RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: blues (Full Version)

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Stephen Nix -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: blues (3/13/2008 15:26:47)

This one goes to blues:

here comes to you my questions and congrats to u on ur ak ship!
Thank you very much!

who gave you your position on the forums when you started
I got Scakkīed

Are you good or ebil or evil choose wisely because if you choose wrong your seat will explode with my iceicles rite below your chair I will send you off into the oblivion....muhahahaha! Ready to play
Iīm ebil of course

I'm an evil penguin who loves to help in the pedias the best he can so its an honor to talk to you (yes I know I say it to all AKs)....don't get me wrong I will freeze you
Then go to help there instead of asking me silly questions lazybone! :P

whats your defence to my ultimate attack of ice ownage

does this shirt make me look fat
Oh, thatīs a shirt?????

does it make you look fat

what did you do when you were first given permission to work for the forums? Did you party, dance....
I smiled for 40 hours and of course party

Remember way back when I told you you would become an AK I knew you would!
You told me that?
actually I did way back when in the days!

what is your signature lock? "B"locked, Ultimate lockdown, Clawed or even frozen in time or something else...
I have no specific lock for now. Proposals welcome :)

I hope that your having a fun time controlling the DF community...cya says Stephen Nix!
Thx and see you around :)

This one goes to jimbo32

here comes to you my questions and congrats to u on ur ak ship!
Many thanks!

who gave you your position on the forums when you started
IIRC, Kalanyr initially PM'ed me about SoO-ship, although it was actually Rayf who confirmed it. Tag-team ftw!

Are you good or ebil or evil choose wisely because if you choose wrong your seat will explode with my iceicles rite below your chair I will send you off into the oblivion....muhahahaha! Ready to play
Good. Isn't everyone?

I'm an evil penguin who loves to help in the pedias the best he can so its an honor to talk to you (yes I know I say it to all AKs)....don't get me wrong I will freeze you
Freeze me? My END is off the charts - I'm completely immune to freeze effects!

whats your defence to my ultimate attack of ice ownage
See above^

does this shirt make me look fat
You're wearing a shirt?

does it make you look fat
I'm not into shirts... I just wear a jacket.

what did you do when you were first given permission to work for the forums? Did you party, dance....
I think I needed to be medicated...;)

what is your signature lock? "B"locked, Ultimate lockdown, Clawed or even frozen in time or something else...
I'm not that inventive...

I hope that your having a fun time controlling the DF community...cya says Stephen Nix!

Cool Dragonz -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: blues (3/13/2008 15:38:59)

I want you both to reply on these >:D. A three people-y talk :D.

/Me Snugglehuggles Blues and Jimbo.
/me back snugs!
/me waves - I don't do snugs :)

(>^.^)> (^.^) <(^.^<)
Tell me, what do you see here?
Me, Angelina Jolie and Drew Barrymore
blues, Angelica Houston, and Richard Simmons


I see you two, trying to understand what I mean. These are just signs. ( < . ^ :D

Who likes pies more than the other one? What would you do for 1 pie?
Depends on the pie.....
if it's coconut cream, I'm in Only one of you gets it! Ready, Set .... Fight! :D. I need statements of why one of you should have this pie :D.
Iīm much longer in the Dungeon, so itīs MINE!!!!!
Well, technically I think I was an SoO when blues was still a regular forumite. So it's mine!

Today's subject: Cookies! :D! Again, statements! :D.
Ah, jimbo can have the Cookies, I have the pie already!
Sorry blues, I get both!

What is the first sign of this forum? (Let's look if you can guess this one :D).
Uhm... famine?


It's a < (of <html>) :D

If I say a blue Jimbo, who do I mean then? :D.
The ultimate DF-EC Tag Team!
"A Blue Jimbo" sounds like a fancy drink! :D "Hello bartender. I'd like a Blue Jimbo please."

I think that were all answers :).
don't you mean "all the questions"?

Take Care,
Iīll do my best
Thanks for coming!


Jonaza -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnights: blues & jimbo32! (3/13/2008 17:18:54)

'Ello, then.
On to the questions.[sm=icon_twisted.gif]
I new this....

Badgers or Moglins?
Moglins it is!

What do you think of my sig?
Do you want a nice or a serious answer?
Looks good I guess

What do you think of me?
Your name remembers me of Bonanza...
Um, I don't believe that we've ever met, have we?

Falerin or Artix?

Me or you?

Spikes or chains?
chains *and* spikes!

