=AK= Meet the ArchKnights: blues & jimbo32! (Full Version)

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blues -> =AK= Meet the ArchKnights: blues & jimbo32! (3/12/2008 11:47:24)

Hello to everyone! Iīm the new AK for DF GD,CR&A and EC/BS.
You will meet me most of the time in CR&A and EC.

Some of you may already know me from AQ CR&A or as SoO.
Now itīs your chance to ask me questions. I will answer all of them as long as itīs not too personal.

My editing Color is blue of course :P

Limit is: A maximum of 20 questions per person and not more than 2 posts please!

Let the torture fun begin.

/me hijacks blues' thread!

And I'll be editing in this colour

I figured it would be a bit silly to make another thread, so here I am! Like blues, I'm also an AQ Squire of Order and an old veteran of AQ Equipment Comparison.

Unlike blues (who apparently splits his time between his secret mountaintop chalet/hideout and his underwater lair) I'm from Nova Scotia, Canada. Strangely enough, I'm a huge Cleveland Browns fan, despite the fact that I've never actually been to the city (some of you may have seen my "Big Dawg" avatar from a while back). [For those Europeans/Asians/Aussies/etc., the Browns are an American Football team. You may be seeing them in the Superbowl sometime soon!]

Anyway, have at it. And please keep to the 20 question limit. You can spread it out however you like (10 to each of us or whatever), but anything past 20 will be ignored/deleted at our whim. :)


Vaseline28 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: blues (3/12/2008 11:48:49)

/me snugglehuggles, you've been around for yonks!!!

I can pester you to my satisfaction on IRC so I won't bother you here.
Yeah, I know :P. Meet you on IRC!

colorsnugs back :)

You edit mine, I edit yours :P

SuperDaria -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: blues (3/12/2008 11:49:44)

Why that Avvy?
Homer Rules! :P

Why Blues?
Itīs my favourite Color.

DO you like blue?because I do.
Of course!


Are you getting used to lock threads?
Yes. Iīm an AK since August 2007 so Iīm used to it.

Brilliancy -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: blues (3/12/2008 11:54:20)

bluesy! :D
Brill! :)


I am sure you'll have lots of fun there!
I hope so.

Uhm... Homer after 1 week in EC/BS? :D

Congrats again!
Thx Brill :))))

Edited out the [image][/image] tags, please just link to images to help our dial-up users, thanks! ~Vas
*Edits Vas out of her post :P*
I can't believe that Vas tried to use his magical-AK'ing powers on Brill! o: He's mad with power! Run for your lives! ;)

/me comes back... jimbo arrived! :D

But first of all - congrats!
Thanks Brill!

As noone really knows how will EC in DF work, I guess I should say "good luck, you'll need it" :P
Nah, luck is for rookies!

Does this mean that now when you have even more work to do, I won't see you posting pictures in DF Pedia anymore? :(
Nope, I'll still post some when the mood overtakes me. :)

*seeyouonirchugglesnugglepounces* [:D]
Strangely enough, I'm talking to you as I type - you gave me a guilt trip!

rabbithop1 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: blues (3/12/2008 12:00:25)

Congrats Homer!
Thank you!

Do you like your movie?
Of course!

Favorite sock?
Left, what else.

Who give you the AKship
Scakk Akīed me for AQ CR&A, for DF alac and IMY.

WOOT 1ST PAGE! Am i allowed? [:)]
Hmmmm..... ok, but only this time!

Uhm, whats your favourite food?
Greek and Italian.

So, have you something to say?


Congrats again [;)].
Thx again.

Scottrick95 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: blues (3/12/2008 12:22:14)

hey blues and jimbo32
Heya scott!


list for both of you
1.what is you favorate color(besides blue or any shade of it)(for jimbo besides orange)?
Black, but itīs no color per se.

2.Is this torture?
I hope this will be fun.

3.Do you watch family guy?
Nope, sorry.

4.Why blues and jimbo?
Itīs my favourite Color.

5.What is your favorate sport?

5.Do you know how to count?

Ok thats it for now Cya

Itachi Power -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: blues (3/12/2008 12:22:38)


Do you like your job?

Do you like DF?

