and fortunately on Lore it was realtively the same, so he was hoping that wouldn't be a problem. If his sound waves, which were practically invisible unless one could feel the distortions of the wind, as the sound was beyond the normal hearing range, hit, they would cause Arudains' eyeballs to vibrate. This trick was something he picked up when he was trying to escape from a scout patrol of Geotans. Essentially, the eyeballs are rattling to the point that the person begins to see halucinations.

Of course, Cid knew that this wouldn't be enough to distract Aurdain, and not even knowing if it would hit, so he decided to re-create his ventriloquism trick he had used on the berskerker. The difference was instead of persuading the opponent, it was merely to distract them. Cid hoped that it would be enough for Ferith to move in and take care of the archer. He also hoped he would do it quickly, as doing both of these moves at once required concentration. He could keep his senses up just enough to detect incoming-danger, but the best he could hope for was a sudden dodge, as counter-attacking would be too slow of a reaction at this point, unless the opponent happened to stall.

The conversation that was going on went something like this.

"How do you do?" asked a bass voice in the left ear.

"Who, me? I'm doing quite fine?" said a female voice in the Right ear.

"What is your name, madame?" asked the bass voice.

"Mary, and yours?"

"Bob, I must say, it is rather odd to meet you here"

"Really? I thought you also lived in this man's head" Mary said.

"Ahh, yes, how silly of me, so, what do you think is going on here?" Bob asked.

"What did you say?' asked Mary

"I SAID, WHAT DO YOU THINK HE'S DOING?" yelled thed Bob voice, quite loudly that time

"I think we're in the middle of a fight!" Mary responded.


"WE'RE IN A FIGHT!" yelled Mary.

"Oh, who do you think we're fighitng?"



And the conversation went on like that, while other events transpired and Cid was trying to distract for Ferith to attack. All this while snapping his fingers to keep up the sonic bombardment.

Kysito -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/24/2007 23:29:47)

Kor walked into the arena, armor servos humming. Looking up at the terraced hill with it's fountains, he contemplated how beautiful it was, and what a waste it was to use it for fighting. "What am I thinking?", he muttered. "Fighting is my life..." Checking his armor circuits, he activated his HUD. A X shimmered into being on the front of his visor, and other displays appeared showing the charge remaining in his power pack, and the fuel he had remaining for his jump jets. Seeming to have still escaped the notices of the other champions who were locked in combat, he activated the polarizing on his visor, and his face shimmered out of view, replaced by a reflective coating. By now, the Spectators were probably wondering why a drakel, who usually concentrated on scientific pursuits, was here in the Arena. Kor was a drakel of aboyout average height, however his armor elevated him to about 7 feet in height, and weighed a bit over half a ton. Kor's armor was not like that of the other drakel, it waas more form fitting, allowing better maneuverability. Also, the arm cannon and shield had been replaced with servo-assisted gauntlets, allowing him to manipulate things. Attached to the forearm of his right arm was an arc caster, which would fire a bolt of pure energy at his target. His other visible weapon, an energy sword, was integrated into the right gauntlet. Finally deciding he was ready, he raised the arc caster, and fired an energy bolt into the top fountain, and watched it cascade down the interconnected fountains.

Onomatopoeia -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/25/2007 16:38:49)

Luthor had been wandering around aimlessly, thinking to himself about various things, mostly going over the things he knew about his enemies from observation. He never was much good under pressure, he could plan ahead like nobody's business but that required ample time to prepare, spur of the moment was not his forte, when he looked he discovered himself standing next to a mage who he presumed was Cid, "Well now, isn't that a daisy. Here I am wandering around aimlessly and who do I happen upon but my good friend, Cid. You wouldn't happen to have any whiskey on you would ya? I'd kill for a drink right about now. I swear this reminds of the time I saved the world from an evil overlord by throwing his magic ring into a volcano.