Who caught you?
I got Scakkīed long time ago
Nobody yet - my DEX and blocking is through the roof!

What do you think of Alac?
Nicest and best Triangle ever!
She's a real tyrant! (Not really, I just like the word "tyrant')

What do you think of pjc?
He stole Homer!!!!
Don't know him very well yet - seems like a nice person though.

Wo am I?
I hope a nice Forum member that follows the rules!
Isn't this question #11?

the zpy -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnights: blues & jimbo32! (3/13/2008 18:16:57)

Hey there ^_^ First of all I want to congratulate both of you I am sure you will make us proud and control the forum wisely
Thank you very much!

these questions can be answered by both of you ^_^

1) So seen me around?
Blues: Not that I know
Jimbo:Don't think so....

2) Tried editing?

3) are you spending time in the tG? (new GoCA)
Blues:Very seldom
Jimbo: Ditto

4)have you ever tried animating, coding or something like that?
Blues:for now no. I just make Excel Spreadsheets
Jimbo: Not yet, other than a bit of html. I plan to learn though.

Well those were my questions ^_^
I hope you will visit us in the DF edited picture thread and
you should spend some time in tG there are lots of creative and amazing persons scrambling around in there :P
I will take a look there!
I'll take a look as well - if I can manage to find a few moments. :)

Inferno Tempest -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnights: blues & jimbo32! (3/13/2008 19:23:36)

Gratz on the AK-ship Blues and Jimbo. Now here am the questions.
Thank you very much!

What are your favourite colours?
blue and black
Green I suppose

How does it feel being Ak's?
Pretty good so far.

What game do you like best, MechQuest, DragonFable or AdventureQuest?
For now I enjoy playing MQ because itīs new, but I like all 3 Games
I started playing AQ first so I guess that's the one I favor, but I like all three.

What are your favourite animals?
Bookworms :P
Raptor-type birds such as eagles are amazing.

What kind of music do you like?

Are these question annoying you?

Favourite food?
Greek and Italian
Mexican I guess - Greek is good stuff as well.

And do you own a game console? If so, what kind?
Oh, SNES and Nintendo 64
No, but I think I may take the plunge and buy a 360

buzookabob -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnights: blues & jimbo32! (3/14/2008 15:12:21)

Congrats, I ask these questions to every AK I can so here you go.
/me waits....

Can god make a sandwich so big even he cant eat it?
I'm afraid I'm not privy to God's sandwich-making habits.
He canīt make a sandwich as big that Homer canīt eat!

Imagine a person who is completely evil, has no friends, relatives, or anyone that would care if he died, is suffering everyday, and whose death would benefit the entire world (including himself). If this person is killed in cold blood by someone who knows none of the above, is it still wrong?
Sure, what did you think?

Did either of the above make your head explode?



Sara -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnights: blues & jimbo32! (3/14/2008 15:19:03)


A third Meet The Archknight!

I still like the first one when there was no question limit, don't you?
I only made this mistake once :P

So, what do you think of me?
Do you want a nice or a serous answer?

Do you like my iPod-Touch (Shown below) and do you have one?
Looks good, but I donīt have one.


Let's flip a coin, I get heads.
You lost, sorry!

Oh my god! The coin dissapeared! :o
I took it. You have to learn to take better care of your money.

When you become a moderator will you have a MtAK with no question limit?
Oh NO!

No wonder you didn't tell me about this thread. :p
But you found it....

So like, yeah, see you in my channel.


illkillu -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: blues (3/14/2008 16:11:15)

i am also a big fan of the simpsons, may i ask what your favorite episode is???
I have not only one favourite.

What is your favorite next gen gaming console??
Lolo, I only own Nintendo 64, but I plan to buy a xbox maybe

Congradulations on your job as a mod!!!
Thank you, but Iīm an AK not a Mod.

Oh and are you just a plain old mod or.... A MOD KNIGHT??????????
Iīm teh HOMER!

Pumpkin pie yes or no?
Ah.... No.

Sir Red -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: blues (3/14/2008 17:22:43)

Hi Blues
Heya Sir Red

1. Krispy Kream or Duncan Donuts?

2. Sneevil or Zard?

3. Favorate game (besides AQ/MQ/DF)?
The old Zelda games

4. Do you have a Donut Shooter in MQ?
I would like to, really.

5. Is the color blue better then color red

ok I'm out of questions

God of thunder -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnights: blues & jimbo32! (3/14/2008 18:35:40)


can the 2 of yous edit at the same time?
Sadly not

anyways, long story short, grats on both of you!, but who got first?
Thanks! And I beat him to it!
Thanks, and thats true :(

cya, and have fun

Recar Dragonlance -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnights: blues & jimbo32! (3/14/2008 19:29:30)


How are the shackles?
You get used to them...
Nice ans spikey

Never knew what that meant for awhile...oh well. How's Archknighting?
good so far.