What color is my underwear?
I hope not brown and yellow..... *shrugs*

Do you got a dragon in DF?
Yes, I got my little Homer :)


speelman -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: blues (3/12/2008 12:38:30)

Congratulations bleus
Thx speel!

do you have any pets ?

any favorite tv series ?
Friends, Heroes, House M.D, Scrubbs,....

what's your favorite food ?
Greek and Italian

favorite book ?

favorite music style

favorite band
AC/DC, Meat Loaf....

see you on the forums [:)]

leon19 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: blues (3/12/2008 13:53:52)

good a new member ^^ nice to meet you
Not soooo new, but nice to meet you too!

do you have any pets ?

what's your favorite food ?
Greek and Italian.

favorite band
AC/DC, Meat Loaf....

ps2 or psp?
Too bad, I have none of them :(

pizza or hot dog?

do youthink this year df would have music for the quests?
Maybe, but I prefer to listen to other Music while playing.

see you later pal [;)]
See you :)

Mephiles The Dark -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: blues (3/12/2008 14:00:40)

WELLcome in the forums.....I have some questions:

Favorite game : AQ , DF or MQ ???
A:Foe now I enjoy MQ a lot, because itīs new, but I like all 3
Favorite food: Pizza or Hamburger ???
A:Hmmmm... BOTH!
Favorite element : Darkness or Light ???
Favorite punition type: Warning , Ban or Delete posts ???
A: Ban FTW!!! No favourite. I would prefer that everybody follows the Rules.

~dark vador~

supermarioitalia -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: blues (3/12/2008 14:03:51)

Hi and congrats!
Hi and Thx!

Why did you choose that avatar?
Homer rules!

Is your favourite colour blue?

Which do you like most: DF, AQ, or MQ
For now i enjoy playing MQ because itīs new. But I like all 3 games.

Thank you for your time and congratulations again!!
Thank you for your Questions and Cya!

Resolute -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: blues (3/12/2008 14:08:04)

Hey blues! Jimbo, feel free to answer also...
Heya GB!

So, do you like the blues?
I like the music, not having it.

Do you play StarCraft?
No, sorry

Are you in any clans?
I was in the Rice Cake clan!

Quick, look down!
Nice Floor

If you had 3 wishes, what would they be? Can't wish for more wishes...
1) Enough Money so I can do what I want
2) Always nice company
3) Wisdom and peace for everyone

What are your superpowers?
Psshhh.... we are not allowed to talk about this!

What would you look like in a manga comic?
Homer and mangas? No way!

What anime do you watch?
Iīm a bit too old for Anime I think.

You ever been to homestarrunner.com? If not, go there. Now.
I will!

Can you do a stunt double?
/me does a stunt double. See?

What is your secret identity?
Password required for this Question!

What 10 things do you hate?
Stupidity, having to get up early, when my comp doesnīt work, wars, high prices,....

Do you take bribes?

What shape are your shackles?
Triangular and narrow :)

What is your favorite candy?


Do you have any secret recipes you want to share with me?
Then they would not be secret anymore....

You heard of The Hives? They're a band

What is your favorite sentance?
Der klügere gibt nach, ein geflügeltes Wort, Es begründet die weltherrschaft der Dummheit!
Sorry, canīt translate it for you, but thatīs one of my favourite sentences.

Gaming system?
SNES, Nintendo 64, yeah pretty old style.

Well, see you around?
I think so.


FC -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: blues (3/12/2008 14:12:12)

hey congrats I saw you on aq before
At least one who already knows me :)

so what is your favorite game aq,df or mq
Foe now i enjoy MQ because its new, but I ike all 3 games.

so why homer?
Homer rules!

thats all for now but ill be back
See you then!

Lennyoh -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: blues (3/12/2008 14:26:16)

How did you become an AK?
Scakk AKīed me for AQ CR&A a long time ago. For DF I volunteered.

Did you ever get in trouble with any of the mods?
I donīt think so

Are you random?
No, Iīm special!

Brownies or cookies?

Favoruite AE game?
I like all 3

Choclate syrup or maple Syrup?
Chocolate. have you ever tried it with bananas?

Congrats on being an AK

roachbug -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: blues (3/12/2008 14:37:59)


what's your favorite cookie?

Whats your favorite shade of blue?

are you gonna abuse your power's?
[bsSure Never of course!

Pancake's or waffels?

is this random enough?
Tis ok

Do you like my sig?
Do you want a honest or a nice answer?

well that's all c ya around :)

WA -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: blues (3/12/2008 15:36:29)

Congrats on becoming an AK!!
Thank you!

1)Does this picture show how you will treat the forums?
Yeah exactly!!! No, Iīm a really nice person

2)Or this one?
:o, I think that is what will happen probably :P

3)Can you eat logs?
Homer eats everything

4)Do you like Lisa because she plays the blues, or hate her because of that racket?
I like Lisa!