It's actually a pretty good story, you see before I was born, my mother was attending my uncle's hundred and tenth-ish birthday and suddenly they were attacked by vampires. But not just any vampires. Dragon vampires. And one of them had their way with my mother. Since my dearly departed mother was half-angel, half-demon that makes me a quarter vampire, a quarter dragon, a quarter angel and a quarter demon. You might think that this is an unusual turn of events but when I was born my evil uncle tried to have me killed. He sent me to the mortal realm so that he could rule the gods, did I mention that my father is the kind of the gods? I think I did at some point. Anyway, so there I was mano-e-mano with my archnemesis and BANG! ZOOM! POW! Just like that I slew the villain, saved the damsel in distress and became a hero. Of course, the damsel in distress was really a drag queen that my archnemesis had mistaken for a princess but nevertheless I saved him."

Luthor looked around and drew his blade, "I say, would you mind pointing out one of our opponents? I'm not very up to date on who's who around here, don't want to be attacking one of my would-be teammates."

Thecius Landera -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/29/2007 20:01:44)

Arudain watched as his arrows zoomed toward the figure, then felt them dissipate out of sight. He had missed. His attack seemed to have drawn another competitor toward the figure. This second figure, who seemed to be the Wind Man, stepped into view. "Guys, looks like are targets are coming together."

The Wind Man began to snap, Arudain's eyes began to rattle horribly and his vision blurred. He forced his eyes shut, relying on his ability to sense magic auras.

Then came Bob and Mary, He chuckled at the Wind Man's amusing tactic, and ignored the annoying voices. Arudain dared not open his eyes, fearful of the effects the vibration would have on his vision. He grunted , "Friends I'd apprecate some cover, my next little spell will weaken me for a bit. I need you distract them and keep them where they are.

Arudain was standing on a raised portion where the lava had piled up before cooling. He strengthened his defensive; it would only draw on his energy if needed. It would be strong enough to deflect at least one attack.

He blew some fire onto the ground just in front of his feet. He began to concentrate only on the fire, keeping aware enough to recognize an attack before it hit. He began to chant a mixture of growls and words of magic. The small fire burning in front of him shaped into a ring, drawing power from Arudain and the little bit of heat still in the lava. As the chant continues the ring grows into a cylinder around Arudain. Then the cylinder forms into a wall in front of Arudain. To onlookers it appears to be nothing more than a potent defensive spell. The wall seperates into a multitude of fireballs which then randomly lob themselves in a quick arc towards the Wind Man and his friends, effectively blanketing the area around the Wind man. Some of the fireballs fly straight towards their target in an effort to prevent a sneak attack and reduce the enemies ability to evade. The spell complete, Arudain drops to one knee hoping his efforts will at least break the spell on his eyes.

Shodu -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/29/2007 20:21:24)

Ferith cursed so loudly he wouldn't be surprised if Death himself heard him. He drew on the power of his katar quickly and frantically searched for a water source. He found one.

Near the tower, there was a large pool of water. The aquamance... they had tried to bring down the tower from the ground. Furthermore, there was the ice from Ferith's ice spikes. Ferith reached out to the water and ice and they flew from the rubble towards him, creating a dome around him and Cid just before the fire hit. There was a hissing sound as some of the fire melted the ice, turning to steam. Ferith was focusing all his efforts into keeping the dome intact but he failed, a fireball bursting through and striking him in his left arm, burning his forearm and sending Ferith falling onto the floor. His fall caused him to accidentally shatter his dome into peices. Ferith cried out and felt the peices reform into a large wall, taking four more fireballs before collapsing. Ferith was panting heavily, slowly getting up. His arm had been burned quite badly, Ferith's insides churned. He walked over to what remained of the ice on the ground, that had taken quite a bit of his magic. He was now panting heavily, he needed to use just a couple more spells... Ferith drew upon the ice on the ground and felt it wrap around his arm, freezing the area and effectively numbing it. The cold around the wound didn't bother him, he was used to cold, but it limited usability of that arm, he could barely move it. Ferith managed to release his katar which he attached to his side. This would change his strategy a bit... but he could bend it to his advantage... maybe.