My title is so much better than yours!
Hehe, that's a joke right? :)
Forget it!


Later dude!
See you

johnk1006 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnights: blues & jimbo32! (3/14/2008 20:18:30)

Hey guys! Both of you can answer these question if you want.

1. Any behind the scene things going on?
The AQ Sweep. We're both involved with that as well DF.
As jimbo said

2. Do you like the new buttons and features?
You mean the ones I've been able to access since last summer? ;)
Haha, good answer jimbo!

3. How do you like being an archknight?
Good so far...
Iīm used to it now and I like it.

4. Since you are archknights, I bet you play archknight right??
I *think* I may have logged in once...
:o, looong ago

5. Do you find modding to be hard?
Not really, I'm pretty mellow.
Not at all

6. Best character?
Mine? Or in-game?
LIEZ! Mine!

7. Do you use 1337 Sp33k?
No, and I thoroughly despise it. :)
Nope and I donīt like it

8. Favorite AE game?
I like them all.
All 3, but for now I play MQ more than the others

9. Chocolate Fuge Brownice ice cream or Peanut Butter Chcoclate Chunk?
Vanilla Chocolate Almond.
Blackforest cherry cake

10. Do you love modding and closing and deleting posts? Do you feel the excilerating rush of clicking the mouse and getting rid of one bad post on the forums?
Naw, that's just a necessary part of the position. There's no real pleasure involved.
I do it when itīs necessary, but I would appreciate it if people would just read and follow the rules

Well, that's it for me!
Thanks for coming!
Thx and Cya!

iilex -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: blues (3/14/2008 20:54:20)

Have I ever told you you have the best avatar EVAR?
Who? blues or me? I think mine is better, honestly.
Again LIEZ! Homer rules! :P

Anyways, you cool, glad your at the DF forums now :D
Thx a lot!

Singfalas -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: blues (3/14/2008 20:59:59)

I am sorry homer blue is not my favorite color.
What? Thatīs impossible!

bloodberyl -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: blues (3/14/2008 21:12:43)

hi blue dude, whats up?
Evereything is ok

y isnt the release out yet when it's 9:11 pm, friday night?
Iīm the wrong person to ask this

whats ur favorite color?
Isnīt this obvious?

why blue?
Why not?

are you sad? [:(]
No, Iīm happy, as most of the time.

Grixus Faldor -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: blues (3/14/2008 21:20:28)


Hi and congrats!
Heya and Thx!

Remember me from that AQ Strategy MtAK post?
AQ Strategy MtAK?

More shackles I see?
Just a third pair

How's life in the cell?
Nice!!! (we are forced to say this!)

Any new people who've got their souls donated to Alac?
So far not, but thatīs just a matter of time :)

Well that's all.

Thanks blues!
Youīre welcome


Hi and congrats as well!

Any recent work done?
We're always working!

What's it like being an AK and a SoO, is it tiring?
Not really tiring, but it can be difficult to find all the time I need/want.

Thanks and congrats again jimbo!
Thanks for coming!

Lost Angel -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: blues (3/14/2008 21:56:44)

Hello blues and jim! Hope your doing good blues =D
Heya! Yeah, perfect!

1: What is Favorite kind of Donut and if you like filled ones...what filling is the best?
Plain old-fashioned. My grandma makes them sometimes.
I would like to taste the ones with jelly inside, but I canīt get them here :(

2: What was it you think that made you a AK?
I got SoO'ed because I was active in AQ Game Balance Issues for quite a while, and was asked to join by Kalanyr. As for the DF EC ArchKnight position, I volunteered for that gig.
I got SCAKKīed for AQ CR&A and I volunteered for DF

3: IS the job what you thought it was or even harder then you thought?
Not bad so far.
No, itīs fun. With EC we opened a completely new Board and itīs great to be a part of it and to build it.

4: What is your Favorite thing of everything AE has done so far in any of there Games or Mini games.
Hmm, that's a tough one. There's cool stuff in each of the games: AQ has the epic Devourer Saga, DF has the Dragonrider Class, and MQ has the three houses. All of them are impressive.
Difficult, really. All 3 games are great.