5)I probably know the answer, but have you seen the simpsons movie?
What? Thereīs a Movie???? Sure!!!

flyingkidjoe -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: blues (3/12/2008 17:36:39)

*Starts huming blue's clue's*

Oh sorry ;0 Hiya
Btw Gratz
Heya and Thx!

Question 1 Sooo Blue's that's a inresting name how did you come up with it?
Itīs my favourite Color so this was easy.

Question 2 Any sibling's?
Sadly no

Question 3 Cake or pie?

Question 4 Aq.Df,Mq?
All 3 :)

Question 5 Fav Book?

Question 6 What tv show's do you like?
Friends, House M.D, Scrubbs, heroes

Question 7 Children?
Only at work

Question 8 These question's geting boring yet?
Not yet

Question 9 Do you like SPAM -Note has two meaning's ;)
One I like, one I hate. Now guess.... :P

Well that's it ^_^
or is it?!!?!

Question 10 do you like the invisable typeing? lol
Invisible? You need some Glasses, really... :P

Croncler -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: blues (3/12/2008 18:24:09)

OMZ I knew you'd be AKed on day, congrat... hmmm wait! Don't I know you? [sm=icon_eek.gif]
Wow a typing Chicken!!!!

How are you enjoying... oh wait you had them already...

What will be your tit... no you got that too...

Bah you're no fun! [:(]

/me gives eggs to Blues
/me makes fried eggs. Thx!

Then again if IRC could speak it would tell much ;P
Oh yes, it would! :P

bob.builder -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: blues (3/12/2008 19:05:30)

YAY! First Page!
wOOt first post!

Let the fun/torture begin. (whatever you want to call it)
I hope it will be fun.

1) I hope I'm not too annoying. (Why is this #1?)
Thatīs what I hope too

2) Chickencows?
to small, not enough meat. :P

3) Cowchickens?
Soundīs better as long as they are not mad.

4) AQ Clan

5) MQ House
3 Chars. One for every house.

6) If I put two 6's, can I evade the 20-Q limit?
I can count.

7) If I don't put numbers, can I evade the 20-Q limit?
You can try :P

8) Game system? (Xbox, PS3, etc.)
None of them, but I plan to buy one.

10) If someone snugglehugs you, what would you do?
I snugglehugglewuggle

11) If someone snugglepounces you, what would you do?
I attacksnuggle

12) Where did # 9 go?

9) Ah.. Here it is.
You found it! Congratz!

Well, I guess that's all for now. Cya on the forums.
Cool. Cya!

Ah.. and for jimbo32 (these are the exact same questions :D)

YAY! First Page!

Let the fun/torture begin. (whatever you want to call it)

1) I hope I'm not too annoying. (Why is this #1?)
No yet anyway!

2) Chickencows?
Nothing but a myth!

3) Cowchickens?
I've got one that sleeps in my basement - his name is Roy. :)

4) AQ Clan
In-game? Lucian.

5) MQ House
Wolfblade for my main character

6) If I put two 6's, can I evade the 20-Q limit?
I guess you'll find out when you scroll down!

7) If I don't put numbers, can I evade the 20-Q limit?
See above.

8) Game system? (Xbox, PS3, etc.)
PC games FTW!

10) If someone snugglehugs you, what would you do?
I don't do snugs on general principal :)

Well, I guess that's all for now. Cya on the forums.

The Game -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: blues (3/12/2008 19:12:22)


You do realize the mistake you made posting another one of these right?
Yes I know, that was a temporary masochistic attack...

Well, onto the torture questions!
I knew this wuld happen

How did you react when you found out Astral would be leaving?
Í was very sad. We became really good friends and I miss him. We worked together as raters, as AKīs, as SoOīs.

I know I could never replace him, but we are doing well in CR&A wouldn't you say?
Weīre a good team! Iīm glad to work with you! :)

Well, I am not going to ask you too many questions like last time. Bye!
Thatīs good my friend. See you on IRC! :P

Gothmog -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: blues (3/12/2008 19:14:17)

Congratz blues!
Thx Gothy! :)

You will be awesome at this!
I hope so. And together with jimbo Iīm sure we can handle this.

I really have no questions, as we speak all the time. :D
Thatīs true my friend :)

See you around!

P.S. This is the 2nd time I have posted in your MtAK thread. Shame you couldn't make it to mine :(
:o. I hope it is still open.... but as you said, we talk all the time anyway :P


2k2ewyn -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: blues (3/12/2008 19:21:10)


Itz me!
Oh, itīs you!

Having fun, answering questions?
Yes. I like it!