"Damnit..." Ferith wheezed. His heart was beating furiously. Ferith looked up at his opponent, now was his chance... Ferith felt rage swell up inside of him, as well as adrenaline pumping through his veins. He dashed towards his opponent, brandishing one of his katar. He quickly rotated the handle and felt the katar split in two... he loved the design. He had been planning on using the ability later but now seemed the best oppurtunity. He quickly threw both halves of his katar at his opponent. He drew magic from the remaining katar and threw two finger-sized icicle spears at his opponent. They were not fatal, however they would certainly injure his opponent if they hit. Ferith homed in to his opponent, fingering his last katar... he would kill or be killed trying.

Kysito -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/30/2007 18:30:06)

It seemed that his gambit with the fountains had failed. Looking around the Arena, his eyes came to rest on Cid. The Man seemed to be distracted with his fingers, and would be an ideal target. However, he was too far away for a clear shot. Activating his jump jets, Kor leapt twenty feet into the air. Bracing for landing, let his legs bend with the fall, and bounced back up. Quickly throwing a flash bomb in front of Cid, he dimmed his visor, and fired three rapid shots in succession, before jumping again, and firing from the new angle. Hopefully, the electric charges would disable the man, allowing him to be finished off. Kor was not one to believe in teams, unless it was absolutely nessecary, and was rarely willing to let a good attack oppurtunity go to waste.

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/30/2007 20:17:50)

Cid cursed, as a fireball whizzed passed him as he had barely been able to dodge it. He had to break concentration, this wouldn't work in an environment like this, and he didn't know where his other team mates. He held out as long as he could, giving Ferith as much time as possible, when a new threat caused him to break the spell and turn his attention.

He had felt the electric attack as it was launched at the fountain. He knew that there was magi-tech around, he could hear it moving. After working around the Airship, one got a knack for picking up the sound of heavy machinery. Cid particularly, as he had trained himself to listen to the sounds of the airship specifically in case something were to go wrong that could be indicated by a sound. So, it wasn't suprising when he heard jets being used. After he hearing a thud that was near him, he knew that it was time to get out of there, because any sort of machine that made that loud of a thud was most likely a mech of sorts, and it would be aiming at whoever it felt like. He decided to drop the spell now, as Ferith was moving to attack his opponent. He then unslung his scythe, and slammed it into the ground, the spike penetrating the earth, allowing it to stand upright by itself. He backed off a bit, thinking that it would be some sort of bolt cannon used for ammunition, as it had previously been demonstrated.

The flashbomb caught Cid off gaurd, and it took him a few seconds for him to recover. Fortunately, the shots fired at Cid were indeed electrical. The plasma cannon mounted on the scythe had a tendency to create it's own little electro-magnetic field, one that usually drawed electricity from near the vicinity to the cannon itself. To prevent an electrical overload, the cannon was designed to allow any outside electric surges and such to pass through the shaft of the scythe, as it was indeed made of metal. Esentially, Cid's scythe was a giant lightning rod. Had Cid been holding the scythe, he would have gotten himself a nice dosage of electricity. However, do to the fact the scythe was grounded and not touching any other conductors, the electric bolts were re-directed towards the scythe, and made their way into the ground, where they fizzed out.

After recovering from the shock of being temporarily blinded, Cid yanked his scythe out of the ground, to prevent someone else from getting it, and turned his attention to the giant mech suit. Wondering exactly how stable it was, he slashed his scythe horrizonatally, creating another boomerang-shaped Air Slash at the mech. He had hoped that he had calculated enough so it would hit, but even if it did, he was unsure of it's effectiveness.

Kellehendros -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (8/31/2007 10:35:10)

Alex had only a brief impression of Arudain following him, and a fleeting glimpse of Valendr'el as well, where were Seli and Cecilia?

The great tower crashed down deafeningly, fragments of the wounded outer shell shattered off, sending a blanket of dust and debris flying out for a few yards. Luckily Alex's position was far enough from the tower that the earthen missles fell short.

The mage turned, his eyes lighting on Arudain, apparently the only member of the team who had managed to stick with him through the fall of the tower. Alex eyed the Fire Mage's bow and arrows of flame respectfully, then turned to survey the arena. He caught a glimpse of a figure moving out of the settling cloud of dust.