5: What do you think the Future for AE will be like?
I think that the best is yet to come!
Iīm sure we all will be surprised how much better all the games will be.

6: What is your Favorite Cartoon ever? (for blues; I mean besides the Simpsons =P)
Old-school Spider-man makes me nostalgic for my youth.
Meep Meep. Now you can guess!

7: Whats your Favorite food ever in the world?
Hmm, another tough one. There's a little restaurant near here that makes an incredible Greek chicken salad. The only drawback is that you need a shower afterwards to ditch the smell. :D

8: Do you have any hobbies?
I like to read, play CRPG's, pnp RPG's (though I haven't done that in ages)...
I love to read, watch movies, play Guitar, some sport

9: Whats your Favorite Video game system ever new or old and what Game was your favorite for it?
I don't really have a favorite. I've mostly played PC games for the last 10 years...
SNES and Zelda!

10: Whats your favorite video game series? How many of it have you played or currently own?
Either Knights of the Old Republic or Fallout. Fallout II is on the way - I can't wait!
Zelda and Mario

Thats it for now....I always SUCK at 20 questions XD
OK :)
See you later maybe....

Ricky137 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: blues (3/14/2008 22:21:49)

Congratz! Now I gots the 5 questions of DOOM!

1.Do you have any pets?

2.Whats your fav weapon in DF?
Hmm. That's a hard one - there are so many amzing-looking weapons in DF. I'm liking the look of Iridium Axe. Xan's Revenge is cool as well.
Xanīs revenge looks awesome, also the Pumpkin weapons

3.Are you married or dating anyone?
Not married, no.
I was married....

4.What's your fav song?
Cubal (AK of AQ Suggestions), recently got me back into Queen. The tune "'39" recorded during a recent concert is a YouTube favorite atm. Otherwise, I'm a big fan of Audioslave (no more albums from them though o:<)
Bat out of Hell

5.What's your fav band?
There's a bunch. Audioslave, Evanescence, The Trews, Sloan, old-school metal (Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath, Ozzy, etc.)
AC/DC, Meat Loaf, also Deep Purple, Mellencamp....

TreadLight -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: blues (3/15/2008 7:49:28)

Hey Blues!
Heya TL! :)

How goes AKing the DF?
Good so far

It's so much different than your regular CR&A, right?
Itīs different. But I am active in AQ EC since a long time, so I know this.

And even SoOing!
Number crunching is fun!

I'll see you later (Probably in #MQ-Houses ;)
Yeah, see you there!

Hi there Jimbo!

I haven't really met you yet.
Nope! :)

I'm Tread ;)
Nice to meet you, Tread. ;)

How's dominating DF going?
alac is the dominator - blues and I are just minions... :)

Looks pretty good.

You should go on IRC, if you haven't already. (Try going to #yulgarsinn, #battleon, #dfstrategy)
I was on #dfstrategy today! I don't frequent the others though.

I'll probably see you later!
Sounds good!

Slave of music -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnights: blues & jimbo32! (3/15/2008 18:51:42)

Ok Congrats to you both :)
Thank you!

Blues do you like to listen to blues at all(funneh word cross)
Yes, I like this kind of music!

Jimbo have you hijacked anything else....recently?(could be anything).
Naw, threads are as far as I'm willing to go. Like I said before, I'm a man of peace. ;)

itll be fun to get to know u guys and to see how crazy you are.[:D]
blues and I are perfectly sane. Really. I swear we're not crazy. Don't listen to those dudes in the white coats. Please? ;)
Voices? Where are YOU!

Frydae -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnights: blues & jimbo32! (3/15/2008 21:11:37)

Congratulations to you both!
Two AKs at the same time. Nice!
And the best part about it is that I get to torture you 20 times! Most can only endure 10 or 15.
Thank you!


!.) What's with the name?
blues or Homer?

@.) I put the symbols instead of the number so you would get confused and not realize I'm past 20! Muaahahahaha!
Hehe, we SoOīs can count, believe me!

#.) Would I make a good evil villain? You'll be my minion! ^_^
Iīm already the minion of Goofy and some others...

$.) Name your fave NPC based on looks, personality, attitude, and abilities.
Safiria, I like the dark side...