Do you like you having your tags put in for you?
Sure, saves me a bit of work :)

No questions today.
:o. I hope you come back with some!


mooneeve -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: blues (3/12/2008 19:42:56)

Hiya Blues!
Heya Moon :)

Did you know pjc also likes the simpsons?[;)]
Yeah, he stole Homer!!!!

Do you know why I don't ask so many questions on these things anymore?
No, but itīs a good thing.

Why is the limit 20? 20 is enough to kill someone...
20 is far beter than no limit, like my first MtAK Thead.

What took you so long to make one?
I was a bit busy. But now Iīm also in DF EC so I thought itīs time to make one.

Do you think I will return?
/me takes a look in his crystal ball: No!

Do you think chickencows shall take over the world!?
Maybe they would make things better. To be honest, far worser is not possible...

Whats your character's favorite food made by the oaklore chef?
Spaghetty. have you ever tasted them? Oh, I forgot, they are AK char only...

*suffers memory loss*
Take the yellow pill

Why am I posting here?
Obviously you have nothing better to do

Who are you?
The one who answers your questions

*regains memory*
Yellow pills always work

Oh heya blues...Bye and have a good aking![;)]
Bais and Thx!

Shadow Spawn -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: blues (3/12/2008 20:22:17)


Well,i have see you before and i just want to say hello.
Thatīs nice

1 question only:

Can you become an archknight which can be trusted ?
Tell the truth.
Sorry if i am make you too nervous.
I just being Dramatic.
Sure, you can trust me :P

Good luck by the way.

For Jimbo 32:

Hello,my name is Crusader Warrior and nice to see you.
Nice to see you as well.

5 questions:

1:What level is your AQ,DF and MQ ?
AQ: my main just recently hit 100. DF: 37, MQ: 15

2.Your favorite DF villain ? Mine is Irismancer.
Hmm. I'll have to think about that one.

3.If you dare to challenge my character in PVP for MQ and DF,DF id:Click my DF avatar and see the ID number.MQ ID:27360.
Ooh, a challenge!

4.Can you defeat me yet ?
How does this look? Clicky!
It's a little composition I like to call "sakura pwned!" Nice isn't it? ;)

Well,i am a none DA and so i did die fast by when get a DA,i could be undefeatable.

5.This question will be talking about truth.

Can you become an archknight which can be trusted?
Tell the truth.
Sorry if i am make you too nervous.
I just being Dramatic.
All ArchKnights can be trusted. I'm surprised you don't know that - I think it's in the Old Testament. ;)

That is all.Enjoy your life.[;)]

tombstone -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: blues (3/12/2008 20:29:40)

Hey! I dont know you yet, so Im tombstone. Im usually on the DF GGD more than anything else
Hello tombstone, nice to meet you!

On to some questions.

1. Have you played Super Smash Bros. Brawl? If so, then whats your favorite fighter?
Nope, sorry.

2. Have you ever met any AKs, Mods, or Staff members in real life. If so, who?
Not yet. Most of them are far away from my place

3. What goes up but never goes down?
I thought : What goes up, must come down..

4. Chocolate or Hard candy?

5. I just noticed you are letting 20 Q's in per person. Thats 5 more than usual ^_^ That wasnt really a question.
Dogs or cats?

6. Do you have a favorite MLB team? If so, who?
No, sorry. i canīt watch baseball in germany. But I have a favourite german team :)

7. Where is Springfield?
The middle of nowhere, then turn right.

8. If you could hack the system without getting caught, would you?
No. This wuld take the fun out of the game.

9. Wii, PS3, or 360?
I tend to 360 for now, but I have none of them.

10. What does your ringtone sound like?
AC/DC: Highway to hell.

11. Whats your favorite Youtube video?
I have none

12. What is the meaning of life?

13. Are you a mage, warrior, rogue, or nightelf mohawk?
Homer of course!

14. What was your first response to finding out you were being knighted?
I typed: Sure when Scakk asked me :)

15. Is it me, or is there a 500 pound gorilla in the room?
Where????? *shrugs*

16.Why did the chicken cross the road?
Because it had nothing else to do.

17. Who's your favorite forumite that's name starts with a T, ends with a type of rock, and ryhmes with "Doomcone"?
Hmmmm..... Tumbstone?????

18. What is your custom weapon, including special name?
Shadowsteel blade, clear gem, perfect handle, fireore hilt.... Oh, thats AQ :P

19. Who would win, that guy or this guy?
The big guy!

NO Q20 from me, I leave one open

See you! Good luck with your AKing
See you and Thx!

EDIT: Hmm... I already put out 20 Q for blues before you edited, jimbo. Please just answer the same questions I guess.

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