It was Cid. This might be their lucky break.

Arudain launched several of his arrows at Ferith, who had also emerged from the dust cloud aways away, though they were destroyed by the Ice Mage's magic. What followed next was confusing to Alex, Arudain winced in pain, closing his eyes and then laughing for some inexplicable reason.

The Fire Mage stepped up onto a pile of mostly hardened lava, instucting Alex to help defend him after he casts his next spell. Arudain created a shifting wall of flames that resolved into a grouping of fireballs that launched themselves towards Cid and Ferith.

Ferith's response was to create a dome of ice against which the fireballs shattered explosively. Alex cheered reflexively as the dome shattered and the two men within where pelted with the remaining fireballs.

Unsure of how much damage Arudain's attack might have done, Alex gestured with his staff, roping magic around the gouts of steam released by the fireballs' impacts. Muttering an incantation under his breath, Alex pulled the whole steaming mass towards himself and Arudain, attempting to create a hazy barrier between them, Cid, and Ferith which should help protect them from any projectile attacks insofar as they would be harder to see, and thus, harder to target.

The effort was a bit late though. Ferith charged, light flashing off two metal projectiles, and winking merrily off two more icy spikes. "Arudain, move it!" Alex barked out the order, then swirled his staff around, causing the steam cloud to condense into a thick blanket in front of the Fire Mage. The steam's remaining heat should be able to melt the icicles, and perhaps the thickening of the water in the air could slow the flying knives, but it wasn't a chance to take.

Heeding his own advice, Alex darted out from one side of his steam curtain, just as there was a brilliant flash of light, and the crackling smell of burnt ozone. Was it the same Energy user as before, or another one come late to the competition?

Kysito -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (9/2/2007 12:18:16)

Kor was nearly knocked over by the blast of wind, armor servos humming frantically to maintain his footing. Kor replayed the last few seconds of Video on his Visor, and saw that his bolts had been deflected into the scythe. That wouldn't do. Pulling another device from his belt, he hurled it towards Cid's feet. This was one of his own inventions, a grenade packed with a small charge, but mostly elecroconductive gel. This should splatter Cid and everything in the vicinity with the Gel. Even if the scythe did catch the bolts, it would still feed through the gel, and therefore Cid. Firing a small steel spike into the ground on the other side of cid from the scythe as a ground, Kor sighted, and opened fire once again.

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Fountain Arena (9/2/2007 18:41:50)

Cid decided that sticking around in one spot was a very, very, very bad idea. Thus, with this reasoning, he quickly lept into the air, right around the time the device exploded. The gel flung around the entire ground below, but foruntately Cid was able to blow away any of the gel that got too close to him back to the ground. Deciding that staying in this area would mean his doom, and seeing that Ferrith was unfortunately a lost cause, Cid decided to lure the newcomer away, by bolting to the southern side of the field, which he did so after descending back to the field a few meters away from the point of fire.

After a good burst of speed putting some distance between him and Kor, Cid stopped and panted. This battle was starting to take it's toll, so he decided that now was the time to get ready. Out of one of his compartments were a pair of Cid's Heavy Duty Gloves, which he used often while working on the Airship's systems. Certainly insulated enough to block a good jolt of electricity, Cid felt confident that if his scythe took another bolt, he wouldn't get scrambled by it, but it depended on the voltage.

Cid also decided to use one of his gels, he had 4 or 5 left anyways. He figured that it would be better to be safe then sorry, not knowing the full potential of this newcomer. He also needed to stall a bit, waiting for his own tech-cannon to recharge so he could use it again. With these thoughts in mind, Cid turned in the direction of where the power suit was, and awaited his oppenent, as the gel slowly started to restore a portion of his magic supply and some energy to him.

He did also think that this suit would be dangerous, as a wind slash wasn't capable of toppling it over apparantly. He'd need something with a tad more oomph if he wanted to take him down. He had a few more tricks, but he hoped he wouldn't have to resort to them quite yet.

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