%.) I'm confused, which number is this?
You should at least be able to count to 5! :P

^.) Finally, I have hacked into your webcam. I can't believe it! You''re...
TARGET ACQUIRED: user # 14235436268883973409295602912347965092438761690734059867-1345-A
THREAT LEVEL: MASSIVE *&@# 234.2342.123 threat level high. %#$@ backup required.. 123.45341.12754 do not approach
ACTION: Terminate
[insert terminator smiley and/or pic here]

&.) Does above...thing...count as an acutal smiley? 'Coz you know, you're only supposed to have 3 smileys in a post.
I think about this before I warn you :P

*.) Well if it does I intend to break the rules. [:)][8D][;)] Muahahaha!
/me presses the BUTTON!

(.) I don't want to be an evil villain anymore. I want to be a good villain.
Then work on it

).) I don't want to be an good villain anymore. I want to be an evil hero.
You and a hero???? LOLZ!

!).) I don't want to be an evil hero anymore. I want to be a...chickencow.
Now, thatīs what I call a good idea!

!!.) Do you prefer ranged or close combat?

!@.) Can you loan me your lightsaber?

!#.) I just took a test yesterday that said I had OCD and bipolar disorder. Is it true? Help!
/me hands out the yellow pills. Take this and everything is allright!

!$.) Thanks for helping me. Are you Doctor Phil?
Iīm Dr. No

!%.) Doctor Phil sucks.

!^.) Would you rather have a giant mecha or a giant dragon?

!&.) Who would win: Carnax, Sys-Zero, or...[insert strongest titan here]. You must also tell me which titan you chose via pm (if possible) so that I would know and everyone would be so curious they would hack my webcam and they'd terminate me and someone will record it on the webcam and post it on YouTube and I'll be famous for ripping 500 terminators to shreds.
Hulk Homer of course

!*.) Do I talk too much?
I donīt know, but you type quite a lot :P

If you think so.....

@).) Do you realize that while you have been answering my questions I have sneaked up on you and ate your leftover pizza and cut off your internet connection? Oh, and I terminated you.
You have a strange imagination, really

@!.) If you ignored this, good job. It either means you have survived me and had the willpower to do so or I have terminated you. Hopefully you survived. No, wait, that's bad for me. Skynet would dump me in an incinerator. So...hopefully I terminated you.
Look behind you!


!.) Nice name!
I sense some sarcasm in that statement...

@.) Wazzup jimbo. lolololololololololol. roflmao.

#.) You do realize that I'm not making fun of you.
I certainly hope not. It *really* wouldn't be wise...;)

$.) Have you done the new DF quest already? "It's pretty damn poetic" was all I could say.
Haven't had a chance yet. Maybe later tonight.

%.) Make a pun. I will rate you from 1 to 2.
It's pretty hard to pun with no setup you know....

^.) Since I terminated blues, Alac's probably gonna need a new AK. Do you think I'd fare well in AK-ing?
I'll leave the decision-making to alac I think. ;)

&.) How well does Alac react to mind control spells? How strong should it be? Is allergic to magic?
Teh admins are immune!

*.) If I become AK, do you think they would allow me to have rubber bands instead of chains? I'm allergic to metal. I...oh computer is!! I'M TURNING INTO A GIANT DEFORMED...SOFA!
Sorry, the chains are are job requirement...

(.) I'll name one of my favorite artists, then you do. I'll start. LINKIN PARK! w00t!!!!!!!
Iron Maiden ftw.

).) Foo Fighters.
Audioslave ftw

!).) Fort Minor.
Evanescence ftw

!!.) Rise Against.
The Trews ftw

!@.) Pennywise.
Black Sabbath ftw

I win! :)

Edited for length! :)

kenshin23 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: blues (3/15/2008 23:01:34)

congrats blue

1.favorite game
All 3 AE Games you own any pets

3.soda or coffee

what question is this
Good question

5.favorite out of all games AQ,DF,or MQ
For now MQ, but I like all 3 you ever snugglehuggle
Sure! many new buttons do you have now
Not more than before

8.who knighted you
I got Scakkīed long time ago

now for jimbo

1.what is your avi i dont see it
This be it:
[image][/image] are the shiny buttons
You mean the ones I had for lunch? They were quite tasty!

3.soda or coffee
Mmmm, coffee...

4.favorite games
KotoR series, Fallout series, Freelancer. Mostly classic PC RPG's.

5.if a alien spacecraft landed on earth and you were the only one to save them what do you do
You mean if I could save the aliens? Not sure how I'd manage that - my knowledge of alien physiology isn't what it once was. i smarter than you or are you smarter than me
Well, I *am* the one you're asking for answers. ;) thing to say who knighted you
I guess that would be Icemaster Yeti, though I've been a Squire of Order since last summer (Kalanyr and Rayf handled that).

last question what question is this


firelight49 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: blues (3/16/2008 0:00:37)

Are you two like Rimblade and flibble?
Mm, I don't think so.

If so does that mean that you'll never finish answer all of the quwestions on this thread?
We will finish them!
It's possible...

Do you know who I am?
Should I?
Don't think so, sorry

If not here's a basic summary; I'm an editor, I terrorize AKs when it's time for people to ask them questions, Mr. Flibble hates me and I have disappeared for a while, so basically your doomed.
You know that we have some nice Buttons that you donīt have?
Doomed? AK's are immune to the Doom effect...

Cn y rd n vwl r nt, bcs ths qstn s wy t dffclt t rd nd nswr f nt, s cn y r cn y nt rd n vwl?
gui trew kk h uioofT tzdf cgbxd !
I'll give you credit for effort there, but I can't be bothered replying in kind. ;)

What happens if I exceed the limit of questions or posts?
Nothing bad, We just delete your account and nerf all your Chars to the bone.
...And that's just what blues will do. My response will be a surprise. You like surprises right?

I've had this suspcion that this is just a way for new AKs to find out who to look out for as likely trouble makers?
You caught us... No, we just want that the Forumers get to know us better
You're wearing a tin-foil hat aren't you?

If so does being more fun or creative mean that you score says your more likely to be trouble?
I guess you'll have to test us and find out!

I've heard a lot of talk about AKs not having souls is that true, or is it just some elaborate hoaxe invented to prevent people from thinking the AKs will show mercy?
Souls? Please donīt use faked words
Well, I thought that incision was a bit suspicious. X-Rays showed that I still had my kidneys, so draw your own conclusions.

If it's true would you like me to get you your soul back?
Again this word I donīt know....
Don't think it's possible....

Do you dislike me?
I donīt even know you

If the Aks being soulless is true why?
Ask the Mods!
You're really curious about that, aren't you?

Is it true that without a soul you no longer care about what's right or wrong?
We always do the right things!
I haven't noticed that being a side-effect.

Describe what you've thought of answeringmy questions so far and dealing with me in 3 full paragraphs or more?
:o. I was supposed to think during answering your questions?
These are automated responses - no thinking involved..

Have you ever seen my 26 answer multiple choice question?
No, and honestly I donīt want to :P
Nope, and I don't plan to!

Death_Knight555 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnights: blues & jimbo32! (3/16/2008 1:11:43)

Oooo! New ArchKnights! Time to torture ask them some questions! >:D

First 5 are for blues!

-What's your favorite color besides blue?

-Family Guy, American Dad or The Simpsons?

-Who would win in a fight? Peter (Family Guy) or Homer (The Simpsons)?
Momer RULES!

-What's your favorite soda and/or drink?
Pina Colada

-Do you play World of Warcraft? If so, what Race and Class are you?
No time for this, but I will test it sometimes

Thanks for the answers, see you on the Forums and good luck! *Teleports away*
Youīre welcome and see you!

Okay, now for you jimbo32

-Do you like Star Wars, considering the Avatar you had, I'm presuming yes?
Yep. I'm a big SW fan.

-Am I annoying you?
Not yet!

-How was it like to get a PM saying that you became an ArchKnight?
Well, I was a Squire of Order first, which is a bit different. I actually volunteered for the AK gig.

-Decode this: "i5 iT brng t0 [3{ @n AK 0r wHt?!1111?!//" If you can't, answer is at the bottom of this post. Please no cheating!
No, it's cool.

-One last question: Are you bored at this exact time?
Not at all...

That's all for now! See ya later!
Thanks for coming!

Answer to Question #4: "Is it boring to be an AK or what?!!!!!?!??"

mediaevaldragon -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnights: blues & jimbo32! (3/16/2008 4:38:26)

Hiyas you two!
Hey, mediae!

/me huggleticklesnuggles
/me snugglehugglewuggletickleattacks
/me runs from the tickles!

Hehehe, I can now postpone my MTAK thread until yours is done. The torture questioning has been put on hold :DDDD
But not for long :P
Slacker! ;)

/me gives you goodluck cookies for the new board.
Eat them and ye shall retain their powahs!!!!
/me munches. Thx a lot!
Sweet! powahs!

Have fun with your new board! See you 'round :P
Thx and see you! :)
Thanks! Come and visit sometime!

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